This document contains a vocabulary list from an English language learning textbook. It includes over 100 words and phrases translated from English to German. The words are organized by module, page number, and exercise. Definitions are provided in phonetic transcription and written German translation. Sample sentences demonstrate usage of each word. Countries, occupations, objects, and other common nouns are featured.
This document contains a vocabulary list from an English language learning textbook. It includes over 100 words and phrases translated from English to German. The words are organized by module, page number, and exercise. Definitions are provided in phonetic transcription and written German translation. Sample sentences demonstrate usage of each word. Countries, occupations, objects, and other common nouns are featured.
Original Title
9780582825017 NCE Elementary English German Wordlist
This document contains a vocabulary list from an English language learning textbook. It includes over 100 words and phrases translated from English to German. The words are organized by module, page number, and exercise. Definitions are provided in phonetic transcription and written German translation. Sample sentences demonstrate usage of each word. Countries, occupations, objects, and other common nouns are featured.
This document contains a vocabulary list from an English language learning textbook. It includes over 100 words and phrases translated from English to German. The words are organized by module, page number, and exercise. Definitions are provided in phonetic transcription and written German translation. Sample sentences demonstrate usage of each word. Countries, occupations, objects, and other common nouns are featured.
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English - German wordlist
module page no.exercise word / phrase phonetic translation sample sentence 1 1 8 people,places people ['pi:pl] Leute I like the people I work with. 1 8 lf.1 nice to meet you [nis i mii ]] Es freut mich dich/ kennen zu lernen. Hello, I'm Liz, nice to meet you! 1 8 lf.2a really ['rili] wirklich She's been really ill. 1 8 lf.2a fantastic [ln'isiik] fantastisch, toll You look fantastic. 1 8 lf.2b too [iu:] ebenfalls Jan plays the guitar, and she plays the piano too. 1 8 lf.2b well [wel] also Well, that's news! 1 9 prac.1b Italy ['iili] Italien The action takes place in southern Italy. 1 9 prac.1b Mexico ['meksik] Mexiko Many countries, like Mexico, have a lot of earthquakes. 1 9 prac.1b Britain ['briin] Grossbritannien Britain has agreed to provide military aid. 1 9 prac.1b USA [,]u:es'ei] USA The 50 states that constitute the USA. 1 9 prac.1b Argentina [:dn'ii:n] Argentinien Argentina won the World Cup that year. 1 9 prac.1b Russia ['r.] Russland The north-west region of Russia. 1 9 prac.1b China ['iain] China I've always wanted to go to China. 1 9 prac.1b Egypt ['i:dipi] gypten Ava was just describing to me her trip to Egypt. 1 9 prac.1b Poland ['plnd] Polen What's the capital of Poland? 1 9 prac.1b Spain [spein] Spanien Spain beat Italy 3-1. 1 9 prac.1b Germany ['d:mni] Deutschland Germany won, but I don't know the actual score. 1 9 prac.1b Thailand ['iilnd] Thailand Her family originally came from Thailand. 1 9 prac. 3a capital ['kpil] Hauptstadt London is the capital of England. 1 10 voc.a Turkey ['iu:ki] Trkei In 1853, Turkey declared war on Russia. 1 10 voc.a Australia [n'sireilin] Australien The flight to Australia takes nearly a day. 1 10 voc.a Japan [d'pn] Japan Kate has just been to Japan. 1 10 voc.a Korea [k'ri:] Korea Martens gave a report on his sales trip to Korea. 1 10 voc.a France [lr:ns] Frankreich France is just across the Channel from the UK. 1 10 voc.a British ['briii] britisch Bond works for the British government. 1 10 voc.a American ['merkn] amerikanisch Her mother is American. 1 10 voc.a Japanese [,dp'ni:z] japanisch A Japanese car. 1 10 voc.a Chinese [,iai'ni:z] chinesisch It's Chinese year of the dog! 1 10 voc.a Polish ['pnli] polnisch The Polish team were amazing. 1 10 voc.a Italian [i'ilin] italienisch Our agent in Rome handles all our Italian contracts. 1 10 voc.a Korean [k'ri:n] koreanisch It's a Korean national dance. 1 10 voc.a Russian ['r.n] russisch The exodus of Russian scientists to America. 1 10 voc.a French [lreni] franzsisch It's an excellent French wine. 1 10 voc.a Spanish ['spni] spanisch They can both speak Spanish. 1 10 voc.a Turkish ['iu:ki] trkisch Have you ever tried a Turkish bath? 1 10 voc.a Australian [n'sireilin] australisch The scorching heat of an Australian summer. 1 10 pron. stress [sires] Betonung The stress is on the third syllable. 1 10 read./list. general knowledge [denrl 'nnlid] Allgemeinwissen The general knowledge quiz had difficult questions. 1 10 read./list. quiz [kwiz] Quiz It's a quiz show with great prizes. 1 10 read./list.D Arabic ['rbik] arabisch He's learned some Arabic. 1 10 read./list.E actress ['kirs] Schauspielerin The actress has been in many films. 1 11 lf.2.1 university [,]u:n'vu:sii] Universitt Do you want to go to university when you leave school? 1 11 lf.2.1 airport ['ep:i] Flughafen The plane landed at Heathrow Airport. 1 11 lf.2.1 be on holiday [bi nn 'hnlidei] im Urlaub sein We were on holiday when it happened. 1 11 lf.2.1 be on business [bi nn 'bizns] geschftlich zu tun haben My Dad's away on business. 1 11 lf.2.1 tourist ['irsi] Tourist(in) Oxford's full of tourists in the summer. 1 11 lf.2.1 married ['mrid] verheiratet Are you married or single? 1 11 lf.2.1 single ['siql] ledig He's not married, he's single. 1 11 lf.2.2 lesson ['lesn] Unterricht, Stunde Hannah is taking guitar lessons. 1 11 lf.2.3 Scotland ['skilnd] Schottland He lived most of his life in Scotland, a fine country. 1 11 lf.2.4 politician [,pnl'iin] Politiker(in) I don't trust politicians. 1 11 lf.2.5 at work [i 'wu:k] an der Arbeit Where's Mum? - She's at work. 1 12 lf.3.1 footballer ['lib:l] Fussballspieler(in) A professional footballer earns far too much. 1 12 lf.3.1 musician [m]u:'zin] Musiker(in) Jimmy Hendrix was a talented musician. 1 12 lf.3.1 engineer [,end'ni] Ingenieur(in) He's an engineer, he builds bridges. 1 12 lf.3.1 lawyer ['l:]] Rechtsanwalt, Rechtsanwltin My lawyer's have already talked through the facts. 1 12 lf.3.1 police officer [p'li:s ,nlis] Polizeibeamte(r) The police officer gave evidence in court. 1 12 lf.3.1 PA [p:] persnlicher Assistant/-in She arranges everything, she's a good PA. 1 12 lf.3.1 singer ['si] Snger(in) Pavarotti is an opera singer. 1 12 lf.3.1 electrician [i,lek'irin] Elektriker(in) He worked as electrician, that's why he's called "Sparky". 1 12 lf.3.1 shop assistant [np 'sisini] Verkufer(in) The shop assistant gave me the wrong change. 1 12 lf.3.1 doctor ['dnki] Arzt, rztin You should go to the doctor with that cough. 1 12 lf.3.1 nurse [nu:s] Krankenschwester She trained as nurse in the local hospital. 1 12 lf.3.1 actor ['ki] Schauspieler She has starred with many leading actors. 1 12 lf.3.1 waiter ['weii] Kellner She waved to attract the attention of the waiter. 1 12 lf.3.1 waitress ['weiirs] Kellnerin During the summer she worked as a waitress. 1 12 lf.3.1 businessman ['biznsmn] Geschftsmann He's an astute businessman. 1 12 lf.3.1 businesswoman ['bizns,wmn] Geschftsfrau She's a shrewd businesswoman. 1 12 prac.3b guess [qes] erraten I didn't know the answer so I guessed. 1 12 prac.3c famous ['leims] berhmt Many famous actors live in Beverly Hills. 1 13 lf.41a full name ['ll neim] Vor- und Zuname What's your full name? 1 14 task1 first name ['lu:si neim] Vorname Miss Green's first name is Karen. 1 14 task1 surname ['su:neim] Familienname His surname is Steinmann. 1 14 task1 mobile ['mbail] Handy Have seen my mobile phone? 1 14 task1 husband ['h.zbnd] Ehemann Have you met my husband Roy? 1 14 task1 employee [im'plii:] Angestellte(r) The canteen is for employees of the company only. 1 14 task1 personal data ['pu:snl deii] persnliche Daten It's illegal to give your personal data to others. 1 14 task1 date of birth [deii v bu:] Geburtsdatum He asked me for my date of birth. 1 14 task1 place of birth [pleis v bu:] Geburtsort She said her place of birth was York. 1 14 task1 contact (v) ['knniki] sich in Verbindung setzen Who can we contact in an emergency? 1 14 task1 emergency [i'mu:dnsi] Notfall Come quickly - it's an emergency! 1 15 task speak. account statement ['kani 'sieiimni] Kontoauszug When she read her account statement, she had to sit down. 1 15 task speak. account name ['kani neim] Kontoinhaber(in) The Swiss bank gave me a coded account name. 1 15 task speak. account number ['kani 'n.mb] Kontonummer The account number has 10 digits. 1 15 task speak. branch [br:ni] Filiale The shop has opened branches all over the country. 1 15 task speak. place of study ['pleis v 'si.di] Studienplatz Under place of study he wrote Aberdeen University. 1 15 task speak. course of study [k:s v 'si.di] Studienplan You'll need a course of study to improve your computing skills. 1 15 task speak. entitle [in'iaiil] berechtigen Employees are entitled to free health insurance. 1 15 task speak. use []u:s] benutzen Can I use your phone? 1 15 task speak. facilities [l'siliiz] Einrichtungen The school has very good sporting facilities. 1 15 task speak. include [in'klu:d] einschliessen The price includes lunch. 1 15 task speak. library ['laibrri] Bibliothek The library has over 10,000 books. 1 15 usef.lang.a spell [spel] (richtig) schreiben, buchstabieren Can you spell your name please? 1 15 usef.lang.b useful [']u:sll] ntzlich A useful book for travellers. 1 16 real life 3 occupation [,nk]'pein] Beruf Please state your name and occupation. 1 16 real life 3 age [eid] Alter It's an age thing, that's why I didn't get the job. 1 17 prac. capital letter ['kpil 'lei] Grossbuchstabe You write your name with a capital letter. 1 17 prac. notebook ['nibk] Notizbchlein I wrote down the new words in my notebook. 2 2 18 lf1.1 parcel ['p:sl] Pakete The parcel was delivered last week. 2 18 lf.1.1 oh right [ 'raii] Ach so! Oh right, now I understand. 2 18 lf.1.2 over there ['v e] da drben Can you get that chair from over there. 2 18 lf.1.2 lovely ['l.vli] nett, reizend You look lovely in that dress. 2 18 lf.1.3 car keys [k: kiz] Autoschlssel I've lost the car keys! 2 19 voc. everyday objects ['evridei nbdekis] alltgliche Gebrauchsgegenstnde She paints pictures of everyday objects like chairs, tables 2 19 voc.1 camera ['kmr] Fotoapparat They posed for the camera. 2 19 voc.1 credit card ['kredii k:d] Kreditkarte Can I pay by credit card? 2 19 voc.1 stamps [simps] Briefmarken Do you sell stamps? 2 19 voc.1 mobile phone ['mbail 'ln] Handy Call me on my mobile phone. 2 19 voc.1 brush [br.] Haarbrste A hairbrush. 2 19 voc.1 diary ['dairi] Tagebuch I'll check my diary to see if I can come Friday. 2 19 voc.1 coin [kin] Mnze He put a fifty pence coin into the drinks machine. 2 19 voc.1 cheque book [iek 'bk] Scheckbuch She asked the bank for a new cheque book. 2 19 voc.1 phone card [ln k:d] Telefonkarte You can get phone cards for 5.00 or 10.00. 2 19 voc.1 dictionary ['diknri] Wrterbuch If you don't understand a word, look it up in a dictionary. 2 19 voc.1 identity card [ai'deniii k:d] Personalausweis The UK does not have identity cards. 2 19 voc.1 tissue ['iiu:] Taschentcher She took a tissue to wipe his tears. 2 19 voc.1 wallet ['wnli] Brieftasche I've only got about 10 in my wallet. 2 19 voc.1 sweets [swi:is] Sussigkeiten It's bad for your teeth to eat sweets. 2 19 voc.1 glasses [,ql:sz] Brille Be careful - those glasses break easily. 2 19 voc.2 cassette player [plei] Kassettenrekorder Cassette player? Is this the dinosaur age? 2 20 lf.2.1 what's the matter? [wnis 'mi] Was ist los? What's the matter, you look upset? 2 20 lf.1.3 have with you [hv wi ]] dabei haben I always have my spare key with me. 2 20 prac.1 rich [rii] reich He became rich and powerful. 