NSol V4 - 6 Manual

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PV System Sizing Program

Version 4.6

PV System Sizing Program

FearTheSkunk Germantown, MD USA www.nsolpv.com
rev 1.1


PV System Sizing Program

1 2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Installation............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 2.2 Installation File ............................................................................................................................. 7 Registration and Activation .......................................................................................................... 7 Purchase ................................................................................................................................ 7 Registration ........................................................................................................................... 7 Activation .............................................................................................................................. 7 Updates ................................................................................................................................. 8 Demo Version ....................................................................................................................... 8 Background ........................................................................................................................... 8 Manual Configuration ........................................................................................................... 8 Rebuild NSol4 Config ........................................................................................................... 9

2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Borland BDE Database Configuration .......................................................................................... 8

Program Overview .............................................................................................................................. 10 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Starting the Program ................................................................................................................... 10 Opening a File ............................................................................................................................. 10 Navigating the Notebook ............................................................................................................ 10 Printing a Report ......................................................................................................................... 11 Saving the File ............................................................................................................................ 11 Closing the Program.................................................................................................................... 11 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Data Entry Page .......................................................................................................................... 12 Site Data ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Insolation /Temperature Data...................................................................................................... 12 Insolation Database ..................................................................................................................... 12 Navigating the Database ..................................................................................................... 13

Data Entry ........................................................................................................................................... 12


4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

PV System Sizing Program

Search City .......................................................................................................................... 13 Search State/Region ............................................................................................................ 13 Search Country.................................................................................................................... 13 Search Latitude / Longitude ................................................................................................ 13

Editing the Database ................................................................................................................... 14 System Data ................................................................................................................................ 14 Component Data ......................................................................................................................... 14 Battery ................................................................................................................................. 14 PV Modules ........................................................................................................................ 15 Hybrid Components ............................................................................................................ 15 Inverter ................................................................................................................................ 16 Load Summary Report ........................................................................................................ 17

4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.9 5 4.9.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Load Data .................................................................................................................................... 16

Array Tilt Calculation ......................................................................................................................... 18 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Array Tilt .................................................................................................................................... 18 Tracking Options ........................................................................................................................ 19 Optimization ............................................................................................................................... 19 Array Insolation Report .............................................................................................................. 19 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Selecting Components................................................................................................................. 20 Setting Array Tilt ........................................................................................................................ 20 ALR Method ............................................................................................................................... 20 MPPT vs. Non MPPT Controller ........................................................................................ 22 LOLP Page .......................................................................................................................... 23 BSOC Page ......................................................................................................................... 24 Note on Calculations ........................................................................................................... 25 LOLP Method ............................................................................................................................. 23

System Sizing Standalone PV .......................................................................................................... 20

6.4.1 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4

LOLP Methodology .................................................................................................................... 25 IV Curve Analysis....................................................................................................................... 26 Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 26 System Sizing Report .......................................................................................................... 26 System Availability (LOLP) Report .................................................................................. 26 Battery SOC Report ............................................................................................................ 27 Standalone System Summary Report .................................................................................. 27



PV System Sizing Program

System Sizing - Hybrid ....................................................................................................................... 28 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 28 Selecting Components................................................................................................................. 28 Setting Array Tilt ........................................................................................................................ 28 Hybrid System Analysis.............................................................................................................. 28 Hybrid System Analysis Screen .................................................................................................. 29 Hybrid Sizing Report .................................................................................................................. 30 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Selecting Components................................................................................................................. 31 Setting Array Tilt ........................................................................................................................ 31 Grid System Analysis ................................................................................................................. 31 Grid System Screens ................................................................................................................... 32 Grid System Report..................................................................................................................... 32 Report Summary ......................................................................................................................... 33 Printing Reports .......................................................................................................................... 33 Printing ................................................................................................................................ 33 Page Setup ........................................................................................................................... 33 PDF Files ............................................................................................................................ 33

System Sizing Grid Systems ............................................................................................................ 31 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

Reports and Exporting Data ................................................................................................................ 33 9.1 9.2

9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6

Printing Charts ............................................................................................................................ 33 Exporting Charts ......................................................................................................................... 33 Exporting ASCII Data for Spreadsheets ..................................................................................... 33 Exporting Grid Data for Spreadsheets ........................................................................................ 33

APPENDIX 1 - SAMPLE REPORTS ................................................................................................................... APPENDIX 2 - GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................................................................................................. APPENDIX 3 - LIST OF SIZING REFERENCES ................................................................................................

For more information or technical support, contact:

Web: www.nsolpv.com Email: nsolpv@verizon.net


PV System Sizing Program

1 Introduction

NSol! is a computer assisted design tool to be used in

the design and analysis of battery based photovoltaic (PV) and PV-Generator hybrid power systems. It combines the power of advanced statistical performance algorithms with the speed and ease of use necessary for daily use by PV industry sales and systems engineering professionals. NSol! is designed to operate on a Windows computer under Microsoft XP or later. There are three major tasks when designing a PV system using NSol! Entering the data (Section 4) Optimizing the array tilt (Section 5), and Sizing the system and estimating performance (Sections 6, 7 and 8) Once the system has been sized, the data can be stored in a file for later use. NSol! also provides a number of standardized reports which can be printed on any WindowsTM-compatible printer (Section 9 and Appendix 1).

NSol! has a number of features which make it unique

among current PV system sizing programs, including: Ease of operation. The program is designed with a "point and click" interface, pull down menus, standard input dialog boxes, and professional-looking printouts. All of these streamline the operation to the point where a system can be sized and revised while on the phone with a customer, or under tight proposal deadlines. Easy insolation input requirements. The program uses only monthly average global horizontal solar insolation, which is readily available for sites all over the world. There is no need for detailed hourly insolation required by many "simulation" programs. In addition, an international insolation database is included. The NSol-DB Database contains nearly 2,500 sites compiled from the University of Lowell and


PV System Sizing Program

NREL solar insolation databases, and has the ability to search for specific sites by city, state, country or latitude / longitude. This database is user-modifiable. Advanced statistical system performance analysis. NSol! uses a proprietary LOLP algorithm developed by Professor L. L. Bucciarelli of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Based on the concept of "Markov Transition Matrices," this algorithm calculates the statistical performance of the solar insolation resource, then applies this to the battery-based PV system. The result is a "Loss-ofLoad Probability" which gives a concise estimate of system reliability. Hybrid System Analysis Basic performance calculations for PV-BatteryGenerator hybrids Grid System Analysis Basic performance calculations for utility-tied PV systems Laser Quality Printouts - summary and detailed printouts are ready for inclusion directly into your proposals. A graphic "Tool-Bar" -- icon-based shortcuts to common file functions NSol! is easy enough to use that a new user can just jump right in without reading the manual. For a quick overview of the program, Section 3 contains a summary of program operation.


PV System Sizing Program

2 Installation
2.1 InstallationFile
You can download the installation file from: www.nsolPV.com Double-click on the file and follow the onscreen instructions to install. It is preferable to install in the default location (the C:\ drive), but the location may be changed if required. If installed in any other location, or if installed in a 64 bit environment, you must follow the Database Registration instructions in section 2.3 below. Note that the program must be installed with Administrator priviliges. This will bring up the following screen:

2.2 RegistrationandActivation
2.2.1 Purchase Note: The program must be purchased before activation. Payment must be made via PayPal. When payment has been completed, you will receive a serial number via email. Each serial number is valid for installation on up to two computers, so it can be used on a desktop and a laptop (for field use). Contact nsolpv@verizon.net for more information. 2.2.2 Registration When the program starts for the first time, a registration screen will appear:

Please fill out this screen and click on [Send]. This will create an email which will give us the information we need to generate the activation code. This needs to be done once for each computer on which the program is installed. Once the email has been sent, you can close the program 2.2.3 Activation Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with the activation code for your specific computer. Open the program, and click on [Enter Activation Code], changing the dialog box to the following:

Click on the lower button [Register (Apply for Code)]

Enter the serial number and activation code from the email and click on [Activate]. The program will now run properly.


