125 A Mid 2 Chemistry-1

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List of second midterm questions by the

discipline "Chemistry" for "General

Medicine" 1st-year students (2020-2021
education year)

1. Name the particles formed during the heterolytic break of the

covalent bond in the reagent molecule
Electrophile (cation) &nucleophile(anion)

2. Select
a connection for which an electrophilic connection is
Alkene, alkyne and aromatic compounf 2 butyn acid

3. Findthe type of reaction typical for benzene, and determine the

Electrophilic substitution (sigma covalent bond))

4. Determine the molecule that contains the second kind of

Benzoic acid

5. Indicate
the particle that is formed during the homolytic break of
the covalent bond
Free radical

6. Select
a compound where there is a conjugate effect

7. Select Markovnikov Rule Definitions

the electron-rich component of the reagent adds to the carbon atom

with fewer hydrogen atoms bonded to it, (for asymmetrical alkene)
Most hydrogenated carbon
atom, oleophiles

8. Predict
the oxidation product of propanol-1
Propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH) Propanal
9. Findthe correspondence "Reactions proceeding with the
elimination of thermodynamically stable molecules (water,
ammonia, etc.) are called reactions"
Elimination reaction

10. Determine the type of reaction СН -СН ОН + СН -СН ОН →

3 2 3 2

СН -СН -О-СН -СН + Н О

3 2 2 3 2
Elimination and
Ans-Estrification rxn (NSR of Ayl group) dehydration inter a
11. Find
the correspondence "Reactions proceeding through σ-
bonds, during which atoms or groups of atoms are replaced by
other atoms or groups, are called reactions"
Elimination reaction
12. Find the correspondence "Reactions of functional groups
(nucleophilic substitution S ) at the sp hybridized carbon atom

are characteristic of compounds having functional groups"

Free radical substitution Halogenation

13. Find the correspondence to the wording "In the reactions of

elimination of secondary and tertiary alcohols and in the
dehydrohalogenation of secondary and tertiary halides, the
elimination of a proton occurs from the least hydrogenated
carbon atom" corresponds to the rule
Hoffman rule

Zatyseva rule
14. Find
the correspondence "Particle X in the reaction RX + Nu: →
RNu + X: called"
Leaving group

15. Determinethe type of reaction СН -СН ОН → СН = СН + Н О

3 2 2 2 2

Elimination reaction

16. Specify the product of the aldol condensation of propanal

CH3-CH2-CH=CH(CH3) CH 2 methal 3 hydroxy
17. Explain what is the reason for the condensation reaction
characteristic of carbonyl compounds
By the moblilty of the hydrogen atom at the alpha carbon atom

18. Selectcompounds that can react to produce a hemiacetal

Aldehyde (CHO) + R-OH React to produce hemiacetal
Methanol and propanol
19. How the partial positive charge on the carbon of the carbonyl
group affects its activity in nucleophilic addition reactions
Increase the attack of nucleophile
With increasing plus charge and becoming electrophilic
20. For aldehydes that do not have α-hydrogen atoms, a
disproportionation reaction is characteristic, as a result of
which the process
Cannizaro reaction in high reactive compound oxidised to acid
and less reactive reduce to form alcohol.
Oxidation of aldehyde molecule by reducing another aldehyde molecule
21. Determine the correct name for the structure of chloral, used in
medicine as a sedative and hypnotic
 trichloroacetaldehyde or trichloroethanal

22. Corresponding type of tautomerism for carbonyl compounds
Keto enol toutomerism

23. Determine the type of reaction and the substance formed by

heating the product of aldol condensation
Elimination reaction elimination
24. Dicarboxylic acids are stronger than monobasic acids because
The oxygen atom of the second carboxyl group has an inductive
effect on the first -COOH group and increases its dissociation

25. Reduction
of pyruvic acid into lactic acid in the body proceeds
according to the reaction

Ch3 co cooh 7ch3

ch (oh) cooh

26. Hydrolysisof the ester produced two substances. One of them is

easily oxidized by an ammonia solution of silver (I) oxide,
while the oxidation of the other produces a ketone. This ester
Ans isopropyl Metanoate
27. The combination of the two functional groups OH and NH 2

corresponds to the type of compound below


28. The keto-enol tautomerism of oxaloacetic acid is due to

Ansᾳ-H shifting Presence of ch acid
and proto transfer
29. Glycolic acid НО – СН – СООН can be classified as a

