This report provides performance data for a Prestolite MTC-4001 DC motor and General Electric EV-1 controller under various operating conditions. Testing was conducted at low and high motor temperatures for both straight DC and chopped DC input. Data is presented graphically and tabularly, including motor voltage, current, speed, torque, power and efficiency. The results show that torque-speed performance varies most with temperature, while maximum efficiency remains around 76-82% regardless of operating mode or temperature. Chopped DC operation provides slightly higher torque at a given speed and voltage compared to straight DC.
This report provides performance data for a Prestolite MTC-4001 DC motor and General Electric EV-1 controller under various operating conditions. Testing was conducted at low and high motor temperatures for both straight DC and chopped DC input. Data is presented graphically and tabularly, including motor voltage, current, speed, torque, power and efficiency. The results show that torque-speed performance varies most with temperature, while maximum efficiency remains around 76-82% regardless of operating mode or temperature. Chopped DC operation provides slightly higher torque at a given speed and voltage compared to straight DC.
This report provides performance data for a Prestolite MTC-4001 DC motor and General Electric EV-1 controller under various operating conditions. Testing was conducted at low and high motor temperatures for both straight DC and chopped DC input. Data is presented graphically and tabularly, including motor voltage, current, speed, torque, power and efficiency. The results show that torque-speed performance varies most with temperature, while maximum efficiency remains around 76-82% regardless of operating mode or temperature. Chopped DC operation provides slightly higher torque at a given speed and voltage compared to straight DC.
This report provides performance data for a Prestolite MTC-4001 DC motor and General Electric EV-1 controller under various operating conditions. Testing was conducted at low and high motor temperatures for both straight DC and chopped DC input. Data is presented graphically and tabularly, including motor voltage, current, speed, torque, power and efficiency. The results show that torque-speed performance varies most with temperature, while maximum efficiency remains around 76-82% regardless of operating mode or temperature. Chopped DC operation provides slightly higher torque at a given speed and voltage compared to straight DC.
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DOE/NASA/0123-2 NASA CR-165382 ERC TR-80169 NASA-CR-165382 19810020808 Straight and Chopped DC Performance Data for a Prestolite MTC4001 Motor and a General Electric EV1 Controller Paul C. Edie Eaton Corporation Engineering & Research Center April 1981 Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Under Contract DEN 3-123 for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Conservation and Renewable Energy Office of Transportation Programs SEP 3 198"' Lii3R .. ,\R';,
NOTICE This report was prepared to document work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor its agent, the United States Department of Energy, nor any Federal employees, nor any of their contractors. subcontractors or their employees, makes any warranty. express or implied. or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy. completeness, or usefulness of any information. apparatus. product or process disclosed. or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. DOE/NASAl0123-2 NASA CR-165382 ERC TR-80169 Straight and Chopped DC Performance Data for a Prestolite MTC4001 Motor and a General Electric EV1 Controller Paul C. Edie Eaton Corporation Engineering & Research Center Southfield, Michigan 48037 April 1981 Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Under Contract DEN 3-124 for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Conservation and Renewable Energy Office of Transportation Programs Washington, D.C. 20585 Under Interagency Agreement DE-AI01-77CS51 044 Alii, zCf 3 V { P ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION. 3 EQUIPMENT TESTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEST l. 2. 3. 4. FACILITy ............................ . Dynamometer . . . . ........... . Power Source . . . . . . . . . . ........ . Motor & Controller Installation
. .... Instrumentation . ........ . TEST PROCEDURES
. .............. . 1. 2. TEST l. 2. 3. ... Test Data Sequence Acquisition ................................. . RESULTS ............ Data Reduction Straight DC Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . ... .. Chopped DC Results CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAPHICAL RESULTS. ......................................... 5 9 9 9 9 13 15 15 15 17 18 20 20 23 25 TABULAR DATA............................................... 35 iii LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 1 - STRAIGHT DC TESTS (Low Temperature).............................. 36 Table 2 - STRAIGHT DC TESTS (High . Tempera ture) 38 Table 3 - CHOPPED DC TESTS (Low Temperature, l44V I npu t) ........ 40 Table 4 - CHOPPED DC TESTS (Low Temperature, l20V Input) .................. 42 Table 5 - CHOPPED DC TESTS (High Temperature, l44V Input) ............... 