Social Justice Final Study Guide

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S (10 points) A. B. C. D. E. human dignity community and common good rights/responsibilities option for the poor participation AB. AC. AD. AE. BC. dignity of work/ workers rights stewardship of creation solidarity role of government promotion of peace

Human Dignity- belief in the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation of all catholic social teaching. Human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the starting point for a moral vision for soceity Global Solidarity- Everyone needs to recognize each others beliefs and be able to accept them Community and Common Good- A group of people coming together to worship and pursue common good Rights and Responsibilities - Human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency- starting with food, shelter, education etc. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities-to one another to our families, and to the larger society Participation- one should be able to voice and be involved with their opinion Constructive Role of Government- the government should always serve a postive functio and protect its member Keep its citizens dignity and rights Option for Poor- Society must always make an effort to assist the poor Stewardship- Gods calling for us to take care of the Earth He gave us Global Solidarity- Everyone needs to recognize each others beliefs and be able to accept them Peace-making- there is a close relationship in catholic teaching between peace and justice. peace is the fruit of justice and is dependent upon right order among human beings Dignity of Work and Workers- we need to respect our workers for the services they provide Reward them with good wage and good working conditions UNIT 1: SOCIAL JUSTICE HEROES and TERMS (10 pts) A. Match the following descriptions or quotes to a social justice hero. a. d. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mother Teresa b. e. Fr. Greg Boyle SJ Dorothy Day c. Thomas Merton

Ab. Jesus

Martin Luther King Jr.- huge proponent of civil rights I have a dream

Be judged on the content of character, not skin color Drum Major Instinct Fr. Greg Boyle SJ- priest and the creator of Homeboy Industries Jobs not Jails homeboy industries. Tattoos of a heart. Jesuit industries Thomas Merton playboy at first, then moved to a monk in Kentucky, traveled the world, and wrote a book. Met dale llama. Mother Teresa helped in Calcutta,, that was her home, devoted her life to help poor, has many missions and followers, organization is sisters of charity Dorothy Day she created catholic worker, it was a place where people could come and spend the night be taken care of, it was a newspaper, non-profit Jesus The lord the only son of god

B. Match the following terms and definitions. a. e. Benedict XVI Magisterium b. John Paul II c. Scripture d. Tradition


Ac. encyclicals

Ad. Pope Leo XIII

Benedict XVI- current pope, did a lot for the environment (illegal to litter) John Paul II Scripture- the bible, jesus teachings Tradition- writing from various popes or bishops Magiterium- teaching authority of the church CST- catholic social teaching, bunch of principles as stated above that lay the foundation of catholics Encyclicals- the popes writings on why we should all avoid Michael Amireh Pope Leo XIII-Wrote the first encyclical related to Catholic Social Teaching, Rerum Novarum: The Condition of Labor, in 1891.. UNIT 2: HUMAN RIGHTS (10 pts) Multiple choice: about Human Rights packet and notes. (5 pts.) True (A) or False (B): The following statements are rights listed in the UNDHR. (5 pts.) The two rebel groups in Sudan who were at odds with the Sudanese government . JEM & SLA What is the UNDR? name 4 of them why was it created IN RESPONSE TO THE HOLOCAUST, TO PREVENT ANOTHER

ATROCITY OF THAT MAGNITUDE? UNIT 3: ECONOMIC JUSTICE (10 pts) Multiple choice: Economic Justice readings. Terms to know: economics, capitalism, communism, neo-liberalism, globalization, World Trade Organization, World Bank. True/False: U.S. Catholic Bishops Ethical Framework for Economic Life (1996) Economics- Study of how societies and individuals go about producing and allocating resources Capitalism- economic system based on Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations Economic System that calls for free market with individuals freely pursuing interests John Maynard Keynes felt government had to intervene to stimulate economy Communism- based on writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Critiques capitalism because how rich get richer and poor get poorer and the conflict that results from that gap Neo-Liberalism- called for a return to the traditional Capitalism proposed by Smith (Not Keynes) Inspired by Friedrich von Hayek, Ayan Rand and Milton Friedman Institutionalized by Margaret Thatchers (Britain) and Ronald Reagans (USA) elections Globalization- where national economies become more and more integrated World Trade Organization World BankUNIT 4: DISCRIMINATION AND PREJUDICE (10 points) Matching: For each definition or description, select the best term. Some may be used twice or never. A. B. C. D. E. xenophobia power discrimination stereotype prejudice AB. AC. AD. AE. BC. racism classism ethnocentrism sexism Anti-Semitism BD. BE. CD. CE. DE. Gender homophobia heterosexism bigotry co-optation ABC. ABD. ABE. BCD. complicity invisibility oppression privilege

