Creating Your Own Chess Master Tutorials
Creating Your Own Chess Master Tutorials
Creating Your Own Chess Master Tutorials
area. Use the File/New Tutorial menu command to display the editor. Here is the meaning of all editor components: 1. The upper bar displays the title of the tutorial (which is the same as the name of the saved .tut file). 2. The Save button saves the tutorial in a .tut file. Remember the name of the file is also the title displayed in-game, so use a very descriptive name. 3. The Play button executes the current tutorial page. 4. The Stop button cancels the currently executed tutorial. 5. The Label: edit box displays the label of the current page. You can also edit the label using this box. 6. The Page List displays all the pages of the tutorial. To select a different page, just click on it. 7. The Insert button inserts a new page before the currently selected page. 8. The Add button adds a new page after the last page. 9. The Delete button deletes the currently selected page. 10. The Tags edit box contains all the tags the instructions which tell Chessmaster how to move pieces, how to highlight board squares, how to draw arrows etc. 11. The Text edit box contains the text displayed in the description window of the tutorial. Parts of the displayed text may be written also in the Tags edit box, as part of complex tags. General Tutorials Structure Tutorials are split into pages. Within a page, all instructions (tags) are executed sequentially, as entered. When creating tutorials with sounds there is a slight different technique that should be used, which you can read about in the next paragraph. The best way to learn how to create your own tutorials is to study the existing tutorials, usually placed in chessmaster/data/tutorials. Using Sounds in Tutorials When you want to add speech (or any other sound) to the tutorial you should follow the following steps: 1. Create your sound files and save them in the same folder where your tutorial file lies. You can use either MP3 or WAV format for your sound files.
2. In the tutorial script, in the {W: }tag you will only place the filename without the extension. For example, if the file you want to play is called mysound.mp3 you will code it in the script like this: {W:mysound}. 3. Note that the {W:} tag is an exception to the other tags, because it acts a bit different. Before launching the other instructions, Chessmaster puts together all the {W:} tags and creates a single large sound file which is played. All the other instructions are played in parallel (while the sound is playing). For example if you use this script: {D:3000}{S:a2a4} {W:mysound} The mysound file starts playing immediately, and after 3 seconds the move a2-a4 is made on the board while the sound is still playing. 4. When creating sound tutorials the key timing element should be the soundfiles. You should first edit the sounds. Afterwards, for each sound you include in the tutorial, insert the script that suits it before the {W:} tag. Your tutorial should look like this: {D:1000}{tag1} {D:1500}{tag2} {D:3000}{tagN} {W:sound1} Tags 1 to N will be played over the sound1 file {D:1000}{tagN+1} {D:1500}{tag2} {D:3000}{tagM} {W:sound2} Tags N+1 to M will be played over the sound2 file .. See the examples in Chessmaster for a better understanding of this technique. List of Tutorial Tags S: Slide {S:e2e4} moves the piece from e2 to e4 D: Delay {D:400} delays the script for 400 ms H: Highlights the squares in the list (without removing the previous highlight squares) {H:h4} highlights the h4 square with the default highlight type {H2:h4} uses the type 2 of highlight {H:a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8} highlights the second row {H0:h4 } clears highlight on h4 square N: Remove all highlights and highlight the squares in the list {N:h4} clears all highlights and highlights the h4 square with the default highlight type {N2:h4} uses the type 2 of highlight {N:a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8} clears all highlights and highlights the second row
C: Clears all highlighted squares {C} clears all highlighted squares P: Creates a regular piece of given color on given square {P:BNh6} creates a black night on the h6 square The color codes are: B for black, W for white The piece codes are: K-king, Q-queen, R-Rook, B-bishop, N-knight, P Pawn Note: To place a piece on the same square of another piece or ghost piece you have to remove the existing one. X: Remove a piece {X:f7} removes the piece at f7 G: Creates a ghosted piece of given color on given square {G:BPd4} creates a ghosted black(B) pawn(P) on the d4 square {G:WBc1} creates a ghosted white(W) bishop(B) on the c1 square The color codes are: B for Black, W for White The piece codes are: K-King, Q-Queen, R-Rook, B-Bishop, N-kNight, P Pawn NOTE: If there is already a piece on the specified square, the ghost piece is applied over the normal piece. When using the {O} tag the piece will come back to normal. If it is applied over an empty square, when using the {O} tag the ghosted piece will just disappear. O: Clears a ghosted piece (or all of them) {O} clears all ghosted pieces. {O:e4} clears the ghost from e4. A: Creates an arrow {A:We1h1} creates a white arrow from e1 to h1 (W is the arrow's style) Current styles are: COLOR THIN THICK white W A black B E red C M purple X Y green G F blue T H yellow K I magenta L J Dotted RED: D (used for pins/skewers)
