Question Bank BE and B TECH First Year

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I Year B.E., B.Tech., University Examination

(Common to all Branches)

Academic Year 2010 - 2011

Semester I
Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology


1. Anna university Syllabus Pg : 2 – 13

2. Question Bank

Technical English I Pg : 14 – 88

Mathematics I Pg : 89 – 108

Engineering Physics I Pg : 109 – 116

Engineering Chemistry I Pg : 117 – 123

Engineering Graphics Pg : 124 – 130

Fundamentals of Computing Pg : 131 – 137

3. Anna University Question Papers – Jun’10 Pg : 138 – 156

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Under Regulations 2010-2011 For All Affiliated Institutions
(Common to all B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Programme)



General and Technical Vocabulary - changing from one form to another – Nouns – Compound nouns –
Adjectives - Comparative adjectives – Adverbs – Prefix Suffix – Tenses (simple present – present
continuous) – British and American Vocabulary


Subject – Verb agreement – Past / Past Perfect / Past continuous – Future Tense – Perfect Tenses – Active
passive – Impersonal passive – Active-Passive voice - Gerund and infinitives, cause and effect, purpose
and function – ‘If’ conditionals – Error correction – Linking devices (comparison, contrast, additive and
sequential relation)


Skimming – Scanning for specific information – Inference – Context based meaning – Statistical
interpretation – Graphic forms bar charts / flow charts – Tabular Column

Paragraph – Description – Instruction – Scientific writing – Formal letter writing – Letter to the editor –
Accepting and Declining invitation – Permission letter – Note making


1. Listening and Understanding British and American accent
2. Listening to news – Understand and Present(Problems)
Critical analysis – Implications

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3. Speaking
a) Self Introduction
b) Presenting arguments
c) Commenting on any issue
d) Persuasive speaking
e) Presenting a common problem and suggesting a solution
f) Presenting a particular problem to the higher officials and suggesting
suitable solutions
g) asking for solution
h) asking for clarification

1. ‘English for Engineers and Technologists’(Vol I & II combined edition), Dept.
of Humanities and Social Sciences Anna University, Chennai, Orient Longmans
2. ‘Perform In English’, Dr. M. Balasubramanian & Dr. G. Anbalagan:
Anuradha Pub, Kumbakonam Rev Ed: 2008, Reprint.2010.

1. ‘A Course in Communication Skills’, P. Kiranmai Dutt and others:, 2007
Edition Foundation books: Cambridge House, 4381/4 Ansari Road, Daryanganj, New Delhi – 2.
2. ‘Effective Technical Communication’, M. Ashraf Rizvi:, Tata Mcgraw Hill,
Rep: 2007.

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Characteristic equation – Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a real matrix – Properties of Eigen values –
Problem solving using Cayley-Hamilton theorem (excluding proof) – Similarity transformation -
Orthogonal transformation of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form – Quadratic form - Orthogonal
reduction to its canonical form.


Angle between two lines – Coplanar lines – Shortest distance between skew lines – Equation of a sphere –
Plane section of a sphere – Tangent plane – Orthogonal spheres – Equation of a cone – Right circular cone
– Equation of a cylinder – Right circular cylinder.


Curvature - Cartesian and Parametric Co-ordinates – Centre and radius of curvature – Circle of curvature –
Envelopes - Evolutes – Evolute as envelop of normals.


Partial derivatives – Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions – Total derivatives – Differentiation of
implicit functions – Jacobians –– Maxima / Minima for functions of two variables – Method of Lagrange’s
multipliers - Taylor’s expansion


Solution of second and higher order linear ODE with constant coefficients –
Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients – Linear equations of second order with
variable coefficients - Cauchy’s and Legendre’s linear equations – Method of variation of parameters.

1. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Grewal, B.S., Thirty Eighth Edition, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
2. “Engineering Mathematics”, Venkataraman.M.K., Volume I and II Revised
enlarged Fourth Edition, The National Publishing Company, Chennai, 2004.

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1. “Text book of Engineering Mathematics”, Bali.N.P and Manish Goyal, Third
Edition Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., 2008.
2. “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics”, Glyn James., Third Edition,
Pearson Education Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3. “Engineering Mathematics (for first year)”, Veerarajan. T., Fourth Edition, Tata
McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2005.

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Introduction – Production - Magneto striction effect – Magnetostriction Generator – Piezoelectric effect –
Piezoelectric generator – Properties – Detection of Ultrasonic waves – Determination of Velocity of
Ultrasonic waves using Acoustic grating – Applications – SONAR – Industrial & Medical – sonogram –
Non destructive testing.

Introduction – Principle of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission – Population inversion –
Pumping methods – Deviation of Einstein’s coefficients A and B – Types of Lasers – He – Ne Laser – Co2
Laser – Nd YAG Laser – Semiconductor Lasers (homojunction and heterojunction) - Characteristics and
properties of Laser - Applications – Industrial – Medical – Holography – Construction and re construction
of Hologram – Applications of Hologram.


Principle and propagation of light in optical fibers – Numerical aperture and Acceptance angle –
Classification of optical fibers ( Material, refractive Index, Mode ) – Production – Double crucible
technique – Optical fiber losses – Attenuation, Dispersion and Bending losses – Fiber optics
communication systems (Block Diagram) – Applications – Sensors (Temp, Displacement, Pressure).


Black body radiation – Plank’s theory (deviation) Deduction of Wein’s displacement law and Rayleigh –
Jean’s law from Plank’s theory – Compton effect – Theory and experimental verification – Schrodinger’s
wave equation – Time independent and time dependent equations – Physical significance of wave function
– Particle in one dimensional box – Extension to 3 dimension electrons in metals (qualitative) –


Lattice – Unit cell – Bravais Lattices – Lattice planes – Miller indices – Inter planar distance d in a cubic
lattice – Calculation of number of atoms per unit cell, Atomic radius, Co-ordination number and Packing
factor for SC, BCC, FCC and HCP structures – NaCl, ZnS, Diamond and graphite structures.

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1. “Engineering Physics”, R. K. Gaur and S.C. Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
New Delhi(2003).
2. “A Text book of Engineering Physics”, M.N. Avadhanulu and PG Kshirsagar,
S.Chand and company, Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.

1. “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics”, Serway and
Jewett, 6th Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Indian reprint (2007).
2. “Engineering Physics”, Rajendran.V and Marikani A, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications Ltd, III Edition, New Delhi, (2004).
3. “Engineering Physics”,Palanisamy, P.K., Scitech publications, Chennai,(2007).
4. “Engineering Physics”,Jayakumar. S, R.K. Publishers, Coimbatore, (2003).
5. “Engineering Physics”,Chitra Shadrach and Sivakumar Vadivelu, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, (2007).

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Water – Types – Alkalinity – types of alkalinity and determination – hardness – types – CaCO3
equivalents – Estimation by EDTA method (problems) – Boiler feed water – requirements – Disadvantages
of using hard water in boiler – Internal conditioning (Phosphate, Carbon and Carbonate) – External
conditioning – Zeolite process – Demineralization process – Desalination – Reverse Osmosis
(Chlorination, UV treatment, ozonation).


Polymers – Types – Polymerization – Addition and condensation polymerization – Free radical
polymerization mechanism – Plastics – classification- preparation, properties and uses of PVC, Teflon,
Polyurethane, Nylon 6:6, PET, Bakelite, and Epoxy resin – Compounding of Plastics- Compression
moulding – Injection moulding – Composites – definition – types of Polymer matrix composites – FRP


Adsorption – Types – Adsorption of gases on solids – Adsorption isotherms – Freundlich and Langmuir
isotherms – Adsorption of solids from solution – Role of adsorption in catalysis - Ion exchange adsorption
– Pollution abatement.


Nuclear energy – fission and fusion reactions – Light water nuclear reactor for power generation (Block
diagram only) – Breeder reactor – Solar energy conversion – Solar cells – Wind energy – Fuel cells –
Hydrogen – Oxygen fuel cell – Batteries – Alkaline batteries – Lead acid storage battery – Nickel –
Cadmium and Lithium batteries.

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Refractories – Classification-( acidic, basic and neutral) – Properties (refractoriness, refractoriness under
load, porosity, dimensional stability, thermal spalling) – manufacture of alumina, magnesite and Zirconia
bricks – Abrasives – Natural abrasives – (Quartz, corundum, emery, garnet, diamond) – Artificial abrasives
(silicon carbide, boron carbide) – Lubricants- Mechanism of lubrication – Liquid lubricants – Properties
(Viscosity, viscosity index, flash and fire points, cloud and pour points, oilness , aniline number) – solid
lubricants (graphite & molybdenum disulphide).

1. “Engineering Chemistry”, P.C.Jain and Monica Jain, Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co.,
New Delhi (2002).
2. “A text book of engineering chemistry”, S.S. Dara S.Chand & Co.Ltd.,
New Delhi (2006).

1. “Engineering chemistry”, B.K.Sharma Krishna Prakasan Media (P) Ltd.,
Meerut (2001).
2. “Engineering Chemistry”, B. Sivasankar ,Tate McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd,
New Delhi (2008).

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(Not for Examination) : Importance of Engineering Graphics – use of drawing instruments. BIS
Conventions, specifications, layout of drawings, Lettering and dimensioning


PROJECTION (Curves used in Engineering Practices)
Construction of Ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by eccentricity method only.
Construction of CYCLOID, INVOLUTE OF SQUARE AND CIRCLE only. Drawing
normal and tangent to the above curves.


Principle of 1st angle and 3rd angle projection. Projection of points situated in all the four quadrants.
Problems involving projection of points, projection of two points situated in different quadrants.


Projection of straight lines, situated in first quadrant only, inclined to both horizontal and vertical planes –
LOCATION OF TRACES ONLY. Determination of true length and true inclinations of straight lines from
the projections (not involving traces) Projection of plane surfaces like rectangle, square, pentagon,
hexagon, circle- surfaces inclined to one reference plane.


Projections of prism, pyramid, cone and cylinder, axis inclined to one plane by change of position method.
Section of above solids in simple vertical position (axis perpendicular to HP alone) by planes either
inclined to HP or VP alone- True shape of section.


Development of lateral surfaces of vertical prism, cylinder pyramid, and cone truncated by surfaces of
inclined to HP alone. Development of surfaces of vertical cylinder and prism with cylindrical cut outs
perpendicular to the axis. Isometric projection of solids like prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone;
combination of any two; truncation when solid is in simple vertical position, by a cutting plane inclined to

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Free Hand sketching of front view, top view and a suitable side view of simple
components from their isometric views. Normal perspective of prism, pyramid, cylinder & cone in vertical
position by visual ray method only.

1. "Engineering Graphics" Dr. S. M. Sekkilar, Anuradha Publication, Revised
Edition 2008.
2. "Engineering Drawing" , N.D. Bhatt, Charotar Publishing House, 46th Edition

1 “A Text Book of Engineering Graphics", K. V. Natarajan, Dhanalakshmi
Publishers, Chennai (2006).
2. "Engineering Graphics", K. Venugopal and V. Prabhu Raja, New Age
International (P) Ltd. (2008).
3. "Engineering Graphics", M.S. Kumar, D.D. Publications. (2007).

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Digital Computer Fundamentals – Components of a Computer System – Binary digits – Logic Gates –
Digital Integrated Circuits
Number System – Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal and BCD numbers- Binary Arithmetic – Number
system conversion – Machine codes such as ASC11, EBCDIC and Unicode.


Processing, Memory Chips- Input and Output devices – Optical and Audio Visual devics- Display devices
– Printing and storage devices – Flash drives – Removable Hard Disks – Graphics and Multimedia Devices
Networking accessories – Swiches – Router – Hubs – Local area networking – Internet Working – Modem
– Broadband Connections – DNS – Worldwide Web – Types of Networking – LAN, MAN, WAN –
Network topologies


Problem Solving through computers – Problem solving methodologies – Top Down, Bottom up approches
at conceptual level- Algorithm – FlowChart – Pseudocode – Solving simple problems and algorithm
developments – procedure oriented and structured programming concepts


Introduction to C – History of C – Advantages, applications and demerits of C –
Character set, Identifier keyword, datatypes, variables, constants, tokens – Operators and expression,
Simple input and output Operators and expression, Simple input and output functions – Control structures,
Arrays – one dimensional and two dimensional arrays.


Functions – Userdefined and Library functions – Pointers – Array of Pointers, Pointer to array, Function
returning pointer, Pointer to function, Pointer to Pointer, Structure and union, High level file Operations.

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1. “C for All”, S.Thamarai Selvi, R.Murugesan, Anuradha Publications,
Chennai, 2008.
2. “Introduction to Computers” ,Peter Norton, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.

1. “How to solve it by computer”, Dromey R.G, , Pearson Education, 2007.
2. “The C Programming Language”, Kennighan.B.W and Ritchie D.M,
Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.

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Subject : Technical English I Subject Code : 10TEA01

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs A-G


arise arose arisen
be were (singular was) been
Beat beat beaten (or beat)
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent Bent
Bite bit bitten
bleed bled Bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built Built
burst burst burst
Buy bought bought
Cast cast Cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
cling clung clung
come came come
Cost cost Cost
Cut cut Cut
deal dealt dealt
Dig dug Dug
Dive dived (or dove) dived
Do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven

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Eat ate eaten

Fall fell fallen
Feed fed Fed
Feel felt Felt
fight fought fought
Find found found
Fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
freeze froze frozen
Get got got (or gotten)
Give gave given
Go went gone
grow grew grown

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs H-S


hang (execute) hanged hanged
hang (suspend) hung hung
Have had had
Hear heard heard
Hide hid hidden
Hit hit Hit
Hold held held
Hurt hurt hurt
Keep kept kept
Kneel knelt (or kneeled) knelt (or kneeled)
Knit knitted (or knit) knitted (or knit)
Know knew known
Lay laid laid
Leave left left
Lend lent lent
Let let Let
lie (recline) lay lain

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lie (fib) lied lied

Light lighted (or lit) lighted (or lit)
Lose lost lost
Make made made
Mean meant meant
Meet met met
Mow mowed mowed (or mown)
Pay paid paid
Prove proved proved (or proven)
Put put put
Read read read
Rid rid (or ridded) Rid (or ridded)
Ride rode ridden
Ring rang rung
Rise rose risen
Run ran run
See saw seen
Say said said
Seek sought sought
Sell sold sold
Send sent sent
Set set Set
Sew sewed sewed (or sewn)
Shake shook shaken
Shine shone shone
Shoot shot shot
Show showed shown
Shrink shrank (or shrunk) shrunk (or shrunken)
Shut shut shut
Sing sang sung
Sink sank (or sunk) sunk (or sunken)

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Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs S-W


Sit Sat Sat
Sleep Slept Slept
Slide Slid Slid
Sling Slung Slung
Slit Slit Slit
Speak Spoke Spoken
Speed sped (or speeded) sped (or speeded)
Spin Spun Spun
Split Split Split
Spread Spread Spread
Spring sprang (or sprung) Sprung
Stand Stood Stood
Steal Stole Stolen
Stick Stuck Stuck
Sting Stung Stung
Stink stank (or stunk) Stunk
Strike Struck struck (or stricken)
String Strung Strung
Swear Swore sworn
Sweep Swept swept
Swell Swelled swelled (or swollen)
Swim Swam swum
Swing Swung swung
Take Took taken
Teach Taught taught
Tear Tore torn
Tell Told told
Think Thought thought
Throw Threw thrown

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Thrust Thrust thrust

Wake woke (or waked) woke (or waked or woken)
Wear Wore worn
Weave Wove woven
Weep Wept wept
Win Won won
Wind Wound wound
Write Wrote written

Verb Tense Exercise 1

Simple Present / Present Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) ___________ her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) ____________as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study)
___________French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep). ___________
4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) ___________
5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) ___________.
6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) ___________because everybody (talk) ___________so loudly
7. Justin (write, currently) ___________a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a
good publisher when he is finished.
8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?
Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) ___________to a movie tonight with some friends.
9. The business cards (be, normally ) ___________printed by a company in New York. Their prices
(be) ___________inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.
10. This delicious chocolate (be) ___________made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

Answer key

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) drives her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) work as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) am studying French at a
language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

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3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) is sleeping.

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) is raining.
5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) always rains.
6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) are saying because everybody (talk) is talking so loudly.
7. Justin (write, currently) is currently writing a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can
find a good publisher when he is finished.
8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?
Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) am going to a movie tonight with some friends.
9. The business cards (be, normally ) are normally printed by a company in New York. Their prices
(be) are inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.
10. This delicious chocolate (be) is made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.

Simple Past / Past Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses
Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) ___________. She said she (call)
___________me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait)
___________for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk)
___________to me. I couldn't believe she (make) ___________a phone call during the lecture. I asked
what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (sleep, actually) ___________in
class. Some of the students (talk) ___________about their plans for the weekend and the student next to
her (draw) ___________a picture of a horse. When Angela (tell) ___________me she was not satisfied
with the class, I (mention) ___________that my biology professor was quite good and (suggest)
___________that she switch to my class.

While we were talking, I (hear) ___________her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?"
Suddenly, the line went dead. I (hang) ___________up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner.
As I (cut) ___________vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be) ___________Angela, but
this time she wasn't sitting in class

Answer key
Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) called. She said she (call) was calling me on
her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait) was waiting for class, but
she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk) was talking to me. I
couldn't believe she (make) was making a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (sleep, actually) were actually
sleeping in class. Some of the students (talk) were talking about their plans for the weekend and the
student next to her (draw) was drawing a picture of a horse. When Angela (tell) told me she was not

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satisfied with the class, I (mention) mentioned that my biology professor was quite good and (suggest)
suggested that she switch to my class.

While we were talking, I (hear) heard her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly,
the line went dead. I (hang) hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut) was
cutting vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be) was Angela, but this time she wasn't
sitting in class.

Simple Past / Present Perfect

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses
1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"
B: I don't know. I (see, never) ___________ that movie.

2. Sam (arrive) ___________ in San Diego a week ago.

3. My best friend and I (know) ___________ each other for over fifteen years. We still get together
once a week.

4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) ___________ ten very creative short stories in the last year.
One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.

5. I (have, not) ___________ this much fun since I (be) ___________ a kid.

6. Things (change) ___________ a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start)
___________working here three years ago, the company (have, only) ___________ six employees.
Since then, we (expand) ___________ to include more than 2000 full-time workers.

7. I (tell) ___________ him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) ___________ off
into the forest and (be) ___________ bitten by a snake.

8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) ___________ the bus this morning. You (be) ___________
late to work too many times. You are fired!

9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) ___________
the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

10. How sad! George (dream) ___________of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it.
He (see, never) ___________ the ocean.

11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) ___________much easier and very comfortable. In
the 19th century, it (take) ___________ two or three months to cross North America by covered
wagon. The trip (be) ___________ very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) ___________
a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in
a matter of hours.

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12. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) ___________ since the last time I (see)
___________ you. You (grow) ___________ at least a foot!

13. This tree (be) ___________ planted by the settlers who (found) ___________ our city over four
hundred years ago.

14. This mountain (be, never) ___________ climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try)
___________ to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) ___________ . The climb is extremely
difficult and many people (die) ___________ trying to reach the summit.

15. I (visit, never) ___________ Africa, but I (travel) ___________ to South America several times.
The last time I (go) ___________ to South America, I (visit) ___________ Brazil and Peru. I
(spend) ___________ two weeks in the Amazon, (hike) ___________ for a week near Machu
Picchu, and (fly) ___________ over the Nazca Lines

Answer Key

1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"

B: I don't know. I (see, never) have never seen that movie.
2. Sam (arrive) arrived in San Diego a week ago.
3. My best friend and I (know) have known each other for over fifteen years. We still get together
once a week.
4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) has written ten very creative short stories in the last year.
One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.
5. I (have, not) have not had this much fun since I (be) was a kid.
6. Things (change) have changed a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start) started working
here three years ago, the company (have, only) only had six employees. Since then, we (expand)
have expanded to include more than 2000 full-time workers.
7. I (tell) told him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) wandered off into the
forest and (be) was bitten by a snake.
8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) missed the bus this morning. You (be) have been late to
work too many times. You are fired!
9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) has never seen
the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.
10. How sad! George (dream) dreamt of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it. He
(see, never) never saw the ocean.
11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) has become much easier and very comfortable. In the
19th century, it (take) took two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip

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(be) was very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) have changed a great deal in the last
hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
12. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) have changed since the last time I (see) saw you.
You (grow) have grown at least a foot!
13. This tree (be) was planted by the settlers who (found) founded our city over four hundred years
14. This mountain (be, never) has never been climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try) have
tried to reach the top, but nobody (succeed, ever) has ever succeeded. The climb is extremely
difficult and many people (die) have died trying to reach the summit.
15. I (visit, never) have never visited Africa, but I (travel) have travelled to South America several
times. The last time I (go) went to South America, I (visit) visited Brazil and Peru. I (spend) spent
two weeks in the Amazon, (hike) hiked for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly) flew over the
Nazca Lines.

Verb Tense Exercise 12

Simple Past / Present Perfect / Past Perfect
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses
1. When I (arrive) ___________ home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) ___________a
beautiful candlelight dinner.

2. Since I began acting, I (perform) ___________in two plays, a television commercial and a TV
drama. However, I (speak, never even) ___________publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985.

3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) ___________without me. My boss (be)
___________furious with me and I (be) ___________fired.

