Force Analysis
Force Analysis
Force Analysis
Conceptual Problems
1 [SSM] Various objects lie on the bed of a truck that is moving along a straight horizontal road. If the truck gradually speeds up, what force acts on the objects to cause them to speed up too? Explain why some of the objects might stay stationary on the floor while others might slip backward on the floor. Determine the Concept Static and kinetic frictional forces are responsible for the accelerations. If the coefficient of static friction between the truck bed and the object is sufficiently large, then the object will not slip on the truck bed. The larger the acceleration of the truck, the larger the coefficient of static friction that is needed to prevent slipping. 2 Blocks made of the same material but differing in size lie on the bed of a truck that is moving along a straight horizontal road. All of the blocks will slide if the trucks acceleration is sufficiently great. How does the minimum acceleration at which a small block slips compare with the minimum acceleration at which a much heavier block slips? Determine the Concept The forces acting on an object are the normal force exerted by the floor of the truck, the gravitational force exerted by Earth, and the friction force; also exerted by the floor of the truck. Of these forces, the only one that acts in the direction of the acceleration (chosen to be to the right) is the static friction force. Apply Newtons second law to the object to determine how the critical acceleration depends on its weight. Taking the +x direction to be to the right, apply Fx = max to the object:
r Fn
r fs x
r Fg
f s = s Fg = s mg = ma x a x = s g
Because a x is independent of m and Fg, the critical accelerations are the same. 3 A block of mass m rests on a plane that is inclined at an angle with the horizontal. It follows that the coefficient of static friction between the block and plane is (a) s g, (b) s = tan , (c) s tan , (d) s tan .
388 Chapter 5 Determine the Concept The forces acting on the block are the normal force r Fn exerted by the incline, the weight of r the block Fg exerted by Earth, and the r static friction force f s also exerted by the incline. We can use the definition of s and the conditions for equilibrium to determine the relationship between s and . Apply
y r Fn
r fs
r Fg
= ma x to the block:
= ma y in the y direction:
Fn mg cos = 0
tan =
fs Fn
s Fn
= s and (d ) is correct.
4 A block of mass m is at rest on a plane that is inclined at an angle of 30 with the horizontal, as shown in Figure 5-56. Which of the following statements about the magnitude of the static frictional force fs is necessarily true? (a) fs > mg. (b) fs > mg cos 30. (c) fs = mg cos 30. (d) fs = mg sin 30. (e) None of these statements is true. Determine the Concept The block is in equilibrium under the influence r r r of Fn , Fg , and f s ; that is, r r r Fn + Fg + f s = 0
r Fn y
r fs
We can apply Newtons second law in the x direction to determine the relationship between fs and Fg = mg.
r Fg
= 0 to the block to
5 On an icy winter day, the coefficient of friction between the tires of a car and a roadway is reduced to one-quarter of its value on a dry day. As a result, the maximum speed vmax dry at which the car can safely negotiate a curve of radius R is reduced. The new value for this speed is (a) vmax dry, (b) 0.71vmax dry, (c) 0.50vmax dry, (d) 0.25vmax dry, (e) reduced by an unknown amount depending on the cars mass. Picture the Problem The forces acting on the car as it rounds a curve of radius R at maximum speed are shown on the free-body diagram to the right. The centripetal force is the static friction force exerted by the roadway on the tires. We can apply Newtons second law to the car to derive an expression for its maximum speed and then compare the speeds under the two friction conditions described.
r Fn
r Fg r f s, max
r r F = ma to the car:
= f s, max = m
2 vmax R
and Fy = Fn mg = 0 From the y equation we have: Express fs,max in terms of Fn in the x equation and solve for vmax to obtain: When s = 's : Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) yields:
Solve for v'max to obtain:
Fn = mg vmax = s gR (1)
's gR s gR
's v s max
's s
v'max =
1 4 max
= 0.5vmax = 50%vmax
by Earth. The horizontal component of r Fn is responsible for the centripetal force on the block.
r Fg
7 Here is an interesting experiment that you can perform at home: take a wooden block and rest it on the floor or some other flat surface. Attach a rubber band to the block and pull gently and steadily on the rubber band in the horizontal direction. Keep your hand moving at constant speed. At some point, the block will start moving, but it will not move smoothly. Instead, it will start moving, stop again, start moving again, stop again, and so on. Explain why the block moves this way. (The start-stop motion is sometimes called stick-slip motion.) Determine the Concept As the spring is extended, the force exerted by the spring on the block increases. Once that force exceeds the maximum value of the force of static friction, the block will slip. As it does, it will shorten the length of the spring, decreasing the force that the spring exerts. The force of kinetic friction then slows the block to a stop, which starts the cycle over again. 8 Viewed from an inertial reference frame, an object is seen to be moving in a circle. Which, if any, of the following statements must be true. (a) A nonzero net force acts on the object. (b) The object cannot have a radially outward force acting on it. (c) At least one of the forces acting on the object must point directly toward the center of the circle.
(a) True. The velocity of an object moving in a circle is continually changing independently of whether the objects speed is changing. The change in the velocity vector and the acceleration vector and the net force acting on the object all point toward the center of circle. This center-pointing force is called a centripetal force.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 391 (b) False. The only condition that must be satisfied in order that the object move along a circular path is that the net force acting on it be radially inward. (c) False. The only condition that must be satisfied in order that the object move along a circular path is that the net force acting on it be radially inward.
9 A particle is traveling in a vertical circle at constant speed. One can conclude that the magnitude of its _____ is(are) constant. (a) velocity, (b) acceleration, (c) net force, (d) apparent weight. Determine the Concept A particle traveling in a vertical circle experiences a downward gravitational force plus an additional force that constrains it to move along a circular path. Because the speed of the particle is constant, the magnitude of its velocity is constant. Because the magnitude of its velocity is constant, its acceleration must be constant. Because the magnitude of its acceleration is constant, the magnitude of the net force acting on it must be constant. Therefore, (a ) , (b) , and (c) are correct. 10 You place a lightweight piece of iron on a table and hold a small kitchen magnet above the iron at a distance of 1.00 cm. You find that the magnet cannot lift the iron, even though there is obviously a force between the iron and the magnet. Next, again holding the magnet 1.00 cm above the iron, you drop them from arms length, releasing them from rest simultaneously. As they fall, the magnet and the piece of iron bang into each other before hitting the floor. (a) Draw free-body diagrams illustrating all of the forces on the magnet and the iron for each demonstration. (b) Explain why the magnet and iron move closer together while they are falling, even though the magnet cannot lift the piece of iron when it is sitting on the table. Determine the Concept We can analyze these demonstrations by drawing force diagrams for each situation. In both diagrams, h denotes hand, g denotes gravitational, m denotes magnetic, and n denotes normal.
(a) Demonstration 1:
Demonstration 2:
(b) Because the magnet doesnt lift the iron in the first demonstration, the force exerted on the iron must be less than its (the irons) weight. This is still true when the two are falling, but the motion of the iron is not restrained by the table, and the
392 Chapter 5 motion of the magnet is not restrained by the hand. Looking at the second diagram, the net force pulling the magnet down is greater than its weight, implying that its acceleration is greater than g. The opposite is true for the iron: the magnetic force acts upwards, slowing it down, so its acceleration will be less than g. Because of this, the magnet will catch up to the iron piece as they fall.
11 [SSM] The following question is an excellent braintwister invented by Boris Korsunsky. Two identical blocks are attached by a massless string running over a pulley as shown in Figure 5-58. The rope initially runs over the pulley at the ropes midpoint, and the surface that block 1 rests on is frictionless. Blocks 1 and 2 are initially at rest when block 2 is released with the string taut and horizontal. Will block 1 hit the pulley before or after block 2 hits the wall? (Assume that the initial distance from block 1 to the pulley is the same as the initial distance from block 2 to the wall.) There is a very simple solution. Picture the Problem The following free-body diagrams show the forces acting on the two objects some time after block 2 is dropped. Note that the tension in the string is the same on both sides of the pulley. The only force pulling block 2 to the left is the horizontal component of the tension. Because this force is smaller than the T and blocks 1 and 2 have the same mass, the acceleration of block 1 to the right will always be greater than the acceleration of block 2 to the left. y
F1 n,
Because the initial distance from block 1 to the pulley is the same as the initial distance of block 2 to the wall, block 1 will hit the pulley before block 2 hits the wall.
12 In class, most professors do the following experiment while discussing the conditions under which air drag can be neglected while analyzing free-fall. First, a flat piece of paper and a small lead weight are dropped next to each other, and clearly the papers acceleration is less than that of the lead weight. Then, the paper is crumpled into a small wad and the experiment repeated. Over the distance of a meter or two, it is clear the acceleration of the paper is now very close to that of the lead weight. To your dismay, the professor calls on you to explain why the papers acceleration changed so dramatically. Repeat your explanation here!
16 A block is sliding on a frictionless surface along a loop-the-loop, as in Figure 5-59. The block is moving fast enough so that it never loses contact with the track. Match the points along the track to the appropriate free-body diagrams in the figure. Determine the Concept The only forces acting on the block are its weight and the force the surface exerts on it. Because the loop-the-loop surface is frictionless, the force it exerts on the block must be perpendicular to its surface.
At point A the weight is downward and the normal force is to the right. The normal force is the centripetal force. Free-body diagram 3 matches these forces. At point B the weight is downward, the normal force is upward, and the normal force is greater than the weight so that their difference is the centripetal force. Free-body diagram 4 matches these forces. At point C the weight is downward and the normal force is to the left. The normal force is the centripetal force. Free-body diagram 5 matches these forces. At point D both the weight and the normal forces are downward. Their sum is the centripetal force. Free-body diagram 2 matches these forces.
17 [SSM] (a) A rock and a feather held at the same height above the ground are simultaneously dropped. During the first few milliseconds following release, the drag force on the rock is smaller than the drag force on the feather, but later on during the fall the opposite is true. Explain. (b) In light of this result, explain how the rocks acceleration can be so obviously larger than that of the feather. Hint: Draw a free-body diagram of each object.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 395 acting on the objects is given by Fd = 1 CA v 2 , where A is the projected 2 surface area, v is the objects speed, is the density of air, and C is a dimensionless coefficient. Well assume that, over the height of the fall, the density of air is constant. The free-body diagrams for a feather and a rock several milliseconds into their fall are shown to the right. The forces acting on both objects are the downward gravitational force and an upward drag force.
F feather d, F feather g,
F rock d,
F rock g,
(a) The drag force is proportional to the area presented and some power of the speed. The drag force on the feather is larger because the feather presents a larger area than does the rock. As the rock gains speed, the drag force on it increases. The drag force on the rock eventually exceeds the drag force on the feather because the drag force on the feather cannot exceed the gravitational force on the feather. A short time after being released the feather reaches terminal speed. During the rest of its fall the drag force on it is equal to the gravitational force acting on it. However, the gravitational force on the rock is much greater than the drag force on the feather, so the rock continues to gain speed long after the feather reaches terminal speed. As the rock continues to gain speed, the drag force on it continues to increase. As a result, the drag force on the rock eventually exceeds the drag force on the feather. (b) Terminal speed is much higher for the rock than for the feather. The acceleration of the rock will remain high until its speed approaches its terminal speed.
18 Two pucks of masses m1 and m2 are lying on a frictionless table and are connected by a massless spring of force constant k. A horizontal force F1 directed away from m2 is then exerted on m1. What is the magnitude of the resulting acceleration of the center of mass of the two-puck system? (a) F1/m1. (b) F1/(m1 + m2). (c) (F1 + kx)/(m1 + m2), where x is the amount the spring is stretched. (d) (m1 + m2)F1/m1m2. Determine the Concept The acceleration of the center of mass of a system of r r r particles is described by Fnet,ext = Fi,ext = Macm , where M is the total mass of the
396 Chapter 5 Express the acceleration of the center of mass of the two pucks:
acm = Fnet,ext F1 = M m1 + m2
Because the pucks are no longer connected, the magnitude of the acceleration of the center of mass is: From Problem 18:
aCM, disconnected =
F1 m1
aCM, connected =
F1 m1 + m2
20 If only external forces can cause the center of mass of a system of particles to accelerate, how can a car on level ground ever accelerate? We normally think of the cars engine as supplying the force needed to accelerate the car, but is this true? Where does the external force that accelerates the car come from? Determine the Concept There is only one force that can cause the car to move forwardthe friction of the road! The cars engine causes the tires to rotate, but if the road were frictionless (as is closely approximated by icy conditions) the wheels would simply spin without the car moving anywhere. Because of friction, the cars tire pushes backwards against the roadfrom Newtons third law, the frictional force acting on the tire must then push it forward. This may seem odd, as we tend to think of friction as being a retarding force only, but it is true. 21 When we push on the brake pedal to slow down a car, a brake pad is pressed against the rotor so that the friction of the pad slows the wheels rotation. However, the friction of the pad against the rotor cannot be the force that slows the car down, because it is an internal force (both the rotor and the wheel are parts of the car, so any forces between them are purely internal to the system). What is
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 397 the external force that slows down the car? Give a detailed explanation of how this force operates.
Determine the Concept The friction of the tire against the road causes the car to slow down. This is rather subtle, as the tire is in contact with the ground without slipping at all times, and so as you push on the brakes harder, the force of static friction of the road against the tires must increase. 22 Give an example of each of the following. (a) A three-dimensional object that has no matter at its center of mass. (b) A solid object whose center of mass is outside of it. (c) A solid sphere whose center of mass does not lie at its geometrical center. (d) A long wooden stick whose center of mass does not lie at its middle.
(a) A solid spherical shell, or donut, or tire. (b) A solid hemispherical shell. (c) Any sphere with one side a different density than the other, or a density variation that isnt radially symmetric. (d) Any stick with a non-uniform and non-symmetric density variation. A baseball bat is a good example of such a stick.
23 [SSM] When you are standing upright, your center of mass is located within the volume of your body. However, as you bend over (say to pick up a package), its location changes. Approximately where is it when you are bent over at right angles and what change in your body caused the center of mass location to change? Explain. Determine the Concept Relative to the ground, your center of mass moves downward. This is because some of your mass (hips) moved backward, some of your mass (your head and shoulders) moved forward, and the top half of your body moved downward. 24 Early on their three-day (one-way) trip to the moon, the Apollo team (late 1960s to early 1970s) would explosively separate the lunar ship from the thirdstage booster (that provided the final boost) while still fairly close to Earth. During the explosion, how did the velocity of each of the two pieces of the system change? How did the velocity of the center of mass of the system change? Determine the Concept The spacecraft speed increased toward the moon. The speed of the third-stage booster decreased, but the booster continued to move away from Earth and toward the moon. Right after the explosion, the center of
398 Chapter 5 mass velocity was the same as before. After a while, however, the backward pull of gravity of Earth will cause it to decrease because the speeds of both the lunar ship and the booster decrease.
25 You throw a boomerang and for a while it flies horizontally in a straight line at a constant speed, while spinning rapidly. Draw a series of pictures, as viewed vertically down from overhead, of the boomerang in different rotational positions as it moves parallel to the surface of Earth. On each picture, indicate the location of the boomerangs center of mass and connect the dots to trace the trajectory of its center of mass. What is the center of masss acceleration during this part of the flight? Determine the Concept The diagram shows a spinning boomerang with its center of mass at the location of the circle. As viewed from above, the center of mass moves in a straight line as the boomerang spins about it. The acceleration of the center of mass is zero.
+ + + + +
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 399 cars speed decreases and the rolling force from its definition. The drag force can be inferred from the average- and rolling-friction forces and the drag coefficient from the defining equation for the drag force.
r Fd r f rolling
(a) Apply Fx = max to the car to relate the average force acting on it to its average acceleration:
r Fn
r Fg
Fav = maav = m
v t
Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fav : 5 mi km 1h 1000 m 1.609 h mi 3600 s km = 581 N = 0.58 kN 3.92 s
f rolling = rolling Fn = rolling mg
Fav = (1020 kg )
(b) The rolling-friction force is the product of the coefficient of rolling friction and the normal force: Substitute numerical values and evaluate f rolling : Assuming that only two forces are acting on the car opposite to the direction of its motion gives: Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fd: (c) Using the definition of the drag force and its calculated value from (b) and the average speed of the car during this 5 mph interval, solve for C:
Fd = 1 C Av 2 C = 2
2F d
Av 2
27 [SSM] Using dimensional analysis, determine the units and dimensions of the constant b in the retarding force bvn if (a) n = 1 and (b) n = 2. (c) Newton showed that the air resistance of a falling object with a circular cross section should be approximately 1 r 2 v 2 , where = 1.20 kg/m3, the density of 2 air. Show that this is consistent with your dimensional analysis for Part (b). (d) Find the terminal speed for a 56.0-kg skydiver; approximate his crosssectional area as a disk of radius 0.30 m. The density of air near the surface of Earth is 1.20 kg/m3. (e) The density of the atmosphere decreases with height above the surface of Earth; at a height of 8.0 km, the density is only 0.514 kg/m3. What is the terminal velocity at this height? Picture the Problem We can use the dimensions of force and speed to determine the dimensions of the constant b and the dimensions of , r, and v to show that, for n = 2, Newtons expression is consistent dimensionally with our result from part (b). In Parts (d) and (e), we can apply Newtons second law under terminal speed conditions to find the terminal speed of the sky diver near the surface of Earth and at a height of 8 km. Assume that g = 9.81 m/s2 remains constant. (Note: At 8 km, g = 9.78 m/s2. However, it will not affect the result in Part (e).)
