TEST ELKİTABI - Manual Turquia Ensaios
TEST ELKİTABI - Manual Turquia Ensaios
TEST ELKİTABI - Manual Turquia Ensaios
Test Manual
Distribution Transformers
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Table of contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3 2 Verification of voltage ratio and vector group .......................................................... 4 3 Measurement of winding resistance .......................................................................... 5 4 Measuring the short-circuit voltage impedance and the load loss ....................... 6 5 Measuring the no-load loss and no-load current ..................................................... 8 6 Induced over voltage withstand test........................................................................ 10 7 Separate source AC withstand voltage test / Applied voltage test ...................... 11 8 Tests on on-load tap changer................................................................................... 12 9 Temperature rise test ................................................................................................ 12 10 Lightning impulse test ............................................................................................. 14 11 Capacitance and dissipation factor (tan ) measurement.................................... 19 12 Measurement of zero-sequence impedance .......................................................... 20 13 Determination of sound level .................................................................................. 22 14 Measurement of the harmonics of the no-load current ........................................ 22 15 Measurement of insulation resistance ................................................................... 22
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1 Introduction
In the following sections, testing procedures for Distribution Transformers are explained in detailed manner. The electrical characteristics and dielectric strength of transformers are checked by means of measurements and tests defined by standards. Unless otherwise is contracted, tests are carried in accordance with IEC60076. For transformers with a high voltage winding having Um (highest voltage for equipment) equal and smaller than 72,5kV, tests are distinguished in IEC60076-1 as Routine Tests: Verification of voltage ratio and vector group Measurement of winding resistance Measuring the short-circuit impedance and the load loss Measuring the no-load loss and no-load current Short duration AC (ACSD) / Induced voltage test Separate source AC withstand voltage test / Applied voltage test
Special Tests: Determination of capacitances windings-to-earth and between windings and dissipation factor (tan ) measurement Measurement of zero sequence impedance Determination of sound levels Measurement of harmonics of the no-load current Measurement of insulation resistances *
* Different from IEC60076, measurement of insulation resistance is performed as a routine test for each individual transformer.
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T1 = Transformer to be measured T2 = Regulating transformer equipped with a decade display P1 = Zero indicating voltmeter U1 = Supply voltage of the bridge U2 = Secondary voltage of the transformer
Since the measuring device is the single-phase bridge, the voltage ratio of a pair of windings mounted on the same leg is measured at time. It is to be observed that the ratio indicated by the bridge does not always correspond to the ratio of the line-to-line voltages. The result depends on the connection symbol of the transformer. For each winding connected to the bridge it is important to observe whether the number of turns relates to the line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltage.
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For example, the voltage ratio of a 33/0,415kV Yd-connected transformer is 33/ 3/10.5=45.90978. The reading obtained from the bridge is to be compared to this value. The connection symbol of the transformer is checked in conjunction with the voltage ratio measurement. When the measuring leads from the transformer are connected to the bridge according to the relevant vector diagram the bridge can be balanced only if the transformer connection is correct. The voltage ratios are measured for each tapping of the transformer. In the test report, the connection symbol, the specified tapping voltage ratios and the deviations of the measured ratios from these values are stated.
t = time from switch on L/R = time constant of the circuit R = total resistance of the circuit
To shorten the time for the current to become steady so high a measuring current is used that the core will be saturated and the inductance will be low. The measuring current is usually 510 times the no-load current of the winding. However, the current should be less than 10% of the rated current of the winding; otherwise the temperature rise of the winding caused by the measuring current will give rise to measuring errors. Furthermore
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the time constant can be reduced by using as high a supply voltage as possible enabling an increased series resistance in the circuit. After switching on the DC voltage source, micrometer may show overload at first. When the core is saturated the current starts to increase through selected value. When a steady resistance value is reached it is recorded as a winding resistance. In the report, the terminals between which resistances are measured, the tapping position and the average temperature of the windings during the measurement are stated.
The readings have to be taken as quick as possible, because the windings tend to warm up due to the current and the loss values obtained in the measurement. For transformer having voltage difference between taps is greater than 5%, measurements are performed on the principal and extreme taps.