4. When I (turn) ___________the radio on yesterday, I (hear) ___________a song that was popular
when I was in high school. I (hear, not) ___________the song in years, and it (bring)
___________back some great memories.

5. Last week, I (run) ___________into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) ___________each

other in years, and both of us (change) ___________a great deal. I (enjoy) ___________talking to
her so much that I (ask) ___________her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner.

6. When Jack (enter) ___________the room, I (recognize, not) ___________him because he (lose)
___________so much weight and (grow) ___________a beard. He looked totally different!

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7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their
culture (disappear, virtually) ___________by the time Europeans first (arrive) ___________in the
New World.

8. I (visit) ___________so many beautiful places since I (come) ___________to Utah. Before moving
here, I (hear, never) ___________of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands

Answer Key

1. When I (arrive) arrived home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) had prepared a beautiful
candlelight dinner.
2. Since I began acting, I (perform) have performed in two plays, a television commercial and a TV
drama. However, I (speak, never even) had never even spoken publicly before I came to
Hollywood in 1985.
3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) had already begun without me. My
boss (be) was furious with me and I (be) was fired.
4. When I (turn) turned the radio on yesterday, I (hear) heard a song that was popular when I was in
high school. I (hear, not) hadn't heard the song in years, and it (bring) brought back some great
5. Last week, I (run) ran into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) had not seen each other in years,
and both of us (change) had changed a great deal. I (enjoy) enjoyed talking to her so much that I
(ask) asked her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner.
6. When Jack (enter) entered the room, I (recognize, not) did not recognize him because he (lose)
had lost so much weight and (grow) had grown a beard. He looked totally different!
7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their
culture (disappear, virtually) had virtually disappeared by the time Europeans first (arrive)
arrived in the New World.
8. I (visit) have visited so many beautiful places since I (come) came to Utah. Before moving here, I
(hear, never) had never heard of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands.

Past Tense Forms Review

Choose the correct past form of the verb to complete the question.

1. They _____ while I was cooking dinner.

i. were cleaning up ii. had cleaned up iii. cleaned

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2. There was no food left when I returned. They _____ everything!

i. had eaten
ii. ate
iii. were eating
3. If she had visited us last summer, she _____ the hikes in the mountains.

i. would have enjoyed

ii. would enjoy
iii. had enjoyed

4. I _____ the bags before we left on holiday.

i. Checked
ii. was checking
iii. had been checking
5. She told me she was flying to Chicago last week. She _____ in her hotel room last night.

i. must have been

ii. must be
iii. had to be
6. If he _____ the window he would repair it.
i. Broke
ii. were broken
iii. were breaking
7. By the time the presentation began, they _____ their discussion.

i. Completed
ii. had completed
iii. were completing
8. If I _____ you, I would finish my homework!
i. had been
ii. were
iii. would be
9. She is very intelligent. She _____ that!

i. can't have thought

ii. couldn't have thought
iii. mustn't have thought
10. When I arrived, they _____.
i. stretching their legs
ii. were stretching their legs iii. had been stretching
11. I lit the fire at four and it ______ brightly when Lisa arrived.

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i. Burned
ii. had burned
iii. was burning
12. I was reading the letter when the wind ______ it out of my hands.
i. was blowing
ii. blew
iii. had blown

13. Jack ______ the report by the time it was due.

i. hadn't finished
ii. was finishing
iii. had been finishing

14. They _____ an argument when I arrived to celebrate Pete's birthday.

i. had been
ii. were having
iii. have had
15. I'm not sure where Jack was yesterday. He ______ visiting Tom.

i. might was
ii. might have been
iii. couldn't have been

16. If Hank _____ you were going to come, he would have made sure to be there.
i. Knew
ii. had known
iii. was knowing

17. I found this gold coin while I _____ in the garden!

i. Dug
ii. had been digging
iii. was digging

18. _____ the dog before they left on vacation?

i. Had they fed
ii. Were they feeding
iii. Had they been feeding

19. He said he _____ yesterday.

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i. would come
ii. had been coming
iii. were coming
20. He ______ get up so early when he lived in Los Angeles.

i. didn't used to
ii. didn't use to
iii. had used to

Change the following sentences to past tense

The first sentence in each set below contains a verb in the present tense. Complete the second sentence in
each set by adding -d or -ed to the verb in parentheses to form the past tense. When you're done, compare
your responses with the answers at the end of the exercise.

1. Carrot Top uses unusual props in his comedy act. Recently he (use) a double-wide toilet seat.
2. Halley's Comet appears every 76 years. It last (appear) in 1986.
3. We rarely punish the children. However, we (punish) them yesterday for spray-painting the dog.
4. Wallace likes knitting and reading the newspaper. Even as a boy, he (like) to invent things.
5. Wallace enjoys Wensleydale cheese and a nice cup of tea. When he was younger, Wallace (enjoy)
cheddar cheese.
6. I usually purchase a season ticket from the box office. Yesterday I (purchase) a ticket over the
7. Gromit graduates from college today. Last year he (graduate) from Dogwarts University.
8. Please carry this invention upstairs for me. I (carry) it into the house.
9. Mookie and Buddy cry when they are hungry. Last night they (cry) for over an hour.
10. Gromit tries very hard to be helpful. He (try) too hard last week.

1. used; 2. appeared; 3. punished; 4. liked; 5. enjoyed; 6. purchased; 7. graduated; 8. carried; 9. cried; 10.


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Use 'in' with spaces:

• in a room / in a building
• in a garden / in a park

Use 'in' with bodies of water:

• in the water
• in the sea
• in a river

Use 'in' with lines:

• in a row / in a line
• in a queue


Use 'at' with places:

• at the bus-stop
• at the door
• at the cinema
• at the end of the street


Use 'on' with surfaces:

• on the ceiling / on the wall / on the floor

• on the table

Use 'on' with small islands:

• I stayed on Maui.

Use 'on' with directions:

• on the left
• on the right
• straight on


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Use 'to' with movement from one place to another:

• I went to school.
• Did you go to work?
• Let's go to the shopping mall.

DO NOT Use 'to' with 'home'

Prepositions of Place - Quiz

Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the English grammar question.

That is a beautiful painting ____ the wall.

Did you go _____ School last week?
He works ____ a bank.
Let's meet ____ the museum.
We went ____ a concert yesterday evening.
Put the book ____ the table.
I met my wife _____ the university.
I drove _____ Seattle last weekend.
He is ____ the building.
It's _____ the city center, isn't it?

Exercise on Prepositions – Place

Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions.

1. We live ___________London.
2. Would you like to go ___________the cinema tonight?
3. No, thanks. I was ___________the cinema yesterday.
4. We are going ___________ holiday next week.
5. There is a bridge ___________ the river.
6. The flight from Leipzig to London was___________Frankfurt.
7. ___________ my wall, there are many picture postcards.
8. Who is the person ___________ this picture?
9. Come ___________ the sitting room, we want to watch TV.
10. Munich lies 530 meters ___________sea level.

Answer Key

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1. We live in London.
2. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
3. No, thanks. I was at the cinema yesterday.
4. We are going on holiday next week.
5. There is a bridge across the river.
6. The flight from Leipzig to London was via Frankfurt.
7. On my wall, there are many picture postcards.
8. Who is the person in this picture?
9. Come into the sitting room, we want to watch TV.
10. Munich lies 530 meters above sea level.

1. He made his escape by jumping ______ a window and jumping ______ a waiting car.
over / into
between / into
out of / between
out of / into
up to / out of

2 To get to the Marketing department, you have to go ______ those stairs and then ______ the corridor to
the end.
over / into
between / into
out of / between
out of / into
up / along

3 I saw something about it ______ television.

4 I couldn't get in ______ the door so I had to climb ______ a window.
through / in
between / into
out of / between

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out of / into
up / along

5 She took the key ______ her pocket and put it ________ the lock.
over / into
between / into
out of / in
by / on
up to / out of

6 He drove ______ me without stopping and drove off ______ the centre of town.
from / into
towards / over
along / up
past / towards
in / next to

7 I took the old card ______ the computer and put ______ the new one.
through / in
out of / in
out of / between
out of / into
up / along

8 I went ______ him and asked him the best way to get ______ town.
from / into
towards / over
along / up
by / on
up to / out of

9 It's unlucky to walk ______ a ladder in my culture. I always walk ______ them.
through / in
out of / in
under / around

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out of / into
up / along
10 The restaurant is ______ the High Street, ______ the cinema.
through / in
out of / in
under / around
in / next to
up / along

11 Sally left school ______ the age of 16 and went to work ______ a bank.
through / in
out of / in
under / around
in / next to
at / in

12 He jumped ______ the wall and ______ the garden.

over / into
towards / over
along / up
by / on
up to / out of

13 He was driving ______ 180 miles per hour when he crashed ______ the central barrier.
at / into
out of / in
under / around
in / next to
at / in

14 She ran ______ the corridor and ______ the stairs to the second floor.
from / into
towards / over
along / up
by / on

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in / next to

15 John is the person standing ______ the window, ______ the woman with the long blonde hair.
at / into
beside / next to
under / around
in / next to
at / in

16 When the bull ran ______ me, I jumped ______ the fence.
from / into
towards / over
beside / next to
by / on
in / next to

17 Look, that car's ______ fire.


18 He saw a parking space ______ two cars and drove ______ it.
over / into
between / into
along / up
by / on
up to / out of
19 Harry comes to work ______ car but I prefer to come ______ foot.
at / into
beside / next to
by / on

in / next to

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at / in

20 He took the book ______ the shelf and put it ______ his bag.
from / into
at / into
beside / next to
by / on
in / next to

Put in the correct preposition.

Example: He concentrates __ physics.
Answer: He concentrates on physics.

1) My friend is good _______ playing volleyball.

2) She complains _______ bullying.
3) They are afraid _______ losing the match.
4) She doesn't feel _______ working on the computer.
5) We are looking forward _______ going out at the weekend.
6) Laura dreams _______ living on a small island.
7) Andrew apologized _______being late.
8) Do you agree _______ staying in a foreign country?
9) The girls insisted _______ going out with Kerry.
10) Edward thinks _______climbing trees this afternoon


A / AN

Use 'a' with nouns starting with a consonant (letters that are not vowels),
'an' with nouns starting with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u)


A boy
An apple
A car

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An orange
A house
An opera

An before an h mute - an hour, an honour.
A before u and eu when they sound like 'you': a european, a university, a unit

The indefinite article is used:

• to refer to something for the first time:

An elephant and a mouse fell in love.
Would you like a drink?
I've finally got a good job.
• to refer to a particular member of a group or class


o with names of jobs:

John is a doctor.
Mary is training to be an engineer.
He wants to be a dancer.
o with nationalities and religions:
John is an Englishman.
Kate is a Catholic.
o with musical instruments:
Sherlock Holmes was playing a violin when the visitor arrived.
(BUT to describe the activity we say "He plays the violin.")
o with names of days:
I was born on a Thursday
• to refer to a kind of, or example of something:
the mouse had a tiny nose
the elephant had a long trunk
it was a very strange car
• with singular nouns, after the words 'what' and 'such':
What a shame!
She's such a beautiful girl.
• meaning 'one', referring to a single object or person:
I'd like an orange and two lemons please.
The burglar took a diamond necklace and a valuable painting.

Notice also that we usually say a hundred, a thousand, a million.

NOTE: that we use 'one' to add emphasis or to contrast with other numbers:
I don't know one person who likes eating elephant meat.
We've got six computers but only one printer.

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Using Articles
Summary: This handout discusses the differences between indefinite articles (a/an) and definite articles

What is an article? Basically, an article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns.

English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to
modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article.

the = definite article

a/an = indefinite article

For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book. If I say, "Let's read a book," I mean
any book rather than a specific book.

Here's another way to explain it: The is used to refer to a specific or particular member of a group. For
example, "I just saw the most popular movie of the year." There are many movies, but only one particular
movie is the most popular. Therefore, we use the.

"A/an" is used to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of the group. For example, "I would like
to go see a movie." Here, we're not talking about a specific movie. We're talking about any movie. There
are many movies, and I want to see any movie. I don't have a specific one in mind.

Let's look at each kind of article a little more closely.

Indefinite Articles: a and an

"A" and "an" signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to any member of a group. For example:

• "My daughter really wants a dog for Christmas." This refers to any dog. We don't know which dog
because we haven't found the dog yet.
• "Somebody call a policeman!" This refers to any policeman. We don't need a specific policeman;
we need any policeman who is available.
• "When I was at the zoo, I saw an elephant!" Here, we're talking about a single, non-specific thing,
in this case an elephant. There are probably several elephants at the zoo, but there's only one we're
talking about here.

Remember, using a or an depends on the sound that begins the next word. So...
• a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog
• an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan
• a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds like 'yoo-zer,' i.e. begins with a
consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used); a university; a unicycle
• In some cases where "h" is pronounced, such as "historical," use an:

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An historical event is worth recording.

In writing, "a historical event" is more commonly used.

Remember that this rule also applies when you use acronyms:

Introductory Composition at Purdue (ICaP) handles first-year writing at the University. Therefore, an ICaP
memo generally discusses issues concerning English 106 instructors.

Another case where this rule applies is when acronyms start with consonant letters but have vowel sounds:

An MSDS (material safety data sheet) was used to record the data. An SPCC plan (Spill Prevention
Control and Countermeasures plan) will help us prepare for the worst.

If the noun is modified by an adjective, the choice between a and an depends on the initial sound of the
adjective that immediately follows the article:

• a broken egg
• an unusual problem

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Example: My friend is ____ fireman. Let's ask him for ____ help.

Answer: My friend is a fireman. Let's ask him for help.

Each question has only one correct answer. When you are finished click on the "Next Question" button.
There are 30 questions to this quiz. Try to use only 1 minute per question. At the end of the quiz, you will
receive quiz feedback.

The definite and indefinite article review page can help you better understand the rules for the questions in
this quiz.

Q: I had ____ fish and ____ chips for dinner.

i. a–a
ii. the – Ø
iii. the – the
iv. Ø-Ø

Q: I'm on ___ diet. No ___ sugar for me!

i. a–Ø
ii. the – the
iii. the – a
iv. Ø–a

Q: I'm staying at ___ hotel on ____ Hudson river.

i. the – the
ii. a – the
iii. a–a
iv. a-Ø

Q: Can I pay by ___ check?

i. a
ii. The
iii. Ø

Q: ___ friend of mine is coming to visit next week.

i. a
ii. The
iii. Ø

Q: Have you got ____ car fixed yet?

i. a
ii. The iii.Ø

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Q: I heard ___ knock on ___ door.

i. a–a
ii. a – the
iii. Ø – the
iv. the - the

Q: When do you get ___ home?

i. a
ii. The
iii. Ø

Q: I wish he wouldn't talk during ___ lesson. Maybe the teacher should have ___ word with him.

i. the – a
ii. a – the
iii. Ø – the
iv. Ø–Ø

Q: There was ____ sound in ____ living room.

i. the – Ø
ii. the – the
iii. Ø–Ø
iv. a - the

Q: Jack Anderson was caught holding _____ match during _____ fire.

i. a–Ø
ii. the – a
iii. Ø–Ø
iv. a – the

Q: She replied in _____ surprise that _____ question was much too difficult.

i. Ø–a
ii. a–a
iii. Ø–Ø
iv. Ø - the

Q: I'm afraid I can't remember _____ exact date of _____ show.

i. the – the
ii. the – a
iii. the – Ø
iv. Ø–Ø

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Q: She's staying at _____ hotel in _____ small town in Colorado.

i. a – the
ii. a–a
iii. the – a
iv. the – the

Q: _____ children went to _____ film yesterday afternoon.

i. Ø–a
ii. The – Ø
iii. A – the
iv. The – a

Q: I'm afraid _____ answer is 'no'. Come back when you can make _____ new proposal.

i. Ø – the
ii. the – the
iii. the – a
iv. the – Ø

Q: _____ fruit is usually sold by _____ pound.

i. Ø–Ø
ii. The – a
iii. The – a
iv. Ø - the

Q: He got _____ job in _____ best company in town.

i. a – the
ii. a–a
iii. the – a
iv. the - Ø

Q: _____ Pacific Ocean is _____ largest body of water on _____ Earth.

i. Ø - the – the
ii. The - Ø – Ø
iii. The - the – Ø
iv. Ø - the – Ø

Q: You can find _____ books you'll need for class at _____

i. a – the
ii. the – the
iii. the – Ø
iv. Ø – the

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Q: She might go to _____ school in _____ England.

i. Ø–Ø
ii. the – Ø
iii. a–a
iv. Ø - the

Q: She's thinking about attending _____ English course during _____ summer.

i. an – Ø
ii. a–Ø
iii. an – the
iv. the – a

Q: Meredith remembered to turn off _____ lights before she left _____ apartment.

i. the – an
ii. Ø – the
iii. the – the
iv. Ø–Ø

Q: I enjoy listening to _____ number of programs on _____ radio.

i. a – the
ii. a–a
iii. Ø–Ø
iv. Ø - the

Q: He telephoned _____ agent that was listed in _____ telephone directory.

i. Ø–Ø
ii. an – the
iii. Ø – the
iv. the – Ø

Q: John felt _____ painting was much too expensive and decided to look for _____ different one.

i. the – the
ii. a–a
iii. Ø–a
iv. the - a

Q: He was sent to __ prison for stealing __ car.

i. Ø–a
ii. Ø–Ø
iii. a–Ø

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Q: He said he was ___ employee of ___ shop in town.

i. the - the
ii. an – Ø
iii. a – the
iv. an – a

Q: She said ___ chair was only for ___ chairman.

i. a – the
ii. the – the
iii. a–a
iv. Ø – the

Q: ___ few people know ___ situation.

i. a – the
ii. Ø–Ø
iii. The – a
iv. The - the

Articles Quiz

• _____ Pacific Ocean is _____ largest body of water on _____ Earth.

• You can find _____ books you'll need for class at _____
• She's thinking about attending _____ English course during _____ summer. She might go to _____
school in _____ England.
• Meridith remembered to turn off _____ lights before she left _____ apartment.
• They refused to listen to _____ Tim because they thought he was _____ overbearing person.
• I enjoy listening to _____ number of programs on _____ radio.
• He telephoned _____ agent that was listed in _____ telephone directory.
• John felt _____ painting was much too expensive and decided to look for _____ different one.
• One of _____ students has committed _____ crime. No one will leave the classroom until _____
guilty student admits his or her _____ guilt.
• Our friends bought _____ new van that they took on their holiday to _____ Yosemite National Park

Answer Key

• The Pacific Ocean is the largest body of water on Earth.

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• You can find the books you'll need for class at
• She thinking about attending an English course during the summer. She might go to a school in
• Meridith remembered to turn off the lights before she left the apartment.
• They refused to listen to Tim because they thought he was an overbearing person.
• I enjoy listening to a number of programs on the radio.
• He telephoned an agent that was listed in the telephone directory.
• John felt the painting was much too expensive and decided to look for a different one.
• One of the students has committed a crime. No one will leave the classroom until the guilty student
admits his or her guilt.
• Our friends bought a new van that they took on their holiday to Yosemite National Park.

IF- Clauses; Conditional sentences - type I

Conditional sentences (if-clauses, main clauses)

if clause main clause
Simple Present infinitive
Modal + infinitive

If I study, I will pass the exams.
If you see John tonight, tell him to e-mail me.
If Ben gets up early he can catch the bus.

The if-clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

If I study, I will pass the exams.

I will pass the exams if I study.

Conditional Sentences / If-Clauses Type I, II und III

Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that
the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is
fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.

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Conditional Sentence Type 1

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future

Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 3

→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.

Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)

Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.


Sometimes Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III can also be used with other tenses.

Exercises on Conditional Sentences Type 1


Some friends are planning a party. Everybody wants to party, but nobody's really keen on preparing and
organising the party. So everybody comes up with a few conditions, just to make sure that the others will
also do something.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

1. If Caroline and Sue ___________the salad, Phil ___________the house.

2. If Sue ___________ the onions for the salad, Caroline ___________the mushrooms.
3. Jane ___________ the sitting room if Aaron and Tim ___________ the furniture.
4. If Bob ___________ up the kitchen, Anita ___________ the toilet.
5. Elaine ___________ the drinks if somebody ___________ her carry the bottles.
6. If Alan and Rebecca ___________ the food, Mary and Conor ___________ the sandwiches.

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7. If Bob ___________ after the barbecue, Sue ___________ the guests in.
8. Frank ___________ the DJ if the others ___________ along their CDs.
9. Alan ___________ the drinks if Jane ___________ him some of her cocktail recipes.
10. If they all ___________ their best, the party ___________ great.