(a) Solve the drag force equation for b with n = 1: Substitute the dimensions of Fd and v and simplify to obtain:
Fd v
(b) Solve the drag force equation for b with n = 2: Substitute the dimensions of Fd and v and simplify to obtain:
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 401 (c) Express the dimensions of Newtons expression:
[Fd ] = r v = M (L )2 L 3 L T ML = T2
1 2 2 2
[Fd ] = bv = M L = ML T2 L T
[ ]
(d) Letting the downward direction be the +y direction, apply Fy = ma y to the sky diver: Substitute numerical values and evaluate vt: (e) Evaluate vt at a height of 8 km:
mg 1 r 2 vt2 = 0 v t = 2
2mg r 2
vt =
vt =
= 87 m/s
28 Estimate the terminal velocity of an average sized raindrop and a golfball- sized hailstone. (Hint: See Problems 26 and 27.) Picture the Problem From Newtons second law, the equation describing the motion of falling raindrops and large hailstones is mg Fd = ma where Fd = 1 r 2v 2 = bv 2 is the drag force. Under terminal speed conditions (a = 0), 2
the drag force is equal to the weight of the falling object. Take the radius of a raindrop to be 0.50 mm and the radius of a golf-ball sized hailstone to be 2.0 cm. Express the relationship between vt and the weight of a falling object under terminal speed: Using b = 1 r 2 , evaluate br: 2 bvt2 = mg v t =
mg b
Evaluating bh yields:
402 Chapter 5 Express the mass of a sphere in terms of its volume and density: Using r = 1.0 103 kg/m3, evaluate mr: 4 r 3 m = V = 3 4 (0.50 10 3 m ) (1.0 10 3 kg/m 3 ) mr = 3 7 = 5.24 10 kg
v t,r =
(5.24 10
= 3.3 m/s
v t,h =
(3.08 10
= 20 m/s
29 Estimate the minimum coefficient of static friction needed between a cars tires and the pavement in order to complete a left turn at a city street intersection at the posted straight-ahead speed limit of 25 mph and on narrow inner-city streets. Comment on the wisdom of attempting such a turn at that speed. Picture the Problem In order to perform this estimate, we need to determine a rough radius of curvature for the cars turn in a normal city intersection. Assuming the car goes from right-hand lane to right-hand lane, and assuming fairly normal dimensions of 40 feet for the width of the street, the center of the cars path travels along a circle of, say, 30 feet in radius. The net centripetal force is provided by the force of static friction and the acceleration of the car is equal to this net force divided by the mass of the car. Finally, we solve for the coefficient of static friction.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 403 A diagram showing the forces acting on the car as it rounds the curve is shown to the right.
r Fn
r Fg
Apply Fx = ma x to the cars tires: f s, max = ma x = m
r f s, max
s Fn = m
Apply Fy = ma y to the cars tires:
v2 mv 2 s = r rFn
Substituting for Fn in equation (1) yields: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s:
mv 2 v 2 s = = rmg rg
= 1.4 This is probably not such a good idea. Tires on asphalt or concrete have a maximum coefficient of static friction of about 1.
30 Estimate the widest stance you can take when standing on a dry, icy surface. That is, how wide can you safely place your feet and not slip into an undesired split? Let the coefficient of static friction of rubber on ice be roughly 0.25. Picture the Problem We need to estimate the forces active at the place of each foot. Assuming a symmetrical stance, with the defining angle being the angle between each leg and the ground,, we can then draw a force diagram and apply Newtons second law to your foot. The free-body diagram shows the normal
404 Chapter 5 force, exerted by the icy surface, the maximum static friction force, also exerted by the icy surface, and the force due to gravity exerted on your foot. A free-body diagram showing the forces acting on one foot is shown to the right.
r Fg
r Fn
r x f s, max
Substituting fs, max = sFn in equation (1) gives:
s Fn Fg cos = 0
s Fn = Fg cos
Solving equation (2) for Fn yields: Divide equation (4) by equation (3) to obtain: Substitute the numerical value of s and evaluate :
(3) (4)
Fn = Fg sin
1 = tan 1 s s
tan =
= tan 1
1 = 76 0.25
31 [SSM] A block of mass m slides at constant speed down a plane inclined at an angle of with the horizontal. It follows that (a) k = mg sin , (b) k = tan , (c) k = 1 cos , (d) k = cos sin .
r r Picture the Problem The block is in equilibrium under the influence of Fn , mg, r r r r and f k ; that is, Fn + mg + f k = 0. We can apply Newtons second law to determine the relationship between fk, , and mg.
A pictorial representation showing the forces acting on the sliding block is shown to the right.
r fk
r Fg
k =
fk Fn
f k mg sin = max
or, because ax = 0, f k = mg sin
= ma y to the block:
Fn mg cos = ma y
or, because ay = 0, Fn = mg cos
k =
and (b) is correct. A block of wood is pulled at constant velocity by a horizontal string 32 across a horizontal surface with a force of 20 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the surfaces is 0.3. The force of friction is (a) impossible to determine without knowing the mass of the block, (b) impossible to determine without knowing the speed of the block, (c) 0.30 N, (d) 6.0 N, or (e) 20 N.
Picture the Problem The block is in r equilibrium under the influence of Fn , r r r Fg , Fapp , and f k ; that is
r Fn
r r r r Fn + Fg + Fapp + f k = 0
We can apply Newtons second law to determine fk.
r Fapp
r fk
r Fg
406 Chapter 5
Fapp f k = ma x
or, because ax = 0, f k = Fapp = 20 N and (e) is correct.
33 [SSM] A block weighing 20-N rests on a horizontal surface. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the surface and the block are s = 0.80 and k = 0.60. A horizontal string is then attached to the block and a constant tension T is maintained in the string. What is the subsequent force of friction acting on the block if (a) T = 15 N or (b) T = 20 N? Picture the Problem Whether the friction force is that due to static friction or kinetic friction depends on whether the applied tension is greater than the maximum static friction force. We can apply the definition of the maximum static friction to decide whether fs,max or T is greater.
r Fn
r T
r fk
r Fg
Noting that Fn = Fg , calculate the maximum static friction force: (a) Because fs,max > T: (b) Because T > fs,max:
f = f k = k Fn = k Fg
= (0.60 )(20 N ) = 12 N
34 A block of mass m is pulled at a constant velocity across a horizontal surface by a string as shown in Figure 5-60. The magnitude of the frictional force is (a) k mg, (b) T cos , (c) k (T mg), (d) k T sin , or (e) k (mg T sin ). Picture the Problem The block is in equilibrium under the influence of the forces r r r r r r r r T, f k , Fn , and Fg ; that is T + f k + Fg + Fn = 0. We can apply Newtons second
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 407 A free-body diagram showing the forces acting on the block is shown to the right.
r T
r Fn
r Fg
x r fk
T cos + f k = ma x
f k = T cos and (b) is correct.
Because ax = 0:
35 [SSM] A 100-kg crate rests on a thick-pile carpet. A weary worker then pushes on the crate with a horizontal force of 500 N. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction between the crate and the carpet are 0.600 and 0.400, respectively. Find the subsequent frictional force exerted by the carpet on the crate. Picture the Problem Whether the friction force is that due to static friction or kinetic friction depends on whether the applied tension is greater than the maximum static friction force. If it is, then the box moves and the friction force is the force of kinetic friction. If it is less, the box does not move.
r Fn r f
r Fapp r Fg
f s,max = s Fn
or, because Fn = Fg = mg, f s,max = s mg
f s,max = (0.600 )(100 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 589 N Fapp = f s = 500 N
Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs,max: Because f s, max > Fapp , the box does not move and :
36 A box weighing 600 N is pushed along a horizontal floor at constant velocity with a force of 250 N parallel to the floor. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor?
408 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem Because the box is moving with constant velocity, its acceleration is zero and it is in equilibrium under the r r r r influence of Fapp , Fn , Fg , and f k ; r r r r that is, Fapp + Fn + Fg + f k = 0. We
r Fn r fk
r Fapp r Fg
can apply Newtons second law to determine the relationship between fk and mg. The definition of k is:
k =
fk Fn
= ma y to the box:
Fn Fg = ma y
or, because ay = 0, Fn Fg = 0 Fn = Fg = mg = 600 N
Fapp f k = ma x
or, because ax = 0, Fapp = f k = 250 N
k =
37 [SSM] The coefficient of static friction between the tires of a car and a horizontal road is 0.60. Neglecting air resistance and rolling friction, (a) what is the magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the car when it is braked? (b) What is the shortest distance in which the car can stop if it is initially traveling at 30 m/s? Picture the Problem Assume that the car is traveling to the right and let the positive x direction also be to the right. We can use Newtons second law of motion and the definition of s to determine the maximum acceleration of the car. Once we know the cars maximum acceleration, we can use a constantacceleration equation to determine the least stopping distance.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 409 (a) A diagram showing the forces acting on the car is shown to the right.
r Fn
r fk
Apply Fx = max to the car: Apply Fy = ma y to the car and solve for Fn:
r Fg
f s,max = s Fn = max
Substitute for Fn in equation (1) to obtain: Solving for ax , max yields: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ax , max : (b) Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the stopping distance of the car to its initial speed and its acceleration: Using ax = 5.89 m/s2 because the acceleration of the car is to the left, substitute numerical values and evaluate x:
a x ,max = s g
a x ,max = (0.60)(9.81 m/s 2 ) = 5.89 m/s 2 = 5.9 m/s 2
2 2 v x = v0 x + 2a x x
or, because vx = 0,
2 0 = v0 x + 2a x x x = 2 v0 x 2a x
x =
38 The force that accelerates a car along a flat road is the frictional force exerted by the road on the cars tires. (a) Explain why the acceleration can be greater when the wheels do not slip. (b) If a car is to accelerate from 0 to 90 km/h in 12 s, what is the minimum coefficient of friction needed between the road and tires? Assume that the drive wheels support exactly half the weight of the car.
410 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem We can use the definition of acceleration and apply Newtons second law to the horizontal and vertical components of the forces to determine the minimum coefficient of friction between the road and the tires.
(a) The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the tires on the drive wheels, the tires were assuming support half the weight of the car.
r Fn
r fs
r Fg
Because s > k , f will be greater if the wheels do not slip. (b) Apply Fx = max to the car: Apply Fy = ma y to the car and solve for Fn:
f s = s Fn = max Fn Fg = ma y
Fn = 1 mg 2
Substituting for Fn in equation (1) yields: Substitute for ax to obtain:
1 2
s mg = max s =
2v gt
2a x g
s =
39 A 5.00-kg block is held at rest against a vertical wall by a horizontal force of 100 N. (a) What is the frictional force exerted by the wall on the block? (b) What is the minimum horizontal force needed to prevent the block from falling if the static coefficient of friction between the wall and the block is 0.400?
r fs
r Fn
100 N
r Fg
f s mg = ma y
or, because ay = 0, f s mg = 0 f s = mg
f s = (5.00 kg )(9.81 m/s 2 ) = 49.1 N f s,max
Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs : (b) Use the definition of s to express Fn: Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fn:
Fn =
49.1 N = 123 N 0.400
Fn =
A tired and overloaded student is attempting to hold a large physics 40 textbook wedged under his arm, as shown in Figure 5-61. The textbook has a mass of 3.2 kg, while the coefficient of static friction of the textbook against the students underarm is 0.320 and the coefficient of static friction of the book against the students shirt is 0.160. (a) What is the minimum horizontal force that the student must apply to the textbook to prevent it from falling? (b) If the student can only exert a force of 61 N, what is the acceleration of the textbook as it slides from under his arm? The coefficient of kinetic friction of arm against textbook is 0.200, while that of shirt against textbook is 0.090.
Picture the Problem We can apply Newtons second law to relate the minimum force required to hold the book in place to its mass and to the coefficients of static friction. In Part (b), we can proceed similarly to relate the acceleration of the book to the coefficients of kinetic friction.
412 Chapter 5 (a) The force diagram shows the forces acting on the book. The normal force is the net force the student exerts in squeezing the book. Let the horizontal direction be the +x direction and upward the +y direction. Note that the normal force is the same on either side of the book because it is not accelerating in the horizontal direction. The book could be accelerating downward. Apply
2 F2,min
1 F1,min
r F2,min
r F1,min
r mg
F = ma to the book:
Noting that F1,min = F2,min , solve the y equation for Fmin: Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fmin: (b) Apply
Fmin =
Fmin =
(3.2 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) =
0.320 + 0.160
65 N
= ma y with the
= k ,1 F + k,2 F mg = ma
k ,1 + k , 2
41 You are racing in a rally on a snowy day when the temperature is near the freezing point. The coefficient of static friction between a cars tires and an icy road is 0.080. Your crew boss is concerned about some of the hills on the course and wants you to think about switching to studded tires. To address the issue, he wants to compare the actual hill angles on the course to see which of them your car can negotiate. (a) What is the angle of the steepest incline that a vehicle with four-wheel drive can climb at constant speed? (b) Given that the hills are icy, what is the steepest possible hill angle for the same four-wheel drive car to descend at constant speed? Picture the Problem We can use the definition of the coefficient of static friction
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 413 and Newtons second law to relate the angle of the incline to the forces acting on the car. (a) The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the car when it is either moving up the hill or down the hill without acceleration. The friction force that the ground exerts on the tires is the force fs shown acting up the incline.
y r Fn
r fs
r Fg
F = ma to the car:
= f s Fg sin = 0
f s mg sin = 0
and Fn mg cos = 0
f s = mg sin
and Fn = mg cos
Use the definition of s to relate fs and Fn: Solving for yields: (b) Proceed exactly as in (a) to obtain:
s =
A 50-kg box that is resting on a level floor must be moved. The 42 coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor is 0.60. One way to move the box is to push down on the box at an angle below the horizontal. Another method is to pull up on the box at an angle above the horizontal. (a) Explain why one method requires less force than the other. (b) Calculate the minimum force needed to move the box by each method if = 30 and compare the answer with the results when = 0. Picture the Problem The free-body
414 Chapter 5 diagrams for the two methods are shown to the right. Method 1 results in the box being pushed into the floor, increasing the normal force and the static friction force. Method 2 partially lifts the box,, reducing the normal force and the static friction force. We can apply Newtons second law to obtain expressions that relate the maximum static friction force to the applied r force F .
Method 1
r Fn
Method 2
r Fn
r F
r fs
r Fg
r F
r fs
r Fg
(a) Method 2 is preferable because it reduces Fn and, therefore, fs. (b) Apply Fx = max to the box: Method 1: Apply
F cos f x = F cos s Fn = 0
Fn mg F sin = 0 and Fn = mg + F sin
= ma y to the
= ma y to the
forces in the y direction and solve for Fn: Relate f s,max to Fn: Express the condition that must be satisfied to move the box by either method: Method 1: Substitute (1) in (3) and solve for F: Method 2: Substitute (2) in (3) and solve for F:
F1 =
F2 =
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 415 Substitute numerical values and evaluate equations (4) and (5) with = 30:
F1 (0) =
(0.60)(50 kg )(9.81 m/s 2 ) cos 0 (0.60)sin 0 (0.60)(50 kg )(9.81 m/s 2 ) cos 0 + (0.60)sin 0
= 0.29 kN
F2 (0) =
= 0.29 kN
43 [SSM] A block of mass m1 = 250 g is at rest on a plane that makes an angle of = 30 with the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is 0.100. The block is attached to a second block of mass m2 = 200 g that hangs freely by a string that passes over a frictionless, massless pulley (Figure 5-62). When the second block has fallen 30.0 cm, what will be its speed? Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which the +x direction is up the incline for the block whose mass is m1 and downward for the block whose mass is m2. We can find the speed of the system when it has moved a given distance by using a constant-acceleration equation. Well assume that the string is massless and that it does not stretch. Under the influence of the forces shown in the free-body diagrams, the blocks will have a common acceleration a. The application of Newtons second law to each block, followed by the elimination of the tension T and the use of the definition of fk, will allow us to determine the acceleration of the system. y Fn,1 T x
416 Chapter 5
Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the speed of the system to its acceleration and displacement:
2 2 v x = v0 x + 2a x x
Because Fg,1 = m1g, equations (2) and (3) can be written as:
T f k m1 g sin 30 = m1a x
and Fn,1 = m1 g cos 30
Using fk = kFn,1, substitute equation (5) in equation (4) to obtain: Applying Fx = max to the block whose mass is m2 gives:
T k m1 g cos 30 m1 g sin 30
= m1a x
Fg,2 T = m2 a x
or, because Fg,2 = m2g, m 2 g T = m2 a x (7)
Add equations (6) and (7) to eliminate T and then solve for ax to obtain:
ax =
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 417 Substitute numerical values and evaluate vx:
vx =
2[0.200 kg (0.250 kg )((0.100)cos 30 + sin 30)] 9.81 m/s 2 (0.300 m ) 0.250 kg + 0.200 kg
= 84 cm/s
44 In Figure 5-62 m1 = 4.0 kg and the coefficient of static friction between the block and the incline is 0.40. (a) Find the range of possible values for m2 for which the system will be in static equilibrium. (b) Find the frictional force on the 4.0-kg block if m2 = 1.0 kg? Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which the +x direction is up the incline for the block whose mass is m1 and downward for the block whose mass is m2. Well assume that the string is massless and that it does not stretch. Under the influence of the forces shown in the free-body diagrams, the blocks are in static equilibrium. While fs can be either up or down the incline, the free-body diagram shows the situation in which motion is impending up the incline. The application of Newtons second law to each block, followed by the elimination of the tension T and the use of the definition of fs, will allow us to determine the range of values for m2.
r Fn,1
r T
r fs
r Fg,1
x r T
r Fg,2 x
(a) Noting that Fg,1 = m1 g , apply r r F = ma to the block whose mass is m1: Using f s, max = s Fn , substitute equation (2) in equation (1) to obtain: Noting that Fg,2 = m2 g , apply
m2 g T = 0
is m2:
418 Chapter 5 Add equations (3) and (4) to eliminate T and solve for m2: Substitute numerical values to obtain: Denoting the value of m2 with a plus sign as m2,+ and the value of m2 with the minus sign as m2,- determine the range of values of m2 for which the system is in static equilibrium: (b) With m2 = 1 kg, the impending motion is down the incline and the static friction force is up the incline. Apply Fx = max to the block whose mass is m1: Apply Fx = max to the block whose mass is m2: Add equations (6) and (7) and solve for fs to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs:
T + f s m1 g sin 30 = 0
m2g T = 0
45 In Figure 5-62, m1 = 4.0 kg, m2 = 5.0 kg, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the inclined plane and the 4.0-kg block is k = 0.24. Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the cord. Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which the +x direction is up the incline for the block whose mass is m1 and downward for the block whose mass is m2. Well assume that the string is massless and that it does not stretch. Under the influence of the forces shown in the free-body diagrams, the blocks will have a common acceleration a. The application of Newtons second law to each block, followed by the elimination of the tension T and the use of the definition of fk, will allow us to determine the acceleration of the system. Finally, we can substitute for the tension in either of the motion equations to determine the acceleration of the masses.
r Fn,1
r T
r fs
r Fg,1
x r T
r Fg,2
Noting that Fg,1 = m1 g , apply r r F = ma to the block whose mass is m1: Using f k = k Fn , substitute equation (2) in equation (1) to obtain: Apply Fx = max to the block whose mass is m2: Add equations (3) and (4) to eliminate T and solve for ax to obtain:
T k m1 g cos 30
m1 g sin 30 = m1a x
(3) (4)
m 2 g T = m2 a x
ax =
2.4 m/s 2
46 A 12-kg turtle rests on the bed of a zookeepers truck, which is traveling down a country road at 55 mi/h. The zookeeper spots a deer in the road, and slows to a stop in 12 s. Assuming constant acceleration, what is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the turtle and the truck bed surface that is needed to prevent the turtle from sliding?