If it has not been possible to take readings at exactly the rated current, correction to the rated will be made according to:
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m = subscript for measured value n = subscript for rated value Uk = impedance voltage I = line current P = power
The separation of the impedances and the determination of the impedance voltages are made with equations (3) and (4):
Pn = active power in short circuit test operation at rated conditions Un = phase-to-phase voltage, rated value In = line current, rated value Ur = resistive impedance voltage Ux = inductive impedance voltage Uz = total impedance voltage
The total losses during the short circuit test must be recalculated from the actual temperature during the test to the rated temperature. Before this can be done, the losses during the test have to be separated into the so called Dewinding loss and eddy current losses, because these change in different ways with the temperature. The DC winding loss is calculated from the measured resistances according to:
Pd = DC winding loss Ip, Is = line currents, primary & secondary, rated values Pr, Rs = winding resistance, primary & secondary, average of three-phase phase-to-phase values and recalculated to the temperature at the short circuit test k = coupling coefficient = 1 for single phase = 1,5 for three phase, Y or D connected
If winding resistances are measured line to neutral the DC winding loss is calculated as follows:
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Now the eddy current losses can be calculated by subtracting the DC winding loss from the measured loss reduced to rated value.
We have now separated the total losses in two components, of which the DC winding loss increases with the temperature and the eddy current loss decreases with the temperature. Recalculation of the total losses to the rated temperature is made as follows:
P n = total winding losses in short circuit operation, recalculated to rated winding temperature m = temperature during measurement n = rated winding temperature, usually 75C C = temperature constant for material = 235 for copper = 225 for aluminum
The last two mentioned losses are quite small then they are generally neglected.
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Po = measured iron losses k1 = coefficient related with hysteresis losses k2 = coefficient related with eddy-current losses f = frequency U = mean value of voltage x 1.11 (reading of rectifier voltmeter scaled to read the rms value of sinusoidal voltage U = rms value of voltage
When carrying out the no-load measurement, the voltage wave shape may somewhat differ from the sinusoidal form. This is caused by the harmonics in the magnetizing current which cause additional voltage drops in the impedances of the supply. The readings of the mean value meter and rms meter will be different. Because the load losses are to be determined under standard conditions, it is necessary to apply a wave shape correction whereby the losses are corrected to correspond to test conditions where the supply voltage is sinusoidal. In the test voltage is adjusted so that the mean value voltmeter indicates the required voltage value. Then the hysteresis losses correspond to standard conditions, but the eddy-current losses must be corrected.
Pon = losses at sinusoidal voltage under standard conditions P1 = ratio expressed as a percentage of hysteresis losses to total iron losses P2 = ratio expressed as a percentage of eddy losses to total iron losses
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The loss value corresponding to standard conditions is obtained from the measured value Po as follows:
It is assumed that for oriented sheets P1 = P2 = 50% The current and power readings of the different phases are usually different (the power can even be negative in some phase). This is due to the asymmetric construction of the three-phase transformer; the mutual inductances between different phases are not equal. Test report shows measured and the corrected readings at rated voltage value, as well as the mean values of all three phases.
As a rule, the test voltage across an untapped winding of the transformer shall be as close as possible to twice the rated voltage. The phase-to-phase test voltage shall not exceed the rated short duration power-frequency withstand voltage. Test frequency is usually 150Hz.
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The test is successful if no collapse of test voltage occurs. For transformers with a high voltage winding having Um (highest voltage for equipment) equal and smaller than 72,5kV, no partial discharge measurements are performed during this test. The test voltage, frequency and test duration are stated in the test report.
The separate source AC voltage test is made with single-phase alternating voltage of rated frequency. IEC60076 allows frequencies of not less than 80% of rated frequency. Test duration is 60 seconds. The test is successful if the test voltage does not collapse.
1LTR4506102Rev03 The test voltage, frequency and test duration are stated in the test report.