Some friends are planning a party. Everybody wants to party, but nobody's really keen on preparing and
organising the party. So everybody comes up with a few conditions, just to make sure that the others will
also do something.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

1. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorateUse Simple Present in the 'if' clause. As the
subject is more than one person, use the infinite form.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. the house.
2. If Sue cuts the onions for the salad, Caroline will peelUse Simple Present in the 'if' clause. The
subject is 3rd person singular, so 's' is added.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. the mushrooms.
3. Jane will hover the sitting room if Aaron and Tim moveNote: the 'if' clause is not at the beginning
of the sentence.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause.
Use Simple Present in the 'if' clause. As the subject is more than one person, use the infinite form.
the furniture.
4. If Bob tidies up the kitchen, Anita will cleanUse Simple Present in the 'if' clause. The subject is 3rd
person singular, so 's' is added; after a consonant (d), final 'y' becomes 'ie' when adding 's'.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. the toilet.
5. Elaine will buy the drinks if somebody helpsNote: the 'if' clause is not at the beginning of the
Use 'will' Future in the main clause.
Use Simple Present in the 'if' clause. The subject is 3rd person singular, so 's' is added. her carry
the bottles.
6. If Alan and Rebecca organise the food, Mary and Conor will makeUse Simple Present in the 'if'
clause. As the subject is more than one person, use the infinite form.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. the sandwiches.
7. If Bob looks after the barbecue, Sue will letUse Simple Present in the 'if' clause. The subject is 3rd
person singular, so 's' is added.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. the guests in.
8. Frank will play the DJ if the others bringNote: the 'if' clause is not at the beginning of the sentence.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause.
Use Simple Present in the 'if' clause. As the subject is more than one person, use the infinite form.
along their CDs.
9. Alan will mix the drinks if Jane givesNote: the 'if' clause is not at the beginning of the sentence.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause.
Use Simple Present in the 'if' clause. The subject is 3rd person singular, so 's' is added. him some
of her cocktail recipes.

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10. If they all do their best, the party will beUse Simple Present in the 'if' clause. As the subject is more
than one person, use the infinite form.
Use 'will' Future in the main clause. great.

Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Type 1)

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. If you (send) ___________ this letter now, she (receive) ___________ it tomorrow.
2. If I (do) ___________ this test, I (improve) ___________ my English.
3. If I (find) ___________ your ring, I (give) ___________ it back to you.
4. Peggy (go) ___________ shopping if she (have) ___________ time in the afternoon.
5. Simon (go) ___________ to London next week if he (get) ___________ a cheap flight.
6. If her boyfriend (phone / not) ___________ today, she (leave) ___________ him.
7. If they (study / not) ___________ harder, they (pass / not) ___________ the exam.
8. If it (rain) ___________ tomorrow, I (have to / not) ___________ water the plants.
9. You (be able/ not) ___________ to sleep if you (watch) ___________ this scary film.
10. Susan (can / move / not) ___________ into the new house if it (be / not) ___________ ready on

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow. if clause in simple present, main clause in
future I (will)
2. If I do this test, I (Your answer: »wil improve«) will improve my English. if clause in simple
present, main clause in future I (will)
3. If I find your ring, I will give it back to you. if clause in simple present, main clause in future I
4. Peggy (Your answer: »goes«) will go shopping if she has time in the afternoon. main clause in
future I (will), if clause in simple present
5. Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap flight. main clause in future I (will), if clause
in simple present
6. If her boyfriend (Your answer: »phones«) does not phone today, she (Your answer: »will not leave«)
will leave him. if clause in simple present, main clause in future I (will)
7. If they (Your answer: »study /«) do not study harder, they (Your answer: »will pass«) will not pass
the exam. if clause in simple present, main clause in future I (will)
8. If it rains tomorrow, I (Your answer: »have not to«) will not have to water the plants. if clause in
simple present, main clause in future I (will)
9. You will not be able to sleep if you watch this scary film. main clause in future I (will), if clause in
simple present

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10. Susan (Your answer: »can not move«) cannot move into the new house if it is not ready on time.
main clause with auxiliary (can), if clause in simple present OR
main clause with substitute (able to) in future I (will), if clause in simple present

Put in the verbs in brackets and form Conditional sentences type I or type II. Mind the underlined verb

Example: If they learn the poem, they ________ (to get) a good mark.

Answer: If they learn the poem, they will get a good mark.

1) If you come with me, I ___________ (to do) the shopping with you.
2) Walter ___________ (to help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.
3) If it ___________ (to rain), I will stay at home.
4) Our teacher will be happy if we ___________ (to learn) the poem by heart.
5) If they had enough money, they ___________ (to buy) a new car.
6) We ___________ (to pass) the exam if we studied harder.
7) If Pat ___________ (to repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us.
8) She would get 100 pounds if she ___________ (to sell) this old shelf.
9) If I were you, I ___________ (to invite) Jack to the party.
10) If the weather ___________ (to be) fine, the children can walk to school.

Answer key

1)If you come with me, I will do the shopping with you. 2) Walter will help his mother in the garden if she
reads him a story this evening. 3) If it rains, I will stay at home. 4) Our teacher will be happy if we learn
the poem by heart. 5) If they had enough money, they would buy a new car. 6) We would pass the exam
if we studied harder. 7) If Pat repaired his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us. 8) She would get
100 pounds if she sold this old shelf. 9) If I were you, I would invite Jack to the party. 10) If the weather
is fine, the children can walk to school.

Put in the verbs in brackets and form Conditional sentences - type I or type II. Mind the negations.

Example: If Adam spoke Italian, he ________ (to work) in Italy.

Answer: If Adam spoke Italian, he would work Italy.

1) If Tracy had a mobile phone, she ___________ (to phone) all her friends.
2) I ___________ (to be) very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again.
3) If the boys ___________ (to win) this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue.
4) If you don't read these articles, you ___________ (not/to know) the facts about Africa.

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5) You would get very wet if you ___________ (to walk) in this rain.
6) The engine ___________ (not/to start) if Ben connected these two cables.
7) If he has time, he ___________ (to buy) her some sweets.
8) Maria ___________ (to play) in the school orchestra if she practised the trumpet more often.
9) We won't fetch something to drink if Jim ___________ (not/to bring) some sandwiches.
10) If he ___________ (to carry) the rucksack, I'd pull the suitcase.

Answer key

1) If Tracy had a mobile phone, she would phone all her friends. 2) I will be very angry with Nick if he
forgets my CD again. 3) If the boys win this match, their coach will invite them to a barbecue. 4) If you
don't read these articles, you will not know the facts about Africa. 5) You would get very wet if you
walked in this rain. 6) The engine would not start if Ben connected these two cables. 7) If he has time, he
will buy her some sweets. 8) Maria would play in the school orchestra if she practised the trumpet more
often. 9) We won't fetch something to drink if Jim does not bring some sandwiches. 10) If he carried the
rucksack, I'd pull the suitcase.
Choose the correct phrases and form a Conditional sentence - type I, II or III. Mind the position of the
if-clause and negations.

1) If I ___________ to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo.

2) If it___________ , we'd be in the garden.
3) If you ___________a lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier.
4) We ___________ TV tonight if Peter hadn't bought the theatre tickets.
5) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she ___________ the contract.
6) If I were a millionaire, I ___________ in Beverly Hills.
7) You would save energy if you ___________ the lights more often.
8) If we had read the book, we ___________ the film.
9) My sister could score better on the test if the teacher ___________ the grammar once more.
10) They ___________on time if they hadn't missed the train.

Answer key

1)If I go to Leipzig, I'll visit the zoo. 2) If it didn't rain, we'd be in the garden. 3) If you had worn a
lighter jacket, the car driver would have seen you earlier. 4) We would have watched TV tonight if Peter
hadn't bought the theatre tickets. 5) She wouldn't have had two laptops if she had not signed the contract.
6) If I were a millionaire, I would live in Beverly Hills. 7) You would save energy if you switched off the
lights more often. 8) If we had read the book, we would have understood the film. 9) My sister could
score better on the test if the teacher explained the grammar once more. 10) They might have arrived on
time if they hadn't missed the train.

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Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type III. Mind the position of the

Example: I ___________ (to bake) a cake if I _________ (to know) that they were coming.

Answer: I would have baked a cake if I had known that they were coming. or
I'd have bought a a cake if I'd known that they were coming.

1) If it ___________ (to be) warmer, we ___________ (to go) swimming.

2) My parents ___________ (to buy) this house if the man ___________ (not/to sell) it to someone else.
3) If he ___________ (not/to fail) his driving test, his parents ___________ (to lend) him their car.
4) If my uncle ___________ (to tell) me the way to his office, I ___________ (not/to arrive) so late.
5) She ___________ (to be) at the airport if she ___________ (to read) the message carefully.
6) Lucy ___________ (not/to hurt) her foot if she ___________ (not/to drop) the old box.
7) If you ___________ (to use) a sharp knife, you ___________ (not/to cut) yourself.
8) If Victoria ___________ (to celebrate) her birthday at home, I ___________ (to bring) her some
9) We ___________ (to take) the train to Edinburgh if it ___________ (to run) on time.
10) If Max ___________ (not/to forget) my schoolbag, he ___________ (to give) you your USB flash

Answer key
1)If it had been warmer, we would have gone swimming. 2) My parents would have bought this house if
the man had not sold it to someone else. 3) If he had not failed his driving test, his parents would have
lent him their car. 4) If my uncle had told me the way to his office, I would not have arrived so late. 5)
She would have been at the airport if she had read the message carefully. 6) Lucy would not have hurt
her foot if she had not dropped the old box. 7) If you had used a sharp knife, you would not have cut
yourself. 8) If Victoria had celebrated her birthday at home, I would have brought her some flowers. 9)
We would have taken the train to Edinburgh if it had run on time. 10) If Max had not forgotten my
schoolbag, he would have given you your USB flash drive.
Find the correct conditions (types of if-clauses). Mind the underlined verb forms.

1. If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

2. If we had taken enough water, we wouldn't have been thirsty.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

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3. If Rose were older, she would go to the party.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

4. Harry could fly to Helsinki if he had more money.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

5. If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time for him.
i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

6. What would you do if you saw a burglar?

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

7. We might have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought some milk.
i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

8. If I were you I should keep the secret.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

9. Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly.

i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

10. If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn't have been late for school.
i. type I (probable condition)
ii. type II (improbable condition)
iii. type III (impossible condition)

Find the correct conditions - Exercise 1

1) If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat. type I (probable condition)
2) If we had taken enough water, we wouldn't have been thirsty. type III (impossible condition)
3) If Rose were older, she would go to the party. type II (improbable condition)
4) Harry could fly to Helsinki if he had more money. type II (improbable condition)

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5) If Mark does the washing up, his mother will have more time for him. type I (probable condition)
6) What would you do if you saw a burglar? type II (improbable condition)
7) We might have had a glass of hot chocolate if you had bought some milk. type III (impossible
8) If I were you I should keep the secret. type II (improbable condition)
9) Ron would understand more if the teacher spoke clearly. type II (improbable condition)
10) If Doris had got up earlier, she wouldn't have been late for school. type III (impossible condition)


We have seen already in the Preliminary section that Adjective is a word which gives an additional detail
about the meaning of a noun.

An adjective may be a word or a group of words with the same meaning.


• Mr. Clinton is wealthy man.

What kind of man is Mr. Clinton is answered by the word ‘wealthy’. The same word can be replaced with
a group of words ‘of great wealth’.

• Mr. Clinton is a man of great wealth.

Both these sentences convey the same meaning but different adverbs.

The phrase ‘of great wealth’ means the same what the word ‘wealthy’ means.
The phrase ‘of great wealth’ is an adjective.

The adjective in a group of words is called ADJECTIVE PHRASE.


• The Politician is a kind man.

This sentence can be worded in different manner using a different adjective phrase.

• The Politician is man of kindly nature.

The phrase ‘of kindly nature’ is an adjective phrase.


• These students belonged to the hill tribe.

• The students belong to the tribe dwelling in the hills.


• June-23 is the longest day.

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• June-23 is the day of the greatest length.


• The blue-eyed boy is the most intelligent boy in this class.

• The boy with blue eyes is the most intelligent boy in this class.

In all the examples 3, 4 and 5 the adjectives have been replaced with adjective phrases.


In the following sentences, the Adjective-Phrases are colored blue.

• The Police arrested a man of criminal nature.

• The Police arrested a criminal man.

• He a man without a friend.

• He is friendless man.

• He led a life devoid of blame.

• He led a blameless life.

• From this village came a man of great fame.

• From this village came a famous man.

• It is of no use.
• It is useless.

• He is an author of great versatilility.

• He is a versatile author.

• The tops of the mountains were covered with snows.

• The mountainous tops were covered with snows.

• I admit that he is a man of sense.

• I admit that he is a sensible man.

• He carried a sword stained with blood.

• He carried a bloody sword.

• He walked through the street covered with mud.

• He walked through the muddy street.

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English Grammar Test - Adverb Phrases

I go running ___________ with my friends from the jogging club. ___________ , we were doing a five-
kilometer run from downtown Victoria through Beacon Park. As we were running ___________ at the
edge of the sea, someone shouted "Look!" There was a grey whale out in the ocean, about a hundred
meters from the shore. We all stopped running___________ . It was swimming___________ , its tail
flipping out of the water every few seconds.

along the cliffs every weekend last Saturday to look at the whale with a rolling motion

Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation
1. We keep our bread in the fridge, ________ it doesn't go bad.
so that
2. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian, ________ it has a picture of a beaver on it.
so that
3. ________ Volkswagen cars are cheap, they last a long time.
in order that
4. You should give the iron time to heat up ________ you iron your clothes.
so that
5. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains, ________ the ground is rough and hard.
so that
even though
6. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing ________ they don't get hurt.

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in order that


7. You will have to pay higher insurance ________ you buy a sports car.
so that
8. You shouldn't drive ________ drinking alcohol.
in order that
even though


9. ________ the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish -- it's a mammal.
so that

10. You may get malaria ________ you are bitten by a mosquito.
so that

Answer key

1. We keep our bread in the fridge, so that it doesn't go bad.

so that
2. The five-cent coin looks very Canadian, since it has a picture of a beaver on it.

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so that
3. Although Volkswagen cars are cheap, they last a long time.
in order that
4. You should give the iron time to heat up before you iron your clothes.
so that
5. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains, because the ground is rough and hard.
so that
even though
6. Hockey players wear lots of protective clothing in order that they don't get hurt.
in order that


7. You will have to pay higher insurance if you buy a sports car.
so that
8. You shouldn't drive after drinking alcohol.
in order that
even though


9. ________ the dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish -- it's a mammal.

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so that
10. You may get malaria ________ you are bitten by a mosquito.
so that

Number Modifiers Using Numbers as Adjectives

Number-Noun Modifiers

A noun can be used to modify another noun -- the noun changes to an adjective.


VERB (number) VERB (number + noun)
When a number and noun are combined to modify a
When a number (greater than one) modifies a noun,
noun, no plural form is used in the modifier.
the noun is plural.
Adjectives do not take the plural form.
six six-step
The ladder had steps. It was a ladder.

The books have 200 pages. They are 200-page books.

Bruce can lift 300 pounds. He lifts 300-pound weights.
Bruce worked
five minutes. He had a five-minute workout.
out for

Common Mistakes
It was nine pounds baby. It was nine-pound baby (Adjectives do not take
the plural form in English.).
He lifted a 300-pound weight.
He lifted a 300 pounds weight.
It was nine pound baby (Spell out numbers under
10 or 100. See below.)
It was 9 pound baby.
It was built ninety-nine years ago. (Hyphenate
It was built ninety nine years ago.
numbers 21 - 99: twenty-one, ninety-nine, fifty-
five, etc.)

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numbers (nouns) The ladder had six steps.
number modifiers to modifiers:
It was a six-step ladder.
• rephrasing
• using

The Jeep has a drive(-train) that moves

Noun modifiers: changing nouns to
modifiers all four wheels.
• rephrasing It has four-wheel drive. (singular)
• using hyphens
It is a sports car. (irregular plural

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective

often precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies. In the following examples, the highlighted
words are adjectives:

The car-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.

Mrs. Smith papered her living room walls with hideous wall paper.
The large boat foundered on the wine dark sea.
The coal mines are dark and dank.
Many stores have already begun to play irritating Christmas music.
A battered music box sat on the mahogany sideboard.
The back room was filled with large, green rain boots.

Appearance Appearance Condition Condition Feelings (Bad) Feelings (Bad)

Contd. Contd. Contd.

adorable glamorous alive impossible angry grumpy

adventurous gleaming annoying inexpensive annoyed helpless
aggressive gorgeous bad innocent anxious homeless
alert graceful better inquisitive arrogant hungry
attractive grotesque beautiful modern ashamed hurt
average handsome brainy mushy awful ill
beautiful homely breakable odd bad itchy
blue-eyed light busy open bewildered jealous
bloody long careful outstanding black jittery

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blushing magnificent cautious poor blue lazy

bright misty clever powerful bored lonely
clean motionless clumsy prickly clumsy mysterious
clear muddy concerned puzzled combative nasty
cloudy old-fashioned crazy real condemned naughty
colorful plain curious rich confused nervous
crowded poised dead shy crazy, flipped- nutty
cute precious different sleepy out obnoxious
dark quaint difficult stupid creepy outrageous
drab shiny doubtful super cruel panicky
distinct smoggy easy talented dangerous repulsive
dull sparkling expensive tame defeated scary
elegant spotless famous tender defiant selfish
excited stormy fragile tough depressed sore
fancy strange frail uninterested disgusted tense
filthy ugly gifted vast disturbed terrible
ugliest helpful wandering dizzy testy
unsightly helpless wild dull thoughtless
unusual horrible wrong embarrassed tired
wide-eyed important envious troubled
evil upset
fierce uptight
foolish weary
frantic wicked
frightened worried
Feelings (Good) Feelings (Good) Shape Size Sound Time

agreeable happy broad big cooing ancient

amused healthy chubby colossal deafening brief
brave helpful crooked fat faint Early
calm hilarious curved gigantic harsh fast
charming jolly deep great high-pitched late
cheerful joyous flat huge hissing long
comfortable kind high immense hushed modern
cooperative lively hollow large husky old
courageous lovely low little loud old-fashioned
delightful lucky narrow mammoth melodic quick
determined nice round massive moaning rapid
eager obedient shallow miniature mute short
elated perfect skinny petite noisy slow
enchanting pleasant square puny purring swift
encouraging proud steep scrawny quiet young
energetic relieved straight short raspy
enthusiastic silly wide small resonant
excited smiling tall screeching

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exuberant splendid teeny shrill

fair successful teeny-tiny silent
faithful thankful tiny soft
fantastic thoughtful squealing
fine victorious thundering
friendly vivacious voiceless
funny witty whispering
gentle wonderful
glorious zealous
good zany
Taste/Touch Taste/Touch Touch Quantity

bitter melted boiling abundant

delicious nutritious breezy empty
fresh plastic broken few
juicy prickly bumpy heavy
ripe rainy chilly light
rotten rough cold many
salty scattered cool numerous
sour shaggy creepy substantial
spicy shaky crooked
stale sharp cuddly
sticky shivering curly
strong silky damaged
sweet slimy damp
tart slippery dirty
tasteless smooth dry
tasty soft dusty
thirsty solid filthy
fluttering steady flaky
fuzzy sticky fluffy
greasy tender freezing
grubby tight hot
hard uneven warm
hot weak wet
icy wet
loose wooden

Please provide a conjunction in the following sentences.

1. Either Andrew ____________________ Peter will help our pastor.

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2. The farmer planted __________________ harvested his wheat.

3. Did the team win ____________________ lose?

4. The team tried hard _______________________ still lost the game.

5. The police officer spoke politely __________________ firmly.

6. Mom ____________________ Dad celebrated their wedding anniversary.

7. The stars twinkled ___________________ sparkled.

8. The story was long __________________ interesting.

9. Throughout the day, the young puppy either sleeps __________________ eats.

10.Tom __________________ Chris, your science project took first!


1. I bought a new car -------I wanted a better one.
2. I bought a new car -------I already have another good one.
3. I sold my old car ---------I don't need it anymore.
4. I bought a car that has only two seats ------there are four people in my family.
5. I bought a car that has only two seats --------I want to be able to use the carpool lanes.
6. I like to drive it with the top down -----I sun-burn easily.
7. The car came with an pod adapter ------I didn't order it.
8. The cigarette lighter is useful --------you can plug accessories into it.
9. Consumer's Report rated this car very high ------it is so reliable.
10)--------he car has had a few problems, Consumer's Report rated it very high.

Choose the phrase or clause that best completes the sentence.


11. Because ----------, I will vote for him.
i. I like the candidate's ideas
ii. the candidate's good ideas

12. The candidate won despite ----------.

i. his lack of experience
ii. he had little experience

13. In spite of the fact of the fact --------, she won.

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i. the candidate is a woman

ii. being a woman

14. The candidate lost the election even though ----

i. winning the popular vote
ii. he won the popular vote

15. Due to --------, he ran out of money.

i. the candidate was not well-organized
ii. the candidate's poor organization

Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice.

1. They make shoes in that factory.

Shoes ------in that factory.

2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway.

Bicycles --------in the driveway.

3. They built that skyscraper in 1934.

That skyscraper -------in 1934.

4. The students will finish the course by July.

The course -------by July.

5. They are repairing the streets this month.

The streets --------this month.

6. They make these tools of plastic.

These tools --------of plastic.

7. They have finished the new product design.

The new product design ---------.

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8. They were cooking dinner when I arrived.

Dinner ----------when I arrived.

9. Smithers painted 'Red Sunset' in 1986.

'Red Sunset' ---------in 1986 by Smithers.

10. Did the plan interest you?

---------in the plan?

11. They had finished the preparations by the time the guests arrived.

The preparations --------by the time the guests arrived.

12. You should take care when working on electrical equipment.

Care ---------when working on electrical equipment.

13. They are going to perform Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend.

Beethoven's Fifth Symphony --------next weekend.

14. Someone will speak Japanese at the meeting.

Japanese ---------at the meeting.

15. Karen is going to prepare the refreshments.

The refreshments ---------by Karen

Rewrite the given sentences in Passive voice.

1) She bought four apples.