PV System Sizing Program Note -- The actual program is found in c:\program files\common files\borland shared\bde.)

2.2.4 Updates Periodically, we will issue updates to the program. Users will receive an email with instructions on how to download / install the updates. 2.2.5 DemoVersion A demo version is available from the website. This has the full set of design features of the main program with three exceptions: 1) Saving is disabled. 2) Printed reports will have a Demo Version watermark. 3) The Company name and address cannot be changed.

2.3 BorlandBDEDatabase Configuration

Background NSol! databases are managed using the Borland Database Engine. Installation of this software is automatic in most cases; however, because of the widely disparate requirements of Windows operating systems, manual intervention may be required in some cases. Known cases involve 64 bit operating systems, installation on a non-C drive, and some issues with XP permissions. In 64 bit system, the operating software will install the program in a folder called C:\Program Files (x86)\nsol! instead of the c:\program files\nsol! folder. The BDE is looking in the latter folder so it needs to be manually changed. A similar situation applies when the program is installed on a non-C drive. You will know if this is the situation if you try to open one of the database tabs you will get some sort of message (depending on the system) about missing BDE configurations. If this occurs, you can manually set the BDE configuration using the following steps. 2.3.2 ManualConfiguration 1. Open the Control Panel and start the BDE Administration program (bdeadmin.exe), using administrator privileges in Visa or Windows 7. 8 2.3.1

2. Click on the [Databases Tab] and then select NSol46. Click on the [Path] field on the right hand side and set the path to the proper value, using the [] to open a file browser. The program is typically installed in \program files\nsol! on one of the drives, but this will be \program files (x86)\nsol!

3. Next, click on the [Configuration] tab. Expand the Configuration property, then Drivers, then Native, then click on Paradox, which will bring up the following screen:


PV System Sizing Program 5. Click on the configuration tab and set up as per 3. and 4. above. 6. Close and save. If there are other problems, please contact us at nsolpv@verizon.net . Please include your operating system (XP, Vista, Windows 7, 32 bit or 64 bit) and your installation location. Windows is a funny thing we have most of the situations covered, but I would not be surprised to see some new variation.

4. Change the NET DIR path to be C:\Program Files\Common Files\bdeshare 5. Note on some XP systems, this may not be possible. If so, set the path to c:\. 6. Close the program, saving the data as prompted. 2.3.3 RebuildNSol4Config On some XP systems, it may not be possible to save the BDE configuration file because of strange system permissions restriction. If this occurs, please use the following steps to fix the problem: 1. Delete the NSol4 database by clicking on the X of right clicking and selecting Delete. 2. Type Ctrl-N to insert a new database, choosing Standard when prompted.

3. Rename it NSol46 Properties should be Standard, PARADOX and False (under enable BCD) 4. Set the path as described above (Step 2).


PV System Sizing Program

3 ProgramOverview
3.1 Overview

NSol! is a project-based approach to sizing PV

systems. Each system is stored in a separate file with the PV5 extension. The PV5 file opens to show the summary page of a notebook with separate pages for each of the major sizing functions. Clicking on a component on the summary page opens a data or load data entry form. Multiple documents can be open at the same time, allowing comparisons between different system options. The program also produces a variety of reports, and data export capabilities.

3.2 StartingtheProgram
The program is opened by double-clicking on the program icon, or its shortcut. Shortcuts can be installed on the desktop, Start menu, or toolbar.

The third option allows the user to start a new file, using an existing file as the initial data. This is useful for analyzing one system design at multiple locations, or for looking at multiple options for a single site (e.g. hybrid vs. standalone).

3.3 OpeningaFile
Once the program has started, it offers three choices:

3.4 NavigatingtheNotebook
The notebook contains four or five pages, depending on the system configuration.

The first option starts a new project using the data stored in default.PV5 and names it new.PV5. (Note -- The default file can be edited to include the users most common module, battery, location, or system parameters so that these will appear automatically when a new file is started.) The second option allows the user to open an existing file via a standard file dialog box.

The pages are selected by clicking on tabs at the top of the project notebook. The first page is the summary page, which is used to enter site information, loads and components. The second page is the Array Tilt page, used for calculated the insolation on the tilted / tracking array surface.



PV System Sizing Program

Standalone PV systems include the Sizing

(ALR) page, the LOLP Analysis page, and the BSOC page. Hybrid systems include the Sizing (ALR) and Hybrid Sizing pages. Grid connect systems include the Grid System and Grid Typ Day pages.

3.6 SavingtheFile
Once the project is designed, it can be saved either via a speed button in the top toolbar, or via a menu command. The menu also includes File _SaveAs which allows the file to be saved under a different name.

3.5 PrintingaReport
Reports can be can be printed in three ways: Clicking on the Printer speed button will print a report appropriate for the active page, if it is available. Choosing File _Print from the main menu accomplishes the same thing. Choosing File_PrintAll from the main menu allows the user to choose a set of reports to print with a single command.

If the file is new, the program will suggest a name based on the city name.

3.7 ClosingtheProgram
An individual project can be closed via a speed button, a menu command, or the X in the upper right corner of the project screen. The entire program can be closed in the same ways. If the open projects have not been saved, the program will prompt the user for an appropriate action.



PV System Sizing Program

4 DataEntry
4.1 Overview
In order to properly size a PV or hybrid power system, information about the site, loads, and components must be specified. In NSol!, this is done via the Summary page of the project notebook.

Longitude (decimal degrees East is

positive, West is negative) Elevation (meters) Comments / References Insolation data is also entered from this page.

4.4 Insolation/TemperatureData
To enter insolation data, click on the Sun in the upper left of the Summary Page. This will bring up the site data page in the data entry dialog. The following data specifies the solar resources and temperature at the site: GH Insol Average Global Horizontal insolation for each month of the year. Avg temp Average daily temperature at the site for each month of the year (degrees Celsius) Temp Swing the average number of degrees between the average temperature and the high or low temperature. Typically 5 to 8 deg C. Example average is 18C, variation is 5C, so average high is 23C, average low is 13C.) Reflectance typically 0.2 (20%). Can range from 0.02 (2%) for loose, dark soil or asphalt, to 0.8 (80%) for smooth snow. Each of these factors can be entered by month.

4.2 DataEntryPage
Clicking on the corresponding symbol on the Summary page accesses the appropriate data entry form. For example, clicking on the PV Array will bring up the PV page of the components dialog. The site and component data is either entered directly into the form, or selected from a database (PV modules, batteries and Site Insolation only). Loads are entered by clicking on the Load symbol at the right of the page (PV and hybrid only). Up to ten distinct loads can be entered.

4.3 SiteData
To enter site data, click on the site summary table on the Summary screen. This will bring up the data entry dialog box. This form includes pages for the site data and system factors, as well as each of the major components.

