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Nortel Phone Guide

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phones it a ExclusiveHold I FeatureiHotO Hold callandpreventother frompickingup I


iFdture lEE

Languge Choice F ature lflEtd[] feature lEEEitl LastNumber Rediall reature lLql Link Long Tones*

phone. For Engtish tanguage onyour disptay phone. language onyour For Alteinatrve display
Redial last the outside number voudialed that (also Generates signal a link {lash recall) called or

Pr rilldfiillill$ Ir: -rris Aulodial

cases Button activaid , ^ome to or Programs a \4emory with touch. deactivate a leature one Button auio'rattcally . r,jntercom to diai Programs a Memory (inside) number. Button automaticailyanoutside tc dial Programs a Memory num0er. rcstrictions on Enterthis anda password override io code se youroffice phone. e voLrr for System Coordir.atormore information. ycu phone busy. Again When insioe is Ring signals to r" i; an if a Line Pool alllines i'usy, lnC are back, youareaccessing you a becomes free Ring Again signals wr:::'i line your :-etween ring Select distinctive l; r"tn ypq$tinguish a phone c'hers ring and nearby. ss NEXIto selec,.he n'pe youlvant. Pressl to str thenewring 0K

ituature lEPl


Prosrammins [FAtttlEE
iliiide Autodia!

Cancel Message, Replay lFAturelEE Cancel Message, Send cancet Night Service Cancel

(Touch through {or DTMF fFeature--lptg]E] Used sending TONES Tones) intercomeor lines. lasts lono the outsides Atone as as button down L&qUElEE{dE dialpad isheld
you to who Call back a co-worker sent a message.

r H ;triction Override reIE E lF-atu

$ling Again ',ancel

ireaturellior a display they you Send message a co-workels to so call then This can using code ILAIEBI -NQl back. feature beaccessed thefeature

L@ot tFeatureltt tF*t,rclEE]

tF",il; ltaltt

or willappear automatically callis unanswered. if you phone atthe Allexternal, incoming to theprime ring calls

;:rg Type

i-LBIq []tel

rng Volume
with activate NightService. systems equipped a Some are flexible version Night of specific outside Service allowing phones lines ring designate to within system. the at your Make announcement an through external speaker, (opcional). Make announcement both phone an though the speaker and (opcional). external speaker, trr iledNurnbet Rgtl.:,"

Makes pi:one so , can ring adjust volume the [F-aturelEltllg=l your

tF ature lFl"17

ii .,,$iop


Page, External ,


mem0ry Toprogran'two feature. autodrals a siiE,rj on rrrint put One between reatures. press the b'rtton thisbreak A d i a l sh en u m b u :r , ; i t i u r u o t oa l ' i : a ko o i n t . s e c o n d t J e press numbers featuie. dials rernainirrg the or for Use t;ie appuaringthedisplay latei"use o;r Saves number '^ a d e t h ef e a t u ro na ni d l e : ' ' " ' j i s p l a yn d i a l t hs a v e d e Redi"i This r;t Number number. fe,'iutu,.';: nt i aff Last ,rrd Dial Speed codes. For using both System Persc,,al (71 (assigns,Personal Dial Prog,rms a Speed code tt,94)to number,equipped. if anoutside

Page,Exlernal/ [feature-EE lnternal


Page,GeneraltFeatureltd@ Make annoucement ohone PA' an over the and/or

Page, Inlemal Pause Priority Call*

Sprud Diai 3peed Dial, Personal rimed Release '[ransler'

(external)speakers. SEf internal,FFKRl for Sressl Slior external3 forlB0THI or

phone Make annoucement an through Norstar the speakcr inyour office system. lnsert 1.5 second a in beino dialed oause a number you phone Permits to interrupt while is ona call, it another This or overridephone DoNotDisturb. {eature be a on must phone theSystem administered 0nyour by Coordinator.

!4! tqlbl

tre @ EE il80

tr'ltu"IEH FAr.'"'lEE

(1500ms). a tonger signal Generates tink phone yorr systenn. Transfer another within l'lorstar a call

Ttunk answer. tFeture]EEEPick a ringing onanoutside thathasbeen placed line up call Irom slation* any ,vithir Norstar the system. in Night Service anyphone from

Shitl butlon forusing topfunction a dual-memory the of button D u a l - m e m o ru t l o n s by can store combination features any oftwo and/or autodial numbers. thetriangular' Use shift button program access topfeature autodial to and the nurnbers. or Display

line t


OutsiOe usinG calls outside line buttons 1.- Pick thereceiver. uo 2.-lf )appears beside an outside button. dial line then OR Press outside button an line without),thenl. dia lnside Calls

0utside using calls intercom line buttons 1.- Pick receiver. up 2.-Press intercom an without button ) 3.-After appears besidebutton, a I press then dial. i9l, your 4.-lf access denied, is contact Svstem Coordinator.

prompts while you and Norstar* i using

features. lowerlineof the display The is

reserved dispIaybutton for insrru 1ly1;_--'-_=--Display bufionsF

your help operate access and feature you byletting interact display with m e s s a ga n d n s t r u c t i o n s . es i Release tton bu
c a n c ea c t i v e r l l s . l c


Intercom1.- Pick thereceiver. uo

2.-[>appears besrde intercom an button, dialan then intercom number OR Press intercom without then an button dial. ), Intercom numbers suppliedyour are by System Coordinator.