2) We won the match.
3) The man stole the blue car.
4) The police arrested the thieves.
5) Jack swam the 200 metres.
6) The dog bit the old lady.

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7) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

8) Oliver taught the children.
9) Victoria rode the brown horse.
10) Grandmother told good stories.

Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use the verb and the tense given in brackets.

A letter __________ by Peter. (to write - Simple Present)

A letter is written by Peter.

1) The words ___________ by the teacher today. (to explain - Simple Present)
2) We ___________ a letter the day before yesterday. (to send - Simple Past)
3) This car___________. It's too old. (not/to steal - will-future)
4) This street ___________ because of snow. (already/to close - Present Perfect)
5) A new restaurant ___________ next week. (to open - will-future)
6) He ___________ to the party yesterday. (to invite - Simple Past)
7) The blue box___________ . (can/not/to see - Simple Present)
8) I ___________ the book by my friend last Sunday. (to give - Simple Past)
9) The dishes ___________by my little brother. (not/to wash - Present Perfect)
10) I ___________ by Robert. (not/to ask - will-future)

Boys like to play soccer.

This room has been painted blue.
Cricket is played in Australia.
I am given a book.
We have lost our keys.
You might see dolphins here.
The report must be completed by next Friday.
They were singing a song.
A letter was written to her.
The bike is being repaired.

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They listen to music.

She is reading an e-mail.
These cars are produced in Japan.
Alan teaches Geography.
German is spoken in Austria.
Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake.
Henry Ford invented the assembly line.
The bus driver was hurt.
You should open your workbooks.
Houses have been built.
1) They don't speak English in this shop..
2) Kevin asked Dennis a question..
3) Somebody built the house last year..
4) She gives him a box..
5) Max will look after him..
6) The waiter brought Fred a big steak..
7) Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday..
8) The teacher told us a joke..
9) They will meet Doris at the station..
10) Michael has not sent me a text message..

1) Julia rescued three cats..

2) The students handed in the reports..
3) Maria crashed into the blue car..
4) Alex learned the poem..
5) Steven has forgotten the book..
6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder..
7) They play handball..
8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor..
9) The girls had lost the match..
10) The teacher is not going to open the window..

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Answer key

1) She bought four apples.

Four apples were bought.
2) We won the match.
The match was won.
3) The man stole the blue car.
The blue car was stolen.
4) The police arrested the thieves.
The thieves were arrested.
5) Jack swam the 200 metres.
The 200 metres were swum.
6) The dog bit the old lady.
The old lady was bitten.
7) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
Five hamburgers were eaten.
8) Oliver taught the children.
The children were taught.
9) Victoria rode the brown horse.
The brown horse was ridden.
10) Grandmother told good stories.
Good stories were told.

1) The words are explained by the teacher today.

2) We were sent a letter the day before yesterday.
3) This car will not be stolen. It's too old.
4) This street has already been closed because of snow.
5) A new restaurant will be opened next week.
6) He was invited to the party yesterday.
7) The blue box cannot be seen.
8) I was given the book by my friend last Sunday.
9) The dishes have not been washed by my little brother.
10) I will not be asked by Robert.

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1) They don't speak English in this shop.

English is not spoken in this shop.
2) Kevin asked Dennis a question.
Dennis was asked a question by Kevin.
3) Somebody built the house last year.
The house was built last year.
4) She gives him a box.
He is given a box.
5) Max will look after him.
He will be looked after by Max.
6) The waiter brought Fred a big steak.
A big steak was brought to Fred.
7) Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday.
Last Friday our bungalow was broken into.
8) The teacher told us a joke.
We were told a joke by the teacher.
9) They will meet Doris at the station.
Doris will be met at the station.
10) Michael has not sent me a text message.
I have not been sent a text message.

1) Julia rescued three cats.

Three cats were rescued.
2) The students handed in the reports.
The reports were handed in.
3) Maria crashed into the blue car.
The blue car was crashed into.
4) Alex learned the poem.
The poem was learned.
5) Steven has forgotten the book.
The book has been forgotten.

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6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.

The DVD recorder has not been repaired.
7) They play handball.
Handball is played.
8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.
The rucksack is put on the floor.
9) The girls had lost the match.
The match had been lost.
10) The teacher is not going to open the window.
The window is not going to be opened.

A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like
the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being.
However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun
ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition.

Gerund as subject:

• Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (Traveling is the gerund.)
• The study abroad program might satisfy your desire for new experiences. (The gerund has been

Gerund as direct object:

• They do not appreciate my singing. (The gerund is singing.)

• They do not appreciate my assistance. (The gerund has been removed)

Gerund as subject complement:

• My cat's favorite activity is sleeping. (The gerund is sleeping.)

• My cat's favorite food is salmon. (The gerund has been removed.)

Gerund as object of preposition:

• The police arrested him for speeding. (The gerund is speeding.)

• The police arrested him for criminal activity. (The gerund has been removed.)

A Gerund Phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or
noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or
state expressed in the gerund, such as:

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The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.

Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than what we're trying to do.

Finding (gerund)
a needle (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
in a haystack (prepositional phrase as adverb)

The gerund phrase functions as the direct object of the verb appreciate.

I hope that you appreciate my offering you this opportunity.

my (possessive pronoun adjective form, modifying the gerund)

offering (gerund)
you (indirect object of action expressed in gerund)
this opportunity (direct object of action expressed in gerund)

The gerund phrase functions as the subject complement.

Newt's favorite tactic has been lying to his constituents.

lying to (gerund)
his constituents (direct object of action expressed in gerund)

The gerund phrase functions as the object of the preposition for.

You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid work.

faking (gerund)
an illness (direct object of action expressed in gerund)
to avoid work (infinitive phrase as adverb)

The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence.

Being the boss made Jeff feel uneasy.

Being (gerund)
the boss (subject complement for Jeff, via state of being expressed in gerund)

A gerund virtually never requires any punctuation with it.

Points to remember:
1. A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun.
2. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s).

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3. Gerunds and gerund phrases virtually never require punctuation.

Exercise on Gerund
Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. She is good at (dance) ___________.

2. He is crazy about (sing) ___________.
3. I don't like (play) ___________ cards.
4. They are afraid of (swim) ___________in the sea.
5. You should give up (smoke) ___________.
6. Sam dreams of (be) ___________a popstar.
7. He is interested in (make) ___________friends.
8. My uncle is afraid of (go) ___________by plane.
9. We insist on (cook) ___________the dinner ourselves.

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the to-infinitive.

Example: They go on _______ (read) the book.

Answer: They go on reading the book.

1) I can't imagine Peter ___________ (go) by bike.

2) He agreed ___________ (buy) a new car.
3) The question is easy ___________ (answer).
4) The man asked me how ___________ (get) to the airport.
5) I look forward to ___________ (see) you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of ___________ (visit) London?
7) We decided ___________ (run) through the forest.
8) The teacher expected Sarah___________ (study) hard.
9) She doesn't mind ___________ (work) the night shift.
10) I learned ___________ (ride) the bike at the age of 5.

Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the infinitive.

Example: They promised ______ (sell) the old comics.

Answer: They promised to sell the old comics.

1) We decided ___________ (buy) a new car.

2) They've got some work ___________ (do).

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3) Peter gave up ___________ (smoke) .

4) He'd like ___________ (fly) an aeroplane.
5) I enjoy ___________ (write) picture postcards.
6) Do you know what ___________ (do) if there's a fire in the shop?
7) Avoid ___________ (make) silly mistakes.
8) My parents wanted me ___________ (be) home at 11 o'clock.
9) I dream about ___________ (build) a big house.
10) I'm hoping ___________ (see) Lisa.



1) I'm worried xxx a job interview.

i. with having
ii. about having
iii. to have
iv. to have

2) xxx the game surprised us.

i. Winning
ii. We won
iii. To win
iv. We win

3) Who is responsible xxx dinner in your house?

i. to cook
ii. for cooking
iii. that they cook
iv. of cooking

4) I am sure xxx here will please them.

i. you being
ii. you are
iii. you to be
iv. your being

5) What do you think xxx a taxi to the airport ?

i. to take
ii. your taking
iii. about taking
iv. taking

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6) I'm tired xxx on this research paper.

i. for work
ii. to work
iii. of working
iv. about working

7) Was the teacher's xxx clear?

i. explaining
ii. explained
iii. explain
iv. explanation

8) We insisted xxx at the meeting.

i. to be heard
ii. on being heard
iii. to hear
iv. on hearing

9) Please ask them xxx in the classroom.

i. not to smoke
ii. don't smoke
iii. don't to smoke
iv. not smoking

10) I was lucky xxx such a good grade.

i. of getting
ii. to get
iii. to getting
iv. get

Verb Forms Quiz - Gerund or Infinitive?

1. I remember _____ the Queen in London.

a. meet
b. to meet
c. meeting
d. to meeting

2. Did you remember _____ the letter?

a. post
b. to post
c. posting
d. to posting

3. I'm not used _____ up this early.

a. get
b. to get

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c. getting
d. to getting

4. I used _____ to the cinema a lot.

a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going

5. I regret _____ Mary about the weddding.

a. tell
b. to tell
c. telling
d. to telling

6. Mrs Jones, I regret _____ you that your credit limit has been exceeded.
a. inform
b. to inform
c. informing
d. to informing

7. Stop _____ this terrible noise at once!

a. make
b. to make
c. making
d. to making

8. I wanted to stop _____ some presents, but we didn't have enough time.
a. to
b. to buy
c. buying
d. to buying

9. Look, it's starting _____ .

a. rain
b. to rain
c. raining
d. to raining

10. I started _____ English when I was four.

a. learn
b. to learn
c. learning
d. to learning

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Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. She is good at dancing .

2. He is crazy about singing.
3. I don't like playing cards.
4. They are afraid of swimming in the sea.
5. You should give up smoking .
6. Sam dreams of being a popstar.
7. He is interested in making friends.
8. My uncle is afraid of going by plane.
9. We insist on cooking the dinner ourselves.

1) My friend is good at playing volleyball.

2) She complains about bullying.
3) They are afraid of losing the match.
4) She doesn't feel like working on the computer.
5) We are looking forward to going out at the weekend.
6) Laura dreams of living on a small island.
7) Andrew apologized for being late.
8) Do you agree with staying in a foreign country?
9) The girls insisted on going out with Kerry.
10) Edward thinks of climbing trees this afternoon

1) I can't imagine Peter going by bike.

2) He agreed to buy a new car.
3) The question is easy to answer.
4) The man asked me how to get to the airport.
5) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of visiting London?
7) We decided to run through the forest.
8) The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.
9) She doesn't mind working the night shift.
10) I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.

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1) We decided to buy a new car.

2) They've got some work to do.
3) Peter gave up smoking.
4) He'd like to fly an aeroplane.
5) I enjoy writing picture postcards.
6) Do you know what to do if there's a fire in the shop?
7) Avoid making silly mistakes.
8) My parents wanted me to be home at 11 o'clock.
9) I dream about building a big house.
10) I'm hoping to see Lisa.

British Vs American Vocabulary

British English differs from American English in vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. The
following is a list of words in British and American English.

No British English American English

1 accumulator Battery
2 aerial Antenna
3 angry Mad
4 anywhere Anyplace
5 aubergine Eggplant
6 Autumn Fall
7 banknote bill
8 barrister Attorney
9 Bill Check(cheque)
10 Bin/dust bin Trash can
11 Biscuit/bickie Cookie
12 Bonnet(car) Hood
13 boot trunk
14 Bottom of the street End of the street
15 braces Suspenders
16 bun Muffin
17 Car park Parking lot
18 caretaker Jamotpr
19 cashier Janitor
20 Cello tape Scotch tape
21 Charge sheet Police record
22 Chemist store Drug store
23 chips French fries
24 cinema Movie house
25 class Grade

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26 Clothes peg Clothes pin

27 Come around Come over
28 Comforter, blanket Heavy quilt
29 constable Patrolman
30 cooker Stove
31 Cot Crib
32 cotton Thread
33 Couch/settee Sofa
34 Crash Crack
35 crisps Potato chips
36 Crossroads intersection
37 curtains Drapes
38 CV ( curriculum vitae) Resume
39 diversion Detour
40 draughts Checkers
41 Drawing pins Push pins/ thumbracks
42 Dressing gown Robe
43 Dual carriageway Divided highway
44 dummy Pacifier
45 dustman Garbageman
46 engine Motor
47 Engine driver Engineer(train)
48 Estate agent Realtor
49 Exhaust pipe Tail-pipe
50 Fairy cake Cup cake
51 film Movie
52 Fire engine Fire truck
53 flagpole Flagstaff
54 Flat Apartment
55 flyover Overpass
56 football Soccer
57 Fortnight Two weeks
58 garage Gas station
59 garden Yard
60 Gear lever Gear shift
61 Glue Gum
62 Gone-off Spoiled
63 graduate Alumnus
64 grill Broiler
65 Ground floor First floor
66 Gum shoes/ Wellington boots Rubbers
67 Gym shoes. sneakers Sneakers
68 Hand basin Wash
69 Hand bag Purse
70 Headmaster/mistress Principal
71 Hoarding Billboard

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72 holiday Vacation
73 hoover Vacuum cleaner
74 Ill Sick
75 Interval Intermission
76 jam Jelly
77 Jersey, jumper, pullover Sweater
78 jug Pitcher
79 lift Elevator
80 lorry Turck
81 macintosh Raincoat
82 mad Crazy
83 mainroad Highway
84 maize Corn
85 mean Stingy
86 motorway Freeway
87 moulting Shedding
88 Mum(mummy) Mom
89 nappy Diaper
90 Nasty. vicious Mean
91 nick Stea;
92 nowhere Noplace
93 Number plate Licence plate
94 Nursing home Private hospital
95 Oculist., optician optometrist
96 Off-licence Liquor store
97 Off you go Go ahead
98 Paraffin Kerosene
99 parcel Package
100 pavement Sidewalk
101 peep Peek
102 petrol Gas/gasoline
103 Petrol station Gas
104 Phone box Telephone box
105 plaster Band aid
106 Playtime/breaktime Recess
107 plimsolls Gym shoes
108 Polo neck Turtle neck
109 post Mail
110 Post box Mail box
111 postman Mail man/carrier
112 Post code Zip code
113 pram Baby carriage
114 pub Bar
115 Public school Private school
116 Public toilet Restroom
117 Puddings/afters Dessert

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118 punctuate Blow out

119 queue Line
120 railway Railroad
121 Reel of cotton Spool of thread
122 return Roundtrip
123 Reversing lights Flack-up lights
124 Rise( in salary) Raise
125 Roll/bap, bum bum
126 roundabout Traffic circle
127 rounders Baseball
128 rubber Eraser
129 rubbish Trash
130 Run the bath Fill the bath
131 Saloon(car) Sedan
132 shoelace Shoestring
133 shop Store
134 silencer Muffler
135 Single Oneway
136 somewhere Someplace
137 spanner Wrench
138 staff Faculty
139 starter Appetizer
140 State school Public school
141 subway Underground, waling passage,
under pass, pedestrian tunnel
142 sump Oilpan
143 sweets Candy
144 Swimming costume, cozy Bathing unit
145 tap Faucet
146 tqxi Cab
147 Tea-towel Dish-towel
148 term Semester
149 tights Pantyhose
150 timetable Schedule
151 Toilet/loo/bog Bath/restroom
152 torch Flash light
153 tramp Hobo
154 trousers Pants
155 Underground railway Subway
156 underpants Shorts
157 Verge(of road) Shoulder( of road)
158 vest Undershirt
159 waistcoat Vest
160 Wardrobe Closet
161 Wash your hands Wash up
162 Wellington boots/ wellies Galshoes

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163 windscreen Windshield

164 wing Fender
165 Zebra / pedestrian crossing Cross wlak
166 zip zipper


There are two numbers ( single and plural) and three ( first, second and third) persons. A subject
should agree with its number in number and person.
If a sentence has a singular subject, then, its verb should be singular etc.
Eg. He plays cricket. They play baseball.
1. Some nouns can be used both as singular as well as plural.
Eg. The committee has ( have) decided this matter.
2. Some nouns are plural and they take plural verbs. Eg. Premises, particulars, belongings, clothes, goods,
earnings, congratulations, thanks.
3. Plural verbs are used with the following nouns- police, people, staff..
4. Some nouns end in –s but they take a singular verb. Eg. Mathematics, physics, politics, sports.
5.When a subject is made up of two items joined by “ either…or” or “ neither… nor”., then, we have to use
a singular verb if the last item is singular or plural, if the last item is plural.
Eg. Either he or they have to do this work.
Neither they nor he has to do this work.
6.With words like “ any of, none of, a/the majority of , a lot of , plenty of, some of” and an unaccountable
noun, a singular verb can be used.
Eg. A lot of research has to be done in this matter.
7.When ‘every’ and ‘each’ is used with a singular noun, singular verb must be used. Eg. Every man has to
do his work.
8.With ‘ everyone, everybody , everything’, singular verb is used.
Eg. Everyone has to mind his/her business.
9.With ‘ a majority of, a number of , a lot of , plenty of, all of, some of’ and a plural noun, a plural verb is
Eg. A lot of people are waiting outside.
10.Either singular or plural( unformal) verb can be used in expressions like “ any of, each of, either of,
neither of , none of”.
Eg. Ether of them is good.

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11.When a plural form is thought of as a single thing, then , singular verb is used
Eg. Mathematics is not an easy subject.
12.When a subject has two or more items joined by “ and “, then, plural verh is used.
Eg. He and I are friends.

Fill in the blank with correct verb forms.

1. He as well as his friend ------(is/are) good.

2. Neither of them -----(is/are) present.
3. Who ------(is/are) better- the rich or the poor?
4. Physics and Linguistics ----( is/ are) my favourite subjects.
5. The principal and professor-----(go/goes) there.
6. She along with her parents-----(go/goes) for shopping.
7. One of my friends------(are/is) in Australia.
8. The furniture----(lie/lies) here and there.
9. “Antony and Cleopatra”-----(is/are) written by Shakespeare.
10. Your pants----(are/is) there.
11. The information that you pass ----(has0have) helped me a lot.
12. He is one of those who ------(live, lives) near my house.
13. Thousand rupees-------(is/are) not a big amount to him.
14. Neither Aravind nor his friends ------(is/are) there.
15. He and I ------(prefer/prefers) coffee to tea.
16. The English -----(are/is) better than the French in this matter.
17. His whereabouts ----(is/are) not known.
18. The wages of sin -----(is,are) death.
19. He who ----(collect, collects) money is not a collector.
20. All that glitters-----(is, are) not gold.