420 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem We can determine the acceleration necessary for the truck and turtle by considering the displacement of both during the given time interval. The static friction force must provide the necessary acceleration for the turtle. The turtle, if it is not to slip, must have this acceleration which is produced by the static friction force acting on it
r Fn
r fs
r Fg
The required coefficient of static friction is given by: Letting m represent the mass of the r r turtle, apply F = ma to the turtle:
s =
fs Fn
Fx = f s = ma x
and Fy = Fn Fg = ma y
Solving equation (2) for fs yields: Because ay = 0 and Fg = mg, equation (3) becomes: Substituting for fs and Fn in equation (1) and simplifying yields: The acceleration of the truck and turtle is given by:
f s = ma x Fn = Fg = mg
ma x a x = mg g
s =
ax =
Substitute for ax in equation (4) to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s:
s =
vi, x gt
55 mi 1609 m 1h h mi 3600 s = 0.21 2 9.81 m/s (12 s )
s =
y r Fn
r fk
can use a constant-acceleration equation to express the displacement of the block up the ramp as a function of its acceleration and Newtons second law to find the acceleration of the block as it slides up the ramp. (a) Use a constant-acceleration equation to relate the distance the block slides up the incline to its initial speed and acceleration:
r Fg
Fx = f k Fg sin = ma x
Eliminate Fn between equations (4) and (5) to obtain: Solving for ax yields: Substitute for a in equation (1) to obtain:
a x = ( k cos + sin )g
x =
2 v0 x 2( k cos + sin )g
422 Chapter 5 Substitute numerical values and evaluate x: x = 2[(0.23)cos 25 + sin 25] 9.81 m/s 2
(7.0 m/s)2
) = 3.957 m =
y r Fn
4.0 m
(b) At the point at which the block is instantaneously at rest, static friction becomes operative and, if the static friction coefficient is too high, the block will not resume motion, but will remain at the high point. We can determine the maximum possible value of s for which the block still slides back down the incline by considering the equality of the static friction force and the component of the weight of the block down the ramp.
r f s ,max
r Fg
r r Apply F = ma to the block when it is in equilibrium at the point at which it is momentarily at rest:
Solving equation (6) for Fn yields: Because f s,max = s Fn , equation (5) becomes:
Fx = f s,max Fg sin = 0
(5) (6)
and Fy = Fn Fg cos = 0
Fn = Fg cos
s Fg cos Fg sin = 0
48 An automobile is going up a 15 grade at a speed of 30 m/s. The coefficient of static friction between the tires and the road is 0.70. (a) What minimum distance does it take to stop the car? (b) What minimum distance would it take to stop if the car were going down the grade? Picture the Problem We can find the stopping distances by applying Newtons second law to the automobile and then using a constant-acceleration equation. The friction force the road exerts on the tires and the component of the cars weight along the incline combine to provide the net force that stops the car. The pictorial representation summarizes what we know about the motion of the car. We can use Newtons second law to determine the acceleration of the car and a constantacceleration equation to obtain its stopping distance.
t0 = 0 x0 = 0 v0 = 30 m/s
(a) Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the final speed of the car to its initial speed, acceleration, and displacement; solve for its displacement:
Draw the free-body diagram for the car going up the incline:
r f s,max
r Fn
r Fg
Substitute f s, max = s Fn and Fn from equation (3) in equation (2) and solve for amax, x : Substituting for amax, x in equation (1) yields:
xmin =
2 v0 x 2 g ( s cos + sin )
49 m
424 Chapter 5 (b) When the car is going down the incline, the static friction force is up the incline as shown in the free-body diagram to the right. Note the change in coordinate system from Part (a).
r Fn
r f s,max r Fg
F = ma
to the car:
= mg sin f s,max = ma x
and Fy = Fn mg cos = 0 Proceed as in (a) to obtain: Substituting for amax, x in equation (1) yields: a max, x = g (sin s cos ) xmin =
2 v0 x 2 g (sin s cos )
Substitute numerical values and evaluate xmin: xmin = (30 m/s ) = 0.11 km 2 2(9.81 m/s )(sin 15 (0.70)cos15)
A rear-wheel-drive car supports 40 percent of its weight on its two 49 drive wheels and has a coefficient of static friction of 0.70 with a horizontal straight road. (a) Find the vehicles maximum acceleration. (b) What is the shortest possible time in which this car can achieve a speed of 100 km/h? (Assume the engine has unlimited power.)
Picture the Problem The friction force the road exerts on the tires provides the net force that accelerates the car. The pictorial representation summarizes what we know about the motion of the car. We can use Newtons second law to determine the acceleration of the car and a constant-acceleration equation to calculate how long it takes it to reach 100 km/h.
0 t0 = 0 x0 = 0 v0 = 0
x 1 t1 = ? x1 = ? v1 = 100 km/h
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 425 (a) Because 40% of the cars weight is on its two drive wheels and the accelerating friction forces act just on these wheels, the free-body diagram shows just the forces acting on the drive wheels.
r r
r Fn
r fs
r 0.4m g
F = ma to the drive
= f s,max = mamax,x
(1) (2)
Use the definition of f s, max in equation (1) and eliminate Fn between the two equations to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a max, x : (b) Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the initial and final velocities of the car to its acceleration and the elapsed time; solve for the time: Substitute numerical values and evaluate t1:
v1, x = v0, x + amax,x t or, because v0,x = 0 and t = t1, v t1 = 1, x amax, x km 1h 1000 m h 3600 s km = 10 s 2 2.747 m/s
t1 =
50 You and your best pal make a friendly bet that you can place a 2.0-kg box against the side of a cart, as in Figure 5-63, and that the box will not fall to the ground, even though you guarantee to use no hooks, ropes, fasteners, magnets, glue, or adhesives of any kind. When your friend accepts the bet, you begin pushing the cart in the direction shown in the figure. The coefficient of static friction between the box and the cart is 0.60. (a) Find the minimum acceleration for which you will win the bet. (b) What is the magnitude of the frictional force in this case? (c) Find the force of friction on the box if the acceleration is twice the minimum needed for the box not to fall. (d) Show that, for a box of any mass, the box will not fall if the magnitude of the forward acceleration is a g/s, where s is the coefficient of static friction.
426 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem To hold the box in place, the acceleration of the cart and box must be great enough so that the static friction force acting on the box will equal the weight of the box. We can use Newtons second law to determine the minimum acceleration required.
r f s,max
r Fn
r Fg
= Fn = mamin, x
(1) (2)
Substituting s Fn for f s, max in equation (2) yields: Substitute for Fn from equation (1) to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a min, x : (b) From equation (2) we have: Substitute numerical values and evaluate f s, max : (c) If a is twice that required to hold the box in place, fs will still have its maximum value given by:
s Fn mg = 0
s (mamin,x ) mg = 0 amin, x =
9.81m/s 2 = 16 m/s 2 0.60
a min, x =
f s,max = mg
f s,max = (2.0 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 20 N
f s,max = 20 N
Draw the free-body diagram for the block whose mass is m1:
F1 n, f m1
k, 1
T m1g x
and Fy = Fn,1 m1g cos = 0 The relationship between fk,1 and Fn,1 is: Eliminate fk,1 and Fn,1 between (1), (2), and (3) to obtain: Draw the free-body diagram for the block whose mass is m2: f k,1 = k,1 Fn,1 k,1m1 g cos + T + m1 g sin = m1a
y T2 m2
(2) (3)
F2 n, f
k, 2
x m2g
428 Chapter 5
F = ma to the block:
= f k,2 T + m2 g sin = m2 a
and Fy = Fn,2 m2 g cos = 0 The relationship between fk,2 and Fn,2 is: Eliminate fk,2 and Fn,2 between (5), (6), and (7) to obtain: Add equations (4) and (8) to eliminate T, and solve for a : f k,2 = k,2 Fn,2 k,2 m2 g cos T + m2 g sin = m1a
(6) (7)
= 0.96 m/s 2 (b) Eliminate a between equations (4) and (8) and solve for T = T1 = T2 to obtain:
T= m1m2 ( k,2 k,1 )g cos m1 + m2
0.18 N
52 Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are sliding down an incline as shown in Figure 5-64. They are connected by a massless rod. The coefficients of kinetic friction between the block and the surface are 1 for block 1 and 2 for block 2. (a) Determine the acceleration of the two blocks. (b) Determine the force that the rod exerts on each of the two blocks. Show that the forces are both 0 when 1 = 2 and give a simple, nonmathematical argument why this is true. Picture the Problem The free-body diagrams show the forces acting on the two blocks as they slide down the incline. Down the incline has been chosen as the +x direction. T is the force transmitted by the rod; it can be either tensile (T > 0) or
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 429 compressive (T < 0). By applying Newtons second law to these blocks, we can obtain equations in T and ax from which we can eliminate either by solving them simultaneously. Once we have expressed T, the role of the rod will become apparent.
r Fn,1 r f k,1
r T2
r Fn,2 r f k,2
r m1 g
r T1
r m2 g
(a) Apply
F = ma to block 1:
r r
F = ma to block 2:
= m2 g sin T2 f k,2 = m2 a x
and Fy = Fn,2 m2 g cos = 0 m1a x = m1 g sin + T 1m1 g cos (1) and m2 a x = m2 g sin T 2 m2 g cos (2)
Letting T1 = T2 = T, use the definition of the kinetic friction force to eliminate fk,1 and Fn,1 between the equations for block 1 and fk,2 and Fn,1 between the equations for block 2 to obtain: Add equations (1) and (2) to eliminate T and solve for ax: (b) Rewrite equations (1) and (2) by dividing both sides of (1) by m1 and both sides of (2) by m2 to obtain.
mm T = 1 2 (1 2 )g cos m +m 2 1
430 Chapter 5 If 1 = 2, T = 0 and the blocks move down the incline with the same acceleration of g(sin cos). Inserting a stick between them cant change this; therefore, the stick must exert no force on either block.
53 [SSM] A block of mass m rests on a horizontal table (Figure 5-65). r The block is pulled by a massless rope with a force F at an angle . The coefficient of static friction is 0.60. The minimum value of the force needed to move the block depends on the angle . (a) Discuss qualitatively how you would expect this force to depend on . (b) Compute the force for the angles = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60, and make a plot of F versus for mg = 400 N. From your plot, at what angle is it most efficient to apply the force to move the block? Picture the Problem The vertical r component of F reduces the normal force; hence, the static friction force between the surface and the block. The horizontal component is responsible for any tendency to move and equals the static friction force until it exceeds its maximum value. We can apply Newtons second law to the box, under equilibrium conditions, to relate F to .
r Fn
r F
r m fs
r r Fg = m g
(a) The static-friction force opposes the motion of the object, and the maximum value of the static-friction force is proportional to the normal force FN. The normal force is equal to the weight minus the vertical component FV of the force F. Keeping the magnitude F constant while increasing from zero results in an increase in FV and a decrease in Fn; thus decreasing the maximum static-friction force fmax. The object will begin to move if the horizontal component FH of the force F exceeds fmax. An increase in results in a decrease in FH. As increases from 0, the decrease in FN is larger than the decrease in FH, so the object is more and more likely to slip. However, as approaches 90, FH approaches zero and no movement will be initiated. If F is large enough and if increases from 0, then at some value of the block will start to move. (b) Apply
F = ma to the block:
= F cos f s = 0
and Fy = Fn + F sin mg = 0 (2) Assuming that fs = fs,max, eliminate fs and Fn between equations (1) and (2) and solve for F: F=
s mg cos + s sin
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 431 Use this function with mg = 400 N to generate the following table:
F (N)
F (N)
From the graph, we can see that the minimum value for F occurs when 32.
Remarks: An alternative to manually plotting F as a function of or using a spreadsheet program is to use a graphing calculator to enter and graph the function. 54 Consider the block in Problem 53. Show that, in general, the following results hold for a block of mass m resting on a horizontal surface whose coefficient of static friction is s. (a) If you want to apply the minimum possible force to move the block, you should apply it with the force pulling upward at an angle min = tan1 s, and (b) the minimum force necessary to start the block
moving is Fmin = s
apply the least possible force to keep it moving, should you keep the angle at which you are pulling the same? increase it? decrease it?
432 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the block. We can apply Newtons second law, under equilibrium conditions, to relate F to and then set its derivative with respect to equal to zero to find the value of that minimizes F.
r Fn
r F
r m fs
r r Fg = m g
(a) Apply
F = ma to the block:
= F cos f s = 0
and Fy = Fn + F sin mg = 0 Assuming that fs = fs,max, eliminate fs and Fn between equations (1) and (2) and solve for F: F=
s mg cos + s sin
To find min, differentiate F with respect to and set the derivative equal to zero for extrema of the function:
(cos + s sin ) d (s mg ) s mg d (cos + s sin ) dF d d = 2 d (cos + s sin ) (cos + s sin )2 mg ( sin + s cos ) = 0 for extrema = s (cos + s sin )2
Solving for min yields: (b) Use the reference triangle shown below to substitute for cos and sin in equation (3):
min = tan 1 s
Fmin =
s mg
1 1 + s2 + s
1 + s2
s mg 1 + s2
1 + s2
1 + s2
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 433 (c) The coefficient of kinetic friction is less than the coefficient of static friction. An analysis identical to the one above shows that the minimum force one should apply to keep the block moving should be applied at an angle given by min = tan 1 k . Therefore, once the block is moving, the coefficient of friction will decrease, so the angle can be decreased.
r 55 Answer the questions in Problem 54, but for a force F that pushes down on the block at an angle below the horizontal. r Picture the Problem The vertical component of F increases the normal force and the static friction force between the surface and the block. The horizontal component is responsible for any tendency to move and equals the static friction force until it exceeds its maximum value. We can apply Newtons second law to the box, under equilibrium conditions, to relate F to .
(a) As increases from zero, F increases the normal force exerted by the surface and the static friction force. As the horizontal component of F decreases with increasing , one would expect F to continue to increase.
r Fn
r fs
r F
r r Fg = m g
(b) Apply
F = ma to the block:
= F cos f s = 0
and Fy = Fn F sin mg = 0 (2) Assuming that fs = fs,max, eliminate fs and Fn between equations (1) and (2) and solve for F: F=
s mg cos s sin
Use this function with mg = 400 N to generate the table shown below.
60 very large
434 Chapter 5 The following graph of F as a function of , plotted using a spreadsheet program, confirms our prediction that F continues to increase with .
1400 1200 1000 F (N) 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50
(a) From the graph we see that: (b) Evaluate equation (3) for = 0 to obtain: (c) You should keep the angle at 0.
min = 0
s mg = s mg cos 0 s sin 0
Remarks: An alternative to the use of a spreadsheet program is to use a graphing calculator to graph the function. 56 A 100-kg mass is pulled along a frictionless surface by a horizontal r force F such that its acceleration is a1 = 6.00 m/s2 (Figure 5-66). A 20.0-kg mass slides along the top of the 100-kg mass and has an acceleration of a2 = 4.00 m/s2. (It thus slides backward relative to the 100-kg mass.) (a) What is the frictional force exerted by the 100-kg mass on the 20.0-kg mass? (b) What is the net force acting on the 100-kg mass? What is the force F? (c) After the 20.0-kg mass falls off the 100-kg mass, what is the acceleration of the 100-kg mass? (Assume that the force F does not change.) Picture the Problem The forces acting on each of these masses are shown in the free-body diagrams below. m1 represents the mass of the 20.0-kg mass and m2 that of the 100-kg mass. As described by Newtons 3rd law, the normal reaction force Fn,1 and the friction force fk,1 (= fk,2) act on both masses but in opposite directions. Newtons second law and the definition of kinetic friction forces can be used to determine the various forces and the acceleration called for in this problem.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 435 (a) Draw a free-body diagram showing the forces acting on the block whose mass is 20 kg:
r Fn,1
r f k,1
r r Fg = m1 g
F = ma to this mass:
= f k,1 = m1a1x
(1) (2)
and Fy = Fn,1 m1g = 0 Substitute numerical values in equation (1) and evaluate fk,1: (b) Draw a free-body diagram showing the forces acting on the block whose mass is 100 kg:
r f k,2
r Fn,2
r F
r r Fg,2 = m2 g r Fn,1
object and evaluate Fnet: Express F in terms of Fnet and fk,2: Substitute numerical values and evaluate F: (c) When the 20.0-kg object falls off, the 680-N force acts just on the 100-kg object and its acceleration is given by Newtons second law:
436 Chapter 5
57 A 60.0-kg block slides along the top of a 100-kg block. The 60.0-kg block has an acceleration of 3.0 m/s2 when a horizontal force of 320 N is applied, as in Figure 5-67. There is no friction between the 100-kg block and a horizontal frictionless surface, but there is friction between the two blocks. (a) Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the blocks. (b) Find the acceleration of the 100-kg block during the time that the 60.0-kg block remains in contact. Picture the Problem The forces acting on each of these blocks are shown in the free-body diagrams to the right. m1 represents the mass of the 60-kg block and m2 that of the 100-kg block. As described by Newtons 3rd law, the normal reaction force Fn,1 and the friction force fk,1 (= fk,2) act on both objects but in opposite directions. Newtons second law and the definition of kinetic friction forces can be used to determine the coefficient of kinetic friction and acceleration of the 100-kg block.