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13 / 23 connection is changed for carrying out the resistance measurement and after the inductive effects have disappeared the resistance-time curves are measured for a suitable period of time (zero time is the instant of switching off the supply). The resistance is measured between the same line terminals as in the cold resistance measurement. The resistances of the windings at shut-down are obtained by extrapolating the resistance-time curves to the instant of switch off. The temperature rises of the windings above the oil temperature are calculated on the basis of the hot and cold resistance values and the oil temperature. The temperature rises of the windings above the cooling medium temperature are found by adding the temperature rise of oil above the cooling medium temperature to the before mentioned winding temperature rises. For air cooled transformers with natural air circulation the temperature of the cooling medium is the same as ambient temperature. The ambient temperature is measured by means of at least three thermometers and thermocouples in a container filled with oil which has two hours time constant. They are placed at different points around the transformer at a distance defined by the standards approximately half-way up the transformer. For forced air cooled transformers the temperature of the ingoing air is measured. If water is used as cooling medium, the water temperature at the intake of the cooler is the reference temperature. The top oil temperature is measured by a thermometer placed in an oil-filled transformer pocket on the cover. In addition the temperatures of oil coming in and going out of the cooler are also mentioned by means of thermocouples and a chart recorder.
oy (In) sy=
oy (In) ty (Id)
oy (Id) s=
sy +
- (Sg-S)/2
(C) (C)
oy (Id)
winding temperature (including ambient temperature) when the supply is switched off R2 = winding resistance at the instant when the supply is switched off. (derived through extrapolation) R1 = winding resistance measured before temperature rise test C = 235 for copper, 225 for aluminum
1 = temperature at which winding resistances are measured before temperature rise test
oy (In) oy
(Id) = average oil temperature rise = top oil temperature while the transformer is loaded with rated current
ty (In) ty sy
= difference between the winding temperature and the oil temperature of the winding while loaded. Sg = oil temperature at the inlet of cooling unit S = oil temperature at the outlet of cooling unit
The test report indicates: Cold resistance values and corresponding oil temperature Temperatures of oil and cooling medium in thermal equilibrium and the corresponding losses Hot resistances at shut-down and resistance curves Temperature rises calculated from the measuring results
10.2 Test Method The impulse generator design is based on the Marx circuit. The basic circuit diagram is shown on Figure 6 below.
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Cs = Impulse capacitor Rs = Front (series) resistor Rp = Tail (parallel) resistor Rch = Charging resistor Cload = Load capacitance (test object+divider+stray capacitance) Lloop = Inductance of the test circuit SG = Spark gap
All impulse capacitors Cs are charged to a pre-selected DC Uch voltage through the charging rectifier. The capacitors of all the stages are connected in parallel via the charging resistors Rch on one side and via the series network of front (Rs) and tail (Rp) resistors on the other side. The charging voltage is measured in the charging rectifier and reported to the control system. Charging is controlled pursuant to a specified function that depends on the selected charging voltage and impulse interval.
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An auxiliary electrode is located on the live sphere of the spark gap of the lowest stage. The trigger pulse from the control system is amplified in a trigger-pulse amplifier to a voltage of 12kV and causes a spark at the auxiliary electrode. This lowers the breakdown voltage of the spark gap so that the lowest stage spark gap breaks down. By charging effects on stray capacitances, the triggering of the first stage generates overvoltages across the gaps of the successive stages. The level of the overvoltage depends on the front and tail resistance values. In the case of a lightning voltage, a special winding pattern is used in the tail resistors to heighten the overvoltages. For a given charging voltage, the overvoltage value determines a maximum spark gap length such that the impulse voltage generator still just fires. This length is called the triggering threshold. The triggering range falls between the static spontaneous-breakdown voltage and the triggering threshold. For a selected charging voltage, the spark gaps are set to a length within the trigger range (this is done automatically by the control system). The closer the spark gap length to the triggering threshold, the greater is the time dispersion of triggering (jitter) over all stages. The statistical dispersion represents a danger of spontaneous firing if the gap is very near the static breakdown voltage. Automatic gap setting by the control system insures optimal adjustment i.e., minimal jitter and avoidance of spontaneous triggering throughout the operation range of the impulse voltage generator. For the determination of required values for the series and parallel resistors depending on the capacitance of the test object the multiplexer circuit could be reduced to an equivalent circuit diagram of one stage.
Cs = resulting impulse capacitance Rs = Front (series) resistor Rp = Tail (parallel) resistor Cload = Load capacitance (test object+divider+stray capacitance) Lloop = Inductance of the test circuit SG = Spark gap
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In a fist case the inductance Lloop of the test circuit would be neglected. The value of the circuit elements determines the curve shape of the impulse voltage. The impulse voltage is given by the difference of two exponentially decaying functions with time constants 1 and 2.