Xenophobia- the fear of foreigners Power- the general accumulation of wealth or influence Discrimination-Unequal treatment of people based on a group they belong to Stereotype- An exaggerated belief about a group or people Prejudice- An opinion or prejudgment without sufficient knowledge Racism- Mistreatment of people because of their race Classism- A system of power based on the accumulation wealth Ethnocentrism- emotional attitude that ones own ethnic group, nation, or culture is superior to all others or is the norm by which others are measured Sexism- Systematic oppression of people because of their gender

Anti-Semitism- Systematic oppression of Jews Gender- what a culture believes is appropriate for the sexes Homophobia- the fear or hate of homos Heterosexism- the belief that heteros are better and should be the sole sexuality Bigotry- stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. Co-Optation- the process of a dominant culture assimilating those who are different inside of it Complicity- assisting in oppressing a group (even if not on purpose) Invisibility- The absence of certain groups from the media Oppression-the systematic, institutionalized mistreatment of one group of people by another for any reason. Based on a complicated and changing network of unequal power relations. Privilege- a set of unearned rights given simply because of membership to a certain group UNIT 5: PEACE AND WAR (10 points) Matching: For each definition or description, select the best term. Some may be used twice or never. a. Last Resort b. Proportionality c. peace e. Comparative Justice f. Competent Authority ab. Conscientious Objector ac. Pacifist ad. Right Intention bc. Just War Tradition abc. Probability of Success acd. Just Cause Peace in the Bible




Just Cause a. War is only justified if i. a "real and certain danger" ii. preserve conditions necessary to decent human existence iii. protect human rights b. Iraq i. saddam hussein clearly posed a grave threat to his people Competent Authority a. justified only if: i. war declared by a legitimate authority 1. individuals entrusted with protecting the common good of society 2. president and congress-constitution b. iraq i. many argue that president bush broke this Comparative Justice a. Justified only if: i. values involved are worthy of the risk of lives are ii. are the values critical enough to override the presumption against war?

iii. b.

no nation can act as if it has "absolute justice" 1. God is on their side






Iraq i. invasion was to protect our own interests and spread democracy Right Intention a. Can only engage in war if: i. to protect innocent life, conditions needed for life, and human rights ii. very similar, and ties together with just cause Last resort a. war can only be waged if: i. all other efforts at peace and compromise have failed ii. "formidable problems"-no international body to mediate disputes Probability of success a. only justified if: i. reasonable probability that the war will bring about a successful result ii. aims to avoid "irrational resort to force," "hopeless resistance" Proportionality a. Justified if i. the costs of war are proportionate to the good ii. do" only what is necessary" iii. very abstract-what is "cost?" During war and post-war a. Proportionality i. force during war must be proportionate to damage caused b. Discrimination i. separation between civilian and soldier c. Vindication of rights i. war must not go farther than restoring basic human rights d. Reconciliation i. mutual repentance and resolution between warring states e. Restoration i. must work together to mend damage done by war

UNIT 6: STEWARDSHIP OF CREATION (10 points: multiple choice and short answer) Multiple choice: Class notes on Environmental Stewardship. Short answer: Spirituality of Sustainability. ESSAY: (10 points each) 1. What is JUSTICE? Using the ideas of other thinkers/scriptures/leaders (3 pts), events that have happened in our class and/ or in the world during the past semester (3 pts), and your own opinion (4 pts), answer this question: What is justice?


For the Catholic Social Teaching principle of __________________, please list the following (2

pts. each): What is the definition of this CST principle, including an example from Scripture? What is one piece of knowledge you learned in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? What is one value you learned (or way your heart was moved)in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? What is one skill you learned in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? 3. For the Catholic Social Teaching principle of __________________, please list the following (2 pts. each): What is the definition of this CST principle, including an example from Scripture? What is one piece of knowledge you learned in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? What is one value you learned (or way your heart was moved)in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? What is one skill you learned in a student presentation (other than your own) related to this principle? EXTRA CREDIT: Chapter 9 of Tattoos on the Heart, by Greg Boyle SJ.

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