Company Mandate
Company Mandate
Company Mandate
Lahore Transport Company (LTC) is a wholly owned company of the Government of Punjab (Pakistan) registered under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984. The objectives for which the Company is established are: 1. To undertake or engage in such activities ,negotiations ,contracts ,agreements and understandings which provide safe, affordable, reliable and efficient transport services for the general public in the city of Lahore 2. To apply for and receive such permits and licenses as may be required in order to provide safe, affordable, reliable and efficient transport services for the general public in the city of Lahore 3. To manage and, from time to time, to act as a conduit for any pecuniary and non-pecuniary support given by the Government for the benefit of the Company 4. To prepare, print and publish or cause to be published papers, journals, magazines, periodical reports, articles, bulletins, newsletters, proceedings of meetings or conferences for circulation and information for the general public in conformity with the objects of the Company 5. To collect, classify, circulate, distribute and/or disseminate the data, information, statistics or knowledge relating to transport, in order to achieve the objects of the Company 6. To work in conjunction with, and to confer or affiliate with other individuals, groups, companies, associations, societies, corporations, institutions, government organizations and agencies to effectuate any and all of the foregoing objects of the Company whether in Pakistan or elsewhere 7. To make, establish and maintain close relations and contacts with other companies bodies, associations, societies, corporations, institutes whether in Pakistan or elsewhere, having objects partly or entirely similar to that of the Company.
8. To subscribe to or otherwise aid, benevolent, charitable, national or other institutions or objects which relates in any way to the objects of the Company and which in the opinion of the Company warrants support. 9. To establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting, and subscribe to or become a member of any other company, association or club whose objects are similar or in part similar to the objects of this Company, or the establishment or promotion of which may be beneficial to the Company 10. To employ and remunerate staff and to provide such benefits on retirement or on leaving the service or on death in service and to provide for their training or work abroad and to remove and replace them as the Board may from time to time determine. 11. To insure against losses, damages, risks, accidents and liabilities of all kinds which may affect the Company, whether in respect of contracts, agreements, advances or securities, or in respect of staff or employees of the Company, or in respect of property belonging to or leased to or hired by the Company, either by setting apart funds of the Company or by effecting such insurances. 12. To pay all costs, charges and expenses preliminary or incidental incurred or sustained in/or formation or about the promotion and establishment of the Company 13. To undertake the payments of money or performance of any contract or obligations of the Company 14. To purchase, lease or assign any interest, rights, privileges, lands, buildings, trademarks, patents, copyrights, licenses, machinery, and any movable or immovable property of any kind necessary for the purposes of providing safe, affordable, reliable and efficient transport services for the general public in the city of Lahore. 15. To sell, lease, and grant easement and other rights in any manner and to deal with or dispose of the property, assets, rights and effects of the Company or any part thereof, for such consideration as the Company may think fit.
16. To open and operate banking accounts and to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue drafts, cheques, bonds, debentures and other negotiable or transferable instruments 17. To purchase, acquire, utilize and maintain computers and or mechanical electronic equipment, word processing, text processing and communication equipments for the purposes of the Company 18. To set up, own, install, operate and maintain data processing centres, research centres, information centres and to utilize in any form of electronic, mechanical or other techniques for the purpose of providing safe, affordable, reliable and efficient transport services for the general public in the city of Lahore 19. To propose amendments in Punjab Motor Vehicle Ordinance and Rules framed there under whensoevers required in the furtherance of providing a safe, affordable, reliable and efficient transport services for the general public in the city of Lahore 20. To conduct all lawful activities that may be necessary, useful, or desirable for the furtherance or accomplishment by establishing specific working groups, committees and/or sub-committees for the benefit of Members and attainment of the objects of the Company 21. To conduct surveys, studies and research into various fields and best practices of management and operation of transport services at national or international levels. 22. To function as an arbitrator for disputes resolution, if any, between members. 23. To provide training and development support to its members and to coordinate with and provide assistance to educational and research institution for imparting training and enhancing the knowledge and techniques relating to sustainable transport so as to improve the safety, affordability, reliability and efficiency of transport service 24. To prepare and make representations and submission on behalf of the Company to the government, commission, authorities and other
organizations local or international interested in or concerned with matters relating to transport laws, policies and practices or any aspect thereof. 25. To manage, improve, exploit, sell exchange, let, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal in any manner with all or any of the property or assets of the Company as may be thought expedient with a view to the promotion of its objects. 26. To erect, construct, alter or maintain or cause to be erected, constructed, altered or maintained, any building, works, improvements, plant or machinery which may be deemed necessary or convenient for any of the purposes of the Company 27. To sign and execute deeds, documents and other instruments of every nature which relate in any way to the objects of the Company 28. To accept, undertake or execute any trust, any agency or gift, grant, aid, donation, benefaction and act as trustee of any trust which relates in any way to the objects of the Company 29. To accept subscription, contribution and donation whether occasional or recurring from any person, members of the Company, body or Government and for that purpose to enter into such covenant or agreement with such terms as may be decided by the Board from time to time. 30. To invest or otherwise deal with the monies of the Company, not immediately required and to hold, pay or receive monies in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Board
A tender has already been floated in news papers, which calls for all interested transport parties to apply for the non operational routes in Lahore. These routes will be issued for only 6 months. New buses are not required for this operation. But all interested operators will be required to refurbish the buses and to ply the buses on schedule and quantity dictated by LTC. The transporters will be bound to install tracking devices on their buses, so that LTC can track the quality of service being provided by each transport operator. Under CM Punjab's initiative for safe, efficient and affordable transport in Lahore, LTC has decided to induct 2000 new buses into Lahore, by the June 2012. The new buses will replace the existing old buses as well as provide services on non operational routes in Lahore. New and existing operators will be invited to submit their interest, in providing bus transport services in Lahore, under transparent and published criteria by Lahore Transport Company. To facilitate the general public and avoid illegal fare collection from transporters, Lahore Transport Company has uploaded all fare tables.