Submitted By:
Name: Mrs.
Name of student: Aman suneja Enrollment No.:06720601709 Designation: Assistant Professor Batch: 2009-2012
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies Affiliated To Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Preference On Levi Strauss and Wrangler made by AMAN SUNEJA, BBA (G), 05320601709 is an authentic work carried out by her under guidance and supervision of Mrs..
The project report submitted has been found satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.
Internal Supervisor
It is in particular that I am acknowledging my sincere feeling towards my mentor who graciously gave me her time and expertise.
She has provided me with the valuable guidance, sustained efforts and friendly approach. It would have been difficult to achieve the results in such a short span of time without her help.
I deem it my duty to record my gratitude towards the Internal project supervisor Mrs. Charu Jain who devoted her precious time to interact, guide and gave me the right approach to accomplish the task and also helped me to enhance my knowledge and understanding of the project.
Name of Student:AMAN SUNEJA Enroll. No: 05320601709 Course: BBA (G) Class/sem/shift: 3rd Year/6th Sem/1st Shift
I hereby declare that the following documented project report titled Comparative Analysis of Consumer Preference on Levi Strauss and Wrangler is an original and authentic work done by me for the partial fulfillment of Bachelors of Business Administration degree.
I hereby certify that all the Endeavour put in the fulfillment of the task are genuine and original to the best of my knowledge & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.
Name of Student: Aman Suneja Course Class & Shift: BBA (G) 6th SEM 1st Shift Enroll .No: 06720601709
Chapter 1 Introduction of the Company History of the Company Literature Review Chapter 2 Research Objective of the study Research Methodology of the study Research Design Data Collection Population Sample Size Sampling Technique Method of Data Collection Instrument for Data Collection Chapter 3 Data Analysis based upon Questionnaires Chapter 4 Findings Limitations Conclusion Suggestions and Recommendations
The project was done to obtain the current level of satisfaction of Wrangler jeans users. So also, what are their preferences in buying jeans? Both coupled yielded reasons for current level of satisfaction and means to increase it. There was insufficient secondary data due to which primary data was collected. The project was conducted within the geographical region of Delhi NCR with a sample size of 50 respondents.
The data collected was analysed with the help of Statistical tools like frequency charts like bar and pie were used to analyze the data.
The findings analyzed and based on the analysis conclusions were drawn and requisite recommendations were provided. These included: 1) Concentrating more on advertising 2) Increasing availability through local outlets 3) Reaching the economy segment etc.
SrNo 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3 4.1 4.2 4 5.1 Particulars Introduction Introduction to WRANGLER Research Objective Limitations Research Methodology Sampling Design Research Design Data Collection Data Analysis And Interpretation Data Findings and Analysis Recommendation Findings and conclusion PageNo 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 28
Wrangler Jeans were first made by Blue Bell, who acquired the brand when they took over Casey Jones in the mid-1940s. Blue Bell employed Bernard Lichtenstein ('Rodeo Ben'), a Polish tailor fromd who worked closely with cowboys, to help design jeans suitable for rodeo use. This was the origin of Wrangler Jeans. The 13MWZ style, introduced in 1947 as lot number 11MWZ, is still available worldwide. In addition to this, Wrangler has since introduced several other lines that are more designated towards a specific group or demographic. Some examples of this are 20X, Riggs, and Aura. Wrangler also has a line of music accessories targeted toward country music fans. Wrangler also has a series of football commercials with Brett Favre playing a game of touch football in the mud
Empathy begins with paying close attention to the world around us. We listen and respond to the needs of our customers, employees and other stakeholders. Originality being authentic and innovative
The pioneering spirit that started in 1873 with the very first pair of blue jeans still permeates all aspects of our business. Through innovative products and practices, we break the mold. Integrity doing the right thing
Integrity means doing right by our employees, brands, company and society as a whole. Ethical conduct and social responsibility characterize our way of doing business. Courage standing up for what we believe
it takes courage to be great. Courage is the willingness to tell the truth and to challenge hierarchy, accepted practice and conventional wisdom. It means standing by our convictions and acting on our beliefs. We are the embodiment of the energy and events of our time, inspiring people from all walks of life with a pioneering spirit. Generations have worn Levis jeans, turning them into a symbol of freedom and self-expression in the face of adversity, challenge and social change. Our customers forged a new territory called the American West. They fought in wars for peace. They instigated counterculture revolutions. They tore down the Berlin Wall. Reverent, irreverent they took a stand.
Our brands are among the most celebrated names in the history of apparel. They are recognized for their quality, originality and integrity.
The brands we market clothe the world. Around the globe, the names Levis and Dockers represent the original, authentic and peerless standard for denim and khakis. More recently, our Signature by Levi Strauss & Co. brand has set a new benchmark in family clothing known for quality craftsmanship, premium fit and exceptional value. And now, denizens joins the family as a global jeans brand for a new generation.
Chapter 2
To study and measure satisfaction level of Wrangler jeans users. To suggest alternatives for enhancing customer satisfaction. To study the marketing stratergies of wrangler.