Answer 2,is 3 are 4 are 5 goes 6goes 7 is 8 are 9is 10 are 11 has/have 12 live 13 is 14 are 15 prefer 16 are
17 is 18 is 19 collects 20 is

Word Formation with Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
a- Not, without Amoral, asexual, amorphous
Ab-, abs- Off, away, from Abduct, abhor, abnormal, abuse
Ad- To, near, at Admire, adopt, adjacent
Ambi- Both ,around Ambiguous, ambitious ,ambivalent
An- Not ,lacking Anesthetic, anemic, anaerobic
Ante- before Antecedent, antenatal, anteroom
Anti- Against, opposed to Antibiotic, anticlockwise, antisocial
Bi- Two, twice, double Bicycle, biannual, bilingual, binoculars
Cata- Down, Off, away Cataract, catamaran, catapult
Circum- Around, on all the sides Circumnavigate, Circumference, Circumvent
Cis- On this side Cislunar, cisalpine

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Com- With, together, thoroughly Combat, combine, compatriot

Contra- Against, opposite Contraband, Contradict, Contravene
Counter- Counterfeit, Counter-attack, Counteract
De- Off, away, less Debar, debase, defend, defrost
Deca-,dec- ten Decade, decennial, decagon
Deci- A tenth- Decibel, decimal, decimate
Demi- Half- Demigod, demilune
di- Two, twice Dioxide, diphthong
Dia- Through, across, apart Diachronic, diagonal,dialysis,dialogue
Dis-,dif-,di- Not, Down, away, less Disable, disobey, dissolve, different, diffuse
Epi- On, over Epicenter, epidermis, epigram
Ex-,e-, ef- Out of, from, former Exclude, exhale, emit, ex-student, effervescent
Extra- More, outside Extra-ordinary, Extra-curricular
For- Completely, prohibited Forlorn, forbid, forswear
Fore- Front, before Forehead, forecast, foresight
Hecto-, hect- hundred Hectare, hectogram
Hepta, hept seven Heptagon, heptameter
Hexa-,hex- six Hexapod, hexagram
Hyper- Over, too much Hyperactive, Hyper-tension, Hyper-sensitive
Hypo-,hyp- Under, less than, too little Hypodemic, hypochondria, hypothemia
In-,en-,em- In,into,inside Incarnate, income, embrace, enclose,im-,ir- not Inactive, illegal, impossible, irrelevant
Intra-,intro- Inside, within, inwards Intravenous, intramural, introduce
Kilo- thousand Kilometer, kilogram
Mega- Large, a million Megaphone, megawatt
Meta-,met- Behind, after, changing Metabolism, metazoan, metacarpal
Milli- One-thousandth Millibar, millisecond
Mal- Bad Maltreat, malfunction
Mis- Badly,wrong Misrepresent, misspell, mistake
Mono- one Monopoly,monologue
Multi- Many, much Multiple, multifaceted
Non- not Non-toxic, nonsense, non-vegetarian
Ob-,oc- Towards, over Object, obtuse, occupy,
Of-,op- Against, utterly Offend, oppress, opportunity
Octo,oct eight Octopus, octane
Penta-,penti- five Pentagon, pentacle
Per- Through, by, by means of, , Perennial, perfect, perjure
utterly, Badly
poly Many, much Polygamy, polygon, polytechnic
Post- After, behind Postwar, postpone
Pre- before Preface,precaution, precept
Pro- For, in the place of, before, Proceed, pronoun, profess
Quadri- four Quadrilateral, Quadrille, Quadrant
Quasi- Like, as if Quasi-intellctual
Re- Back, again, utterly Recall, revise, rewind

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Retro- backwards Retrograde, retrospection

Se- Aside, apart, away, without Select, secure, seduce
Semi- half Semicircle, semiconductor
Septi-, sept- seven Septuplet
Sex- six Sextant, sexuple
Sub- Under Subway, subordinate, submarine
Super- above Superscript, superficial
Tetra-,tetr- four Tetra pack, tetrameter
Trans- Across, beyond Translate, transform
Tri- three Tricolor, triangle
Ultra- Beyond, too much Ultrasonic, Ultramodern, Ultraviolet
Un- Not, back Unhappy, undo, untie
Under- Beneath, too little Undercurrent, Underweight, Underwater
Uni-,un- One, single Unity, universe

-able,-ible Indicates that something is capable of, Eatable, audible, suitable
inclined to, or causing something
-acity Indicates a quality or state of being Audacity, capacity
-cle, cule, - Indicates small size Molecule, particle
-ee Indicates the recipient of an action or Addressee, payee
some one in a particular state
-ess Indicates a female Hostess, lioness
-et, -ette, -iet Indicates smallness or lesser status Booklet, outlet, cigarette
-ly, -tly Indicates making or becoming Pretty, costly
-kin Indicates small size Brockin, lambkin
-ling Indicates smallness or lesser status Duckling, seedling
-most Indicates the superlative degree Uppermost, hand most
-old Indicates resemblance Human old, rhomboid
-some Indicates a tendency Awesome
-trix Indicates a female Executrix
-tude Indicates a condition or state of being Longitude
-wise Indicates a manner or direction or clockwise
reference to
-y Indicates an action or a process inquiry

Compound Nouns
Expand the following Compound Nouns Compound Noun Expansion

1. Aircraft engine
2. Arithmetic unit
3. Brass terminal
4. Business Administration

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5. Butterfly valve
6. Calculation speed
7. Camera lens
8. Car mechanic
9. Carbon steel rod
10. Cassette tape
11. Cement factory
12. Code file
13. Combustion chamber
14. Communication satellite
15. Communication system
16. Control centre
17. Computer education
18. Computer programme
19. Control chamber
20. Conveyor belt
21. Copper wire
22. Cylinder head
23. Data cord
24. Data transfer
25. Design engineer
26. Disc brake
27. Dish antenna
28. Drum brake
29. Dust particle
30. Editorial writer
31. Energy booster
32. Energy source
33. Engine lubricant
34. Exhaust fan
35. Ferrous oxide
36. Flight information
37. Flux printing
38. Gas balloon
39. Gas cylinder
40. Gas stove
41. Gear pump
42. Generator power output
43. Gold plating
44. Hand brake
45. Heat exchange
46. Heat transfer
47. Infosys employee
48. Inkjet printer
49. Input file
50. Jacking point

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51. Juice extractor

52. Key board
53. Laser printer
54. Leaf protein
55. Life belt
56. Litho printing
57. Long wire antenna
58. Machine tools
59. Mains electricity
60. Measurement procedure
61. Measurement tools
62. Mobile ATM
63. Mobile banking
64. Mobile charger
65. Mobile library
66. Mobile restaurant
67. Mobile tower
68. Muslin bag
69. Nuclear energy
70. Oil cooling
71. Paper bag
72. Picture editor
73. Plastic bag
74. Pocket calculator
75. Power brake
76. Power cable
77. Power gym
78. Power source
79. Power window
80. Radio frequency
81. Radio signal
82. Radio waves
83. Rubber cushion
84. Software engineer
85. Software package
86. Software testing
87. Space travel
88. Space science
89. Steel cot
90. Steel chair
91. Tax calculation
92. Voltage drop
93. Water filter
94. Windows mobile
95. Washing machine

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GENERAL VOCABULARY – Match the correct synonym

1. Breeder – peaceful
2. Draw back – severe
3. Tranquil – producer
4. Stringent – disadvantage
5. Core – aim
6. Objective – pollution
7. Contamination – suffering
8. Distress – the inner most part
9. maintenance – generate
10. flotation- numerous
11. Countless – remaining in the surface
12. Produce – upkeep
13.Trekking – getting completely exhausted
14. Depletion – extended walking
15.Regulations – variety, having different
16. Diversity - rules
17. Stagnant – giving out rays
18.Radiation – calculate
19.Fantasy- not moving or changing
20.Estimate – wild imagination
21. Hazard – choice
22. Spell – something that rouses to action
23. Stimulus – danger
24. Option – caused be magical power
25. Extraction – misuse
26. Fission – intensify
27. Aggravate- taking out
28. Abuse – division of atom

S.No A B
1 Complex Use
2 Device Increase
3 Diversion Ability
4 Capacity Passing through
5 Erosion Instrument
6 Permeability Markedly
7 Significantly Tool
8 Augmentation Intricate
9 Implement Turning aside
10 consumption Wearing away

S.No A B
1 extractionb Property pledged by a borrower
2 collateral Bringing together

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3 floatation Suffering
4 Default Process of treating something with a cyanide
5 Stagnant Remaining on the surface
6 Amalgamation Taking out
7 Distress In the absence of an alternative
8 cyanidation Not moving or changing

S.No A B
1 A former Uses brick and mortar and builds houses
2 A trader Lays water and sewage pipelines
3 An architect Cultivates land and raises food crops
4 A scientist Cares for the sick or infirm
5 A mason Buys and sells or barters
6 A nurse A person who works in a branch of science
7 A plumper Designs buildings and advises in their construction

S.No A B
1 Migrant A condition caused by or as if by magical powers
2 rural Numerical facts systematically collected
3 Urban Bring into a country people, goods etc
4 Cramped Relating to town and cities
5 Statistics A person having an instinctive and extraordinary
capacity for creative activity
6 Recruit Relating to the countryside
7 Import Confined within narrow limits
8 Spell Something that rouses people to activity
9 Genius Take people into service on contract
10 Stimulous A person who moves from one place to another for
a limited period

S.No A B
1 Nucleolus Division of the atom
2 Uranium Getting rid of
3 Fission Pollutrion
4 Disposal Central part of the atom
5 Core Producer
6 Coolant Metallic element
7 Breeder Giving out rays
8 Radiation Danger
9 Hazard Cooling fluid
10 contamination The innermost part

S.No A B
1 Abundant Simple
2 Artificial Desalination

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3 Former Natural
4 Sophisticated Latter
5 salination limited

S.No A B
1 Fiction Not belonging to the earth
2 Fantacy Electronic device producing awareness of the
3 Extraterrestrial Device composed of silicon
4 Robot Not factual
5 Sensor Material whose conductivity at room temperature
lies between that of metals and insulators
6 Natural language Wild imagination
7 Artificial The faculty of verbal expression and the use
8 Intelligence Of words in human communication n
9 Chip Machine which can perform some of the actions of
a human being or animal
10 Semiconductor Electronic device which can perform a range of
basic logical functions upon given signals
11 microprocessor The capacity of a computer for learning and
decision taking similar to human intelligence

S.No A B
1 Target Bind one to a course of action
2 Support price System of services forming a basis
3 Commitment Possible or probable customer
4 Trade fair Objective, result aimed at
5 Infrastructure System of defending home industries
6 Proposition Stipulated minimum amount of money to be paid
for buying a commodity
7 Statutory A scheme suggested
8 Prospect Periodical gathering for sale of goods at fixed
place and time
9 Protectionism Planning
10 Projection Required by written law or suggestion
11 Constraint See as a whole, and not in parts
12 impediment Limitation or restriction imposed forcibly
13 holistic Obstacle, hindrance


S.No nouns verb Adjectives

1 Enjoyment Enjoyable
2 Exploration Explore
3 Transform Transformable
4 Sight sighted
5 solve Solvable

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6 Express Expressive
7 Extension Extensive
8 Weakness Weaken
9 Suitability Suitable
10 vacate vacant
11 Indicate Indicative
12 Innovation innovate
13 reply Reliable
14 justify Justifiable
15 Production prodduce
16 Deviation Derivative
17 hesitation Hesitate
18 Requirement Required
19 Generation generate
20 interrogate Interrogative

S.No Nouns verb Adjectives

1 maintanable
2 contamination
3 inform
4 consideration Consider
5 protection Protective
6 description Describe
7 imagination imagine
8 Prescribe
9 Globalization
10 Repeat
11 economical
12 intensify Intensive
13 breakage Breakage
14 solution Solve
15 express Expressive
16 generation Generative
18 Move movable
19 stabilization stabilize
20 Occupation occupy

S.No Noun Adjective Person

1 Economy Economical
2 Physics Physicist
3 Politics Political
4 drama Dramatist
5 Physiology Physiological
6 Mechanics Mechanic
7 Conservational Conservationist

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8 Linguistics Linguist
9 Geological Geologist
10 Chemistry
11 Natural
12 Botanist
13 Psychology Psychologist
14 Enforcement
15 Engager

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Subject : Mathematics I Subject Code : 10AMA01

Part A

1. Find the Characteristic equation of

 1 − 2 1 2
i)   (May’01) ii)   (May’01)
 −5 4  0 2
2. Find the Sum & Product of the Eigen values of
 2 5 − 1 3 − 4 4
   
i)  0 3 2  (Dec’06) ii)  1 − 2 4  (Jun’09)
0 0 4  1 − 1 3
   

1 2 5 2 0 1
   
iii)  2 3 4  (Jan’10) iv)  0 2 0  (Jan’05)
3 6 7 1 0 2
   

1 1 1   1 2 − 2
   
v) 1 2 2  (May’05) vi)  1 0 3  (Jun’08).
1 2 3   − 2 − 1 − 3
   

 6 −2 2
 
3. The product of two Eigen values of −2 3 −1 is 16. Find the third Eigen value. (May ’03, Jan’08)
 2 −1 3
 

11 −4 − 7 
 
4. Two Eigen values of  7 − 2 −5 are 1 & 2. Find the third Eigen value and Prove that the product
10 − 4 − 6 
 
of eigen values is equal to the determinant. (Nov’06)
 8−6 2
 
5. Two Eigen values of −6 7 − 4 are 3 & 0. Find the third Eigen value. (Nov’02)
 2 −4 3 
 

 2 2 1
 
6. Two Eigen values of P =  1 3 1  are equal to 1 each. Find the Eigen values of P 3 (Dec’07)
 1 2 2
 
 a 4
7. Find the constants ‘a’ & ‘b’ such that the matrix   has 3 & -2 as its eigen values. (May’04)
1 b

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8. If one of the Eigen Values of

1 2 1   7 4 − 4
   
i)  2 0 − 2  is 2 (Dec’01) ii)  4 − 8 − 1  is -9 (Jun’05)
1 2 3  4 −1 − 8
   
Find the other two.
9. If the sum of two eigen values & trace of 3 x 3 matrix ‘A’ are equal, then find the value of A


10. If ' λ ' is an eigen value of a square matrix ‘A’, then prove that 1 −1
λ is an eigen value of A . (May
‘ 05, Jun’06, Jan’09)
11. If λ1, λ 2, λ3,.... λn are the eigen values of matrix ‘A’ of order ‘n’, then show that λ13 , λ32 , λ33 ,...λ3n are the

eigen values of A 3 . (Dec ’03).

1 2 3 
 
12. Find the eigen values of A , if A =  0 2 − 7  (Nov ’99).

0 0 3 
 
 3 − 1
13. If α & β are eigen values of   , then form the matrix whose eigen values are α 3 & β 3
 − 1 5 
 4 6 6 
 
14. If two Eigen values of  1 3 2  are equal & they are double the third, find the Eigen values of
 −1 −5 − 2 
 
A (Nov’ 03)
15. Find the sum of the squares of the eigen values of
1 7 5  3 1 4
   
i)  0 2 9  (Nov’01) ii)  0 2 6  (Jun’06)
 0 0 5 0 0 5
   
 1 2
16. Prove that eigen values of -3 A −1 are the same as those of   (Nov ’03).
 2 1
17. Prove that the eigen vectors corresponding to distinct eigen values of a real symmetric matrix are
orthogonal (Dec’03)

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 7 −2 0 
 
18. The eigen values of  − 2 6 − 2  are distinct. If the eigen vectors of the given matrix are
 0 −2 5 
 

1  2   b 
   
 a ,  1 ,  − 2  . Find the values of ‘a’ & ‘b’(Nov’01).
 2 − 2  1 
   
19. State Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. (May’03, Jun’05, May’07, Jun’08).
20. Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for
 3 − 1  − 2 − 2
i)   (Dec‘02) ii)   (May’01)
−1 5  −5 1 
1 2   2 − 3
iii)   (Nov’03) iv)   (Dec’07)
 2 − 1 4 1 
21. Using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem find A −1 , if A =
 1 4  2 − 1
i)   (Dec’03) ii)   (May‘01)
 2 3 4 3 
22. Express A 3 in terms of ‘A’ & ‘I’, using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem
1 0 1 1 
i)   (Nov’ 01) ii)   (Nov’01)
 4 5 1 2 
23. Write down the Quadratic form corresponding to the symmetric matrix
 0 −1 2  2 1 − 2
   
i)  − 1 1 4  ii)  1 2 − 2  (Jan’08).
 2 4 3 − 2 − 2 3 
   
24. Write the matrix of the quadratic form
i) 2x 2 +8 z 2 + 4 xy − 10 xz − 2 yz (Nov’01)

ii) 2x 2 +2 y 2 + 3z 2 + 2 xy − 4 xz − 4 yz (Jun’09)
25. Determine the nature of the quadratic form
i) f( x1 , x 2 , x3 ) = x12 + 2 x 22 (May’03)

ii) f( x1 , x 2 , x3 ) = 2 x12 − x 22 (Jan’09)

iii) x12 + x32 & x12 − x 22 (Jun’06)

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1. Find the Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors of
0 1 1  − 2 2 − 3
   
i)  1 0 1  (May’03) ii)  2 1 − 6  (May’09)
1 1 0  −1 − 2 0 
   

2 2 1  7 −2 0 
   
iii)  1 3 1  (Dec’04, May’07, Jun’09) iv)  − 2 6 − 2  (May’01)
1 2 2  0 −2 5 
   

3 − 4 4 2 1 −1
   
v)  1 − 2 4  (Jan’09) v)  1 1 − 2  (Jun’06)
1 − 1 3 −1 − 2 1 
   

 11 − 4 − 7 
 
2. Find the Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors of the matrix A =  7 − 2 − 5  & hence find the eigen
10 − 4 − 6 
 
values of A 2 , 5 A & A −1 , using properties. (Jan’08)
3. The Eigen Vectors of a 3 × 3 real symmetric Matrix ‘A’ corresponding to the eigen values 2, 3, 6 are
 1  1  − 1
    
 0  ,1 &  2  respectively. Find the matrix ‘A’.(Jun’06)
 − 1 1  − 1
    
4. Prove that the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix must be real.(Dec’04)
5. Verify Cayley-Hamilton Theorem & find A −1 , if A=
1 0 3  −1 0 3  1 2 − 2
     
i)  2 1 − 1 (May’05) ii)  8 1 − 7  (May’04) iii)  − 1 3 0  (Jan’05)
1 −1 1  − 3 0 8   0 −2 1 
     

 1 2 1 1 1 1   13 − 3 5 
     
iv)  2 2 1  (Jan’09) v)  1 2 − 3  (Jun’08) vi)  0 4 0  (Dec’06)
 1 1 3 2 −1 3   − 15 9 − 7 
     

 1 0 − 2
 
vii)  2 2 4  (Jan’10)
0 0 2 
 

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 2 −1 2 
 
6. Using Cayley- Hamilton Theorem, find A , if A =  − 1 2 − 1 (May’02, Jun’06).

 1 −1 2 
 
7. Using Cayley-Hamilton, find A −1 & A 4 for the matrix
1 0 − 2 1 0 0
   
i) A =  2 2 4  (Jun’09) ii)  1 0 1  (Jun’06)
0 0 2  0 1 0
   
8. Using Cayley-Hamilton theorem, find A −1 & A 3 for the matrix
 7 3 1 2
i)   (Jan’08) ii)   (Jan’06)
 2 6 3 4
 2 1 1
 
9. Find the characteristic equation of the matrix A =  0 1 0  & hence express the matrix A 5 in
 1 1 2
 
terms of A 2 , A & I . (May’05)

1 0 0
 
10. If A =  1 0 1  , then show that A n = A n −2 + A 2 − I for n ≥ 3.(Jan’06)
0 1 0
 
 1 4
11. Use Cayley-Hamilton Theorem for A =   to express
 2 3
i) A 5 − 4 A 4 − 7 A 3 + 11A 2 − A − 10 I
ii) A 4 − 4 A 3 − 5 A 2 + A + 2 I as a linear polynomial in ‘A’. (Jan’09).
12. Diagonalise the matrix by an Similarity transformation:
2 2 − 7  2 2 0 
   
i)  2 1 2  (Jan’08) ii)  2 1 1  (Jun’08)
 0 1 − 3  − 7 2 − 3
   
13. Diagonalise the matrix by orthogonal transformation:
 10 − 2 − 5  3 1 1  2 0 1
     
i)  − 2 2 3  (May’04) ii)  1 3 − 1 (May’03) iii)  0 3 0  (Dec’06)
−5 3 5  1 − 1 3  1 0 2
    

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 6 −2 2  2 1 −1
   
iv)  − 2 3 − 1 (Jun’05, Jan’06, Dec’07) v)  1 1 − 2  (Jun’09)
 2 −1 3  −1 − 2 1 
   
14. Reduce the quadratic forms to its canonical form by orthogonal transformation.
i) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 xy − 2 yz − 2 zx (Jan’05, Jun’05)

ii) 3x 2 + 5 y 2 + 3 z 2 − 2 yz + 2 xz − 2 xy (Nov’03)

iii) 6 x 2 + 3 y 2 + 3z 2 − 4 xy − 2 yz + 4 xz (Nov’01, Jan’05)

iv) x 2 + 2 y 2 + z 2 − 2 xy + 2 yz (Jun’06, Jan’08, Jan’09)

v) 2 x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2 xy − 2 xz − 4 yz (Jun’08)

vi) x 2 + 5 y 2 + z 2 + 2 xy + 6 xz + 2 yz (Dec’07)

vii ) − x 2 + y 2 + 4 yz + 4 zx (Jan’10)

15. Reduce the quadratic form x12 + 2 x 2 x3 into a canonical form by means of an orthogonal
transformation. Determine its Nature.(May’03)
16. Obtain an orthogonal transformation which will transform the quadratic form
Q = 2 x1 x2 + 2 x 2 x3 + 2 x3 x1 into sum of squares.(May’05, Nov’05)


Part – A

1. Find the equation of the plane passing through (1,2,3) & parallel to 3x+4y-5z = 0.
2. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points A(0,1,3), B(1,0,-4) & C(1,1,-1).
3. Prove by direction ratios, the points (1,2,3), (4,0,-4) & (-2,4,2) are collinear.
x − 2 y −1 z − 3 x−3 y −2 z −4
4. Find the value of ‘k’, if the lines = = & = = are coplanar.
3 2 k k 3 5
x −1 y − 3 z +1 x +1 y +1 z
5. Find the value of ‘k’, if the lines = = & = = are perpendicular.
−1 k 5 −4 3 −k
6. Find the equation of the plane parallel to x+y-z+1=0 and is 3 units from the origin.
7. Find the angle between the lines whose direction ratios are 1,2,1 & 2,-3,6.
8. Find the equation of the tangent plane at the point (1,-1,2) to the sphere
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 x + 4 y + 6 z − 12 = 0. (May’03, Jan’08)

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9. The point (2,3,4) is one end of the diameter of a sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 x − 2 y + 4 z − 1 = 0. Find the
other end. (Jun’05)
10. Check whether the two spheres x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 6 y + 2 z + 8 = 0 &

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 6 x + 8 y + 4 z + 20 = 0 intersect orthogonally.
11. Show that the plane 2 x − 2 y + 2 z + 12 = 0 touches the sphere

x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 x − 4 y + 2 z − 3 = 0. (Dec’03)

12. Find the centre & radius of the sphere 7 x 2 + 7 y 2 + 7 z 2 + 28 x − 42 y + 56 z + 3 = 0. (May’04)

13. Find the equation of the sphere with centre at (2,3,5) which touches the XOY-Plane. (Jan’05)
14. Find the equation of the sphere having the points (2,-3,4) & (-1,5,7) as ends of a diameter.
15. Find the equation of the right circular cone whose vertex is at the origin & axis is the line
x y z
= = & which has semi-vertical angle of 45 0 .
1 2 3
16. Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is at the origin & the guiding curve is
x2 y2 z2
+ + = 1 ; x + y + z = 1. (May’09).
4 9 1
17. Give the general equation of the cone that passes through the origin.
18. What will be the plane section perpendicular to its axis of a right circular cylinder?(Jan’09)
19. Find the equation of the cone with vertex at the origin & passes through the curve
ax 2 + by 2 + cz 2 = 1 ; . lx + my + nz = p (Apr’09).
20. Find the equation of the cone with vertex at the origin & whose generators pass through the curves
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2 x − y + 3 z − 1 = 0 & x − y + z + 4 = 0. (Jan’09)
1. Prove that the lines are coplanar. Find their common point & also the equation of the plane
containing them.
x − 4 y + 3 z +1 x − 1 y + 1 z + 10
i) = = & = = (Jan’08)
1 −4 7 2 −3 8
x−5 y −7 z +3 x −8 y −4 z −5
ii) = = & = = (Jan’08)
4 4 −5 7 1 3
x+3 y+5 z−7 x +1 y +1 z +1
iii) = = & = =
2 3 −3 4 5 −1

