Shree Rama's Horoscope Controversy
Shree Rama's Horoscope Controversy
Shree Rama's Horoscope Controversy
Aquarius (8)
Sun Mercury
Cancer (1)
Lagna Jupiter
Capricorn (7) Leo (2)
Sagittarius (6) Scorpio
The diagram here is based on the chart given in the Sundara Kandam Book (Tamil translation) published by the Little Flower Company, on page viii of the 2011 Edition. This is the age old and accepted horoscope for Shree Rama.
Dear All:
Please note that I am NOT an astrologer but have studied the subject and read several Vedic astrology books out of personal curiosity and so have a working knowledge of this field. So, feel free to correct any errors of presentation here and share any opposing views.
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Kodanda Raama Many years ago, when I first started reading the Srimad Bhagavatam, I was greatly impressed by Srila Prabhupadas explanation about the appearance of a full moon when Baby Krishna appeared from the womb of Devaki. How is this possible, if Krishna was born on ashtami day, the eighth day of the fortnight? In his purport, Prabhupada dismisses such argument as naive. I recently came across similar arguments regarding Shree Rama's horoscope when I was working on some other topics. I first came across the actual diagram of Shree Rama's horoscope in the Tamil translation of Sundara Kandam published by The Little Flower Company (see page viii of the 2011 edition, with the Lakshmi-Hayagreeva picture facing in the introductory section). A word picture of all planetary positions in Shree Rama's horoscope is given by Valmiki in the Bala Kandam, see also the document I have uploaded.
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Rama breaking the bow of Shiva in Mithila to get Sitas hand in marriage. So, why the controversy now? Here's the problem, as some have conceived. It is definitely an intelligent argument; see the two links given below. Since Shree Rama appeared in Caitra, the Sun must be in Aries. This is the age old belief and all horoscopes for Shree Rama (such as the one presented here) show Sun located in Aries. Most authors, see some links given below, subscribe to this idea of Sun in Aries.
Page 3 of 14 Valmiki also says that the Moon was in Cancer (Graheshu karkate lagne, vaakpataa vidunaa saha, vidu means moon and vaakpati is Jupiter) and joined with Jupiter. With the Moon in Cancer, the birth star becomes Punarvasu. At least this is the popular belief. Now, according to our Vedic astrology, Punarvasu nakshatram extends from 20 degrees of Gemini (Mithuna Rasi) to 3 degrees and 20 minutes of Karkata, or Cancer (see Table 9.1 on page 220 of the well-known book Vedic Astrology by Ronni Gale Dryer, Published by Samuel Weiser, Inc.York Beach, Maine, 1997). The moon can be located in the sky at any point in this span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes for the birthstar to be Punarvasu, see . So, if birth star is Punarvasu, the Rashi can be either Mithuna Rashi or Karkata Rashi, depending on the padam (quarter); see also diagram I have prepared on page 9 to explain this. But, Valmiki clearly says Karkata, or Cancer. Hence moon is in Cancer, where it is also considered to be in rulership. But, now there is only the small span of 3 degrees and 20 minutes left for the moon to be in Cancer for the nakshatram to be Punarvasu. Now, here is the controversy that a few enquiring minds have created recently, or rather conceived. The tithi is given as Navami, the ninth day of the fortnight. Hence, some enquiring minds have argued that 108 degrees (9 times 12 degrees for each day), or a minimum of 96 degres (8 times 12) must separate the position of the sun and the moon in the horoscope. If the sun is exalted in Aries, as we believe, the sun must be at 10 degrees of Aries. So, there are 20 degrees of Aries (30 degrees for each sign, or house), 30 degrees of Taurus, and 30 degrees of Gemini, for a total of 80 degrees so far, see
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the diagram on page 9. Punarvasu nakshatram extends only for an additional 3 degrees and 20 minutes of Cancer. And, this is exactly the problem. It means that the maximum separation of sun and moon can only be 83 degrees and 20 minutes. We cannot even get 96 degrees separation, the minimum need for navami tithi and Punarvasu nakshatram. So, to resolve this difficulty, the enquiring-mind-argument is that the sun is NOT in Aries. They insist that Valmiki never said that the Sun is in Aries. The sun must be in the adjacent house of Pisces (which also has Venus). This creates new problems and changes the whole meaning of all the "yogas" in Shree Rama's horoscope and the effects of various planets. But Valmiki did say the month was Caitra. This month BEGINS only when The sun enters Mesha rasi (Aries). This is one of the most basic and elementary fundamentals of the Hindu calendar. How can we overlook this? So, let me say, enquiring minds should take a rest.
