Course Syllabus Didactics of Mathematics
Course Syllabus Didactics of Mathematics
Course Syllabus Didactics of Mathematics
1. Course Information
The course is part of the academic unit: Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU
The course does not have a re-Take Course designed by: Henry Lenin
Course Description:
The course belongs to the Problem Core 2: Pedagogical and didactic strategies using
ICT to foster foreign language teaching and responds to the problematic question:
How to strengthen pedagogical and didactic fundaments through the use of ICT in
the process of learning and teaching foreign languages in order to help to prepare
innovative and effective teachers who can perform in different contexts?
Finally, it follows the Task Based Approach which permits the completion of a series
of tasks which are embedded in the three different units that contain the course. The
first unit presents ideas about theories, researches and practices related to Didactics
of Mathematics. The second unit deals with mathematics in Latin America and the
measures that are taken to overcome the problem of a pseudo education in math.
The final unit 3 tackles math in young children and the way it can be encouraged.
3. Learning Outcomes:
4. Learning Strategy:
The Learning Strategy for the course is: Task based Language Teaching (TBLT) or Task
Based Instruction (TBI).
This Learning Strategy is based on: It focuses on the use of authentic language and on
asking students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Assessment is primarily
based on task outcome (in other words the appropriate completion of real-world tasks)
rather than on accuracy of prescribed language forms.
Armenta, G (2021). Didáctics of Mathematics Unad task 1 unit 1 [Video File].
Adams, D., & Hamm, M. (2014). Teaching Math, Science, and Technology in Schools Today:
Guidelines for Engaging Both Eager and Reluctant Learners (Vol. Second edition).
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield
VIO – Virtual Information Object The following VIO will help students to understand the
history of didactic of mathematics.
Lenis Escobar, H. (2019). History of Didactics of Mathematics. Colombia.
Frye, D., Baroody, A. J., Burchinal, M., Carver, S. M., Jordan, N. C., & McDowell, J. (2013).
Teaching math to young children: A practice guide (NCEE 2014-4005). Washington,
DC: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE),
Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
Judy Willis. (2010). Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student
Attitudes and Get Results.
VIO – Virtual Information Object The following VIO will help students to identify
some main ideas about Lesson Planning.
Initial Moment:
The activities are: To record a video re stating the relevance of Didactics of Mathematics in
learning and teaching contexts.
The learning evidences for this activity is document with the link to the recorded video.
The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course
Intermediate Moment
Evaluation of Task 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
-Participation in the collaborative forum posting student’s ideas about the readings
suggested for this task.
-Meaningful and content centered feedback on peers’ participation.
-There is a well-structured comparative chart delivered in the evaluation environment.
The learning evidences for this activity are: Collaborative document with comparative chart
and forum participation.
Evaluation of Task 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
-Active and topic centered participation in the forum according to the stablished dates.
-On time posting of the selected country.
-Well-structured final document.
The learning evidences for this activity are one single document delivered with the link to
the online magazine and individual participation in the forum.
Task 4 Planning Lessons for teaching Math.
To be developed from week 10 to week 14
This responds to Learning Outcome: 4
The activities are: To propose a lesson plan concerning math teaching according to a
particular and individual context.
Evaluation of Task 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
-On time selection and posting of the teaching strategy on the forum.
-Well-structured lesson plan.
-Active and content centered participation in the forum.
The learning evidences for this activity are: One final document that contains the summary
of the selected Teaching Recommendation, and a lesson plan design using a specific
teaching recommendation found in the suggested reading.
The highest score for this evaluation moment is 350 points, corresponding to 70% of the
course evaluation.
Final Moment
Evaluation of Task 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are
-Content centered paper highlighting the most important elements of the Didactics of
-A well-structured five paragraph essay that summarizes different elements regarding
Didactics of Mathematics.
The learning evidence for this activity is the individual document delivered in the evaluation
The highest score for this activity is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of the course
7. Teacher’s Support
To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The options
for this academic support are: