Recent Developments in Wear-Mechanism Maps
Recent Developments in Wear-Mechanism Maps
Recent Developments in Wear-Mechanism Maps
PII: S0301679X(98)000115
This paper presents a summary of the authors personal view of the development of wear-mechanism maps, culminating in the presentation of some recently proposed maps. These maps, which present wear data in a graphical manner, are able to provide a more global picture of how materials in relative motions behave when different sliding conditions are encountered; they also provide the relationships between various dominant mechanisms of wear that are observed to occur under different sliding conditions as well as the anticipated rates of wear. Some thoughts on future directions for research in this area are also presented. 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: wear maps, tribological databases, tribological design
Introduction Wear is a complex phenomenon. It occurs whenever surfaces come into sliding contact, even in the presence of a lubricant. To the designers and engineers who have to make optimal decisions in situations where tribological considerations are signicant, it is important for them to have ready access to information pertaining to the fundamental understanding of the wear processes of interest. Some kind of user-friendly databases would be most helpful here. These databases should be able to provide the appropriate information for materials selection and choice of the suitable (optimal) operating conditionsuch as contact geometry, speed and environmentfor a particular pair of materials in tribological contact. There are many ways of presenting wear data. The more common modes of presentation include the tabulation of wear rates and elucidation of the dominant mechanisms of wear observed under the sliding conditions of interest, the latter usually being accomplished through the presentation of micrographs showing features on the worn surfaces. However, these presentations tend to be restrictive in the sense that they usually cover a relatively narrow (localised) range of sliding conditions. This can be inadequate and a more complete approach is perhaps through the linking of the wear rates and wear mechanisms over a much wider range of sliding conditions in the form of a
wear-mechanism map as Tabor had suggested earlier1. Such a map not only provides a multi- (most of the time, two-) dimensional graphical presentation of wear data, it also provides an overall framework for the wear behaviour of a particular sliding system into which individual wear mechanisms observed under various sliding (operating) conditions may be tted. Many names have been given to diagrams which describe the overall behaviour of wear, the more commonly used ones include wear-mechanism map, wearmode map, wear-transition map and wear-regime map; sometimes, the word diagram is used instead of map. Generally, wear-mode, wear-transition and wear-regime maps tend to focus on the description of the mode of wear, namely, mild wear, severe wear and the transition between them. In the case of wearmechanism maps, details of the dominant wear mechanisms are given and the regions of their dominance are indicated; often, predicted rates of wear are also included in the maps. Names such as fretting map and erosion map have also been used for more specic wearing conditions. In the following sections, the general methodology for the construction of a wear map will rst be described. This will be followed by an almost chronological description of the development of mostly sliding wear maps for metals, ceramics, metal-matrix composites and polymers. Maps describing the wear of coatings, tool wear, fretting wear, erosion and time-dependent wear transitions are then introduced. The paper will conclude by suggesting some future directions for research in wear mapping.
Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
dimensional space (Fig 1), with the sliding conditions (load and speed) as the two horizontal axes and the wear rate as the vertical (third) axis. It is clear from this wear-rate surface that wear rate depends on the two sliding conditions in a slightly non-linear fashion. As far as the author is aware of, the next wear diagram of some signicance was to arrive more than two decades later, when Welsh3 presented a diagram summarising the sliding conditions corresponding to the mild-wear/severe-wear transitions observed in the wear of steels. In the early 1980s, a series of diagrams, mostly for the unlubricated wear of steels with different test congurations, was proposed. These include the works of Childs4, Eyre5, Marciniak and Otimianowski6 and Egawa7. Apart from the diagram of Marciniak and Otimianowski which gives a wear-rate surface similar to the work of Okoshi and Sakai (Fig 1), the other three show the boundaries between mild- and severewear behaviour in their respective sliding systems and within the range of sliding conditions investigated. The only diagram that is signicantly different in nature from the rest is the wear-regime map for soft steels sliding on soft steels presented by Childs4. In this map (shown in Fig 2) not only is the mode of wear described, in this case severe metallic wear, but the expected dominant wear mechanisms in ve different regions (A to E) in the map are also described, although this was done in the text and not represented on the map. Later, the mode of mild-oxide-protected wear was added in8. Furthermore, it is the only diagram that has a wide range of sliding conditions (in this case, the sliding speed covers more than four decades of values), fullling an important requirement of a useful wear map: i.e. to cover a wide range of sliding conditions. It undoubtedly suggested how subsequent wear maps were to be constructed. Another line of approach to generate wear maps for metals was taken by Kato and Hokkirigawa9 who summarised their SEM observations of in situ abrasive wear into an abrasive-wear diagram, and this is shown in Fig 3. They found from tests carried out on brass, 0.45%Csteel and 18-8 austenitic stainless steel
The concept of creating wear maps of one form or another for metals is not new: attempts were made as early as 1941 to present wear data in this fashion2. In their work on the wear of cast iron and steel, Okoshi and Sakai2 presented wear rates as a surface in a three88
Fig. 1 The wear-rate surface for steel proposed by Okoshi and Sakai2
Similar abrasive-wear diagrams for aluminium under both dry and lubricated conditions were subsequently presented, showing the occurrence of another wear mode: cleaving10. More recently, in their investigation of the effect of tilted contact between sliding surfaces, simulating misaligned contacts found in machine elements which generally lead to abrasive wear, Hokkirigawa et al.11 proposed a wear map describing the three modes of wear of a tilted steel pin sliding with base-oil lubrication, against a steel or aluminium-alloy plate, with the latter sometimes covered with a layer of hard anodic oxide lm. The three modes include cutting, ploughing and plastic deformation, with the last mode generally occurring when the plate is harder. Turning back to sliding wear, the wear maps available so far with the exception of Childs wear-regime map4 had two major limitations: namely, the limited range of operating conditions covered and the lack of information on the dominant mechanisms of wear. The information provided was limited to whether mild wear, severe wear or a transition between them was observed. These limitations were addressed by the construction of the wear-mechanism map for steels12. This map (Fig 4) describes the unlubricated pin-on-disc wear behaviour of steels over a wide range of sliding conditions: some seven decades of values for speed and ve decades of values for contact pressure. The map predicts the eld of dominance of one wear mechanism and when its contribution becomes less important; contours of predicted normalised wear rates are superimposed over these elds. For completeness, a companion wear-mode map and a wear-transition map were later proposed13 and one of them (the wear-transition map) is shown in Fig 5. These two maps summarise the sliding conditions associated with mild and severe wear as well as how the various wear transitions reported in the literature could be related: information which the wear-mechanism map for steels could not conveniently present. With such a wear-transition map, the operating conditions under which a mild-wear condition exists for a steel sliding component are clearly demarcated. Several renements to make these maps more accurate have also been suggested14. More recently, Kato et al.15, using the same methodology, constructed wearmechanism maps to illustrate clearly the effects of nitriding on the global wear behaviour of steels, providing an additional dimension of information not possible to be included in the wear-mechanism map for steels (Fig 4). Following the same methodology used in constructing the maps for steels, a wear-mechanism map for the unlubricated sliding of aluminium and aluminium alloys on steel was later proposed by Liu et al.16. This map is a considerable improvement over the earlier empirical wear map for the same group of alloys presented by Antoniou and Subramanian17. One of the important considerations in the construction of wear maps is the temperature generated at the sliding interface. At the onset of the mapping of steel wear, it was recognised that the interfacial temperature would control the dominance of different mechanisms of wear in a signicant manner. When the interfacial temperature is high (and this occurs when the sliding speed is higher than a certain critical value), mechanisms involving oxidation, phase transformation and
Fig. 3 The abrasive-wear diagram for three different metals proposed by Kato and Hokkirigawa9 samples that three wear typesnamely, cutting, wedge and ploughingwere operative under different conditions. They described the mechanisms of wear observed rather than the wear mode as had been done mostly until that point in time. They introduced an index, the degree of penetration (Dp), to describe the severity of contact and this was used as one of the axes of the diagram. The abrasive-wear diagram shows the possible region for each type of wear dened by Dp and the shearing strength at the contact interface.
melting would be important; below this speed of sliding, the sliding interface can be considered as cold and the dominant mechanisms are essentially controlled by the plasticity of the materials forming the interface. The mathematical models used in the prediction of wear rates would then reect how the wear processes are dependent on the interfacial temperature. Attempts were therefore made to compute, based on one-dimensional equivalents of the more complex three-dimensional patterns of heat ow, both the ash and bulk temperatures. This gave rise to a temperature map for the dry sliding of steels12. This method of temperature computation has since been further extended and rened1821, resulting in the creation of the T-MAPS PC-based software22,23. Renements of this methodology to construct temperature maps for other material pairs in sliding contacts have also been carried out, for example, by Wang and Rodkiewicz24 who proposed minor changes to the temperature maps for steels and some ceramic materials. There is another group of maps which one might consider as failure maps. The most notable example
is the transition diagram of the International Research Group on Wear of Engineering Materials (IRG-OECD) which presents the critical loadvelocity curves for the failure of thin-lm-lubricated sliding concentrated contacts25,26. In this diagram, illustrated in Fig 6, the three regimes of different tribological behaviour during lubricated sliding are demarcated. Sliding contacts within region I will theoretically suffer no wear, while those operating in region III will experience severe wear. This is useful not only for the selection of proper sliding conditions, it can also be very useful for failure analysis. Actually, diagrams showing the safe operating conditions for various machine elements, such as bearings operated under different kinds of lubrication conditions, are already available in the literature; for example, Neale27. These diagrams have helped designers and engineers select the correct machine elements and operating conditions to meet the design requirements. Such an approach was also used during the construction of wear maps for cutting tools where safety zones and least-wear regions are identied in which the rate of wear of tools would be a minimum or sufciently low (more later).
Fig. 5 The wear-transition map for steels showing the regions of mild wear and severe wear. The sliding conditions corresponding to the different types of wear transitions observed are also indicated13
This concept of dening regions of safe operation was brought one step further when Landheer et al.28 proposed a theoretical wear-mechanism map for plain journal bearings based on the IRG transition diagram. They found that their diagram agreed well with data taken from actual bearing practices presented by Neale27. From such a map, it is possible to predict the state of lubrication experienced by the journal bearing if the loading condition is known. The safe zone of bearing operation then corresponds to the region where a no-wear condition is predicted. Qualitative information on bearing failure could also be obtained from this map. Having identied pitting, abrasive wear and scufng as the three major process of tooth distress in gears, Tweedale29 proposed a map showing the various zones of tooth distress: this is another form of a failure map. It is only a qualitative one because no values were suggested for the limits of the two operating parametersnamely, load and speedden-
Fig. 6 The IRG transition map showing the critical loadvelocity curves for the failure of thin-lm-lubricated sliding concentrated contacts, demarcating three regimes of different tribological behaviour25,26
ing the various distress zones. This diagram would be an excellent tool for the diagnosis of gear teeth failure if details of the limiting values of load and speed that would lead to the operation of undesirable wear mechanisms could be provided. It is the wish of the author to see more maps and diagrams of such diagnostic nature being generated to help designers and engineers in their continual combat against wear.
Wear maps for ceramics
The concept of wear mapping has also been extended to include ceramic materials30. To date, substantial progress has been achieved in developing wear maps for ceramics; see, for example, the works of Hsu et al.31,32, Kato 33, Lee et al.34, Hokkirigawa35, Kong and Ashby36, Dong and Jahanmir37, Gautier and Kato38 and Blomberg et al.39. In these diagrams, regimes of different dominant wear mechanisms are demarcated and, in some of them, the sliding conditions leading to transitions between mild and severe wear are also indicated. Fig 7 shows the wear-mechanism map for an alumina ball sliding on an alumina disc proposed by Kong and Ashby36. In this map, the locations of the dominance of seven different wear mechanisms are indicated together with contours of constant ash and bulk temperatures generated during sliding. The map clearly shows the inter-relationships between these mechanisms as well as their dependence on the temperatures generated at the sliding interface. The different eld boundaries on the map suggest where transitions of one dominant wear mechanism to another may take place. Although the wear models developed were unable to describe the wear rates accurately, they nevertheless provided an overall framework for the wear characteristics of alumina. Because of the wide range of sliding velocity and contact pressure covered by the map, it should enable the designer to decide intelligently whether alumina will be able to meet the set of requirements for a particular tribological application. To be useful during the design process, wear maps should ideally encompass as wide as possible a range of
