Revelation 20 Analytical Outline

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REVELATION 20 I. ENDING THE LAST MILLENNIUM, 1-6 A. Great Chain: Satan Boundthe Last Chance, 1-3 1.

Captured, 1-2 a. Angelic punishment, 1 b. Announced period, 2 2. Confined, 3 B. Great Domain: Kingdom Comethe Last Dispensation, 4-6 1. Those Raised, 4-5 a. Royalty, 4 b. Resurrection, 5 2. They Reign, 6 II. ENDING THE LAST REBELLION, 7-15 A. Great Pain: Satan Loosedthe Last Revolt, 7-10 1. Malignant Adversary Released, 7-8 a. His reprieve, 7 b. His revenge, 8 2. Militant Allies Removed, 9-10 a. Desire of destroyers: rebellion, 9 b. Doom of Devil: retribution, 10 B. Great Reign: White Thronethe Last Judgment, 11-15 1. The Savior, 11 2. The Unsaved, 12-13 a. Deciding factor: books of revelation, 12 b. Deeds in focus: basis for rejection, 13 3. The Sentence, 14-15 a. On death: to the lake, 14 b. On the dead: to be lost, 15 Look at the Last Millennium 1. The Millennium will fulfill Gods original purpose for man: to exercise dominion over all the earth 2. The Millennium will fulfill Gods promises to Israel 3. The Millennium will reveal the root cause of sin: human hearts that are hard toward God 4. In the Millennium we will rule on different levels based on our faithfulness to Christ in this life

THE MILLENNIUM Zech 14:4-11; Ps 2:7-9; 46:9; Rom 14:11; Phil 2:10-11 How it starts: Micah 4:1-5; Dan 2:44-45 Salvation of the Jewsmade head of the nations: Deut 28:13; Zech 8:23; Isa 11:12; 32:18; 44:23; 49:10-13; 61:5-6 Salvation of the Gentilesworshipping God: Zech 14:16-19; Isa 2:2-4; 11:10; 19:18-25; 35:4-10; 65:20; Heb 8:11 Salvation of the Churchreigning with Christ: 2 Tim 2:11-12; 1 Thes 4:17; 2 Cor 6:2-3; Zech 14:5; Obad 21 Salvation of Naturethe curse removed: Isa 11:6-9; 14:7-9; 30:2326; 32:15; 35:1-2,7-10; 65:25 How it ends: Rev 20:11-15


Epilogue to Gods Intervention Earth Redeemed Heaven Redeemed Universe Redeemed Rev 20 Rev 21 Rev 22 On Earth: Millennium In Heaven: Jerusalem In Universe Battles Buildings Blessing Conflict with Satan Commence Security Confident Savior Doom Delight Declaration Lake of Fire City of God Tree of Life Punishment Pictures Promises End Beginning Warning Saints Will Reign Lamb Does Wed World Is Warned Before, 1-3 Descent, 1-8 Care, 1-5 During 4-5 Description, 9-21 Comfort, 6-17 After, 7-15 Delights, 22-27 Caution, 18-21 Four Objectives at the Great White throne 1. To finally and eternally purge sin from our universe 2. To reveal the perfect justice of God in judgment 3. To determine the degree of punishment for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ 4. To reveal the responsibility of men and women

The Seven Judgments 1. Judgment on sin and our sins on the cross (Gal 3:13, 2 Cor 5:21) 2. Judgment of the believer on himself (1 John 1:8-9, 1 Cor 11:30-32) 3. Judgment on the Jews (Daniel 12:1-4, Rev 6-19, Matt 24) 4. Judgment on the Gentile nations (Matt 25:30-42) 5. Judgment of the church at the Judgment Seat of Christ (1 Cor 3, 2 Cor 5) 6. Judgment of Satan and his demons (John 16:11, Rom 16:20, Heb 2:14) 7. Judgment of the unsaved dead at the Great White Throne (Rev 20:1115, Eccl 12:14)

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