Matematik Major

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Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title

Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Knowing Numbers (Mengenal Nombor) MTE 3101 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Compare the development of various number systems 2. Generate one set of numbers to another set of numbers 3. Characterize natural, rational, irrational and real numbers 4. Perform fundamental operations on the various sets of numbers 5. Extend knowledge in number concepts through number recreation activities 6. Determine the modulus, argument and conjugate of a complex number 7. Convert complex number from coordinate form to polar form and vice versa 8. Apply number concepts in problem solving activities Synopsis In this course students are exposed to the various numeration systems and also the elementary number theory. In addition, there is a further exploration into natural, rational, irrational and real numbers. The characteristics and theorems related to these sets of numbers will also be highlighted. Appreciation of Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Ratio in nature is emphasized. In the process, students will apply their knowledge of numbers in number recreations and problem solving. Kursus ini akan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang sistem nombor dan asas teori nombor. Pelajar juga akan menerokai dengan lebih mendalam tentang ciri dan teorem yang berkaitan dengan nombor asli, nombor nisbah dan nombor bukan nisbah serta nombor nyata. Perkaitan antara Nombor Fibonacci dengan Golden Ratio dan alam semula jadi juga akan dibincangkan dan akan diaplikasikan dalam rekreasi nombor dan penyelesaian masalah .

Topic 1

Content Numeration Systems Early numeration systems Hindu-Arabic Numeration System Different numeration systems o Number of symbols and grouping in various bases o Changing base b to base 10 and vice versa Elementary Number Theory Number systems o Definition o Classifications within the set of real numbers o Number representation Natural numbers Prime Numbers o Divisibility o Prime Factorization -The Euclidean Algorithm Modular Numbers The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Number recreations o Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio o Magic Squares o Problem solving Rational Numbers Basic properties Cardinality of the rational numbers Complex fractions and continued fractions Problem solving Irrational Numbers Basic properties Square roots and surds o Product rule o Quotient rule o Problem solving Complex Numbers Modulus, argument and conjugate of a Complex Number Operations involving Complex Numbers Complex Numbers in polar form Estimation of quantities Rounding off numbers o whole Numbers o fraction and decimals o standard forms o square roots and surds Total

Hours 6



Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Groves, Susie. (2006). Exploring number and space: Study guide. Victoria: Deakin University. Musser, Gary L.; Burger, William F. & Peterson, Blake E. (2006). Mathematics for elementary teachers. A contemporary approach. 7th ed. NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Smith, K. J. (2001). The nature of mathematics. 9th ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Additional References

Bennett A.B. and Nelson L.T., (1998). Mathematics for elementary teachers: An activity approach. 4th ed. NY:McGraw-Hill. Brodie, Ross and Swift, Stephen. (2002). New QMaths II. Australia: Nelson Thomson Learning. Byrne, J. Richard. (2000). Number systems: An elementary approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Groves, Susie. (2006). Exploring number and space: Reader. Victoria: Deakin University. Humble, S. (2002). The experimenters A-Z of mathematics: Maths activities with computer support. London: David Fulton. Miller, C. D.; Heeren, V. E. & Hornsby, E. J. Jr. (1990). Mathematical ideas. 6th ed. USA: Harper Collins. Mullan, E. (2001). Maths in action: Mathematics 2. USA: Nelson Thornes Limited. Nicholson, W. Keith. (2003). Linear algebra with applications. 4th ed. Singapore: McGraw Hill. Shakuntala Devi (1984). The book of numbers. Delhi, India: Orient Paperbacks. Shakuntala Devi (1986). The joy of numbers. Delhi, India: Orient Paperbacks. Sullivan, Michael. (1999). Algebra and trigonometry. 5th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Tipler, M.J. New national framework mathematics. USA: Nelson Thornes Limited.

Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Mathematics Education Curriculum (Kurikulum Pendidikan Matematik) MTE 3102 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Explain the roles of mathematics, mathematicians and mathematics teacher 2. Describe the development of mathematics education and curriculum in Malaysia 3. Interpret the national mathematics curriculum 4. Participate in the professional development of mathematics teachers 5. Integrate and develop interest and values in mathematics education Synopsis This course allows students to acknowledge the history and roles of mathematicians. They are exposed to the meanings and roles of mathematics and values in mathematics on top of being familiar with the roles as a mathematics teacher. It also requires students to explore the development of the Malaysian Mathematics Curriculum and to study the Malaysian Mathematics Curriculum: KBSR and KBSM. Kursus ini memberikan pendedahan kepada pelajar untuk menghayati sejarah dan peranan ahli matematik. Pelajar juga didedahkan kepada makna, peranan dan nilai dalam matematik serta peranan guru matematik. Pelajar akan meneliti perkembangan Kurikulum Matematik di Malaysia dan juga mengkaji Kurikulum Matematik KBSR dan KBSM.

Topic 1

Content Mathematics Education Meanings and roles of mathematics History and roles of mathematicians Nature of mathematics Values in mathematics Development of Mathematics Curriculum Development of Mathematics Curriculum in Malaysia The influence of other countries Mathematics Curriculum on Malaysian Mathematics Curriculum Policies and programs for developing childrens Mathematics Study of Malaysian Mathematics Curriculum Five pillars in teaching and learning mathematics o Problem solving in mathematics o Communication in mathematics o Mathematical reasoning o Mathematical connections o Application of technology KBSR o Philosophy of KBSR Mathematics Education o Primary mathematics curriculum o Content organization of mathematical concepts in primary school education and relationship to pre-school education o Curriculum specifications for Year 1 to Year 6 KBSM o Philosophy of KBSR Mathematics Education o Secondary Mathematics Curriculum o Study of connection of topics from primary to secondary mathematics Professional development of Mathematics Teachers Academic discourse o Seminar, workshops, conferences, books and journals Academic bodies o Mathematics Teachers Association: NCTM, NUTP,PESAMA Roles of mathematics teacher Life-long education Issues and trends Teaching Mathematics and Science in English Language

Hours 9


Mathematics in smart schools ICT in mathematics education Total 45

Assessment Main References

Coursework 50% Examination 50% Dosey, John et. al. (2002). Mathematical methods and modelling todays mathematics classroom. UK: Brooks/ Cole.