Valmiki states clearly that five planets are exalted, AFTER mentioning the location of the moon. Hence, it means five planets are exalted and nothing less. The exalted planets are, starting from the Lagna where moon is located: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Venus. Which then is the fifth? Moon has already been mentioned and so there is no need to make redundant statements. The only "planet" left is the Sun. (Mercury gets fixed once Sun is fixed.) It is the Sun which is exalted in Aries and this is the age old belief before enquiring minds started enquiring in the 20th and 21st centuries. Rama was born in the Solar dynasty.
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How do we resolve this apparent dilemma? Remember, Shree Rama is not an ordinary human being. His horoscope cannot be analyzed using these pseudoscientific arguments. Cheers! May be the moon "slowed" down to welcome the arrival of Shree Rama and ensure that the Moon is in rulership position in the horoscope. Actually, there might be a simple explanation if we consider both the motion of Sun and Moon, see discussion of diagram on page 9. Not only is this Karkata rashi true for Shree Rama. The nakshatrams for the other three brothers are also stated by Valmiki. For Bharata, it is Pushya and for the twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna, it is Ashlesha. It is a unique aspect of Karkata Rashee that all these three nakshatrams can be located in this Rashi and one can also have the Moon in rulership in the horoscope. So, it was the Divine Will that all four brothers had moon in rulership in their horoscopes, although the nakshtrams (and also Lagnas) change for the other brothers. After all, each one of them was a part of Vishnu - Rama was one-half, Bharata was one-quarter and the twins the remaining quarter. And, Rama is also called Ramachandra, since His face was as lovely as the full moon. Now, it is time to put this controversy aside and stop enquiring and realize that even time stops when the Supreme Being arrives. We say Kaalaatmaka Parameshwara Raam. Time cannot function without His consent. He controls time. We have already discussed this point of the Supreme Being controlling time in the context of Baby Krishna's arrival. Prabhupada's purport (for verses 7 and 8 of Canto 10, chapter 3 of Srimad Bhagavatam) is worth reading again to resolve this enquiring minds' dilemma about the sun, moon, and tithi and nakshatram for Shree Rama's horoscope. Prabhupada says, "To welcome the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the waning moon became a full moon in jubilation."
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And so it with the Sun when Rama arrived. He is ChaNdakiraNa (sun) kula maNdana Raam Rama who was the ornament of the Solar dynasty. So, when Raama arrived, the Sun remained (or rushed to become) exalted in Aries and the Moon presented itself in Cancer (or slowed down to ensure being), in full rulership, with the Punarvasu nakshatram, ensuring also that all the four brothers had moon in rulership in their horoscopes. Very sincerely V. Laxmanan May 11, 2012 ************************************************************************************* Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: rmad Bhgavatam 10.3.7-8 mumucur munayo d v s ma s m d v t ma da ma da jaladhar jagarj r a sgaram th tama- dbht jyam d va y deva-r y v v rsd yath r y SYNONYMS m m showered; m aya all the great sages and saintly persons; d v and the demigods; s ma s very beautiful and fragrant flowers; m d a v t being joyous in their attitude; mandam mandam very mildly; jala-dhar the clouds; jagarj vibrated; a sgaram following the vibrations of the sea waves; th late at night; tama - dbht when it was densely dark; jyam on the appearance of; ja rda the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ; deva ym in the womb of D va ; deva-r ym who was in the same category as the Supreme Personality of Godhead ( a da-cinmayarasa- rat bhv tbh v Lord , the Supreme Lord; sarvaPage 7 of 14
d d r iva
g h-aya who is situated in the core of everyone's heart; v rst appeared; yath as; r ym d in the east; d iva like the full moon; ala complete in every respect. TRANSLATION The demigods and great saintly persons showered flowers in a joyous mood, and clouds gathered in the sky and very mildly thundered, making sounds like those of the ocean's waves. Then the Supreme Personality of Godhead, , who is situated in the core of everyone's heart, appeared from the heart of D va in the dense darkness of night, like the full moon rising on the eastern horizon, because D va was of the same category as r a. PURPORT As stated in the Brahma-sa h t (5.37): a da-cinmaya-rasa- rat bhv tbh s tbh r ya eva nija-r atay albh goloka eva vasaty a h ltma-bhto r a tam aha bhajm
govindam d -
This verse indicates that a and His entourage are of the same spiritual potency ( a da-cinmaya-rasa). a's father, His mother, His friends the cowherd boys, and the cows are all expansions of a, as will be explained in the brahma-vimohana-ll. When Brahm took away a's associates to test the supremacy of Lord a, the Lord expanded Himself again in the forms of the many cowherd boys and calves, all of whom, as Brahm saw, were v -mrt s. D va is also an expansion of a, and therefore this verse says, d va y deva-r y v sarva-g haya .