2 20 prac.1 motorbike ['mibaik] Motorrad My grandmother still rides a motorbike. 2 20 prac.2 make (n) [meik] Marke, Fabrikat A very popular make of washing machine. 2 20 prac.2 pet [pei] Haustier Cats are popular pets. 2 21 read./list.1 comfortable ['k.mlibl] bequem Are you comfortable sitting on the floor? 2 21 read./list.1 great [qreii] toll We had great fun. 2 21 read./list.1 professional [pr'lenl] professionell You'll need professional legal advice. 2 21 read./list.1 actually ['kiuli] eigentlich Do you actually believe that? 2 21 read./list.1 about ['bai] ungefhr A book bout astrology. 2 21 read./list.1 game [qeim] Spiel I got a new computer game for Christmas. 2 22 lf.3.1 wife [wail] Ehefrau My brother and his wife came to visit us last week. 2 22 lf.3.1 cousin ['k.zn] Cousin(e) My cousin Vinny is really funny. 2 22 lf.3.1 grandmother ['qrn,m.] Grossmutter She was named Sarah, after my grandmother. 2 22 lf.3.1 grandson ['qrns.n] Enkel We had a surprise visit from our grandson. 2 22 lf.3.2a maybe ['meibi] vielleicht Maybe they haven't got your letter yet. 2 22 prac.2 grandparents ['qrnpernis] Grosseltern My grandparents are still alive. 2 22 prac.2 grandfather ['qrnd,l:] Grossvater My grandfather gave me this book. 2 22 prac.2 granddaughter ['qrn,d:i] Enkelin He has four granddaughters, all fine lassies. 2 22 prac.2 aunt [:ni] Tante I'm going to stay with my aunt. 2 22 prac.2 uncle ['.kl] Onkel Uncle Mike always visits us at Christmas. 2 22 prac.2 nephew ['nel]u:] Neffe My nephew James, he's my brother's son. 2 22 prac.2 niece [ni:s] Nichte My niece Michelle is gorgeous. 2 22 prac.4 related [ri'leiid] verwandt Police believe the murders are related. 2 23 task3a economics [,ek'nnmiks] Volkswirtschaft I want to do economics at college. 2 23 task3e funny ['] lustig You look funny in that hat. 2 23 task3g clever ['klev] schlau Paul is good-looking, clever, and charming. 2 24 real life how do you say [ha 'du: ] sei] Wie sagt man? How do you say "invincible" in Dutch? 2 24 real life how do you spell [ha 'du: ] spel] Wie schreibt man.? How do you spell "rhythm"? 2 24 real life mean [mi:n] bedeuten What does that word mean? 2 24 real life I dont remember [ai dni ri'memb] Ich kann mich nicht erinnern. I don't remember, it was Tuesday or Wednesday. 2 24 real life whats the word for [wnis 'wu:d l] Wie ist das Wort fr? What's the word for "chicken" in Swiss? 2 24 real life recording (n) [ri'k:di] Aufnahme A recording of Mozart's Requiem. 2 24 real life of course [v 'k:s] natrlich Well, she won of course. 3 3 26 voc.1a flat [lli] Wohnung He's just moved into a new flat. 3 26 voc.1b company ['k.mpni] Gesellschaft Which company do you work for? 3 26 voc.1b long hours [ln 'az] viele Stunden He works long hours and is always tired. 3 26 voc.3 law [l:] Gesetz By law, you must wear seatbelts. 3 27 grammar classes ['kl:siz] Unterricht, Stunde Sean's taking classes in art. 3 28 read./voc.3A meal [mi:l] Essen, Mahlzeit When did you last eat a proper meal? 3 28 read./voc.3B snack [snk] Kleinigkeit zu essen The cafe serves drinks, snacks, and meals. 3 28 daily life office worker ['nlis wu:k] Broangestellte(r) The bar is full of office workers. 3 28 daily life lunch [] Mittagessen We had lunch before we left. 3 28 daily life lunchtime ['l.niiaim] Mittagspause I'll give you a call at lunchtime. 3 29 list.1 daily life ['deili 'lail] tgliches Leben Daily life has its ups and downs. 3 29 list.2g beach [bi:i] Strand Shall we go to the beach? 3 29 prac.1H stay [siei] bleiben I'll stay in the car and wait for you. 3 30 real life 5 normally ['n:mli] normalerweise I normally cycle to college. 3 30 real life 5 open (v) ['pn] ffnen Open the window, it's cold. 3 30 real life 5 close (v) [kls] schliessen Close the door when you leave. 3 30 real life 5 start (v) [si:i] beginnen Now you're here, we can start. 3 30 real life 5 finish (v) ['lini] enden Have you finished your homework? 3 31 voc./speak.1 get up early ['qei '.p 'u:li] frh aufstehen I get up early to be at work at 7'O clock. 3 31 voc./speak.1 go to bed late [,qei i 'bed leii] spt zu Bett gehen He's tired in the morning because he goes to bed late. 3 31 voc./speak.1 have breakfast [hv 'breklsi] frhstcken Shall we have breakfast on the balcony? 3 31 voc./speak.1 have lunch [hv '] zu Mittag essen Let's have lunch in the garden. 3 31 voc./speak.1 have dinner [hv 'din ] zu Abend essen We usually have dinner around 6.30 p.m. 3 31 voc./speak.1 catch the bus [ki b.s] den Bus nehmen He catches the bus, but she walks. 3 31 voc./speak.1 have a bath [hv 'b:] ein Bad nehmen She had a bath to relax. 3 31 voc./speak.1 have a shower [hv 'a] duschen I always have a cold shower. 3 32 task1 language ['lqwid] Sprache Do you speak any foreign languages? 3 32 task 1 daily routine ['deili r'ii:n] tgliche Routine She follows a strict daily routine. 4 4 34 Loves and hates loves(n) [l.vz] Vorliebe, Liebe My loves are music, sport and of course cinema. 4 34 Loves and hates hates(n) [heiis] Abneigung, Hass His hates include unpunctual people. 4 34 list.1 dog [dnq] Hund We got a big dog to frighten away burglars. 4 34 list.1 doll [dnl] Puppe A small wooden doll. 4 34 list.1 crowd [krad] Menschenmenge A large crowd of football supporters. 4 34 list.1 spider ['spaid] Spinne A spider's web. 4 34 list.1 fly [llai] fliegen They flew to Paris for their honeymoon. 4 34 list.1 housework ['haswu:k] Hausarbeit I usually do the housework at weekends. 4 34 list.4 hundreds [hvndrdz] hunderte He's had hundreds of girlfriends. 4 35 prac.2a cat [ki] Katze What's wrong, you're like a cat on a hot tin roof. 4 35 prac.2a cook (v) [kk] kochen Where did you learn to cook? 4 35 prac.2a cycle ['saikl] Radfahren Don't walk on the cycle track. 4 35 prac.2a drive [draiv] fahren Can you drive a truck? 4 35 prac.2a run [r.n] rennen I can run faster than Tom. 4 36 read.2 film director [lilm d'reki] Regisseur(in) Hitchcock was the greatest film director. 4 36 read.2 send [send] schicken He sent the cheque last week. 4 36 read.2 theatre ['ii] Theater Shall we go to the theatre this evening? 4 36 read.2 art [:i] Kunst He's very good at art, look at these paintings. 4 36 read.2 architecture [':kieki] Architektur The city has some beautiful architecture. 4 36 read.2 local ['lkl] rtlich Our kids go to the local school. 4 36 read.2 enjoy [in'di] geniessen My wife enjoys riding. 4 36 read.2 free time [lri: iim] Freizeit What do you do in your free time? 4 36 read.2 miss [mis] vermissen I really missed Paula after she'd left. 4 36 read.2 ordinary [':dnri] gewhnlich It's just an ordinary camera. 4 36 read.2 Wales [weilz] Wales Shrewsbury is on the border between England and Wales. 4 36 read.2 billionaire [,bil]'ne] Milliardr(in) He started in the local market, now he's a billionaire. 4 36 read.2 couple ['] Paar Alan and Michelle make a great couple. 4 36 read.2 still [siil] immer noch Andy's still asleep. 4 36 read.2 Welsh [wel] walisisch The Welsh rugby team crushed the English. 4 37 prac.2a both [b] beide Anne and John are both scientists. 4 37 prac.2a hospital ['hnspiil] Krankenhaus Rick's dad is in hospital for an operation. 4 37 prac.2a near [ni] in der Nhe He lives near Bristol. 4 37 prac.2a sometimes ['s.miaimz] manchmal I go there for lunch sometimes. 4 37 prac.2a monkey ['] Affe I saw monkeys at the zoo. 4 37 prac.3b weather ['we] Wetter Did you have good weather on your trip? 4 37 prac.3b own [n] eigene, r,s She wants her own room. 4 38 lf.3.1 newspaper ['n]u:s,peip] Zeitung I saw his picture in the newspaper. 4 38 lf.3.1 letter ['lei] Brief I got a letter from my friend Anne yesterday. 4 38 lf.3.1 nothing ['n.i] nichts Nothing surprises me any more. 4 38 lf.2a shopping ['npi] Einkaufen I'll do the shopping this week. 4 38 lf.2a magazine [,mq'zi:n] Zeitschrift I bought a magazine to read on the train. 4 38 lf.2a guitar [qi'i:] Gitarre An acoustic guitar. 4 38 lf.2a relative ['reliiv] Verwandte We'll be visiting relatives at Christmas. 4 38 lf.3a usually [']u:uli] gewhnlich We usually go out for dinner on Saturday. 4 38 lf.3a often ['nln] oft I often work at the weekend. 4 38 lf.3a never ['nev] nie He never saw her again. 4 38 lf.3a always [':lwz] immer Always lock your car. 4 38 prac.2 ever ['ev] je(mals) Have you ever eaten snails? 4 38 prac.2 concert ['knnsi] Konzert We went to a concert last night. 4 38 prac.2 how about you? [ha 'bai ]] Wie sieht's bei dir aus? I'm hungry, how about you? 4 38 prac.2 visit ['vizi] besuchen My aunt is coming to visit us next week. 4 38 prac.2 poetry ['piri] Gedichte Shelley's poetry brings me to tears. 4 39 read. Ireland [airlnd] Irland Ireland drew with France. 4 39 read. type [iaip] Art What type of food do you like? 4 39 read. piano [pi'n] Klavier I'm learning to play the piano. 4 39 read. also [':ls] auch We specialize in shoes, but we also sell handbags. 4 39 read. go out [q ,ai] ausgehen Shall we go out tonight or stay in? 4 39 read. travel ['irvl] reisen Martha would like to travel abroad. 4 39 read. meat [mi:i] Fleisch I don't eat meat, I'm vegetarian. 4 39 read. receive [ri'si:v] erhalten, bekommen She received a letter from her mother. 4 39 read./speak. interest ['inirsi] Interesse We both have an interest in music. 4 39 lang. classical ['klsikl] klassisch Classical music is much better than hip-hop. 4 39 lang. agree ['qri:] einverstanden sein I agree with Karen. It's much too expensive. 4 40 real life polite [p'laii] hflich He was always very polite. 4 40 real life1 bill [bil] Rechnung Have you paid the electricity bill? 4 40 real life1 lemonade [,lem'neid] Limonade A glass of lemonade. 4 40 real life1 drink (n) [drik] Getrnk Can I have a drink of water please? 4 40 real life1a good idea [qd ai'di] Gute Idee. That's a good idea, let's do it. 4 40 real life1b anything else [,enii'els] Sonst noch etwas? Is that all or is there anything else? 4 40 real life1e just a minute [ 'mini] Moment, Augenblick Just a minute, that doesn't seem right. 4 40 real life 3 another ['n.] noch ein Do you want another waffle? 4 40 real life 3 clean [kli:n] sauber Have you any clean towels? 4 40 real life 3 spoon [spu:n] Lffel He used a spoon to eat spaghetti. 4 40 real life 3 sugar ['q] Zucker Do you take sugar in your tea? 4 40 real life 3 coffee ['knli] Kaffee I don't like coffee. 4 41 prac.3 violin [,vai'lin] Geige He plays violin in the school orchestra. 4 41 prac.4 catch [ki] nehmen (Bus) Tom leapt up and caught the ball. 4 41 prac.6 large [l:d] gross A large house with 15 rooms. 4 41 pron. place [pleis] Ort I like this place a lot - they have really good food. 4 41 pron. watch [wni] ansehen Watch me, I'll show you. 5 5 42 voc./read.1 train [irein] Zug What time's the next train to Clarkesville? 5 42 voc./read.1 tram [irm] Strassenbahn They best way to get around Milan is by tram. 5 42 voc./read.1 aeroplane ['erplein] Flugzeug I've never flown an aeroplane before. 5 42 voc./read.1 ship [ip] Schiff Supplies came by ship. 5 42 voc./read.1 scooter ['sku:i] Motorroller Nearly every Italian kid has a scooter. 5 42 voc./read.1 ferry ['leri] Fhre We took the car on the Channel ferry. 5 42 voc./read.1 underground (UK) ['.ndqrand] U-Bahn The London underground is called "the Tube" 5 42 voc./read.1 subway (U.S.) ['s.bwei] U-Bahn The New York City subway. 5 42 voc./read.3 business people ['biznis] Geschftsleute Look at all the suits and ties, it's full of business people. 5 42 voc./read.3 by car [bai k:] mit dem Auto We go to school by car. 5 42 voc./read.3 by bus [bai b.s] mit dem Bus They organised two trips by bus. 5 42 voc./read.3 on foot [nn li] zu Fuss It's not far, go on foot. 5 42 voc./read.4 queue (n) [k]u:] Schlange There was a long queue outside the cinema. 5 42 voc./read.4 passenger ['psind] Fahrgast Rail passengers are facing even longer delays. 5 42 voc./read.4 crowded ['kradd] berfllt The beach is crowded in summer. 