4.5 InsolationDatabase

NSol! includes an insolation / site database to

facilitate data entry. All data is public domain data, primarily from NREL (for us sites) and the University of Lowell (for international sites). Note that version 4.6 includes an additional NASA satellite database, which covers the entire globe at 1 degree latitude / longitude intervals. Since this data does not include city, state or country information, it can only be accessed via a Latitude / Longitude search. The following data is used for the site: Site Name City Region / State Country Latitude (decimal degrees North is positive, South is negative)



PV System Sizing Program 4.5.3 SearchState/Region This button sorts the database by region, and finds the nearest match. Most of the international sites do not have a region entered, so this is primarily useful for custom sites, or for US sites. 4.5.4 SearchCountry This button sorts the database by country, and finds the nearest match. This is useful when looking for a site in a particular country. 4.5.5 SearchLatitude/Longitude This button filters the database so that it only includes sites within the search criteria specified by the search dialog box:

To access the database, click on the InsolDatabase button in the lower right of the site entry page. This will bring up a form that allows access to the entire NSol! Insolation database.

4.5.1 NavigatingtheDatabase To move through the database, use the four buttons located below the search buttons. These buttons have the following functions: The left button (left arrow with bar) moves to the beginning of the database. The left arrow moves back one record. The right arrow moves forward one record. The right arrow with bar moves to the last record in the database. 4.5.2 SearchCity To search the database by city, click on the search city button, enter the city name in the Seach City field, and click on Okay. This will sort the database by city name, and find the nearest match. Note that it is not necessary to enter the entire name, just the first few letters.

The user can then use the navigation buttons to scroll through this data and find an appropriate site.


4.6 EditingtheDatabase

PV System Sizing Program

4.8 ComponentData
The next four tabs contain the specific component information: Batteries PV Modules / Array Grid Inverter Hybrid Info (generator, rectifier, battery charge setpoints) 4.8.1 Battery This dialog page allows the user to specify the battery used in the system design.

The insolation database has standard user-editing capabilities. These are accessed by clicking on the Edit DB button just below the navigation bar. This changes the database from read only to modifiable and adds six editing buttons to the navigation tool bar. From left to right they are: Plus -- Add new record Minus -- Delete record Up Arrow Edit Record Check Post record (save to database) X Cancel Edit Circle Arrow Refresh data Please remember to keep a backup copy of the database and all index files if you plan on editing the database. In a default installation, the database files are in a folder called DB under Program Files / OEC / NSol. If you chose a different folder during installation, try searching for ns4ins.db.

4.7 SystemData
The system tab opens a page which contains the basic system sizing background data. These fields include: Battery Voltage Maximum Battery Depth-of-Discharge Average Battery Volts/cell AC Operating Voltage Target ALR Target Battery Days System Losses (with seasonal loss option)

The user has the choice of entering the data directly or choosing a module from a pre-designed database. The user can edit the database using the same techniques as with the insolation database. Battery parameters are: Battery Manufacturer Battery Model - Name of the battery. Cell Amp-hr -- Rate amp-hour capacity of the battery at the C/100 rate. Unit Volts -- voltage of the battery unit. For individual battery cells, this is two volts. For monoblocs (pre-packaged groups of cells), this may be 4, 6, 8 or 12 volts. # Series -- The number of cells or blocks in series # Parallel -- The number of parallel strings Auto Series -- If this block is selected, the program will automatically calculate the proper number of cells or blocks in series. This should only be overridden with great care. Monobloc -- This box determines the behavior of the battery sizing controls on the



PV System Sizing Program

"Sizing (ALR)" page. If the box is not selected, the program will simply increase or decrease the number of amp-hour in response to the up and down arrows. If monobloc" is selected, the program will leave the Ah capacity alone, and increase or decrease the number of parallel strings. 4.8.2 PVModules PV module information can be entered directly or selected from a database.

# Series - This is the total number of

modules in a single series string. # Parallel - This is the total number of strings in parallel. Auto Series - If this box is checked, the program will calculate the number of modules in series automatically, with one module per 12V of nominal capacity. This should typically be checked for systems up to 48V. For 120 V systems, a careful designer might be able to use only 9 modules in series, especially in colder climates. If the "# Parallel" field is initially left blank, the program will automatically calculate the size of the array to meet the "Target ALR" specified previously. This then forms a starting point for sizing the system. This dialog box can also be used later to change the system size or configuration. 4.8.3 HybridComponents

The user can edit the database using the same techniques as with the insolation database. The data fields are as follows: PV Module Mfgr - Name of the PV module manufacturer. PV Module Model - Name of the PV module. Module W(p) - Rated power of the module. This is used in the system specifications and BOM only. Vmpp, or Vtyp - Module max power voltage Impp, or Ityp - Module max power current Voc - Module open circuit voltage Isc - module open circuit current V Temp Comp % - Voltage temperature compensation for PV modules, expressed as percent of open circuit voltage per degree C above/below 25 deg C. (Example value of -0.4 means -0.004 * Voc per deg C) I Temp Comp % - Current temperature compensation for PV modules, expressed as percent of short circuit current per degree C above/below 25 deg C. (Example value of 0.035 means 0.00035 * Isc per deg C)

The user must enter the following generator and battery charger information: Generator Manufacturer Generator Model Genset Power Rating Power in kilowatts Genset Power Factor Rating Rating of Alternator typically either 0.8 or 1.0 Full Load Fuel Consumption (FLFC) Fuel use at full load either liters per hour (diesel) or kg per hour (LPG) Quarter Load Fuel Consumption (QLFC) Fuel use at 25% load (quarter load) in L/hr or kg/hr



PV System Sizing Program The user must enter the following inverter information: Inverter Manufacturer Inverter Model number Inverter rating in kW Average efficiency In addition, the Type and Configuration need to be set using the radio buttons. NOTE At this time, the inverter efficiency number is used only for reporting. The actual efficiency should be set under loads as described in the next section.

Generator Maintenance Oil Change

Interval in hours, typically between 100 and 500 hours Generator Maintenance Decoke Interval in hours, typically 500-1500 hours for decarbonization (also called top end overhaul) Generator Maintenance Overhaul Interval in hours, full overhaul of engine, typically at 6,000-10,000 hours Generator Maintenance Generator Life, ranged between 1,000 hours for a small gas/petrol engine to 20,000-40,000 for a well maintained diesel engine Battery Charger Current primary rating for battery charger determines load on engine/generator Battery Charger Power Factor used to size alternator Battery Charger Efficiency used to determine AC power requirement of battery charger as seen by the generator In addition, the data input screen allows the following control setpoint inputs: Generator Start Battery State of Charge typically 20-50% SOC Generator Stop BSOC (normal charge) typically 80-90% SOC Normal Charge Coloumbic (Amp-hr) Efficiency typically 90-95% for nonequalization charging Equalization Frequency typically one to four times per month Inverter


4.9 LoadData
Load information can be entered via the Load Input dialog box. This is accessed by clicking on the "Radio Tower" on the System Summary page, or via the System Load menu. Up to ten different loads can be entered.

The load dialog box consists of four data fields, along with three "radio-button" selection fields and a "Check Box". The load is specified by the load size, load hours, load type (amps / amp-hrs / watts), AC / DC, conversion efficiency and load profile. The load size, load hours, and conversion efficiency are entered via data fields. The other choices -- amps vs. Ah vs. watt, AC vs. DC, and load profile are entered via "Radio buttons."