The emergence of composite materials, especially metal-matrix composites with different reinforcement phases, as a group of advanced tailor-made materials for tribological application has created the need to summarise the wear mechanism and wear transition information of some of them to optimise design. Unlike for many monolithic metallic materials, understanding of the processes by which these composites wear during dry sliding are still limited, and in some cases, controversial40,41. Such a situation renders the construction and calibration of wear-mechanism maps for composite materials much more difcult than for monolithic metals such as steels or aluminium alloys. The way to avoid the difculties associated with the limited understanding of the wear processes involved is to construct empirical wear-mechanism maps by carefully integrating the wear-rate and wear-mechanism data observed during sliding. This has been done for the Al(6061)/SiCw composite42 where, over a small range of normal load and speed, the transition boundaries separating different modes of wear are drawn; an indication of the dominant mechanism is also given in each regime. This map is shown in Fig 8. More recently, an attempt was made to examine whether a map could be constructed for Al/SiCp composites over a larger range of sliding conditions. This was done on the basis of extensive experimentation as well as data from the literature, and the empirical wearmechanism map is shown in Fig 943. The extensive experimentation enabled a sufciently large amount of data, especially high-speed data, to be generated, thereby extending the range of sliding conditions covered by this map. In the course of developing this map, the amount of SiC reinforcement particles in the composites was considered to have a greater inuence on their wear behaviour than the matrix material (made of different grades of aluminium alloy). As a result, this map was constructed based on data from different
Fig. 7 The wear-mechanism map for alumina proposed by Kong and Ashby36
Fig. 8 The empirical wear-mechanism map for Al(6061)/SiCw composite proposed by Wang et al.42. The range of sliding condition covered in this map is, however, rather limited
Fig. 9 The empirical wear-mechanism map for Al/SiCp composites43. The regions of dominance of six different wear mechanisms are demarcated with the contours of constant normalised wear rates superimposed over them Fig. 10 The wear-factor diagram for three polymericbased bearing materials (after Crease44) Al/SiCp composites with nearly the same volume fraction of SiC particles (of about 20%). This map shows that thermal effects play an increasingly important role in the wear behaviour of this group of composites when the sliding speed exceeds about 3 m s1. Some attempts were made to develop physical models to explain the observed responses of these composites in terms of changes to their reinforcement phase under different sliding conditions, especially during higherspeed sliding43. This map (Fig 9) provides the framework for future work to better understand the overall wear behaviour of these Al/SiCp composites.
Wear maps for polymers
operate and the corresponding expected values of wear factor are given. The next signicant wear map for polymers came many years later in the form of the deformation map for the unlubricated sliding of polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE) on steel45. Much effort is needed to address the paucity of polymeric wear maps in the technical literature.
Wear maps for coatings
It is interesting to note that diagrams were proposed a long time ago for the purpose of design and the initial selection of suitable bearing materials. In a 1973 paper, Crease44 commented that the data available then for most bearing materials on wear performance under the intended operating conditions were largely inadequate. He stressed that it is important to know how the wear factor (a measure of the wear rate) varies with parameters such as bearing pressure and surface temperature over the possible range of these variables likely to be met in practice. Crease proposed diagrams, based on available performance data of a series of polymericbased bearings, relating the wear factors to some of the operating variables. An example of such a wearfactor diagram is given in Fig 10. In this diagram, the range of bearing pressure within which the three different polymeric-based bearing materials could safely
The usefulness of wear-mechanism maps is not restricted to bulk materials. Borel et al.46 have suggested that it is also meaningful to employ these maps to understand the wear of abradable coatings deposited on certain gas-turbine components. They proposed wearmechanism maps for two different AlSiplastic coatings tested in a high-temperature environment. They concluded that these maps can be used for modelling wear mechanisms and the design of coating systems to provide enhanced performance of gas turbines at elevated temperatures. Further work along this line supported the earlier ndings that these wear maps enabled the inuence of coating microstructure variations on abradability to be determined quickly, leading to the formulation of a general abradability model for aero-engine coatings47. Wear characteristics of TiN and TiC coatings on tool inserts were also examined by using mapping techniques48, and these will be detailed in the next section.
