DSP Question Paper April 2012
DSP Question Paper April 2012
DSP Question Paper April 2012
(3 Hours) N. B.: (1) Attempt any three questions from each section. (2) Answers to the two sections must be written in separate answer sheet (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (4) Use of simple calculators and statistical tables is allowed. (5) Abbreviation have their useful meanings unless stated otherwise.
Section I 1. a. What is digital filter realization? Obtain direct form II and cascade form realizations for the transfer function of an FIR system given by H(z) = (1-1/4z -1 + 3/8z -2)(1-1/8z - 1-1/2z-2) b. Find the z-transform of the exponential x(n)=0,n<0;x(n)=ejwn ,n>=0.Check Stability of the system. c .What are the drawbacks of direct form realization of HR system?
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2. a. Find the magnitude, phase and step responses for the system characterized by the difference equation y(n)=1/6x(n)+1/3x(n-1)+1/6x(n-2) b. Find the cross-correlation of the following using z-Transform. x(n){4,-2,1} and h(n)={1,1,1,1,1) c. Define Step response of the system.
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3. a. What is purpose of Remez Exchange algorithm? Explain in brief steps need to be performed in Rernez Exchange Algorithm. b. Derive the frequency response of Linear phase FIR filter whose impulse response and filter length N is odd. c. What is the effect of truncating an infinite Fourier Series into a finite series?
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4. a. What is bilinear transformation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of transformation? Distinguish between Butterworth and Chebyshev (Type-I) filter. b. Convert the analog filter to a digital filter whose transfer function is H(s) = 2 .Use Impulse Invariant technique. (s+2)(s+3) c. Define Butterworth Low-pass Filter. State the properties of Butterworth Low-pass Filter.
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5. a. What is purpose of the Chirp Z transform? What are zdvantages of this &gorithm? Compare it with Bluesteins Algorithm. b. What are the different quantization methods? Discuss their effects on all types of. number representations. c. What are the differences and similarities between DIF and DIT algorithm? [TURN OVER
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DSP March2012
6. a. Find output of an LTI system whose impulse response is h(n1,n2)=an1n2 - <=n1,n2<= and system is excited by signal x(n1,n2) = 1 O<=n1, n2<= 2 0 otherwise b. Vhat is the output of LTI 2-D filters with the help of 2-D difference equation? c. Why signal processing is done in frequency domain? Explain two dimensional frequency domain techniques.
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7 .a. Explain 2-D convolution property of z transform. b. Explain how to determine stability of IIR filters directly from their 2-D z transform. c.Design one-bit adder which accepts as inputs 3 bits and generates a sum bit and a carry output bit.
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8 a. What are advantages and disadvantages of FDP structure? b. State and explain steps needed to perform floating additions. Explain hardware design for 5 floating additions. c. How direct form FIR filter are realized? 9 . a. How pipelining technique speeds up processing? b. State different methods of increasing computer speed. Explain any one in detail. c. Describe Lincoln Signal Processor 2 (LSP2) 10. a. Define pitch period and pitch frequency. b. Explain any one radar application. c. Explain how homomorphic system works for processing speech.
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