PV System Sizing Program than a system which is more closely matched to the solar resource. Seasonal Loads -- Clicking on this box allows the user to specify the loads by month. This can be useful for specifying lighting loads which vary over the year, or loads such as air-conditioners, which only operate in one season. Note that the maximum load is 100%. This means you must specify the maximum design load, then vary it as a percentage of the maximum. When you are done entering the data, click on the "OK" button or press [Enter] on the keyboard. If you want to exit without saving changes, click on the Cancel" button or press [Esc] on the keyboard. To enter another load, click on the Next arrow. This will bring you to another load entry page. You can enter up to ten separate loads. If there are more than ten loads, you must group them into similar categories ("Lighting", "Telecom Equipment", etc.) and enter the conglomerate data. 4.9.1 LoadSummaryReport The Load Summary Report lists all of the details for the loads which were entered, including: Load Description, Load Size, Power Type, Conversion Efficiency, Load Hours, Load Profile, and seasonal loads. This information can be used to verify proper load input. A sample Load Summary Report is included in the Appendix.

If "Seasonal Loads" are selected, the loads can be set by month via a separate dialog input.

The data is entered as follows: Load Description - a brief description of the equipment which is being powered, e.g. "Streetlights," "Microwave Transmitter," "Refrigerator." Load Size - The magnitude of the load, either in watts, amps or amp-hours. This is entered as a real number. Choose Amps, Amp-Hrs or Watts to match the design load by selecting one of the "radio" buttons. AC vs. DC - This choice is also made via "radio" buttons. Conversion Efficiency - this is entered as an integer percent, e.g. 80% is entered as "80". Typical inverters have efficiencies ranging from 70% through 95%. DC to DC converters used in many telecom systems have efficiencies of 80 to 90%. Load Hours - hours per day that the load operates, entered as a real number, with a minimum of 0.1 and a maximum of 24.0. Load Profile - Selected from six choices via "radio" buttons on the right side of the dialog box. The choices range from "Daytime only" though "Day/Night" (50% each), on to "Night Only." The Dusk to Dawn operation will automatically calculate the number of hours between sunset and sunrise and enter deratings under seasonal load. (See Below.) This information is used by the statistical LOLP calculations. A system which has night loads will have a higher LOLP (worse reliability)



PV System Sizing Program The "Text / Graph" button toggles the display between the graphic display and a text chart of the same data. In the "text" mode, the display switches to tabular data, as shown below.

5 ArrayTiltCalculation
5.1 Overview
The first step in the sizing process is to calculate the average insolation on the tilted array. This step is done using the "Tilt Analysis" page which is selected by clicking on the "Array Tilt" tab at the top of the notebook, or by choosing Sizing, then Array Tilt from the main menu.

5.2 ArrayTilt
The basic window is shown below. The display consists of three sections - the control buttons, the insolation graph or chart, and the summary information. The controls along the right side of the page control the actions available. There are three types of controls: Array Tilt and Azimuth using "spin buttons", a box for selecting tracking items, and program / display control (Text / Graph, Print, and To Clipboard). To change the array tilt and orientation, simply click on the up and down arrows next to the tilt and azimuth options, or enter a value directly. In the northern hemisphere, an array with a positive tilt points towards the equator, and in the southern hemisphere, an array with a negative tilt points towards the equator. Since the calculations do not do "time of day" effects, the azimuth is simply the direction in degrees either east or west of due north/south.

The column labeled "Horiz" represents the global horizontal insolation as entered previously. The values are kilowatt hours per square meter per day, or kWh/m2/d. The "Clearness" values are the ratio between the measured insolation and the extraterrestrial insolation. The "TiltFactor" is the calculated ratio between the horizontal and tilted insolation. The column labeled "Array" is the monthly average insolation on the array, also in kWh/m2/d. Two speed buttons control output of this information: Print - This button will print the Array Tilt Analysis report to the active printer. To Clipboard - This button will copy a bitmap of either the graph or the chart to the clipboard. It can then be pasted into a word processing document. Note that since this is a bitmap, the resolution is not especially good. Once you have finalized the tilt, you can choose Print to print a single page report (see Section 9.1), or click on the "Sizing (ALR)" tab at the top of the notebook to move on to the next step.


5.3 TrackingOptions

PV System Sizing Program

The tracking buttons provide four choices for tracking arrays: The baseline choice is a fixed flat plate array. Vertical is for single axis vertical axis tracking. The azimuth input has no effect on this calculation, since it assumes that the array is rotated from east to west using a vertical axis. Polar is for single axis polar tracking. The azimuth input has no effect on this calculation, since it assumes that the array is aligned north-south at the specified tilt Two Axis tracking assumes an array than can fully track the sun while it is above the horizon.

5.4 Optimization
When optimizing the array tilt, the orientation of the array is entered first, using the Azmith control box. The array is then tilted used the array tilt control button. When in Graph mode, the array insolation is plotted along with the horizontal insolation. The minimum and average insolation values are also displayed on the bottom center of the page. For standalone PV systems, the array is typically tilted to maximize the worst month insolation. For hybrid systems, the array tilt is often optimized for annual average insolation.

5.5 ArrayInsolationReport
The Array Insolation Report shows both horizontal and tilted / array data in both tabular and graphic forms. The report also shows the average temperature and Clearness Index. A sample Array Insolation Report is included in the Appendix.



PV System Sizing Program The PV array must have sufficient energy both to power the load, and to recharge the battery after cloudy periods. The PV array can be described either by its power rating, its output amperage, or its power relative to the load (Array / Load Ratio). In general, the ALR should be greater than 1.0, or the array will not produce sufficient energy to supply the load for that month. Theoretically, a system could continue to operate with an ALR less than one, as long as there is enough battery storage available to supply the shortfall in energy. However, this assumes that every day is exactly average, and that a battery is a perfect energy storage device. In reality, a system with an ALR less than 1.0 will operate for long periods at low states of charge, which can cause damage to the battery. In addition, the variability of the solar insolation means that the system will not be able to keep up with the load, and the load will need to be disconnected to protect the battery. Good design practice thus dictates that a system should have an array to load ratio of at least 1.0, and preferably slightly higher about 1.1 is a good starting point. The higher the array/load ratio, the faster the battery will get recharged during sunny days. The array to load ratio should only be less than 1.0 for systems which can tolerate extended periods of load disconnect. The system battery provides energy storage for the system, both to supply night loads, and to smooth out the inevitable variation of the solar insolation. Standard design practice has been to supply 5 days of battery storage at average sites. Battery size can be decreased if a site has very good insolation (and low variability) or if the loads are not critical. The battery capacity is derated for cold temperatures based on the curve, which follows. This curve is based on manufacturers literature for long-rate discharge of lead acid batteries.

6 SystemSizingStandalonePV
6.1 Overview
The goal for sizing a standalone PV system is to select an array and battery size / configuration which will support the load(s) during the design periods. There are four main steps to this process: Selecting Components Setting the array tilt Setting the battery size Setting the array size Two methods can be used to evaluate the system performance: Energy Balance / ALR (Section 6.4) Loss of Load Probability (Section 6.5 & 6.6) Finally, the program provides detailed information about the IV characteristics of the array during system operation.

