Jurisprudence+13 5
Jurisprudence+13 5
Jurisprudence+13 5
justice everywhere
The Constitution of India recognises the fundamental rights, legal rights of every individual and assures complete protection. The fundamental rights include the right to life, to equality, to the freedom of speech and expression etc which are included in part III of the Indian constitution comprising of articles 12 to 35. Every individual has a right to seek judicial redress before the Supreme Court and 21 High Courts of India for enforcement and protection of these rights. Though the Constitution of India guarantees equal rights to all citizens, irrespective of race, gender, religion, and other considerations, and the "directive principles of state policy" as stated in the Constitution (included in Part IV of the constitution comprising of article 36 to 51). Obligate the Government to provide to all citizens a minimum standard of living. The greater majority of the Indian people have no assurance of two meals a day, safety of employment, safe and clean housing, or such level of education as would make it possible for them to understand their constitutional rights and obligations. The stories of the exploitation - by and the state's own functionaries, such as police and revenue officials - on children, women, villagers, the poor, and the working class and the white collar crimes by politicians, bureaucrats, factory owners, businessmen, landlords damaging the economy, environment creating untold sufferings to the community and the nation as a whole. Officials of public authorities misusing the power and position with impunity for their personal advantage using the veil given under article 12 of the constitution of India. Though India's higher courts and, in particular, the Supreme Court have often been sensitive to the grim social realities, and have on occasion given relief to the oppressed, the poor do not have the capacity to represent themselves, or to take advantage of progressive legislation. In 1982, the Supreme Court conceded that unusual measures were warranted to enable people the full realization of not merely their civil and political rights, but the enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights, and in its far- reaching decision in the case of PUDR [People's Union for Democratic Rights] vs. Union of India, it recognised that a third
party could directly petition, whether through a letter or other means, the Court and seek its intervention in a matter where another party's fundamental rights were being violated.
Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar, the chief architect of our constitution said: If I was asked to name any particular Article in this Constitution as the most important, an Article without which the Constitution would be a nullity, I could not refer to any other Article except this one Article 32. It is the very heart of it. The Article 32 is very important. In fact, the Article 32 is itself a Fundamental Right, inserted in Part-III of the constitution (Fundamental Rights). Its scope is very wide and discretionary. The powers given to the Supreme Court under this Article are much wider and not confined to the issuing of five prerogative writs only. The Article 32 makes the Supreme Court as Protector and Guarantor of Fundamental Rights. It is watchdog of the constitution. The framers of the constitution gave the fundamental rights to every citizen. The right without the legal remedy becomes useless.
THE COUNCIL FOR PUBLIC INTEREST LAW SET UP BY THE FORD FOUNDATION IN U.S.A. REPORTED: Public interest law is the name that has recently been given to efforts to provide legal representation to previously unrepresented groups and interests. Such efforts have been undertaken in recognition that the ordinary market place for legal services fails to provide such services to significant segments of the population and to significant interests. Such groups and interests include the poor, environmentalists, consumers racial and ethnic minorities and others.
While giving judgment in Peoples Union for Democratic Rights vs. Union of India, the Supreme Court observed: ... Where a person or class of persons to whom legal injury is caused or legal wrong is done is by reason of poverty, disability or socially or economically disadvantaged position not able to approach the Court for judicial redress, any member of the public acting bona fide and not of any extraneous motivation may move the Court for judicial redress of legal injury or wrong suffered by such person or class of persons.
In exercise of the power under Article 222(1), the President of India vide his order dated 19-1-1981 transferred Mr. Justice M.M. Ismail, the then Chief Justice of Madras High Court as Chief Justice of Kerala High Court, and also Mr. Justice K.B.N. Singh Chief Justice of the Patna High Court as Chief Justice of the Madras High Court with effect from the date they assume their respective charges. The Circular of Union Minister, and in pursuance of the transfers of Judges by the President created great consideration and agitation in the legal circles. The Petitioner S. P. Gupta who was a practising Advocate of the Supreme Court challenged the order of transfer of Judges under Article 32. He also prayed to treat his writ petition as PIL. QUESTIONS / ISSUES FRAMED FOR JUDGMENT OF THE SEVEN BENCH JUDGEMENT OF APEX COURT ARE: 1. Independence of judiciary; 2. Public Interest Litigation and locus standi of lawyers; 3. Nature of powers to appoint / transfer High Court Judges and procedure to be followed Consultation with constitutional functionaries; consent of concerned Judges, etc; 4. Validity of transfer of Judges from one High Court to another; 5. Validity of Union Law Ministers circular dated 18-3-1981; 6. Privilege against disclosure of State documents; etc. JUDGMENT : a. A Seven-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court by 4:3 majority held that the circular letter was valid and it did not affect the independence of judiciary. b. By 4:3 majority, the Supreme Court held that consent of the Judge transferred is not necessary under Article 222. The only requirement is Consultation with the Chief Justice of India which must be effective. PRINCIPLES : i. ii. Power of transfer of Judges must be exercised in public interest. Transfers should not be done by way of punishment. Any person can file a writ petition under Article 32 pertaining of public interest issues, which shall be treated as PIL. In such cases, the principle of locus standi should be relaxed by the High Courts and the Supreme Court. By PILs the independence of judiciary is saved, further justice can reach to the needy and poor people.