44 Table 6 - CHOPPED DC TESTS (High Temperature, l20V Input) ................ 46 iv SUMMARY This report is intended to supply the electric vehicle manufac- turer with performance data on the Prestolite MTC-4001 series wound DC motor and General Electric EV-I Chopper Controller. Data is provided for both straight and chopped DC input to the motor, at 2 motor temperature levels. Testing was done at 6 voltage increments to the motor, and 2 voltage increments to the controller. Data results are presented in both tabular and graphical forms. Tabular information includes motor voltage and current input data, motor speed and torque output data, power data and temperature data. Graphical information includes torque-speed, motor power output-speed, torque-current, and efficiency-speed plots under the various operating conditions. The data resulting from this testing shows the speed-torque plots to have the most variance with operating temperature. The maximum motor efficiency is between 76% and 82%, regardless of temperature or mode of operation. When the chopper is utilized, maximum motor efficiency occurs when the chopper duty cycle approaches 100%. At low duty cycles the motor efficiency may be considerably less than the efficiency for straight DC. Chopper efficiency may be assummed to be 95% under all operating conditions. For equal speeds at a given voltage level, the motor operated in the chopped mode develops slightly more torque than it does in the straight DC mode. System block diagrams are included, along with test setup and procedure information. Page Missing in Original Document INTRODUCTION Today about one-half of the petroleum consumed in the United States is used for transportation. The introduction of electric vehicles could significantly shift the transportation energy base to other sources such as coal, nuclear, and solar. In 1976 the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program was initiated within the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA), now the Department of Energy (DOE). In September of that same year, the Congress passed the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-413). This Act is intended to accelerate the integration of electric and hybrid vehicles into our transportation system and to stimulate growth in the electric vehicle industry. Part of the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program is focused upon assisting electric vehicle, manufacturers with general technical problems relating to the design of near-term vehicles. For the most part, these manufacturers are small companies which often lack resources for testing, research, or development. This report is intended to provide these manufacturers with performance data on an electric motor and chopper controller which may be used on this type of vehicle. Due to the limited power and energy capability of batteries, high efficiency is a very desirable attribute of motors and controllers used in electric vehicles. Although there is a great deal of electric motor and controller developmental work ongoing in both private industry and government research centers, the data supplied by the manufacturers of motors usually consists of limited information for straight DC operation only, and does not cover the motor's performance when used in conjunction with a chopper/controller. The testing done under this contract and the resulting data formats were specified by the NASA Lewis Research Center. This report summarizes data on a Prestolite MTC-400l series wound motor and a General Electric model EV-I controller. Other motor/controller combinations have also been tested, and appear as separate reports under the same contract number. To assure consis- tent test results under severe load, the batteries used for these tests had much higher capacity than those typically available in an electric vehicle. If smaller, more portable power sources are used, the resulting motor torque and speed would be limited by the output capacity of the source. All tests were made at two motor operating temperatures, as outlined in the "Test Procedure" section. The data from these tests should characterize the motor performance under typical "hot" and "cold" conditions. It should be noted that these are only representative temperature levels. 3 The data contained in these results is all of a steady-state nature, and does not show motor or controller efficiency during acceleration, deceleration or regenerative operation. To provide a complete range of data, motor nameplate ratings were exceeded in some instances for short periods of time. At no time were the motors exposed to severe abuse, physical shock or contaminated environments. The test data presented here is not intended to represent the absolute maximum power available from any motor or controller. Under certain conditions, the motor or controller may be capable of exceeding the input and output power levels shown in the data and still remain However, since this represents the extreme conditions of motor/controller operation and is useful only in limited circumstances, such data is not presented here. Data is presented in graphical and tabular forms. Tests were run as detailed in the section titled "Test Procedure." Tabular data represents the arithmetic average of all test runs, and is intended to reduce data scatter as well as the volume of total data recorded. Tabular data will supply the user with performance information at a specific desired test point. Graphical data presents the averaged results plotted and extra- polated, such that information for any given point within the testing range may be found. 