6.2 SelectingComponents
Prior to starting the sizing process, the user must select a PV module, a battery, and at least one valid load. The user should also select a site, and enter a valid system voltage. (Ref. Section 4)

6.3 SettingArrayTilt
The array tilt, azimuth and tracking options should be set as described in Section 5.

6.4 ALRMethod
The sizing tab starts the design process.

Battery Temperature Derating Capacity vs Temperature



PV System Sizing Program

When a system is first entered, NSol! provides a "baseline" system size. The PV array is sized so that the minimum ALR is greater than 1.10, and the battery is sized so that the battery has five days capacity (before any temperature derating). The user can then choose the various system sizing buttons to change the system size. Alternatively, the user can enter values directly using the forms available on the Summary Page. This is especially useful for analyzing an existing system, or a competitive system. You can print a sizing report or export the chart it to a word processor as described under array tilt analysis. The next step in the system sizing process is to choose the size of the PV array and battery to match the load. The basic procedure is to size the PV array so that it produces enough amp-hours to meet the load requirements. The array output and load needs are compared using the Array / Load Ratio, or ALR. This analysis is done using the "System Sizing" page, which is selected by clicking on the "Sizing (ALR)" tab or by choosing Sizing, then ALR Sizing from the main menu. The basic window is shown below: The display consists of three sections - the control buttons, the system sizing graph or chart, and the summary information. The controls along the right side of the page control the actions available. There are three types of controls: "Spin Controls" for setting the array and battery size, "AutoCalc" buttons for automatically calculating the size of the array and / or battery, and program / display control buttons. The System Sizing controls function as follows: PV Modules - This box increases or decreases the number of PV modules. The increment is the value in the "# Series" box in the PV Module input data box. Battery Ah - This box increases or decreases the battery size. The increment is either 5% of the battery cell rating or the full cell rating if the "monobloc" option is chosen. AutoPV - This button sets the array size to match the "Target Array / Load Ratio" specified in the "System Info" input screen.

AutoBatt - This button sets the battery size

to match the "Target Battery Size" specified in the "System Info" input screen. The Program Control buttons function as follows: Text / Graph -- Changes from graphical display to a sizing chart. The column labeled "LoadAh/day" gives the daily load in amphours at system voltage. The column labeled "Array Output (Ah/day)" gives the net output of the PV array (after system losses) in amp-hours at system voltage. The column labeled "Array/Load Ratio" gives the ALR which is simply the PV amp-hours divided by the load amp-hours. The column labeled "BattDays" gives the derated battery storage in days.

IV Check / IV Analysis For explanation

see Section 6.7.



PV System Sizing Program

The system summary section at the bottom of the screen gives values for the PV array (# of modules, array kW and array amps), and the battery (# of days, battery kW, battery Ah, and battery volts). 6.4.1 MPPTvs.NonMPPTController One of the new features of NSol! V4.6 is the option to specify a Max Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller. With a standard (non-MPPT) controller, the system treats the array as a current source, that is a constant current device. The current is set to the maximum power current of the module, derated properly for temperature. This tends to be slightly on the conservative side, as long as the module as sufficient voltage to so that it does not drop over the knee of the IV curve. This can be checked by clicking on the [IV Check] button. The user can specify an MPTT controller on the [Summary] tab of the Inputs dialog. There is a checkbox just below the System Voltage selection box.

When an MPPT controller is selected, there is a flag on the summary page just below the controller symbol, as shown in the following screenshot:

When this feature is selected, the system determines the array output by calculating the maximum power of the array at each point over a typical day for each month (15 minute intervals). This value is derated for temperature, and the battery charge current is calculated by dividing the power by the battery charge voltage (average system voltage plus 0.2 volts per cell). This value is then multiplied by 97% to account for losses in the controller. To approximate a change in this value, adjust the system losses value up or down. Note that this method does not check whether the array voltage is properly configured to operate with the controller. It is up to the system designer to ensure that the array is properly configured according to the controller manufacturer specifications. Typically, MPPT controllers use a step down controller, so the array voltage is higher than would normally be used. To do this, uncheck the Auto Series box on the PV Module page of the inputs dialog, and set the number of series modules manually.


6.5 LOLPMethod

PV System Sizing Program This page has three sections -- the Graph / Chart, summary sizing information, and one control button: Text / Graph -- This button switches the display between the LOLP graph and the data tables with detailed statistical information. (Shown below, with an explanation of the terms in the table immediately following)

Occasionally, the system designer needs to consider factors other than a simple energy balance in a system. For example, in high reliability telecommunications systems, the customer will often specify that the system must have an availability of 99.9%, or a minimum battery state of charge of 50% under worst case conditions. If the sun always shone with the average value, then these would be easy calculations. However, the solar insolation varies day by day as well as month by month, meaning that you must have additional information to perform these calculations. The program provides the system designer with a powerful statistical tool called "Loss-Of-Load-Probability" (LOLP) calculations to estimate these advanced parameters using the same input data as in the ALR calculations described in Section 6.4. This section describes the screens used to display the results of these advanced calculations; the next section gives an overview of the LOLP calculation methodology. This analysis is done within the "LOLP Analysis" and "BSOC Reports" pages of the project notebook. The LOLP Analysis page can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top of the notebook, or by choosing Sizing, then LOLP from the main menu. 6.5.1 LOLPPage The basic LOLP Analysis notebook page is shown below.

Terms in the LOLP Analysis table: The column labeled "Variability (%)" gives the tilted insolation variability, which is defined as the standard deviation of the monthly insolation values divided by the average monthly insolation. The variability is an indication of how "steadily" the sun shines. A site with a low "variability" with have very consistent weather, while a site with a higher variability with have a greater mix of sunny and cloudy days. The column labeled "Correlation (%)" gives the day-to-day correlation of the solar insolation. The correlation is the probability that one day will be like the next (e.g. that a sunny day will follow a sunny day). In general a higher correlation means more steady weather. The column labeled "Array/Load Ratio" is simply the ALR from the previous section, repeated here for information's sake. The "BSOC Avg (%)" column gives the monthly average battery state-of-charge of the battery. Note that this is never 100%, since the load is never perfectly matched with the array, and the battery is usually 23


PV System Sizing Program The default choice displays a graph showing the average Battery SOC for each month. The second graph and the table show the percentage of time that the battery will spend in each state-ofcharge during each month. The battery is divided up into ten segments. This means that if the maximum battery DOD is 80%, the segments will be 8% SOC. Likewise with 100% max DOD, the segments will be 10% and with 50% max DOD, the segments will be 5%.

discharging at night. However, this gives a good indication of the ability of the system to maintain the health of the battery. The "LOLP %" column gives the "LossOfLoad-Probability" (LOLP) for that month. The LOLP is the statistical probability that the system will not have sufficient energy to supply the load on one of the days during that month. The value is given as a percentage of days that will encounter an LOLP event. (For example, an LOLP value of 1.0 percent in October means that the system will "go down" one day out of every 100 "October days," or about once every three years since October has 31 days. An LOLP of 3.0 percent means approximately one outage per month, while an LOLP of 0.3 percent means approximately one outage every 10 years.) The SEP % page shows the Surplus Energy Probability, which is analogous to the LOLP, except at the top end of the battery. This is the probability that the battery will be fully charged and will require regulation on any given day. 6.5.2 BSOCPage The "BSOC" page shows the LOLP data in a somewhat different format, as shown below. It concentrates on the part of the analysis that shows the probability of the battery being at different states-of-charge during different months of the year. This page displays a choice of two graphs or a tabular report.

The third graph is in the form of a three-dimensional bar chart, with the higher states of charge towards the rear of the graph. If the chart looks like a steep green cliff with a flat sea in front (as shown above), the system is fine.