5 42 voc./read.4 slowly ['slli] langsam White clouds drifted slowly across the sky. 5 42 voc./read.4 traffic ['irlik] Verkehr There was heavy traffic on the motorway. 5 43 voc./read.5 right [raii] rechts Take a right at the traffic lights. 5 43 voc./read.5 left [leli] links The scar was on the left side of his face. 5 43 voc./read.5 wait [weii] warten Hurry up! Everyone's waiting. 5 43 voc./read.5 difficult ['dilikli] schwierig Skiing isn't difficult, but it takes practice. 5 43 voc./read.5 get on [qei nn] einsteigen Get on the bus at the station. 5 43 voc./read.5 get off [qei nl] aussteigen We get off the train at Glasgow. 5 43 voc./read.5 journey ['du:ni] Reise How long does your journey to school take? 5 43 voc./read.5 Moscow [mnsk] Moskau The Kremlin is in Moscow. 5 43 voc./read.5 station ['siein] U-Bahnhof I'm getting off at the next station. 5 43 voc./read.5 walk [w:k] zu Fu gehen I usually walk to college. 5 44 lf.1 museum [m]u:'zim] Museum The Museum of Modern Art. 5 44 lf.1.2 transport [irn'sp:i] Transport Cycling is a healthy form of transport. 5 44 lf.1.2 cost [knsi] Kosten The costs have gone up. 5 44 lf.1.2.1 because of [bi'knz nv] wegen Because of your attitude, you have to go. 5 44 lf.1.2.1 tip [iip] Trinkgeld He left a penny as a tip. 5 44 lf.1.2.2 free [lri:] gratis There's a free gift with this month's magazine. 5 44 lf.1.2.3 through [ru:] durch They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 5 44 lf.1.2.3 Natural History ['nirl 'hisiri] Naturgeschichte He's a Professor of Natural History, he knows about fossils. 5 44 lf.1.2.4 afternoon [,:li'nu:n] Nachmittag I'll see you on Sunday afternoon . 5 44 lf.1.2.4 every ['evri] alle Every student will take the test. 5 45 prac.1 it depends [ii di'pendz] Es kommt darauf an It depends on how she reacts. 5 45 prac.1 smoke [smk] rauchen She smokes cigars, Havana of course, 5 45 prac.1 easily ['i:zli] leicht, einfach You can find information easily on the Internet. 5 45 prac.1 safely ['seilli] sicher Drive safely! 5 45 prac.1 midnight ['midnaii] Mitternacht We close at midnight. 5 45 list.1 scheduled [skedld] geplant The meeting has been scheduled for Friday. 5 45 list.1 departure [di'p:i] Abflug Check in at the airport an hour before departure. 5 45 list.1 arrival ['raivl] Ankunft Julie met Mike a few days after her arrival at college. 5 45 list.2A transit ['irnsi] Transit Goods often get lost in transit. 5 45 list.2A delayed [di'leid] versptet The elections will be delayed until June. 5 45 list.2A last call [l:si k:l] letzter Aufruf Last call for passengers travelling to New York. 5 45 list.2A proceed [pr'si:d] sich begeben, weitergehen Passengers are requested to proceed to gate 7. 5 45 list.2B late [leii] spt Sorry I'm late! 5 45 list.2B change [ieind] umsteigen Change trains at Edinburgh. 5 45 list.2B final call ['lainl k:l] letzter Aufruf I heard the final call but it was too late. 5 45 list.2B show [] zeigen She showed me her photos. 5 45 list.2B passport ['p:sp:i] Reisepass My son holds an American passport. 5 45 list.2B desk [desk] Schalter The woman at the desk for my tickets. 5 46 lf.2 international [,ini'nnl] international There are few international flights from this airport. 5 46 lf.2 spend [spend] verbringen I've spent all my money. 5 46 prac.1 real [ril] echt The story is based on real events. 5 46 prac.1 busy ['bizi] verkehrsreich Alex is busy studying for his exams. 5 46 prac.2 carry ['kri] tragen Let me carry that bag for you. 5 47 prac.3 object [nb'deki] Gegenstand, Ding She had several strange-looking objects in her bag. 5 47 prac.3 building ['bildi] Gebude The science laboratory is in this building. 5 48 read./writ.2a far [l:] weit We don't live far from the station. 5 48 read./writ.2b kilometre ['kil,mi:i] Kilometer The town is 3 kilometres from the hotel. 5 48 read./writ.2b several ['sevrl] mehrere I called her several times, but she never got back to me. 5 48 read./writ.2b nearly ['nili] fast We've nearly finished. 5 48 read./writ.2b road [rd] Strasse Is this the road to Stratford? 5 48 read./writ.2b poor [p:] schlecht Her family were very poor, but still had their pride. 5 49 real life 1 platform ['plil:m] Bahnsteig The train for Hogwarts leaves from Platform 9. 5 49 real life 1 return [ri'iu:n] Rckfahrkarte I'd like a return ticket. 5 49 real life 1 sign (v) [sain] unterschreiben Sign your name here please. 5 49 real life 4 ticket clerk ['iikii kl:k] Fahrkartenverkufer(in) The ticket clerk was very rude. 5 49 real life 5 south [sa] Sden Which way is south? 5 49 useful lang. expensive [ik'spensiv] teuer We can't afford this - it's too expensive. 5 49 follow up public transport ['p.blik irn'sp:i] ffentliche Verkehrsmittel The government should put more into public transport. 6 6 52 voc.2 milk [milk] Milch A glass of milk. 6 52 voc.2 egg [eq] Ei Blackbirds lay their eggs in March. 6 52 voc.2 butter ['b.i] Butter Fry the onions in butter. 6 52 voc.2 cereal ['siril] Getreideflocken A bowl of cereal. 6 52 voc.2 orange ['nrnd] Orange Sicilian oranges taste great. 6 52 voc.2 jam [dm] Marmelade I like raspberry jam on my toast. 6 52 voc.2 apple ['pl] Apfel Grandma's apple pie - can't beat it. 6 52 voc.2 toast [isi] Toast Welsh butter tastes great on toast. 6 52 voc.2 bread roll [bred rl] Brtchen We had a bread roll with our soup. 6 52 voc.2 sausage ['snsid] Wurst Put some sausages on the barbecue. 6 52 voc.2 grape [qreip] Weintraube Try some grapes with Gorgonzola - fantastic! 6 52 voc.2 banana [b'n:n] Banane Have you ever tried a banana on the barbecue? 6 52 voc.2 cheese [ii:z] Kse My packed lunch consists of one pitiful cheese sandwich. 6 52 voc.2 yoghurt [']nqi] Joghurt A pot of strawberry yogurt. 6 52 voc.2 orange juice ['nrind ,du:s] Orangensaft I only like freshly-squeezed orange juice. 6 52 voc.2 water ['w:i] Wasser Can I have a drink of water? 6 52 voc.2 tea [ii:] Tee Let's have a nice cup of tea. 6 52 voc.2 fruit [lru:i] Obst Bananas are my favourite fruit. 6 52 voc.2 biscuit ['biski] Keks Who wants a chocolate biscuit? 6 53 prac.1b true [iru:] richtig Is it true that you're moving to Skye? 6 53 prac.1b some [sm] etwas Do you want some coffee? 6 53 prac.1b false [l:ls] falsch He gave false information to the police. 6 53 prac.2 picture ['piki] Bild That's a nice picture of Jeanette. 6 53 prac.2 wall [w:l] Wand We stuck pictures on the classroom walls . 6 53 prac.2 bin [bin] Papierkorb She threw the letter in the bin. 6 53 prac.2 plant [pl:ni] brig Don't forget to water the plants. 6 53 prac.2 coffee machine ['knli m'i:n] Kaffeemaschine There's a coffee machine in front of the lift. 6 53 prac.2 floor [ll:] Etage, Stock There was a pile of books on the floor . 6 53 list.2 try [irai] versuchen, probieren I'm trying to find out what happened. 6 54 read.speak.1a carrot ['kri] Karotte Carrots make you see better in the dark - rubbish! 6 54 read.speak.1a chocolate ['inkli] Schokolade A chocolate bar. 6 54 read.speak.1a vegetable ['vedibl] Gemse We had some vegetables with our meat. 6 54 read.speak.1a grilled [qrild] gegrillt My mum likes only grilled salmon. 6 54 read.speak.1a fish [li] Fisch How many fish did you catch? 6 54 read.speak.1a lemon ['lemn] Zitrone A slice of lemon in my G&T please. 6 54 read.speak.1a melon ['meln] Melone Cut the melon in half and scoop out the flesh. 6 54 read.speak.1a noodles ['nu:dlz] Nudeln Drop the noodles into boiling salted water. 6 54 read.speak.1a nut [n.i] Nuss A cashew nut. 6 54 read.speak.1a pasta ['psi] Pasta My favourite pasta is farfalle. 6 54 read.speak.1a rice [rais] Reis We had chicken with boiled rice. 6 54 read.speak.1b vitamin ['viimn] Vitamin Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. 6 54 read.speak.1b mineral ['minrl] Mineral The area is very rich in minerals. 6 54 read.speak.1b protein ['prii:n] Protein, Eiweiss He's on a protein diet to gain weight. 6 54 read.speak.1b calories ['klri] Kalorien An average potato has about 90 calories. 6 54 read.speak.2 healthy ['heli] gesund I suddenly feel healthy since I stopped smoking. 6 54 read.speak.2 unhealthy [.n'heli] ungesund She always looks so unhealthy. 6 54 read.speak.3a vegetarian [,ved'ierin] vegetarisch Did you know that a lot of Italian food is vegetarian? 6 54 read.speak.3a dark [d:k] im Dunkeln It's only five o'clock, and it's already dark . 6 54 read.speak.3b fact [lki] Tatsache, Faktum They won't make a decision until they know all the facts. 6 54 read.speak.3b myth [mi] Gercht, Mrchen It's a myth that Elvis Presley is still alive. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 natural ['nirl] natrlich Anger is a natural reaction when someone criticizes you. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 fruit juice [lru:i du:s] Fruchtsaft The only fruit juice they had was pear. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 teeth [ii:] Zhne It's bad for your teeth to eat sweets. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 between [bi'iwi:n] zwischen He sat between the two women on the sofa. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 instead [in'sied] lieber, anstelle If Jane can't go, I'll go instead. 6 54 read.speak.3b1 up to [.p i] bis zu I'll take you up to the end of the street. 6 54 read.speak.3b2 feel [li:l] fhlen I felt cold and lonely. 6 54 read.speak.3b2 hungry ['h.qri] hungrig I'm getting hungry , let's eat! 6 54 read.speak.3b2 sugary ['qri] sss, zuckerig Sugary drinks. 6 54 read.speak.3b3 tired [iaid] mde You look tired. 6 54 read.speak.3b3 cup [k.p] Tasse Would you like a cup of tea? 6 54 read.speak.3b3 generally ['denrli] im Allgemeinen The arrangements have generally worked well. 6 54 read.speak.3b3 especially [i'speli] besonders The town is very busy, especially in summer. 6 54 read.speak.3b4 dish [di] Gericht A dish of cherry pie with whipped cream 6 54 read.speak.3b4 contain [kn'iein] enthalten The suitcase contained a lot of old clothes. 6 54 read.speak.3b4 oil [il] l Kuwait is one of the countries that exports oil. 6 54 read.speak.3b4 fattening ['lini] dick machend Avoid fattening foods like doughnuts. 6 54 read.speak.3b4 portion ['p:n] Portion Two portions of fries, please. 6 54 read.speak.3b4 need [ni:d] brauchen These plants need plenty of light and water. 6 54 read.speak.3b6 diet ['daii] Ernhrung It is important to eat a healthy diet. 6 54 read.speak.3b6 for example [lriq'z:mpl] zum Beispiel Take a fine wine, for example Rioja. 6 54 read.speak.3b6 balanced ['blnsi] ausgeglichen He has a very balanced attitude to the situation. 6 54 read.speak.3b6 particularly [p'iik]lli] besonders Crime is increasing, particularly in the cities. 6 55 prac.3a list [lisi] Einkaufsliste I need a list of the people coming to the party. 6 56 lf.3 blood [bl.d] Blut I cut my finger and there was blood everywhere! 6 56 lf.3 human body ['h]u:mn 'bndi] menschliche Krper It's a documentary about the human body. 6 56 lf.3 desert [di'zu:i] Wste The Sahara desert. 6 56 lf.3 mile [mail] Meile My house is about 15 miles north of here. 6 56 prac.a cigarette [,siq'rei] Zigarette A packet of cigarettes 6 56 prac.a smoke (v) [smk] rauchen I don't smoke any more. 6 56 prac.a sleep [sli:p] schlafen Did you sleep well? 6 56 prac.a gym [dim] Fitnesscenter I go to the gym twice a week. 6 57 list.1 soup [su:p] Suppe Tomato soup. 6 57 list.1 prawn [pr:n] Garnele, Krabbe a prawn sandwich 6 57 list.1 chicken ['iikn] Hhnchen Roast chicken. 6 57 list.1 plate [pleii] Teller Take a plate and help yourself. 6 57 list.1 knife [nail] Messer This knife is very sharp. 6 57 list.1 fork [l:k] Gabel Put the knives and forks on the table. 6 57 list.1 sunglasses ['s.n,ql:sz] Sonnenbrille Vic folded his sunglasses and put them in his pocket. 6 57 list.1 hat [hi] Hut, Mtze A big straw hat. 6 57 list.1 feather ['le] Feder An ostrich feather. 6 57 list.1 balloon [b'lu:n] Luftballon Can you blow up these balloons? 