Pritchard, Alan (2005) .Ways of learning. (pp. 1-107).USA: David Fulton Publishers. Smith, K.J. (2001). The nature of mathematics. 9th ed. CA:Thompson Learning. Cathcart , W. G. et. al.(2006). Learning mathematics in elementary and middle schools. (pp. 1-107). USA: Pearson Prentice Hall. Day, C. (1999). The challenge of lifelong learning. UK: Taylor & Francis Inc. Gates, P. (2001). Issues in mathematics teaching. UK: Taylor & Francis Group. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah. Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik (2001). PPK.KPM. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah. Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik (2000). PPK.KPM. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Rendah. Sukatan Pelajaran Matematik Tahun 6 (2001). PPK.KPM. Ministry of Education Malaysia. Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School. Curriculum Specifications Mathematics Form 1 - 4 (2005) 2006).CDC. MOE. Ministry of Education Malaysia. Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School. Curriculum Specifications Mathematics Form 5 (2006). Ministry of Education Malaysia. Integrated Curriculum for Primary School. Curriculum Specifications Mathematics Year 1-5 (20022006).CDC. MOE. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1991). Professional standards for teaching mathematics. NCTM. Reston, Virginia. Orlich, Donald C. et. al. (2001). Teaching strategy: A guide for effective instructions. (pp. 75-229). USA: Houghton Mifflin.

Additional References

Course Pro Forma

Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah)

Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes

Geometry (Geometri) MTE 3103 3(2+1) 60 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Apply the theory of transformation and isometrics in plane geometry: rotation, translation, glide reflections in art and design 2. Use ICT e.g. Geometer Sketchpad to explore and create tessellations; investigate isometry and symmetry and explore conics 3. Integrate basic techniques to construct geometric models


This course provides an opportunity for the students to explore the applications of geometry. It discusses concepts in plane geometrytessellations, symmetries and transformations. Students will also discover patterns in art and design. In addition, exposure to dimensional geometry of the Platonic solids is also highlighted. The use of ICT e.g. GSP is applied as a tool to investigate and construct projects in geometry. Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk menerokai aplikasi geometri. Kursus ini juga membincangkan konsep dalam satah geometri, teselasi, simetri dan transformasi. Pelajar akan mempelajari corak dalam seni dan reka bentuk. Selain itu, pelajar juga akan didedahkan kepada geometri dimensi bagi pepejal Platonic. Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi seperti Geometer Sketchpad akan digunakan sebagai alat untuk menyiasat dan membangunkan projek geometri.

Topic Theory



Plane tessellations Types of tessellations Tessellation and art Fractal geometry

6 2 Plane symmetries and transformations Isometry of the plane o rotation o reflection o translation o glide reflection Plane symmetry Finite symmetry groups and the seven Frieze patterns

5 3 Regular and Semi-regular solids Five platonic solids Vertices, faces & edges Archimedean solids Kepler-Poinsot solids 6 4 Geometric Modeling Paper Engineering - pop-up models - pop-up techniques - art and design 8 5 Conics Locus Parabola Ellipse Ellipse and parabola Parabola, ellipse and hyperbola

Sub Total



1 Geometer Sketchpad explore and create tessellations familiarization with basic commands of GSP explore and create basic transformations develop a tool kit for tessellation, isometry of the plane and conics 10

Construction of platonic solids paper construction of 5 platonic solids paper construction of Archimedean solids construction of Kepler-Poinsot solids photographs of the solids constructed

Paper Engineering Project explore and analyse the mathematics of some basic paper folding techniques analyse a collection of paper engineering in cards, books and packaging produce a pop-up card

Exploring Conics Using ICT e.g. GSP Locus Parabola Ellipse and hyperbola

Exhibition GSP toolkit for tessellation and isometry Potato printing Paper engineering project

Sub Total Total

30 60


Coursework Examination

60% 40%

Main References

Grayson, R. (1995). Using Geometer's Sketchpad to explore combined transformations. Micromaths. vol.11, no 2, pp 6-13. Parks, H. (2000). Mathematics in life society and the world. 2nd ed. USA: Prentice Hall. Russell,J. (1996). Nets with polyhedra. Mathematics Teaching, vol.154, pp.12-13. Smith, K. J. (2001).The nature of mathematics. Glencoe : McGraw Hill. Tannenbaum, P. (2004). Excursions in modern mathematics. 5th ed. NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Additional References

Budden, F.J. (1972). The fascination of group. London: Cambridge University Press. Crowe, D. (1986). Symmetry, rigid motions and patterns. Arlington, COMAP, Inc. MA:

Johnson,P. (1992). Pop-up paper engineering. London: Falmer Press. Pugh, A. (1976). Polyhedra: A visual approach. Berkeley,CA.: University of California Press. Schattschneider,D. (1990). Visions of symmetry: Notebooks, periodic drawings and related works of M.C. Escher. New York: W.H. Freeman.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Decision Mathematics (Matematik Keputusan) MTE 3104 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Define the various tools in decision mathematics 2. Apply mathematics algorithms, heuristic algorithms, sorting, searching, graphs, linear programming and critical paths analysis in decision making 3. Select appropriate tools for making decision in mathematics 4. Integrate knowledge and understanding of Decision Mathematics and mathematical modeling in daily life Synopsis This course introduces students to another useful branch of mathematics. It provides information about introduction to decision Mathematics, types of searches, linear programming, graphs, networks, critical path analysis, algorithms, heuristic algorithms and methods of sorting. Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada satu lagi matematik yang berguna. Kursus ini menyediakan maklumat pengenalan kepada Matematik keputusan, jenis-jenis pemprograman linear, graf, rangkaian, analisa laluan algoritma, algoritma heuristik dan kaedah mengisih. cabang tentang carian, kritikal,