If the blue segments of the chart are level or taller



PV System Sizing Program

than the green in any month, this is an indication of a problem. An example is shown below:

6.6 LOLPMethodology
One of the functions of the NSol! program is to reduce the complexity of the statistical calculations to a useful format. The purpose of this section is to elaborate a little on the actual calculations used. Two cautions apply: First, this discussion is not for the fainthearted when it comes to math. Even the simplified discussion cannot avoid some complexity. Second, this is not a rigorous presentation of the exact methodology. The algorithm was adapted from existing published papers, using techniques proprietary to Orion Energy Corporation. Professor L. L. Bucciarelli of the MIT School of Engineering developed the actual algorithm under contract to Orion Energy Corporation. There is a list of technical papers in the appendix, which the mathematically inquisitive reader can reference for more details. There are two basic parts of the LOLP algorithm determination of the insolation variability incident upon the photovoltaic array, and determination of the probability distribution for the Battery SOC (its stationary states) and subsequent LOLP. The first part is an adaptation of the concept of the use of Markov Transition Matrices in determining solar insolation variability, as presented by Aguiar, Collares-Pereira and Conde in their paper Simple Procedure for Generating Sequences of Daily Radiation Values Using a Library of Markov Transition Matrices (Solar Energy, Vol 40. No. 3 pp. 269-279, 1988). Their paper presents the methodology for using Markov Transition Matrices (MTMs) to generate radiation sequences for simulation models. An MTM is a matrix which gives estimates for the probability that the insolation value for the next day will be at level "j" given that it was at level "i" today. Aguiar et. al, and we, take the month as the fundamental period during which the statistical analysis applies. They, as do we, break the range of possible insolation values into ten discrete steps and use the clearness index as its measure. For example, if one day during the month has a clearness of 45%, the matrix then gives the probabilities of the next day being at 40%, 35%, 50, 55%, 60%, etc. These day to day transition matrices can be used to

6.5.3 NoteonCalculations The LOLP calculations are very "math intensive" and take quite a while, even on powerful computers, so a status window appears to indicate which month is being analyzed. In general, systems with larger batteries take longer to analyze. This used to be a big problem (when NSol! first came out, the recalculation could take up to three minutes) but now, most computers are fast enough so that a manual recalculation feature has been removed from the program. Note - occasionally, the statistical model will not work for a specific set of data. This does not imply that the system is not reliable during that month, it merely means that the model cannot find a mathematically valid solution. When this occurs, the program will print out a set of three asterisks (***) in the place of the Variability, correlation, average BSOC, and LOLP. The user must then use engineering judgment as to whether the system is reliable for that month. For example, if the array to load ratio is greater than 2.0 and there is sufficient battery storage and the months on either side of the asterisks are valid, you can assume that the system is reliable. Alternatively, you can try changing the solar insolation data slightly to see if the model will work. Once you have finished examining the LOLP screens, you can click on the Print speed button to print a single page "Availability Analysis" report.



PV System Sizing Program daytime only and matched more closely to the solar resource. In addition to probability distribution for the battery SOC levels, the algorithm also gives the probability of a deficit (LOLP), an estimate of that deficit, the probability of a surplus, the estimate of that surplus, and a measure of the robustness of these calculations. In fact there is so much information that we found it impossible to get it all into the output reports of this version of NSol !. In summary, NSol! presents a great deal of data to help the systems engineer evaluate the projected performance of the system, and to compare it to other options available. However, the user must remember that these results are subject to the accuracy of the input data, and to a number of assumptions discussed above. Annual variations in insolation may cause significant variations in system performance, even when the best input data is used. In final judgment, it is up to the systems engineer to design a system to best meet customer requirements.

calculate the probability distribution for the daily, global horizontal insolation for any month. Each transition matrix has associated with it a mean clearness index and a variance. Knowing the monthly values for the mean clearness index at a particular site, we can judiciously choose an appropriate MTM from the set constructed by Aguiar et. al. A day-to-day correlation coefficient is also computed for each transition matrix. The major limitation of this method is that the MTMs in the paper apply only to global horizontal (GH) insolation data. Previous work by various authors has shown that the variability of the tilted insolation is significantly different from that of the horizontal insolation, primarily because of the effects of direct and reflected radiation. The technique used by NSol! converts the MTMs for the GH insolation into equivalent matrices for the tilted insolation, using GH to array insolation conversions for each insolation level of the original MTM. The result is an MTM that describes the behavior of the insolation resource on the tilted array, as well as its probability distribution and a measure of day-to-day correlation. Unlike other statistical methods which use table-lookups to approximate these values based on standard tilts and latitudes, this method calculates the values for the exact tilt and latitude of the system. The next step is to apply this data to the system specifications (array/load ratio and battery size) in order to determine the statistical performance - the stationary states for the battery state of charge - of the proposed PV system. This section of the algorithm is based on previous work by Bucciarelli (ref L. L. Bucciarelli Jr., Estimating Loss-Of-Power Probabilities of Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems, Solar Energy Vol 32, pp. 205-209, 1984) but adapted and generalized to use the transition matrices derived in the first steps. These are combined with the system loads, array/load ratio, and battery size to calculate a battery transition matrix showing the probability of the battery being at any given SOC on any day during that month. There are two refinements over the previous method. First, the battery is divided into 10 discrete SOC levels (thus the 8% "battery segment" for a lead acid battery). Second, the load can have both "day" and "night" components defined by the given load profile. A load which is "night only" will exhibit poorer system performance than a load which is

6.7 IVCurveAnalysis
This features enables a closer look at a simulated array IV curve for different periods of the standard day for each month. The user can look at either IV or PV curves for either a module or over the entire year. The simulated data is calculated using the modules / array

6.8 Reports
6.8.1 SystemSizingReport The System Sizing Report shows basic sizing information using the ALR sizing method. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes array insolation, temperature, array output, system losses, daily load, night load %, monthly battery size and array/load ratio. A sample System Sizing Report is included in the Appendix. 6.8.2 SystemAvailability(LOLP)Report The System Availability Report presents details of standalone system performance using the LOLP sizing method. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes array insolation, insolation variability, day-to-day correlation, and



PV System Sizing Program

array/load ratio, monthly battery size, average BSOC, monthly LOLP and month SEP. A sample System Availability Report is included in the Appendix. 6.8.3 BatterySOCReport The Battery SOC Report presents details of battery performance based on the LOLP sizing method. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes system summary information, as well as battery SOC bin data information similar to that presented in the program. The graph shows average battery SOC by month. A sample Battery SOC Report is included in the Appendix. 6.8.4 StandaloneSystemSummaryReport The System Availability Report presents details of standalone system performance using the LOLP sizing method. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes array insolation, insolation variability, day-to-day correlation, and array/load ratio, monthly battery size, average BSOC, monthly LOLP and month SEP. A sample System Availability Report is included in the Appendix.



PV System Sizing Program The user must also enter the following generator and battery charger information: Generator Manufacturer Generator Model Genset Power Rating Genset Power Factor Rating Full Load Fuel Consumption (FLFC) Quarter Load Fuel Consumption (QLFC) Maintenance Information: Oil Change Interval Decoke Interval Overhaul Interval Generator Life Battery Charger Current Battery Charger Power Factor Battery Charger Efficiency In addition, the data input screen allows the following control setpoint inputs: Generator Start Battery State of Charge Generator Stop BSOC (normal charge) Normal Charge Coloumbic (Amp-hr) Efficiency Equalization Frequency The following figure shows the Hybrid system input screen:

7 SystemSizingHybrid
7.1 Overview

NSol! uses a simplified sizing calculation for

estimating performance of hybrid power systems. The basic process is to calculate the energy required by the load during a typical month, subtract the energy available from the PV array, and calculate generator performance based on supplying the remaining energy. The result is a description of generator operating hours, fuel consumption, and number of charge cycles for each month.