With the usually satisfied approximation Rp. Cs >> Rs. Cload The following simple expressions are obtained:
There exists a correlation between 1 and 2 and the front and tail time of lightning impulses defined in the IEC standard. T1 = K1. 1 T2 = K2. 2 (K1 = 2,96 for 1,2/50s) (K2 = 0,73 for 1,2/50s)
In practice the impulse circuit has got an avoidable inductance (represented by the part Loop in figure 7). This inductance generates oscillations at the peak of the lightning impulse voltage. In order to prevent the disturbing oscillations, the circuit must be periodically damped, i.e. the series resistor Rs must have the following value:
The efficiency factor is the ratio between the peak value Upeak of the impulse voltage and the total charging voltage UL=n.Uo of the impulse generator. = Upeak / UL
10.3 Impulse shapes In high-voltage technology a single, unipolar voltage pulse is termed as an impulse voltage. For testing purposes, double exponential impulse voltages have been standardized; without appreciable oscillation these rapidly reach a maximum, the peak value Upeak, and finally drop less abruptly to zero. In a chopped impulse voltage, the applied voltage is short-circuited to zero after a pre-set time. Generally test sequence is like listed below:
1LTR4506102Rev03 One reduced level full impulse (calibration impulse) One full level full impulse (LI) One or more reduced level chopped impulse(s) (only if specially requested) Two full level full impulse
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If not otherwise requested, IEC test requirements specify that the chopped wave should have amplitude of 110% of the LI wave. The integrity of the transformer is confirmed when there is a close similarity between the voltage traces for the applied calibration voltage and all of the applied full test voltages. The waveform of the impulse is aperiodic as shown in figure 8.
The waveform is characterized by certain time parameters for the front and tail. Front time T1 of a lightning impulse is a virtual parameter defined as 1,67 times the interval T between the instants when the impulse is 30% and 90% of the peak value. (points A and B in figure) T1 = 1,2s 30% (0,84 s to 1,56 s) Tail time (time to half-value) T2 of a lightning impulse is a virtual parameter defined as the time interval between the virtual origin O1 and the instant when the voltage has decreased to half of the peak value. T2 = 50s 20% (40 s to 1,56 s)
1LTR4506102Rev03 Regarding to the chopped impulse wave, curve can be seen in figure 9.
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The time to chopping Tc is a virtual parameter defined as the time interval between the virtual origin O1 and the instant of chopping. Tc = 2 s 6s
In principle, the lightning impulse test is applied to all windings. The impulse test sequence is applied successively to each of the line terminals of the tested winding, while other non-tested line terminals are short-circuited and solidly earthed. If the specified halftime of the tail can not be achieved, the winding may be earthed via resistors. During the test of line terminals, neutral terminal must be solidly earthed or earthed via a low impedance shunt. In case of the impulse test on neutral terminal, direct application is generally used, which means that the impulses are applied directly to the neutral while all line terminals are earthed. Waveforms and impulse circuit details are listed in test report.
1LTR4506102Rev03 11.2 Test method To eliminate any effect of winding inductance on the insulation measurements all terminals of each winding, including neutrals must be connected together.
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Connections between the transformer and measuring bridge and measured capacitances are shown on figure 10 below.
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impedance can only develop in star connected or zig-zag connected windings in three phase transformers. The zero sequence impedance to be attributed to each individual phase is three times the measured value. The general test circuit is shown in figure 11, the measurement is performed in rated frequency.
Figure 11 General measuring circuit for zero-sequence impedance measurement, star-star connected transformer as an example
The zero-sequence impedance is dependent on the current flowing through the winding. Usually the value corresponding to rated current Ir is stated. This implies that the measurement is carried out with a test current of 3 x Ir. However, this is not always possible in practice. Since the current must be limited to avoid excessive temperature of metallic constructional parts and due to the current flow capacity of neutral terminal. Because of this reason, the zero-sequence impedance is measured as a f-unction of test current and when necessary the final result is obtained by extrapolation. The zero-sequence impedance is usually given as a percentage of the rated phase impedance. When the transformer has a delta-connected winding, the zero-sequence impedance is 0,8 1,0 times the corresponding short circuit impedance. In the test report the zero-sequence impedance values at the principal tapping is stated.
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The test is conducted with all terminals of each winding system connected together. The resistance readings are taken after 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. The test voltage, temperature and measured insulation resistance values in megaohms are stated in the test report.