Through this assignment, you are asked to reflect on, summarize, analyze or synthesize ideas based on the required subject. Such assignments will be presented directly to us and can be shared with classmates in other groups when appropriate. Throughout the assignment, you are required to carry out the following: 1. Getting Ready to Read: A. Previewing: Learning about the text before reading it. B. Analyzing the features of the text. C. Finding organizational patterns. D. Finding signal words. E. Extending vocabulary (creating a word wall). 2. Engaging in Reading: A. Using Context to Find Meaning. B. Reading Between the Lines (Inferences). C. Most/Least Important Idea(s) and Information. D. Making Notes. 3. Reacting to Reading: A. Responding to Text. B. Drawing Conclusions (I Read/I Think/Therefore). 4. Reading Different Text Forms: A. Reading Informational Texts. B. Reading Graphical Texts. C. Reading Literary Texts. 5. Summary of all of the above: A. Before Reading - Ask Questions. B. During Reading - Ask Questions. C. During Reading - Understand the Text. D. During Reading - Make Inferences. E. During Reading Visualize. F. During Reading - Make Connections.
G. H. I. J. K. 6. Make A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.
During Reading - Think to Read. During Reading - Take Good Notes. After Reading - Ask Questions. After Reading - Find the Main Idea(s). After Reading - Think About the Text. your own report on a CD. This report should include: Title page. Contents list. Introduction. Body of the report. Summary. Appendices. Bibliography and/or References. Glossary or Nomenclature.
Assignment Subjects
1 2 3 Subject Ceramics Types Ceramics Structures Ceramics Fabrication Titles Required Cover the Subject. Cover the Subject. Cover the Subject. Introduction & Basics. Particle-Reinforced Composites: 1. Large-Particle Composites. 2. Dispersion-Strengthened Composites. Fiber-Reinforced Composites: 1. Influence of Fiber Length. 2. Influence of Fiber Orientation & Concentration. Cover the Subject. Introduction & Basics. Hydrocarbon Molecules. Polymer Molecules. The chemistry of Polymer Molecules. Molecular Weight. Cover the Subject. Cover the Subject. Cover the Subject.
Polymers Types
Polymers Structures
7 8 9 10 11
Polymers Fabrication Materials Hardening Nano Technology Smart Materials Powder Metallurgy
Case Study. Production. Some of our modern kitchen cookware is made of ceramic materials. 1. List at least three important characteristics required of a material to be used for this application. 2. Compare the relative properties and cost of three ceramic materials. 3. On the basis of this comparison, select the material most suitable for the cookware. Write an essay on the replacement of metallic automobile components by polymers and composite materials. Address the following issues: 1. Which automotive components (e.g., crankshaft) now use polymers and/or
Ceramics Fabrication
composites? 2. Specifically what materials (e.g., high density polyethylene) are now being used? 3. What are the reasons for these replacements? All The Fiber Phase. The Matrix Phase. Polymer-Matrix Composites. Metal-Matrix Composites. Ceramic-Matrix Composites. Carbon-Carbon Composites.
Polymers Structures
1. List several advantages and disadvantages of using transparent polymeric materials for eyeglass lenses. 2. State four properties (in addition to being transparent) that are important for this application. 3. Note three polymers that may be candidates for eyeglass lenses, and then tabulate values of the properties stated in 2 for these three materials. Molecular Shape. Molecular Structure. Molecular Configurations. Thermoplastic & Thermosetting Polymers. Copolymers. Polymer Crystallinity. Polymer Crystals. 1. Write an essay on polymeric materials that are used in the packaging of food products and drinks. 2. Include a list of the general requisite characteristics of materials that are used for these applications. 3. Now cite a specific material that is used for each of three different container types and the rationale for each choice. Characteristics. Compaction. Hybrid Composites.
Powder Metallurgy
20 Composites
22 Powder Metallurgy
Processing of Fiber-Reinforced Composites. Structural Composites. 1. Laminar Composites. 2. Sandwich Panels. Composite materials are now being used extensively in sports equipment. 1. List at least four different sports implements that are made of, or contain composites. 2. For one of these implements, write an essay in which you do the following: (A) Cite the materials that are used for matrix and dispersed phases, and, if possible, the proportions of each phase; (B) note the nature of the dispersed phase (i.e., continuous fibers); and (C) describe the process by which the implement is fabricated. Sintering. Secondary Operations.
Each student will work alone on his subject and titles according to the predefined groups which is base on the alphabetic sequence.
Deadline Date
All CDs should be send on that day at most; 10/05/2012