Topic 1

Content Introduction What is Decision Mathematics? Tools in Decision Mathematics Types of searches Linear search algorithm Indexed sequential search algorithm Binary search algorithm Linear Programming Types of Linear Programming problems o Infinitely many solutions o Empty feasible regions o Unbounded feasible regions o Degeneracy o The Simplex Method in Linear Programming

Hours 1


Graphs Definitions of graph, edge, degree Types of graphs o simple graph o walk, trail, path, cycle o Hamiltonian cycle o digraph o incidence matrix o planar graph o bipartite graph Networks Kruskals Algorithm Prims Algorithm Dijkstras Algorithm Critical Path Analysis Introduction and definition of Critical Path Analysis The elements of a network diagram : dummies, events, key even, symbols. Constructing a network diagram Analyzing a network diagram Resource Management Algorithms Introduction and definition of Algorithms Ways of communicating algorithms



Heuristic Algorithms First-fit Algorithm First-fit decreasing Algorithm Full bins Methods of Sorting Interchange sort Bubble sort Shuttle sort Quick sort Total


Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Parramore, K. et. al (2004). Decision Mathematics 1 D1. 3 rd ed. UK. British Library Publication. Parramore. K. et. al (2004). Decision Mathematics 2 and C. 3 rd ed. UK. British Library Publication.

Additional References

Hebborn , John (2000). Decision mathematics. UK : Paperback. Savage, Sam L. (2002). Decision making with insight. UK : Paperback. Smith, K.J. (2001). The nature of mathematics. 9th ed. CA:Thompson Learning.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Statistics (Statistik) MTE 3105 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/Two Synopsis Explain the theoretical and empirical aspects underpinning probability Apply sampling and estimation theory in estimating the mean of a population Use inferential statistics such as Chi-Square test, ANOVA and linear regression in hypothesis testing Apply their knowledge and understanding of these areas in statistics to relevant real life problems

In this course, students will revisit the concepts of probability and explore inferential statistics such as t-test, Chi-Square test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) in hypothesis testing and linear regression in analyzing linear relationship in bivariate variables. The importance of using the appropriate statistical methods in solving real life problems is emphasized. Dalam kursus ini, pelajar akan mengimbas kembali konsep yang berkaitan dengan kebarangkalian dan menerokai statistik inferens seperti ujian-t, ujian Chi-Square, analisis varians (ANOVA) dalam pengujian hipotesis dan regresi linear dalam menganalisis perhubungan linear dalam dua pembolehubah (bivariate). Kepentingan menggunakan kaedah statistik yang sesuai dalam penyelesaian masalah harian adalah dititikberatkan.


Topic 1

Content Probability Introduction to probability o Theoritical o Empirical Compound Events o Independent Events o Mutually Exclusive The Addition and Multiplication Rule Probability Tree o Theoretical Conditional Probabilities Sampling and estimation theory Elementary sampling Sampling distribution Point estimation and interval estimation Confidence level Reading Statistic Tables Estimating the Mean of Population when STD of the Population is Known Estimating the Mean and STD of Population From Sample Data Estimating the mean of a population based on a small sample size Hypothesis testing Introduction Methodology for hypothesis testing. Testing one mean Testing the difference between two population means Testing a population proportion Testing a population variance (standard deviation) Testing the ratio of two population variance(standard deviation) The Chi-square hypothesis test The general procedure for the test The goodness of fit test The test of association Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) Introduction on one way Independent ANOVA Calculating ANOVA by hand Calculating ANOVA using EXCEL

Hours 3



Linear Regression Introduction o Independent variables o Dependent variables o Scatter diagram The least squares straight line o Interpolation and extrapolation Total


Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Eccles, A. et. al (2004). Statistics 1. 3rd ed UK: Martins the Printers Ltd. Davies, M et. al ( 2005). Statistics 2. 3 rd ed UK. Hodder Murray Davies, M et. al ( 2005). Statistics 3. 3rd ed UK. Hodder Murray Mann, Prem S. ( 2003 ). Introductory Statistics. 5th ed. NY: Wiley. Rowntree, D. (2004). Statistics without tears: A primer for non mathematicians. Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Spielgel, R. M (2000). Statistics crash course. USA: Mc Graw Hill.

Additional References

Cook, Upton, G. I. (2000). Introducing Statistics. 2nd ed. NY: Oxford University Press. Norusis, M. J. (1985). SPSS X: Advanced statistics guide. NY:McGraw-Hill Book Company. Smitters, G et. al ( 2000). Advanced Modular Mathematics Statistics 1. 2rd ed UK. Harper Collins Publisher Ltd. Smitters, G et. al ( 2000). Advanced Modular Mathematics Statistics 2. 2rd ed UK. Harper Collins Publisher Ltd. Smitters, G et. al ( 2000). Advanced Modular Mathematics Statistics 3. 2rd ed UK. Harper Collins Publisher Ltd.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Resources in Mathematics (Resos dalam Matematik) MTE 3106 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Choose appropriate and relevant mathematics resources 2. Demonstrate their understanding in using the resources 3. Produce creative manipulative materials to support teaching and learning in mathematics 4. Display effective management skills in planning and handling mathematics resources Synopsis This course provides an opportunity for students to explore the applications of various resources in teaching and learning Mathematics. Students will be introduced to printed materials, teaching and learning aids, technology in Mathematics, Mathematics facilities and management of resources. Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk menerokai aplikasi pelbagai resos dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik. Pelajar akan diperkenalkan dengan bahan bercetak, alat bantu pengajaran dan pembelajaran, teknologi dalam Matematik, kemudahan-kemudahan Matematik dan pengurusan resos.