Recent developments in wear-mechanism maps: S. C. Lim Wear maps for cutting tools
The originator of graphical representation of tool wear can be traced to Trent who, in the late 1950s, produced a series of machining charts49. The idea of a diagram to describe tool wear did not catch on again until Yen and Wright50 proposed a qualitative wear map for cutting tools, and this was later taken up by Kendall51 who made an attempt to relate qualitatively the observed tool wear with the wear-mechanism map for steels12, and proposed that a safe zone exists within which excessive tool wear would not occur: the same concept rst suggested by Yen and Wright50. With such a background, a proposition was made by Lim et al.52 to construct a series of empirical wear maps for different cutting tools. These maps should enable machinists to select the machining conditions in which the desired productivity (in terms of material removal rate) could be attained at an acceptable rate of tool wear. A similar qualitative approach was taken independently by Quinto and he recently presented a tool failure mode diagram53 derived from Kendalls qualitative wear map51, Trents machining chart49 and the wear-mechanism map for steels12. In this map, Quinto proposed that the safe zone is a region of gradual wear associated with predictable and reliable tool performance. All these maps intend to inform the machinist of the machining conditions which would give rise to the least amount of tool wear. The effort to construct empirical wear maps for cutting tools has resulted in several maps for two groups of uncoated tools. These maps display the global characteristics of ank and crater wear (the two major forms of tool wear during turning operations) over the recommended range of machining conditions for uncoated high-speed-steel (HSS) and carbide tools54. One key difference between these maps and the earlier qualitative ones is that data (both wear rates and wear mechanisms) drawn from actual machining operations were used, thereby allowing the optimisation of actual machining operations. In parallel, the same methodology was extended to coated tools, and the ank-wear map rst constructed for TiN-coated HSS tool inserts shows a signicant enlargement of the safety zone from that found in the uncoated case55. More importantly, this map shows that the amount of tool wear reduction which such a coating might provide is critically dependent on the machining conditions employed. Such a map will help end-users to employ these coated inserts in a cost-effective manner. An example is shown in Fig 1148, which superimposes the crater-wear map of the uncoated HSS tools onto the corresponding one for the TiN-coated HSS inserts. The expansion of the safety zone and least-wear regime as a result of the application of TiN coating is clear.
Fretting maps
allic materials, namely low-carbon steel, austenitic stainless steel and pure niobium. They believed these maps would help clarify some of the confusion concerning the distinction between different types of fretting and in practical service life prediction. A map detailing the various damage mechanisms sustained by silver-plated copper contacts was later proposed57; such a map is not only useful in design but in failure analysis as well. Running condition fretting maps for WCCo and TiN coatings have also been constructed58,59.
Erosion maps
When hard particles, either carried by a gas stream or contained in a owing liquid, strike a surface, erosion takes place. In the case of ceramics and brittle materials, a relatively small change in conditions such as impact velocity or angle past a certain threshold (critical) value can result in a signicant change in the mechanism of wear: a wear transition. Hutchings60 has argued that such transitions are best understood through erosion maps and he has provided examples of such maps which display the regimes of particle size and impact velocity over which different mechanisms of erosion dominate. When erosion takes place in a corrosive environment, Stack et al.61 suggested that the total wastage and degradation of material as a result of the synergistic effects of erosion and corrosion may in some cases be greater than that which would be observed from the processes operating separately. They proposed an aqueous erosioncorrosion map showing the transitions between the various regimes of aqueous erosioncorrosion in terms of erodent velocity and potential. It is interesting to note that there is a regime in this schematic map within which no corrosion or erosion is expected to occur. This is the concept of safety zones62. The ability to locate such safety zones where damage to the surface or the rates of degradation (wastage) of materials would be at a minimum is one of the major strengths of wear maps. A similar approach has been adopted in the wear maps for cutting tools discussed earlier.