The Supreme Court observed : The principle of independence of the judiciary is not an abstract conception but it is a living faith which derive its inspiration from the constitutional charter and its nourishment and sustenance from the constitutional values. Our constitution is not a non-aligned national charter. It is a document of social revolution which casts an obligation on every instrumentality including the judiciary, which is a separate but equal branch of the State, to transform the status quo ante into a new human order in which justice, social, economic and political will inform all institutions of national life and there will be equality of status and opportunity for all. The judiciary has therefore a socioeconomic destination and a creative function. It cannot remain content to act merely as an umpire but it must be functionally involved in the goal of socialeconomic justice. Thus The Court in place of disinterested and dispassionate adjudicator became active participant in the dispensation of justice. iii. JUSTICE KRISHNA IYER, THE LEGEND OBSERVED: Independence of the Judiciary is not genuflexion; nor is it opposition to every proposition of Government. It is neither judiciary made to opposition measure nor Governments pleasure.... Their Lordship observed: The concept of independence of the judiciary is a noble concept which inspires the constitutional scheme and constitutes the foundation on which rests the edifice of our democratic polity. If there is one principle which runs through the entire fabric of the Constitution, it is the principle of the rule of law and under the Constitution, it is the judiciary which is entrusted with the task of keeping every organ of the State within the limits of the law and thereby making the rule of law meaningful and effective. THE JUSTICE P. N. BHAGWATI: The father of PIL.... Whenever there is a public wrong or public injury caused by an act or omission of the State or a public authority which is contrary to the Constitution or the law, any member of the public acting bona fide and having sufficient interest can maintain an action for redressal of such public wrong or public injury. The strict rule of standing which insists that only a person who has suffered a specific legal injury can maintain an action for judicial redress is relaxed and a broad rule is evolved which gives standing to any member of the public who is not a mere busy-body or a middlesome interloper but who has sufficient interest in the proceeding.
Clause j to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievements. 6. While considering the locus standi the bonafides of the petitioner will become paramount when the subject matter of the litigation does not come clearly under issues like environment, poverty, downtrodden etc. The petitioner should be able to put in extra efforts to convince the court by quoting/interpreting the judgment Peoples Union for Democratic Rights vs. Union of India, the words disadvantaged position and disability may be of some help. 7. For instance, when a wrong is caused to a student because of the errors in the evaluation of the exams even though the student may be economically better of and may have sufficient means to approach the courts but because of the fear that he may be intentionally failed by the public authorities. 8. Generally, the learned judges read the entire affidavit and ask few questions and the petitioner must be fully prepared with convincing answers supported by facts, apex court judgments etc. Three basic requirements which needs through analysis for filing a public interest litigation are 1. Personal Injury, 2. Causation, 3. Redressability a) Injury: - The public or the class or group of public must have suffered or imminently will suffer injury- an invasion of a legally protected interest that is concrete and particularized. The injury must be actual or imminent, distinct and palpable, not abstract. This injury could be economic as well as non-economic. b) Causation: - There must be a casual connection between the injury and the conduct complained of, so that injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defendant who is a public authority and not the result of the independent action of some third party who is not before the court. c) Redressability: - It must be likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that a favourable court decision will redress the injury. 9. Inspite of all this finally it is the learned judges conviction and discretion which will decide the fate of the petition. The case will be dismissed using discretion, if
the learned chief justice is not in favour of PILs. So the affidavit must be clear convincing and self explanatory with proper supportings. 10. The petitioner must be ready with answers for all the possible questions. In other words the case should be looked from the angle of possible dismissal rather than admission based on many strong points because in case of dismissal the same can be challenged in Supreme Court.
maintaining Rule of law and accelerating the balance between law and justice. It is a settled law that when a person approaches the court of equity in exercise of extraordinary jurisdiction, he should approach the court not only with clean hands but with clean mind, heart and with clean objectives. In the case of M.C Mehta V. Union of India - In a Public Interest Litigation brought against Ganga water pollution so as to prevent any further pollution of Ganga water, the Supreme court held that petitioner although not a riparian owner is entitled to move the court for the enforcement of statutory provisions, as he is the person interested in protecting the lives of the people who make use of Ganga water. Voluntary organisation Council For Environment Legal Action V. Union Of India -: Public Interest Litigation filed by registered voluntary organization regarding economic degradation in coastal area. Supreme Court issued appropriate orders and directions for enforcing the laws to protect ecology. Report of research paper or a newspaper A report entitled "Treat Prisoners Equally HC" published in a newspaper, the Punjab & Haryana High Court quashed the provisions of jail manual dividing prisoners into A, B & C classes after holding that there cannot be any classification of convicts on the basis of their social status, education or habit of living .This is a remarkable ruling given by High Court by declaring 576-A paragraph of the manual to be " Unconstitutional".
Public Interest Litigation has proved a boon for the common man. Public Interest Litigation has set right, a number of wrongs committed by any public authority, by society or by an individual. By relaxing the scope of Public Interest Litigation, Court has brought legal aid at the doorsteps of the teeming millions of Indians; which the executive has not been able to do despite a lot of money is being spent on new legal aid schemes operating at the central and state level. Supreme Court's pivotal role in expanding the scope of Public Interest Litigation as a counter balance to the lethargy and inefficiency of the executive is commendable.
Law is a means to an end that end is justice..... If law shoots justice, then people will shoot law......
Honorable Supreme Court of India