Topic 1

Content Printed materials Books o text, reference o Literature books Integrating literature in teaching and learning Mathematics Journals and articles Teaching and learning aids o Manipulative kits: geoboard, Dienes blocks, Cuisenaire rods, Base ten blocks o Nets and solids o Measuring instrument : weighing scale o Computing tools: calculators, abacus, rods & sticks Technology in Mathematics Hardware o Computers, LCD Software packages o Teaching packages o Teaching software and courseware Internet and online instructions Mathematics Facilities Mathematics Laboratory Mathematics garden Mathematics corners Management of resources Inventory and records Monitoring and maintenance Planning and budgeting Total

Hours 6





Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Foresman, Scott (2000). Interactive mathematics: Lessons and tools. NJ: Prentice Hall. Jennings, Sue and Dunne, Richard (2003). I see maths books. vol 13. UK: Mashford Colour Press. National Curriculum Council. (1991). Prime calculators: Children and mathematics. UK: Simon and Schuster.

Additional References

Burns, Marilyn (1992). About Teaching Mathematics. Maths Solution. Haylock, D. (2003). Understanding mathematics in the lower primary years. UK: Paul Chapman. Publication. Trautman, Andria P. & Lichenberg, Betty K (2003). Mathematics: A good beginning . 6th ed. UK: Wadsworth/ Thompson Inc.

Websides htm ear3/number_deans/question.asp mathematics/assets/pdf/literacyy7/s4placevalue2.pdf


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Planning and Teaching Mathematics (Perancangan dan Pengajaran Matematik) MTE 3107 3 (3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Produce a well- organized Mathematics lesson plan with correct format 2. Select the appropriate method and technique in carrying out teaching and learning mathematics 3. Apply the relevant mathematical learning theories and ideas throughout the lesson Synopsis This course will provide an opportunity for students to begin planning an effective Mathematics lesson. Students are taught and guided to incorporate appropriate methods and techniques in their planning, using relevant Mathematical ideas. In addition, applications of Mathematics learning theories are highlighted in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Kursus ini memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk merancang suatu pelajaran Matematik yang efektif. Pelajar diajar dan dibimbing untuk menggunakan kaedah dan teknik yang sesuai dalam perancangan dengan menggunakan idea Matematik yang relevan. Selain itu, aplikasi teori pembelajaran Matematik diberikan perhatian dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Matematik.


Topic 1

Content Planning Mathematics Lessons Revisit Primary Mathematics Curriculum Preparing Scheme of Work o yearly/term, weekly and daily lesson plan o format : its components o guidelines Classroom management and communication Micro and macro teaching Mathematics Teaching Methods and Techniques Induction and deduction Discovery and investigation Questioning and discussion Practical work Expository Laboratory Demonstration Cooperative and collaborative learning Student centered, teacher centered, media centered approach Learning mathematics Behaviourism Cognitive and constructivist

Hours 9


Humanistic approach

Mathematical knowledge of teaching Factual information Concept Algorithm Doing mathematics Enhancing learning mathematics Learning styles and individual differences Social context of teaching and learning mathematics Creative arts in mathematics o stories, poems, music and dramas Recreation mathematics Project based learning Total



Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Hollands, Roy (1987). The development of mathematical skills. UK: Blackwell. Mooney, Claire (2002). Primary mathematics :Theory and practice. UK: Learning Matters. Post, Thomas R. (1992). Teaching mathematics in grades K-8: Research-based methods. UK: Allyn and Bacon.

Additional References

Cohen, Alan Louis (1987). Early education : The school years. A source book for teachers. USA: P.C.P Education series. Hopkins, Christine.(1999). Mathematics in the primary school. USA: David Fullton. Rays, Robert E. et. all (2001). Helping children learn mathematics. NY: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Wall, W. D (1975). Constructive education for children. London: The Unesco Press. Freiberg & Driscoll (2005). Universal teaching strategies. 4th ed.USA: Pearson. Bobis, J. (2004). Mathematics for Children: Challenging Children To Think Mathematically(2nd Ed). Australia: Pearson. Kennedy, L. M. at. al(2004) .Guiding Childrens learning of Mathematics(10th ed). USA: Thomson. Bottle, G. (2005).Teaching Mathematics in The Primary School. London: Continuum. Lang, H. R. & Evans, D. N. (2006) Models, Strategies and Methods for Effective Teaching. USA: Pearson. Sgroi, L. S. (2001).Teaching Elementary and Middle School mathematics - Raising the Standards. USA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Basic Calculus (Kalkulus Asas) MTE 3108 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Differentiate between functions and non- functions 2. Sketch graphs of elementary functions manually and/or using graphing calculator 3. Determine the inverse of a function 4. Recognise patterns and relationships 5. Find the first and second derivatives of functions 6. Apply the concepts of derivatives and integrals in problem solving Synopsis This course focuses on the key concepts of Calculus which includes functions and graphs, basic understanding of limits and limit theorem, derivatives and integrals, and patterns and relationships. At this point, students are able to find the first and second derivatives of functions and minimum and maximum points of graphs. The applications and use of technology is also emphasized through graphing calculator and software such as Geometers Sketchpad to sketch and interpret the graphs of functions. Kursus ini memfokuskan kepada konsep utama dalam Kalkulus; fungsi dan graf, kefahaman asas mengenai had dan teorem had, derivatif dan integral serta pola dan perhubungan. Pelajar boleh mencari derivatif pertama dan kedua bagi fungsi serta titik minimum dan maksimum bagi graf. Penggunaan dan aplikasi teknologi dijelaskan melalui kalkulator grafik dan perisian seperti Geometer Sketchpad untuk melakar dan membuat interpretasi graf fungsi.


Topic 1

Content Functions and graphs Patterns and relationships Use of variables to express relationships Pattern recognition Concepts of functions o Composition of functions Domain and range Inverse of functions Graph sketching o by hand o graphing calculator o GSP Limits and continuity Definition of limits Properties and theorems of limit One-sided and two-sided limits Concepts of continuity Properties and theorems of continuous function Derivatives Definition: Slope of a tangent to a curve at a point Definition of a differentiable function at a point First derivatives The first principle Formula Second derivatives Applications of derivatives Integrals The concept of anti-derivatives Indefinite and definite integrals Applications of integrals Total

Hours 9





Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Bittinger, M. L. (2004). Calculus and its applications. 8th ed. Boston: Pearson/Addison-Wesley. Clements, C., Pantozzi, R. & Steketee, S. (2002). Exploring calculus with the Geometers Sketchpad. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press. (2000). Calculus : A Complete Course. 2nd ed. USA: Addison Wesley.

