Fasting and Prayer1
Fasting and Prayer1
Fasting and Prayer1
Prayer is the mightiest power in the universe that the believing Christian can apply. A blessed progress will develop in the Assembly of God depending on how much the Christians pray and fast!
During this time of fasting I felt neither hunger nor physical weakness. Only on the 14th day I felt a certain tiredness, whereafter I decided to stop the fasting, as my mission seemed to be fulfilled by then anyway.
As a result of these experiences with fasting, which were unknown to me before, I can only advise everyone to train themselves in fasting and fervent prayer, to overcome sexual desires, as well as to revive deep spiritual blessings and power. You can be sure of success.
However, before beginning a fast you have to consider whether your life with God and man is in order, otherwise it is useless according to ISAIAH 58:1-7. Only if these conditions are fulfilled, and your life is clearly adjusted to the Word of God, can the 20 promises in verses 8-14 become reality.
Martin Gensichen
Then the Lord spoke to me through an inner voice: "If you will be faithful in fasting and praying, I shall revive missionaries throughout the whole world." At this time I often fasted for 3-7 days.
Once when I fasted and prayed for 2 weeks, one night Jesus appeared in my room. A bright shining light, brighter than the sun, filled the room. Jesus stood at the end of my bed, surrounded by a wonderful brightness. This experience shook me so strongly that I thought I was floating on air while I walked.
Shortly after this, during a 5-day fast, I started to pray in a strange new language which was unknown to me. It was the gift of speaking in tongues, which is mentioned in 1 CORINTHIANS 12 and 14. A missionary from Rome discovered that I had spoken Italian. He translated it.
After a further 7-day fast the Lord gave a revival in Dayton, Ohio, where many sick people were healed and many souls saved.
One day, a lady gave me the book by Franklin Hall about fasting and prayer. Now I have learned to fast for longer than 2 weeks. The Lord put the sins of all the unsaved and unhealed people as a burden onto my heart, so that I could not sleep any longer at night because of compassion and pity. Jesus showed me once again that in a short while, many more missionary-workers will arise throughout the whole world. They will serve mankind through fasting and prayer. Herewith, even bigger revivals will break out, the likes of which the world has never seen, as Jesus says:
"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." JOHN 14:12
If we consider the terrible destruction Satan caused during the last 50 years with the two World Wars, and the aftermath, we will understand that at the end of this age, the Lord Jesus will perform things which have never yet occurred. To Him be the Glory for evermore!
After I fasted and prayed for 40 days, I could see many miracles of the Holy Spirit. It seemed as if my spirit had left my body. I could see in a vision about 30,000 souls filling a big hall in Detroit, accepting Jesus as their Saviour.
This vision was fulfilled by the ministry of the evangelists William Branham, G. Lindsay, F. Bosworth and others. In these meetings thousands of people were converted to Christ and many were healed.