-Feature button starts ends feature. or a

Di al p a d

H o l d i n ga l l s C l.- Press Hold button. Xtasfres. the The 2.-Press line the 6utton return theheld to to call. Aulomatic Hold Calls putonhold are automatically youswitch one to another when from line

V o l u mc o n t r o l e adjusts ringer volume. receiver speaker phone and speaker volume when use in eress (;) forsofter, (t) forlouOer: Memory buttons pr0grammable features insideoutside ere t0 store or autodial / i 0 u t s i d len eb u t t o n s I n dc a t o r s i aooear beside lines features active and I n l e r c o lm eb u t t o n s in Handsfree speakerphone if equipped, button, appearsthisposition. in Usingdispla! Display buttons execute instructions the appearing incapital letters onthesecond oithe line display each button bUttOnS {rycly aQp4 Display buttons shown INSTRLJCTUTI0N arq as card. ] inthis
Contrast level2 DOWN UP OK --+_-

lets button youuse phone's the built-in microphone and Handsfree I ffreEru$irtill inplace thereceiver. your MUTE I speaker of See System Coordinatorto this have feature administered phone. onyour Using Mute the feature While a call on 1.-Press 1.-Press Filg+t':,t0 i"gil+'id turn microphone and the replace the 0FF. receive switch to to hands{ree. 2.-Pick thereceiver up to switch back. Tomake answer or calls 1.-Press luilgit"" insteadpicking of up thereceiver.

2 - Pressilqt$"u againturn to the microphone 0N.


0ialing without 1.-Pressline intercom without a or button dialvour call. ),then pick 2.-When lifting answered, upthereceiver,pressEln?$?ti1 or if equipped. pressiRlS not orthe is thereceiver 3.-lfthecallis answered, line busy,

About memory buttons

Dual-Memorv Button
t :

l\4om Fno-e II
- l '

t i

Top eo-noml


Pool Music ' ON r i m e r li I


c0de. Dial you outside numbers dialingtwo-digit N0rstar by a About Speed Speed lets call Dial from Dial System Speed codes 41t0 two of D i a lN u m b e r s has sets Speed codes, {rom 70(01 t070, equipped), Personal Dial if and Speed codes 71to 94. in Phone from phone thesystem. any System Speed codes beused Dial can Dial Coordinat numbers assignedSystem are to Speed codes your by system your numbers Personal Dial to Speed codes You assign ownsetof phone can phone. with foruse exclusively your is while Notes: cannot You assign Speed nurnbers someone Dial your Bussiness Administering orConfiguring Meridian*Nortstar Communication System.

phone Press Assigning Dial 1.enter Speed numbers. ll*][+jto Peri0nal I lcq1qq numberc to (from to 94) 71 2.-Enter two-digit a code Personal Speed3.-Dial phone you numbers code. Phone the number wish assign that to to you not the 0r of lo Cheking see Note: many change function position the[an"{i$a] [rnrercoml D i a lc o d e s 16 cannot exceed dioits. line {or or outside buttons. yourSystem See Coordinator details. whalis on any +.-PressOKl to finish"prograrnn]ing. [ button you Dial a of Personal Speed numberthat assign. 5.-Keep record each your Dial for Speed numbers. See System CoordinatorSystem Button Inquiry you Before program button, Button a Lrse Inquiry check function to the ol you each memory button wish program. to Dial System Personal and Speed SpeeOOiiiL Using your 1.- Release active calls. 1.- Select line 2 - PressiFeattrre [*][ol 2.-Press t' Iqi Es (one button ata time)to checked read display. be and the 3.-Pressthe OR press i Rls lqlleqq4 Dail to 70, Speed enter two-digit (41-70)or(01 if the coCe 3.-For System Programming you for equipped) thenumber selected. Autodial Features 0utside memory buttons.- PreSS i*l t I Feature 1.-PressFeaturqlllrql 1 OB f Dial code(71 94)forthe to For Personal Speed enter two-digit the 2.-Press memory a button. 2.-Press memory a button number selected. number. 3.- PresslEqtliq and 3.-Dial phone the vou land the noto or 0K feature youwant. 4.-Press code 4.-Label newbutton. the 5.-Label newbutton. the Inside utodial A 1.- PreSS. 1;*,iz lCaturg 2.-Press memory a button n e 3 . -D i a l t hie s i dn u m b e r . 4.-Label newbutton. the Erasing memory buttons 1.- Press Llqlcrc tl i.*l you 2.-Press memory the button want erase. to g - Pressl ] to erase button the 0f for This for M7310 teleohones useonboth User Card designed Norstar User Card Norstar Business and Meridian Communication Gompatibility theCompact Modular Svstem. PRINTED MEXICO IN

There twotypes memory are of buttons: single-memory dualand memory. canprogram You features, intercom outside and numbers either of memory onto type button fast, touch for one access.