6 57 list.1 drum [dr.m] Schlagzeug Jason plays the drums. 6 57 speak.3 difference ['dilrns] Unterschied The main difference between them is their age. 6 57 useful lang.a describe [di'skraib] beschreiben Police asked the woman to describe her attacker. 6 57 useful lang.a middle ['midl] Mitte We rowed out to the middle of the lake. 6 57 useful lang.b cap [kp] Mtze, Kppi A baseball cap. 6 57 useful lang,b dress (n) [dres] Kleid She was wearing a white dress. 6 58 real life 1 burger ['bu:q] Hamburger Antonio ate half his burger in one bite. 6 58 real life 1 mayonnaise [,mei'neiz] Mayonnaise Do you want ketchup or mayonnaise on your chips? 6 58 real life 2 order (v) [':d] bestellen He sat down and ordered a beer. 6 58 real life 3 eat in [i:i ,in] zu Hause essen We're eating in tonight. 6 58 real life 3 altogether [,:li'qe] zusammen We'll have a nice family day altogether. 6 59 study grow [qr] wachsen Babies grow quickly in their first year. 6 59 study bunch [] Bund He gave her a bunch of flowers. 6 59 study mixture ['miksi] Mischung Stir the mixture with a spoon until it is smooth. 6 59 study wheat [wi:i] Weizen A field of wheat. 6 59 study mix [miks] mischen Oil and water don't mix. 6 59 study traffic jam ['irlik dm] Stau We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours. 6 59 study match (n) [mi] Partie, Streichholz, Spiel Did you watch the match between Kenya and Ireland? 6 59 study glass [ql:s] Glas The ball hit the window and broke the glass. 6 59 information desk [,inl'mein desk] Informationsschalter You can pick up a leaflet from the information desk. 7 7 60 lf.1 scientist ['sainisi] Wissenschaftler(in) A brilliant scientist. 7 60 lf.1 political leader [p'liiikl 'li:d] Parteichef(in) He was one of the great political leaders of the twentieth century. 7 60 lf.1 artist [':isi] Knstler(in) It is hard to make money as an artist. 7 60 lf.1 comedian [k'mi:din] Komiker(in) He started as a stand-up comedian. 7 60 lf.1 writer ['raii] Schriftsteller(in) A science-fiction writer. 7 60 lf.1 composer [km'pz] Komponist(in) The centenary of the composer's birth. 7 60 grammar born [b:n] geboren Where were you born? 7 60 grammar deaf [del] taub Deaf children. 7 60 lf.1.2a president ['prezdni] Prsident(in) President Lincoln. 7 60 lf.1.2a United States []u:'naiiid 'sieiis] Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika That area of the United States is known for hurricanes. 7 60 lf.1.2a originally ['ridinli] ursprnglich Her family originally came from Thailand. 7 61 lf.1.2a blind [blaind] blind She's almost blind in her right eye. 7 61 lf.1.2a communist ['knm]nsi] Kommunist(in) The Communist Party. 7 61 lf.1.2a leader ['li:d] Fhrer(in) Leaders of the black community. 7 61 lf.1.2a ballet dancer ['blei 'd:ns] Ballettnzer(in) He married a ballet dancer. 7 61 lf.1.2a mathematician [,mm'iin] Mathematiker(in) You need to be a mathematician to understand those figures. 7 61 lf.1.2a opera singer ['npr 'si] Opernsnger(in) She's a trained opera singer. 7 61 prac.2a at home [i ,hm] zu Hause We were at home all evening , officer. 7 61 prac.2a frightened ['lraiind] sich frchten Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you. 7 61 voc.2 popular ['pnp]l] beliebt Is Ben popular at school? 7 61 voc.2 emperor ['empr] Kaiser The emperor was in residence at his summer palace. 7 61 voc.2 revolution [,rev'lu:n] Revolution The French Revolution. 7 61 voc.2 landing (n) ['lndi] Landung The pilot had to make an emergency landing. 7 61 voc.2 moon [mu:n] Mond The first person to land on the moon. 7 61 voc.2 war [w:] Krieg He was a prisoner during the Vietnam War. 7 61 voc.2 hit single [hii 'siql] Hit It was their first hit single. 7 62 read.2 surprising [s'praizi] berraschend It's hardly surprising that they lost the game. 7 62 read.2 become [bi'k.m] werden Kennedy became the first Catholic president. 7 62 read.2 be interested in [bi 'inirisiid in] interessiert sein an He was very interested in her comments. 7 62 read.2 graduate(v) ['qrdui] einen Hochschulabschluss machen He graduated from Harvard last year. 7 62 read.2 network ['neiwu:k] Netzwerk A high-speed European rail network. 7 62 read.2 decide [di'said] beschliessen, entscheiden Megan decided to go to Denise's party. 7 62 read.2 be linked [bi liki] verbunden sein It is linked with the incident last week. 7 62 grammar invent [in'veni] erfinden Alexander Bell, a Scotsman, invented the telephone. 7 62 grammar leave [li:v] verlassen Frances left work early to meet her mother. 7 62 lf.2 look [lk] aussehen I didn't see it. I wasn't looking. 7 62 lf.2 hair [he] Haar(e) Go and brush your hair. 7 62 lf.2 idea [ai'di] Idee What a good idea! 7 62 lf.2 world wide [wu:ld,waid] weltweit Damage to the environment is a world wide issue. 7 62 lf.2 physics ['liziks] Physik Advanced physics. 7 62 lf.2 Switzerland [,swiislnd] Schweiz Switzerland is a federal republic. 7 62 lf.2 call (v) [k:l] nennen His friends call him Andy. 7 62 lf.2 article [':iikl] Artikel I read an interesting article about drugs. 7 62 lf.2 universe [']u:nvu:s] Universum Everything in the universe. 7 62 lf.2 everyone ['evriw.n] jeder Is everyone ready to go? 7 62 lf.2 exchange [iks'ieind] austauschen Our main aim is to encourage the exchange of information. 7 62 lf.2 personal details ['pu:snl 'di:ieilz] Angaben zur Person The police officer asked us for our personal details. 7 63 prac.3a arrive ['raiv] ankommen Your letter arrived yesterday. 7 63 prac.3a begin [bi'qin] anfangen, beginnen The meeting will begin at 10:00. 7 63 prac.3a believe [b'li:v] glauben Do you believe his story? 7 63 prac.3a can [kn] knnen You can swim, can't you? 7 63 prac.3a take [ieik] nehmen Take this note to Dr Mason. 7 63 prac.3a share [e] teilen I shared a room with her when I was at college. 7 63 prac.3a die [dai] sterben He died at the age of 98. 7 63 prac.3a steal [sii:l] stehlen Someone stole my passport. 7 63 prac.3a want [wnni] wollen Do you want a drink? 7 63 prac.3a win [win] gewinnen Who do you think will win the election? 7 63 prac.3c Scotsman ['sknismn] Schotte Sean Connery is a famous Scotsman. 7 63 prac.3c inventor [in'veni] Erfinder(in) The inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell. 7 63 prac.3c invention [in'venn] Erfindung The computer was one of the most important inventions ever. 7 63 prac.3c Patent Office [pini nlis] Patentamt Einstein began his career in a patent office. 7 63 prac.3c father in-law ['l:rin,l:] Schwiegervater I borrowed my father-in-law's car. 7 63 prac.3c toy [ii] Spielzeug Anna was playing with her toys. 7 63 prac.3c congress ['knqres] Kongress A congress of the ruling Labour Party. 7 63 prac.3c sell [sel] verkaufen He sold his car for 5000. 7 63 prac.3c Nobel Prize ['nbl praiz] Nobelpreis She won the Nobel Prize for literature. 7 64 list. story ['si:ri] Geschichte Do you know the story of Peter Pan? 7 64 list.3 period ['pirid] Epoche Do not sit at a computer for long periods. 7 64 list.3 meet [mi:i] kennen lernen I'll meet you at 8 o'clock. 7 64 list.3 during ['d]ri] whrend During the summer she worked as a waitress. 7 64 list.3 First World War ['lu:si 'wu:ld w:] Erster Weltkrieg It is a relic from the First World War. 7 64 list.3 find [laind] finden Will you help me find my bag? 7 64 list.3 community [k'm]u:nii] Gemeinschaft The library serves the whole community. 7 64 list.3 get married [qei 'mrid] heiraten They got married in Las Vegas. 7 64 real life1b third [u:d] dritte Josh came third in the race. 7 64 real life1b second [si'knnd] zweite Joanna's in her second year at university. 7 64 real life1b twelfth [iwell] zwlfte Her twelfth birthday. 7 64 real life1b first [lu:si] erste January is the first month of the year. 7 64 real life1b fifth [lil] fnfte Her fifth birthday 7 64 real life1b tenth [ien] zehnte Her tenth book. 7 64 real life1b seventh ['sevn] siebte His seventh novel. 7 65 real life 3 last [l:si] letzte My last boyfriend was crazy about football. 7 65 real life 3 ago ['q] vor Jeff left an hour ago. 7 65 real life 4 clothes [klz] Kleidung He got up and put on his clothes. 7 65 real life 4 outside [ai'said] ausserhalb Can I go and play outside, Dad? 7 65 real life 4 hairdresser ['he,dres] Friseur, Friseuse An appointment at the hairdresser's. 7 65 real life 4 sea [si:] Meer The Mediterranean Sea. 7 65 real life 4 lake [leik] See Lake Michigan. 7 65 real life 4 over ['v] ber I jumped over the wall and ran along the bank. 7 65 real life 4 dentist ['denisi] Zahnarzt, Zahnrztin I'm going to the dentist's this afternoon. 7 65 real life 4 go on holiday [q nn 'hnldi] in Urlaub fahren We're going on holiday next week. 7 66 useful lang. receptionist [ri'sepnsi] Empfangschef, Empfangsdame The receptionist gave him the key. 7 67 study hate [heii] hassen Mary really hated him after that. 7 67 prac.4 photograph ['liqr:l] Fotografie She showed me a photograph of her son. 8 8 68 voc.1 cartoon [k:'iu:n] Zeichentrickfilm Cartoon characters such as Donald Duck. 8 68 voc.1 love story ['l.v 'si:ri] Liebesgeschichte It's a love-story set in Verona. 8 68 voc.1 comedy ['knmdi] Komdie All my favourite films are comedies. 8 68 voc.1 horror ['hnr] Horror She stared at him in horror. 8 68 voc.1 historical [hi'sinrikl] historisch The film is based on a historical event. 8 68 voc.2a sad [sd] traurig Linda looks very sad today. 8 68 voc.2a frightening ['lraiini] Furcht erregend It's a very frightening film. 8 68 voc.2a exciting [ik'saiii] spannend, aufregend It was a pretty exciting game. 8 68 voc.2a violent ['vailni] gewaltttig An increase in violent crime. 8 68 voc.2a interesting ['inirsii] interessant A good teacher can make any subject interesting. 8 68 voc.2a romantic [r'mniik] romantisch I wish my boyfriend was more romantic. 8 68 voc.2a boring ['b:ri] langweilig His job sounds so boring. 8 68 voc.2a silly ['sili] albern What a silly question! 8 68 read.1a earn [u:n] verdienen She earns 27,000 a year. 8 68 read.1a average ['vrid] Durchschnitt The average cost of making a movie has risen by 15%. 8 68 read.1a Lebanese [lebni:z] Libanese, Libanesin We ate in a Lebanese restaurant. 8 68 read.1b appear ['pi] erscheinen The noise appeared to come from the bedroom. 8 68 read.1b full-length ['ll' le] vollstndig I've seen the full-length version of the film. 8 69 read.1b starring [si:ri] die Hauptrolle spielen A movie starring Mel Gibson. 8 69 read.1b successful [sk'sesll] erfolgreich They were successful in persuading him to join their team. 8 69 read.1b top-paid ['inp peid] sehr hoch bezahlt He took a top-paid job in the City. 8 69 read.1b probably ['prnbbli] wahrscheinlich We'll probably go to France next year. 8 69 read.1b best paid [besi peid] hchstbezahlt She's the best-paid employee. 8 69 read.1b favourite ['leivri] Lieblings We chose Joe's favourite music for the party. 8 69 read.1b silent movie ['sailni 'mu:vi:] Stummfilm He first appeared in silent movies. 8 69 read.1b act (v) [ki] schauspielern He's acted in several films. 8 69 read.1b India ['indi] Indien The 50th anniversary of India's independence. 8 70 lf.1.1 create [kri'eii] erschaffen The new factory should create 450 jobs. 8 70 lf.1.1 follow ['lnl] folgen I followed her into the house. 8 70 lf.1.1 fall in love [l:l in l.v] sich verlieben They fell in love and got married. 8 70 lf.1.2 vampire ['vmpai] Vampir "He's a vampire!", cried Dr. Van Helsing. 8 70 lf.1.2 castle ['k:sl] Schloss A 12th century castle. 8 70 lf.1.2 hole [hl] Loch There's a hole in my shoe. 8 70 lf.1.2 adventure [d'veni] Abenteuer It's a book about Johnson's adventures at sea. 8 70 lf.1.2 forest ['lnrsi] Wald He got lost in the forest. 8 70 lf.1.2 monster ['mnnsi] Monster A sea monster. 8 70 lf.1.2 handsome ['hnsm] gut aussehend He was tall, dark and handsome. 8 70 lf.1.2 pleased [pli:zd] erfreut, zufrieden Are you pleased with the result? 