4 EQUIPMENT TESTED Description of M o t o ~ The motor tested in this report is a Prestolite model MTC-400l series wound DC motor. This motor is shown in Figure 1, with a print detailing critical dimensions in Figure 2. Weight of this motor is 45.5 Kg (100.6 Ibs.) with all mounting hardware attached. The following nameplate data appears on the motor: Part No .. Volts DC Class Ser. MTC-4001 0170 96 H Lll During inspection, prior to testing, no signs of abuse or wear were noted. 5 6 2 15.804 to center of vent Description of Controller The chopper/controller testing in conjunction with the Prestolite motor was a General Electric model EV-I. This unit is a conventional SCR controller. The controller is shown in Figure 3, with a print detailing critical mounting dimensions in Figure 4. Weight of the controller is 24.3 Kg (53.7 Ibs.). The only nameplate data on the controller is a 144 volt DC rating. During inspection, prior to testing, it was found that the plastic mounts holding the oscillator card to the base were cracked, probably caused by mishandling when the unit was shipped. Several wires had been pulled off the card, apparently due to the shipping abuse. Once these were repaired, the unit functioned properly. 7 figure 3 General Electric Model Controller 13.013 12.511 Note: Bottom View 11.014 location of 10-32 Holes 9.010 .1 13 12 11 t l 8.509 1 10.613 .5 t f-- 2.6364 19 8 , f 00 ;.:3- 11 .662 -f::-. 5OO T- 9.007 "1 3Pl. IT 9.485 "';h l'l nne: r i t 'v A.. 7.485 8.508 ~ ' f 4 I 11.00 4 r 1O - 32 13 Places Ref. 5.986 3 2 1 J ,,+ 1Jr I " "ron -11 1t--.500 J V.<Juv 8.506 12.500 16.014 8 figure 4 Drawing of General Electric EV-1 Controller Base Plate rrES'l' FACILITY l. Dynamometer 'rhe motor controller combination was mounted as shown in Figures 5-6. A conventional T-slot bedplate served as the mounting base., 'l'o absorb the motor output power, a General Electric DC dynamometer rated at 100 hp @ 6000 rpm was used. The dynamometer used a motor generator set as its source of DC power, and was controlled by a console locabed outside the test cell (Figure 7). The control console consisted of necessary dynamometer power and speed controls, along with a safety annunciator system to shut down the entire test cell should an overspeed, overcurrent or overtemperature condition occur. An automatic halogen fire extinguishing system was used to protect the entire testing area. 2. Power Source To power the motor and controller, I E ~ a d acid type batteries were used (Figure 8). Four 36 volt, 1100 amp hour batteries were wired in series using 4/0 copper stranded wire. Taps were wired at 6 volts increments from 0 to 144 volts. The batteries were charged using a Barrett current regulated industrial charger, rated at a capacity of 300 amps. Room air and hydrogen from the batteries were exhaust.ed directly to the outside 'via overhead blowers. 3. Motor & Controller Installation Figure 9 shows the motor mounting and transducer configu- ration. The motor was mounted directly on a small I-beam, which was in turn mounted on the bedplate. The motor was coupled to the telemetry transmitter (which is discussed in the Instrumentation section) by special machined slip fit couplings, held by a keyway. The transmitter assembly was coupled to the torque speed transducer (also discussed in the Instrumentation section) wi th Waldron Flex-l\lign couplings, which compensate for small alignment or balance errors. The opposite end of the torque/speed transducer was coupled to the dynamometer using another Waldron coupling. All alignments between shafts were held to ,,,i thin 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) during setup. The controller was mounted on a bench located directly over the motor to keep wire lengths as short as possibleo All power wi.ring was accomplished using rubber insulated 4/0 stranded copper welding cable. Connections were made to the motor and controller via copper crimp type lugs. The motor was cooled, when necessary to maintain temperature within the specified limits, by a squirrel cage blower motor fot"cinq air through the motor's coolin c ] duct. Room air was 9 10 11 also forced over the motor housing using a conventional fan. Motor and controller operator controls were located on the dynamometer console. These included motor power and control- ler power switches and controller acceleration potentiometer. Safety systems for the dynamometer also served to shut off the motor/controller in event of an unsafe condition. A 300 amp DC contactor, controlled at the console, switched battery power to the motor. When data was taken for chopped DC operation, power was routed through a resistive load in series with the battery to simulate a more realistic source impe- dance, as would be found in a typical electric vehicle. This resistance had a value of 0.059 OHM, and was capable of dissipating approximately 5200 watts. 