The study was conducted to study and measure the satisfaction level of Wrangler jeans users. Secondary as well as primary sources of data were used to arrive at findings and analyze the results. The project commenced from Januuary last week and ended on 15th February 2012. Secondary sources of data like internet and books were used to do exploratory studies. Relevant variables were generated and questionnaire was developed to obtain primary data from the market. 50 respondents selected were necessarily Wrangler jeans users and based on convenience of researcher. Findings based on questionnaire filled were analyzed using statistical tools like frequency charts,pie diagrams etc. Requisite conclusions were developed and recommendations made. The research had limitations like: 1) Time constraint 2) Sample size 3) Respondent biasness
The respondents were necessarily Wrangler jeans users. The sample was selected from the restricted area Delhi NCR. It was a non-probability based sampling based on convenience. The sample size was limited to 50 respondents because of limited available time.
Data was collected through secondary as well as primary sources. Secondary sources included articles on jeans from internet, books, and journals. Primary data was obtained through self-administered questionnaires. 50 respondents who were Wrangler jeans users were interviewed based on non-probabilistic convenience based sampling.
14 12 10 8 6 1 2 3 4
Age of Respondent
Majority of respondents who own one or two pairs of jeans tend to buy jeans twice a year (31%). Many of the respondents also buy jeans very occasionally (23%).
10 9 8
Frequency of Purchase
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 One Two Three More than three Every 3 months Occasionally Every 6 months Once a year
Most of the customers do not buy during promotions. Generally, the respondents who buy occasionally or twice a year do not buy during promotions but go for seasonal offers (23%). Moreover, when they buy is not fixed (34%).
12 10 8 Every 3 months 6 4 2 0 during Promotions seasonal Offer Not Fixed Occasionally Every 6 months Once a year
Ranking different brands of jeans revealed the respondents followed by Lee (3.15) gave that wrangler (3.26) the highest rank. Wrangler, the brand in question was ranked third (2.96).
3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 Wrangler Lee Levis Newport Pepe
The highest ranked attribute was given to durability of cloth followed by durability of stitch and range of fitting styles.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5.11 4.7
Majority of them said that they couldnt say whether advertising and sales promotions affected their post purchase satisfaction(41%), followed closely by those to whom advertising and promotions affected(39%).
40 39
20 20
From the frequency analysis of open-ended question, most recurring 4 responses were put on pie chart, which included excellent fitting, in style, trendy and rugged. The top response was excellent fitting (33%) followed by trendy (26%), rugged (22%) and in style (19%) respectively.
22 .0%
Excellent Fitting
33 .0%
In Style
19 .0%
26 .0%
From the above findings and analysis, following recommendations could be drawn: Wrangler should more aggressively tap the youth segment, which lies in the age group between 16-35. The reason for the same is Wrangler was ranked third in terms of the overall brand image. Hence, Wrangler has a scope to reach the top position and encash through increase in sales.
Since most of customers buy twice a year (i.e. every 6 months) or occasionally, and they are not affected by the promotions, Wrangler should aggressively advertise coupled with effective sales promotions for improving customer recall and brand image. It was also found from the survey that color range is low. This also limits preference towards Wrangler as a brand. This area should be properly looked after by making available hosts of colors. After sales service which is becoming the most critical success factor seems to be not given due importance. Proper after sales service can provide a competitive edge through efficient customer relationship management. Wrangler is perceived as premium brand in India. Hence, an economy product range can also tap the unexplored middle class range. Since Wrangler jeans is majorly available in departmental stores and factory outlets, reaching the customer and availing him with consumer schemes is difficult. India having a large middle class customer group still being not exploited can be reached through making Wrangler jeans available at local retail outlets.
QUESTIONNAIRE Respondent No. _____ DEAR RESPONDENT, I studentsof Trinity Institute of professional studied re conducting a survey about the consumer satisfaction with Wrangler Jeans. Please let us know what you really think about Wrangler Jeans. Please spare your valuable few minutes and share your feedback with us. 1) How often do you purchase jeans? a) b) c) d) Once every three months Occasionally Once every 6 months Once a year
2) When do you generally buy Wrangler jeans? a) During promotions b) Seasonal offers c) Not fixed 3) How many pairs of Wrangler jeans do you have? a) b) c) d) 1 2 3 more than 3
4) Rank the following brands on a scale of 1-5 (5 being most preferred and 1 least) a) b) c) d) e) Wrangler Pepe New Port levis Lee
5) Is your satisfaction level, after purchasing Wrangler jeans affected by advertising and promotion? a) Yes b) Cant say c) Not at all.
Durability of Cloth Price vis--vis quality Range of colours Range of fitting styles Range of sizes Durability of stitching Washing convenience Range of shades After sales service
7) Rate the following attributes on a scale of 1-9 in affecting your decision making process: (9 being the most important and 1 being least) Attributes Durability of cloth Durability of stitching Trendy clothes Range of fitting styles Range of sizes Range of shades After sales service Advertising Promotion Rate
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
10) In which of the following family income group do you fall?(per annum) a. b. c. d. Below 200, 000 200, 000 - 400, 000 400, 000 600, 000 above 600, 000
11) Please Mark your gender: a. Male b. Female 12) Which age group do you fall in? a. b. c. d. 16-25 26-35 36-45 45 and above
14) Which one jeans you would prefer of Wrangler ? a) Molly fit b) Vegas fit c) Streable fit d) Cow bow fit
Marketing Research- TATA McGraw Hill Marketing Research Malhotra Marketing Management Philip Kotler Marketing Research- Donald S. Tull & Del I. Hawkins Marketing Research- R. C. Beri Internet www.Wrangler.com