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2. Show that the lines x + y + z − 3 = 0 = 2 x + 3 y + 4 z − 5 & 4 x − y + 5 z − 7 = 0 = 2 x − 5 y − z − 3 are

coplanar. Find the equation of the plane in which they lie.
x +1 y − 3 z + 2 x y−7 z +7
3. Show that the lines = = & = = intersect. Find the
−3 2 1 1 −3 2
co-ordinates of the point of intersection & the equation of the plane containing them.
4. Find the length & equation of the shortest distance between the lines
x − 10 y − 9 z + 2 x + 1 y − 12 z − 5
i) = = & = = .
1 3 −2 2 4 1
x +1 y +1 z +1 x +1 y z
ii) = = & = =
2 3 4 3 4 5
x−3 y −5 z −7 x +1 y +1 z +1
iii) = = & = =
1 −2 1 7 −6 1
5. Find the lengths & equations of the shortest distance between
3x − 9 y + 5 z = 0; x + y − z = 0 & 6 x + 8 y + 3 z − 13 = 0; x + 2 y + z − 3 = 0.
6. Find the equation of the plane through (1,-2,2) & (-3,1,-2) & perpendicular to the plane
2 x + y − z + 6 = 0.
7. Prove that the points A(1,2,3), B(4,0,4), C(-2,4,2) & D(7,-2,-5) are collinear.
8. Find the equation of the plane through the point (-1,3,2) & perpendicular to the planes
x + 2 y + 2 z = 5 & 3 x + 3 y + 2 z = 8.
x+5 y+7 z
9. Find the image of the line = = in the plane 2 x − y + z − 3 = 0. (Jan’09)
1 6 1
10. Find the equation of the sphere that passes through the circle
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − x + 3 y + 2 z − 1 = 0 , 2 x + 5 y − z + 7 = 0 & cuts orthogonally the

sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 3 x + 5 y − 7 z − 6 = 0 . (May’03)
11. Find the centre, radius & area of the circle given by:
i) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 8 x + 4 y + 8 z − 45 = 0 & x − 2 y + 2 z − 3 = 0 (Jun’05)

ii) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2 x − 2 y − 4 z − 19 = 0 & x + 2 y + 2 z + 7 = 0 (Dec’02)

iii) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 x − 4 y − 6 z − 2 = 0 & x + 2 y + 2 z − 20 = 0 (Jan’09)

12. Find the equation of the sphere having the circle
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 10 y − 4 z − 8 = 0, x + y + z = 3 as a great circle. (May’04, Jun’05)

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13. Show that the two spheres x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 25 = 0 & x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 18 x − 24 y − 40 z + 225 = 0 touch each
other. Find the point of contact & also find the equation of the common tangent.(Jan’08)
14. Show that the plane 4 x + 9 y + 14 z − 64 = 0 touches the sphere 3( x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) − 2 x − 3 y − 4 z − 22 = 0 &
find the point of contact. (Jan’09)
15. Find the equation of the sphere which passes through the circle x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + 2 x + 2 y = 2; y = 0 &
touches the plane y − z = 7 . (Jan’05)
16. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder whose axis is the line x = 2 y = − z & radius 4.( Jan’09)
17. Find the equation of the right circular cone whose vertex is at the origin & axis is the line
x y z
= = & which has semi-vertical angle of 30 0 (Jan’09)
1 2 3
18. Find the equation of the right circular cone generated by revolving the line x = 0; y − z = 0 about the axis
x = 0; z = 2 .(Jun’09)

19. Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is at the origin & the guiding curve is x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 4 ;
x + y + z = 1. (May’09).
20. Find the semi-vertical angle, the axis & the equation of right circular cone with vertex at the origin
x y z x y z x y z
& passing through the straight lines = = ; = = & = = (May’09)
3 6 − 2 2 2 −1 −1 2 2
21. Find the equation to the right circular cylinder of radius 2 & whose axis is the line
x −1 y − 2 z − 3
= = .
2 1 2
22. Find the equation of the cone whose vertex is at the origin & the guiding curve is y 2 +z 2 = 25 ;
x + y + z = 1. (May’09).
23. Find the equation of the right circular cone generated by the straight line drawn from the origin to
cut the circle through (1,2,2), (2,1,-2) & (2,-2,1). (May’09)
24. Find the equation of the right circular cylinder of radius 2 whose axis pass through (1,2,3) & has
direction cosines proportional to (2,-3,6). (Jan’09)

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Part – A

1. Find the radius of curvature of the curve

 x
i) y = a cos h   (Jan’08)
ii) y = x 2 . (Dec’07)

a3 − x3
iii) y 2 = at (a,0) . (Jun’04, Jun’07, Jan’09)
iv) y 2 = 4ax at y = 2a (Dec’03)

v) xy = c 2 at ( c, c ) (Jan’09)

vi) x 2 = 2c( y − c) at (0,c).(May’05)

a3 − x3
vii) y 2 = at (a,0) (May’04)
viii) y = e x at x = 0. (May’08)
2. Find the radius of curvature of the curve at x = on the curve
i) y = 4 sin x − sin 2 x .(Jun’04, Jun’05)
ii) y = log sin x (Jun’08)

3. Find the points on the parabola y 2 = 4 x at which is the radius of curvature

is 4 2 .
4. i) What is the curvature of a straight line?
ii) What is the curvature of a circle x 2 + y 2 = 25 at the point (4,3) on it? (Nov’04)
5. Define the curvature of a plane curve & what is the curvature of a straight line? (Jan’05)
6. Find the curvature of the following curves at any point on it
i) x 2 + y 2 − 2 x − 4 y + 4 = 0 at (1,1) (Jan’10)

ii) x 2 + y 2 + 4 x − 6 y − 1 = 0 (Dec’06)

iii) x 2 + y 2 − 4 x − 6 y + 10 = 0 (Jan’06)

iv) 2 x 2 + 2 y 2 + 5 x − 2 y + 1 = 0 (May’05)

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v) y = c log(sec ) (Nov’06)
x2 y2 ab
7. The curvature of the ellipse 2 + 2 = 1 at ( a cos θ , b sin θ ) is 3
. Show that
a b (a 2 sin 2 θ + b 2 cos 2 θ ) 2
the eccentricity of the ellipse is if the centre of curvature at one end of the minor axis lies at the
other end. (Jun’06).
8. Define Evolute & Involute. (Jan’05)
9. State any two properties of evolute (Jun’05)
10. Find the envelope of the family of lines
i) ty − x = at 2 , ‘t’ is the parameter. (Jan’10)
ii) + yt = 2c , ‘t’ being the parameter. (Jun’06, Jun’08)
iii) x cos α + y sin α = p ,’ α ’ being the parameter. (Jan’09, Dec’07)

iv) y = mx + am 2 , ‘m’ being the parameter. (Jan’08)

v) y = mx + , ‘m’ being the parameter. (May’05)

vi) y = mx ± m 2 − 1 , ’m’ being the parameter. (Jan’06)

vii) y cot 2 α + x − a cos ec 2α = 0 where 'α ' is the parameter. (Dec’06)

viii) x cos α + y sin α = a sec α , where 'α ' is the parameter. (May’04)
Part – B
 x
1. Find the radius of curvature at the point (0,c) on the curve y = c cos h   (Dec’07)
2. Find the radius of curvature of the curve
i) x = a (θ + sin θ ), y = a (1 − cos θ ) (Jan’10)
ii) x = a (θ − sin θ ), y = a (1 − cos θ ) (Jan’08)
iii) x = 3a cos θ − a cos 3θ , y = 3a sin θ − a sin 3θ (May’04, Jun’08)

iv) x = e t cos t , y = e t sin t. (Jan’06)

3. Find the radius of curvature of the curve r = a cos θ at any point ( r ,θ ) (May’04)
4. Find the radius of curvature of the following

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2 2 2
i) x + y = a at ( a cos 3 θ , a sin 3 θ ) (Jan’09).
3 3 3

ii) xy 2 = a 3 − x 3 at (a,0) (Dec’06)

 3a 3a 
iii) x 3 + y 3 = 3axy at  ,  (Jun’08)
 2 2 
5. Find the points on the parabola y 2 = 4 x at which is the radius of curvature

is 4 2 . (Jun’05)
6. If ρ1 & ρ 2 are the radii of curvature at the ends of any chord of the cardiod r = a (1 + cos θ ) that

16a 2
passes through the pole, prove that ρ12 + ρ 22 = (Jun’06).
7. Find the curvature for r = ae θ cot α (Dec’04, Jan’05)
x2 y2
8. Find the centre of curvature of the hyperbola 2 − 2 = 1 at the point ( a sec θ , b tan θ ) (Jun’06)
a b
9. Find the centre & circle of curvature of the curve
a a
i) x + y = a at ( , ) (Dec’03, Dec’06, Jan’08, Jan’09).
4 4
ii) y 2 = 12 x at the point (3,6). (May’04, Dec’07, Jun’08)

iii) x 3 + y 3 = 2 at (1,1) (Jan’10)

c 2 2 2
10. Prove that the evolute of the curve x = ct & y = is ( x + y ) 3 − ( x − y ) 3 = (4c) 3
11. Find the evolute of the following:
i) xy = c 2 . (May’05, Jan’06, Jan’08)

ii) x 2 = 4ay (Jan’10, Jan’09)

iii) y 2 = 4ax (Dec’07)

x2 y2
iv) − = 1 (May’04, May’06, Jun’08).
a2 b2
x2 y2
v) + = 1 (Jun’05).
a2 b2
2 2 2
vi) x + y = a . (Jan’05)
3 3 3

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x2 y2
12. Find the envelope of the family of ellipses + = 1 where the parameters ‘a’ & ‘b’ are
a2 b2
connected by a + b = c (Jun’06, Jan’08, Jan’09)
x y
13. Find the envelope of + = 1 where a 2 + b 2 = c 2 , where ‘c’ is a constant. (Dec’06, Dec’07)
a b
14. Find the envelope of the family of straight lines :
i) x cos α + y sin α = c sin α cos α , 'α ' being the parameter.(Jun’08)
ax by
ii) − = a 2 − b 2 , 'α ' being the parameter.(Jan’10)
cos α sin α
15. Considering the evolute as the envelope of the normals, find the evolute of
x2 y2 2 2 2
i) 2
+ 2 = 1 is the curve (ax) 3 + (by ) 3 = (a 2 − b 2 ) 3 . (Jun’05)
a b
ii) y 2 = 4ax (May’05)


Part – A

1. State Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions (Jan’10, Jan’09)

y2 x2 ∂ ( x, y )
2. If u = , v= , find (May’04, Jan’09)
x y ∂ (u , v)
∂u ∂u ∂u
3. If u = f (r , s ); r = x + y; s = x − y then prove that + = 2 (Jun’99)
∂x ∂y ∂r
x ∂u ∂u
4. If u = ; then prove that x +y = 0. (Dec’07)
y ∂x ∂y
5. If x = r cos θ & y = r sin θ , find
∂ ( x, y )
i) (May’05, Jun’09)
∂ (r ,θ )
∂ (r ,θ )
ii) (Dec’03, Dec’04, Dec’07, Jan’08)
∂ ( x, y )
∂ (u, v)
6. If u = 2 xy ; v = x 2 − y 2 ; x = r cos θ & y = r sin θ find (Jun’06)
∂(r ,θ )
∂ ( x, y , z )
7. If u = x + y + z , uv = y + z; uvw = z , then find .
∂ (u , v, w)

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∂ (u , v)
8. If x = u (1 − v ) , y = uv , find (Jun’08)
∂ ( x, y )
∂u ∂u ∂u
9. If u = f ( x − y , y − z , z − x) , then prove that + + = 0. (May’04, Jan’05)
∂x ∂y ∂z
x y z ∂u ∂u ∂u
10. If u = + + , find x +y +z (Dec’03)
y z x ∂x ∂y ∂z
x du
11. If u = , where x = e t ; y = log(t ) Find (Nov’01)
y dt

12. If u = e x yz 2 , find du (Jan’06)

13. If u = xe y z , where y = 2 x, z = sin x , find (Jun’09)
x y ∂v ∂v ∂v
14. If v = f  ,  , find x + y + z (May’01)
z z ∂x ∂y ∂z
15. If e y − e x + xy = 0 , find . (May’05)
 x  y ∂v ∂v ∂v
16. If v = y f  + g   , then find x + y + z (May’01)
 y  x ∂x ∂y ∂z
2 2
17. Find the possible extreme points of f ( x, y ) = x 2 + y 2 + + (Jan’08)
x y

18. Find the minimum point of f ( x, y ) = x 2 + y 2 + 6 x + 12 (Jun’08)

19. State sufficient conditions for a function of two variables to have an extremum at a point. (Apr’96,
20. Define Jacobian in two dimension. (Jun’05)
∂ ( x, y )
21. Find the Jacobian if x + y = u & y = uv. (Jan’10)
∂ (u , v)
22. Find the Taylor’s series expansion of
i) f ( x, y ) = sin x sin y at the origin (May’02)

ii) f ( x, y ) = x y near the point (1,1) (Nov’02, Jun’06)

iii) e x cos y upto first degree. (Jan’05)

iv) xy + 2 x − 3 y + 2 in powers of x − 1 & y + 2 (Dec’04)

v) e x cos y at (-1, π ) (Apr’03)


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Part – B
1. If ‘ z ’ is a function of ‘ u ’ & ‘ v ’ and ‘ u ’ & ‘ v ’ are two other variables such that

∂2z ∂2z 2 ∂ z
∂2z 
u = lx + my & v = ly − mx. Prove that + = (l 2
+ m ) +
 ∂u 2 ∂v 2 
∂x 2 ∂y 2  
( Dec’06, Jan’08, Jan’09 )
2. Given the transformation u = e x cos y & v = e x sin y and that ‘f’ is a function of ‘u’ & ‘v’ and also

∂2 f ∂2 f 2x  ∂ f
∂2 f 
of ‘x’ & ‘y’, prove that + = e  +
 ∂u 2 ∂v 2  (Jan’10)
∂x 2 ∂y 2  
3. If u = f ( x, y ) , where x = r cos θ & y = r sin θ , prove that
 ∂u   ∂u   ∂u  1  ∂u 
2 2 2

i) Prove that   +   =   + 2   (Jun’08)

 ∂x   ∂y   ∂r  r  ∂θ 

∂ 2u ∂ 2u
ii) Find + (Jun’06)
∂x 2 ∂y 2
∂T ∂T
4. If T = x 3 − xy + y 3 ; x =ρ cos θ ; y = ρ sin θ . Find & . (Jan’06)
∂ρ ∂θ
5. If u = x log xy , where x 3 + y 3 + 3xy = 1 , find (Jan’09)
∂ ∂ ∂ −9
6. If u = log( x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 3xyz ) , show that  + + u = (Dec’07)
 ∂x ∂y ∂z  ( x + y + z) 2
dx dx dx
7. If x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − 2 xyz = 1 , show that + + =0.(Jan’10)
1− x2 1− y2 1− z2

∂2 y 2 ∂ y
8. If y = f ( x + at ) + g ( x − at ) , prove that = a , where ‘a’ is a constant (Jan’06)
∂t 2 ∂x 2
9. Using Euler’s theorem, given u ( x, y ) is a homogeneous function of degree ‘ n ’ ,

Prove that x 2 u xx + 2 xy uxy + y 2 u yy = n(n − 1)u .(Jan’09)

 x3 + y3 
−1 ∂u ∂u
10. If u = tan   . Prove that x +y = sin 2u (Jan’09)
 x− y  ∂x ∂y

 x2 + y2  ∂u ∂u 1
11. If u = tan −1   . Prove that x +y = sin 2u (Jun’09)
 x+ y  ∂x ∂y 2

 x− y
12. If u = sin −1   then find x ∂u + y ∂u .(Jan’09)
 x+ y ∂x ∂y
 

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y2 x2 + y2 ∂ (u , v)
13. If u = ;v = then find (Jan’090
2x 2x ∂ ( x, y )
14. Verify whether the functions are functionally dependent. If so find the relation connecting them.
i) u = y + z ; v = x + 2 z 2 ;w = x − 4 yz − 2 z 2 (Jan’08)
x+ y
ii) u = & v = tan −1 ( x) + tan −1 ( y ) (Jun’08)
1 − xy
11. Prove that a rectangular solid of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a unit sphere is
a cube. (Jan’09, Jun’09, Apr’04)
12. A rectangular box open at the top is to have a volume of 32 c.c. Find the dimensions of the box that
requires the least material for its construction. (Dec’03, Dec’07, Jan’05)
13. The temperature u(x, y, z) at any point in space is u = 400 xyz 2 ; find the highest temperature on

surface of the sphere x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 . (Jun’05, Jun’09)

14. A flat circular Plate is heated so that the temperature at any point is u ( x, y ) = x 2 + 2 y 2 − x.
Find the coldest point on the plate.(Jun’05)
15. Find the volume of the greatest rectangular parallelopiped that can be inscribed in the
x2 y2 z2
ellipsoid + + = 1 (May’04, Jun’06)
a2 b2 c2
yz xz xy ∂ (u , v, w)
16. If u = ; v= ; w = , then find (Jan’09)
x y z ∂ ( x, y , z )

17. Find the points on the surface z 2 = xy + 1 whose distance from the origin is minimum.(Jan’09)
18. Find the maximum & minimum values of
i) 2 ( x 2 − y 2 ) − x 4 + y 4 (Jun’06)

ii) x 2 − xy + y 2 − 2 x + y .(May’04)

iii) xy 2 z 3 subject to x + y + z = 6. (Jun’08)

iv) f ( x, y ) = x 3 + y 3 − 3 xy (Jun’09)

v) x 2 + y 2 + z 2 , when xyz = a 3 . (Jan’10)

19. Examine for its extreme values:
i) f ( x, y ) = x 3 + y 3 − 3 x − 12 y + 20 (May’05)

ii) f ( x, y ) = x 4 + y 4 − 2 x 2 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 (Jan’09)

iii) f ( x, y ) = x 3 y 2 (12 − x − y ) (Jun’06)

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iv) f ( x, y ) = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 subject to ax + by + cz = P (Dec’06)

v) f ( x, y ) = x 3 + 3xy 2 − 15 x 2 − 15 y 2 + 72 x (Jan’08)

20. Locate the stationary points of the function f ( x, y ) = x 4 + y 4 − 2 x 3 + 4 xy − 2 y 2 (Dec’07)

21. Find the shortest distance from the origin to the hyperbola x 2 + 8 xy + 7 y 2 = 225 using the
method of Langrange multipliers.(May’05, Jan’06)
22. Expand using Taylor’s series (upto third degree)
i) x 2 y + 3 y − 2 in powers of ( x − 1) & ( y + 2) .(May’04)

ii) x 2 y + 2 x − 3 y in powers of ( x + 2) & ( y − 1) (Jan’08)

iii) x 2 y + sin y + e x in powers of ( x − 1) & ( y − π ) (Dec’05)

iv) Sin xy in powers of ( x − 1) & ( y − ) (Jan’07)
23. Expand the following in powers of ' x ' & ‘ y ’ using Taylor’s series upto third term

 π
i) e x Sin y at  0,  (Dec’04, Jun’08, Jan’09)
 2
 y
ii) tan −1   about (1,1) (May’05)
 x
iii) e xy at (1,1) (Jan’09, May’01)
iv) e x + y (Jan’10)
v) e x log (1 + y ) (Jun’05, Dec’07, Jan’09, Jun’09)


Part – A

1. Find the particular integral of

i) ( D 2 − 3D + 2) y = e x (Jan’10)

ii) ( D 2 + 4 D + 4) y = xe −2 x (Jan’09)

iii) ( D + 1) 2 y = e − x cos x (May’04, May’05)

iv) ( D − 1) 2 y = sinh 2 x (Dec’03)

v) ( D 2 − 2 D + 1) y = cosh x (Jun’05)

vi) ( D 3 + 4 D) y = cos 2 x .(May’05)

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vii) ( D 2 + 1) y = cosh 2 x (Jun’09)

viii) ( D 3 − 1) y = xe −2 x (Jan’09)

ix) ( D 3 + 8) y = e −2 x (Jan’08)

x) ( D 2 − 2 D + 5) y = e x sin 2 x (Jun’08)

xi) ( D − 3) 2 y = e 3 x cos x (Dec’07)

xii) ( D 2 + 4) y = cos 2 x (May’04, Jun’06)

xiii) ( D 3 − 1) y = e 2 x (Jan’05)

2. Solve ( D 3 − 1) y = 0. (Jan’08)

3. Solve ( D − 2) 2 y = e 2 x .(May’04)

4. Solve ( D 2 + 4) y = 0 (Dec’07, Jun’08)

d2y dy
5. Solve 2
− 6 + 13 y = 0. (Dec’03)
dx dx
6. Solve : ( xD 2 + D) y = 0. (Jun’05)