Maps for time-dependent wear transitions
When tribo surfaces come into oscillatory contacts with displacement of small amplitudes, they are often damaged by fretting wear. It will be useful from the design point of view to know when the transition to reciprocating sliding would take place. Addressing this issue, Vingsbo and Soderberg56 proposed fretting maps summarising the fretting wear behaviour of three met94
While addressing the durability issue of ceramic machine components, Yust63 observed that because ceramics are generally susceptible to fatigue effects, wear data obtained from short-term wear tests may be misleading when long-term service requirements are considered. Fatigue effects may considerably inuence the anticipated lifetime before the transition into severe wear from the designed mild-wear condition. The same may be true for other materials used as machine elements operating in an environment exposed to cyclic stresses. Yust63 argued that with the introduction of a third time axis into a two-dimensional wear map, the wear-transition surface could provide a basis for materials selection which includes anticipated lifetime as a factor. He illustrated his concept by using the IRG transition map, and showed hypothetically the possibility that wear testing at a constant load, for example, may eventually result in a transition from mild to severe wear due to time-dependent failure of
Fig. 11 Map showing the expansion of safety zone and least-wear regime as a result of the application of TiN coatings on the crater wear of HSS tools during dry turning operations48 the tribo surface. Similar comments were also made by Luan et al.64, who observed from their experiments in high-carbon steels under boundary lubrication that both the coefcient of friction and the mechanism of wear changed with increasing testing time under the same load and speed. They went on to propose a three-dimensional wear map for boundary-lubricated steels incorporating a third (time) axis. What then are the implications of these ndings? Two questions concerning materials selection for tribological applications immediately follow. First, how important is such a time-dependent wear behaviour? Second, if it is important, how long will the components maintain their pre-transition mode of wear? This second question points directly to the availability of relevant wear data. If time-dependent wear-transition maps for different materials are available, designers will be able to incorporate some form of safety factor into the design using the rate of progression towards the severe-wear transition provided in the relevant map. This may ensure mild wear for the components throughout their expected service life. to describe only the wear of unidirectional sliding. Effort to construct time-dependent wear-transition maps should be encouraged. More wear maps designed to serve primarily as diagnostic tools, such as failure maps and operating-conditions maps, should be prepared. Wear maps should be constructed with an aim to serve the end-users. Wear maps should have a sufciently wide range of sliding (or operating) conditions. Even if these maps are of an empirical nature, they will still be able to provide an overall framework for the better understanding of wear behaviour. More wear map should use as axes (whether in a two- or three-dimensional map) parameters that can be easily controlled in practice. These parameters include contact pressure (which is often closely related to the contact geometry) and speed; other material-related parameters could be integrated into them if necessary. Designers may nd it difcult to use maps having parameters that they could not readily link to other design parameters. There is a need to address the paucity of wear maps describing lubricated conditions as real-life tribo systems almost always operate in a lubricated condition. Companion friction maps may be useful for designers too. An earlier work on steels showed that when the sliding becomes more severe, the measured coefcient of friction depends on the
2. 3. 4.
Future directions for wear mapping The following are some personal views on future directions for research in wear mapping. 1. Wear maps for different tribological conditions should be constructed; they should not be limited
sliding condition much more than on the surface properties (such as surface roughness), which were found to be more important during slower sliding65. It may be possible to generate friction maps from the corresponding wear maps. One pre-requisite as well as an outcome of a wear mapping exercise is the ordering of wear data. Often, much thought has to be put in to understand the cause of scatter of wear data reported by different research groups even though very similar test conditions and environments were used. Such ordering of data and the ensuing production of physical and mathematical models to describe the observed wear behaviour will contribute to an increased understanding of the underlying wear processes. These are often difcult and time-consuming tasks. The challenge to tribologists remains.