F = ma to the 60-kg
= F f k,1 = m1a1, x
Apply block:
f k,2 = m2 a2, x
Using equation (2), express the relationship between the kinetic r r friction forces f k ,1 and f k , 2 : Substitute for fk,1 in equation (1) and solve for k: Substitute numerical values and evaluate k:
k =
F m1a1 m1 g
= 0.24
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 437 (b) Substitute for fk,2 in equation (3) and solve for a2 to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a2,x: a2, x =
k m1 g
a 2, x =
(0.238)(60 kg )(9.81m/s 2 )
100 kg
= 1.4 m/s 2
58 The coefficient of static friction between a rubber tire and the road surface is 0.85. What is the maximum acceleration of a 1000-kg four-wheel-drive truck if the road makes an angle of 12 with the horizontal and the truck is (a) climbing and (b) descending? Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which the +x direction is up the incline and apply Newtons second law of motion. The free-body diagram shows the truck climbing the incline with maximum acceleration.
r Fn
r f s,max
r Fg
(a) Apply
F = ma to the truck
(2) (3)
Solve equation (2) for Fn and use the definition f s,max to obtain: Substitute f s,max in equation (1) and solve for ax: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ax:
(b) When the truck is descending the incline with maximum acceleration, the static friction force points down the incline; that is, its direction is reversed Apply Fx = max to the truck under these conditions to obtain: Substituting for f s,max in equation (4) and solving for ax gives: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ax:
a x = g ( s cos + sin )
59 A 2.0-kg block sits on a 4.0-kg block that is on a frictionless table (Figure 5-68). The coefficients of friction between the blocks are s = 0.30 and k = 0.20. (a) What is the maximum horizontal force F that can be applied to the 4.0-kg block if the 2.0-kg block is not to slip? (b) If F has half this value, find the acceleration of each block and the force of friction acting on each block. (c) If F is twice the value found in (a), find the acceleration of each block.. Picture the Problem The forces acting on each of the blocks are shown in the free-body diagrams to the right. m2 represents the mass of the 2.0-kg block and m4 that of the 4.0-kg block. As described by Newtons 3rd law, the normal reaction force Fn,2 and the friction force fs,2 (= fs,4) act on both objects but in opposite directions. Newtons second law and the definition of the maximum static friction force can be used to determine the maximum force acting on the 4.0-kg block for which the 2.0-kg block does not slide.
y y r Fn,2
r Fn,4 r f s,4
r F
r m2 g
x r f s,2
r m4 g
r Fn , 2
r r F = ma to the 2.0-kg
= f s,2,max = m2 a 2,max
(1) (2)
and Fy = Fn,2 m2 g = 0
Apply block:
F = ma to the 4.0-kg
= F f s,2,max = m4 a4,max
Using equation (2), express the relationship between the static r r friction forces f s , 2,max and f s , 4,max :
a2,max = s g
Fmax = m4 s g + s m2 g = (m4 + m2 ) s g
(b) Use Newtons second law to express the acceleration of the blocks moving as a unit: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a:
ax =
1 2
(17.66 N )
2.0 kg + 4.0 kg
= 1.472 m/s 2
= 1.5 m/s 2 Because the friction forces are an action-reaction pair, the friction force acting on each block is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs: f s = m1a x
440 Chapter 5
f = f k = k m2 g
(c) If F = 2Fmax, then the 2.0-kg block slips on the 4.0-kg block and the friction force (now kinetic) is given by: Use Fx = max to relate the acceleration of the 2.0-kg block to the net force acting on it and solve for a2,x: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a2,x: Use Fx = max to relate the acceleration of the 4.0-kg block to the net force acting on it: Solving for a4,x yields:
F k m2 g = m4 a 4 , x
a4, x =
F k m2 g m4
Substitute numerical values and evaluate a4,x: a 4, x = 2(17.66 N ) (0.20 )(2.0 kg ) 9.81m/s 2 = 7.8 m/s 2 4.0 kg
60 A 10.0-kg block rests on a 5.0-kg bracket, as shown in Figure 5-69. The 5.0-kg bracket sits on a frictionless surface. The coefficients of friction between the 10.0-kg block and the bracket on which it rests are s = 0.40 and k = 0.30. (a) What is the maximum force F that can be applied if the 10.0-kg block is not to slide on the bracket? (b) What is the corresponding acceleration of the 5.0-kg bracket?
r F
r Fn,10
r fs
r m10 g r Fn,5
r 2F
r fs
r Fn,10 r m5 g
F = ma to the 10-kg
block when it is experiencing its maximum acceleration: Express the static friction force acting on the 10-kg block: Eliminate f s,max and Fn,10 from equations (1), (2) and (3) to obtain: Apply obtain: Because a5,max = a10,max, denote this acceleration by amax . Eliminate F from equations (4) and (5) and solve for amax : (b) Substitute numerical values and evaluate amax :
a max =
s m10 g
m5 + 2m10
a max =
= 1.57 m/s 2 = 1.6 m/s 2 Solve equation (4) for F = Fmax : F = s m10 g m10 amax = m10 ( s g amax )
61 You and your friends push a 75.0-kg greased pig up an aluminum slide at the county fair, starting from the low end of the slide. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the pig and the slide is 0.070. (a) All of you pushing together (parallel to the incline) manage to accelerate the pig from rest at the constant rate of 5.0 m/s2 over a distance of 1.5 m, at which point you release the pig. The pig continues up the slide, reaching a maximum vertical height above its release point of 45 cm. What is the angle of inclination of the slide? (b) At the maximum height the pig turns around and begins to slip down once slide, how fast is it moving when it arrives at the low end of the slide? Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the pig sometime after you and your friends have stopped pushing on it but before it has momentarily stopped moving up the slide. We can use constant-acceleration equations and Newtons second law to find the angle of inclination of the slide and the pigs speed when it returns to bottom of the slide. The pictorial representation assigns a coordinate system and names to the variables that we need to consider in solving this problem.
r fk
r Fn
v3 x0 = 0 v0 = 0
Pig g
own ing d
the in
v2 = 0 x2 v2 = 0
r Fg
Substitute f k = k Fn and Fg = mg in equation (1) to obtain: Solving equation (2) for Fn yields: Substitute for Fn in equation (3) to obtain: Solving for ax yields:
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 443 Use a constant-acceleration equation to relate the distance d the pig slides up the ramp to its speed after you and your friends have stopped pushing, its final speed, and its acceleration: Substituting for ax from equation (4) yields: Use a constant-acceleration equation to relate the pigs speed v1 after being accelerated to the distance x over which it was accelerated: Substitute for v12 in equation (5) to obtain: Use trigonometry to relate the vertical distance h risen by the pig during its slide to the distance d it moves up the slide: Substituting for d in equation (6) gives: Solve for to obtain:
2 v2 = v12 + 2a x d or, because v2 = 0, 0 = v12 + 2a x d
h = d sin d =
0 = 2a x x 2 g ( k cos + sin )
h k = tan 1 a x x h g
h sin
= 5.719 = 5.7 (b) Use a constant-acceleration equation to express v3 as a function of the pigs acceleration down the incline adown, its initial speed v2, the distance d it slides down the incline:
2 2 v3 = v2 + 2adown d or, because v2 = 0, 2 v3 = 2adown d v3 = 2adown d (7)
444 Chapter 5 When the pig is sliding down the incline, the kinetic friction force shown in the free-body diagram is reversed (it points up the incline opposing the pigs motion) and the pigs acceleration is: Substitute for adown in equation (7) to obtain: d is the sum of the distances the pig was pushed and then slid to a momentary stop: Substituting for d in equation (8) yields:
d v3 = 2 g (sin k cos )1.5 m + sin
v3 = 2 g (sin k cos )d
d = 1.5 m +
d sin
62 A 100-kg block on an inclined plane is attached to another block of mass m via a string, as in Figure 5-70. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction for the block and the incline are s = 0.40 and k = 0.20 and the plane is inclined 18 with horizontal. (a) Determine the range of values for m, the mass of the hanging block, for which the 100-kg block will not move unless disturbed, but if nudged, will slide down the incline. (b) Determine a range of values for m for which the 100-kg block will not move unless nudged, but if nudged will slide up the incline. Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the block sliding down the incline under the influence of a friction force, its weight, and the normal force exerted on it by the inclined surface. We can find the range of values for m for the two situations described in the problem statement by applying Newtons second law of motion to, first, the conditions under which the block will not slide if pushed, and secondly, if pushed, the block will slide up the incline.
Fg = Mg
(a) Assume that the block is sliding down the incline with a constant velocity and with no hanging weight r r (m = 0) and apply F = ma to the block: Using f k = k Fn , eliminate Fn between the two equations and solve for the net force acting on the block: If the block is moving, this net force must be nonnegative and: This condition requires that:
= f k + Mg sin = 0
and Fy = Fn Mg cos = 0
Because k = 0.40 > tan 18 , the block will not move unless pushed. Because k = 0.2, this condition is satisfied and: To find the maximum value, note that the maximum possible value for the tension in the rope is mg. For the block to move down the incline, the component of the blocks weight parallel to the incline minus the frictional force must be greater than or equal to the tension in the rope: Solving for mmax yields: Substitute numerical values and evaluate mmax :
mmin = 0 Mg sin k Mg cos mg
446 Chapter 5 The range of values for m is: (b) If the block is being dragged up the incline, the frictional force will point down the incline, and: Solve for mmin : Substitute numerical values and evaluate mmin : If the block is not to move unless pushed: Solve for mmax : Substitute numerical values and evaluate mmax : The range of values for m is:
0 m 12 kg Mg sin + k Mg cos < mmin g
mmin > (100 kg )[sin 18 + (0.20)cos18] = 49.9 kg Mg sin + s Mg cos > mmax g mmax < M (sin + s cos ) mmax < (100 kg )[sin 18 + (0.40 )cos18] = 68.9 kg
50 kg m 69 kg
63 A block of mass 0.50 kg rests on the inclined surface of a wedge of mass 2.0 kg, as in Figure 5-71. The wedge is acted on by a horizontal applied r force F and slides on a frictionless surface. (a) If the coefficient of static friction between the wedge and the block is s = 0.80 and the wedge is inclined 35 with the horizontal, find the maximum and minimum values of the applied force for which the block does not slip. (b) Repeat part (a) with s = 0.40. Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the 0.50-kg block when the acceleration is a minimum. Note the choice of coordinate system that is r consistent with the direction of F . Apply Newtons second law to the block and to the block-plus-incline and solve the resulting equations for Fmin and Fmax.
y r Fn
r fs
r r Fg = m g
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 447 Fmax = mtot a x ,max and Fmin = mtot a x ,min
(a) The maximum and minimum values of the applied force for which the block does not slip are related to the maximum and minimum accelerations of the block: Apply block:
(1) (2)
r r F = ma to the 0.50-kg
= Fn sin f s cos = ma x
Under minimum acceleration, f s = f s, max . Express the relationship between f s, max and Fn: Substitute f s, max for fs in equation (4) and solve for Fn: Substitute for Fn and f s, max in equation (3) and solve for a x = a x ,min : Substitute for ax, min in equation (2) to obtain:
Fn =
a x ,min = g
To find the maximum acceleration, r reverse the direction of f s and apply r r F = ma to the block: Proceed as above to obtain:
= Fn sin + f s cos = ma x
448 Chapter 5 Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fmax : sin35 + (0.80)cos35 Fmax = (2.5 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 84 N cos35 (0.80)sin35
64 In your physics lab, you and your lab partners push a block of wood with a mass of 10.0 kg (starting from rest), with a constant horizontal force of 70 N across a wooden floor. In the previous weeks laboratory meeting, your group determined that the coefficient of kinetic friction was not exactly constant, but instead was found to vary with the objects speed according to k = 0.11/(1 + 2.3 104 v2)2. Write a spreadsheet program using Eulers method to calculate and graph both the speed and the position of the block as a function of time from 0 to 10 s. Compare this result to the result you would get if you assumed the coefficient of kinetic friction had a constant value of 0.11. Picture the Problem The kinetic friction force fk is the product of the coefficient of sliding friction k and the normal force Fn the surface exerts on the sliding object. By applying Newtons second law in the vertical direction, we can see that, on a horizontal surface, the normal force is the weight of the sliding object. We can apply Newtons second law in the horizontal (x) direction to relate the blocks acceleration to the net force acting on it. In the spreadsheet program, well find the acceleration of the block from this net force (which is speed dependent), calculate the increase in the blocks speed from its acceleration and the elapsed time and add this increase to its speed at end of the previous time interval, determine how far it has moved in this time interval, and add this distance to its previous position to find its current position. Well also calculate the position of the block x2, under the assumption that k = 0.11, using a constant-acceleration equation.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 449 The spreadsheet solution is shown below. The formulas used to calculate the quantities in the columns are as follows: Cell Formula/Content C9 C8+$B$6 D9 D8+F9*$B$6 E9 $B$5($B$3)*($B$2)*$B$5/ (1+$B$4*D9^2)^2 F9 G9 K9 L9 E10/$B$5 G9+D10*$B$6 0.5*5.922*I10^2 J10-K10 D E F G Algebraic Form t + t v + at k mg F 1 + 2.34 10 4 v 2 Fnet / m x + vt 2 1 2 at
x x2
A B C 1 g= 9.81 m/s2 2 Coeff1= 0.11 3 Coeff2= 2.30E04 4 m= 10 kg 5 Fapp= 70 N 6 0.05 s t= 7 8 9 Fnet t v 10 0.00 0.00 11 0.05 0.30 59.22 12 0.10 0.59 59.22 13 0.15 0.89 59.22 14 0.20 1.18 59.22 15 0.25 1.48 59.23 205 9.75 206 9.80 207 9.85 208 9.90 209 9.95 210 10.00 61.06 61.40 61.73 62.07 62.40 62.74 66.84 66.88 66.91 66.94 66.97 67.00
t a, 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 5.92 6.68 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.70 6.70 x 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.15 0.22 292.37 295.44 298.53 301.63 304.75 307.89 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 9.75 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.95 10.00
variable constant
0.00 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.15 0.22 292.37 295.44 298.53 301.63 304.75 307.89 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.12 0.19 281.48 284.37 287.28 290.21 293.15 296.10
xx2 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 10.89 11.07 11.25 11.42 11.61 11.79
The position of the block as a function of time, for a constant coefficient of friction (k = 0.11) is shown as a solid line on the following graph and for a variable coefficient of friction, is shown as a dotted line. Because the coefficient of friction decreases with increasing particle speed, the particle travels slightly farther when the coefficient of friction is variable.
450 Chapter 5
The speed of the block as a function of time, with variable coefficient of kinetic friction, is shown in the following graph.
70 60 50
v (m/s)
40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4
t (s)
65 In order to determine the coefficient of kinetic friction of a block of wood on a horizontal table surface, you are given the following assignment: Take the block of wood and give it an initial velocity across the surface of the table. Using a stopwatch, measure the time t it takes for the block to come to a stop and the total displacement x the block slides following the push. (a) Using Newtons laws and a free-body diagram of the block, show that the expression for the coefficient of kinetic friction is given by k = 2x/[(t)2g]. (b) If the block slides a distance of 1.37 m in 0.97 s, calculate k. (c) What was the initial speed of the block?
r Fn
r fk
r r Fg = m g
F = ma to the block of
= f k = ma x = Fn mg = 0
Using the definition of fk, eliminate Fn between the two equations to obtain: Use a constant-acceleration equation to relate the acceleration of the block to its displacement and its stopping time: Relate the initial speed of the block, v0, to its displacement and stopping distance:
a x = k g
x = v0 x t + 1 a x (t ) 2
(3) (4)
Use this result to eliminate v0 x in equation (2): Substitute equation (1) in equation (4) and solve for k: (b) Substitute for x = 1.37 m and t = 0.97 s to obtain: (c) Use equation (3) to find v0:
k =
k =
v0 =
452 Chapter 5
66 (a) A block is sliding down an inclined plane. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the plane is k. Show that a graph of ax/cos versus tan (where ax is the acceleration down the incline and is the angle the plane is inclined with the horizontal) would be a straight line with slope g and intercept kg. (b) The following data show the acceleration of a block sliding down an inclined plane as a function of the angle that the plane is inclined with the horizontal:
2 (degrees) Acceleration (m/s )
25.0 27.0 29.0 31.0 33.0 35.0 37.0 39.0 41.0 43.0 45.0
1.69 2.10 2.41 2.89 3.18 3.49 3.79 4.15 4.33 4.72 5.11
Using a spreadsheet program, graph these data and fit a straight line (a Trendline in Excel parlance) to them to determine k and g. What is the percentage difference between the obtained value of g and the commonly specified value of 9.81 m/s2?
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the block as it slides down an incline. We can apply Newtons second law to these forces to obtain the acceleration of the block and then manipulate this expression algebraically to show that a graph of a/cos versus tan will be linear with a slope equal to the acceleration due to gravity and an intercept whose absolute value is the coefficient of kinetic friction.
y r Fn
r fk
r r Fg = m g
(a) Apply
F = ma to the block as
= mg sin f k = ma x = Fn mg cos = 0
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 453 Substitute kFn for fk and eliminate Fn between the two equations to obtain: Divide both sides of this equation by cos to obtain: a x = g (sin k cos )
ax = g tan g k cos
Note that this equation is of the form y = mx + b. Thus, if we graph a/cos versus tan, we should get a straight line with slope g and y-intercept gk. (b) A spreadsheet solution is shown below. The formulas used to calculate the quantities in the columns are as follows: Cell C7 D7 E7 F7 Formula/Content
Algebraic Form
a TAN(C7*PI()/180) D7/COS(C7*PI()/180)
C 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
25.0 27.0 29.0 31.0 33.0 35.0 37.0 39.0 41.0 43.0 45.0
D a 1.69 2.10 2.41 2.89 3.18 3.49 3.78 4.15 4.33 4.72 5.11
454 Chapter 5 A graph of a/cos versus tan follows. From the curve fit (Excels Trendline 2.62 m/s 2 2 was used), g = 9.77 m/s and k = = 0.268 . 9.77 m/s 2
8 7 6 5 a /cos 4 3 2 1 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 tan 0.8 0.9 1.0 y = 9.7681x 2.6154
The percentage error in g from the commonly accepted value of 9.81 m/s2 is:
9.81 m/s 2 9.77 m/s 2 = 0.408% 100 9.81 m/s 2
Drag Forces
67 [SSM] A Ping-Pong ball has a mass of 2.3 g and a terminal speed of 9.0 m/s. The drag force is of the form bv2. What is the value of b? Picture the Problem The ping-pong ball experiences a downward gravitational force exerted by Earth and an upward drag force exerted by the air. We can apply Newtons second law to the Ping-Pong ball to obtain its equation of motion. Applying terminal speed conditions will yield an expression for b that we can evaluate using the given numerical values. Let the downward direction be the +y direction.
Apply ball:
= ma y to the Ping-Pong
mg bv 2 = ma y
mg bvt2 = 0 b =
mg vt2
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 455 Substitute numerical values and evaluate b: b=
(2.3 10
= 2.8 10 4 kg/m
68 A small pollution particle settles toward Earth in still air. The terminal speed is 0.30 mm/s, the mass of the particle is 1.0 1010 g and the drag force is of the form bv. What is the value of b? Picture the Problem The pollution particle experiences a downward gravitational force exerted by Earth and an upward drag force exerted by the air. We can apply Newtons second law to the particle to obtain its equation of motion. Applying terminal speed conditions will yield an expression for b that we can evaluate using the given numerical values. Let the downward direction by the +y direction.
= ma y to the particle:
mg bv = ma y mg bvt = 0 b = mg vt
When the particle reaches its terminal speed v = vt and ay = 0: Substitute numerical values and evaluate b:
(1.0 10
= 3.3 10 9 kg/s
69 [SSM] A common classroom demonstration involves dropping basket-shaped coffee filters and measuring the time required for them to fall a given distance. A professor drops a single basket-shaped coffee filter from a height h above the floor, and records the time for the fall as t. How far will a stacked set of n identical filters fall during the same time interval t? Consider the filters to be so light that they instantaneously reach their terminal velocities. Assume a drag force that varies as the square of the speed and assume the filters are released oriented right-side up. Picture the Problem The force diagram shows n coffee filters experiencing an upward drag force exerted by the air that varies with the square of their terminal velocity and a downward gravitational force exerted by Earth. We can use the definition of average velocity and Newtons second law to establish the dependence of the distance of fall on n.
r Fd = Cv t2 j
r Fg = nmg j
456 Chapter 5 Express the distance fallen by 1 coffee filter, falling at its terminal speed, in time t: Express the distance fallen by n coffee filters, falling at their terminal speed, in time t: Divide equation (2) by equation (1) to obtain: Solving for dn filters yields: d1 filter = v t, 1 filter t
d n filters = v t, n filters t
d n filters vt, n filters t v t, n filters = = d1 filter v t, 1 filter t v t, 1 filter v d n filters = t, n filters d1 filter v t, 1 filter
nmg Cv t2 = ma y
or, because v t, 1 filter = v t, n filters = v t, 1 filter n Substitute for vt, n filters in equation (3) to obtain:
n d1 filter
This result tells us that n filters will fall farther, in the same amount of time, than 1 filter by a factor of n .