press Touse bottom the function, the dual-memory button. Touse topfunction,press the the shift button, press dual-memory then the

Voice all G

-1eq1q1e l.o'-o_

Make Voice instead a ringing to another a Call of call phone youroffice. Norstar within

How use to Features with Codes

Many Norstar features activatedusing are by feature codes. features All with codes inthe work same basic wav. 1.-Pressl reutud 2.-Enter code the numbersthe on dialpad. 3.-Follow display the messages specific for operations feature. 0fthe

1i8 Voice Deny i Feature g Call


your Prevents phone reciving Calls from Voice


BacksroundMusic (providedyour your Listen music to by office) through lFqlqdlslE cancel when are on speaker you not a call. [@@Fll8lt6l phone
Button Inquiry tFjglr1-lEO Check is stored anybutton what on Temporarily onthedisplay approximate shows the lenght your of most recent current 0r call. your to phone Forward calls another within office the Parking puts call hold assings a call the on it a and (101 number to '109) retrieving retrieval for it The number appearsthe on display the isparked when call

Timer [Fature tl CallDuration liTll

Ca||Forward Cancel -CallParf

6eaturif{ ireatqre rFj[4 Featureq ll

C a l lP a r kR e t r i e v e * I n c o m e 1 Q phone pressrn Retrieve a parked from other call any by and the code to L e n. i J l t o l 0 l ' Intercom dialing retrieval (101 109)

thatappeared display thecall parked. onthe when was Call Pickup Direcled* lfuature [7llo] Answercall isringingany a that at phone using by this feature followed theintercom by number. phone Answercall isringinganother inyour a that at group. Pickup Set a three-personortransfer ortransfer up call a call a phone call another inyour to office p s E n t eh i s o d e n dh e n r e s1, 2 , 3 ,o r4 t oa d j u s t tr c a t thecontrast phone in ofyour displaysuit lighting to the

Pickup Call Group Iriature Lzlis

Feature 3 Conference/lransfer 1 1* Gonttast AdiustmentFeature l 7

nf r nct e - con e ca i ConfTrans T .o-c oa k eoea n(sh ret reefwra y a lfle r e n c e l l ) / 1 M err w h i st c .

2 . -P u t h ef i r s t a l l nh o l d . c o 3 . -M a k eh es e c o nc a l l . t d 4 . -A f t etrh ec a l i s a n s w e r ep r,e s s o n r ' u n t c i l d OR Press a ruaurelj 5.- Press linebutton thefirstheld the of call. 6 . -P r e sR r t 0 e n d h ec o n f e r e n c e ; a lh.e t h e r t w p a r t i erse m a i n s s t Tl o o connected unless areboth they outside lines. M a n a g i ntg r e e - w aC o n f e r e n c e l l s h y a yourSystem See for Coordinator complete instructions these for operations C o n s u l t i n g - M o r a n s w e r c a l l u t s i do f t h ec o n f e r e nc a l l . ake a o e ce Disconnecling party-Drop caller stayconnected theother. one one and to t H o l d i n g c o n f e r e n c e l l- P u y o u r n d ft h ec a l l nh o l dt;h eo t h etrw o a ca e o o parties stillsoeak each can to other. -S k y S p l i t t i n a c o n l e r e n c e p e ap r i v a t etlo o n eo f t h ec a l l e r s . g T r a n s l e r r i n a l l su s i n l h eC o n f e r e n c e / T r a n e f e u r e cg t fs alr 1 - E s t a b l i s h o n f e r e nc a l l . ac ce 2.- PressllSdisplay button, hang t0 remove yourself the or up from conference Theother oarties call. two remai connected. Note: outside cannot transferredanoutside An call be to line


T r a n s l e r i t h o ua n n 0 u n c e m e nfte q u i p p e d ) (l w t 1 - M a k e r a n s w e rc a l l . o a rnnNsriR 2 - ppgss display button. 3 - D i a l a nn s i d n u m b e rr n r e s s ni n s i d a u t o d i a l b u t t o n . i e 0 a e T h e a l l s i m m e d i a t erla n s f e r r e d . c i t y N o t e l:f a no u t s i dc a l l st r a n f e r r t o a b u s y n s i d le n eo r n o ta n s w e r e d e i ed i i , after fewrings, outside automatically youback a the call rings witha d i s p l am e s s a g n d i c a t i t h a t h el i n e a sb u s y r n o ta n s w e r e d . y ie ng w o (if T r a n s l e r l l ha n n o u n c e m e n te q u i p p e d ) w 1 . -M a k e r a n s w e r c a l l . o a tnnrusrri 2.- Press display botton thenpressnr,rr'rOur,rCr button display 3 . -D r a l a in s i d n u m b e rr p r e s s ni n s i d a u t o d i a l b u t t o n . n e 0 a e party 4.-Announce callafter called the the answers. if thecallis reiused lf thecallis accepted p4Nlll t0 return 1.-Press t0 1.-Press Jqf!_ display bufion t h eo r i g i n c a l l . al to complete transfer the

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