Application For Action Gold Card

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AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY GOVERNMENT Road Transport Authority PO Box 582 Dickson ACT 2602 Telephone: 13 22 81

30,010 (05/2008)

Application for ACTION Gold Card

Replacement Change of details

This application is in respect of: Surname First given name


Second given name



Date of birth

ACT Licence Number



To obtain an ACTION Gold Card an applicant must: Provide proof of identity Provide proof of age Provide proof of ACT residency

For details on what can be used for identification purposes refer overleaf. The information you are providing on this form is to assess your application for an ACTION Gold Card. If you knowingly provide false information on this application you may be prosecuted. The lawful authority for collecting the information is the Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001. Data from the form will be entered on to a database maintained by the Department of Territory and Municipal Services. Information from the database may be disclosed to transport inspectors and law enforcement agencies in connection with the administration of the ACTION Gold Card Scheme. The Privacy Act 1988 prevents the ACT Government from using your information and retained images for any unauthorised purpose and require it to implement safeguards to protect the information and retained images from unauthorised access. Retained images may be used by the Department to assist in addressing identity fraud. Images may be disclosed to law enforcement and court agencies as required, or under regulations or another law. Signature Date / Customer Service Officer to complete
Identity, Proof of Age and Residency sighted Staff initials

Indicate overleaf with a tick which documents were sighted.

To make an application for an ACTION Gold Card all applicants must provide: 1. At least one form of Primary Proof (photocopies not accepted); 2. At least one form of Secondary Proof (photocopies not accepted); 3. One form of proof of Residency in the ACT (photocopies not accepted).

Customer Service Officer to complete Tick the proof of identity and residency box for the types of proof that have been sighted.
Primary Proof of Identity: (documents which will be accepted)
A Photographic Driver Licence issued in Australia (current or expired up to 2 years). Australian Birth Certificate (not a Commemorative Certificate and not an extract). If the certificate is not in the name currently used appropriate linking documentation will be required. Australian Passport (expired up to 2 years). Overseas Passport (expired by up to 2 years if accompanied by current Australian Visa). Australian Citizenship Certificate or Naturalisation Certificate. Department of Immigration & Citizenship travel document (valid up to 5 years after issue). Department of Immigration & Citizenship Certificate of Evidence of Resident Status. Portrait and Signature stored on Road User Services database. Australian Defence Force Photo-identity card, excluding civilians. Police Officer Photo-identity card (from ACT only). Australian Proof of Age Card (includes NSW Photo Card) with appropriate security features, showing date of issue by an Authority, that is current or expired up to 2 years.

Secondary Proof of Identity: (documents which will be accepted)

Current Medicare card. Current credit card or account card, with signature and embossed name from a Bank, Building Society or Credit Union. Current Student Identity Document (with photo and / or signature) issued by Educational Institution. Current Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs Concession Card. Australian issued Security Guard / Crowd Controller Licence (with photo). Australian issued Firearm Licence (with photo). Current Consular photograph identity card issued by Department of Foreign Affairs. Current State or Federal Government employee photo identity card.

Proof of Residency: (if not already established by Primary or Secondary Proof of Identity)
Provided the applicants residential address is listed on the document the following are acceptable: Contract of Purchase, Current Lease or Rental Document for relevant premises (a receipt only is not acceptable). Vehicle Registration Certificate (current). Driver Licence or Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice for coming period. Council Rates Notice (current). Land Tax Valuation Notice (current). Australian Taxation Office Assessment (last or current financial year). Utility Accounts relating to the street address (Electricity, Gas, Landline Telephone or Water) paid within the last 3 months.

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