Glycolic acid is smallest ᾳ-hydroxy acid

30. The
ester of choline HO – CH2 – CH2 – N + (CH3) 3 and acetic
acid - acetylcholine - is a common mediator in the transmission
of nervous excitement in nerve tissues - a neurotransmitter.
What is its formula
C7NH16O2+ 2-Acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium

Ch3coo ch2 ch2 n +

31. The ester of choline НО–СН –СН –N (CH ) and acetic acid -
2 2 3 3

acetylcholine - is a common mediator in the transmission of

nervous excitement in nerve tissues - a neurotransmitter. What
is its formula
C7NH16O2+ 2-Acetoxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium

2 hydroxy propane, 2oxo propane ,

ethanidioic acid
32. Forthe following carboxylic acids select names according to the
international nomenclature
3 3

3.ethendioic acid

33. Non-essential
α-amino acid
Alanine,aspartic acid ,aspargine ,glutamic acid ,serine and seleno
cysteine Glysine
34. The
digested of proteins into peptides occurs
Small amount of digestion in stomach and majority of digestion
duodenum part of small instestine
In stomach with pepsin

35. Hydrolysis
of proteins produces

36. The
isoelectric point of a protein is
At a ph where protein carries no net electrical charge and it is
considered as neutral
Cooh group or equal to number of nh3
37. Protein
denaturation destroys ...
Secondary ,tertiary and quarttinary structure

38. The
formation of the primary structure of proteins is carried out:
Linear sequence of amino acid with peptide bond or amide bond
forms primary structure of protein Peptide bond

39. Thisα-amino acid cannot be detected by the xanthoprotein reaction

Such tyrosine , and tryptophan react with Xanthoproteic test,
phenyl alanine does not respond with this test. Xanthoproteic test
is used to detect amino acids containing an aromatic nucleus
(tyrosine, tryptophan and phenylalanine) in a protein solution
which gives yellow color
40. The formation of the secondary structure of proteins is carried out
using bonds: 1.electrostatic interaction 2.Hydrogen bonds in the
form of α-helix, β-folded sheets and collagen helix 3.hydrophobic
interaction 4.hydrogen and disulfide bonds between subunit
polypeptide chains
Hydrogen bonds in the form of alpha helix , beta-folded sheets and
collagen helix
Hydrogen bond

41. International
nomenclature for the following compound: СН - 3


3 2 2

Ans. 2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid

42. This α-amino acid belongs to a number of essential acids

43. Cyclicorganic compounds, the cycle of which includes one or more

other elements are called
Ans. compounds are pyrrole, furan and thiophene, each of
which contains single heteroatoms.
They are aromatic.

44. Antipyrine,amidopyrine, analgin drugs are based on the structure


45. Pyrimidinenitrogenous bases include

Ans. Thymine and cytosine, referred to as pyrimidines, are
molecular rings formed of four carbon and two nitrogen atoms.
46. Bicyclic heterocyclic compounds include

47. Pyrimidineis a structural component

In nucleic acid DNA &RNA

48. The
initial compound in the synthesis of anti-tuberculosis drugs -
tubazide and ftivazide is
Isonictonic acid

49. The
end product of the metabolism of purine compounds in the
body is
Uric acid

50. Select
aromatic six-membered heterocycles with one nitrogen
heteroatom from the compounds below 1. Pyrimidine 2. Pyridine
3. Quinoline 4. Pyrazine 5. Pyrrole 6. Imidazole

51. Pyrimidine
Thymine, cytosine, uracil

52. Nitrogen base of the pyrimidine series, not part of DNA


53. Nitrogen
base of the pyrimidine series, not part of RNA
54. “Heterocyclic
nitrogen-containing bases of plant origin, which have
a pronounced physiological effect, are called
Morphine , caffeine , nictotine ,atropine

55. Analkaloid, a pyridine derivative, affects the autonomic nervous

system, constricts blood vessels, is very toxic. Indicate this
Ans. Nicotine

56. Purine
Adenine, guanine

57. Indicate
the number of chiral elements in the aldohexose molecule
and how many optical isomers:
4 chiral carbon and 16 optical isomer

58. Name the product formed during the oxidation of glucose with an
ammonia solution of silver oxide (Tollens reagent)
Ans. The product formed on oxidation is gluconic acid. −CHO group
is oxidized to −COOH group.