4. Instrumentation Connection between the motor and dynamometer was made via a Lebow type 1604-2K torque-speed transducer. The torque transducer was of the rotary transformer type; the speed transducer was of the magnetic pickup type. Full-scale ranges were 225 N-m (2000 in-lbs) for the torque and 15,000 rpm for the speed pickup. Also coupled directly to the motor was an Inmet Model 20lA temperature telemeter. Two type T thermocouples were mounted on the motor armature laminations, 180 degrees apart. Thermocouple wire was run underneath the motor bearings, through the shaft keyway (which was extended for this purpose) and directly to the telemeter module. The module and its 9 volt power source were mounted in an aluminum disc 19.0 cm (7.5 inches) in diameter and rotationilly balanced to 6000 rpm. A loop antenna was mounted on the small support I-beam to receive the FM transmission. A receiver was located on the control console and calibrated to readout directly in degrees centigrade. Other temperature measurements were made directly on the field windings, with type K thermocouples. Thermocouple wire was run directly to the control console for readout. Torque, speed and temperature readout were accomplished using a Daytronics 9000 series modular signal conditioning rack. Readout was directly in 81 units. A readout was also provided to calculate motor output horsepower from the speed and torque signals. Current measurements were made using T&M Research Type F coaxial shunts located on the bench, directly over the motor. These shunts were rated for a 100 mV drop at 200 amps and frequency response of over 0.5 MHz at rated current. Voltage measurements were taken directly from the motor and controller terminals via coaxial cable. 13 14 For the straight DC tests, current and voltage measurements were made directly on Fluke Model 8350A digital voltmeters. For the chopped tests, both the current and voltage signals were fed into Phillips type PM-8940 optical isolators. These units have a frequency response of DC to 1.5 MHz % 3 dB, with a phase shift of less than 2 degrees at 15 kHz. The isolators serve to amplify (for current measurements) or attenuate (for voltage measurements) the input signal as well as to "float" the inputs, allowing the output signal "commons" to be tied together. The isolator 1 s "front end" is battery powered, completely eliminating any chance for ground loops to be created on the signal lines. Since it was necessary to measure average and RMS voltages and currents, as well as average wideband power for the chopped DC tests, a Hewlett-Packard 545lB Signature Analysis System was utilized. Output signals from the isolators were fed directly into the Hewlett Packard system. Analog-to-digital converters sampled the data at 20,000 points/sec., and digitally performed the calculations for average, RMS and power measurements. The analyzer was programmed to print out all data required for each test point automatically. To assure waveform integrity, data from each channel was constantly monitored on an oscilloscope while being input to the analyzer. TEST PROCEDURES 1. Test Sequence A typical test run consisted of initially assuring the motor to be at the correct test Two temperature ranges were tested, 25-45C and l30o-l50oC. For the high tempera- ture runs, this was accomplished by wrapping the frame with layers of fiberglass insulation. Once the desired temperature range had been reached, the motor was driven to its maximum rated speed by the dynamometer. When speed had stabilized, the motor was powered at a specific input voltage and data was recorded. Once completed, the dynamometer speed was reduced 600 RPM for a second data point. This procedure continued until the torque transducer limit was reached. When the motor heated above its testing temperature range, forced air blowers were turned on, allowing it to cool. Once the maximum torque point had been taken, the motor was brought back to maximum speed at 500 RPM increments to record motor hysteresis. When completed, the next voltage tap was selected, and tested as before. Six motor input voltage levels were selected: 16, 24, 36, 64, 80, and 96 volts. When all required input voltages were tested, the entire procedure was repeated a total of 3 times. The procedure was followed for both ripple-free and chopped testing, the only difference being that for the chopped data, motor input voltage was controlled by adjusting the chopper acceleration potentiometer to achieve the proper level. Chopped data was taken at 80 and 96 volt input levels to the chopper, and the above test sequences were followed for both chopper input voltages. Battery condition was constantly monitored to assure that excessive "droop" was not occurring due to lack of charge level. For the resulting data, "droop" in input voltage level is primarily due to interconnecting cable IR drop, inter-battery connection IR drop, and for chopped data only, the IR drop due to the series 0.059 OHM added resistance. 