Personal Development Plan - A2781

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Personal Development Plan

Sri Rama Chandra Nagubandi A2781

1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................3 1.2 Time lime...............................................................................................................3 1.3 Life Dimension......................................................................................................4 1.4 My Career Objectives............................................................................................4 1.5 Where I See My Management Strengths..............................................................4 1.6 Where I See My Management Weaknesses.........................................................5 1.7 New Insights Gained from Exercises in Management Text...............................6 1.8 Management Areas Where I Need to Improve.....................................................8 1.9 Personal Actions I Plan to Take to Improve Skills and Abilities.......................8 1.10 Summary and Conclusions..............................................................................11 1.11 Appendix............................................................................................................11

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1.1 Introduction
My name is Sri Rama Chandra Murthy Nagubandi and I am from India, where I lived for most of my life, benefiting from a warm and supporting family, and a city which provided me with a sound education and opportunities for personal growth. Since my earliest school days I have been interested in the pursuit of knowledge and truth, a search which was inspired by my parents and enhanced by my teachers and professors. This has stayed with me into adult life, and I now find myself realizing the importance and beauty of such ideas and principles. Rather, I hope to inspire a creative and positive way of dealing with the various problems that are a part of everyones lives. Concepts of trust and responsibility have been central to my life and are, I hope, evident in everything that I take on, from my school-life and my various employments and activities. In all these things I have come to understand the importance of respecting others. I am a well-organized, highly motivated individual who enjoys the challenges of working in a fast-paced office environment. I work well under the pressure of deadlines, and I have been involved in many group projects.


Time lime

S ri R a m a C h a n d ra N_Tgim bea L ini e a u nd

S c h o olin g

S t Jo se p h s S ch o o l N a g a r ju n a S a g a r I s t a n2dn d G r a d e

R id in g H o o d H ig h Scho o l H yd e ra b ad rd 3 t o 9th G r a d e

R a v i T u to r ia l C o lle g e G u n tu r t 1 0h g r a d e (1 9 8-1 9 8)6 5

J K C C o lle g e G u n tu r In te r m e d ia t e a n d G r a d u a tio n (1 9 8-1 9 9) 1 6

In s titu te o f C h a rte r e d A c c o u n ta n ts o f In d ia H yd erab ad (1 9 9-1 9 9)5 1

H ig h e r E d u c a ti o n

N a v a t e ja M a r k e tin g P r iv a te L im ite-M a n a g e r d F in a n c e (1 9 9-2 0 0) 1 6

M id w e s t G r a n it e s P r iv a te L im ite d D e p u ty M a n a g e r F in a n c e a n d I T (2 0 0-2 0 0)5 1

T a ta C o n s u lta n c y S e r v ic e s L im it e d S A P IT A n a ly s t 2 0 0-2 0 0 7 5

IB M G lo b a l S e r v ic e s 2 0 0-2 0 0 9 7

D G N te c h n o lo g ie s C lie n t e B a y 2 0 0-2 0 1 2 9

F u tu re

Job s

I T D ir e c t o r o f b ig C o r p o r a tio n

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Life Dimension


My Career Objectives

To obtain a Information Technology Director position with a dynamic corporation like Apple, Google, or Deloitte where I can use my energy and skills to develop, motivate, lead and encourage employee productivity, improve operations, increase profitability, and enhance value of organization.

1.5 Where I See My Management Strengths

Direction and Strategy: Anticipating future trends; providing a clear vision for the future of the organization; creating strategy, goals and objectives for getting there. Proactive and able to set own action plans and build consensus with business and cross-functional teams. Follow Through and Accountability: Managing the details of initiatives and projects; insuring that skills and resources are available to do the job; tracking and measuring progress. Conflict and Negotiation: Monitoring personal defensiveness; striving for understanding and win-win outcomes; appropriately challenging others.