59. Thepresence of several OH groups in glucose can be proved using

this reaction
The presence of -OH group is confirmed after the acetylation of glucose with acetic acid which
gives glucose pentaacetate

60. What functional groups does the glucose molecule contain: 1.

Alcohol 2. Phenolic 3. Carbonyl 4. Carboxyl 5. Ester
Carbonyl and alcohol

61. Does
not give a "silver mirror" reaction with Tollens' reagent
Given by aldehyde but not ketones

62. Modernconcepts of photosynthesis are reduced to the following

statements, one of which is mistake. Indicate this mistake. nCO +

nH O 2

C H O [C (H O) ] + nO
n 2n n n 2 n 2

63. The
formation of a stable cyclic hemiacetal form of D-glucose
occurs due to the interaction of functional groups
Aldehyde C1

64. Whatalcohols are formed during the reduction of glucose,

mannose, galactose
Sorbitol, mannitol,dulcite

65. Which definition most fully characterizes monosaccharides

Any of the class of sugars (e.g. glucose) that cannot be hydrolysed
to give a simpler sugar.

66. Carbohydrates
whose molecules contain from 2 to 8-10
monosaccharide residues linked by glycosidic bonds are called
67. Which of the following pentose carbohydrates is included in nucleic
Ribose and deoxyribose

68. Phosphoric acid produced by hydrolysis of a nucleotide can be

detected using
Titration with ether methyl orange

69. Ifthe base sequence is ACA in the double helix of another strand of
the DNA molecule, indicate the complementary DNA structure to
this region.

70. Nucleosidesare N-glycosides composed of

Nitrogen base and sugar

71. Fiveuniversally widespread heterocyclic bases are present as

aglycones in the overwhelming majority of DNA and RNA.
Choose among them those that are only part of the RNA.
1) Uracil 2) Thymine 3) Cytosine 4) Adenine 5) Guanine

72. What type of nucleic acids does the following definition correspond
to: "Two polynucleotide chains twisted around a common axis and
linked by hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds between nitrogenous

73. In the genetic code, one amino acid corresponds to a codon

consisting of
Ans. Three nucleotide (codon)

74. Which
compounds does the definition correspond to: "Ν-glycosides
formed by nucleic bases and ribose (or deoxyribose) are called ..."

75. Phosphatidylcholine is obtained by interaction

It is obtained from eggs,soyabeans,mustard,sunflower and it is
extracted using hexanse

76. Name the substance that forms phosphatidylcholine when it is

condensation between diacylglycerol (DAG) and cytidine 5'-
diphosphocholine (CDP-choline or citicoline). The conversion is
mediated by the enzyme diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase.
Another pathway, mainly operative in the liver involves
methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine with S-adenosyl
methionine (SAM) being the methyl group donor.

77. Neutral
lipids or fats are esters, name the substance that forms these
Ans. By the linkage of alcohol to acyl group of fatty acid.

78. Choose the mechanism of the lipid peroxidation reaction

This reaction consist of three major steps intiationa, proapagation
and termination .formed products are known as lipid peroxides or
lipid oxidation products
79. Specify the biologically important fatty acids from the following
carboxylic acids:
1) С17Н35СООН 2. С15Н31СООН 3. СН3СООН 4. С17Н31СООН 5.

80. Specify
the substance that gives the fats a liquid consistency (oil)
Unsaturated acids

81. Choosethe reaction mechanism which simple lipids are formed

from higher carboxylic acids and alcohols
Nucleophilic substituition

82. During the preparation of mayonnaise, phosphatidylcholine

(lecithin) from egg yolks passes into vegetable oil, which stabilizes
the sauce and does not allow it to delaminate, specify the property
of phosphatidylcholine
Phoshatidylcholine being a surfactant turns fat into emulsion

83. Palmiticand stearic acids are the most important of the saturated
acids in the lipids of the human body. Choose the formulas of
palmitic and stearic acid
C16H32O2(palmitic acid)
C18H36O2 (stearic acid)
84. Specifythe type of consistency that is dominated fat if there are
saturated acids in the fat

85. Choosethe phospholipids from the following compounds


86. Products
of complete acid hydrolysis of lecithin
Glycerol ,fatty acids ,phosphoric acid and choline

87. Determine the number of ester bonds in the tripalmitoylglycerin


88. Which class of organic compounds form phospholipids, sphingo

lipids and glycolipids?
Saponified complex lipids

89. Namethe common name of the acid С Н СООН

17 31


90. Indicate
the substance which belongs to unsaponifiable lipids

91. Theclassification of lipids into saponified and unsaponified is

related to their ability to react
Catalyzed ester hydrolysis

92. Indicate
the initial compound for the in vivo synthesis of
isoprenoids and steroids

93. From the following substances, select substances that are not
steroids 1.Phospholipids 2.Bile acids
3.Sex hormones 4.Corticosteroids 5.Fats 6.Vitamins of group D
Vitamins of D group