2. Data Acquisition Data which was directly read from instruments and the Hewlett Packard analyzer printout was typed into a portable CRT screen located on the control console. The CRT was tied into the Eaton VAX 11/780 computer, pre-programmed with a "form" format, so that ali data was typed under correct headings. This allowed an orderly method of data acquisition, and made it possible to "call up" data from previous runs to compare data points for hysteresis and to assure that there was no substantial data shift from identical earlier tests. Once in the VAX system, all data from the tests was averaged for each unique test point. This included all three test runs as well as hysteresis points. Averaging was done arithmeti- cally, and was available on hard copy as final test results. 15 The following parameters have been measured for the motor at each test point: 1. Motor speed - measured at the motor shaft in units of revs./ min. (Accuracy, :1% of 6000 RPM full scale.) 2. Motor torque - measured at the motor shaft in units of Newton-meters. (Accuracy, :1% of 225 Nm full scale.) 3. Motor temperatures - measured at various points internal to the motor (see section titled "Instrumentation" for details) in units 'of degrees centigrade. (Accuracy, :0.4C for field measurements, :2C for armature measurements.) 4. Motor input voltage - measured at the input terminals of the motor in units of volts. (Accuracy, :0.01% of 199 volt full scale. ) 5. Motor input current - measured at the input terminals of the motor in units of amperes. (Accuracy, :0.50% of 400 ampere full scale.) 6. Controller input voltage - measured at the input terminals to the controller in units of volts. (Accuracy, :1% of 200 volt full scale.) 7. Controller input current - measured at the input terminals to the controller in units of amperes. (Accuracy, :1% of 400 ampere full scale.) 8. Controller input power - measured at the input terminals to the controller in units of watts. (Accuracy, :2% of 80,000 watt full scale.) 9. Controller output voltage - measured at the output terminals of the controller in units of volts. (Accuracy, :1% of 200 volt full scale.) 10. Controller output current - measured at the output terminals of the controller in units of amperes. (Accuracy, :1% of 400 ampere full scale.) 11. Controller output power - measured at the output terminals of the controller in units of watts. (Accuracy, :2% of 80,000 watt full scale.) (Measurements '1-'3 were made for all tests, measurements 14 and 15 for straight DC tests, and measurements 16-111 for chopped DC tests. ) 16 TEST RESULTS The test results are tabulated in Tables 1 through 6 and depicted graphically in Figures 10 through 19. As indicated in the "Test Procedures" Section of this report, three separate test runs were made at each test condition. Each run started at maximum speed. The motor was gradually loaded, and data was taken at the speeds indicated in the tables until maximum load was achieved. The load was then gradually removed, and data was again taken at the same speeds. Consequently, the original test data consists of six data points at each speed and each test condition. This data was averaged and reduced to decrease the data scatter and the volume of test data to be reported. 17 1. Data Reduction 18 The original intent of running three test points with speed decreasing and three test points with speed increasing was to show the effect of hysteresis on the motor performance. However, the hysteresis effects were found to be negligible, so all six data points were averaged together. For tests of a motor that will be used with a specified power source, the input voltage is usually varied in accordance with the power supply characteristics. Where the power source is not specified, the input voltage is usually held constant. For the straight DC tests, constant voltage data was desired. Since the input voltage varied somewhat, a correction factor was applied to the speed data. This compensation factor con- sidered the internal copper IA RA drop of the motor but did not include an allowance for brush drop. The following compen- sation equation was used: compensated speed = test speed VIDEAL - RAIA VTEST - RAIA 0.00624 ohms was used for the value of RA. The new compen- sated speed was used in all subsequent calculations such as motor output, power, and efficiency. The curves were also plotted using the compensated speed or the compensated power output as a parameter. For the chopped DC tests, it appeared to be more appropriate to try to simulate the voltage "droop" characteristics of presently available electric vehicle batteries. At each test point, the controller was adjusted to maintain a nearly constant value of average motor voltage; thus, speed conpen- sation is not necessary. Once the data was averaged, a best fit plotting routine was utilized on the VAX to produce the following plots: 1. Torque - speed (for each voltage level) 2. Power - speed (for each voltage level) 3. Torque - current (for all voltage levels) At this time, plots of efficiency-speed were derived by the following process: (for straight DC) 1. Lines of constant power were drawn on the power-speed curves. 2. From these lines, values of speed at each power level for every voltage were extrapolated. 3. Knowing speed and power, torque was calculated for every point. 4. Current was extrapolated for every torque value using the torque current curves. 