4. Childs, T. H. C., The sliding wear mechanisms of metals, mainly steels. Tribol. Int., 1980, 13, 285293. 5. Eyre, T.S., Wear mechanisms. Powder Metall., 1981, 24, 5763. 6. Marciniak, J. and Otimianowski, T., An interpretation of the sliding speed effect on the wear of low carbon steel based on the theory of oxidation. In Proc. Eurotrib 81, 1/A, The Polish Tribology Council, Warsaw, 1981, pp. 24156. 7. Egawa, K., Effects of the hardness of hardened steel on frictional wear (3rd report)cubic model form of region of different forms of wear. J. JSLE Int. Edn, 1982, 3, 2730. 8. Childs, T. H. C., The mapping of metallic sliding wear. Proc. I.Mech.E., 1988, 202(C6), 379395. 9. Kato, K. and Hokkirigawa, K., Abrasive wear diagram. In Proc. Eurotrib 85, Vol. 4, Section 5.3, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 15. 10. Kato, K., Hokkirigawa, K., Kayaba, T. and Endo, Y., Three dimensional shape effect on abrasive wear. Trans. ASME J. Tribol., 1986, 108, 346351. 11. Hokkirigawa, K., Kato, T., Fukuda, T., Shinooka, M. and Takahashi, J., The experimental and theoretical analysis of wear mechanisms of metals and hard lms in tilted pin on plate type sliding test. In Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Surface Modication Technologies, SMT10., ed. T. S. Sudarshan, K. A. Khor and M. Jeandin, The Institute of Materials, London, 1997, pp. 11729. 12. Lim, S. C. and Ashby, M. F., Wear-mechanism maps. Acta Metall., 1987, 35, 124. 13. Lim, S. C., Ashby, M. F. and Brunton, J. H., Wear-rate transitions and their relationship to wear mechanisms. Acta Metall., 1987, 35, 13431348. 14. Ashby, M. F. and Lim, S. C., Viewpoint Set No. 14: Wearmechanism maps. Scripta Metall., 1990, 24, 805810. 15. Kato, H., Eyre, T. S. and Ralph, B., Wear mechanism map of nitrided steel. Acta Metall. Mater., 1994, 42, 17031713. 16. Liu, Y., Asthana, R. and Rohatgi, P., A map for wear mechanisms in aluminum alloys. J. Mater. Sci., 1991, 26, 99102. 17. Antoniou, R. and Subramanian, C., Wear mechanism map for aluminium alloys. Scripta Metall., 1988, 22, 809814. 18. Ashby, M. F., Abulawi, J. and Kong, H. S., Temperature maps for frictional heating in dry sliding. Tribol. Trans., 1991, 34, 577587. 19. Kong, H. S. and Ashby, M. F., Friction-heating maps and their applications. MRS Bulletin October 1991, pp. 418. 20. Kong, H. S. and Ashby, M. F., Case studies in the application of temperature maps for dry sliding. Report CUED/CMATS/TR.186. Cambridge: Cambridge University Engineering Department, February 1991. 21. Nichols, F. A. and Ashby, M.F., T-MAPS: A PC-code for calculating average and local (ash) temperatures on sliding interfaces. In Contact problems and surface interactions in manufacturing and tribological systems, PED-Vol. 67, ed. M. H. Attia and R. Komanduri, ASME, New York, 1993, pp. 7586. 22. Ashby, M. F. and Kong, H. S. and Abulawi, J., T-MAPS 4.0 background reading: frictional heating at dry sliding surfaces, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, 1992. 23. Ashby, M. F., Abulawi, J. and Kong, H.S., Operating manual for T-MAPS 4.0. Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, 1992. 24. Wang, Y. and Rodkiewicz, C. M., Temperature maps for pinon-disk conguration in dry sliding. Tribol. Int., 1994, 27, 259266. 25. Salomon, G., Failure criteria in thin lm lubricationthe IRG program. Wear, 1976, 36, 16. 26. de Gee, A. W. J., Begelinger, A. and Salomon, G. Failure mechanisms in sliding lubricated concentrated contacts. In Proc. 11th LeedsLyon Symp. on Tribology, ed. D. Dowson and C. M. Taylor, Butterworth, London, 1985, pp. 10516. 27. Neale, M. J., editor, Tribology handbook. London: Butterworths, 1973.
Concluding remarks
This review is not intended to be an exhaustive one and the omission of some pieces of work is therefore unavoidable. The views expressed above are entirely personal; they are based on the authors experience in constructing wear-mechanism maps as well as his understanding of this subject matter gained through interaction with colleagues engaged in similar endeavours. In the authors opinion, wear maps are useful to designers and engineers when they have to make engineering decisions where wear is one of the major considerations. Wear maps can also play the role of a diagnostic tool during failure analysis. These maps combine wear rates and wear mechanisms observed under a certain set of sliding (or operating) conditions, and at the same time provide a framework for the overall wear behaviour of the materials in relative motions. Wear mapping is slowly gaining acceptance as a user-friendly approach to the presentation of wear-related information; this can be seen from the increasing number of wear maps presented during recent years. Notwithstanding these achievements, a greater effort could be channelled into the construction of new wear maps for the many materials used in tribological applications as well as the continual renement of existing ones. Such an endeavour may contribute towards fullling Ludemas hope for the publication of a Complete Handbook for Tribological Design66 in the not-too-distant future.
I would like to thank Dr J. K. M. Kwok and Dr C. Y. H. Lim for permission to use some of their results.
1. Tabor, D. Status and direction of tribology as a science in the 80s. In Proc. Int. Conf. Tribology in the 80s, NASA Lewis Reserach Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 1983, pp. 117. 2. Okoshi, M. and Sakai, H., Researches on the mechanism of abrasion. Report III, mechanism of abrasion of cast iron and steel. Trans. JSME, 1941, 7, 2947. 3. Welsh, N. C., The dry wear of steel. Part I. The general pattern of behaviour. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1965, A257, 3150.