7. Solve ( x 2 D 2 + xD) y = 0 (Jun’09)

8. Solve ( x 2 D 2 + 4 xD + 2) y = 0 (Jun’06)

d2y dy
9. Solve x 2 2
−x = 0 (Jan’10)
dx dx
10. Solve ( x 2 D 2 + xD + 1) y = 0 (Jan’05)
dx dy
11. Solve = −y; = x (Dec’04, May’05)
dt dt
12. Transform the equation into linear equation with constant co-efficients:
i) xy ' ' + y ' + 1 = 0 (Jun’06, Jan’09)

ii) ( x 3 D 2 + 3 x 2 D + 5 x) y = 2 (Dec’06)

13. Reduce to first order equation and hence solve xy '' + y ' = 0 (Dec’04)
dx dy
14. Eliminate ‘y’ from the following + 2 y = − sin t ; − 2 x = cos t (May’03)
dt dt

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Part - B

1. Solve ( D 2 − 3D + 2) y = x 2 + 2e −2 x sin x (Jan’10)

2. Solve ( D 2 + 5D + 6 ) y = cos 2 2 x + x (Jan’09)

3. Solve : ( D 3 − 3D 2 + 3D − 1) y = e − x x 3 . (Jan’08)

4. Solve ( 3D 2 + D − 14 ) y = 8e 2 x + cos 4 x (Jan’09)

5. Solve ( D 2 + 5D + 4 ) y = e − x sin 2 x + x 2 + 1 (Jun’06)

6. Solve y ′′ + 2 y ′ + y = x cos x .(Jan’06)

7. Solve ( D 2 + a 2 ) y = tan ax (Dec’07)

8. Solve ( D 2 + 1) 2 y = x 4 + 2 sin x cos 3 x (Jun’06)

9. Solve by using the method of variation of parameters
i) + y = sec 2 x (Jan’10)
dx 2
ii) + y = sec x (May’04, Jun’08, Jan’09)
dx 2
iii) y ′′ − 2 y ′ + 2 y = e x tan x (Jan’08)

iv) y − 4 y + 4 y =
'' '
d2y dy
v) x 2 2
− x + y = x log x (Jun’06)
dx dx
vi) y ′′ + 7 y ′ − 8 y = e 2 x (May’05, Jan’06)

vii) + y = tan x (Jun’09)
dx 2
viii)( D 2 + 9 ) y = cot 3 x (Dec’06)
ix) ( D 2 + a 2 ) y = tan a x (Jan’05, Jun’05)
dx dy
10. Solve + y = et ; x − = t (Jun’09)
dt dt
dx dy
11. Solve + y = sin t ; + x = cos t ; given that x = 2 ; y = 0 when t = 0 (May’04, Jan’10)
dt dt
dx dy
12. Solve + 2 y = − sin t ; − 2 x = cos t (Jan’05)
dt dt

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dx dy
13. Solve − y =t; + x = t .(Jan’09)
dt dt
dx dy dx dy
14. Solve − + 2 y = cos 2t ; − 2 x + = Sin2t (Dec’07)
dt dt dt dt
dx dy
15. Solve + 2x − 3 y = t ; − 3x + 2 y = e 2t (Jan’06)
dt dt
16. Solve : ( D + 4) x + 3 y = t ;2 x + ( D + 5) y = e 2t where D = .(Jun’06, Jun’08)
17. Solve (2D + 1) x + (3D + 1) y = e t ; (D + 5 ) x + (D + 7) y = e t (Jan’08)
d2y dy
18. Solve x 2 2
− x + y = x log x .(Jan’10)
dx dx
19. Solve x 2 y ′′ − 2 xy ′ − 4 y = x 4 (Jan’06)

d2y dy
20. Solve x 2
− 4 x + 6 y = sin (log x) .(Jan’09)
dx dx
21. Solve : ( x 2 D 2 − 2 xD − 4) y = 32 (log x) 2 (May’05, Jun’08)
 log x
22. Solve : ( x D − xD − 1) y = 
2 2
 (Dec’07)
 x 
d2y dy
23. Solve : (1 + x 2 ) 2
+ (1 + x) + y = 2 sin [log(1 + x)] (May’05)
dx dx
24. Solve : [(3x + 2) 2 D 2 + 3(3x + 2) D − 36] y= 3x 2 +4 x + 1 .(Jan’08)
25. Reduce to first order & hence find the general solution of y ′′ + y = 0 given that
y = cos x is a solution (May’04)

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Subject : Engineering Physics I Subject Code : 10APH01


Part – A

1. What is meant by ultrasonics?

2. What are the methods used to produce ultrasonics?
3. What is meant by piezo-electric effect?
4. What is meant by inverse piezo-electric effect?
5. What are the methods used for the detection of ultrasonics?
6. What are the applications of Ultrasonics in medical field?
7. Write the differences between Piezo-electric method and magnetostriction method.
8. State any two demerits of the piezo electric oscillator.
9. Mention some of the engineering/industrial applications of Ultrasonics.
10. Why not ultrasonics be produced by passing high frequency alternating current through a loud
11. What is meant by magnetostriction effect?
12. Mention the properties of ultrasonics.
13. What is meant by SONAR?
14. What are the merits and demerits of the Magnetostriction oscillator ?.
15. What are the applications of SONAR?
16. What is NDT method?
17. Give the importance of NDT method.
18. Compare destructive and non-destructive testing.
19. How are sound waves classified?
20. Why ultrasonic frequencies greater than 3MHz cannot be produced by magnetostriction method?.

Part - B

1. Describe piezo electric method of producing ultrasonic waves using piezo electric oscillator.
2. Write down the complete experimental procedure with a neat circuit diagram of producing
Ultrasonic waves by magnetostriction effect.

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3. Draw a block diagram of ultrasonic flaw detector and explain the function of each one of its
4. Explain with the help of a neat sketch, the construction and production of ultrasonic waves using
piezo electric oscillator.
5. Explain the determination of velocity of ultrasonics using an acoustical grating.
6. Explain the applications of ultrasonics in SONAR.
7. Details the applications of ultrasonics in industries, engineering field and in medicine.
8. Explain how ultrasonic waves are detected.
9. Explain the various techniques adopted in detecting the ultrasonic waves.
10. What is sonogram? Explain how the internal organs of the human body are viewed.

Part – A

1. What are coherent sources?

2. Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission.
3. What are the characteristics of laser light (or) state the properties of laser beam.?
4. State the industrial applications of laser.
5. How is light emitting diode different from a semiconductor laser?
6. What is holography?
7. What is meant by population inversion?
8. What is meant by pumping?
9. What are the different methods of pumping?
10. What are the conditions required for laser action?
11. What are Einstein’s coefficients?
12. Define active medium.
13. Explain inelastic atom-atom collision.
14. What is meant by optical resonator?
15. What is the use of nitrogen and helium in CO2 laser?
16. Give some medical applications of laser.
17. Write the differences between homojunction and heterojunction laser.
18. What is meant by active medium in laser?

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19. Give the applications of LASER in material processing.

20. What is Nd-YAG laser.
Part – B
1. Describe the construction and working of He – Ne laser with energy level diagram.
2. Explain the modes of vibrations of CO2 molecule. Describe the construction and working of CO2
laser with necessary diagram.
3. Explain the construction and working of Nd-YAG with neat diagram.
4. What is hologram? Explain the construction and reconstruction of hologram with neat diagram.
5. For atomic transition, derive Einstein relation and hence deduce the expression for the ratio of
spontaneous emission rate to the stimulated emission rate.
6. Explain the construction and working of a semi-conductor diode laser with diagram.
7. Discuss with theory the construction and working of homojunction semiconductor laser.
8. Discuss with theory the construction and working of heterojunction semiconductor laser.
9. Derive Einstein’s coefficients A & B.
10. Discuss the applications of laser in various field.


Part – A
1. What is Optical fiber?
2. Define acceptance angle in optical fiber communication.
3. What are the conditions to obtain total internal reflection?
4. What are the features (or) advantages of optical fiber?
5. Define numerical aperture of a fiber.
6. How will you classify optical fiber?
7. What is meant by fractional index change?
8. Write the differences between single mode and multi mode fiber.
9. Give the applications of optical fibers in industries.
10. What is attenuation?
11. Define total internal reflection.
12. What is graded index fiber?
13. List out the three different types of losses in fiber optics.
14. Explain the basic principle of fiber optic communication.

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15. Distinguish between step index and graded index fibers.

16. Give four applications of fiber optic sensors.
17. What are active and passive sensors?
18. State some applications of fiber in medical field.
19. Write short notes on single mode fiber.
20. Write short notes on multi mode fiber.
Part – B
1. Define numerical aperture and derive an expression for numerical aperture and angle of acceptance.
2. What are the different types of losses in fiber optic communication system. Explain.
3. Discuss the various types of optical sensors.
4. Explain the fiber optical communication system with a neat block diagram.
5. Discuss in detail the classification of optical fiber based on mode and refractive index.
6. Explain the double crucible technique for the preparation of fibers.
7. Explain the principle and working of temperature sensor and displacement sensor.
8. Write short notes on
i) Double crucible method
ii) Endoscope
iii) Fibre optic displacement sensor
9. Explain the working of fiber optic endoscope in detail.
10. Write short notes on acceptance angle, numerical aperture, step index fiber and graded index fiber


Part – A
1. Explain the postulates of Planck’s quantum theory.
2. Define Compton effect.
3. Write down the physical significations of wave function Ψ ?
4. What are the properties of matter waves?
5. Define degeneracy.
6. Deduce Rayleigh-Jeans law from Planck’s law.
7. Deduce Wien’s – Displacement law from Planck’s law.
8. Define Wien’s – displacement law. Give its limitation.
9. Give the expression for de-Broglie’s wavelength.

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10. Give the expression for change in wavelength of a scattered X-Ray photon.
11. Write down Schrodinger time dependent and time independent wave equations.
12. What are eigen values and eigen functions?
13. What is Compton wavelength? Give its value.
14. Mention some important applications of Quantum mechanics.
15. Write down the normalized wave function for an electron in one dimensional potential well.
16. Give the special features of quantum theory of radiation.
17. What is Schrodinger wave equation?
18. Write any two applications of Schrodinger wave equation
19. What is Zero point energy?
20. What is meant by black radiation?
Part – B
1. Derive Planck’s law for black body radiation and hence deduce Wien’s law and Rayleigh’s law.
2. Define Compton effect? Derive an expression for the wavelength of scattered photon.
3. Derive an expression for Schrödinger’s time independent wave equation.
4. Derive an expression for Schrödinger’s time dependent wave equation.
5. Derive an expression for energy levels enclosed in a one dimensional potential box of infinite
6. Deduce an expression for energy Eigen values and Eigen function and obtain normalization of the
wave function.
7. Explain the applications of Schrödinger’s wave equation to a one dimensional potential well.
8. What is meant by black body radiation? Derive an expression for Planck’s radiation law and
discuss the same for longer wavelengths.
9. Explain briefly the theory, experimental procedure and the results of Compton effect.
10. Derive an expression for Schrödinger’s time independent wave equation and hence deduce time
dependent wave equation.


Part – A

1. Define atomic radius.

2. Define co-ordination number.
3. What is space lattice.

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4. What is unit cell.

5. Define crystal structure.
6. Define atomic packing factor (or) packing fraction.
7. Distinguish between crystalline and non-crystalline solids.
8. Name the seven crystal systems.
9. What are Bravais lattices?
10. Obtain the formula for atomic radius ‘r’ interms of lattice constant ‘a’ for simple cubic.
11. What is co-ordination number?
12. Calculate the packing factor for simple cubic structure.
13. Obtain the formula for atomic radius “r” interms of lattice constant ‘a’ for body centered cubic.
14. Calculate the packing factor for body centered cubic structure.
15. Calculate the packing factor for face centered cubic structure.
16. Obtain the formula for atomic radius ‘r’ interms of lattice constant ‘a’ for hcp structure.
17. What are miller indices?
18. State the expression for interplanar spacing ‘d’ for a cubic system.
19. Sketch (110), (111), (100) plane in a cubic system.
20. What is sodium chloride structure?
Part – B

1. Define atomic radius and packing factor. Calculate the same for SC and BCC structures.
2. Define atomic radius and packing factor. Calculate the same for FCC structure.
3. Describe the structure of HCP crystal. Give details about its atomic radius, atomic packing factor
and axial ratio.
4. Show that in a cubic lattice, the distance between two successive plane (hkl) is given by
h + k2 + l2

5. Describe the 14 types of Bravais lattices with suitable diagrams.

6. Explain the diamond, sodium chloride and Zinc blende structures with suitable diagrams.
7. Show that the packing fraction for FCC and hcp structure is 0.74
8. Explain the Miller indices of planes and directions with suitable examples.
9. Calculate the no.of atoms per unit cell, co-ordination number and atomic packing factor for hcp
10. Explain the following terms (a) space lattice (b) unit cell (c) crystal structure (d) lattice plane.

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1. Calculate the fundamental frequency of 3mm thick X – cut crystal. Given Young’s modulus
for quartz is 7.9 × 1010 N/m2 and frequency of quartz is 2650 kg/m3.
2. Given that the velocity of Ultrasonic waves in sea water is equal to 1440 ms-1.Find the depth of a
submerged if an Ultrasonic pulse reflected from the submarine is received 0.33 second after
sending out the Ultrasonic waves.
3. Calculate the frequency to which a piezo electric oscillator circuit should be tuned so that a piezo-
electric crystal of thickness 0.1 cm vibrates in its fundamental mode to generate ultrasonic waves.
(Young’s modulus and density of material of crystal are 80 Gpa and 2654 kg/m3
4. Calculate the frequency of the fundamental note and the first overtone emitted by a piezo
electric crystal using the following data. Vibrating length is 4mm. Young’s modulus of
quartz = 7.9 × 1010 N/m2 and density of crystal = 2650 kg/m3
5. Longitudinal standing waves are set –up in quartz plate with anti-nodes at opposite faces. The
fundamental frequency of vibration is given by F1= 2.87 x 103 /l, where l is the thickness of the
plate in m and F1 is in Hz. The density of quartz crystal is 2660 Kg/m3. Determine (i) Young’s
modulus of the quartz plate and (ii) thickness of the plate for a frequency of vibration is 1200 KHz.


1. A calcium sulphate photo detector crystal is irradiated over a receiving area of 4 × 10-6 m2
light of wavelength 0.4 × 10-6 m and intensity 200 watt/m2 . Assuming that each quantum
generates an electron hole pair, calculate the no. of pairs generated per second.
2. Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted an LED made up of a semi conducting material
with band gap energy 2.8ev.
3. Calculate the long wavelength limit of a extrinsic semiconductor if the ionization energy
is 0.02 eV .
4. Calculate the wavelength of emission from GaAs semiconductor laser whose band gap energy is
1.44 eV (Planck’s constant is 6.625×10-34 J ) and charge of an electron is 1.6 × 10-19 C.

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1. Calculate the refractive indices of the core and cladding material of a fibre from the following data.
NA = 0.22 and ∆ = 0.012

2. A step index fiber has a numerical aperature of 0.16, a core refractive index of 1.45 and a core
diameter of 90 µm. Calculate acceptance angle of the fiber and refractive index of cladding.

3. Calculate the numerical aperature and acceptance angle from the following data. Refractive index
of core and cladding if 1.55 and 1.50 respectively.


1. X-rays of wavelength of 0.1nm are scattered from a carbon block. Find the wavelength of the
scattered beam in the direction making an angle of 90˚ with the incident beam.

2. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron of energy 100 eV.

3. An electron is accelerated by a potential difference of 150V. What is the wavelength of electron


4. Calculate the minimum energy of electron can posses in an infinitely deep potential well of width


1. Calculate the no. of atoms per unit cell for an FCC lattice of copper crystal. It is given that a =
3.60A˚, atomic weight of copper = 63.6, density of copper 8960 kg/m3 and Avagadro number
6.023 × 1023 .

2. Calculate the interplaner spacing for (321) plane in Se crystal lattice with interatomic spacing ‘a’ =
4.12 A˚ .

3. Determine the spacing between (i) 100 plane (ii) 110 plane (iii) 111 planes in a Nacl crystal having
lattice constant a = 5.64 A˚

4. Calculate the lattice constant for a rock salt crystal assuming that it has FCC lattice. It is given that
the density = 2180 kg/m3 molecular weight = 58.5, no. of atoms per unit cell =

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Subject : Engineering Chemistry I Subject Code : 10ACH01



1. Define hardness of water.

2. Distinguish hard water and soft water.
3. What are the salts responsible for carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of water?
4. How is hardness of water expressed and mention its significance?
5. A water sample contains 73mgs of Mg(HCO3)2 per litre. Calculate the hardness in terms of CaCO3
6. Define alkalinity. How is it classified?
7. What is meant by temporary and permanent hardness of water? Mention the salts responsible for it.
8. What are scales and sludges?
9. What is meant by caustic embrittlement? How can it be prevented?
10. What are the reasons for boiler corrosion?
11. What is meant by priming and foaming? How can it be prevented?
12. What is break point chlorination?
13. Explain the function of bleaching powder as a germicide.
14. What is desalination?
15. How is water disinfected by ozone?
16. What are boiler compounds? Mention two different boiler compounds and their actions.
17. What is calgon? What is its use in water technology?
18. How is hardness of water removed by Zeolite process?
19. Mention the disadvantages of scale formation.
20. How is boiler corrosion due to dissolved oxygen removed?
21. How does CO2 cause boiler corrosion?
22. What is carbonate conditioning? For what type of boiler it is used?

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1. Explain phosphate, calgon and carbonate conditioning in detail.
2. Describe the reverse osmosis method for desalination of brackish water with a neat diagram.
3. Explain zeolite process in detail.
4. Give an account of Chlorination, UV treatment and Ozonation.
5. Discuss the disadvantages of using hard water in boilers.
6. Explain the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.
7. Explain the process of sterilization and disinfection of water.
8. Explain with a neat sketch the various steps in the treatment of water for demineralization process.
9. Define alkalinity and what are the types of alkalinity? Explain the determination of alkalinity.
10. 100 ml of water sample requires 18 ml of EDTA solution for titration. 22 ml of EDTA solution was
required for the titration of 100 ml of standard hard water containing 1gm CaCO3 per litre.
Calculate hardness of water sample in ppm.


1. Mention the preparation, properties and uses of PVC.
2. What is fluon? What are its uses?
3. How is nylon 6,6 formed? Bring out its important properties and uses.
4. What is meant by compounding of plastics?
5. What are the advantages of injection moulding?
6. How is Bakelite prepared? What are its properties?
7. What are the functions of fillers and plasticizers in plastics?
8. Draw the structure of Bakelite.
9. What are resins? Give some examples.
10. What are epoxy resins? Mention its uses.
11. Differentiate thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics.
12. How is PET prepared? Mention its uses.
13. Define polymer& Polymerisation process.
14. What are the different types of plastics?
15. What is addition polymerization? Give examples.
16. What is Condensation polymerization? Give examples

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17. Define degree of polymerization.

18. What are the characteristics of FRP?
19. What are composite materials?
20. What are the constituents of composites? How are composites classified?
21. Mention some applications of FRP.
1. What are the various types of polymerization? Explain with suitable
2. Write the preparation, properties and uses of Teflon, Nylon-6,6 and
PVC. .
3. What are epoxy resin adhesives? Give their preparation, properties and
4. What is compounding of plastics? Mention compounding material used in
plastics, indicate their functions and give one example for each. .
5. Describe the compression moulding and injection moulding process for
the manufacture of plastics..
6. How is bakelite is prepared? Give its properties and uses. .
7. What are the methods of fabrication of plastics? Discuss in detail.
8. What are composites? Give the preparation and uses of glass fibre reinforced composites and
carbon fibre reinforced composites.
9. Write the preparation, properties and uses of Polyurethane & PET.
10. What are Composites? Explain the types of polymer matrix composites.


Part A
1. Mention the difference between adsorption and absorption.
2. How does chemisorption differ from physisorption.
3. Mention some important characteristics of adsorption.
4. How will you increase the activity of adsorbent?
5. Define adsorption. What is meant by adsorption isotherm?
6. What is Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm?
7. Explain the function of activated charcoal with example.

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8. Write the mathematical expression for Langmuir’s isotherm and mention the significance of the
terms involved.
9. Define ion-exchange adsorption.
10. What are promoters?
11. What is catalytic poisoning?
12. What is the role of adsorbent in catalysis?
13. Where is ion-exchange adsorption applied?
14. What are the limitations of Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm?
15. Define the terms adsorbent and adsorbate with suitable examples.
16. Give any two factors on which adsorption depend.
17. Mention any two factors which influence adsorption of gas on a solid.
18. What is activated charcoal?
19. List out the role of activated carbon in pollution abatement.
20. Define cation and anion exchangers. Give examples.
Part B
1. Derive Freundlich’s adsorption isotherm. Give the condition in which it fails.
2. Discuss the role of adsorbents in catalytic reactions.
3. Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherm. What are its limitations?
4. Discuss the role of adsorbents in pollution abatement.
5. What are the factors that influence the adsorption of gases on solids? Discuss in detail.
6. Explain ion-exchange adsorption in detail.
7. Write a note on adsorption of solutes from solutions.
8. Write a note on applications of adsorption.
9. Explain in detail the role of activated carbon in pollution abatement.
10. Explain the various factors influencing adsorption of gases on solids.