5. Efficiency for each point was calculated as n = power out VxI 6. For each line of constant power, the efficiency was plotted against speed using a best fit program. For the chopped DC data a similar method was used with the following exceptions: 1. Once torque was known for each intersection point, input power to the motor was extrapolated using a torque vs. input power plot (derived for each voltage level from the averaged data). 2. Once derived, efficiency was calculated as n = power ?ut and plotted against speed for each power In power level using a best fit program. The final plot of chopper efficiency versus volts was derived us ing the following routine. 1. Equations were calculated for controller efficiency power out versus controller output power for each power in motor input voltage level using each averaged data point. 2. For fixed levels of controller output power, the value of controller efficiency and voltage were stored. 3. Plots were made of controller efficiency-controller output voltage for each power level. 4. Since these plots were overlapping within a very small range of efficiency (approximately 95%), plots were replaced with a band showing the maximum and minimUM extremes of controller efficiency within the power levels indicated. 19 2. Straight DC Results The straight DC data for two ranges of temperatures are pre- sented in Tables 1 and 2. The voltage, current, torque, and speed variables are tabulated in the conventional manner. The compensated speed and the compensated power output were calcu- lated as discussed in the Data Reduction Section of this report. The calculated efficiency is the ratio of the compen- sated power output to the product of the nominal voltage and current. The temperature tabulations illustrate one of the difficulties in performing this type of testing. Not only does the temp- erature vary from one point to another in the machine, but the temperature difference also varies. The tabulated data is depicted graphically in Figures 10 through 17. These curves all have the expected shape. The data was recorded for two temperature ranges in order to allow an evaluation of temperature effects. The most discern- able temperature effects appear in the torque-speed curves. The high temperature curves (Figure 11) are shifted downward or to the right of the corresponding low temperature curves (Figure 10). . The shift in the torque-speed curves is primarily due to the increase of armature resistance with increased temperature. Since the torque-current curves are in close agreement, a given torque will produce a greater lARA voltage drop at the higher temperature. Consequently, the counter electromotive force and the speed will decrease. Temperature appears to have very little effect on motor effi- ciency. For both temperature ranges, the peak efficiencies are between 76% and 82%. These peak efficiencies all appear at moderate loads, reasonably high speeds and near maximum voltage. The efficiency drops below 75% only at light loads or low voltage. 3. Chopped DC Results The chopped DC data are tabulated in four categories as follows: ' Table 3 25-45C 96 Volt Input Table 4 25-45C 80 Volt Input Table 5 l30-l50 o C 96 Volt Input Table 6 l30-l50 o C 80 Volt Input This data is also depicted graphically in Figures 10 through 19. 20 The voltages refer to the nominal input voltages to the chopper. Two voltage ranges were used to allow an evaluation of the effects of the batteries' state of charge. The 96 volt tests were intended to represent a fully charged battery. The 80 volt tests were intended to represent a partially discharged battery. Both the average and the root mean square (RMS) values of all the voltages and currents were recorded. Only the average values of the variables were used to generate the curves depicted in Figures 10 through 19. The RMS v a l u e ~ were recorded to give an indication of the form factor of each variable and to aid in future modeling work. The duty cycle of the controller may roughly be " considered to be the ratio of the average value of the chopper output voltage to the average value of the chopper input voltage. A comparison of the chopper input power wattmeter reading with the product of the average input voltage and current value will indicate that sizeable errors may result by using the volt-amp product as a measure of power. For the low voltage tests, the product of the average values of voltage and current is greater than the wattmeter reading. However, at high values of test voltage the volt-amp product is less than the wattmeter reading. (The deviation at high test voltage is approximately 3%, and may be attributed to instrumentation error.) The same results are found when the product of the RMS values are compared to the wattmeter readings. On the output side of the chopper a similar comparison may be made. Here the product of the average values of voltage and current are less than the wattmeter reading for low values of motor voltage and are higher than the wattmeter reading for high values of motor voltage. (Again, a 3% deviation is typical at high voltage, and may be attributed to instrumenta- tion error.) These results are the opposite of those found on the input side of the chopper. The product of the RMS values of voltage and current are always greater than the wattmeter reading. The maximum values of motor efficiency for the chopped DC case are approximately the same as the maximum values for the straight DC case. These maximum efficiency values all occur at or near maximum vol tage and correspond to du'ty cycles near 100%. Consequently, they should be expected to approach the straight DC values. At low duty cycles the efficiency may be considerably less than the efficiency for straight DC. The measured chopper efficiency is about 95% throughout the test range. Small errors in either chopper input or output power measurement result in variations in the calculated chopper efficiency. Consequently, the variations observed at individual test points are not significant. 