94. Select
a group of steroids that includes cholane hydrocarbon that
forms the basis of steroids

95. Indicate
the saturated hydrocarbon that underlies the hydrocarbon
skeleton of corticosteroids

96. From the following compounds, select a compound that does not
belong to isoprenoids
Ans. Vitamin C and Aschorbic acid
2. Steroids

97. "Cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene derivatives which include

sterols, bile acids, sex hormones and adrenal hormones". Which
group of substances does this definition belong to
98. Specify to which group of hormones the synthetic steroid
prednisone can be attributed gluco
The group of glucocorticoids
99. From the statements below, choose the one that is incorrect
regarding unsaponifiable lipids
Ans. The basic of all unsaponifiable lipids is triatomic alcohol
glycerol and higher fatty acids

100. Indicate the saturated hydrocarbon that underlies the hydrocarbon

skeleton of male sex hormone
Ans. Pregnane
101. Indicate a hydrocarbon that underlies the basis of ergosterol like all
Ans. Cholestane
102. Cholic acid refers to bile acids and is involved in the digestive
process, because… Choose a mistaken statement
Ans Creates a highly acidic state of intestinal juice
103. Choose one of the hormones listed below that belongs to

104. Selecta group of steroids that includes pregnane hydrocarbon that

forms the basis of steroids
Female sex hormones (progesterone) and hormones of adrenal

105. In the reaction between benzene and bromine in the presence of

iron (III) bromide, brombenzene C H Br is formed as a catalyst.
6 5

After comparing the formulas of the starting substance and the

reaction product, determine the type of reaction:
Ans. Substitution Rxn
106. Define the products formed as a result of reactions of nucleophilic
substitution (interaction with hydrogen bromide) and elimination
of pentane-2-ol.
2-brominepentane and pentene-2

107. Specify
the product formed during the oxidation of propane-1-ol.
Propanic acid (CH3CH2COOH)

108. Thereactivity of R-OH alcohols in nucleophilic substitution

reactions is explained by:
By the ploaroty of CO bonds

109. Determine the type of this reaction: СН -СН ОН + СН -СН ОН →

3 2 3 2

СН -СН -О-СН -СН + Н О

3 2 2 3 2

Esterification reaction (NSR of acyl group)

110. Indicate
the reaction that proceeds by the mechanism of
nucleophilic addition (A )

Carbonyl compounds gives nucleophilic addition rxn

(-CHO, C=O)

111. Specify the alcohol when it is oxidized a ketone can be obtained.

Secondary and tertiary alchohol
112. Choose the correct names of the following carboxylic acids: СН -


113. The characteristic purple staining for the biuret reaction appears
when the biuret interacts in what compound.
In the presence of alkaline, when Biuret is reacted with dilute
copper sulphate, a purple coloured substance is formed. The reason
behind this colour is the formation of a chelate complex or copper
coordination complex.

114. Determine the type of reaction of interaction of benzoic acid and

one of the alcohol groups of glucuronic acid (the reaction occurs in
the body during the detoxification of benzoic acid).

115. Glycolic
acid НО – СН – СООН is:

Ans. Glycolic acid is smallest ᾳ-hydroxy acid. Colourless. Orderless

and hydroscopic crystalline solid is highly soluble in water.

116. Chemicalproperties of which classes of compounds does lactic


Acid and alcohol

117. Lactamis formed when heating what compounds

Heating from amino acid

118. Name the salts of lactic, oxalic and acetic acids

118 Sodium lactate is the sodium salt of lactic acid, and has a mild
saline taste. NaC3h5O3

Sodium oxalate or disodium oxalate is the sodium salt of oxalic

acid NA2C2O4

Sodium acetate is the salt of acetic acid

119. Specify the substance formed during intermolecular dehydration of
α-hydroxy acids
Cyclic lactides \ 2,5-dioxo -1,4-dioxanes
120. Definition of the primary structure of the protein.
Linear sequence of amino acid in a peptide chain are held by amide bond or peptide bond
Its structure starting from amino terminal end end to carboxyl terminal end

121. Specifywhich reaction centers the amino group acts as in amines.

Both the nucleophilic and basic center

122. Determine which bonds form the quaternary structure of proteins.

Amide bond(peptide bond) ,hydrogen bond ,vander wall attraction
force ,disulphide bond,ionic bond ,hydrophobic interactions