70 A skydiver of mass 60.0 kg can slow herself to a constant speed of 90 km/h by orienting her body horizontally, looking straight down with arms and legs extended. In this position she presents the maximum cross-sectional area and thus maximizes the air-drag force on her. (a) What is the magnitude of the drag force on the skydiver? (b) If the drag force is given by bv2, what is the value of b? (c) At some instant she quickly flips into a knife position, orienting her body vertically with her arms straight down. Suppose this reduces the value of b to 55 percent of the value in Parts (a) and (b). What is her acceleration at the instant she achieves the knife position?
= ma y to the sky
Fd mg = ma y or, because ay = 0, Fd = mg
(1) (2)
Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fd: (b) Substitute Fd = b vt2 in equation (2) to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate b:
588.6 N 1h km 90 h 3600 s
Because b is reduced to 55 percent of its value in Part (b), so is Fd. Substitute numerical values and evaluate ay:
ay =
71 Your team of test engineers is to release the parking brake so an 800kg car will roll down a very long 6.0% grade in preparation for a crash test at the bottom of the incline. (On a 6.0 % grade the change in altitude is 6.0% of the horizontal distance traveled.) The total resistive force (air drag plus rolling friction) for this car has been previously established to be Fd = 100 N + (1.2 Ns2/m2)v2, where m and v are the mass and speed of the car. What is the terminal speed for the car rolling down this grade?
458 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the car as it descends the grade with its terminal speed and a convenient coordinate system. The application of Newtons second law with a = 0 and Fd equal to the given function will allow us to solve for the terminal speed of the car.
r Fn
r Fd
r r Fg = m g
= 25 m/s
72 Small slowly moving spherical particles experience a drag force given by Stokes law: Fd = 6rv, where r is the radius of the particle, v is its speed, and is the coefficient of viscosity of the fluid medium. (a) Estimate the terminal speed of a spherical pollution particle of radius 1.00 105 m and density of 2000 kg/m3. (b) Assuming that the air is still and that is 1.80 105 Ns/m2, estimate the time it takes for such a particle to fall from a height of 100 m. Picture the Problem Let the downward direction be the +y direction and apply Newtons second law to the particle to obtain an equation from which we can find the particles terminal speed.
= ma y to a pollution
mg 6 rv = ma y or, because ay = 0, mg 6 rv t = 0 v t = mg 6 r
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 459 Express the mass of a sphere in terms of its volume: Substitute for m to obtain:
4 r 3 m = V = 3 vt = 2r 2 g 9
(b) Use distance equals average speed times the fall time to find the time to fall 100 m at 2.42 cm/s:
73 [SSM] You are on an environmental chemistry internship, and are in charge of a sample of air that contains pollution particles of the size and density given in Problem 72. You capture the sample in an 8.0-cm-long test tube. You then place the test tube in a centrifuge with the midpoint of the test tube 12 cm from the center of the centrifuge. You set the centrifuge to spin at 800 revolutions per minute. (a) Estimate the time you have to wait so that nearly all of the pollution particles settle to the end of the test tube. (b) Compare this to the time required for a pollution particle to fall 8.0 cm under the action of gravity and subject to the drag force given in Problem 72. Picture the Problem The motion of the centrifuge will cause the pollution particles to migrate to the end of the test tube. We can apply Newtons second law and Stokes law to derive an expression for the terminal speed of the sedimentation particles. We can then use this terminal speed to calculate the sedimentation time. Well use the 12 cm distance from the center of the centrifuge as the average radius of the pollution particles as they settle in the test tube. Let R represent the radius of a particle and r the radius of the particles circular path in the centrifuge.
(a) Express the sedimentation time in terms of the sedimentation speed vt: Apply
t sediment =
x vt
= maradial to a
6Rvt = mac
pollution particle:
460 Chapter 5 m = V = 4 R 3 3
Express the mass of the particle in terms of its radius R and density : Express the acceleration of the pollution particles due to the motion of the centrifuge in terms of their orbital radius r and period T: Substitute for m and ac and simplify to obtain: Solving for vt yields:
2 r 2 2 v T = 4 r = ac = r r T2 4 2 r 16 3 rR 3 6Rvt = 4 R 3 2 = 3 T 3T 2 vt = 8 2 rR 2 9T 2
t sediment =
9T 2 x x = 2 8 2 rR 2 8 rR 2 9T 2
Substitute numerical values and evaluate tsediment : N s 1 (8.0 cm ) 91.8 10 5 2 m 800 rev 1 min min 60 s = 38.47 ms 38 ms = 2 kg 2 5 8 2000 3 (0.12 m )(10 m ) m tair = x 8.0 cm = = 3.31 s v 2.42 cm/s
t sediment
(b) In Problem 72 it was shown that the rate of fall of the particles in air is 2.42 cm/s. Find the time required to fall 8.0 cm in air under the influence of gravity: Find the ratio of the two times:
With the drag force in Problem 72 it takes about 86 times longer than it does using the centrifuge.
r Tmax
r r Fg = m g
2 vmax Tmax mg = m r
T vmax = max g r m
Substitute numerical values and evaluate vmax: 10 N 2 vmax = 0.050 kg 9.81 m/s (0.20 m ) = 6.2 m/s
75 [SSM] A 95-g stone is whirled in a horizontal circle on the end of an 85-cm-long string. The stone takes 1.2 s to make one complete revolution. Determine the angle that the string makes with the horizontal.
462 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The only forces acting on the stone are the tension in the string and the gravitational force. The centripetal force required to maintain the circular motion is a component of the tension. Well solve the problem for the general case in which the angle with the horizontal is by applying Newtons second law of motion to the forces acting on the stone.
r r F = ma to the stone:
Use the right triangle in the diagram to relate r, L, and : Eliminate T and r between equations (1), (2) and (3) and solve for v2: Express the speed of the stone in terms of its period: Eliminate v between equations (4) and (5) and solve for : Substitute numerical values and evaluate :
v 2 = gL cot cos
2r t1 rev
= sin 1
= sin 1
76 A 0.20-kg stone is whirled in a horizontal circle on the end of an 0.80m-long string. The string makes an angle of 20 with the horizontal. Determine the speed of the stone.
r r F = ma to the stone:
= T cos = mac = m
and Fy = T sin mg = 0 Use the right triangle in the diagram to relate r, L, and : Eliminate T and r between equations (1), (2), and (3) and solve for v: Substitute numerical values and evaluate v:
r = L cos
v = gL cot cos
= 4.5 m/s
77 A 0.75-kg stone attached to a string is whirled in a horizontal circle of radius 35 cm as in the tetherball Example 5-11. The string makes an angle of 30 with the vertical. (a) Find the speed of the stone. (b) Find the tension in the string. Picture the Problem The only forces acting on the stone are the tension in the string and the gravitational force. The centripetal force required to maintain the circular motion is a component of the tension. Well solve the problem for the general case in which the angle with the vertical is by applying Newtons second law of motion to the forces acting on the stone.
F = ma to the stone:
(1) (2)
Eliminate T between equations (1) and (2) and solve for v: Substitute numerical values and evaluate v:
(0.75 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) =
8.5 N
78 A pilot with a mass of 50 kg comes out of a vertical dive in a circular arc such that at the bottom of the arc her upward acceleration is 3.5g. (a) How does the magnitude of the force exerted by the airplane seat on the pilot at the bottom of the arc compare to her weight? (b) Use Newtons laws of motion to explain why the pilot might be subject to a blackout. This means that an above normal volume of blood pools in her lower limbs. How would an inertial reference frame observer describe the cause of the blood pooling? Picture the Problem The diagram shows the forces acting on the pilot when her plane is at the lowest point r of its dive. Fn is the force the airplane seat exerts on her. Well apply Newtons second law for circular motion to determine Fn and the radius of the circular path followed by the airplane.
r Fn
r r Fg = m g
= maradial to the
Fn mg = mac Fn = m( g + ac )
Because ac = 3.5 g :
Fn = m( g + 3.5 g ) = 4.5mg
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 465 The ratio of Fn to her weight is: Fn 4.5mg = = 4.5 mg mg
(b) An observer in an inertial reference frame would see the pilots blood continue to flow in a straight line tangent to the circle at the lowest point of the arc. The pilot accelerates upward away from this lowest point and therefore it appears, from the reference frame of the plane, as though the blood accelerates downward.
79 A 80.0-kg airplane pilot pulls out of a dive by following, at a constant speed of 180 km/h, the arc of a circle whose radius is 300 m. (a) At the bottom of the circle, what are the direction and magnitude of his acceleration? (b) What is the net force acting on him at the bottom of the circle? (c) What is the force exerted on the pilot by the airplane seat? Picture the Problem The diagram shows the forces acting on the pilot when his plane is at the lowest point of r its dive. Fn is the force the airplane seat exerts on the pilot. Well use the definitions of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force and apply Newtons second law to calculate these quantities and the normal force acting on the pilot.
r Fn
r r Fg = m g
(a) The pilots acceleration is centripetal and given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ac:
ac =
v2 , upward r
(b) The net force acting on her at the bottom of the circle is the force responsible for her centripetal acceleration: (c) Apply
= ma y to the pilot:
Fn mg = mac Fn = m( g + ac )
466 Chapter 5 Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fn : Fn = (80.0 kg ) 9.81 m/s 2 + 8.33 m/s 2 = 1.45 kN, upward
A small object of mass m1 moves in a circular path of radius r on a 80 frictionless horizontal tabletop (Figure 5-72). It is attached to a string that passes through a small frictionless hole in the center of the table. A second object with a mass of m2 is attached to the other end of the string. Derive an expression for r in terms of m1, m2, and the time T for one revolution.
Picture the Problem Assume that the string is massless and that it does not stretch. The free-body diagrams for the two objects are shown to the right. The hole in the table changes the direction the tension in the string (which provides the centripetal force required to keep the object moving in a circular path) acts. The application of Newtons second law and the definition of centripetal force will lead us to an expression for r as a function of m1, m2, and the time T for one revolution.
y T' m2 m2 g x x T' Fn m1 m1 g
m2 g T ' = 0 and
T ' = m1ac = m1
v2 r (1)
Eliminating T between these equations gives: Express the speed v of the object in terms of the distance it travels each revolution and the time T for one revolution:
m2 g m1
v2 =0 r
2r T
m2 g m1
m2 gT 2 4 2 r = 0r = 4 2 m1 T2
T1 T2 = m1
v12 L1
whose mass is m2: Relate the speeds of each block to their common period T and their distance from the center of the circle: In the second force equation, substitute for v2, and simplify to obtain: Substitute for T2 and v1 in the first force equation to obtain:
T2 = m2
2 v2 L1 + L2
v1 =
2 T2 = [m2 (L1 + L2 )] T
2 T1 = [m2 (L1 + L2 ) + m1 L1 ] T
A particle moves with constant speed in a circle of radius 4.0 cm. It 82 takes 8.0 s to complete each revolution. (a) Draw the path of the particle to scale, and indicate the particles position at 1.0-s intervals. (b) Sketch the displacement vectors for each interval. These vectors also indicate the directions for the average-velocity vectors for each interval. (c) Graphically find the magnitude of r the change in the average velocity v for two consecutive 1-s intervals. r Compare v /t, measured in this way, with the magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration computed from ac = v2/r.
468 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem (a) and (b) The path of the particle and its position at 1-s intervals are shown in the following diagram. The displacement vectors are also shown. The velocity vectors for the average velocities in the first and second r r r intervals are along r01 and r12 , respectively. v points toward the center of the circle.
t = 2s t = 3s
r r12
t = 1s
t = 4s
r r r01 v r
t =0
t = 5s t = 6s
t = 7s
r = 2r sin 22.5
Express the magnitude of the average velocity of the particle along the chords: Using the diagram below, express v in terms of v1 (= v2): r v r v1
r v2
= 2.3 cm/s 2 The radial acceleration of the particle is given by: Express the speed v (= v1 = v2 ) of the particle along its circular path: Substituting for v in the expression for ac yields: ac = v= v2 r
2r T
= 2.5 cm/s 2 Compare ac and a by taking their ratio: ac 2.47 cm/s 2 = = 1.06 ac = 1.1a a 2.34 cm/s 2
83 You are swinging your younger sister in a circle of radius 0.75 m, as shown in Figure 5-74. If her mass is 25 kg and you arrange it so she makes one revolution every 1.5 s, (a) what are the magnitude and direction of the force that must be exerted by you on her? (Model her as a point particle.) (b) What are the magnitude and direction of the force she exerts on you? Picture the Problem The following diagram shows the free-body diagram for the child superimposed on a pictorial representation of her motion. The force you r exert on your sister is F and the angle it makes with respect to the direction weve chosen as the positive y direction is . We can infer her speed from the given information concerning the radius of her path and the period of her motion. Applying Newtons second law will allow us to find both the direction and r magnitude of F .
470 Chapter 5
(a) Apply
F = ma to the child:
Fx = F sin = m
v2 r
and Fy = F cos mg = 0 Eliminate F between these equations and solve for to obtain: Express v in terms of the radius and period of the childs motion: Substitute for v in the expression for to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate :
= tan 1
2r T
v2 rg
= tan 1
4 2 r 2 gT
= 53 above horizontal
mg cos
(25 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) =
0.41 kN
(b) The force your sister exerts on you is the reaction force to the force you exert on her. Thus its magnitude is the same as the force you exert on her (0.41 kN) and its direction is 53 below horizontal.
(a) Apply
r r F = ma to the
pendulum bob:
Using the given information that F = 6mg, solve the y equation for and simplify to obtain: (b) With F = 6mg, solve the x equation for v: Relate the period T of the motion to the speed of the bob and the radius of the circle in which it moves: From the diagram, one can see that:
= sin 1
r = L cos
472 Chapter 5 Substitute for r in the expression for the period and simplify to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate T: T = 2 L 6g
0.50 m = 0.58 s 6 9.81 m/s 2
T = 2
85 A 100-g coin sits on a horizontally rotating turntable. The turntable makes exactly 1.00 revolution each second. The coin is located 10 cm from the axis of rotation of the turntable. (a) What is the frictional force acting on the coin? (b) If the coin slides off the turntable when it is located more than 16.0 cm from the axis of rotation, what is the coefficient of static friction between the coin and the turntable? Picture the Problem The static friction force fs is responsible for keeping the coin from sliding on the turntable. Using Newtons second law of motion, the definition of the period of the coins motion, and the definition of the maximum static friction force, we can find the magnitude of the friction force and the value of the coefficient of static friction for the two surfaces.
r Fn
r fs
r r Fg = m g
(a) Apply
r r F = ma to the coin:
If T is the period of the coins motion, its speed is given by: Substitute for v in equation (1) and simplify to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs:
fs =
fs =
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 473 If the coin is on the verge of sliding at r = 16 cm, fs = fs,max. Solve for s in terms of fs,max and Fn: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s: f s ,max Fn 4 2 mr 2 4 2 r = T = mg gT 2
s =
s =
86 A 0.25-kg tether ball is attached to a vertical pole by a 1.2-m cord. Assume the radius of the ball is negligible. If the ball moves in a horizontal circle with the cord making an angle of 20 with the vertical, (a) what is the tension in the cord? (b) What is the speed of the ball? Picture the Problem The forces acting on the tetherball are shown superimposed on a pictorial representation of the motion. The r horizontal component of T is the centripetal force. Applying Newtons second law of motion and solving the resulting equations will yield both the tension in the cord and the speed of the ball.
F = ma to the
Fx = T sin 20 = m
v2 r
Substitute numerical values and evaluate T: (b) Eliminate T between the force equations and solve for v to obtain: Note from the diagram that: Substitute for r in the expression for v to obtain:
(0.25 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) =
cos 20
2.6 N
v = rg tan 20
= 1.2 m/s
87 A small bead with a mass of 100 g (Figure 5-75) slides without friction along a semicircular wire with a radius of 10 cm that rotates about a vertical axis at a rate of 2.0 revolutions per second. Find the value of for which the bead will remain stationary relative to the rotating wire. Picture the Problem The semicircular wire of radius 10 cm limits the motion of the bead in the same manner as would a 10-cm string attached to the bead and fixed at the center of the semicircle. The horizontal component of the normal force the wire exerts on the bead is the centripetal force. The application of Newtons second law, the definition of the speed of the bead in its orbit, and the relationship of the frequency of a circular motion to its period will yield the angle at which the bead will remain stationary relative to the rotating wire.
L y F n x r
m mg
Fx = Fn sin = m
v2 r
and Fy = Fn cos mg = 0 Eliminate Fn from the force equations to obtain: The frequency of the motion is the reciprocal of its period T. Express the speed of the bead as a function of the radius of its path and its period: Using the diagram, relate r to L and :
tan = v2 rg
2r T
r = L sin
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 475 Substitute for r and v in the expression for tan and solve for : Substitute numerical values and evaluate :
= cos 1
gT 2 2 4 L
= cos 1
Centripetal Force
88 A car speeds along the curved exit ramp of a freeway. The radius of the curve is 80.0 m. A 70.0-kg passenger holds the armrest of the car door with a 220-N force in order to keep from sliding across the front seat of the car. (Assume the exit ramp is not banked and ignore friction with the car seat.) What is the cars speed?
r Picture the Problem The force F the passenger exerts on the armrest of the car door is the radial force required to maintain the passengers speed around the curve and is related to that speed through Newtons second law of motion.
r Fn
r F
r r Fg = m g
F =m
v2 v = r
rF m 15.9 m/s
(80.0 m )(220 N ) =
70.0 kg
89 [SSM] The radius of curvature of the track at the top of a loop-theloop on a roller-coaster ride is 12.0 m. At the top of the loop, the force that the seat exerts on a passenger of mass m is 0.40mg. How fast is the roller-coaster car moving as it moves through the highest point of the loop. Picture the Problem There are two solutions to this problem. Pictorial diagrams that include a free-body diagram for each solution are shown below. The speed of the roller coaster is embedded in the expression for its radial acceleration and the radial acceleration is determined by the net radial force force exerted on the passenger by the seat of the roller coaster. We can use Newtons second law to relate the net force on the passenger to the speed of the roller coaster.
