CRTB2 Sample Report
CRTB2 Sample Report
CRTB2 Sample Report
Sample Customer
The Verbal Critical Reasoning test assesses a person's ability to critically evaluate
complex verbal arguments. Consisting of items which involve drawing logical
conclusions and inferences from passages of text, this test measures the ability to
correctly understand complicated written arguments and accurately perceive the
consequences and corollaries of these arguments. While this test is a measure of
reasoning ability rather than educational achievement, a person's score on this test
will nonetheless be sensitive to educational achievement.
Sam Sample's performance on the Verbal Critical Reasoning test places him slightly
above the average when compared to other Graduates\Managers. Such a score
suggests that his ability to critically evaluate written arguments is as good as, or
slightly better than, that of most typical graduate calibre personnel. He shows
slightly more ability than many graduates to correctly deduce the logical
consequences of a given argument and accurately perceive the subtle shades of
meaning that are to be found in complex prose. Consequently, he should be able to
understand complicated written instructions and reports with a fair degree of ease
and will be able to explain these ideas in a relatively clear way.
The Numerical Critical Reasoning Test assesses a person's ability to use numerical
information which is presented in a tabular form in a logical and rational way. The
test consists of items which assess the candidate's understanding of a variety of
types of tables of numerical information. These include tables of such information as
share prices, economic indicators (e.g. exchange rates, rates of inflation,
departmental budgets etc.) In order to assess their understanding of this information
the test taker is required to identify trends and patterns in the data and perform
simple numerical transformations and estimations based on a selection of the
appropriate information in each table.
Sam Sample's performance on the Numerical Critical Reasoning Test places him at
the 'just above average' level when compared to the population of
Graduates\Managers. He has demonstrated an ability to understand and correctly
interpret numerical information that is as good as, or a little better than, that of the
typical graduate or manager. Thus he will be at least as able as most graduate
calibre staff to use this information in a logical, rational way, drawing conclusions and
inferences from this data with a fair degree of accuracy. Consequently, he should be
able to cope with the demands of most jobs which require dealing with numerical
information and basing decisions upon such data.
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Sam Sample
Numerical 14 22 of 25 70
Norms used:
Scores based on stanine values with Mean=5 and SD=2. %ile=percentile i.e.
percentage of sample below respondent's score.
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