Security Levels: England and Wales
Security Levels: England and Wales
Security Levels: England and Wales
The levels of security within a prison system are categorized differently around the world, but tend to follow a distinct pattern. Most developed countries divide prisons into separate security classes depending on the inmate population and the security needed to keep them under control. Accordingly, most developed countries have classes ranging from the most secure, which typically hold violent prisoners and those judged most likely to escape, to the least, which are most often used to house non-violent offenders or those for whom more stringent security is deemed unnecessary. Below are some different examples of prison classifications from around the world. [edit]England
and Wales
Main article: Prisoner security categories in the United Kingdom In England and Wales, prisoners are assigned security classes when they are sentenced. Thus prisons are given security classifications depending on the prisoners they are designed to hold. Therefore, prisons classified as "A" would typically house prisoners assigned the "A" category during sentencing, and be designed with the level of security necessary for that class. The categories of prisoners in descending order are:
Category A: prisoners are those whose escape would be highly dangerous to the public or national security. Category B: prisoners are those who do not require maximum security, but for whom escape needs to be made very difficult. Category C: prisoners are those who cannot be trusted in open conditions but who are unlikely to try to escape. Category D: prisoners are those who can be reasonably trusted not to try to escape, and are given the privilege of an open prison. Prisoners at 'D Cat' (as it is commonly known) prisons, are, subject to approval, given ROTL (Release On Temporary Licence) to work in the community or to go on 'home leave' once they have passed their FLED (Full Licence Eligibility Dates), which is usually a quarter of the way through the sentence.
The British prison system is also divided into "Open" and "Closed" prisons. Categories A-C are considered "Closed" prisons as prisoners cannot be trusted to interact with society, while category D prisons are generally "Open", meaning that prisoners with a good record and who are approved can be allowed limited function in society such as home-leave or a nominal employment. [edit]United
Main article: Incarceration in the United States In the United States, "jail" and "prison" refer to separate levels of incarceration; generally speaking, jails are county or city administrated institutions which house both inmates awaiting trial on the local level and convicted misdemeanants serving a term of one year or less, while prisons are state or federal facilities housing convicted felons serving a term of more than one year. On the federal level, this terminology has been largely superseded by a more complex five-tier system implemented by the Federal Bureau of Prisons that ranges from low security "Prison Camps" to medium security "Correctional Institutions" and finally maximum security "Penitentiaries". Federal prisons can also house pre-trial inmates.[8]
ADX Florence is presently the only facility housing supermax units operating in theFederal Bureau of Prisons.
Federal Prison Camp, Alderson, a minimum security U.S. federal prison for women in Alderson, West Virginia
The exact classification systems differ between county, state, and federal systems. Some common types of prisons include:
Supermax: As the name implies, the custody level goes beyond Maximum by segregating "the worst of the worst" in a prison system, such as terrorists deemed a threat to national security and inmates from other prisons who have a history of violent or other disruptive behavior in prison or are suspected of gang affiliation. This level is also used for non-terrorists who have been deemed too dangerous or too high-profile to ever be in a normal prison. These inmates have individual cells and are kept in lockdown for 23 hours per day. Meals are served through "chuck holes" in the cell door, and each inmate is permitted out of their cell for one hour of exercise per day, alone. They are normally permitted no contact with other inmates and are under constant surveillance via closed-circuit television cameras. Administrative: Administrative security is a classification of prisons or detention centers that are for a specific purpose, such as housing mentally ill offenders. These range in levels of security from Minimum to Administrative Maximum Security (ADMAX), as in the case of ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado. Maximum: A custody level in which both design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the need to provide maximum external and internal control and supervision of inmates primarily through the use of high security perimeters and extensive use of internal physical barriers and check points. Inmates accorded this status present serious escape risks or pose serious threats to themselves, to other inmates, to staff, or the orderly running of the institution. Supervision of inmates is direct and constant. High: The "Middle Ground" for violent crimes, High security institutions have highly-secured perimeters (featuring walls or reinforced fences), multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. Medium: A custody level in which design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the need to provide secure external and internal control and supervision of inmates. Inmates accorded to this status may present a moderate escape risk or may pose a threat to other inmates, staff, or the orderly running of the institution. Supervision remains constant and direct. Through an inmate's willingness to comply with institutional rules and regulations, increased job and program opportunities exist. Close Security: Close Security prisons are institutions which house inmates too dangerous for Low Security, but who did not commit a crime worthy of incarceration in a Medium Security Facility. These prisons are rare, as most inmates fall into either "Medium" or "Low" Security Classifications. These facilities are often located in separate areas of a Low or Medium security Prison. Low: A custody level in which both the design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of returning to the inmate a greater sense of personal responsibility and autonomy while still providing for supervision and monitoring of behavior and activity. Inmates within this security level are not considered a serious risk to the safety of staff, inmates or to the public. Program participation is mandated and geared toward their potential reintegration into the community. Additional access to the community is limited and under constant direct staff supervision Minimum: The lowest level of security to which an inmate can be assigned directly. This type of prison is typically a "prison farm", or other work-oriented facility, and most often houses petty or "white collar" criminals. Pre-release. A custody level in which both design and construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of restoring to the inmate maximum responsibility and control of their own behavior and actions prior to their release.
Direct supervision of these inmates is not required, but intermittent observation may be appropriate under certain conditions. Inmates within this level may be permitted to access the community unescorted to participate in programming, including but not limited to work release or educational release.
Nuteistj klasifikavimas turi sudaryti prielaidas jiems pasitaisyti, todl be teisini kriterij, kurie yra btini, taikomi edukologiniai, psichologiniai, mokymo, darbo, socialini ryi kriterijai. Bet problema yra tame, kad grupavimo kriterijus yra padarytas nusikaltimas. Tuo tarpu niekas nesiaikina koks asmuo nusikaltim padar. Be to, pareign skaiius lyginant su nuteistj skaiiumi yra per maas, kad galima bt tiek atsivelgti nusikaltli asmenyb. Atranka turi bti daroma asmenybs pagrindu, o ne nusikaltimo pagrindu. Nuteistj diferenciacij reglamentuoja bk ir pdk Pataisos darb staigose atskirai laikomi: Vyrai ir moterys Nepilnameiai ir suaugusieji Pirm kart nuteisti LA vyrai ir anksiau atlik LA bausm vyrai Pirm kart nuteisti u nesunkius nusikaltimus ir pirm kart - u sunkius nusikaltimus Nuteistieji u itin pavojingus valstybinius nusikaltimus Itin pavojingi recidyvistai kalinti iki gyvos galvos Teissaugos, valdios ir valdymo organu atstovai Nuteistieji, kurie sistemingai ar piktybikai paeidinja bausms atllkimo reim Usienio pilieiai, nuteisti LA
I esms pakeista nuteistj klasifikavimo sistema. Lietuvos Respublikos bausmi vykdymo kodekse nustatyta, kad nuteistieji skirstomi: pataisos namuose tris grupes: paprastj, lengvj ir drausms; nepilnamei pataisos namuose dvi grupes: paprastj ir lengvj; kaljimuose dvi grupes: paprastj ir drausms. Tokia klasifikavimo sistema padeda utikrinti saugesnes bausms atlikimo slygas patiems nuteistiesiems, palengvinti kalinimo staig valdym ir skatinti nuteistuosius gerai elgtis bausms atlikimo metu, kadangi nuo to, kokiai grupei priskirtas, priklauso nuteistajam taikomi apribojimai ir lengvatos.