476 Chapter 5
r v
m mg 0.40 mg
r v
0.40 mg m mg
r First solution
r Second solution
mg + 0.40mg = m
v2 v = 1.40 gr r
(1.40)(9.81m/s 2 )(12.0 m )
(0.60)(9.81m/s2 )(12.0 m )
= 8.4 m/s
90 On a runway of a decommissioned airport, a 2000-kg car travels at a constant speed of 100 km/h. At 100-km/h the air drag on the car is 500 N. Assume that rolling friction is negligible. (a) What is the force of static friction exerted on the car by the runway surface, and what is the minimum coefficient of static friction necessary for the car to sustain this speed? (b) The car continues to travel at 100 km/h, but now along a path with radius of curvature r. For what value of r will the angle between the static frictional force vector and the velocity vector equal 45.0, and for what value of r will it equal 88.0? (c) What is the minimum coefficient of static friction necessary for the car to hold this last radius of curvature without skidding? Picture the Problem (a) We can apply Newtons second law to the car to find the force of static friction exerted on the car by the surface and use the definition of the coefficient of static friction to find the minimum coefficient of static friction necessary for the car to sustain its speed. In Part (b), we can again apply Newtons second law, this time in both tangential and radial form, to find the values of r for the given angles.
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 477 (a) The forces acting on the car as it moves at a constant speed of 100 km/h are shown in the pictorial representation to the right.
r Fn
r Fd
r mg
r fs
= f s Fd = 0
(1) (2)
and Fy = Fn mg = 0 Solving equation (1) for fs yields: Use the definition of the coefficient of static friction to obtain: From equation (2), Fn = mg ; hence:
f s = Fd = 500 N
s, min = s, min =
s, min =
= 0.0255 (b) The horizontal forces acting on the car (shown as a top view) as it travels clockwise along a path of radius of curvature r are shown in the diagram to the right.
r Fd
r fs
Apply obtain:
f s sin = m
v2 r
478 Chapter 5
Appling yields:
= 3.09 km
= 107.8 m = 108 m
(c) The minimum coefficient of static friction necessary for the car to hold this last radius of curvature without skidding is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s, min :
s, min
v2 f v2 = s, min = r = mg mg rg m
km 103 m 1 h 100 h km 3600 s = 2 (107.8 m ) 9.81 m/s
s, min
= 0.730
91 Suppose you ride a bicycle in a 20-m-radius circle on a horizontal surface. The resultant force exerted by the surface on the bicycle (normal force plus frictional force) makes an angle of 15 with the vertical. (a) What is your speed? (b) If the frictional force on the bicycle is half its maximum possible value, what is the coefficient of static friction?
with the vertical direction. The application of Newtons second law will allow us to relate this angle to the speed of the bicycle and the coefficient of static friction. (a) Apply
r r F = ma to the bicycle:
r r Fg = m g
r Fn
r fs
= fs =
mv 2 r
= 7.3 m/s fs =
1 2
(b) Relate fs to s and Fn: Solve for s and substitute for fs to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s
f s,max = 1 s mg 2
s =
2 f s 2v 2 = mg rg
92 An airplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a speed of 480 km/h. The plane is banked for this turn, its wings tilted at an angle of 40 from the horizontal (Figure 5-76). Assume that a lift force acting perpendicular to the wings acts on the aircraft as it moves through the air. What is the radius of the circle in which the plane is flying?
480 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The diagram shows the forces acting on the plane as it flies in a horizontal circle of radius r. We can apply Newtons second law to the plane and eliminate the lift force in order to obtain an expression for r as a function of v and .
r Flift
r r Fg = m g
F = ma to the plane:
Fx = Flift sin = m
v2 r
and Fy = Flift cos mg = 0 Eliminate Flift between these equations to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate r:
tan = v2 v2 r = rg g tan
93 An automobile club plans to race a 750-kg car at the local racetrack. The car needs to be able to travel around several 160-m-radius curves at 90 km/h. What should the banking angle of the curves be so that the force of the pavement on the tires of the car is in the normal direction? (Hint: What does this requirement tell you about the frictional force?) Picture the Problem Under the conditions described in the problem statement, the only forces acting on the car are the normal force exerted by the road and the gravitational force exerted by Earth. The horizontal component of the normal force is the centripetal force. The application of Newtons second law will allow us to express in terms of v, r, and g.
r Fn
r r Fg = m g
Eliminate Fn from the force equations to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate :
= Fn cos mg = 0
2 v2 1 v tan = = tan rg rg
94 A curve of radius 150 m is banked at an angle of 10. An 800-kg car negotiates the curve at 85 km/h without skidding. Neglect the effects of air drag and rolling friction. Find (a) the normal force exerted by the pavement on the tires, (b) the frictional force exerted by the pavement on the tires, (c) the minimum coefficient of static friction between the pavement and the tires. Picture the Problem Both the normal force and the static friction force contribute to the centripetal force in the situation described in this problem. We can apply Newtons second law to relate fs and Fn and then solve these equations simultaneously to determine each of these quantities.
r fs r r Fg = m g
r Fn
(a) Apply
F = ma to the car:
Fx = Fn sin + f s cos = m
v2 r
and Fy = Fn cos f s sin mg = 0 Multiply the x equation by sin and the y equation by cos to obtain: f s sin cos + Fn sin 2 = m v2 sin r
482 Chapter 5 Add these equations to eliminate fs: Solve for Fn: v2 Fn mg cos = m sin r v2 Fn = mg cos + m sin r 2 v = m g cos + sin r
= 8.3 kN
fs =
Fn cos mg sin
1.6 kN
(c) Express s,min in terms of fs and Fn: Substitute numerical values and evaluate s,min:
s,min =
s,min =
95 On another occasion, the car in Problem 94 negotiates the curve at 38 km/h. Neglect the effects of air drag and rolling friction. Find (a) the normal force exerted on the tires by the pavement, and (b) the frictional force exerted on the tires by the pavement.
r Fn
r fs r r Fg = m g
(a) Apply
F = ma to the car:
Fx = Fn sin + f s cos = m
v2 r
and Fy = Fn cos f s sin mg = 0 Multiply the x equation by sin and the y equation by cos : v2 sin r Fn cos 2 f s sin cos mg cos = 0 f s sin cos + Fn sin 2 = m Fn mg cos = m v2 sin r
Fn = mg cos + m
= 7.8 kN
fs =
484 Chapter 5
Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs: 0.78 kN sin10 The negative sign tells us that fs points upward along the inclined plane rather than as shown in the force diagram.
96 As a civil engineer intern during one of your summers in college, you are asked to design a curved section of roadway that meets the following conditions: When ice is on the road, and the coefficient of static friction between the road and rubber is 0.080, a car at rest must not slide into the ditch and a car traveling less than 60 km/h must not skid to the outside of the curve. Neglect the effects of air drag and rolling friction. What is the minimum radius of curvature of the curve and at what angle should the road be banked? Picture the Problem The free-body diagram to the left is for the car at rest. The static friction force up the incline balances the downward component of the cars weight and prevents it from sliding. In the free-body diagram to the right, the static friction force points in the opposite direction as the tendency of the moving car is to slide toward the outside of the curve.
y y
f s = (7.83 kN )cot 10
(800 kg )(9.81m/s 2 ) =
r f s,max
r Fn
r Fn
r r Fg = m g
x r f s,max r r Fg = m g
Apply rest:
Substitute fs = fs,max = sFn in equation (2) and solve for the maximum allowable value of : Substitute numerical values and evaluate :
= tan 1 ( s )
= Fn sin + f s cos = m
v2 r
Eliminate Fn between these equations and solve for r: Substitute numerical values and evaluate r:
97 A curve of radius 30 m is banked so that a 950-kg car traveling at 40.0 km/h can round it even if the road is so icy that the coefficient of static friction is approximately zero. You are commissioned to tell the local police the range of speeds at which a car can travel around this curve without skidding. Neglect the effects of air drag and rolling friction. If the coefficient of static friction between the road and the tires is 0.300, what is the range of speeds you tell them? Picture the Problem The free-body diagram to the left is for the car rounding the curve at the minimum (not sliding down the incline) speed. The combination of the horizontal components of the frictional force and the normal force provides the net force toward the center of the curve. In the free-body diagram to the right, the static friction force points in the opposite direction as the tendency of the car moving with the maximum safe speed is to slide toward the outside of the curve. Application of Newtons second law and the simultaneous solution of the force equations will yield vmin and vmax.
486 Chapter 5
y y
r fs
r Fn
r Fn
v = v min
v = v max
r r Fg = m g
r fs r r Fg = m g
2 vmin r
r r F = ma to a car traveling
= Fn sin = m
and Fy = Fn cos mg =0
tan = v2 v2 = tan 1 rg rg
Fx = Fn sin fs cos = m
2 vmin r
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 487 Eliminate Fn between these two equations and solve for vmin : Substitute numerical values and evaluate vmin :
vmin = 0.106rg vmin = 0.106(30 m ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 5.6 m/s 20 km/h
2 vmax Fx = Fn sin + fs cos = m r and Fy = Fn cos fs sin mg =0
2 vmax Fn (s cos + sin ) = m r and Fn (cos s sin ) = mg 2 v max 0.6635Fn = m r and 0.8061Fn = 0.8061mg
Eliminate Fn between these two equations and solve for vmax: Substitute numerical values and evaluate vmax:
vmax = 0.8231rg
vmax =
(0.8231)(30 m )(9.81m/s 2 )
= 16 m/s 56 km/h
You should tell them that the safe range of speeds is 20 km/m v 56 km/h .
Eulers Method
98 You are riding in a hot air balloon when you throw a baseball straight down with an initial speed of 35.0 km/h. The baseball falls with a terminal speed of 150 km/h. Assuming air drag is proportional to the speed squared, use Eulers method (spreadsheet) to estimate the speed of the ball after 10.0 s. What is the uncertainty in this estimate? You drop a second baseball, this one released from rest. How long does it take for it to reach 99 percent of its terminal speed? How far does it fall during this time?
488 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the baseball sometime after it has been thrown downward but before it has reached its terminal speed. In order to use Eulers method, well need to determine how the acceleration of the ball varies with its speed. We can do this by applying Newtons second law to the ball and using its terminal speed to express the constant in the acceleration equation in terms of the balls terminal speed. We can then use vn+1 = vn + an t to find the speed of the ball at any given time.
r Fd = cv 2 j
r Fg = mg j
Apply Newtons second law to the ball to obtain: When the ball reaches its terminal speed, its acceleration is zero: Substitute in equation (1) to obtain:
mg bv 2 = m
dv dv b = g v 2 (1) dt dt m
b g b 2 = 2 vt m vt m
v2 dv = g 1 2 v dt t
Express the position of the ball to obtain: Letting an be the acceleration of the ball at time tn, express its speed when t = tn + 1 :
xn+1 = xn +
vn+1 + vn t 2
vn+1 = vn + an t
v2 where an = g 1 n and t is an v2 t arbitrarily small interval of time.
A spreadsheet solution is shown below. The formulas used to calculate the quantities in the columns are as follows: Cell A10 B10 Formula/Content B9+$B$1 B9+0.5*(C9+C10)*$B$1 Algebraic Form t + t v +v xn+1 = xn + n+1 n t 2 vn+1 = vn+ ant v2 a n = g 1 n v2 t
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 489 A t= x0 = v0 = a0= v t= t (s) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 9.5 10.0 10.5 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 B 0.5 0 9.722 9.81 41.67 x (m) 0 6 14 25 317 337 358 524 545 566 587 608 C s m m/s m/s2 m/s v (m/s) 9.7 14.4 18.7 22.6 41.3 41.4 41.5 41.6 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 a (m/s2) 9.28 8.64 7.84 6.92 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 28 29 30 38 39 40 41 42
From the table we can see that the speed of the ball after 10 s is approximately 41.4 m/s. We can estimate the uncertainty in this result by halving t and recalculating the speed of the ball at t = 10 s. Doing so yields v(10 s) 41.3 m/s, a difference of about 0.02%.
490 Chapter 5 The following graph shows the velocity of the ball thrown straight down as a function of time.
Ball Thrown Straight Down 45 40 35 30 v (m/s) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 t (s) 15 20
Reset t to 0.5 s and set v0 = 0. Ninety-nine percent of 41.67 m/s is approximately 41.3 m/s. Note that the ball will reach this speed in about 10.5 s and that the distance it travels in this time is about 322 m. The following graph shows the distance traveled by the ball dropped from rest as a function of time.
Ball Dropped From Rest 400 350 300 250 x (m) 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 t (s) 8 10 12
99 [SSM] You throw a baseball straight up with an initial speed of 150 km/h. The balls terminal speed when falling is also 150 km/h. (a) Use Eulers method (spreadsheet) to estimate its height 3.50 s after release. (b) What is the maximum height it reaches? (c) How long after release does it reach its maximum height? (d) How much later does it return to the ground? (e) Is the time the ball spends on the way up less than, the same as, or greater than the time it spends on the way down?
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the baseball after it has left your hand. In order to use Eulers method, well need to determine how the acceleration of the ball varies with its speed. We can do this by applying Newtons second law to the baseball. We can then use vn+1 = vn + an t and xn +1 = xn + vn t to
r Fd = bv 2 j
r Fg = mg j
dv dt where v = v for the upward part of the bv v mg = m flight of the ball and v = v for the downward part of the flight.
= ma y to the baseball:
dv b = g v v dt m 0 = g + b g b 2 = 2 vt and m vt m
vv dv g = g 2 v v = g 1 + 2 vt dt vt
Letting an be the acceleration of the ball at time tn, express its position and speed when t = tn + 1:
A spreadsheet solution is shown below. The formulas used to calculate the quantities in the columns are as follows: Cell D11 E10 E11 Formula/Content D10+$B$6 41.7 E10$B$4* Algebraic Form t + t v0 vn+1 = vn + an t
492 Chapter 5 (1+E10*ABS(E10)/($B$5^2))*$B$6 F10 0 F11 F10+0.5*(E10+E11)*$B$6 G10 G11 0 $E$10*D110.5*$B$4*D11^2 A B C g= 9.81 m/s2 vt= 41.7 m/s t= 0.1 s D E
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 78 79 80 81
t 0.00 0.10 0.20 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10
v 41.70 39.74 37.87 3.01 2.03 1.05 0.07 0.91 1.89 2.87 28.34 28.86 29.37 29.87
y 0.00 4.07 7.95 60.13 60.39 60.54 60.60 60.55 60.41 60.17 6.26 3.41 0.49 2.47
yno drag 0.00 4.12 8.14 81.00 82.18 83.26 84.25 85.14 85.93 86.62 56.98 54.44 51.80 49.06
(a) When t = 3.50 s, the height of the ball is about 60.4 m . (b) The maximum height reached by the ball is 60.6 m . (c) The time the ball takes to reach its maximum height is about 3.0 s . (d) The ball hits the ground at about t = 7.0 s (e) Because the time the ball takes to reach its maximum height is less than half its time of flight, the time the ball spends on the way up less than the time it spends on the way down
A spreadsheet solution is shown below. The formulas used to calculate the quantities in the columns are as follows: Cell A10 B10 C10 Formula/Content A9+$B$1 B9+C10*$B$1 C9+D9*$B$1 Algebraic Form t + t xn + vn t vn + an t k (0.30 xn ) m
D10 ($B$4/$B$5)*(0.30B10)
494 Chapter 5 A t= x0 = v0 = k= m= t (s) 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.180 0.185 0.190 0.195 0.200 B 0.005 0 0 50 0.80 x (m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 C s m m/s N/m kg v (m/s) 0.00 0.09 0.19 0.28 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.44 a (m/s2) 18.75 18.72 18.69 18.63 2.85 2.10 1.34 0.58 0.19 D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 45 46 47 48 49
From the table we can see that it took about 0.200 s for the spring to push the block 30 cm and that it was traveling about 2.44 m/s at that time. We can estimate the uncertainty in this result by halving t and recalculating the speed of the ball at t = 10 s. Doing so yields v(0.20 s) 2.41 m/s, a difference of about 1.2%.
xcm =
m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3 m1 + m2 + m3
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 495 Because the point masses all lie along the x axis: y cm = 0 and the center of mass of this system of particles is at (0.23 m, 0 ) .
102 On a weekend archeological dig, you discover an old club-ax that consists of a symmetrical 8.0-kg stone attached to the end of a uniform 2.5-kg stick. You measure the dimensions of the club-ax as shown in Figure 5-77. How far is the center of mass of the club-ax from the handle end of the club-ax? Picture the Problem Let the left end of the handle be the origin of our coordinate system. We can disassemble the club-ax, find the center of mass of each piece, and then use these coordinates and the masses of the handle and stone to find the center of mass of the club-ax.
Express the center of mass of the handle plus stone system: Assume that the stone is drilled and the stick passes through it. Use symmetry considerations to locate the center of mass of the stick: Use symmetry considerations to locate the center of mass of the stone: Substitute numerical values and evaluate xcm:
xcm =
xcm, stick = 49 cm
xcm, stone = 89 cm
xcm =
= 79 cm
103 Three balls A, B, and C, with masses of 3.0 kg, 1.0 kg, and 1.0 kg, respectively, are connected by massless rods, as shown in Figure 5-78. What are the coordinates of the center of mass of this system? Picture the Problem We can treat each of balls as though they are point objects and apply the definition of the center of mass to find (xcm, ycm).
xcm =
mA xA + mB xB + mC xC mA + mB + mC
ycm =
mA y A + mB y B + mC y C mA + mB + mC
(2.0 m,1.4 m )
Picture the Problem We can use the vector expression for the center of mass to find (xcm, ycm).
Substitute numerical values in (1) and simplify to obtain: r rcm = 1 (3.0 kg ) 2.0i + 2.0 + 0k m + (1.0 kg ) i + + 0k m j j (3.0 kg + 1.0 kg + 1.0 kg ) + (1.0 kg ) 3.0i + 0 + 0k m j
= (2.0 m )i + (1.4 m ) + 0k j
[ (
) ]
From symmetry considerations: Express the trigonometric relationship between a/2, 30, and ycm : Solve for ycm and simplify to obtain:
xcm = 0 tan 30 = y cm 1 2a
The center of mass of an equilateral triangle oriented as shown above is at (0, 0.29a ) .
105 [SSM] Find the center of mass of the uniform sheet of plywood in Figure 5-79. Consider this as a system of effectively two sheets, letting one have a negative mass to account for the cutout. Thus, one is a square sheet of 3.0-m edge length and mass m1 and the second is a rectangular sheet measuring 1.0 m 2.0 m with a mass of m2. Let the coordinate origin be at the lower left corner of the sheet. Picture the Problem Let the subscript 1 refer to the 3.0-m by 3.0-m sheet of plywood before the 2.0-m by 1.0-m piece has been cut from it. Let the subscript 2 refer to 2.0-m by 1.0-m piece that has been removed and let be the area density of the sheet. We can find the center-of-mass of these two regions; treating the missing region as though it had negative mass, and then finding the center-ofmass of the U-shaped region by applying its definition.