123. Specifyhow the breakdown of proteins occurs in the animal body.

Once a protein source reaches your stomach, hydrochloric acid and
enzymes called proteases break it down into smaller chains of
amino acids. Amino acids are joined together by peptides, which
are broken by proteases. From your stomach, these smaller chains
of amino acids move into your small intestine

124. Specifyhow the α - and β-anomeric forms of D-glucose differ

from each other
Different configuration at anomeric carbon. They are diasteriomer.
Anomeric carbon- carbon of carbonyl grp convert into hemiacetyl

125. Indicate
the substances formed during the reduction of
126. Inthe α-D-glucopyranose molecule, hydroxyl groups are located at
C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-6 and are divided into a glycoside and
alcohol. Specify the position of the hydroxyl group that is more
reactive in S reactions.

127. The formation of cyclic forms of glucose occurs when the

interaction of what substances.
Cyclic form is formed by hydroxyl group on 5 carbon with

aldehyde group on 1 carbon in glucose


128. Indicate which carbohydrate does not give a "silver mirror"

reaction with the Tollens reagent.

129. Name cyclic organic compounds, the composition of the cycle of

which in addition to carbon atoms includes one or more other
Heterocyclic compound

130. Select nitrogen containing six-membered heterocyclic compounds.


131. Specify the types of tautomeric transformations Cyclo possible for

uric acid: 1.Lactim-lactam tautomerism
2.Keto-enol 3.Prototropic tautomerism 4. -oxo tautomerism

132. Specify the heterocycle that underlies vitamin PP (nicotinic acid


133. Specify the heterocycles that belong to pyrimidine nitrogenous bases

Cysteine , thymine and uracil

134. Choose a substance that belongs to the indole derivatives.

Trpytophan , auxin

135. Indicate the final products of the oxidation of purine nitrogenous

bases in the body.
Uric acid

136. Specify which of the following carbohydrates pentose is included

in the composition of nucleic acids.
Ribose and deoxyribose

137. Determine the N-glycoside bond formed in the nucleosides of

adenine and guanine.
It is most reactive covalent bond in nucleic acid it is unstable than
bond formed by pyrimidine base

138. Specify
the three hydrogen bonds formed between which
complementary bases.
Guanine and cytosine (G triple bond C)

139. Selectthe substances formed during the hydrolysis of the

Nucleoside (nitrogen base +sugar) +phosphoric acid(H3PO4)
140. Name the saturated higher fatty acid.
Lauric acid, myristic acid ,palmitic acid ,stearic acid ,arachidic acid

141. Phosphatidyl choline is obtained by the interaction of what

It is obtained from eggs,soyabeans,mustard,sunflower and it is extracted using hexanse

142. Neutrallipids or fats are esters, name the substance that forms
these compounds.
The neutral or natural fat is a lipid made of glycerol and three fatty
acids. These three fatty acids are attached to the glycerol backbone
with the help of an ester bond. The ester bond is formed as a result
of a condensation reaction between the carboxylic acid in the fatty
acid and the alcohol group of the glycerol moiety. A water
molecule is lost during the reaction and ester bond is formed.

143. Indicate
the substance that belongs to saponified lipids
Vitamins A and E and cholesterol

144. Define
the synthesis reaction mechanism of the glycerol lipids
from glycerol and fatty acids.
145. Determine the mechanism of the reaction of lipid peroxidation.
This reaction consist of three major steps intiationa, proapagation and termination .formed products
are known as lipid peroxides or lipid oxidation products

146. Indicate the compound that is participated in the in vivo acylation

Coenzyme A

147. Choose an ketoacid from the following compounds.

See the option in which a compound has both keto group and
carboxylic acid group

148. Choose which functional groups contain amino acids.

Amino grp(NH2) &carboxylic grp COOH

149. Select a substitute that exhibits a positive inductive effect.

+I effect--- 3°alkane, 2°alkane1°alkane , NH minus, O minus

150. . Definition of the mesomeric effect.

Is defined as the polarity produced in the molecule by the
interaction of two pi bonds or between a pi bond and lone pair of
electrons present on an adjacent atom.
Н ПРО БҚМУ 703-07-2020. Бақылау- өлшегіш құралдары (ағымдық жəне межелік бақылау арналған). Бесінші басылым.
Ф ПРО ЗКМУ 703-07-2020. Контрольно-измерительные средства (для текущего и рубежного контроля). Издание пятое.
F PRO WKMU 703-07-2020. Measuring instruments (for current and midterm control). Fifth edition.

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