8 71 prac.1 rabbit ['rbi] Kaninchen My pet rabbit is called Fifi. 8 71 prac.1 ugly ['.qli] hsslich Ugly modern buildings. 8 71 prac.1 angry ['qri] verrgert He was beginning to get angry. 8 71 prac.1 kill [kil] tten He's in jail for killing a policeman. 8 71 prac.2b wear [we] tragen She was wearing jeans and a red jumper. 8 71 prac.2b ride [raid] fahren, reiten She learned to ride when she was five. 8 71 prac.2b rollerblades ['rlbleidz] Inliner I got new rollerblades for my birthday. 8 71 prac.3a rent (v) [reni] mieten I rented a room from friends while I looked for work. 8 71 prac.3a news [n]u:z] Nachrichten I heard some interesting news about Charlie. 8 72 list. author [':] Autor(in) Who is the author of 'Pride and Prejudice? 8 72 list. behind [bi'haind] hinter The car behind us was driving too close. 8 72 list. legend ['lednd] Legende The legend of King Arthur. 8 72 list.1 if so [il s] wenn ja If so, then why are you here? 8 72 list.1 fantasy story [ln'isi 'si:ri] Fantasiegeschichte It's simply not true, it's some fantasy story. 8 72 list.2 based on [beisi nn] basieren auf It's based on a true story. 8 72 list.2 novel ['nnvl] Roman He is writing a novel about a boy's life. 8 72 list.2 director [d'reki] Regisseur(in) The new marketing director. 8 72 list.2 New Zealand [n]u: 'zi:lnd] Neuseeland New Zealand has two islands. 8 72 list.2 fans [lnz] Fans Kylie's adoring fans. 8 72 list.2 queue (v) [k]u:] in der Schlange stehen We had to queue for over an hour to get tickets. 8 72 list.2 ticket ['iiki] Eintrittskarte How much are tickets for the concert? 8 72 list.2 enormous [i'n:ms] riesig It cost an enormous amount of money. 8 72 list.2 return (n) [ri'iu:n] Rckkehr I was looking forward to my return to college. 8 72 list.2 king [ki] Knig The King of Spain is visiting England. 8 72 list.2 Middle Earth ['midl u:] Mittelerde The story is set in Middle Earth. 8 72 list.3b childhood ['iaildhd] Kindheit Sara had a very happy childhood. 8 72 list.3b ancient ['einni] historisch Ancient Rome. 8 72 list.3b professor [pr'les] Professor(in) Professor Barclay. 8 72 list.3b great-grandson [qreii 'qrns.n] Urenkel His great-grandson also became Prime Minister. 8 73 lf.2.6 money ['] Geld I spend a lot of money on clothes. 8 73 prac.1a abroad ['br:d] im Ausland He often has to go abroad on business. 8 73 prac.1a fashionable ['lnbl] modisch Black is very fashionable now. 8 73 prac.1a musical instrument [m]u:zikl Musikinstrument The shop was full of old musical instruments. insirmni] 8 73 prac.1b remember [ri'memb] sich erinnern She suddenly remembered that she had an appointment. 8 73 prac.2.B old town [ld 'ian] Altstadt She has a flat in the old town. 8 73 prac.2.B club [kl.b] Nachtlokal I'm a member of the local drama club. 8 73 prac.2.B tell [iel] erzhlen Have you told John about the party? 8 73 prac.2.B Prague [prq] Prag Last December they visited Prague. 8 73 prac.2.B early ['u:li] frh It snowed in early January. 8 74 task 2 kind [kaind] Art What kind of pizza do you want? 8 74 task 2 play (n) [plei] Theaterstck We went to see a new play by Tom Stoppard. 8 75 task 2 opera ['npr] Oper An opera singer. 8 75 useful lang.b brilliant ['bril]ni] grossartig That's brilliant! Well done! 8 76 real life 2 whats on ? [wnis nn] Was wird gespielt? What's on television tonight? 8 76 real life 2 perfect ['pu:liki] perfekt She speaks perfect English. 8 76 real life 2 either...or [,ai :] entwederoder Either she goes or I go. 8 76 real life 2 that sort of thing [i s:i nv i] so etwas I don't want to discuss that sort of thing with you. 8 76 real life 2 how about [ha 'bai] Wie wrs mit? How about we eat out tonight? 8 77 study Damascus [dm:sks] Damaskus His latest posting is in Damascus. 8 77 study Cairo [kir] Kairo The teeming streets of Cairo. 8 77 prac.4 climb [klaim] klettern She slowly climbed the stairs. 8 77 prac.4 Eiffel Tower [ill 'ia] Eiffelturm The symbol of France is the Eiffel Tower. 9 9 78 buy./sell. buy [bai] kaufen Sam's just bought a new computer. 9 78 lf.1.1a small [sm:l] klein She comes from a small town. 9 78 lf.1.1b cheap [ii:p] billig The jacket was quite cheap. 9 78 lf.1.1b uncomfortable [.n'k.mlibl] unbequem The heat made her feel uncomfortable. 9 78 lf.1.1b new [n]u:] neu Have you got their new album? 9 78 lf.1.1b slow [sl] langsam The slowest runners started at the back. 9 78 lf.1.1b attractive ['irkiiv] attraktiv His new girlfriend is very attractive. 9 78 lf.1.3 older ['ld ] lter In actual fact , she's older than me. 9 78 lf.1.3 bigger ['biq] grsser Fetch a large vase, the bigger the better. 9 78 lf.1.3 more expensive [m: ik'spensiv] teuerer That's more expensive than the last one? 9 78 lf.1.3 easier ['i:zu:] einfacher The job was made all the easier by having the right tools. 9 78 lf.1.3 park (v) [p:k] (ein)parken We couldn't find anywhere to park. 9 78 lf.1.3 better ['bei] besser We need a better computer. 9 79 prac.1 in good condition [in qd kn'din] in gutem Zustand The car was in good condition. 9 79 prac.1 in bad condition [in bd kn'din] in schlechtem Zustand After the accident, he was in pretty bad condition. 9 79 prac.2 smart [sm:i] schick She wore a smart suit. 9 79 prac.2 sweet [swi:i] sss This chocolate sauce is very sweet. 9 79 prac.2 easy to ride ['i:zi i raid] einfach zu fahren The bike was easy to ride. 9 80 lf.2 diamond ['daimnd] Diamant She wore a diamond ring. 9 80 lf.2 department store [di'p:imni 'si:] Kaufhaus She bought it at a department store. 9 80 lf.2 item ['aiim] Ding What was the last item of clothing you bought? 9 80 lf.2 for sale [l 'seil] zum Verkauf The house is up for sale. 9 80 prac.1 tall [i:l] hoch The tallest boy in the class. 9 80 prac.1 Sultan ['s.lin] Sultan The Sultan of Brunei is reputed to be the world's richest person. 9 80 prac.1 head [hed] Leiter(in) She's head of the business section. 9 80 prac.1 century ['seniri] Jahrhundert The church was built in the 13th century 9 80 prac.1 high [hai] hoch A high mountain. 9 80 prac.1 common ['knmn] gelufig Rabbits are a common wild animal in this area. 9 80 read.2b carpet ['k:pi] beliebt All the rooms had fitted carpets. 9 80 read.2b rug [r.q] Teppich A beautiful Turkish rug. 9 80 read.2b flower ['lla] Blume There was a vase of yellow flowers by the window. 9 80 read.2b gift [qili] Geschenk Did you give your mother a gift ? 9 80 read.2b bird [bu:d] Vogel Wild birds. 9 80 read.2b herb [hu:b] Kraut Herbal remedies. 9 80 read.2b decoration [,dek'rein] Dekoration The shop windows were already full of Christmas decorations. 9 80 read.2b medicine ['medsn] Medizin Have you taken your medicine? 9 81 read.3 nowadays ['nadeiz] heutzutage People live longer nowadays. 9 81 read.3 shop [np] Geschft, Laden The town has some good clothes shops. 9 81 read.3 traditional [ir'dinl] traditionell Traditional folk music. 9 81 read.3 street market ['siri:i m:ki] Strassenmarkt He got the watch from a street market. 9 81 read.3 roof [ru:l] Dach He installed a satellite dish on the roof. 9 81 read.3 Asia ['ei] Asien Central Asia. 9 81 read.3 tropical fruit ['irnpikl lru:i] tropische Frucht Papaya is a tropical fruit. 9 81 read.3 part [p:i] Teil Part of the roof was missing. 9 81 read.3 square [skwe] Platz A square table. 9 81 read.3 colourful ['k.lll] bunt I prefer colourful clothes. 9 81 read.3 midday [,mid'dei] Mittag I met him at midday. 9 81 read.3 lively ['laivli] lebhaft A lively child. 9 81 read.3 Christmas market ['krisms 'm:ki] Weihnachtsmarkt Let's get some presents from the Christmas market. 9 81 read.3 hand-made [hndmeid] handgemacht She got a hand-made rug. 9 81 read.3 atmosphere ['imsli] Atmosphre The atmosphere at home was tense. 9 81 read.3 help [help] helfen How can I help? 9 82 voc.1 clothes shop ['klz np] Bekleidungsgeschft She works in a clothes shop at the weekend. 9 82 voc.1 pharmacy ['l:msi] Apotheke An all-night pharmacy. 9 82 voc.1 dry-cleaners ['drai 'kli:nz] Reinigung I took the jacket to the dry-cleaner's 9 82 voc.1 butcher ['bi] Metzger, Fleischer Her dad's a butcher. 9 82 voc.1 post office ['psi ,nlis] Postamt Get your stamps at the post office. 9 82 voc.1 bakery ['beikri] Bckerei I love the smell from the bakery. 9 82 voc.1 local shop ['lkl np] Tante Emma Laden The local shop sells everything. 9 82 voc.1 gift shop [qili np] Geschenkeladen It's a specialist gift shop. 9 82 voc.2 dirty ['du:ii] schmutzig Don't get your clothes dirty. 9 82 voc.2 haircut ['hek.i] Haarschnitt I must have a haircut. 9 82 voc.2 present(n) ['prezni] Geschenk He got the computer as a birthday present. 9 82 voc.2 post [psi] Post The letter's in the post. 9 82 voc.2 toothpaste ['iu:peisi] Zahnpasta Squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom. 9 82 real life1a basement ['beismni] Untergeschoss The basement flooded and everything got soaked. 9 82 real life1a food hall [,lu:d 'h:l] Lebensmittelabteilung The Harrod's food hall is amazing. 9 82 real life1a cook and [kk nd Kochwaren und Kchenartikel You'll find that in the cook and kitchenware department, Sir kitchenware 'kiiinwe] 9 82 real life1a luggage ['l.qid] Reisegepck They searched his luggage for illegal drugs. 9 82 real life1a ground floor ['qrand 'll:] Erdgeschoss The men's clothing department is on the ground floor. 9 82 real life1a perfumery [p'l]u:mri] Parfmerie It's in the perfumery section, Madam. 9 82 real life1a cosmetic [knz'meiik] Kosmetik He had cosmetic surgery to make his nose smaller. 9 82 real life1a handbag ['hndbq] Handtasche There's a pen in my handbag. 9 82 real life1a stationery ['sieinri] Schreibwaren A letter on hotel stationery. 9 82 real life1a shoes ['u:z] Schuhe We specialize in shoes, but we also sell handbags. 9 82 real life1a jewellery ['du:lri] Schmuck She wears a lot of gold jewellery. 9 82 real life1a gaming ['qeimi] Computerspiele The gaming section is upstairs. 9 82 real life1a electrical goods [ilek'irikl qdz] Elektrogerte The electrical goods are on the third floor. 9 83 real life 2a department [di'p:imni] Abteilung the Modern Languages department at Edinburgh University 9 83 real life 3a battery ['biri] Batterie It needs a new battery. 9 84 task choose [iu:z] (aus)whlen You can choose between ice cream and apple tart. 9 84 task souvenir [,su:v'ni] Andenken A souvenir of Paris. 9 84 list.1a leather ['le] Leder A leather belt. 9 84 list.1a lamp [lmp] Lampe A desk lamp. 9 84 list.1a silk [silk] Seide A silk shirt. 9 84 list.1a scarf [sk:l] Schal He wore a scarf. 9 85 study 1 expect [ik'speki] erwarten Do you expect to travel a lot this year? 9 85 prac.1 well-paid ['wel peid] gut bezahlt Work in advertising is very well paid indeed. 10 10 86 lf.1.3 report (n) [ri'p:i] Bericht Martens gave a report on his sales trip to Korea. 10 86 lf.1.3 boss [bns] Chef(in) She asked her boss for the day off. 10 86 pron.2 chat [ii] plaudern, sich unterhalten Jo was chatting to Sam. 10 87 prac.3 trainers ['ireinz] Turnschuhe Hey, cool trainers! 10 87 prac.3 jumper ['] Pullover The jumper didn't fit so I took it back to the shop. 10 88 voc.1b trousers ['irazz] Hose These trousers are too big. 10 88 voc.1b sandals [sndl] Sandalen A pair of leather sandals. 10 88 voc.1b tights [iaiis] Strumpfhose A pair of black tights. 10 88 voc.1b tie [iai] Krawatte What a dreadful tie! 10 88 voc.1b coat [ki] Mantel Put your coat on if you're going out. 10 88 voc.1b belt [beli] Grtel I tightened my belt. 10 88 voc.1b briefcase ['bri:lkeis] Aktentasche Sally opened her briefcase and fished out a small card. 10 88 voc.1b skirt [sku:i] Rock The train skirted around the lake. 10 88 voc.1b shorts [:is] Shorts, kurze Hose Jack was wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. 10 88 voc.1b boots [bu:is] Stiefel She wore high-heeled boots. 10 88 voc.1b socks [snks] Socken, Strmpfe Socks with elastic around the top. 10 88 voc.1b gloves [ql.vz] Handschuhe A pair of gloves. 10 88 voc.1b earrings ['iriz] Ohrringe You're not allowed to wear earrings to school. 