Additional References

Barnet (2000). Precalculus: A graphing approach. NY: Mc Graw Hill. Berlinski, D. (1995). A tour of the calculus. New York: Pantheon


Books. Brodie, Ross (2002).. New Mathematics IIB. USA: Thomson & Nelson. De Temple, D., & Robertson, J. (1991). The CALC handbook: Conceptual activities for learning the calculus. Palo Alto, CA: Dale Seymour Publications. Foerster, P. A. (1998). Calculus concepts and applications. Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press. Key, Stewart. J. (2005). Single variable calculus: Concepts and contexts. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education. ___ _____ (2001). The Geometers sketchpad: Dynamic geometry software for exploring mathematics. Version 4. [Computer software] Emeryville, CA: Key Curriculum Press.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Teaching Of Numbers, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Mengajar Nombor, Pecahan, Perpuluhan dan Peratus) MTE 3109 3(2+1) 60 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Relate the mathematical learning theories into the childrens framework of learning numbers 2. Study the development of childrens understanding in mathematics 3. Reinforce childrens mathematical concepts in numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages through various activities 4. Plan effective teaching lessons incorporating resources, approaches and strategies Synopsis appropriate

This course exposes to the students that children learn mathematics by constructing their own ideas at different levels and stages. Discussions cover topics related to teaching of numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages, also construction of teaching aids, micro and macro teaching sessions. Kursus ini memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar bahawa kanak-kanak belajar matematik dengan membina idea sendiri pada aras dan peringkat yang berbeza. Perbincangan meliputi perkara berkaitan dengan mengajar nombor, pecahan, perpuluhan dan peratus serta membina alat bantu mengajar, sesi pengajaran mikro dan makro.


Topic Theory 1



Numbers Whole numbers o Early number development o Numbers sense o Counting o The role of algorithms o Place value representation of numbers Number operations and basic facts o Addition and subtraction o Multiplication and division Operation sense and computations o Calculators and abacus o Mental computations o Computational estimation Key issues in teaching whole numbers Fractions, decimals and percentages Fractions o Meaning of fractions and equivalent o Mixed number and improper fraction o Fractions operations Decimals o Common fractions and decimals :relationship and conversion o Place value, ordering and rounding o Decimal operations Percentages o Percentage Key issues in teaching fractions, decimals and percentages Sub Total Practical




15 1 Construction of teaching aids Numbers Fractions, decimals and percentages 15 2 Micro/macro teaching Preparing an effective lesson plan Carry out micro/macro teaching Sub Total Total 30 60



Coursework Examination

60% 40 %

Main References

Howett , Jerry (2000). Numbers Power: A real world approach to maths. USA: Contemporary Books. Kennedy, Leonard M. and Tipps, Steve (2000). Guiding childrens learning mathematics. USA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Tucher, Benny F. (2002). Teaching mathematics to all children:designing and adapting instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. USA: Prentice Hall.

Additional References

Afonso, Fiona (2002). Maths for WA : Homework and books. UK: Longman. Bobis, J, Mulligan. J. Lowrie, T., & Taplin, M. (2004). Mathematics for children: Challenging children to think mathematically. 2nd ed. Sydney: Prentice Hall. Booker, G,, Bond, D., L., & Swan, P. (2004). Teaching primary mathematics. 3rd ed. Sydney: Pearson Education Australia.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Linear Algebra (Aljabar Linear) MTE 3110 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Find the determinant and inverse of a matrix 2. Calculate the length of a vector, the dot product and angle between two vectors 3. Determine a given vector as a subspace or independent vector 4. Apply concepts of linear equations and linear inequalities to solve related problems 5. Integrate knowledge of matrix algebra and vector space in daily applications Synopsis This course provides students with the knowledge of linear equations and inequalities, matrix algebra and vector space. The idea is extended to using Elimination, Substitution, Gauss-Jordan Method and Cramer Rule in solving linear systems. In addition, students are taught to find the inverse of a singular matrix using the adjoint method or elementary row operations. Concepts of vector space in R2 and R3 are also discussed. Kursus ini membekalkan pelajar dengan pengetahuan tentang persamaan dan ketaksamaan linear, aljabar matriks dan ruang vektor. Idea ini dilanjutkan kepada Kaedah Penghapusan, Penggantian, dan Gauss-Jordan serta Hukum Cramer dalam penyelesaian sistem linear. Selain itu, pelajar diajar mencari songsang matriks dengan kaedah adjoin atau operasi baris elementari. Konsep ruang vektor dalam R2 dan R3 juga dibincangkan.


Topic 1

Content System of Linear Equations and Inequalities Solving linear equations o Elimination Method o Substitution Method o Gauss-Jordan method Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming o Homogeneous systems o Applications of Linear Equations and Inequalities Matrix Algebra Matrix arithmetic Systems of linear equations ( up to 4 unknowns) o Elementary row operations o Determinant and its properties The Cramers rule Singular and non-singular matrix Inverse of a matrix o Adjoint method o Elementary row operations method Vector Space Vectors in Plane R2 o Introduction to vectors o Vector Operations o Properties of Vector Operations o Length of vector o Dot product o Angle between two vectors Vectors in Space R3 o General vector space o Subspace o Linear independence o Basis, dimension and rank Applications of vector space in daily life Total

Hours 15





Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Dugopolski . (2002). Precalculus: Functions and graphs. USA : Addison and Wesley. Howard, A. & Rorres, C. (2000). Elementary linear algebra: Applications version . 8th ed. NY: John Wiley. Stewart, J. (2001). Algebra and Trigonometry. USA : Thompson and Learning. Goodman , Arthur and Hirsch, Lewis. (2000). Precalculus: Understanding functions. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Additional References