498 Chapter 5 Express the coordinates of the center of mass of the sheet of plywood:
xcm = m1 xcm,1 m2 xcm, 2 m1 m2 m1 ycm,1 m2 ycm , 2 m1 m2
ycm =
m1 = A1 = 9 kg and m2 = A2 = 2 kg
xcm =
(9 kg )(1.5 m ) (2 kg )(1.5 kg )
9 kg 2 kg
(a) Using its definition, express the location of the center of mass of the can + water:
x H M + m 2 2 = M +m
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 499 Let the cross-sectional area of the can be A and use the definition of density to relate the mass m of water remaining in the can at any given time to its depth x:
M m x = m = M AH Ax H
(b) Differentiate xcm with respect to x and set the derivative equal to zero for extrema: x 2 1+ 1 + dxcm H d H H = = x 2 2 dx dx 1+ H Simplify this expression to obtain a quadratic equation in x/H: Solving for x/H yields:
2 x 1 x x 1 1 + 2 H H H H H 2 2 x x 1 + 1 + H H
x x + 2 1 = 0 H H x = H 2 1 0.414 H where weve kept the positive solution because a negative value for x/H would make no sense.
Use your graphing calculator to convince yourself that the graph of xcm as a function of x is concave upward at x 0.414 H and that, therefore, the minimum value of xcm occurs at x 0.414 H . Evaluate xcm at x = H
2 1 to obtain:
H 2 1 2 1+ H H xcm x=H ( 2 1) = 2 H 2 1 1+ H
= H
2 1
500 Chapter 5
107 [SSM] Two identical thin uniform rods each of length L are glued together so that the angle at the joint is 90. Determine the location of the center of mass (in terms of L) of this configuration relative to the origin taken to be at the joint. (Hint: You do not need the mass of the rods (why?), but you should start by assuming a mass m and see that it cancels out.) Picture the Problem A pictorial representation of the system is shown to the right. The x and y coordinates of the two rods are (x1,cm , y1,cm ) = (0, 12 L )
y L
y1,cm = 1 L 2
, y 2,cm ) = ( L,0 ).
1 2
We can use the definition of the center of mass to find the coordinates (xcm , ycm ).
(xcm , ycm )
L x
x2,cm = 1 L 2
The x coordinate of the center of mass is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate xcm:
xcm =
x1,cm m1 + x2,cm m2 m1 + m2
xcm =
(0)m1 + ( 1 L )m2 2
The y coordinate of the center of mass is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ycm:
ycm =
( 1 L )m1 + (0)m2 2
( 1 L, 1 L ) 4 4
Remarks: Note that the center of mass is located at a distance d = 1 L cos 45 2 from the vertex on the axis of symmetry bisecting the two arms.
L sin
, y 2,cm ) = ( 1 L,0 ). 2 We can use the definition of the center of mass to find the coordinates (xcm , ycm ).
(xcm , ycm )
x1,cm x2,cm L cos
L x
The x coordinate of the center of mass is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate xcm:
xcm =
x1,cm m1 + x2,cm m2 m1 + m2
m1 + m2 or, because m1 = m2 = m, ( 1 L cos )m + ( 1 L )m 2 xcm = 2 m+m = 1 L(1 + cos ) 4 ycm = y1,cm m1 + y 2,cm m2 m1 + m2
xcm =
The y coordinate of the center of mass is given by: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ycm:
ycm =
as expected.
( 1 L(1 + cos ), 1 L sin ) = ( 1 L(1 + cos 90), 1 L sin 90) 4 4 4 4 = ( 1 L, 1 L ) in agreement with Problem 107. 4 4
For = 180 :
as expected.
Remarks: Note that the center of mass is located at a distance d = 1 2 L 1 + cos from the vertex on an axis that makes an angle 4
= tan 1
dA R
center of mass.
y dA
y = r sin
dA = 2r cos dy = (2 R cos )(R cos )d = 2 R 2 cos 2 d
M = Ahalf disk = 1 R 2 = 2
ycm =
2 R2
(R sin )(2R
2 0 2
cos 2 d
sin cos
du = sin d and
ycm 4R u 3 u du = = l1 3 l 4R
4 R cos3 2 4R 1 = 3 = 3 0 = 4R 3
110 Find the location of the center of mass of a nonuniform rod 0.40 m in length if its density varies linearly from 1.00 g/cm at one end to 5.00 g/cm at the other end. Specify the center-of-mass location relative to the less-massive end of the rod. Picture the Problem The pictorial representation summarizes the information were given about the non-uniform rod. We can use the definition of the center of mass for a continuous object to find the center of mass of the non-uniform rod.
dx dm
504 Chapter 5 The x coordinate of the center of mass of the non-uniform rod is given by:
xcm =
xdm dm
x (x )dx (x )dx
By symmetry: Use the given information regarding the linear variation in the density of the non-uniform rod to express (x):
ycm = 0
Substituting for (x) in equation (1) and evaluating the integrals yields:
40 cm
xcm =
= 24 cm
The coordinates of the center of mass of the non-uniform rod are (24 cm, 0) .
111 You have a thin uniform wire bent into part of a circle that is described by a radius R and angle m (see Figure 5-80). Show that the location of its center of mass is on the x axis and located a distance xcm = (R sin m)/ m , where m is expressed in radians. Double check by showing that this answer gives the physically expected limit for m = 180. Verify that your answer gives you the result in the text (in the subsection Finding the Center of Mass by Integration) for the special case of m = 90.
The x coordinate of the center of mass of the thin uniform wire is given by:
xcm =
or, because dm = ds = Rd ,
xdm dm
xcm =
ycm = 0
xcm =
R cos d
R cos d
xcm =
R sin m
The coordinates of the center of mass of the thin uniform wire are R sin m , 0 . m For m = 180 = radians : xcm = R sin = 0 as expected.
radians : xcm
R sin 2 = 2 R as expected. =
112 A long, thin wire of length L has a linear mass density given by A Bx , where A and B are positive constants and x is the distance from the more massive end. (a) A condition for this problem to be realistic is that A > BL . Explain why. (b) Determine xcm in terms of L, A, and B. Does your answer makes sense if B = 0? Explain. Picture the Problem The pictorial representation summarizes the information were given about the long thin wire. We can use the definition of the center of mass for a continuous object to find the center of mass of the non-uniform rod.
dx dm
0 (0) = A
x (x ) = A Bx
L (L) = A BL
(a) At the end, the density has to be positive, so A BL > 0 or A > BL . (b) The x coordinate of the center of mass of the non-uniform rod is given by: By symmetry: The density of the long thin wire decreases with distance according to: Substituting for dm in equation (1) yields:
xcm =
xdm dm
ycm = 0
dm = ( A Bx )dx
xcm =
x( A Bx )dx
0 L
( A Bx )dx
2 BL 1 L 3A = 2 1 BL 2A
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 507 The coordinates of the center of mass of the long thin wire are 2 BL 1 3 A , 0 . L BL 2 1 2A Because A > BL , both the numerator and denominator are positive. Because the denominator is always larger than the numerator, it follows that xcm < 1 L . This 2 makes physical sense because the mass of the rod decreases with distance and so most of it is to the left of the midpoint of the rod. Note also that if B = 0, our result predicts a uniform density (of A) and the center of mass is at the midpoint of the rod (as it should be).
r r Picture the Problem We can use Equation 5-24 ( Mvcm = mi vi ) to find the
velocity of the center of mass of this system of two particles. From Equation 5-24:
r v cm =
m v
i i
r r m1v1 + m2 v 2 = m1 + m2
114 A 1500-kg car is moving westward with a speed of 20.0 m/s, and a 3000-kg truck is traveling east with a speed of 16.0 m/s. Find the velocity of the center of mass of the car-truck system. Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which east is the +x direction r r and use Equation 5-24 ( Mvcm = mi vi ) to find the velocity of the center of mass
508 Chapter 5
r v cm =
m v
i i
r r mt v t + mc v c mt + mc
Express the velocity of the truck: Express the velocity of the car:
(4.00 m/s) i
r A force F = 12 N i is applied to the 3.0-kg ball in Figure 5-78 in 115 Problem 103. (No forces act on the other two balls.) What is the acceleration of the center of mass of the three-ball system?
Picture the Problem The acceleration of the center of mass of the ball is r r related to the net external force through Newtons second law: Fnet,ext = Macm .
Use Newtons second law to express the acceleration of the ball: Substitute numerical values and r evaluate acm :
r Fnet,ext r a cm = M
r acm =
(12 N ) i
3.0 kg + 1.0 kg + 1.0 kg
= 2.4 m/s 2 i
116 A block of mass m is attached to a string and suspended inside an otherwise empty box of mass M. The box rests on a scale that measures the systems weight. (a) If the string breaks, does the reading on the scale change? Explain your reasoning. (b) Assume that the string breaks and the mass m falls with constant acceleration g. Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the center of mass of the boxblock system. (c) Using the result from (b), determine the reading on the scale while m is in free-fall. Picture the Problem Choose a coordinate system in which upward is the +y r r direction. We can use Newtons second law, Fnet,ext = Macm , to find the
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 509 (a) Yes; initially the scale reads (M + m)g. While the block is in free fall, the reading is Mg. (b) Using Newtons second law, express the acceleration of the center of mass of the system: The box has zero acceleration. Hence: (c) Let Fn be the normal force exerted by the scale (the scale reading) on the box. Use Newtons second law to express the net force acting on the system while the block is falling: Solving for Fn yields: Substitute for acm and simplify to obtain:
Fnet,ext = Fn mg Mg = ( M + m)acm
117 [SSM] The bottom end of a massless, vertical spring of force constant k rests on a scale and the top end is attached to a massless cup, as in Figure 5-81. Place a ball of mass mb gently into the cup and ease it down into an equilibrium position where it sits at rest in the cup. (a) Draw the separate freebody diagrams for the ball and the spring. (b) Show that in this situation, the spring compression d is given by d = mbg/k. (c) What is the scale reading under these conditions? Picture the Problem (b) We can apply Newtons second law to the ball to find an expression for the springs compression when the ball is at rest in the cup. (c) The scale reading is the force exerted by the spring on the scale and can be found from the application of Newtons second law to the cup (considered as part of the spring).
(a) The free-body diagrams for the ball and spring follow. Note that, because the ball has been eased down into the cup, both its speed and acceleration are zero.
510 Chapter 5
r Fby scale
r Fby spring
on ball
on spring
r Fby Earth
on ball
on spring
(b) Letting the upward direction be the positive y direction, apply Fy = ma y to the ball when it is at rest in the cup and the spring has been compressed a distance d: Because Fby spring = kd and
on ball
kd mb g = 0 d =
Fby Earth = mb g :
on ball
mb g k
(c) Apply
= ma y to the spring:
equations (1) and (2) yields: Solving for Fby scale yields:
on spring
118 In the Atwoods machine in Figure 5-82 the string passes over a fixed cylinder of mass mc. The cylinder does not rotate. Instead, the string slides on its frictionless surface. (a) Find the acceleration of the center of mass of the twoblock-cylinder-string system. (b) Use Newtons second law for systems to find the force F exerted by the support. (c) Find the tension T in the string connecting the blocks and show that F = mcg + 2T.
(a) Relate the acceleration of the center of mass to m1, m2, mc and their accelerations: Because m1 and m2 have a common acceleration of magnitude a and ac = 0: From Problem 4-84 we have::
r r r r Ma cm = m1a1 + m2 a 2 + mc a c
m1 m2 acm = a m +m +m 2 c 1 m1 m2 m1 + m 2
Substitute to obtain:
m m2 m1 m2 acm = 1 m + m g m + m + m 2 2 c 1 1 =
Solve for F, substitute for acm from Part (a), and simplify to obtain:
(m1 m2 )2 g = Mg
m1 + m2
4m1m2 = + mc g m1 + m2 T=
2m1 m 2 g m1 + m 2
512 Chapter 5
119 Starting with the equilibrium situation in Problem 117, the whole system (scale spring, cup, and ball) is now subjected to an upward acceleration of magnitude a (for example, in an elevator). Repeat the free-body diagrams and calculations in Problem 117. Picture the Problem Because the whole system is accelerating upward, the net upward force acting on the system must be upward. Because the spring is massless, the two forces acting on it remain equal and are oppositely directed. (b) We can apply Newtons second law to the ball to find an expression for the springs compression under the given conditions. (c) The scale reading, as in Problem 117, is the force the scale exerts on the spring and can be found from the application of Newtons second law to the spring.
(a) The free-body diagrams for the ball and spring follow. Note that, because the system is accelerating upward, Fby spring > Fby Earth whereas Fby scale = Fby ball .
on ball on ball on spring on spring
r Fby spring
on ball
r Fby scale
on spring
r Fby Earth
on ball
on spring
(b) Letting the upward direction be the positive y direction, apply Fy = ma y to the ball when the spring is compressed a distance d' : Because Fby spring = kd ' , ay = a, and
on ball
kd' mb g = mb a d' =
Fby Earth = mb g :
on ball
mb ( g + a ) k
(c) Apply
= ma y to the spring:
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 513 Because Fby spring = Fby ball and
on ball on spring
ay = a, adding equations (1) and (2) yields: Solving for Fby scale yields:
on spring
Fby scale = mb (a + g )
on spring
Remarks: Note that the two forces acting on the spring and the upward force acting on the ball, while still equal, are larger (because the system is accelerating upward) than they were in Problem 117.
General Problems
120 In designing your new house in California, you are prepared for it to withstand a maximum horizontal acceleration of 0.50g. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the floor and your prized Tuscan vase so that the vase does not slip on the floor under these conditions? Picture the Problem The forces acting on the vase are the gravitational force r r Fg = mg exerted by Earth, the normal r force Fn exerted by the floor, and the r static friction force f s , also exerted by the floor. We can apply Newtons second law to find the minimum coefficient of static friction that will prevent the vase from slipping.
r Fn
r fs
r r Fg = m g
ax g
121 A 4.5-kg block slides down an inclined plane that makes an angle of 28 with the horizontal. Starting from rest, the block slides a distance of 2.4 m in 5.2 s. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and plane. Picture the Problem The forces that act on the block as it slides down the incline are shown on the free-body diagram to the right. The acceleration of the block can be determined from the distance-and-time information given in the problem. The application of Newtons second law to the block will lead to an expression for the coefficient of kinetic friction as a function of the blocks acceleration and the angle of the incline.
r Fn
r fk
r r Fg = m g
F = ma to the block:
and Fy = Fn mg cos = 0 Set fk = kFn in equation (1) to obtain: Solve equation (2) for Fn and substitute in equation (3) to obtain: Solving for k yields: mg sin k Fn = ma x mg sin k mg cos = ma x g sin a x g cos
k =
Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the distance the block slides to its sliding time:
x = v0 x t + 1 a x (t ) 2
2x (t )2
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 515 Substitute for ax in equation (4) to obtain: g sin 2x (t )2
k =
g cos
122 You plan to fly a model airplane of mass 0.400 kg that is attached to a horizontal string. The plane will travel in a horizontal circle of radius 5.70 m. (Assume the weight of the plane is balanced by the upward lift force of the air on the wings of the plane.) The plane will make 1.20 revolutions every 4.00 s. (a) Find the speed at which you must fly the plane. (b) Find the force exerted on your hand as you hold the string (assume the string is massless). Picture the Problem The force exerted on your hand as you hold the string is r the reaction force to the tension F in the string and, hence, has the same magnitude. The speed of the plane can be calculated from the data concerning the radius of its path and the time it takes to make one revolution. The application of Newtons second law will give us the tension F in the string.
r Flift
r F
r r Fg = m g
(a) Express the speed of the airplane in terms of the circumference of the circle in which it is flying and its period: Substitute numerical values and evaluate v: (b) Apply Fx = max to the model airplane:
2r T
F =m
= 8.10 N
Your moving company is to load a crate of books on a truck with the 123 help of some planks that slope upward at 30.0. The mass of the crate is 100 kg, and the coefficient of sliding friction between it and the planks is 0.500. You and r your employees push horizontally with a combined net force F . Once the crate has started to move, how large must F be in order to keep the crate moving at constant speed?
Picture the Problem The free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the crate of books. The kinetic friction force opposes the motion of the crate up the incline. Because the crate is moving at constant speed in a straight line, its acceleration is zero. We can determine F by applying Newtons second law to the crate, substituting for fk, eliminating the normal force, and solving for the required force.
r Fn
r fk
r F
r Fg
= F cos f k mg sin = 0
Fn = F sin + mg cos
1.49 kN
(a) Using the fact that the object is in static equilibrium, redraw the force diagram connecting the forces head-to-tail:
Appling the law of sines to the triangle yields: Use the trigonometric identity sin( ) = sin to obtain: (b) Appling the law of cosines to the triangle yields: Use the trigonometric identity cos( ) = cos to obtain:
In a carnival ride, you sit on a seat in a compartment that rotates with 125 constant speed in a vertical circle of radius 5.0 m. The ride is designed so your head always points toward the center of the circle. (a) If the ride completes one full circle in 2.0 s, find the direction and magnitude of your acceleration. (b) Find the slowest rate of rotation (in other words, the longest time Tm to complete one full circle) if the seat belt is to exert no force on you at the top of the ride.
Picture the Problem We can calculate your acceleration from your speed that, in turn, is a function of the period of the motion. To determine the longest period of the motion, we focus our attention on the situation at the very top of the ride when the seat belt is exerting no force on you. We can use Newtons second law to relate the period of the motion to your acceleration and speed.