10 88 voc.1b shirt [u:i] Hemd I have to wear a shirt and tie to work. 10 88 voc.1b suit [su:i] Anzug A light-weight suit. 10 88 voc.1b jacket ['dki] Jacke, Jackett He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. 10 88 voc.1b backpack ['bkpk] Rucksack Make sure your backpack is strapped on tightly. 10 88 voc.1b sports bag ['sp:is bq] Sporttasche He put his boots into a sports bag. 10 88 voc.2 street fashion ['siri:i'ln] Strassenmode Most designers start by looking at street fashion. 10 88 voc.2 banker ['bk] Bankier My dad's a banker. 10 88 voc.2 appointment ['pinimni] Termin She has an appointment with a client at 10.30. 10 88 voc.2 accountant ['kanini] Buchhalter(in) RCA is advertising for an accountant. 10 88 voc.2 wedding ['wedi] Hochzeit Have you been invited to their wedding? 10 88 voc.2 college ['knlid] Universitt, College I want to go to art college. 10 89 list.1a uniform [']u:nl:m] Uniform Do you like the new school uniform? 10 89 list.1b heavy ['hevi] schwer I can't lift this box - it's too heavy. 10 89 lf.2 get ready [qei redi] sich fertig machen Get ready, we're leaving. 10 89 lf.2 little ['liil] dunkel The little shop was very crowded. 10 89 lf.2 bright [braii] leuchtend The bright flames of the candles. 10 89 lf.2 quite [kwaii] ziemlich She's quite tall for her age. 10 89 lf.2a at the moment [i 'mmni] momentan At the moment, I'm feeling quite depressed. 10 90 prac.1a casual ['kul] lssig, casual She's always been pretty casual about her appearance. 10 90 prac.1a perfume ['pu:l]u:m] Parfm She never wears perfume. 10 90 prac.2a lucky ['] Glck haben "I just got the last bus." "That was lucky!" 10 90 voc./writ.1 moustache [m'si:] Schnurrbart He's shaved off his moustache. 10 90 voc./writ.1 in his/her thirties [in hiz, hu:'u:iiz] um die dreissig He must be in his thirties. 10 90 voc./writ.1 slim [slim] schlank You're looking a lot slimmer - have you lost weight? 10 90 voc./writ.1 beard [bid] Bart He has shaved his beard off. 10 90 voc./writ.1 shaved [eivd] rasiert Tony shaved and changed his shirt. 10 90 voc./writ.1 short [:i] kurz It's quite a short film. 10 90 voc./writ.1 well-built ['wel bili] gut gebaut He was described as well-built. 10 90 voc./writ.1 medium-length ['mi:dim 'le] halblang She has medium-length hair. 10 90 voc./writ.1 pony-tail [pni ieil] Pferdeschwanz He has a pony-tail, how uncool is that? 10 93 speak.1 happy ['hpi] glcklich, zufrieden Sam's been looking very happy recently. 10 93 speak.1 unhappy [.n'hpi] unglcklich, unzufrieden If you're so unhappy, why don't you change jobs? 10 93 speak.1 face [leis] Gesicht You have a beautiful face. 10 93 speak.1 accessory [k'sesri] Accessoire Fashion accessories. 10 93 useful lang.a on the right [nn raii] rechts It's on the right. 10 93 useful lang.a happen ['hpn] passieren When did the accident happen? 10 93 useful lang.a above ['b.v] ber Raise your arm above your head. 10 93 useful lang.b ice cream [ais 'kri:m] Eis Strawberry ice cream. 10 93 real life 1a seat [si:i] Sitz I asked for a seat by the window. 10 93 real life 1a sit [sii] sitzen The children were sitting on the floor. 10 93 real life 1a note [ni] Geldschein I'll just make a note of your new address. 10 93 real life 1a change (n) [ieind] Kleingeld, Wechselgeld He gave me the wrong change. 11 11 96 world around us world [wu:ld] Welt Students from all over the world study here. 11 96 world around us around us ['rand .s] um uns Look at the world around us. 11 96 voc. animals ['nml] Tiere We are against testing cosmetics on animals. 11 96 voc. natural features ['nirl 'li:iz] Naturerscheinung As a location, it has some of the best natural features in the world. 11 96 voc.a insect ['inseki] Insekt An insect bite. 11 96 voc.a chimpanzee [,iimpn'zi:] Schimpanse The chimpanzee snatched my sandwich. 11 96 voc.a volcano [vnl'kein] Vulkan The island has several active volcanoes. 11 96 voc.a snail [sneil] Schnecke Snails in garlic - yuk! 11 96 voc.a mountain ['manin] Berg She is the first woman to climb this mountain. 11 96 voc.a human being ['h]u:mn 'bi:i] Mensch I am a human being, not a monster. 11 96 voc.a elephant ['ellni] Elefant An elephant's ponderous walk 11 96 voc.a donkey ['dnki] Esel Donkeys are stubborn animals. 11 96 voc.a river ['riv] Fluss The River Ganges. 11 96 voc.a earth [u:] Erde The earth revolves around the sun. 11 96 voc.a kangaroo [,kq'ru:] Knguru You don't get kangaroos in Sweden! 11 96 voc.a dolphin ['dnlln] Delfin He won't eat tuna because of the effect on dolphins. 11 96 voc.a geographical [,di:'qrlik geografische Merkmale The geographical features are among the most widely-studied. features 'li:iz] 11 96 voc.a planet ['plni] Planet Mercury is the smallest planet. 11 96 read.1 mention (v) ['menn] erwhnen Your name was mentioned in the book. 11 96 read.3 amazing ['meizi] erstaunlich What an amazing story! 11 96 read.1 share (v) [e] teilen I shared a room with her when I was at college. 11 96 read.1 at least [i 'li:si] mindestens At least you can give me that. 11 96 read.1 ant [ni] Ameise An ant colony. 11 96 read.1 rotate [r'ieii] sich drehen The Earth rotates on its axis. 11 96 read.1 around ['rand] um die We put a fence around the yard. 11 96 read.1 per hour [p a] pro Stunde Parking costs 1 per hour. 11 96 read.1 throw [r] werfen Throw the ball to Daddy. 11 96 read.1 further ['lu:] weiter I have nothing further to say. 11 97 read.1 west [wesi] Westen Rain is expected in the west. 11 97 read.1 jump [] springen Boys were jumping off the bridge into the river. 11 97 read.1 look up ['lk .p] nach oben schauen Look up the words you don't understand. 11 97 read.1 sky [skai] Himmel The sky is blue and the sun is shining. 11 97 read.1 backwards ['bkwdz] rckwrts She stepped backwards in surprise. 11 97 read.1 continent ['knninni] Kontinent The five rings represent the different continents. 11 97 read.1 active ['kiiv] aktiv Games for active youngsters. 11 97 read.1 guide dog ['qaid dnq] Blindenhund They raised money to get her a guide dog. 11 97 read.1 traffic ['irlik] Verkehr There was heavy traffic on the motorway. 11 97 read.1 traffic light [irlik laii] Verkehrsampel Turn left at the traffic lights. 11 97 read.1 talk (v) [i:k] sprechen I could hear Sarah and Andrew talking in the next room. 11 97 read.1 sign language ['sain ,lqwid] Zeichensprache They communicate using sign language. 11 97 read.1 chimp [iimp] Schimpanse What's "chimp" short for? 11 97 read.1 per cent [p'seni] Prozent One hundred per cent commitment. 11 97 read.1 left-handed ['leli hndid] linkshndig Left-handed scissors. 11 97 read.1 studies [,si.diz] Studien If only he had applied himself to his studies! 11 97 read.1 paw [p:] Pfote the dog gave me his paw. 11 97 read.1 dirt [du:i] Schmutz His hands were covered in dirt. 11 97 read.1 lifetime ['lailiaim] Lebensdauer During her lifetime she had witnessed two world wars. 11 97 read.1 badly ['bdli] schlecht The book was badly written. 11 97 read.1 washed [wni] gewaschen His body was washed ashore. 11 97 prac.1 parrot ['pri] Papagei We recited poems parrot fashion. 11 97 prac.1 newborn ['n]u:b:n] neugeboren A newborn baby. 11 97 prac.2b mend (v) [mend] reparieren We need someone to mend the roof. 11 97 prac.2f chess [ies] Schach They meet fairly often to play chess. 11 98 grammar 3 population [,pnp]'lein] Bevlkerung What's the population of Tokyo? 11 99 prac.2C type [iaip] tippen Type in your name and password and press "return". 11 99 real life quantity ['kwnniii] Menge Police found a quantity of drugs hidden in their bags. 11 99 real life 1B centimetre ['seni,mi:i] Zentimeter The cut was 12 centimetres long. 11 99 real life 3a speed limit [,spi:d limii] Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung A 40 mph speed limit. 11 99 real life 3a motorway ['miwei] Autobahn We broke down on the motorway. 11 99 real life 3a approximately ['prnksmili] ungefhr The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes. 11 99 real life 3a weigh [wei] wiegen The baby weighs 12 pounds. 11 99 real life 3a coast [ksi] Kste It gets quite cold on the coast. 11 100 list.2 pregnant ['preqnni] schwanger She got pregnant soon after they were married. 11 100 list.2 kitten ['kiin] Ktzchen The kitten clawed at my trousers. 11 100 list.2 racing ['reisi] Rennen A racing driver. 11 100 list.2 hunting ['h.nii] Jagd Is foxhunting cruel? 11 100 list.2 customs officer [,k.simz'nlis] Zollbeamte(r) The customs officer searched his luggage. 11 100 list.2 keep [ki:p] (sich) halten This blanket should help you keep warm. 11 100 list.3a domestic cat [d'mesiik ki] Hauskatze It's a wild cat, not a domestic cat. 11 100 list.3a at one time [i w.n iim] auf einmal We have 10 places at any one time. 11 100 list.3a breed [bri:d] Art Rats can breed every six weeks. 11 100 list.3a special ['spel] besonders We have a very special guest with us this evening. 11 100 list.3a sphinx cat [slinks ki] Sphinxkatze I loved the sphinx cat at the zoo. 11 100 list.4 together [i'qe] zusammen Kevin and I went to school together. 11 100 list.4 dog food [dnq lu:d] Hundefutter The school dinners here are worse than dog food. 11 100 list.4 baby food ['beibi lu:d] Babynahrung We give him only organic baby food. 11 100 list.4 such as [s.i z] wie zum Beispiel Moments such as this require immediate action. 11 100 list.4 Greyhound ['qreihand] Windhund Fancy going to the greyhound races? 11 101 lf.3.1 cruel ['kru:l] grausam People who are cruel to animals make me mad. 11 101 lf.3.1 owner ['n] Besitzer(in) Who is the owner of this car? 11 101 lf.3.1 ugh! [.q] Pfui! Ugh! Not him again. 11 101 grammar specific [sp'silik] bestimmt The books are designed for this specific age group. 11 101 prac.1 winter ['wini] Winter It often snows in winter. 11 101 prac.1 windy ['windi] windig It was too windy to go for a walk. 11 101 prac.1 country ['k.niri] Land How many countries are there in Europe? 11 101 prac.2a horse [h:s] Pferd I've never ridden a horse before. 11 101 prac.2a area ['eri] Gegend Dad grew up in the Portland area. 11 101 prac.2a allergic ['lu:dik] allergisch He's allergic to cats. 11 101 pron.2 east/west [i:si wesi] Osten/westen We live to the east of the city. 11 101 pron.2 Arctic [':kiik] Arktis Arctic conditions. 11 101 pron.2 prime minister [prim 'minsi] Premierminister(in) He was the youngest Prime Minister. 11 101 pron.2 queen [kwi:n] Knigin Queen Elizabeth II. 11 101 pron.2 Antarctic [n'i:kiik] Antarktis The expedition to the Antarctic was a failure. 11 102 task solar system ['sl 'sisim] Sonnensystem The biggest planet in our solar system. 11 102 task litre ['li:i] Liter A litre of water. 11 102 task Islamic [iz'lmik] islamisch She follows Islamic custom by covering her hair. 11 102 task holy ['hli] heilig Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims, Christians and Jews. 11 102 task win [win] gewinnen Who do you think will win the election? 11 102 task world cup ['wu:ld' k.p] Fussballweltmeisterschaft I think Italy will win the next World Cup. 11 102 task Austria [n'sirei] sterreich Austria's capital city. 11 102 task Czech Republic [iek ri'p.blik] Tschechische Republik She's from the Czech Republic. 11 102 task official ['lil] offiziell The official report will be published next month. 11 102 writ./speak literature ['liiri] Literatur I'm interested in French literature. 11 102 useful lang.a European cup [,]r'pi:n 'k.p] Europacup They were knocked out of the European Cup in the first round. 11 102 useful lang.b definitely ['delinili] eindeutig That's definitely true. 11 103 study 2 potato [p'ieii] Kartoffel I'll peel the potatoes. 11 103 study 2 eye [ai] Auge There were tears in her eyes. 11 103 study 2 bean [bi:n] Bohne Kidney beans. 11 103 study 2 mouth [ma] Mund She put her hand over her mouth. 11 103 study 2 mushroom ['] Pilz Mushroom soup. 11 103 prac.1 cheetah ['ii:i] Gepard The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth. 11 103 prac.5 relaxed [ri'lksi] entspannt Gail was lying in the sun, looking happy and relaxed. 