7.3 SettingArrayTilt 7.2 SelectingComponents

Prior to starting the sizing process, the user must select a PV module, a battery, and at least one valid load. The user should also select a site, and enter a valid system voltage. The array tilt, azimuth and tracking options should be set as described in Section 5. In general, hybrid system should have the array tilted for maximum energy production, rather than worst case month. This is typically at or near latitude.

7.4 HybridSystemAnalysis
The following process is used to make the generator calculations: 1. The amp-hour deficit that must be supplied by the generator is calculated by subtracting the derated array amp-hours from the DC load amp hours. This is expressed as generator amp-hours per month. 2. The typical cycle is determined by finding the difference between in battery State-ofCharge (SOC) for a typical charge cycle. These values are entered in the Hybrid Page of the Systems Inputs dialog box. Typical start of charge is 40% SOC and end of



PV System Sizing Program This a simplified approach, and ignores such factors as daily load profile, as well as daily, timed operation of the generators, as opposed to battery based demand operation, and the differences between DC Bus and AC Bus hybrids. It also simplifies factors such as multistage charging and battery aging. However, it will give a reasonable estimate of generator performance for most typical system designs. General design goals typically call for a limited use of generator-supplied energy, limited fuel use, or limited operating hours. The NSol! algorithm allows the designer to evaluate each of these variables in real time using different sizing options.








charge is 85-95% SOC, so each cycle typically replaces 45-55% of the battery capacity. The time it takes to recharge the battery is calculated by dividing the net battery charger output (rectifier rating minus the average DC load) into the amp-hour recharge requirement, and dividing by the battery amp-hour recharge efficiency. (Note this number is typically very high for charge cycles up to 85% SOC, and decreases rapidly beyond that.) For example, with a 1000 Ah battery, a 100 amp rectifier, a 10 amp load and a 95% battery efficiency, it would take a generator 5.25 hours for a typical cycle from 40% to 85% SOC. Generator fuel consumption is calculated based on the electrical load presented to the generator (as a percentage of its full load) multiplied by the number of hours that the generator operates. The number of cycles per month is calculated by dividing the Gen Ah requirement by the net number of amp-hours during each charge cycle. This includes both the amp-hours that recharge the battery and the amp-hours that are supplied to the load while the generator is operating. This is often described as a fractional number of cycles e.g., 8.4 cycles for a given month. This means that the long term average would be 8.4, but any given year would probably have 8 or 9 cycles. Finally, a factor is added for periodic equalization of the batteries. This involves running the generator for an extended period of time to bring the batteries to full charge (and slightly beyond). The user enters the number of equalizations per month, which depends on the battery technology and control system being used. Operating hours and fuel consumption per month are calculated by multiplying the parameters per typical cycle by the number of cycles in a given month, and adding the appropriate values for equalization. Monthly values are then totaled to give annual values for the basic parameters.

7.5 HybridSystemAnalysisScreen
The basic hybrid system design tasks can be done interactively from the Hybrid page of the notebook.

The Text button allows the user to switch between the graphic Display and the Text Display.



PV System Sizing Program

The user can modify the array size and battery size and display the results in real time.

7.6 HybridSizingReport
The Hybrid Sizing Report presents data on hybrid sizing and system performance. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes system summary information, as well as summary and detailed monthly information on solar contribution, generator run time, generator fuel consumption and battery cycles. A sample Hybrid Sizing Report is included in the Appendix.



PV System Sizing Program temperature, and the magnitude of the wave is equal to the temperature offset. For example, is the average daily temperature is 25 degrees and the variation is 10 degrees, the temperature will bottom out at 15 degrees at 2 a.m. and peak at 35 degrees at 2 p.m. 3. Calculate the derated power of a single module by applying the voltage and current temperature correction factors to the rated power. 4. Calculate the power of a single module by mutiplying the irradiance (as a percent of 1 kW/m2) by the derated module power. 5. Calculate the DC array power by multiplying the module output by the number of modules, and subtracting the system losses typically 10%. 6. Calculate the system AC output power by multiplying the DC power by the inverter efficiency. Output energy for that time slot is AC power * 0.25 hours. If the AC power is greater than the inverter AC rating, then the output power is limited to the output rating for that time period. 7. Calculate the daily energy by summing the AC energy over the entire day. 8. Calculate the monthly energy by multiplying the daily energy by the number of days per month.

8 SystemSizingGridSystems
8.1 Overview

NSol! sizes grid-tied systems by calculating the

performance at 15 minute intervals for a typical day in each month, then summing these values and multiplying by the number of days in each month. This method is meant to be an approximation, and should not be used in place of more extensive analysis for performance guarantees, etc.

8.2 SelectingComponents
Prior to starting the sizing process, the user must select a PV module and an inverter. The user should also select a site, and enter a valid system voltage.

8.3 SettingArrayTilt
The array tilt, azimuth and tracking options should be set as described in Section 5.

8.4 GridSystemAnalysis
The sequence of calculations used by NSol! for each time-step is: 1. Calculate the plane-of array irradiance. 2. Calculate the instantaneous ambient temperature in degrees C. This is done using the average temperature and the temperature swing entered in the Insolation Data page. The temperature is estimated to be a sine wave around the average temperature, offset so that the highest daily temperature occurs around 2 pm. The average temperature of the sine wave equals the average monthly


8.5 GridSystemScreens

PV System Sizing Program The second is a set of graphs that show typical daily performance for each month of the year.

There are two primary screens used for analysis of Grid-Connect Systems. The first is a summary page showing the monthly energy production of the PV array in graphic and tabular format when printed out.

8.6 GridSystemReport
The Grid Sizing Report presents data on grid system sizing and system performance. Data is presented in both tabular and graphic formats, and includes system summary information, as well as summary and detailed monthly information on insolation, DC performance and AC performance of the system. A sample Grid Sizing Report is included in the Appendix.

This information is also available in numerical form.



PV System Sizing Program

9 ReportsandExportingData
9.1 ReportSummary
Seven formal reports are available from NSol!: Tilt Analysis Report ALR Sizing Report LOLP Report BSOC Report System Summary Report Hybrid Analysis Report Grid Analysis Report Each of the individual graphs may be printed or exported to the clipboard for inclusion in a proposal. System data for the standalone and hybrid systems may be exported for spreadsheet analysis or further formatting and inclusion in a proposal. Detailed grid analysis data can be exported for further spreadsheet analysis.

9.3 PrintingCharts
Charts can be printed by clicking on the Print Chart Button which shows a small picture of a chart. (It is third from right on the Toolbar.) This will print the current visible chart.

9.4 ExportingCharts
Charts can be exported to the clipboard by clicking on the Export Chart Button which shows a small picture of a file with a red arrow. (It is second from right on the Toolbar.) This will copy the current visible chart to the as a Windows Metafile. This can then be pasted into any standard document, such as a word processing file.

9.5 ExportingASCIIDatafor Spreadsheets

Summary Sizing Data can be exported by clicking choosing File_Export from the main menu. The data can be exported as either comma separated values or tab separated values. This data can then be imported into a spreadsheet or word processing document for further formatting or analysis.

9.2 PrintingReports
9.2.1 Printing Formal reports can be printed in three ways: Clicking on the Printer speed button will print a report appropriate for the active page, if it is available. Choosing File _Print from the main menu accomplishes the same thing. Choosing File_PrintAll from the main menu allows the user to choose a set of reports to print with a single command. 9.2.2 PageSetup Note you can use File_Print Setup to set the default print conditions. The reports work best when printed in portrait mode. 9.2.3 PDFFiles Reports can be printed out to a PDF file if the user has an appropriate printer driver (such as an Adobe Acrobat driver or CutePDF) installed.