Herstein, I.N. (1975). Topics in algebra. 2nd ed. Lexington, MA: Xerox College Publishing. ONan, M. & Enderton,H.B.(1990). Linear algebra. 3rd ed. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Teaching of Geometry, Measurement and Data Handling (Mengajar Geometri, Pengukuran dan Pengendalian Data) MTE 3111 3(2+1) 60 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Demonstrate an understanding of current primary practice related to teaching of geometry, measurement and data handling 2. Plan for progression in the teaching of geometry, measurement graphs and data handling effectively 3. Reflect on classroom practice in these areas 4. Apply the knowledge gained appropriate Synopsis in real life situations where

In this course, students will learn the key concepts in geometry, measurement and data handling. They will be introduced to a range of related teaching and learning strategies, effective planning and teaching, the use of technology, micro and macro teaching sessions. Dalam kursus ini, pelajar akan belajar konsep utama geometri, pengukuran dan pengendalian data. Pelajar akan diperkenalkan dengan strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran, perancangan pengajaran efektif, penggunaan teknologi, sesi pengajaran mikro dan makro.


Topic 1

Content Geometry 2D Shapes o Vocabulary, properties and characteristics:Triangle, quadrilateral, polygon, circle o Classification of 2D shapes o Key issues in teaching 2D shapes 3D Shapes o Vocabulary, properties and characteristics: cube, cuboid, cones, pyramid, cylinder, sphere o Classification of 3D shapes o Nets of 3D shapes o Key issues in teaching 3D shapes Applications of geometry in real life o 2D: shape and space (plane geometry) o 3D: volume (three dimensional) o Use of technology in geometry Measurement Length o Standard and non-standard units o Conversion of units o Area and Perimeter Liquid capacity and volume o Standard and non-standard units o Conversion of units o Volume of fluids Mass and weight o Standard and non-standard units o Conversion of units Time o Hour system Key issues in teaching measurement Applications of measurement in real life Data handling Data manipulation o Collecting data o Displaying data o Interpreting data Average o Deriving formula o Use formula to calculate Key issues in teaching graphs and average Sub Total Practical 2-D and 3-D shapes Construct geometrical shapes Analyse the properties of the geometrical

Hours 10





shapes Classify the geometrical shapes 10

Data handling Collect data on the following o Length o Liquid capacity and volume o Mass and weight o Time Display and interpret data in graphical form using appropriate technology Oral presentation Micro/macro teaching Prepare effective lesson plan Carry out micro/macro teaching Sub Total Total


30 60

Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

60% 40 %

Askew, M. (1998). Teaching primary Mathematics. London: Hodder Arnold. Cathcart, W.G., Pothier,Y.M., Vance, J.H. & Bezuk, N.S. (2006). Learning mathematics in elementary and middle school: A learner centered approach. 4th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Haylock, D. (2006). Mathematics explained for primary teachers. London: Sage Inc.

Additional References

Bennett, D. (1999). Exploring geometry with The Geometers Sketchpad. Emeryville,CA: Key Curriculum Press. Killen, R. (2005). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice. 5th ed. Wentworth Falls: Social Science Press. Rowntree, D. (2004). Statistics without tears: A primer for non mathematicians. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

Course Pro Forma 34

Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Assessment Practices in Mathematics (Amalan Pentaksiran dalam Matematik) MTE 3112 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Identify pupils ability, difficulty, misconception and learning needs in mathematics 2. Plan suitable activities for remedial, enrichment and special needs pupils when applicable 3. Apply acquired knowledge in planning and implementing assessment 4. Integrate the applications of technology in assessment Synopsis Students will be exposed to the skills of carrying out testing and evaluation. The topics discussed are testing and evaluation, mathematical difficulties and diagnostic test, special needs in Mathematics education and applications of technology in assessment. Pelajar akan didedahkan tentang kemahiran menjalankan pengujian dan penilaian. Topik-topik yang turut dibincangkan ialah mengenai pengujian dan penilaian, kesukaran Matematik dan ujian diagnostik, keperluan khas dalam pendidikan matematik dan aplikasi teknologi dalam pentaksiran.


Topic 1

Content Testing and Evaluation Definition Assessment Design o Principles of item construction o Solo / Bloom Taxonomy o Curriculum specification and Planning of test (test blue print) School based and classroom assessment o Formative and summative o Formal and informal evaluation o Alternative assessment Interpretation of assessment o Item analysis and interpretation of items (difficulty and discrimination index) o Evaluation of reports and reporting o Monitoring recording progress and monitoring of students achievement Assessment administration o Test administration o Test moderation and marking scheme o Test reliability and validity o Bank items Mathematical Difficulties and Diagnostic test Diagnostic test o standard IQ test, o school based test o classroom test Diagnostic assessment and administration o principles of item construction o implementation and administration o analysis of results Misconception and Mathematical Difficulties o Misconception o Newman Error Analysis reading comprehension transformation skills process Skills encode carelessness motivation Special needs in Mathematics Education Effective teaching skills for special needs o exhibit a range of creative and effective teaching for special needs o learning strategies for special education needs Enrichment activities Remedial activities Other types of learning disabilities

Hours 15




o o o o 4

Dyslexia Dyspraxia Dyscalculia Dysphasia 5

Applications of technology in assessment ICT in assessment Item construction (software e.g. Hot potatoes, J-Quizzes) Item analysis (Quest-2, Excel) Total


Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

50% 50%

Clemson, D. & Clemson, W. (1995). Maths assessments. UK: Stanley Thomas Publishers Ltd. Hopkins, Christine (1999). Mathematics in the Primary school. UK: David Fullton. Yudariah Mohamad Yusof (2005). Diagnostik & pemulihan: Kesalahan lazim bagi beberapa tajuk matematik sekolah menengah. Malaysia: UTM Skudai.