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At the time for the Lord's appearance, the great sages and the demigods, being pleased, began to shower flowers. At the seashore, there was the sound of mild waves, and above the sea there were clouds in the sky which began to thunder very pleasingly. When things were adjusted like this, Lord , who is residing within the heart of every living entity, appeared in the darkness of night as the Supreme Personality of Godhead before D va , who appeared as one of the demigoddesses. The appearance of Lord at that time could be compared to the rising of the full moon in the sky on the eastern horizon. The objection may be raised that since Lord a appeared on the eighth day of the waning moon, there could be no rising of the full moon. In answer to this it may be said that Lord a appeared in the dynasty which is in the hierarchy of the moon; therefore, although the moon was incomplete on that night, because of the Lord's appearance in the dynasty wherein the moon is himself the original person, the moon was in an overjoyous condition, so by the grace of a he could appear as a full moon. To welcome the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the waning moon became a full moon in jubilation.
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The so-called enquiring-mind contradiction could, perhaps, be resolved as follows. Both the sun and the moon are moving. The month of Caitra begins when sun enters Mesha Rasi (Aries). Over a period of one month, the Sun moves through the 30 degrees of Mesha Rasi (Aries) and enters Rishabha (Taurus). The moon is also moving during the same time and the daily nakshatrams change. (Let us NOT confuse lunar and solar months.)
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Let us say the Sun is at 00 Aries on Caitra day one (tithi is Prathamaa). The nakshatram is Ashwini, the first one in our list of 27. The next tithi, or day two, the nakshatram is Bharani, and so on. Notice that there are ONLY six nakshatrams before Punarvasu. These are : Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirshas, and Ardra. Then comes Punarvasu. Hence, from day one, over the nine tithis for navami, we have to deal with six nakshatrams and then Punarvasu in the last padam when it is in Cancer (Karkata Rasi). There are nine full days (or nine tithis) to accomplish this. There is no reason for any difficulty in accomplishing this. The Sun moves to its exact exaltation point of 100 of Aries just as the Moon moves into narrow sliver of the Punarvasu sector of the sky, in the Karkata Rasi. It can be done. It was done for Shree Raama. Cheers! Indeed, the fact that only a very small span of 3 degrees and 20 minutes is available for Punarvasu, in Karkata Rasi (Cancer), tells us about the divinity of Shree Rama. There are many people who are born with Punarvasu as the birthstars. But, it is a very rare person who has Punarvasu in Cancer (Karkata), in that small sliver of 3 degrees and 20 minutes. The large majority with Punarvasu nakshatram have the moon in the Mithuna Rasi (Gemini) where it is NOT in rulership. If you do meet such a person, with Punarvasu nakshatram and the moon in Karkata Rasi (Cancer), in full rulership, you will know how special they are. Just remember the story of Queen Elizabeth II that I have told in the accompanying document o Shr Ramas horos o s also th Navagraha document, the links are given below.
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Caritam Raghunaathasya Shatakoti Pravistaram Ekaikam aksharam proktam Mahaapaataka naashanam Dhyaatvaa NeelOpala-shyaamam Raamam Raajevalocanam Janakee-LakshmaNopetam JaTaa-mukuTa maNditam
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