9.6 ExportingGridDatafor Spreadsheets

The detailed grid-calculation data can be saved to a tab-separated file for further analysis by spreadsheet. Click on the [Export Data] button, then select a file name. The data fields are: Month Time of day Irradiance (Plane of Array) Ambient Temp Cell temp Temp Derating Module Output (DC) Array Output (DC) System Output (AC)



PV System Sizing Program

Appendix 1 Sample Reports



PV System Sizing Program

Appendix 2 Glossary of Terms



PV System Sizing Program

This is an informal glossary of the terms used in sizing PV systems with NSol! The definitions are those that apply to the program, rather than the strict mathematical or scientific definitions. Ah ALR Amp-hours Amp-hour Array to Load Ratio One amp for one hour -- a typical measure of energy output (of a PV array for example), or storage capacity (of a battery) equals Array Ah / Load Ah : a measure of the "oversizing" of the system and its ability to recharge a battery quickly after a cloudy period. The direction the array is facing east or west of true north/south. The effects of offazimuth siting grow in importance the farther you are from the equator. An electrochemical storage device. NSol! assumes that all batteries are lead acid type. Battery State of Charge A single battery unit. For lead acid batteries, a cell is 2 volts, so a 12 volt battery is made up of 6 cells wired in series. Larger industrial batteries are available only in single "cells" while smaller batteries and some forklift batteries are available as prepackaged series connections called "monoblocs." The ratio of Global Horizontal insolation to extraterrestrial insolation. This number is always less than one. A high single day value would be 0.80. A monthly average value of 0.6 to 0.7 indicates a very sunny climate. Also sometimes called the clearness index, cloudiness factor or KT_Bar.

Array / Load Ratio


Battery BSOC Cell

Clearness Factor

Correlation (Insolation) The statistical measure of the probability that tomorrow's insolation will be the same as today's. Generally sunny climates have more correlation than mixed climates. Diffuse / Direct Ratio The ratio of diffuse to direct radiation in the measured global horizontal insolation. Used to calculate the insolation on the tilted array. NSol! uses the Page correlation to determine this ratio as a function of the clearness factor. The component of the insolation striking the array which comes from a part of the sky other than the sun itself (caused by diffusion though clouds and the atmosphere itself.) The component of the solar insolation which comes directly from the sun. Depth of Discharge. The measure of how deep a battery has been discharged. DOD = 1 - SOC. Maximum DOD for a typical lead acid cell is 80% (without causing serious damage), so the minimum SOC for a lead acid battery is assumed to be 20%.

Diffuse Radiation

Direct radiation DOD



PV System Sizing Program

Extraterrestrial Insolation The amount of solar radiation that strikes a surface outside the earth's atmosphere. Used to calculate the clearness ratio. Global Horizontal Insolation Insolation as measured by a horizontally mounted pyranometer. Typically expressed in Langleys, MJ/m2 or kWh/m2. NSol! uses the latter for its calculations. Insolation Isc Ityp Solar radiation. Short Circuit Current -- a measure of PV modules, typically found on the data sheet Typical operating current of a PV module, also call peak power current. Typically found on the datasheet. A measure of electrical consumption or production. One kilowatt hour is one kilowatt for one hour. Clearness factor Kilowatt-hour abbreviation Loss of Load Probability



Loss-of-Load-Probability A measure of the reliability of a PV system. The LOLP in NSol ! is expressed as the percentage of "month-days" which will experience an outage. Example - a value of 1.0% in October means that the load will be disconnected once every 100 "October" days. Since October has 31 days this is approximately once every three years. Markov Transition Matrix A matrix which gives estimates for the probability that the insolation value for the next day will be at level "j" given that it was at level "i" today. Used in the NSol ! statistical LOLP calculations. Module Monobloc A single PV module, typically 12 V and 40 to 60 watts. A package with numerous battery cells in series. An automotive battery is an example of a monobloc. (See "cell".) Markov Transition Matrix The process of converting solar energy directly into electricity. Photovoltaics What right-handed people call Photovoltaics The percentage of insolation that strikes the ground which is reflected. A sandy desert or snowy field would have a higher reflectance than a grassy field or a puddle of mud. State-of-Charge. The amount of energy remaining in a battery as a percentage of its overall capacity.

MTM Photovoltaics PV PVs Reflectance



Sigma Ratio see variability

PV System Sizing Program

Temperature - Ambient The temperature in an open outdoor space. NSol ! uses monthly average ambient temperatures to derate battery capacities. Tilt Factor The correction applied to the Global Horizontal Insolation used to determine the insolation on the tilted array.

Variability (Insolation) A measure of the "steadiness" of the solar insolation. The ratio between the standard deviation (sigma) and the average value (mean) for the month. Voc Open Circuit Voltage. The voltage of a PV module with no load connected to it. Typically found on PV module data sheets. Operating voltage of a PV module at its peak power. Peak wattage output of a PV panel or PV array.

Vtyp W(p )



PV System Sizing Program

Appendix 3 Sizing References



PV System Sizing Program

Sizing References
L. L. Bucciarelli, "Estimating Loss-of-Power Probabilities of Standalone Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems," Solar Energy Vol 32, No. 2, pp. 205-209, 1984 L. L. Bucciarelli, "The Effect of Day-today Correlation in Solar Radiation on the Probability of Loss-ofPower In a Standalone Photovoltaic Energy System," Solar Energy Vol 36, No. 1, pp. 11-14, 1986 R. J. Aguiar, et al, "Simple Procedures for Generating Sequences of Daily Radiation Values Using a Library of Markov Transistion Matrices," Solar Energy Vol 40, No. 3, pp. 269-279, 1988 "The Frequency Distribution of Daily Insolation Values," Solar Energy Vol 27, pp. 1-5, 1981 DT Reindl, et al, "Diffuse Fraction Correlations," Solar Energy Vol 45, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 1990

Insolation References
"Solar Radiation Data Manual for Flat-Plate and Concentrating Solar Collectors" Document # NREL/TP-463-5607 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Blvd Golden, CO 80401-3393 USA Phone: (303) 275-4099 "International Solar Irradiation Database" University of Massachusetts-Lowell Photovoltaic Program 1 University Ave Lowell, MA 01854 USA "National Solar Radiation Database" National Climactic Data Center Asheville, NC Phone (704) 259-0682



PV System Sizing Program

TECH MEMO Subject: Insolation Conversions There are three basic units used in solar insolation inputs - kWh/m2, MJ/m2 and Langleys. This memo defines the conversion factors used between these factors. 1. kWh/m2 Since we are working with electrical systems, this is the most convent set of units. For this reason, it is the default and requires no conversion. 2. MJ/m2 1 Joule = 1 Watt-sec so 1 kWh-hr = 3.6 x 106 J = 3.6 MJ (1 watt * 60 sec/min x 60 min/hr = 3600 watt-sec/hr so 1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts = 3,600,000 watt-sec/hr = 3.6 MJ / hr so 1 kWh = 1kW x 1 hr = 3.6 MJ) The conversion is thus: MJ/m2 / 3.6 = kWh/m2 3. Langleys Langleys have the units cal per cm2 per hr. 1 Langley = 4.184 x 104 J/m2 so 1 Langley = (4.184 x 104 J/m2) / (3.6 MJ / kWh-hr) = 1 / 86.04 kWh/m2 The conversion is thus: Langleys / 86.04 = kWh/m2.


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