21 22 A comparison of the chopped DC torque versus speed curves with the corresponding straight DC curves shows that the chopped DC curves are shifted slightly upward and to the right. For equal speeds, the additional torque produced in the chopped mode is due to the AC component in both the current and flux waves. The torque-speed curves for the chopped mode of operation (Figures 12, 14, 16 and lS) show that the curve for maximum voltage coincides with the next lower voltage curve for high values of torque. This phenomenon is caused by the impedance of the power source. The corresponding tabulated data shows that for the highest voltage curve in each category, the chopper duty cycle is nearly 100% and that a constant voltage cannot be maintained at the chopper output terminals as torque is increased. In the region of coincidence, the chopper duty cycle is also 100% for the second highest voltage curve. CONCLUSIONS A fairly elaborate setup is required to perform the tests described in this report. 1. Power Supply Requirements Ideally the motor should be tested with the specific power supply with which it will be used. In the case of battery powered vehicles, the variations of battery characteristics and its limited energy capacity make actual vehicle batteries impractical. Some compromises must be made. In the straight DC mode of operation, a constant voltage source appears to be most desirable. In the chopped mode, the internal impedance of the source substantially affects wave shapes. 2. Temperature Control The temperature of the motor windings can change very rapidly. To expedite testing, the winding temperatures should be monitored and some method of heating and cooling the motor is desirable. 3. Instrumentation For the chopped mode of operation, the instrumentation must be carefully considered. Significant errors can result from using the product of voltage and current as an indicator of power. Suitable wattmeters must be used. Many readings will be a small fraction of full scale and accuracy may be less than expected. 4. Test Results a. The controller efficiency may be assumed to be about 95% throughout the test range. b. The maximum efficiency of the motor was between 76% and 82% regardless of the motor temperature or the mode of operation. However, at low chopper duty cycles the motor efficiency may be considerably less than it is on straight DC. c. Most of the variations caused by changing test conditions are discernable on conventional torque-speed curves. For equal torque, a motor at high temperature will run somewhat slower than the same motor at a lower temperature. For equal speeds, a motor operated in the chopped mode develops slightly more torque than it does in the straight DC mode. d. The hysteresis effects of the motor alone, as well as the motor-controller combination, are negligible and can be ignored. 23 Page Missing in Original Document r,
I I It 1- 16V 2- 21V 3- 36V I- SIV 5- !!IV S- 96V B. Output Power-Speed Characteristic 1- 3HINRTTS 2- 8N1VflTIS 3-17111VRTTS '-211B1BIMlTTS ..
D. Efflclency-Speed-Power Relationsh Figure 11 High Temperature-Straight DC Z6
1- 16Y
2- 21Y 3- 36V . 1- 61Y .. ' !i 5- 8111Y
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! I I :; !
I f- 't . CD ..J II II! IS , II I ,
- w ... C. Characteristics Figure 12 Low Temperature-Chopped DC-120 Volt Input 27 1 ~ l -, z -1 I
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I ! VAns Al'H'11N1 Torque-Power-Voltage Relationships B. Motor Efflclency-Speed-Pow. I Relationships 1- 50G1MTTS 2- 9001WATTS 3-1&00MTTS ---------------------------- ,.. -----------------------
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... I VOLTS C. Controller Efficiency Figure 15 Low Temperature-Chopped DC-144 Volt Input - =. .
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I- 36V 2- 3- fllliV A. Speed-Torque Characteristics B. Output Power-Speed Characteristics ! I I ! I .... :t ...J
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2II1II VRTTS 1- 36V 2- 61V 3- -
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,.. ;!I E It WI I VOlTS C. Controller Efficiency
2- 911111VATTS 3-1 UlBlVRTTS Figure 17 High Temperature-Chopped DC-120 Volt Input .1 1- 36V 1- :V =1 2- 81V 2- 'V I 3- BIY 3- S2V !1 1- 9fN 4,- 2EV Ki ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ! I
gj ~ z t ~ I !J 1! a: :JI 11 GIl ~ I II! ~ ~ A. Speed-Torque Characteristics B. Output Power-Speed Characteristics AI1f'S c. Torque-Current Characteristics Figure 18 High Temperature-Chopped DC-144 Volt Input 33 ... 't- :i - !!
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