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Developing and Mentoring Others: Managing the development and performance of others; communicating clear expectations; providing effective feedback. Diversity: Accepting and relating to a broad range of people from different backgrounds; considering the ideas and world views of people with different perspectives; attracting diverse talent. Complex Systems: Balancing multiple demands and trade-offs; tolerating uncertainty and ambiguity; understanding how the parts of the organizations fit together; understanding the organizations culture. I am having experience in leading large global teams through complex program and project tasks, detail-oriented, delivery-focused and able to motivate teams. I am having extensive experience with project proposals, timeline determination, budget estimation, staffing plans, and experience with global delivery model including offshore development. Collaboration: Developing and engaging community partners; tapping into and empowering community networks; appreciating community differences. Self Management: Varying approaches to different situations; operating from a value center; balancing priorities; maintaining composure; learning from experience. Teams: Promoting a positive environment in which teams may develop and work; defining team purpose; encouraging team cooperation. Change: Creating positive change; building support for change; considering concerns and interests of others when implementing change


Where I See My Management Weaknesses

Communication: I am not effective at listening and two-way communication; making articulate presentations and written reports; managing the media. Decision Making: I will delay the decisions in desire to make the best decision. In truth, there really is no way to know which the best decision is. I would like to consider alternatives and often base my decisions on rational data and search for decisions based on the information available. I need to improve my decision making for unstructured and unique situations. Task Oriented Leadership: I am task oriented leader always directs my subordinate work activities towards goal attainment, giving instructions, spend time planning, emphasize deadlines and provide explicit work schedules of activities. Build Synergy: Need to improve how to build synergy so that parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than sum of parts acting alone. Delegating: More often I am delegating the work without proper authority. I am learning to give up some control so that my colleagues can do their jobs more efficiently.
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Conceptual and Human Skills: I need to improve to look at organization as whole and relations among its parts and ability to work through other people and to work effectively as group member.


New Insights Gained from Exercises in Management Text

After reviewing my exercises, I was surprised in some areas but felt most of the responses agreed with my own responses. I have definite areas to target for improvements which are listed below. Self Test Area My Desired Result Actual Result Improvement Manager As a manager need to get Focus is as Need to shift my Achievement things done through others, Individual perspective to facilitate and co-ordinate winner. become a excellent others manager New Style or Theory Y Theory X Plan to move to Old Style Theory Y Manager Management style. Evaluation of High Score in Political Skills Scored low in Need to improve Style Political Skills political skills to move up in the organization. Security or Would like to work in Bureaucratic Like to work in Autonomy Autonomy organization Organization organization that where freedom and gives importance for autonomy is greater human resources perspective and need to look and improve my sense on autonomy. Managerial Open mindedness and I am surprised to Need to improve my uncertainty independent thinker. New the results that I skills in uncertainty ideas, new thinking and new am fitting in ways of working stable environment rather changing highly uncertain environment Rate your To score 81-100 Scored only 75 Lack skills such as Global language and Management improving skills in Potential different cultures. Ethical Work Ideal Score 30 Actual Score 29 I would like to climate contribute to improve ethical work climate in my organization to work towards
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Self Test Area

My Desired Result

Actual Result

Strategy Strength Strategic Thinking Prints Blue

Strategic formulator Implementer True Strategic thinker

and Strategic Implementer Starter in Strategic thinking

How do make Top Manager decisions

New Manager and to some extent senior Manager

Making Important Decisions

Rational and Intuition

Linear Maker


Personal Decision Style Leadership Beliefs Are innovative

Analytical Non Hierarchical Belief

you Innovative

Is your company Highly effective creative Ready to High Score implement Personal Change HR Work Moderate Work orientation

Directive and conceptual Position and Non- Need to move Hierarchical towards Horizontal Balanced structure to improve leadership skills Average Improve my work by innovative Skill seeking new ways to do things Moderately Need to help my effective organization to reach Highly effective organization Transitioning Move faster stage Low Skills Improve my HR

Improvement organization ethics instead of personal ethics. Need to Improve my score as Implementer Need to attend industry conferences and read industrial journals and need to understand practices outside my organization Need to move towards openness, diversity of viewpoints and interactions with others. Need to move towards the balanced approach by considering both rationality and intuition as important components of decision making -

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Self Test Area Orientation

My Desired Result

Self Test Area My Desired Result Do you want to No be a HR Manager Do you Know Few Elements of Passive I am confused your Bias Bias about myself when I understand that I have elements passive bias Are you tuned to Good Understanding Gender Differences Whats your Level five Leadership personal style

Improvement Skills from what I am now Actual Result Improvement Areas Results Show different Need to work with my colleagues to understand my behavior and need to learn to actively include diverse views and people, the better. Moderate Looks like to tune in understanding to gender differences. I have only one Need to learn how to quality of Will put organization and missing success ahead of Humility personal success.

