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Consejera de Educacin y Ciencia Redes de Formacin

Servicio de Formacin, Innovacin e Investigacin redesformacion@jccm.es

Unidad Didctica


AUTOR: Roco Naranjo Ruiz

Bajo Licencia Creative Commons


1. 2. 3. 4.

Justificacin ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Objetivos, contenidos, criterios de evaluacin y competencias ................................................................. 2 Metodologa .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Desarrollo de la Unidad ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 Fase Inicial ................................................................................................................................................. 5 4.2 Fase de Desarrollo ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Fase de Sntesis y Evaluacin ..................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 Fase de Generalizacin .............................................................................................................................. 6


Evaluacin de la Unidad ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

ANEXOS................................................................................................................................................................ 6


1. Justification
This unit, placed at the 3rd term of the English subject matter, introduces the student to the Present Perfect and all the uses related to it. In its design and selection, as well as it temporal location within the course, pedagogical factors have been taken into account, regarding the knowledge of other verb tenses and the past participle. These contents are present in all blocks of the curriculum, sin teaching and learning a foreign language implies a continuous, integrated use of both productive and receptive skills.

Temporalization: Development phase 3 sessions Assessment phase 2 sessions Generalization phase 2 sessions

Initial phase 2 sessions

Total of sessions 9 sessions

2. Objectives, key competences, contents and evaluation criteria.

OBJECTIVES Leer sobre la vida de gente famosa de una forma comprensiva y autnoma. Describir la apariencia fsica de un personaje famoso. Formar y usar correctamente el presente perfecto. Identificar las formas contractas del verbo have Escuchar una entrevista de forma comprensiva.

KEY COMPETENCES This unit includes specific work on the following competencies: Competence in Linguistic Communication, in the sense that achieving effective oral and written communicative competence in English is the main focus of this subject. The English language is used to making suggestions and to express the studentsopinion on successful people. Digital Competence and Information Management since the unit integrates the use of ICT resources in its everyday schedule, allowing for a critical, pluralistic approach to the messages proceeding from the media (digital press, multimedia resources) as well as the traditional ones. Social and civic Competence, since the unit shows a selection of female and male people who have been successful in life independently from their personal circumstances as examples to

students. Similarly, the unit promotes the understanding of success as a result fro effort and personal ambition and self-improvement. Competence on learning to learn since the use of strategies, resources and techniques of intellectual work are encouraged and required so that students are aware of their own abilities and knowledge. Study techniques, observation and note-talking strategies will be encouraged and fostered in this unit, especially to produce a written task. Competence on Autonomy and Entrepreneurship because creativity is stimulated when producing written and oral texts, based on given models; planning and development strategies are needed in order to hand in a written task, and promotion of cooperative work in the classroom is made ( in pairs or small groups). Competence on knowledge and interaction with the physical world, as the unit deals with successful people, their lives and the conditions in which work is carried out in society. CONTENTS I Oral competence: listening and speaking Listening to three descriptions on famous people. Speaking: students, provided with caricatures of famous people, will engage in conversation to talk about them.

II Written competence: reading and writing Reading in a comprehensive way a text on Sean Connery. Writing a description of Mel Gibson with information about him provided and a description on a caricature of a famous person.

III Linguistic knowledge Vocabulary: - Physical traits. - Identification, use and appreciation of learning and communication strategies. Structures and language functions - Descriptions of people. - Present perfect: affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. - Contrast between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect. - Time expressions for the Present Perfect: for, since. - Opinion essays. Phonetics Contracted and weak forms of have, weve, hasnt, Ive... The sound /h/.

IV Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness

The unit promotes the understanding of success as a result from effort and personal ambition and self-improvement

EVALUATION CRITERIA To understand general and specific information, the main idea and some details from recognizing famous people and describe them. To understand the oral instructions given by the teacher. To engage in brief dialogues on personal success and physical traits necessary for selfimproving, giving personal opinions, using the basic structures for each function. To understand the general information and all relevant data from a written text on successful people, identifying specific information and showing global comprehension. To write an opinion essay arguing for the reasons why a famous person has become so, using a correct structure and drawing attention to vocabulary, grammatical structures and elements of coherence and cohesion. To use the knowledge acquired on describing people, suggesting and describing present and past events with the Present Perfect and the time expressions associated to it, together with the pronunciation of weak forms of have. To use ICT resources in order to search for information and to establish personal relationships by means of writing, showing interest on its use. To identify the most relevant cultural aspects of the English language speaking countries, especially with reference to sports and health, showing a positive appreciation of cultural patterns different to their own.

3. Methodology
Assessment tools Direct observation of the student class work and participation in the process of teachinglearning. Classroom notebook, which will be reviewed frequently. Tests. Group work and active participation in the classroom.

Materials and resources Schools library, provided with computers with access to the internet and CD-ROM. Text book, workbook and handouts from other textbooks. English dictionaries.

4. Development of the Unit 4.1 Initial phase

SESSION 1 Speaking: The teacher provides the students with caricatures of famous people. The students will group into pairs to say characteristics of them. Writing. The students do a complete description of one of the caricatures.

SESSION 2 Reading: Sean Connerys text: The students are provided with a text about Sean Connerys life. They read it, study new vocabulary, answer the questions and do the writing exercise. Writing a short description of Mel Gibson with information about him provided.

4.2 Development phase

SESSION 3 Explanation on the Present Perfect. Students apply the rules and do exercises on Present Perfect. SESSION 4 Study the difference between the Past Simple and the Present Perfect, together with the time expressions used with the Present Perfect. Students carry out fill-gaps activities to consolidate the form. -

SESSION 5 Listening to three descriptions of famous people, students have to guess who famous person is each one. In small groups, students discuss the information they have heard.

4.3 Assessment phase

SESSION 6 Students analyze a model of opinion essay given by the teacher; identify its structure and its elements for cohesion and coherence. Once a topic is chosen, students will have to write an opinion essay following the model previously commented. The essay will be hand in to the teacher.

SESSION 7 Online and CD-ROM activities for reviewing grammar and vocabulary.

4.4 Generalization phase

SESSION 8 A written test on the contents of the unit. A listening and speaking activity to show their degree of mastery in both skills.

SESSION 9 Tests are distributed and corrected in the classroom insisting on errors. Extra reinforcement and consolidation activities.

5. Evaluation of the unit

Evaluation criteria To understand general and specific information, the main idea and some details from recognizing famous people and describe them. To understand the oral instructions given by the teacher. To engage in brief dialogues on personal success and physical traits necessary for selfimproving, giving personal opinions, using the basic structures for each function. To understand the general information and all relevant data from a written text on successful people, identifying specific information and showing global comprehension. To write an opinion essay arguing for the reasons why a famous person has become so, using a correct structure and drawing attention to vocabulary, grammatical structures and elements of coherence and cohesion. To use the knowledge acquired on describing people, suggesting and describing present and past events with the Present Perfect and the time expressions associated to it, together with the pronunciation of weak forms of have. To use ICT resources in order to search for information and to establish personal relationships by means of writing, showing interest on its use. To identify the most relevant cultural aspects of the English language speaking countries, especially with reference to sports and health, showing a positive appreciation of cultural patterns different to their own.

ANNEXES The caricatures of famous people students should have to describe in SESSION 1.

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