Additional References

Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (1993). Buku panduan pengayaan dalam KBSR/matematik. KL: Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (1993). Buku panduan pemulihan dalam KBSR/matematik. KL: Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum. Troutman, A.P. and Lichtenberg, B.K. (2003). Mathematics a good Beginning. 6th ed. Wadsworth/Thompson Inc.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Action Research I Primary Mathematics (Methodology) (Penyelidikan Tindakan I Matematik Sekolah Rendah (Kaedah) MTE3113 3 (3+0) 45 hours English None One/Two 1. Describe the educational research methods and their use in education. 2. Explain the basic of research including types of educational research, research designs, procedure and ethics. 3. Analyse and discuss current issues in education that can be investigated through action research. 4. Discuss what is action research and its process. 5. Acquire the skills of planning and implementing an action research in school. 6. Acquire the skills of writing an action research proposal, report and journal article.

Course Code Credit Contact Hours Medium of Instruction Pre-requisite to entry Semester Learning Outcomes


This course provides knowledge about the various research methods in education and the basic of educational research. It will also explore ways of acquiring the skills of planning an action research, implementing the research, analysing and interpreting the research data, and documenting the action research findings in a report or article. Kursus ini memberi pengetahuan tentang pelbagai kaedah penyelidikan dalam pendidikan dan asas penyelidikan. Ia juga meneroka cara-cara memperolehi kemahiran merancang dan melaksana satu kajian tindakan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasi data penyelidikan, dan kaedah mendokumentasi hasil penyelidikan tindakan dalam bentuk laporan atau kertas kerja kajian.





An Introduction to research methods in education The aims of educational research

The characteristics of educational research Approaches in educational research

- The positivist approach (quantitative) - The interpretive approach (qualitative) 3

Ethics of educational research

- The important aspects of research ethics - Ethical codes 2 Types of educational research - Basic research - Applied research - Action research - Evaluation research Introduction to various types of education research design Quantitative research - Experimental - Quasi-experimental - Survey - Correlational

Qualitative research
- Ethnography - Case study - Historical 3 Educational research procedure Choosing a research problem Determining the research objective Determining the research questions Determining the research hypotheses Reviewing the literature Planning the research design Determining the sampling procedure Constructing the research instrument Constructing the validity and reliability of the instrument Determining the data collection procedure Collecting data Analysing and interpreting the data Reporting the results and findings Action research Definition and concept The characteristics of action research The importance of action research


Issues related to action research

Models of action research - Stephen Kemmiss model - John Elliotts model - Dave Ebbutts model - Jack Whiteheads model - Jean Mcniffs model - Kurt Lewins model 5 Action research: The process Adapted from the models of Lewin, 1946 and Laidlaw,1992: Identifying an aspect of the educational practice to improve Planning an action Implementing the action Collecting the data Reflecting on the action (before, during and after the action) Taking further action Developing the second cycle of action research 6 Action research: Planning and proposal Context Focus / aspect of practice to improve Research questions Literature review Subjects of the study Action plan Implementation of action plan Data collection methods Reflection: Data analysis and interpretation Work schedule Budget Sources of reference Action research: Data collection methods Observation: : observer, participant-observer, participant Document analysis checklists Interview: structured, semi-structured, unstructured


Action research: Data collection methods

Questionnaires Video and cassette recordings Logs Field notes Photographs Portfolios Anecdotal records Slides Journals Diaries

Action research: Data collection considerations Sampling, validity, reliability, bias Sampling and bias Validity: - External critics (originality of the data) - Internal critics (accuracy of the data) - Data triangulation

Reliability- The generalisability of findings Ethics

10 Action research: data analysis Qualitative data Content analysis Categorising the data Coding the data Arranging the data into analysis grids Identifying the issues/assertions Further research activities Action research :data analysis Quantitative data Descriptive analysis: Frequency, percentage, mean, mod, median, standard deviation, correlation coefficient 12 Interpreting the action research data Integrating various sources of data Connecting the data with literature review Summarising the results and drawing conclusions Writing an action research report The context/background of the study Literature review Focus/ aspect of the practice to improve The action plan Implementation of action plan 41




Data collection methods Data analysis and interpretation Reflection and implications Plan for further action Citation of references :American Psychological Association (APA)

Writing an action research article


Abstract The context Research focus Action plan Implementation of action plan Data collection methods Data analysis and interpretation Reflection and implications The next step Bibliography

Ways of making action research data public

Seminars Publications Action research networks

Assessment Main Reference

Coursework 50% Examination 50% Cohen, L. , Manion, L. & Morrison, K. (2001). Research Methods in Education (5th. Eds.). London: Routledge Falmer. Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educational Research. Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative And Qualitative Research. Ohio: Prentice Hall.

Additional Reference

Fraenkel, J.R. & Wallen, N.E.(1990). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. USA, McGraw-Hill Gillham, B. (2003). The Research Interview. London: Continuum. Jones, J. (2005). Management Skills in School. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Kembar, D. (2000). Action Learning and Action research. London: Kogan Page. Mills, G. E. (2000). Action Research. A guide for the Teacher Researcher. Ohio: Prentice Hall. Macintyre, C. (2000). The Art of Action Research in the Classroom. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite to entry Semester Learning outcomes Applications of Mathematics (Aplikasi Matematik) MTE 3114 3(2+1) 60 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Explore the role of mathematics in modern technologies. 2. Investigate mathematics as an ongoing cultural activity 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of mathematics and its applications 4. Apply the various mathematical processes and problem solving techniques Synopsis This course relates students to the earlier mathematics courses. Its contents cover mathematics in every day life, classical codes and ciphers, codes and cryptography, use of mathematical modeling in biology and ecology, and some key mathematical ideas related to calculus. Kursus ini dikaitkan dengan kursus-kursus matematik yang sebelum ini. Isi kandungannya meliputi matematik di dalam kehidupan harian, kod klasik dan nombor rahsia, kod dan kriptografi, penggunaan model matematik dalam biologi dan ekologi, serta sebahagian idea utama matematik berkaitan dengan kalkulus.