Part A
1. What is nuclear fission reaction?
2. What are the characteristics of chain reaction?
3. What are chain reaction controllers?
4. Define Multiplication factor.

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5. Write the principle involved in solar cells.

6. Why nuclear waste should be disposed safely?
7. Differentiate nuclear fission & fusion reactions.
8. Why large amount of energy released during nuclear fission reactions?
9. What is breeder reactor?
10. Define nuclear reactor.
11. What are the components of a nuclear reactor?
12. Give the methods of harnessing wind energy.
13. What are moderators? Give examples.
14. Lithium battery is a cell of future. Why?
15. Write the functions of coolants.
16. Define nuclear energy.
17. What are the different types of batteries?
18. What are fuel cells?
19. What do you mean by photo conversion?
20. Define solar energy conversion.
Part B
1. Discuss briefly the various components of nuclear reactor in detail.
2. With a neat sketch explain the Light water nuclear power plant.
3. Explain the construction & working of Lead-acid storage battery.
4. Write short notes on Lithium batteries.
5. What are solar cells? Explain the mechanism of photo conversion.
6. Explain briefly the Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cell with a neat diagram.
7. Define Wind energy. Briefly discuss the methods of harnessing Wind energy.
8. Write a note on Ni-Cad batteries.
9. What is Breeder reactor? Mention its significance in detail.
10. Describe the types of batteries. Explain alkaline battery in detail.

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1. What are abrasives? Give two examples each for Natural and
Artificial (synthetic) abrasives.
2. Mention some applications of abrasives.
3. What is hardness of an abrasive? What are its units?
4. How is carborundum prepared?
5. Explain Moh’s scale for different abrasives.
6. What is corundum?
7. What are refractories? How are they classified?
8. What is meant by refractoriness of a refractory?
9. What is meant by pyrometric cone equivalent (PCE) of a refractory?
10. What is RUL? How is RUL test carried out?
11. Why silica bricks expand on heating?
12. What is meant by thermal spalling? How to avoid it?
13. What is meant by dimensional stability? Mention their types.
14. Define the terms “Lubricant” and “Lubrication”.
15. How does lubricants classify? Give example.
16. What are the functions of a lubricant?
17. Define viscosity index.
18. Define the terms “Cloud Point” and “Pour Point”.What are their significances?
19. Define the terms “Flash Point” and “Fire Point”.
20. What are solid lubricants? Mention their application.
21. How does graphite differ from molybdenum disulphide in lubricating action?
22. Define Porosity of a refractory.
23. Define aniline number.
1. How is Silicon Carbide prepared? Give its properties and uses.
2. Discuss the manufacture properties and uses of alumina and magnesite
3. bricks.
4. Give the preparation, properties and uses of Boron Carbide.
5. Classify refractory into different types and give one example for each.

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6. Discuss the manufacture properties and uses of alumina and magnesite

7. bricks.
8. Explain in detail about any five important properties of refractory .
9. Explain the general methods of manufacture of refractories.
10. Explain the mechanism of various types of Lubrications
11. Compare the structure of molybdenum disulphide and graphite and their uses in
12. Discuss the preparation, properties and uses of zirconia bricks.
13. Discuss the various properties of lubricants

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Subject : Engineering Graphics Subject Code : 10AEG01


1. Construct an ellipse when the distance between the focus and the directrix is 30mm and the
eccentricity is ¾.Draw the tangent and normal at any point P on the curve using directrix.
2. Construct a hyperbola when the distance between the focus and the directrix is
40 mm and the eccentric is 4/3. Draw a tangent and normal at any point on the hyperbola.
3. Construct a parabola when the distance between the focus and the directrix is
50 mm. Draw a tangent and normal at any point on the hyperbola.
4. A coin of 40mm diameter rolls over a horizontal table without slipping. A point on the
circumference of the coin is in contact with the table surface in the beginning and after one
complete revolution. Draw the path traced by the point. Draw the tangent and normal at any point
on the curve.
5. Draw the involute of square, equilateral triangle, with the side of 40mm.
6. A coir is unwound from a drum of 30mm diameter.Draw the locus of the free end of the coir for
unwinding through an angle of 3600 .Draw the tangent and normal at any point on the curve

Free Hand Sketching:

7. Sketch by Free hand:

i) Front view
ii) Top view
iii) Side view

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1. Draw the projection of point A

a. 20mm above H.P and 15mm infront of V.P
b. Lying on H.P and 30mm infront of V.P
c. Lying on V.P and 25mm infront of H.P
d. 10mm below H.P and 20mm infront of V.P
2. Draw the projection of lines AB
a. 35mm above H.P and 25mm infront of V.P
b. 40mm below H.P and 15mm inbehind V.P

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c. 50mm above H.P. and 25mm Behind V.P

d. 45mm below H.P.and 25mm Behind V.P
3. A straight line 85mm long has one end 15mm infront of V.P and 10mm above H.P while the other
end is 50mm infront of V.P and 45mm above H.P. Draw the plan and elevation of the line
.Determine the inclination of the line to H.P and V.P
4. The top view of the line is 65mm long and is inclined at 300 to the refrence line. One end is 20mm
above H.P and 10mm infront of V.P the other end is 60mm above H.P. and infront of V.P. Draw
the projection and find the true length of the line and its inclination to H.P and V.P
5. End A of the line AB is 15mm above H.P and 20mm infront of V.p. The other end is 50mm above
H.P and 65mm infront of V.P. the distance between the end projector is 50mm . Draw the
projections and measure true length and true inclinations by two methods
a. Rotating line method
b. Trapezoidal plane method
6. A line PQ 60mm long has its end P, 15mm above H.P and 20mm infront of V.P Its top view and
front view measures 50mm and 40mm respectively.Draw the projections and determine its true
inclination with H.P and V.P
7. The end ‘P’ of a line PQ, 70 mm long is 15 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. Q is
40 mm above the HP. Its plan is inclined at 450 to the VP. Draw the projections of the line and
findits true inclinations with the VP and the HP.
8. A line is inclined to both H.P.and V.P.The distance between the end projectors is 55mm and one of
the ends touches both H.P and V.P.The lengths of the top and front views are 65mm and 75mm
respectively. Draw the projections and measure true length and true inclinations.
9. A square lamina ABCD of side 40mm rests on the ground on its corner A in such a way that the
diagonal AC inclined at 450 to the H.P and apparently inclined at 300 to the V.P. Draw its
10. Draw the projections of a circular thin plate of diameter 50mm resting on the ground on a point A
on the circumference, its plane inclined at 450 to H.P and plan of the diameter AB making 300
with V.P

1. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 30mm rests with its base on H.P.such that one of the edges of the
base is parallel to and 10mm infront of V.P.Draw its projections.

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2. Draw the projection of a hexagon of side 30mm having one of its sides in H.P. and inclined at 600
to V.P. and the surface inclined at 350 to H.P.
3. A hexagonal prism of side of base 25mm and axis 60mm rest on a corner of its base in H.P.with
the axis of the prism inclined at 400 to H.P. and parallel to V.P.Draw its projections
4. Draw the projections of a pentagonal pyramid of base 25mm sides and axis 60mm long when it is
lying on the H.P. on one of its base edges, such that the axis is parallel to V.P. and inclined at 300 to
5. A pentagonal prism side of base 30mm and axis length 60mm rests on the H.P.on one of the base
corners with the base edges containing it being equally inclined to H.P.The axis is inclined at 450 to
the H.P. and parallel to the V.P.Draw the projections of the prism by change of position method.
6. Draw the Projections of a cylinder of diameter 40mm and axis 70mm long when it rest on the
H.P.on one of its base points. The axis of the cylinder is parallel to V.P. and inclined at 300 to H.P.
7. A hexagonal prism side of base 25mm and axis 50mm long rests with one of its base corner on
H.P.such that the base makes an angle of 60 to H.P. and its axis is parallel to V.P.draw its
8. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 25mm and axis 55mm long lies with one of its slant edges on
H.P. such that its axis is parallel to V.P.Draw its projections.
9. A hexagonal prism of side of base 25mm and axis 60mm rest on a corner of its base in H.P.with
the axis of the prism inclined at 400 to H.P. and parallel to V.P.Draw its projections


1. A cone base 50mm diameter and axis 65mm long, rest with its base on H.P. it is cut by a section
plane perpendicular to V.P. inclined at 450 to H.P. and passing through a point on the axis 35mm
above the base.Draw the sectional top view and the true shape of section.

2. A square prism side of base 30mm and axis 60mm long rest with its base on H.P.and one of its
rectangular faces is inclined at 300 to V.P. A sectional plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at
600 to H.P. cuts the axis of the prism at a point 20mm from its top end. Draw the sectional top
view and true shape of section.

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3. A cone base 50mm diameter and axis 65mm long, rest with its base on H.P A sectional plane
perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 300 to H.P bisects the axis of the cone .Draw the
Development of the lateral surface of the truncated cone.

4. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and axis 52mm long, rest with its base on H.P. and an
edge of its base is parallel to V.P. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to V.P. inclined at 400 to H.P.
and passing through a point on the axis,32mm above the base .Draw the sectional top view and
develop the lateral surface of the truncated pyramid.

5. A hexagonal prism side of base 20mm and axis 50mm long rest with its base on H.P. such that
one of the rectangular faces is parallel to V.P. it is cut by a plane perpendicular to V.P. inclined
at 450 to H.P. and passing through the right corner of the top face of the prism. .Draw the
sectional top view and develop the lateral surface of the truncated prism.

6. A vertical cylinder of diameter 50mm and height 80mm is drilled by a hole of diameter 30mm
such that the axis of the hole is perpendicular to V.P. and parallel to H.P. Draw the lateral surface
development of the solid.

7. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 25mm and altitude 70mm long rest with its base on H.P. with
two of its base sides parallel to V.P. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined
at 450 to H.P. and passing through a point 15mm above the base and located on the axis. Draw the
sectional view and the true shape of the section.

8. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and axis 60mm long, rest with its base on H.P. and an
edge of its base is parallel to V.P.A sectional plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 45 to
H.P. passes through the axis at a point 35mm above the base. Draw the sectional top view.

9. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 25mm and axis 55mm long rest with its base on H.P. such that
one of the edge of its base is perpendicular to V.P. it is cut by a sectional plane perpendicular to
H.P. inclined at 45 to V.P. and passing through the pyramid at a distance of 10mm from the
axis.Draw the sectional front view and the true shape of section.

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10. A square prism side of base 30mm and axis 60mm long rest with its base on H.P.and one of its
rectangular faces is inclined at 30 to V.P. A sectional plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at
60 to H.P. cuts the axis of the prism at a point 20mm from its top end. Draw the sectional top
view and true shape of section.

11. A hexagonal pyramid side of base 25mm and axis 50mm long rest with its base on H.P and an
edge of its base is perpendicular to V.P. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P. inclined
at 30 to H.P. and passing through a point on the axis 20mm below the apex. Draw the sectional
side view and sectional top view.

12. A cone base 50mm diameter and axis 65mm long, rest with its base on H.P A sectional plane
perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 30 to H.P bisects the axis of the cone .Draw the
Development of the lateral surface of the truncated cone.

13. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and axis 52mm long, rest with its base on H.P. and an
edge of its base is parallel to V.P. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to V.P. inclined at 40 to H.P.
and passing through a point on the axis,32mm above the base .Draw the sectional top view and
develop the lateral surface of the truncated pyramid.


1. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and axis 65mm long, rest with its base on H.P. and
an edge of its base is parallel to V.P and nearer to it. A horizontal section plane cuts the
pyramid and passes through a point on the axis at a distance of 25mm from the apex. Draw the
isometric view of the frustum of the pyramid

2. A pentagonal pyramid side of base 30mm and axis 65mm long, rest with its base on H.P. and
an edge of its base is parallel to V.P and nearer to it. A horizontal section plane cuts the
pyramid and passes through a point on the axis at a distance of 25mm from the apex. Draw the
isometric view of the frustum of the pyramid.

3. A hexagonal pyramid of base side 30mm and height 60mm rest on its base on the H.P. with two
of its base edges perpendicular to the V.P.It is cut by a plane perpendicular to the V.P. and

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inclined at 350 to the H.P. meeting the axis at a point 35mm above the base of the pyramid. Draw
the isometric view of the truncated pyramid.

4. A cylinder 40mm diameter and axis 30mm rest centrally on a square prism of side 50mm and
height 35mm. Draw the isometric view of the combination of solids.

5. A cylinder 50 mm diameter and 60 mm height stands on H.P. a section plane perpendicular to

V.P.,inclined at 550 to H.P. cuts the cylinder and passes through a point on the axis at a height of
45 mm above the base. Draw the isometric view of the truncated portion of the cylinder when
the cut surface is clearly visible to the observer.

6. A cube of side 40mm is resting on the ground on one of its faces with a vertical face in PP and
the rest behind it. The central plane is located 50mm to the left of the axis of the cube. The
station point is 40mm infront of PP and 60mm above GP.Draw the prespective view of the solid.

7. A pentagonal pyramid of 30mm base side and axis height 40mm is standing on its base on the
ground plane with a base side parallel to 25mm behind PP.The central plane is 35mm to the left
of the apex and the station point is 40mm infront of PP and 20mm above the ground plane. Draw
the perspective view of the pyramid.

8. Draw the perspective view of a cube of 2.5 cm edge, lying on a face on the ground plane, with
an edge In the picture plane and all vertical faces equally inclined to the picture plane. The
station point is 5 cm in front of the picture plane, 3.5 cm above the ground plane and lies in a
central plane which is 1 cm to the left of the centre of the cube. Use vanishing point method.

9. A rectangular prism, side of base 50mm x 30mm and height 55mm, rests with its base on the
ground plane. A vertical edge is in picture plane and one of the longer edges of its base is
inclined at 450 to PP and behind it .The station point is 50mm infront of PP, 75mm above the
ground plane and lies in a central plane which passes through the centre of the prism. Draw the
perspective view

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Subject : Fundamentals of Computing Subject Code : 10AFC01


Part A

1. What is a computer?
2. List the basic operations of computer?
3. what is meant by data?
4. List the uses of computer systems?
5. Convert the following Decimal to Hexadecimal.
(i) 7793(10 ) (ii) 2389(10) (iii) 2079(10) (iv) 676(10)
6. List out the procedure for BCD addition
7. Convert the Following binary Number to Decimal
(i) 111001(2) (ii) 00101(2) (iii) 101110(2) (iv) 110010(2)
8. List the components of a computer?
9. Define Non-positional Number Systems.
10.What are the types of positional Number systems?
11.Define digital and analog signals?
12.What are the logical level available?
13.Define digital waveform?
14.Define frequency.
15.what is meant by pulse width?
16. Define 1’s complement and 2’s Complement.
17.Define logic gates?
18.What are the basic logic operations?
19.Define integrated circuit?
20. What are the rules for Binary Addition?

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology

Part B

1. a)What are the characteristics of computer?

b) What are the applications of a computer?
2. Draw the block diagram of a computer and explain.
3. Explain about the components of computers.
4. Briefly explain about Digital and Analogue quantities
5. Explain Binary digits and logic levels
6. Briefly explain about the digital integrated circuit..
7. Explain how a digital waveform carries binary information.
8. Explain in detail about the basic logic operations.
9. a) Convert the Decimal Number 25 10 to Octal Number
b) Convert octal number 14.2316 to binary, octal & hexa
10. a) Convert (85)10 to Binary Number
b) Multiply the binary numbers 0110110 & 1101
c) Covert binary number 110110 to decimal, hexa & octal.
11. a) Subtract the binary number 100 from 001 using 1’s Complement Method
b) Convert the Decimal Fraction 250.3125 to Binary Number
c) Subtract the hexadecimal number 1B from C3
12. Convert the binary number 101110 to decimal,octal,Hexa numbers.
13. Explain in detail about the machine codes such as ASCII,EBCDIC and Unicode.


Part A

1. Define Hardware and Software.

2. What is meant by Primary Storage and list its Components.
3. Define Optical Storage Devices.
4. Write short notes about the monitors and its types.
5. Define Network Storage and its Components
6. Differentiate a Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler.
7. What are the types involved in Graphics File Formats?

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology

8. What are the types of Magnetic Disks?

9. What is the Application of Software?
10. What is meant by Networking?
11. What is called Protocol?
12. Give Explanation About Modem
13. Define Broadband
14. What is Network Topology and its Types?
15. Difference between Hubs Routers. Gateways
16. List out the Networking Applications.
17. Define LAN, MAN, WAN.
18. List any 5 advantages and disadvantages of Broadband.
19. What are the types of Communication Channels?
20. What are the types of Protocols?

Part B

1. Explain about various Processing Devices.

2. Explain in detail about Storage Devices.
3. Answer in detail about Graphics and Multimedia.
4. List out the types of Printing Devices and Explain in Detail
5. Explain briefly about Audio visual Input/output Devices.
6. Explain about the types of Networks in detail.
7. Describe about the broad band Connections in detail.
8. Explain in detail about Network toplogies.
9. Explain any one of the input and output devices in detail with diagram.
10. Explain in detail about data communication over standard telephone lines and modems.
11. Explain briefly about Storage Devices.
12.Describe any one of the optical & audio visual device in detail.
13.Explain the types of printer in detail with neat diagram.

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology


Part A

1. Define Program.
2. Define Algorithm.
3. What is a Flowchart?
4. What is “Pseudo code”?
5. What is Sequence Logic?
6. Define Selection Logic?
7. List out the Problem solving methodologies.
8. Draw some of the flowchart symbols.
9. Write the algorithm to find Fibonacci series for the number.
10. Write the pseudo code to find the factorial of a given number.
11. Draw the flowchart to find largest among 3 numbers.
12.List out the advantages and disadvantages of algorithm.
13. Mention the merits and demerits of flowchart.
14.Draw a flow chart to read two numbers,calculate the sum and print the result.
15.Draw the flow chart to find the sum of first N natural numbers.
16.Draw a flow chart to find a lowest of two numbers.
17.Develope an algorithm to find the greatest of three numbers.
18.Develope a pseudo code to check and print Whether a given number is prime
or not.
19.Give an example for structure oriented programming.
20.Give an suitable example for object oriented programming.

Part B

1.Explain in detail about problem solving methodologies.

2.Explain the algorithm with an example.
3.List out the symbols used in flowchart and explain it with one example.
4.Write down the algorithm for Fahrenheit determination & specify the merits and demerits of algorithm.
5.List out the advantages and disadvantages of algorithm.
6.Draw the flowchart to generate the Fibonacci series.
7.Draw and explain the symbolic representation of flowchart.

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology

8.Explain the Top Down designing methodologies with example.

9..Explain the Bottom up designing methodologies with example.
10.Differentiate Structure Oriented & Procedure oriented programming.


Part A

1. What are the Different types available in ‘C’?

2. What are Keywords?
3. What is an Operator and Operand?
4. What is Ternary Operator?
5. What are the types of Programming Languages?
6. List out any 5 Features of ‘C’ Applications.
7. What are the Characteristics of Program?
8. Define C Tokens and its types.
9. Define Identifiers and Keywords.
10. What are the Data Types and its types?
11. What is a Variable?
12. Define Constants and its Types.
13. Define Operators and its types.
14. What are the types involved in I/O Operators?
15. Define Decision-making and its types.
16. Define Branching and its types.
17. Define Looping and its Types.
18. Define Arrays and also its types.
19. List out any 10 String Functions in a “C” Compilers.
20. Define Function and its types.

Part B

1. Describe briefly about the Structure of a “C” Program, and explain each section
2. a) Describe briefly about the Decision Making and its Types.
b)Describe briefly about the Branching and its types.

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology

3. Describe briefly about the Looping and its types, with an example program.
4. Describe about the Switch Statement and its types, with example programs.
5. Describe briefly about the Arrays and its Types.
6. a)Write a ‘c’ program to print the given numbers in prime or not?
b) Write a ‘c’ program to reverse the given number?
7. a)Write a ‘c’ program to multiply 2×2 matrix.
b) write a ‘c’ program to print factorial of a numbers using recursion.
8. Write a ‘c’ program to print addition, subtraction and multiplication values using functions.
9. Explain with an example program for Two Dimensional Array.
10.Difference between Looping & Branching Statements.Explain with suitable Example.


Part A

1. Define function.
2. List out the two types of function & give example.
3. What are the elements of function?
4. What is meant by function call?Give example.
5. What are the methods to pass argument to the function?
6. What is meant by call by value?
7. Specify the concept of call by reference.
8. Why we are going for array?
9. Give the syntax of the array & write one example.
10. List out the types of array.
11. What is meant by pointer?
12. How can you initialize the pointer?
13. Give an example for array of pointer.
14. Specify the concept that how a function returns pointers?
15. What is meant by structure?
16. Give the syntax of structure.
17. specify the difference between structure & union.
18. What is meant by union?

Madurai Institute of Engineering & Technology

19. Give the syntax of union and an example.

20. What is the purpose of file?
21. List out the file operations.

Part B

1. Explain in detail about the types of functions,function elements with example.

2. Specify the concept of call by value & call by reference with example.
3. Write an example program that implements the concept of array of pointers.
4. Give an example program that explain the concept that the function returning pointer.
5. Explain in detail about structures & union with example.
6. Express the file handling operations with suitable example program.
7. Write a program by implementing Pointer to array concept.
8. Write a program by implementing Pointer to pointer concept.
9. Write a program by implementing array to pointer concept.
10. Difference between Structure & union.Explain in detail with suitable example.


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