12 12 104 lf.1.1 future intentions ['l]u:i in'iennz] Vorstze And what are your future intentions with my daughter? 12 104 lf.1.1 going to [qi i] werden We're going to celebrate in style. 12 104 lf.1.1 dance [d:ns] tanzen Who's that dancing with Tom? 12 104 lf.1.1 barbecue ['b:bik]u:] Grillfest We had a barbecue on the beach. 12 104 lf.1.1 go for a walk [q lr ,w:k] spazieren gehen Do you want to go for a walk? 12 104 lf.2b digital ['didil] digital A digital clock. 12 104 lf.2b nothing special [,n.i 'spel] nichts Besonderes What was the band like? - Nothing special. 12 105 prac.3 straight [sireii] direkt Draw a straight line across the page. 12 105 prac.3 anywhere ['eniwe] irgendwohin Sit anywhere you like. 12 106 vok./speak. stay in [siei in] Zu Hause bleiben I think I'll stay in tonight. 12 106 vok./speak.2 rest [resi] sich ausruhen I need to rest for a while. 12 106 vok./speak.2 exercise ['ekssaiz] Gymnastik, Bewegung You can do special exercises to strengthen your back. 12 106 vok./speak.2 social life [,sl lil] Hausarbeit She doesn't have much of a social life. 12 106 vok./speak.2 exhibition [,eks'bin] Ausstellung We went to an exhibition of modern paintings at the art gallery. 12 107 lf.2 book(v) [bk] reservieren Have you booked the hotel? 12 107 lf.2 shall [l] sollen We shall be away next week. 12 107 lf.2 a night in [ naii in] ein Abend zu Hause Let's have a quiet night in. 12 107 lf.2 somewhere else ['s.mwe els] irgendwo anders I wish I was somewhere else. 12 107 prac.1a suggestion [s'desin] Vorschlag May I make a suggestion? 12 107 prac.1a offer ['nl] Angebot Can I offer you a drink? 12 107 prac.1a arrange ['reind] vereinbaren I've arranged a meeting with Jim. 12 108 read./list 1 magnificent [mq'nilsni] wundervoll He gave a magnificent performance. 12 108 read./list 1 cathedral [k'i:drl] Kathedrale, Dom St Paul's Cathedral. 12 108 read./list 1 view [v]u:] Ausblick He has strong views about politics. 12 108 read./list 1 cliff [klil] Kliff, Felsen Don't go near the edge of the cliff. 12 108 read./list 1 island ['ailnd] Insel The Greek island of Crete. 12 108 read./list 1 sailing ['seili] Segeln They've invited us to go sailing this weekend. 12 108 read./list 1 B&Bs [bi: bi:] Frhstckspension The street is full of B&B's. 12 108 read./list 1 golf course [qnll k:s] Golfplatz He's at the golf course. 12 109 read./list.2 square kilometre [skwe ki'lnmii] lebhaft An area of 50 square kilometres. 12 109 read./list.2 farmland ['l:mlnd] Ackerland Low grade farmland. 12 109 read./list.2 path [p:] (Wander)weg A narrow path led down to the stream. 12 109 read./list.2 paragliding ['pr,qlaidi] Gleitschirmfliegen His favourite hobby is paragliding. 12 109 read./list.2 paradise ['prdais] Paradies Hawaii is a paradise for wind surfers. 12 109 read./list.2 steam railway [sii:m reilwei] Dampflokomotive He's a steam railway enthusiast. 12 109 read./list.2 situated ['siiueiid] gelegen The hotel is situated on the lakeside. 12 109 read./list.2 built [bili] gebaut She is built like a dancer. 12 109 read./list.2 outdoor [,ai'd:] im Freien, Freiluft An outdoor swimming pool. 12 109 read./list.2 frequent [lri'kweni] hufig Her headaches became more frequent. 12 109 read./list.2 sightseeing ['saii,si:i] Besichtigungen In the afternoon, we went sightseeing. 12 109 read./list.2 accommodation [,knm'dein] Unterkunft The college provides accommodation for all new students. 12 109 read./list.2 excellent ['ekslni] ausgezeichnet What an excellent idea! 12 110 real life weather ['we] Wetter What's the weather like today? 12 110 real life 1 season ['si:zn] Jahreszeit Autumn is my favourite season. 12 110 real life 2a cloudy ['kladi] bewlkt The water looked cloudy. 12 110 real life 2a snow (v) [sn] schneien Look, it's snowing! 12 110 real life 2a foggy ['lnqi] neblig A foggy day. 12 110 real life 2a warm [w:m] warm It's lovely and warm in this room. 12 110 real life 2a sunny ['] sonnig A warm sunny day. 12 110 real life 2a rain (v) [rein] regnen Is it still raining? 12 110 real life 2a hot [hni] heiss The soup's really hot. 12 110 real life 2a cool [ku:l] khl A lovely cool drink. 12 110 real life 2a cold [kld] kalt The house was cold and empty. 12 110 real life 2a wet [wei] nass Her hair was wet. 12 110 real life 2a icy ['aisi] eisig An icy wind. 12 110 real life 3 fact file ['lki lil] Faktensammlung He put together a fact file. 12 110 real life 3 temperature ['iempri] Temperatur Check the temperature of the water. 12 110 real life 3 record (v) [ri'k:d] aufzeichnen All the events were recorded in a diary. 12 110 real life 3 dry [drai] trocken Is the washing dry yet? 12 110 real life 4a rainy ['reini] regnerisch A rainy evening. 12 110 real life 4a snow (n) [sn] Schnee Snow was falling heavily. 12 111 real life 5 average ['vrid Durchschnittstemperatur The average temperature is about 24 C. temperature iempri] 12 111 study 3 parcel ['p:sl] Pckchen The parcel was delivered last week. 13 13 112 learn.for the future education [,ed]'kein] Ausbildung The government has promised to spend more on education. 13 112 learn.for the future career [k'ri] Karriere, Beruf A teaching career. 13 112 learn.for the future apply ['plai] sich bewerben Rob's applied for a job in Canada. 13 112 voc./speak.1a management ['mnidmni] Management, Leitung I don't enjoy management. 13 112 voc./speak.1a science ['sains] Wissenschaft The teaching of science in schools. 13 112 voc./speak.1a business studies ['bizns,si.diz] Wirtschaftslehre She's taking a course in business studies. 13 112 voc./speak.1a design [di'zain] Design We've made some changes to the computer's original design. 13 112 voc./speak.1a medicine ['medsn] Medizin Have you taken your medicine? 13 112 voc./speak.1a information [,inl'mein Informatik He has gone into a career in information technology. technology iek'nnldi] 13 112 voc./speak.1a maths [ms] Mathematik The new maths teacher. 13 112 voc./speak.1a engineering [,end'niri] Maschinenbau, Ingenieurwesen The course will introduce young people to engineering. 13 112 voc./speak.2 pass [p:s] bestehen A police car passed him as he walked down the road. 13 112 voc./speak.2 fail [leil] durchfallen She failed all her exams . 13 112 voc./speak.2 degree [di'qri:] Hochschulabschluss The factory has a high degree of safety standards. 13 112 voc./speak.2 primary school [,praimri sku:l] Primarschule It's opposite the primary school. 13 112 voc./speak.2 secondary school [,sekndri sku:l] Sekundarschule I'll meet you outside the secondary school. 13 112 voc./speak.2 interview (n) ['iniv]u:] Vorstellungsgesprch She had an interview for a teaching job. 13 112 voc./speak.2 train (v) [irein] ausgebildet werden She trained as a nurse for four years. 13 112 voc./speak.2 chef [el] Koch A master chef. 13 112 voc./speak.2 unemployed [,.nim'plid] arbeitslos An unemployed teacher. 13 113 voc./speak.3 subject [sb'deki] Schulfach I don't want to talk about the subject of death. 13 113 voc./speak.3 apart from [,p:i lrm,] abgesehen von Apart from the ending, it's a really good film. 13 113 voc./speak.3 system ['sisim] System We need a better system for dealing with complaints. 13 113 voc./speak.3 profession [pr'len] Beruf I spent most of my life in the teaching profession. 13 113 voc./speak.3 what else [wni 'els] was sonst What else do you want? 13 113 voc./speak.3 ideal [,ai'dil] ideal An ideal place for a picnic. 13 113 list.2a finance company [linn 'k.mpni] Finanz(ierungs)gesellschaft He took out a loan with a finance company. 13 113 list.2a Lisbon ['lizbn] Lisabon Flight 503 for Lisbon is now boarding. 13 113 list.2a van driver [vn 'draiv] Lieferwagenfahrer She got a job as a van driver. 13 114 lf.1 stop [sinp] aufhren I stopped sending her letters years ago. 13 114 lf.1 qualification [,kwnll'kein] Qualifikation He left school without any qualifications. 13 114 lf.1 experience [ik'spirins] Erfahrung He's a very good teacher with a lot of experience. 13 114 prac.1 upstairs [,.p'siez] hoch, nach oben The kids went upstairs to bed. 13 114 prac.1 borrow ['bnr] sich ausleihen Can I borrow the car tonight, dad? 13 114 prac.1 lend [lend] verleihen Could you lend me 10? 13 114 read.1 grammar ['qrm] Grammatik His pronunciation is good, but his grammar is poor. 13 114 read.1 pronunciation [pr,n.nsi'ein] Aussprache What's the correct pronunciation of this word? 13 114 read.1 spelling ['speli] Rechtschreibung Your spelling has improved. 13 114 read.1 vocabulary [v'kb]lri] Vokabular Reading helps to improve your vocabulary. 13 114 read.2 introduce [,inir'd]u:s] einfhren The store has introduced a new range of food. 13 114 read.2 topic ['inpik] Thema Jackie's engagement was the main topic of conversation. 13 114 read.2 form (n) [l:m] Formulierung The bicycle is a very economical form of transport. 13 114 read.3 Seaspeak [si:spi:k] Seemannssprache It's known as Seaspeak. 13 114 read.3 Internetish ['inineii] Internetsprache They're an internetish sort of outfit, I think. 13 114 read.3 Anglic ['qlik] Anglikanisch Anglic? What does that mean? 13 115 read.2 global ['qlbl] global Pollution is a global problem. 13 115 read.2 expert ['ekspu:i] Experte, Expertin An expert on ancient Egyptian art. 13 115 read.2 basic ['beisik] Grund- The basic principles of chemistry. 13 115 read.2 simple ['simpl] einfach She explained her work in simple language. 13 115 read.2 message ['mesid] Mitteilung Did you get my message? 13 115 read.2 impossible [im'pnsbl] unmglich It is impossible to predict what will happen. 13 115 read.2 explain [ik'splein] erklren I explained the rules to Sara. 13 115 read.2 water melon ['w:i 'meln] Wassermelone A ripe, juicy water melon. 13 115 read.2 ask for [:sk l:] fragen nach Ask for it if you don't know where it is. 13 115 read.2 inside (n) ['insaid] Innere(s) The inside of the car was filthy. 13 115 read.2 taste [ieisi] Geschmack I don't like the taste of garlic. 13 115 read.2 Sweden [swi:dn] Schweden In Sweden, it is against the law to hit a child. 13 115 read.2 similar ['siml] hnlich They came from similar backgrounds. 13 115 read.2 unfortunately [.n'l:inili] leider Unfortunately, the show had to be cancelled. 13 115 read.2 even ['i:vn] noch Even the youngest children enjoyed the concert. 13 115 read.2 phrase [lreiz] Phrase, Satzglied Darwin's famous phrase 'the survival of the fittest' 13 115 read.2 situation [,siiu'ein] Situation She's in a very difficult situation. 13 115 read.2 fluent ['llu:ni] fliessend Jem can speak fluent Japanese. 13 116 lf.2 disappear [,dis'pi] verschwinden My keys have disappeared. 13 116 prac.1 sure [:] sicher Are you sure you've had enough? 13 116 prac.1 worried ['w.rid] sich sorgen You look worried. 13 116 read./speak 1 full-time ['ll'iaim] ganztags Both her parents work full-time. 13 116 read./speak 1 part-time ['p:i 'iaim] halbtags A part-time job. 13 116 read./speak.1 last (v) [l:si] dauern The hot weather lasted for two weeks. 13 117 speak 1a leisure ['le] Freizeit How do you spend your leisure time? 13 117 speak 1a tourism ['irizm] Tourismus The island depends on tourism for most of its income. 13 117 speak 1a marketing ['m:kii] Marketing He works in sales and marketing. 13 117 speak 1a promotion [pr'mn] Promotion, Werbung She felt she deserved promotion. 13 117 speak 1a customer service ['k.sim su:vis] Kundendienst He took his complaint to Customer Service. 13 117 speak 1a purpose ['pu:ps] Zweck What is the purpose of your visit to England? 13 117 speak 1a various ['veris] verschiedene The coat is available in various colours. 13 117 speak 1a childcare ['iaildke] Kinderpflege People earning low wages will find it difficult to pay for childcare. 13 117 speak 1a pre-school [,pri: sku:l] Vorschule A pre-school playgroup. 13 117 speak 1a nursery ['nu:sri] Kindergarten Does your son go to nursery? 