Actual Result


Management Areas Where I Need to Improve

I set goals of improving my communication and listening skills, decision making, problem solving, mentoring others, and collaboration with others. My objectives to achieve these goals included becoming more comfortable with conflict resolution, become stronger in delegating to subordinates, engaging others in my personal development plan, and to deliver clear and articulate presentations. I can commit myself to, as well as setting a short and long plan for improvement. I have also been able to understand how others view me and how I view myself. Self reflection has and still is one of the hardest things to do; however, I hope that this plan will make me more effective professionally and personally. Furthermore, it will help me to develop the skills that are necessary to positively impact areas that I have I have identified. Once I set my goals and objectives, I had to set a plan of action to achieve each of weak management areas to improve.


Personal Actions I Plan to Take to Improve Skills and Abilities

In many instances, I feel that my friends and family will help me more than those who I work with because my friends and family will be completely honest with me, whereas coworkers and subordinates may not. I plan to discuss this report and the feedback with my boss and attempt to further understand his views of my skills and performance. I also plan to meet and discuss this report with my direct reports and ask for their feedback and opinions.
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To ensure that I am making every effort to specifically address my weak areas, I am going to discuss and I will develop an action plan for implementing actions and behaviors into my daily routine. I have already started working on trying to be more direct with everyone that I interact with. If I can overcome this obstacle, I feel that the other goals I am working toward will be much easier to achieve. This plan will be in constant evolution and will be an everyday endeavor. If I can take the baby steps, I feel that I can achieve the goals that I have set. I will need to make a conscious effort to be more open and be considerate of others ideas and questions. I will have to overcome the idea that I cant always win everyone over to my side. I will have to become more assertive by being willing to voice my opinion when necessary and make an effort to work more closely with those I disagree with or have conflict. And, also read self development books to build capacity. By distinguishing between critical and non-critical tasks I will be able to act without unnecessary delay. Practicing how to deliver articulate presentations at conferences or in my work place will also help me to do better. This objective is more of a long term goal that is attainable within the next two years this development process I hope to address these issues with each and every person I work with as well as my family and friends. I hope to remain conscious of my weaknesses and faults throughout every day activities as to prevent them from resurfacing. I also plan to get feedback from those I work with as to my development. Skill Current Status Communicati Competent enough for on and present status but not Listening professional standard Skills Time Scale By the end of the I will exhibit active listening techniques by academic year focusing my full attention on someone while they are talking and following their comments with questions and statements of clarification. I will refrain from show stopping responses Team working Skills Poor dislike working in teams, hate trusting my marks to others; hate having to compromise my ideas Not Certified Reliable and positive By the end of the team member; competent academic year team player. Consider myself as part of the team and quickly want to gain respect from the team. By the end of Certified second year
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Target Proficiency

Project Management Professional

Skill Certification Gender and Cultural Skills

Current Status Moderate understanding of Female Managers and Cultural differences

Target Proficiency

Time Scale

Read Articles on Gender By the end of dynamics and behavior second year and closely understand the differences between female and male managers. Cultural Skills: Need to improve my cultural skills by attending cultural difference classes and read professional books on cultural variations across globe and learn to interact better when meeting people from different cultures

Decision Making

Poor in Making Decisions in unstructured and unique situations and delay in decision making.

Be timely - Being able By the end of to make decisions within second year the required time. Not spending too much time analyzing and considering each decision. Resolute - This means having the firmness and willpower to stick to each decision long enough to see it bear fruit. Flexible - To have the flexibility to change directions and decisions when it is discovered that the initial judgment may not be the right one. Confident leader who By the end of third can delegate with clear Year vision, on what the group needs. Trusting
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Leadership Skills

Not good at delegating monitoring and change Leader


Current Status

Conceptual and Human Skills

Vision is now limited to Middle Management Level and need improvement in solving conflicts, coordinate and motivate employees Conceptual: Defining strategies for the organization and understanding external environment, looking at the long term future with general environment trends. Learning through first observing the work of a Top Managers and then practicing the application of the same skill or set of skills followed by feedback and evaluation.

