Motion Replevin
Motion Replevin
Motion Replevin
AUG 0 1 2007
I, Johnny Jones, the sole owner of all right, title and interest of every kind,
in the property described in detail at in's item #
4545916022, a 1996 Buick Riviera vin # Ig4gd2215t4710668, do cede all
right, title and interest to said property, as described above, to William D
Duff of 3030 NW Oak crest dr. K.C, Mo. 64151 in return for Two
Thousand-Eight Hundred-Fifty ($ 2,850.00) U.S. dollars tendered at the
signing of this document and in satisfaction of the auction agreement
between the parties as a result of the ebay auction.
-ones (Print Date
name here
Witness Signed
Witness: Signed
Linda Talley