13 117 speak 1a private home ['praivii 'hm] Privatheim His grandmother is in a private home. 13 117 speak 1a development [di'velpmni] Entwicklung Vitamins are necessary for a child's growth and development. 13 117 speak 1a health [hel] Gesundheit Smoking can damage your health. 13 117 speak 1a safety ['seilii] Sicherheit Some students are concerned about safety on campus. 13 117 speak 1a option ['npn] Mglichkeit We have three options. 13 117 speak 1a sports centre ['sp:is ,seni] Sportzentrum They train twice a week at the sports centre. 13 117 speak 1a coach (v) [ki] trainieren He coaches the local football team. 13 117 speak 1a fitness ['liins] Fitness He started to go running to improve his fitness. 13 117 speak 1a performing Arts [p'l:mi :is] die darstellenden Knste She received an award from the perfuming arts society. 13 117 speak 1a dance (n) [d:ns] Tanz Let's have one more dance. 13 117 speak 1a drama ['dr:m] Drama, Theater He has written a new drama for the BBC. 13 117 speak 1a directing [d'rekii] Regie He loves directing short films. 13 117 speak 1a at the time [i iim] zum Zeitpunkt At the time I was very scared. 13 117 speak 1a media ['mi:di] Medien(sektor) The story was reported in the media. 13 117 useful lang. disagree [,dis'qri:] anderer Meinung sein My boss doesn't like people disagreeing with her. 13 118 real life 1B advanced [d'v:nsi] fortgeschritten Advanced technology. 13 118 real life 3 register (v) ['redsi] sich einschreiben You need to register with a doctor. 13 119 real life 3 administrator [d'minsireii] Verwalter(in) She works as an administrator in a government office. 13 119 prac.3 petrol station [,peirl 'siein] Tankstelle We can get milk from the shop at the petrol station. 13 119 prac.3 library ['laibrri] Bibliothek A library book. 13 119 prac.3 coffee-bar ['knli 'b:] Cafe It's a cool, little coffee-bar. 14 14 120 touch keep in touch [ki:p in i.i] auf dem Laufenden bleiben Keep in touch, send me your news. 14 120 read.2a typewriter ['iaip,raii] Schreibmaschine A manual typewriter. 14 120 read.2a text message [ieksi 'mesid] Textnachricht She's always text messaging her friends. 14 120 read.2a postage stamp ['psiid simp] Briefmarke The Penny Black is a rare postage stamp. 14 120 read.2a fax machine [,lks mui:n] Faxgert The fax machine is broken, e-mail it instead. 14 120 read.3 deliver [di'liv] zustellen The letter was delivered to his home. 14 120 read.3 Ancient Egypt ['einni ,i:dipi] das alte gypten It's a book about Ancient Egypt. 14 120 read.3 stamp [simp] Briefmarke A first-class stamp. 14 120 read.3 keyboard ['ki:b:d] Tastatur Guy plays the guitar, and I'm on the keyboard. 14 120 read.4 World War Two [wu:ld 'w: iu:] der zweite Weltkrieg She moved away before World War Two. 14 120 read.5 annoying ['nii] lstig, rgerlich An annoying habit of interrupting. 14 120 read.2b scribe [skraib] Schreiber(in), Schriftgelehrte(r) I acted as his scribe. 14 121 read.2b top line [inp 'lain] oberste Reihe Top line sales are down 27%. 14 121 read.2b salesman ['seilzmn] Verkufer A car salesman. 14 121 read.2b demonstrate ['demnsireii] vorfhren The accident demonstrated the importance of wearing seatbelts. 14 121 read.2b nobody ['nbdi] niemand Nobody knows what will happen. 14 121 read.2b however [ha'ev] jedoch It's an unpleasant disease. However, it's easy to treat. 14 121 read.2b perhaps [p'hps] vielleicht Sarah's late - perhaps she missed the bus. 14 121 read.2b whistle (n) ['wisl] Pfeife The referee blew his whistle. 14 121 read.2b incredible [in'kredbl] unglaublich The view was incredible. 14 122 voc.1 take a photo [ieik ,li] ein Foto machen Take a photo of us all together. 14 122 voc.1 note (n) [ni] Notiz I'll just make a note of your new address. 14 122 voc.1 leave a message [li:v ,mesid] eine Nachricht hinterlassen Please leave a message after the tone. 14 122 voc.1 call [k:l] anrufen His friends call him Andy. 14 122 voc.2 contact ['knniki] kontaktieren There is little contact between the two tribes. 14 122 voc.2 urgently ['u:dnili] dringend Food and medicines are urgently needed. 14 122 voc.2 quickly ['kwikli] schnell He quickly put the money back in the box. 14 122 voc.2 communicate [k'm]u:nkeii] sich verstndigen We communicate by email. 14 122 voc.2 with each other [wi i:i .] miteinander They're very good with each other. 14 122 voc.2 wish [wi] wnschen I wish you hadn't invited him. 14 122 voc.2 member ['memb] Mitglied He's a member of the tennis club. 14 122 voc.2 bored [b:d] gelangweilt I'm bored - let's go! 14 122 lf.1 phone call ['lnk:l] Anruf I need to make a phone call. 14 122 lf.1 so far [s l:] bis jetzt So far I've only done three. 14 123 prac.2 lose [lu:z] verlieren Tom lost his job. 14 123 prac.2 forget [l'qei] vergessen I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name. 14 123 prac.3 emergency service [i'mu:dnsi] Notdienst Please inform the emergency services. 14 123 prac.3 post (v) [psi] aufgeben (Brief) She posted the letter on her way to work. 14 124 lf.2.1 apparently ['prnili] anscheinend Apparently, it's not the first time she's left him. 14 124 lf.2.1 on business [ nn 'bizns] geschftlich unterwegs sein He's away on business. 14 124 lf.2.1 bit [bii] etwas Could you turn the TV up a bit? 14 124 lf.2.1 voice mail [vismeil] Voice - Mail I had two voicemails on my mobile. 14 124 lf.2.1 celebrate ['selbreii] feiern John passed his exams so we're having a party to celebrate. 14 124 lf.2.1 driving test ['draivi ,iesi] Fahrprfung It's the third time he's failed his driving test. 14 124 lf.2.1 congratulations knn,qri'leinz Herzlichen Glckwunsch! You won? Congratulations! 14 124 lf.2.1 detail ['di:ieil] Detail The documentary included a lot of historical detail. 14 124 prac.1 line [lain] Zeile Draw a straight line across the top of the page. 14 124 prac.1 safe [seil] sicher Women are safer drivers than men. 14 124 prac.1 finally ['lainli] endlich After several delays, the plane finally took off at six o'clock. 14 124 prac.1 land [lnd] landen He owns 5000 acres of agricultural land. 14 124 prac.1 delay [di'lei] Versptung He agreed to delay the decision. 14 124 prac.1 pick up [,pik'.p] abholen Pick up your rubbish. 14 124 prac.1 take care [ieik ,ker] Machs gut Take care of your new piano. 14 124 prac.1 all the best [:l besi] Alles Liebe, He wished us all the best. 14 125 prac.2a recently ['ri:snili] krzlich They recently moved from South Africa. 14 125 real life 2 tone [in] Ton "Hello," she said in a welcoming tone. 14 125 real life 3b be afraid [bi ,'lreid] leider "Don't be afraid", said the big, hairy monster. 14 126 speak.1 essential [i'senl] unentbehrlich A balanced diet is essential for good health. 14 126 speak.1 main [mein] Haupt- Maths is the main subject I am studying. 14 126 speak.1 chat (v) [ii] plaudern, sich unterhalten Jo was chatting to Sam. 14 126 speak.1 chat room [ii ru:m] Chatroom He spends all evening on the web in chatrooms. 14 126 speak.1 feature ['li:i] Neuheit An important feature of his paintings is their colours. 14 126 speak.1 excited [ik'saiid] aufgeregt The kids are getting really excited about the trip. 14 126 speak.1 pay attention [pei 'ienn] Aufmerksamkeit schenken Pay attention to what I am saying. 14 127 study revise [ri'vaiz] wiederholen We need to revise our plans. 14 127 study approach ['pri] Methode Slowly, he approached the bed. 14 127 prac.2 break [breik] brechen I had to break a window to get into the house. 14 127 prac.3 just [] gerade You look just like your dad. 15 15 128 voc.1 palace ['pls] Palast Buckingham Palace. 15 128 voc.1 sports stadium ['sp:is 'sieidim] Sportstadion Have you seen Bayern Munich's new sports stadium? 15 128 voc.1 shopping centre ['npi ,seni] Einkaufszentrum They demolished these Georgian houses for a shopping centre. 15 128 voc.1 bridge [brid] Brcke They are building a new bridge over the river. 15 128 voc.1 church [iu:i] Kirche How often do you go to church? 15 128 voc.1 art gallery [':i qlri] Kunstgalerie There's a Kandinsky exhibition on the art gallery. 15 128 voc.1 canal [k'nl] Kanal We walked along by the side of the canal. 15 128 voc.1 hill [hil] Hgel Their house is on a hill overlooking the sea. 15 128 voc.1 mosque [mnsk] Moschee The mosque is near the shopping centre. 15 128 voc.1 temple ['iempl] Tempel The marble columns of a Greek temple. 15 128 voc.1 statue ['siiu:] Statue A statue of Queen Victoria. 15 128 voc.4 park [p:k] Park We couldn't find anywhere to park. 15 129 list.3 religious [ri'lids] religis We don't share the same religious beliefs. 15 129 list.3 reformer [ri'l:m] Reformer A great social reformer. 15 129 list.3 painting ['peinii] Gemlde A painting of a horse. 15 129 list.3 National Gallery ['nnl qlri] Nationalgalerie The National Gallery needs more funding. 15 130 lf.1.1 step [siep] Stufe He took a few steps , then stopped. 15 130 grammar up [.p] hinauf, nach oben They began walking up the hill. 15 130 grammar across ['krns] ber A boy suddenly ran across the road. 15 130 grammar out of [ai v] ausserhalb Sorry, we're out of petrol. 15 130 grammar down [dan] hinunter, nach unten Dave bent down to tie his shoelace. 15 130 grammar past [p:si] vorbei Hopefully, I have learned from past mistakes. 15 130 grammar into ['ini] hinein He went back into the house. 15 130 grammar from [lrm] von He drove all the way from Colorado. 15 130 grammar along ['ln] entlang We took a walk along the river. 15 131 prac.2 ladder ['ld] Leiter Women have had to fight to climb the career ladder. 15 131 prac.2 field [li:ld] Feld There were cows in the field. 15 131 prac.3a scenery ['si:nri] Bahnsteig Alaska's magnificent scenery. 15 131 prac.3a track [irk] Reise The farm was at the end of a rough track. 15 131 prac.3a tunnel ['] Landschaft They managed to tunnel under the fence. 15 131 prac.3a ski resort ['ski: ri'z:i] Skigebiet Arosa is a great ski resort. 15 131 prac.3a height [haii] Hhe The boys are about the same height. 15 131 prac.3b glacier ['qlsi] Gletscher You can ski on the glacier, even in summer. 15 131 prac.3b pass (v) [p:s] vorbei gehen We used to pass the shop every day. 15 132 lf.2 smoking area [smki eri] Raucherzone You may only smoke in the designated smoking area. 15 132 lf.2 entry fees ['eniri li:z] Eintrittspreis The entry fees are terribly high. 15 132 lf.2 passport control ['p:sp:i kn'irl] Passkontrolle It took us ages to get through passport control. 15 132 lf.2 out of order [ai nl ':d] defekt, kaputt The coffee-machine is out of order. 15 132 lf.2 grass [qr:s] Gras We lay on the grass by the river. 15 133 prac.2a obey ['bei] befolgen, gehorchen Most dogs will obey simple commands. 15 133 prac.2a instruction [in'] Anweisung Follow the instructions on the packet. 15 133 prac.2a earn a living [u:n 'livi] sich seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen It's a tough way to earn a living. 15 133 prac.2b prison ['prizn] Gefngnis He's been in prison for two years. 15 133 real life 1 sense of direction [sens v Orientierungssinn You have absolutely no sense of direction. dai'rekin] 15 133 real life 2 straight on [sireii ,nn] geradeaus Go straight on and you'll see it. 15 134 voc./read.1 guidebook ['qaidbk] Reisefhrer Travel guidebooks. 15 134 voc./read.1 tourist information ['irisi inl'mein] Touristen-Informationsbro We got the tickets from the tourist information office. 15 134 voc./read.2 value ['vl]u:] Wert What is the total value of the paintings in the collection? 15 134 voc./read.2 delicious [di'lis] kstlich This soup is delicious! 15 134 voc./read.2 peaceful ['pi:sll] friedlich The wood was cool and peaceful. 15 134 voc./read.2 fun [l.n] Spass Did you have fun with your friends? 15 134 voc./read.2 recommend [,rek'mend] empfehlen Dentists recommend that you change your toothbrush regularly. 15 134 voc./read.2 service ['su:vs] Bedienung The service is really good.
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