518 Chapter 5
r mg
(a) Because the motion is at constant speed, your acceleration is entirely radial and is given by: Express your speed as a function of the radius of the circle and the period of the motion: Substitute for v in the expression for ac and simplify to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate ac: (b) Apply
ac =
v2 r
2 r T
ac =
ac =
F = ma to yourself
when you are at the top of the circular path and the seat belt is exerting no force on you: Express the period of your motion as a function of the radius of the circle: Substituting for v and simplifying yields: The slowest rate of rotation is the reciprocal of Tm:
Fr = mg = m
Tm =
2 r v
r 2 r = 2 g gr
Tm =
Tm 1 =
1 2
g r
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 519 Substitute numerical values and evaluate Tm 1 :
Tm1 =
1 2
= 0.2229 s 1 13 rev/min
Remarks: You are weightless under the conditions described in Part (b). 126 A flat-topped toy cart moves on frictionless wheels, pulled by a rope under tension T. The mass of the cart is m1. A load of mass m2 rests on top of the cart with the coefficient of static friction s between the cart and the load. The cart is pulled up a ramp that is inclined at angle above the horizontal. The rope is parallel to the ramp. What is the maximum tension T that can be applied without causing the load to slip? Picture the Problem The pictorial representation to the right shows the cart and its load on the inclined plane. The load will not slip provided its maximum acceleration is not exceeded. We can find that maximum acceleration by applying Newtons second law to the load. We can then apply Newtons second law to the cart-plus-load system to determine the tension in the rope when the system is experiencing its maximum acceleration.
r T
m2 m1
Draw the free-body diagram for the cart and its load:
r Fn,1
r T
r (m1 + m2 )g
T (m1 + m2 )g sin
its load:
= (m1 + m2 )a x ,max
520 Chapter 5 Draw the free-body diagram for the load of mass m2 on top of the cart:
r Fn,2
r fs
m2 r m2 g
of the cart:
and Fy = Fn ,2 m2 g cos = 0
Because f s,max = s Fn,2 , the x equation becomes: Solving the y equation for Fn,2 yields: Substitute for Fn,2 in equation (2) to obtain: Solving for a x ,max and simplifying yields: Substitute for a x ,max in equation (1) and solve for T to obtain:
Fn,2 = m2 g cos
(m1 + m2 )g s cos
127 A sled weighing 200 N that is held in place by static friction, rests on a 15 incline (Figure 5-84). The coefficient of static friction between the sled and the incline is 0.50. (a) What is the magnitude of the normal force on the sled? (b) What is the magnitude of the static frictional force on the sled? (c) The sled is now pulled up the incline at constant speed by a child walking up the incline ahead of the sled. The child weighs 500 N and pulls on the rope with a constant force of 100 N. The rope makes an angle of 30 with the incline and has negligible mass. What is the magnitude of the kinetic frictional force on the sled? (d) What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the incline? (e) What is the magnitude of the force exerted on the child by the incline?
r Fn,1
r fs
r m1 g
Fn,1 m1 g cos = 0 Fn,1 = m1 g cos
Fn,1 = (200 N )cos15 = 0.19 kN
(a) Apply Fy = ma y to the sled: Solve for Fn,1: Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fn,1: (b) Apply Fx = max to the sled:
f s m1 g sin = 0 f s = m1 g sin
Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs: (c) Draw the free-body diagram for the sled when it is moving up the incline at constant speed:
f s = (200 N )sin 15 = 52 N
r Fn,1
r fk
r F 30
r m1 g
Apply Fx = 0 to the sled to obtain: Solving for f k yields: Substitute numerical values and evaluate f k :
F cos 30 m1 g sin f k = 0 f k = F cos 30 m1 g sin
522 Chapter 5 (d) The coefficient of kinetic friction between the sled and the incline is given by: Apply Fy = 0 to the sled to obtain: Solve for Fn,1 : Substituting for Fn,1 in equation (1) yields: Substitute numerical values and evaluate k :
k =
fk Fn,1
k =
k =
= 0.24 (e) Draw the free body diagram for the child:
r Fn,2
30 r F
r f s,max
r m2 g
Express the net force Fc exerted on the child by the incline: Noting that the child is stationary, r r apply F = ma to the child:
2 Fc = Fn2 + f s,2max
Solve the x equation for fs,max and the y equation for Fn,2:
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 523 Substitute numerical values and evaluate fs,max and Fn,2: f s,max = (100 N )cos 30 + (500 N )sin 15 = 216.0 N and Fn,2 = (500 N ) cos15 + (100 N )sin 30 = 533.0 N Substitute numerical values in equation (1) and evaluate F: Fc =
(216.0 N )2 + (533.0 N )2
= 0.58 kN
128 In 1976, Gerard ONeill proposed that large space stations be built for human habitation in orbit around Earth and the moon. Because prolonged free-fall has adverse medical effects, he proposed making the stations in the form of long cylinders and spinning them around the cylinder axis to provide the inhabitants with the sensation of gravity. One such ONeill colony is to be built 5.0 miles long, with a diameter of 0.60 mi. A worker on the inside of the colony would experience a sense of gravity, because he would be in an accelerated frame of reference due to the rotation. (a) Show that the acceleration of gravity experienced by the worker in the ONeill colony is equal to his centripetal acceleration. (Hint: Consider someone looking in from outside the colony.) (b) If we assume that the space station is composed of several decks that are at varying distances (radii) from the axis of rotation, show that the acceleration of gravity becomes weaker the closer the worker gets to the axis. (c) How many revolutions per minute would this space station have to make to give an acceleration of gravity of 9.8 m/s2 at the outermost edge of the station? Picture the Problem Let v represent the speed of rotation of the station, and r the distance from the center of the station. Because the ONeill colony is, presumably, in deep space, the only acceleration one would experience in it would be that due to its rotation.
(a) The acceleration of anyone who is standing inside the station is a = v2/r . This acceleration is directed toward the axis of rotation. If someone inside the station drops an apple, the apple will not have any forces acting on it once released, but will move along a straight line at constant speed. However, from the point of view of our observer inside the station, if he views himself as unmoving, the apple is perceived to have an acceleration of v2/r directed away from the axis of rotation (a "centrifugal" acceleration). (b) Each deck must rotate about the central axis with the same period T. Relate the speed of a person on a particular deck to his/her distance r from the center: v= 2 r T
524 Chapter 5 Express the "acceleration of gravity" perceived by someone a distance r from the center: v 2 4 2 r = , a result that tells us ac = r T2 that the acceleration of gravity decreases as r decreases. a= 4 2 r T = T2 4 2 r a
(c) Relate the desired acceleration to the radius of the space station and its period: Substitute numerical values and evaluate T:
Take the reciprocal of this time to find the number of revolutions per minute Babylon 5 has to make in order to provide this Earth-like acceleration:
129 A child of mass m slides down a slide inclined at 30 in time t1. The coefficient of kinetic friction between her and the slide is k. She finds that if she sits on a small sled (also of mass m) with frictionless runners, she slides down the same slide in time 1 t1 . Find k. 2 Picture the Problem The following free-body diagram shows the forces acting on the child as she slides down the incline. Well first use Newtons second law to derive an expression for k in terms of her acceleration and then use Newtons second law to find her acceleration when riding the frictionless cart. Using a constant-acceleration equation, well relate these two accelerations to her descent times and solve for her acceleration when sliding. Finally, we can use this acceleration in the expression for k. y r Fn
r fk
r r Fg = m g
= mg sin f k = ma1, x
Because f k = k Fn , the x-equation can be written: Solving the y-equation for Fn yields: Substitute for Fn in equation (1) to obtain: Solving for k yields:
Fn = mg cos
k = tan 30
a1, x g cos 30
Apply Fx = max to the child as she rides the frictionless cart down the incline and solve for her acceleration a2, x : Letting s represent the distance she slides down the incline, use a constant-acceleration equation to relate her sliding times to her accelerations and distance traveled down the slide : Equate these expressions, substitute t2 = 1 t1 and solve for a1,x: 2 Substitute for a1,x in equation (2) to obtain: Substitute numerical values and evaluate k:
k = tan 30
1 4
k = 3 tan 30 = 0.43 4
130 The position of a particle of mass m = 0.80 kg as a function of time is r j j given by r = xi + y = (R sin t )i + (R cos t ) , where R = 4.0 m and = 2 s1. (a) Show that the path of this particle is a circle of radius R, with its center at the origin of the xy plane. (b) Compute the velocity vector. Show that vx/vy = y/x.
526 Chapter 5 (c) Compute the acceleration vector and show that it is directed toward the origin and has the magnitude v2/R. (d) Find the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on the particle.
Picture the Problem The path of the particle is a circle if r is constant. Once we have shown that it is, we can calculate its value from its components and determine the particles velocity and acceleration by differentiation. The direction of the net force acting on the particle can be determined from the direction of its acceleration.
r = rx2 + ry2
[R sin t ] 2 + [R cos t ] 2
= R 2 sin 2 t + cos 2 t = R
This result shows that the path of the particle is a circle of radius R centered at the origin.
vx : vy
y : x
r r dv a= = dt
[( 16
] [(
] (
v2 : R
r r r Because the direction of Fnet is the same as that of a , Fnet is toward the center of
the circle.
131 You are on an amusement park ride with your back against the wall of a spinning vertical cylinder. The floor falls away and you are held up by static friction. Assume your mass is 75 kg. (a) Draw a free-body diagram of yourself. (b) Use this diagram with Newtons laws to determine the force of friction on you. (c) The radius of the cylinder is 4.0 m and the coefficient of static friction between you and the wall is 0.55. What is the minimum number of revolutions per minute necessary to prevent you from sliding down the wall? Does this answer hold only for you? Will other, more massive, patrons fall downward? Explain. Picture the Problem The application of Newtons second law and the definition of the maximum static friction force will be used to determine the period T of the motion. The reciprocal of the period will give us the minimum number of revolutions required per unit time to hold you in place.
(a) The free-body diagram showing the forces acting on you when you are being held in place by the maximum static friction force is shown to the right.
r f s,max
r Fg
r Fn
528 Chapter 5
(b) Apply
F = ma to yourself
Fx = Fn = m
v2 r
(1) (2)
Solve equation (2) for f s,max : Substitute numerical values and evaluate f s,max : (c) The number of revolutions per minute N is the reciprocal of the period in minutes: Because f s,max = s Fn , equation (1) can be written: Your speed is related to the period of your motion: Substitute for v in equation (4) to obtain:
1 T
f s,max
v2 = =m s r mg
2 r T
2 r 4 2 mr mg T = = m r T2 s T = 2
s r
1 = 1 2 g
N= 2
s r
s r
1 2
= 20 rev/min
Because your mass does not appear in the expression for N, this result holds for all patrons, regardless of their mass.
r m2 g r m1 g
Using a constant-acceleration equation, relate the displacement of the system in its first configuration as a function of its acceleration and fall time: Substitute numerical values and evaluate a x ,1 : Apply
x = v0 x t + 1 a1x (t ) 2
2x (t )2
a x ,1 =
m2 g T1 = m2 a x ,1 T1 = m2 ( g a1x )
530 Chapter 5 Substitute numerical values and evaluate T1: Apply T1 = (2.5 kg ) 9.81m/s 2 4.4616 m/s 2 = 13.371N
= T1 f k = m1a x ,1
mass is m1:
Using fk = kFn, eliminate Fn between the two equations to obtain: Find the acceleration a x , 2 for the second run: T2 is given by:
a x,2 =
T2 = m2 (g a x , 2 ) = 20.1 N
T2 k (m1 + 1.2 kg )g
= (m1 + 1.2 kg )a x , 2
k =
T1 m1a x ,1 m1 g
Substitute for k in equation (2) and simplify to obtain the quadratic equation in m1: Use your graphing calculator or the quadratic formula to obtain:
m1 = 1.215 kg = 1.2 kg
k =
133 Sally claims flying squirrels do not really fly; they jump and use folds of skin that connect their forelegs and their back legs like a parachute to allow them to glide from tree to tree. Liz decides to test Sallys hypothesis by calculating the terminal speed of a falling outstretched flying squirrel. If the constant b in the drag force is proportional to the area of the object facing the air
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 531 flow, use the results of Example 5-8 and some assumptions about the size of the squirrel to estimate its terminal (downward) speed. Is Sallys claim supported by Lizs calculation?
Picture the Problem A free-body diagram showing the forces acting on the squirrel under terminal-speed conditions is shown to the right. Well assume that b is proportional to the squirrels frontal area and that this area is about 0.1 that of a human being. Further, well assume that the mass of a squirrel is about 1.0 kg. Applying Newtons second law will lead us to an expression for the squirrels terminal speed.
r Fdrag = bv t2 j
r Fg = mg j
Fd Fg = ma y or, because ay = 0, Fd Fg = 0
mg b
Assuming that Asquirrel = (0.1)Ahuman: From Example 5-8: Substitute numerical values in equation (1) and evaluate vt:
20 m/s
Because the squirrels terminal speed is approximately 80 km/h and this value is less than half that of the skydiver in Example 5-8, Sallys claim seems to be supported by Lizs calculation.
134 After a parachutist jumps from an airplane (but before he pulls the rip cord to open his parachute), a downward speed of up to 180 km/h can be reached. When the parachute is finally opened, the drag force is increased by about a factor of 10, and this can create a large jolt on the jumper. Suppose this jumper falls at 180 km/h before opening his chute. (a) Determine the parachutists acceleration when the chute is just opened, assuming his mass is 60 kg. (b) If rapid accelerations greater than 5.0g can harm the structure of the human body, is this a safe practice?
532 Chapter 5
Picture the Problem The free-body r diagram shows the drag force Fd exerted by the air and the r gravitational force Fg exerted by
r Fd = 10bv 2 j
Earth acting on on the parachutist just after his chute has opened. We can apply Newtons second law to the parachutist to obtain an expression for his acceleration as a function of his speed and then evaluate this expression for v = vt . (a) Apply Fy = ma y to the parachutist immediately after the chute opens: Solving for achute yields:
r Fg = mg j
10bv 2 mg = machute
achute = 10
b 2 v g m
Before the chute opened: Under terminal speed conditions, ay = 0 and: Substitute for b/m in equation (1) to obtain:
bv 2 mg = ma y
bvt2 mg = 0
b g = 2 m vt
(b) Because this acceleration exceeds the safe acceleration by 4g, this is not a safe practice.
135 Find the location of the center of mass of the Earthmoon system relative to the center of Earth. Is it inside or outside the surface of Earth? Picture the Problem We can use the definition of the location of the center of mass of a system of particles to find the location of the center of mass of the Earth-moon system. The following pictorial representation is, of course, not shown to scale.
mm xm
xcm =
mE xcm,E + mm xcm,m m E + mm
(5.98 10
Because the radius of Earth is 6.37 106 m, the center of mass of the Earth-moon system is inside Earth. A circular plate of radius R has a circular hole of radius R/2 cut out of 136 it (Figure 5-86). Find the center of mass of the plate after the hole has been cut. Hint: The plate can be modeled as two disks superimposed, with the hole modeled as a disk of negative mass.
Picture the Problem By symmetry, xcm = 0. Let be the mass per unit area of the disk. The mass of the modified disk is the difference between the mass of the whole disk and the mass that has been removed.
m y
i i
Express the mass of the complete disk: Express the mass of the material removed: Substitute and simplify to obtain:
M = A = r 2
r = = 1 r 2 = 1 M 4 4 2
M (0 ) ( 1 M )( 1 r ) 4 2 = 1 M 4M
1 6
ycm =
534 Chapter 5
137 An unbalanced baton consists of a 50-cm-long uniform rod of mass 200 g. At one end there is a 10-cm-diameter uniform solid sphere of mass 500 g, and at the other end there is a 8.0-cm-diameter uniform solid sphere of mass 750 g. (The center-to-center distance between the spheres is 59 cm.) (a) Where, relative to the center of the light sphere, is the center of mass of this baton? (b) If this baton is tossed straight up (but spinning) so that its initial center of mass speed is 10.0 m/s, what is the velocity of the center of mass 1.5 s later? (c) What is the net external force on the baton while in the air? (d) What is the batons acceleration 1.5 s following its release? Picture the Problem The pictorial representation summarizes the information concerning the unbalanced baton and shows a convenient choice for a coordinate system.
y, cm m1 = 500 g r1 = 5.0 cm
m3 = 750 g r3 = 4.0 cm
m2 = 200 g
x , cm
(a) The x coordinate of the center of mass of the unbalanced baton is given by:
xcm =
xcm =
35 cm
(b) Because the center of mass of the baton acts like a point particle, use a constant-acceleration equation to express is velocity as a function of time: Substitute numerical values and evaluate v(1.5 s):
v(1.5 s ) = 10.0 m/s 9.81 m/s 2 (1.5 s ) = 4.7 m/s = 4.7 m/s downward
(c) The net external force acting on the baton is the gravitational force (weight) exerted on it by Earth:
Fnet = Fg = (m1 + m2 + m3 )g
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 535 Substitute numerical values and evaluate Fnet: (d) Again, because the center of mass acts like a point particle, its acceleration is that of a point particle in flight near the surface of Earth: Fnet = (500 g + 200 g + 750 g ) 9.81 m/s 2 = 14.2 kN
acm = g = 9.81 m/s 2
138 You are standing at the very rear of a 6.0-m-long, 120-kg raft that is at rest in a lake with its prow only 0.50 m from the end of the pier (Figure 5-87). Your mass is 60 kg. Neglect frictional forces between the raft and the water. (a) How far from the end of the pier is the center of mass of the you-raft system? (b) You walk to the front of the raft and then stop. How far from the end of the pier is the center of mass now? (c) When you are at the front of the raft, how far are you from the end of the pier? Picture the Problem Let the origin be at the edge of the pier and the +x direction be to the right as shown in the pictorial representation immediately below.
x, m
In the following pictorial representation, d is the distance of the end of the raft from the pier after you have walked to its front. The raft moves to the left as you move to the right; with the center of mass of the you-raft system remaining fixed (because Fext,net = 0). The diagram shows the initial (xy,i) and final (xy,f) positions of yourself as well as the initial (xr_cm,i) and final (xr_cm,f) positions of the center of mass of the raft both before and after you have walked to the front of the raft.
x, m
d + 6.0 m
d + 3.0 m
(a) xcm before you walk to the front of the raft is given by:
xcm =
my x y,i + mr xr_cm, i m y + mr
= 4.5 m (b) Because Fext,net = 0, the center of mass remains fixed: (c) Call the distance of the raft from the pier after you have walked to the front of the raft d and express the new location x'cm of the center of mass of the system: Solving for d yields: d=
x'cm = xcm = 4.5 m my xy,f + mr xr_cm,f my d + mr (d + 3.0 m ) my + mr my + mr
x'cm = =
= 4.5 m
= 2.5 m
139 An Atwoods machine that has a frictionless massless pulley and massless strings has a 2.00-kg object hanging from one side and 4.00-kg object hanging from the other side. (a) What is the speed of each object 1.50 s after they are released from rest? (b) At that time, what is the velocity of the center of mass of the two objects? (c) At that time, what is the acceleration of the center of mass of the two objects? Picture the Problem The forces acting on the 2.00-kg (m1) and 4.00-kg (m2) objects are shown in the free-body diagrams to the right. Note that the two objects have the same acceleration and common speeds. We can use constantacceleration equations and Newtons second law in the analysis of the motion of these objects.
r T1
r T2
m2 m1
r r Fg,1 = m1 g
r r Fg,2 = m 2 g
Additional Applications of Newtons Laws 537 (a) Use a constant-acceleration equation to relate the speed of the objects to their common acceleration: Apply Fy = ma y to the object whose mass is m1: Apply Fy = ma y to the object whose mass is m2: Because T1 = T2, adding these equations yields: Solve for ay to obtain: m2 g m1 g = m2 a y + m1a y m2 g T2 = m2 a y v(t ) = v0 y + a y t or, because v0y = 0, v(t ) = a y t T1 m1 g = m1a y (1)
m m1 ay = 2 m + m g 1 2 m m1 v(t ) = 2 m + m g t 1 2
Substitute numerical values and evaluate v(1.50 s ) : 4.00 kg 2.00 kg 2 v(1.50 s ) = 4.00 kg + 2.00 kg 9.81 m/s (1.50 s ) = 4.905 m/s = 4.91 m/s
r r r m1v1 + m2 v 2 v cm = m1 + m2
The velocity of the center of mass is 1.64 m/s downward. (c) The acceleration of the center of mass is given by:
r r r m1a1 + m2 a 2 a cm = m1 + m2
538 Chapter 5
r a cm
) (