Topic 1

Content Theory Mathematics in every day life Role of mathematics in modern technologies Mathematics as an ongoing cultural activity Bases for contemporary mathematics Classical codes and ciphers The development of classical codes and ciphers using the following techniques o Transposition o Substitution Codes and cryptography Error correcting codes: repetition codes, parity check codes, Hamming codes, Hadamard codes and the 1969 Mariner spacecraft Linear codes: solution spaces for systems of linear equations and their use in error correcting codes Public-key cryptography, including the use of elementary number theory to produce computationally intractable systems of codes, the RSA algorithm Use of mathematical modeling in biology and ecology Predator-prey models: separate and nonseparate generations, the logistic equation, interactions between species, simulations The use of simple differential equations in modeling safe and effective drug dosages Modeling the spread of diseases such as AIDS, bird flu etc Some key mathematical ideas related to calculus Archimedes approximation of Archimedes determination of the area of a circle Zenos paradox Newtons investigation of cubic curves Sub Total

Hours 4




Practical Mathematics in everyday life Investigate the following o Role of mathematics in modern technologies o Mathematics as an ongoing cultural activity o Bases for contemporary mathematics Compile the findings Submit a written report Mathematical modeling Conduct a mathematical modeling activity based on the following steps o Specify a real problem o Formulate a mathematical model o Solve the mathematical problem o Interpret the solution o Compare with reality o Communicate the results Group presentation Submit a written report Some key mathematical ideas related to calculus Group project o Explore applications and relations of the following Archimedes approximation of Archimedes determination of the area of a circle Zenos paradox Newtons investigation of cubic curves o Presentation of project Sub Total Total




30 60

Assessment Main References

Coursework Examination

60% 40 %

Coutinho, S. C. (1999). The mathematics of ciphers: Number theory and RSA Cryptography. Natick, MA: A. K. Peters. Dym, C. L. (2004). Principles of mathematical modelling. 2nd ed. Boston: Elsevier Academic Press. Haydock, R. (1991). Information and coding. UK: Cambridge. Stacey, K. & Stillman, G. (2002). Modelling trends in numbers of deaths due to HIV/AIDS infection in USA and Australia. Melbourne: University of Melbourne, CAS-CAT Project. Wilf, H. S. (1986). Algorithms and complexity. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


Additional References

Fazekas de St Groth, C., & Solomon, P. J. (1990). Short-term prediction of the AIDS epidemic using empirical models. In P. J. Solomon, C. Fazekas de St Groth, & S. R. Wilson (Eds.), Projections of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in Australia using data to the end of September 1989 (Working Paper No. 16, pp. 11-17). Canberra, ACT: Australian National University, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health.

Full Singh, S. (2002). The cracking codebook: How to make it, break it, hack it, crack it. London: Harper Collins. Hellman, M. E. (1979). The mathematics of public-key cryptography. Scientific American, 241(8), 146157. Humphreys, J. F., & Prest, M. Y. (2004). Numbers, groups and codes. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jackson, M. B., & Ramsey, J. R. (1993). Problems for student investigation. MAA Notes. Volume 30. Washington: Mathematical Association of America. Jackson, T. H. (1987). From number theory to secret codes. Bristol: IOP Publishing. Malevitch, J., Froelich, G., & Froelich, D. (1991). Codes galore Module #18. Lexington, VA: Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP). Maynard Smith, J. (1968). Mathematical ideas in biology. London: Cambridge University Press. Posamentier, A. A., & Lehmann, I. (2004). : A biography of the world's most mysterious number, Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Trappe, W., & Washington, L. C. (2006). Introduction to cryptography with coding theory. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Welsh, D. J. A., (1988). Codes and cryptography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Action Research II Primary Mathematics (Implementation and Reporting) [Penyelidikan Tindakan II Matematik Pendidikan Rendah (Implementasi dan Pelaporan)] MTE3115 3 (0+3) 90 hours English None One/Two 1. Implement an action research in a school. 2. Write an action research report based on the research data collected. 3. Organise an action research seminar. 4. Present an action research paper in the seminar. 5. Document and publish the action research paper in a journal.

Course Code Credit Contact Hours Medium of Instruction Pre-requisite to entry Semester Learning Outcomes


This course involves skills of carrying out an action research in a school. It will also provide opportunities for students to organise an action research seminar and to present their action research findings during the seminar. The students will also apply their skills on how to document and publish their research papers in a journal. Kursus ini melibatkan kemahiran melaksanakan penyelidikan Formatted: Font: Italic, Font color: Auto tindakan di sekolah. Ia juga akan memberi peluang kepada pelajar mengorganisasi satu seminar penyelidikan tindakan dan membentang kertas penyelidikan tindakan dalam seminar itu. Pelajar juga akan menggunakan kemahiran mereka untuk mendokumentasi dan menerbit kertas penyelidikan dalam jurnal. Formatted: Font: Italic





Implement an action research in school and write a draft report The context/background of the study Literature review Focus of the study / identify the aspect of the practice to improve The action plan Implement an action research in school and write a draft report Implementation of action plan Data collection methods Implement an action research in school and write a draft report Analysis of data Interpretation of data Implement an action research in school and write a draft report Drawing conclusion Reflection and implications Implement an action research in school and write a draft report Plan for further action Citation of references :American Psychological Association (APA) The final action research report Read the draft report Revise the draft Edit the draft Proof-read the draft Final report Organisation of action research seminar Theme of seminar Working committee Venue of seminar Costing of seminar Publicity Organisation of action research seminar Selection and editing of action research papers Organisation of action research seminar Selection and editing of action research papers Organisation of action research seminar Planning of presentation of action research papers in the seminar

8 9 10

6 6 6



Action research seminar Presentation of action research reports in the seminar 6


Action research seminar Presentation of action research reports in the seminar 6


Documentation and publication procedure of action research Collect action research papers Documentation and publication procedure of action research Edit the action research papers based on constructive feedback from the seminar Documentation and publication procedure of action research Document findings of action research papers Jumlah



6 90


Course work 100%

Main Reference

Fraenkel, J.R.; Wallen, N.E.(1990). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. USA, McGraw-Hill Jones, J. (2005). Management Skills in School. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.

Additional Reference

McNiff, J. (1995). Teaching as Learning: An Action Research Approach. London: Routledge. Miles, M.B. and Huberman,A.M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. Second Edition, London: Sage Publications.


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