{R:e1h1} removes the arrow between e1 to h1 PAUSE: pauses the tutorial (giving the player the time to think at the position) {PAUSE} Y: Block management : Operations inside a block will be executed all at once. {Y:0}starts a block {Y:1}ends a block Example: {Y:0}{B:64}{P:WNb4}{P:WBc3}{G:WKa1}{A:Tb4c6}{Y:1} This example builds up the board position and the arrow and draws everything at once. U: undo everything {U} K: puts a string in the status bar {K:Sicilian Defense} puts the "Sicilian Defense" string in the status bar B: import a Forsythe board position {B:16/2q1k3/1b3r2/3N4/1p3p2/2r1b3/8} Note: You can copy the Forsythe board position from a setup position screen. {B:16/2q1k3/1b3r2/3N4/1p3p2/2r1b3/8 w} White to play {B:16/2q1k3/1b3r2/3N4/1p3p2/2r1b3/8 b} Black to play F: flips board {F:B} black on bottom {F:W} white on bottom M: Set the color of the player to move to either White or Black {M:W} sets white to move {M:B} sets black to move T: displays a text on a given square {T:0} clears all text {T:e7K} displays a K on the e7 square W: plays a sound {W:mwcep} plays the "mwcep.mp3" file. Please refer to the Using Sounds in Tutorials paragraph for a basic way to properly use this tag. J: makes a tutorial jump {J} jumps to the next chunk
{JD} makes a delayed jump {JD:14} makes a jump at the 14th chunk {JD:@Q4} makes a jump at the chunked labeled with Q4 A labeled chunk looks like this: 15. @Q4 [{M:B}{S:d2e2} {VB:Question 6 (cont). What is Black's best response to 2. Rxe2?; f8f1;Correct.:0; Incorrect.{JD:@Q7}}] V: A question where the user must give his answer via making a single move on the board {V:Move a Rook to control the open file.{W:003_RQ1}; a8e8;Correct!{W:cor}; Sorry, that's not correct.; f8e8:That is not the best move.} Here the question is "Move a Rook to control the open file." and the "003_RQ1.mp3" sound is played. The right answer is a8-e8. If the user answer is correct the "Correct!" text is displayed and "cor.mp3" sound is played. If the users answer is f8e8 then the "That is not the best move." is displayed and the user has the option to try again. Otherwise the "Sorry, that's not correct." text is displayed along with the Try again? Window. The more complex approach: {V:{S:e5e6}White moves to e6.{W:wmte6}{SAVE}Play the move which stops check. {W:pmsc}; ${S:g7d4}This is the text, the move and the sound that will be played if the player will say NO when asked Try again?{W:notify}$g7d4; That's correct.{W:tc}{J}; $cThat move does not stop check.{W:notify}{RETRY}; c4c5:$cThat is not correct.{D:1000}{S:d4d8}{W:tnbm}{J}; c4d5:$cThat is not the best move.{W:tnbm}{RETRY}; c4b3:$cThat is not the best move.{W:tnbm}{RETRY}; c4c3:That is not the best move.{W:tnbm}; c4d3:That is not the best move.{W:tnbm}; This is a hint.} {SAVE} and {RETRY} You can save a position inside a {V:} question tag. That position will be used by the {RETRY} tag to restore the position from whatever the player answered. This is used when there are multiple answers to a question. See Josh Academy tutorials for examples.
NOTE: When you want to execute some script for a specific answer (like playing a sound saying its a bad move and showing it on the board) you must add $c right after :. In the previous example, if the user makes the move c4c3 the tnbm sound will not be played, because there isnt a $c in that line. I: A multi-highlight question {I:4. Click on all of the squares to which this King can move, including captures. {W:KQ_4}; d6e5e4c4;You got it right.{W:ygir}; No, that's not correct.{W:ntnc}} Here the right answer is d6e5e3c4 A more complex approach of the {I:} tag: IJ: A multi-highlight question. {IJ:4. Click on all of the squares in the 2nd rank.{W:BDQ_04}; a2b2c2d2e2f2g2h2; That's correct.{W:tc}; You haven't selected all the squares.{W:tnca}; Wrong square (general){W:tmnsc}; c4b5:specific 1{W:tnbm}; c5:specific 2{W:tnbm}; This is a hint.} Here the right answer is d6e5e3c4. If the user hasnt highlighted all the squares and presses Done, he is prompted with the You havent selected all the squares text. If he clicks on c5 he is prompted with specific 2 text. If he clicks on c4 or b5 he gets the specific 1 message. If he clicks on any other incorrect square he gets the Wrong square message. Each time he has the option of retrying. E: An edit question The user must give his answer by writing text in a textbox. {E:10. Type in the name of the highlighted square.{W:BDQ_10}; d3; That's correct.{W:tc}; That's not the correct answer.{W:tnca}} QB: Question with multiple answers displayed as buttons {QB:1. Which is a better opening move for White?{W:001}{A:Wg2g4}{H1:g4}{W:001a} {A:We2e4}{H1:e4}{W:001b}; 1. g4;{B:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/32/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR}{S:g2g4}{W:001I}Incorrect. This doesn't attack the center of the board and it weakens White's kingside. Moreover, the
{N1:g4}{W:001Ia}g-pawn is now a potential target. If it's threatened it will have to be defended or moved to an even more vulnerable spot.; 1. e4;{B:rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/32/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR}{S:e2e4}{W:001C}Correct. This is one of the best ways to begin a chess game. The king-pawn occupies a center square{N1:e4}{W:001Ca}(e4) and attacks another{N1:d5}{A:We4d5}{W:001Cb}(d5). By moving the e-pawn White also clears the lines to develop two pieces, the {R}{N1:d1} {W:001Cc}queen and the {N1:f1}{W:001Cd}king-bishop at f1. If you start the game this way you are playing a king-pawn game. This tag allows you to create a question with several answers; each answer is given by clicking on a button and for each particular answer you can create a specific script or speech.