Target Proficiency other people believe in the abilities of others and are flexible enough to accept that everyone has their own way of doing things. As a Charismatic leader like to inspire and motivate the employees to do more than they would normally do. Human Skills: Ability to work through employees by motivating subordinates in uncertain situations and turbulence situations

Time Scale

By end of the fourth year and will continue to do that future as well.

1.10 Summary and Conclusions

My plan will allow me to improve in the areas where others and I thought that I could use some improvement. The document and plan will serve to be a fluid one and open to modification when additional areas of weakness are identified... as they are sure to be. In addition, I hope to carry this plan and what I learn from this experience with me into the future regardless of where I choose to work. If I have to succeed in life and accomplish my goals it is imperative that I continue to improve my ability to work with and lead others.

1.11 Appendix
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1. 2. 3.

Chapter 1 Innovative Management for a Changing World Are You Ready to Be a Manager? (p. 3) Manager Achievement Manager Self-Test (p. 17) Management Aptitude Questionnaire - Apply Your Skills: Experiential Exercise (p. 28) Chapter 2 The Evolution of Management 4. Are You a New-Style or an Old-Style Manager? (p. 33) 5. Evolution of Style - New Manager Self-Test (p. 43) 6. Security or Autonomy? - Apply Your Skills: Experiential Exercise (p. 55) II. THE ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT Chapter 3 The Environment and Corporate Culture 7. Are You Fit for Managerial Uncertainty? (p. 61) 8. Culture Preference (p. 81) 9. Working in an Adaptability Culture - Apply Your Skills: Experiential Exercise (p. 85) Chapter 4 Managing in a Global Environment 10. Are You Ready to Work Internationally? (p. 89) 11. Are You Culturally Intelligent? - New Manager Self-Test (p. 110) 12. Rate Your Global Management Potential - Apply Your Skills: Experiential Exercise (p. 117) Chapter 5 Managing Ethics and Corporate Responsibility 13. Will You Be a Courageous Manager? 14. Self and Others - New Manager Self-Test (p. 132) 15. Ethical Work Climates Apply Your Skills: Experiential Exercise (p. 143) Chapter 6 Managing Small Business Startups 16. Do You Think Like an Entrepreneur? (p. 147) 17. Social Competence - New Manager Self-Test (p. 158) 18. Whats Your Entrepreneurial IQ? (p. 171) III. PLANNNING Chapter 7 Managerial Planning and Goal Setting 19. Does Goal Setting Fit Your Management Style? (p. 177) 20. Your Approach to Studying New Manager Self-Test (p. 180) Chapter 8 Strategy Formulation and Execution 21. What is Your Strategy Strength? (p. 201) 22. Your Approach to Studying, Part 2 (p. 203) 23. Strategic Thinking Blueprints (p. 227) IV. ORGANIZING Chapter 9 Managerial Decision-Making 24. How Do You Make Decision? (p. 231) 25. Making Important Decisions (p. 239) 26. Whats Your Personal Decision Style? (p. 253) Chapter 10 Designing Adaptive Organizations 27. What Are Your Leadership Beliefs? (p. 261) 28. Authority Role Models (p. 284) 29. Organic Versus Mechanistic Organization Structure (p. 291) Chapter 11 Managing Change and Innovation 30. Are You Innovative? (p. 295)
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31. Taking Charge of Change (p. 306) 32. Is Your Company Creative? (p. 318)

Chapter 12 Managing Human Resources 33. Getting the Right People on the Bus (p. 323) IV. ORGANIZING (continued)
34. What is Your HR Work Orientation? (p. 329) 35. Do You Want to Be an HR Manager? (p 351)

Chapter 13 Managing Diversity 36. Do You Know Your Biases? (p. 355) 37. Are You Tuned in to Gender Differences? (p. 371) 38. How Tolerant Are You? (p. 380-381) Chapter 14 Understanding Individual Behavior 39. Are You Self Confident? (p. 387) 40. Whats Your EQ? 41. Personality Assessment: Jungs Typology (p. 415) V. LEADING Chapter 15 - Leadership 42. Whats Your Personal Style? (p. 421) 43. Interpersonal Patterns (p. 426) 44. What is the Impact of Leadership? (p. 447)

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