Improving Flexibility and Efficiency by Adding Parallelism To Genetic Algorithms
Improving Flexibility and Efficiency by Adding Parallelism To Genetic Algorithms
Improving Flexibility and Efficiency by Adding Parallelism To Genetic Algorithms
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2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
Improving exibility and efciency by
adding parallelism to genetic algorithms
Dpto. de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computaci on, Univ. de M alaga Campus de Teatinos (3.2.12),
29071M alaga, Spain,
Received November 1999 and accepted October 2000
In this paper we develop a study on several types of parallel genetic algorithms (PGAs). Our mo-
tivation is to bring some uniformity to the proposal, comparison, and knowledge exchange among
the traditionally opposite kinds of serial and parallel GAs. We comparatively analyze the properties
of steady-state, generational, and cellular genetic algorithms. Afterwards, this study is extended to
consider a distributed model consisting in a ring of GA islands. The analyzed features are the time
complexity, selection pressure, schema processing rates, efcacy in nding an optimum, efciency,
speedup, and resistance to scalability. Besides that, we briey discuss howthe migration policy affects
the search. Also, some of the search properties of cellular GAs are investigated. The selected bench-
mark is a representative subset of problems containing real world difculties. We often conclude that
parallel GAs are numerically better and faster than equivalent sequential GAs. Our aim is to shed
some light on the advantages and drawbacks of various sequential and parallel GAs to help researchers
using them in the very diverse application elds of the evolutionary computation.
Keywords: parallel genetic algorithms, distributedGAs, cellular GAs, PGAs theory, PGAparameters
inuence, speedup, efciency, scalability
1. Introduction
Parallel and sequential genetic algorithms (P-GAs) are modern
techniques for searching complex problem spaces for an op-
timum (B ack, Fogel and Michalewicz 1997, Reeves 1993). In
Fig. 1 we locate genetic algorithms in relation to other search
techniques. Genetic algorithms are randomized optimization
methods that need minimal information on the problem to guide
the search. They use a population of multiple structures, each
one encoding a tentative solution, to performa search frommany
zones of the problem space at the same time. The application
of simple stochastic operators moves this population towards
better sub-optimal solutions in an iterative manner, until a stop-
ping criterion is fullled (Holland 1975, Goldberg 1989a, B ack,
Hammel and Schwefel 1997).
Until recent years, sequential GAs have received the greatest
attention from the research community. However, here we focus
on parallel GAs since they have many interesting unique features
that deserve in-depth analysis (Gordon and Whitley 1993, Baluja
1993). These characteristics include (Hart et al. 1997):
(1) the reduction of the time to locate a solution (faster
(2) the reduction of the number of function evaluations (cost of
the search),
(3) the possibility of having larger populations thanks to the
parallel platforms used for running the algorithms, and
(4) the improved quality of the solutions worked out.
In addition, the parallel GA versions are less prone to pre-
mature convergence to sub-optimal solutions (Alba and Troya
1999), thus improving the search. PGAs deserve a special at-
tention since they are not just faster versions of sequential
GAs. Instead, they represent a new algorithmic class providing
a different (often better) search mechanism.
We analyze GAs and not EAs (evolutionary algorithms) since
GAs are quite popular and receive many applications, and also
because many results with GAs are extensible to other kinds
of EAs. See (B ack 1996) for learning how similar the differ-
ent EA families are. Let us see the well-accepted sub-classes
of EAs in Fig. 1, namely genetic algorithms (GA), evolutionary
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2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers
92 Alba and Troya
Fig. 1. Taxonomy of search techniques
programming (EP), evolution strategies (ES), genetic program-
ming (GP), and classier systems (CS). In B ack, Fogel and
Michalewicz 1997) the reader can nd a great compendium of
the state of the art in evolutionary computing (EC). We also have
included four types of parallel GAs, a distinction depending of
the homogeneity at execution/search levels, and some other pop-
ular techniques such as tabu search, simulated annealing and
neural networks.
The class of problems solved with GAs is very general, since
the optimized function can have an arbitrary complexity e.g.,
see our results on training neural networks (Alba, Aldana and
Troya 1993), load balancing (Alba, Aldana and Troya 1995),
designing fuzzy logic controllers (Alba, Cotta and Troya 1996),
and validating communication protocols (Alba and Troya 1996).
Hence, providing useful conclusions on the relative performance
of these algorithms by looking to existing works is difcult
for many reasons. Firstly, different parameters, hill-climbing,
hybridized or specialized operations are considered (Gordon
and Whitley 1993, Voigt, Santib a nez-Koref and Born 1992,
M uhlenbein, Schomisch and Born 1991). Secondly, in some
works only one single problem is studied. Thirdly, existing pa-
pers on PGAs usually cover a reduced range of models (Tanese
1989) or analyze only one feature (Munetomo, Takai and Sato
1993). On the contrary, in this paper we present several canon-
ical models, and undertake a broad but detailed presentation.
This requires including both theoretical and experimental re-
sults, using many non-toy problems, and analyzing important
parameters. The selected benchmark contains a compendium of
the actual difculties found in the optimization of real world
problems, namely epistasis, multimodality, deception, and large
probleminstances. All this is very useful for guiding researchers
willing to use PGAs.
The main contributions of this paper are (1) the unied de-
scription and study of PGAs, and (2) the comparison among
the canonical models which usually receive parallel implemen-
tations. To achieve these goals we make several considerations
on their complexity, selection pressure, and relative efciency
(speedup). Also, we include results on their scalability when
solving increasingly larger problems. We also discuss the sim-
ilarities and differences between parallel and speciation GAs
(next section). In summary, we revisit some important points in
PGAs and offer new results to improve their understanding.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present
a survey of PGAs to put in context our research and to help
non-EA readers. Section 3 analyzes three theoretical issues in
PGAs, namely time complexity, selection pressure, and schema
processing rates. Section 4 deals with distributed PGAs, while
in Section 5 we examine cellular GAs, the underlying model for
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 93
ne grain PGAs. Section 6 gives a general PGA performance
analysis. The scalability of PGAs is presented in Section 7, and
Section 8 summarizes the most important conclusions. Finally,
we add an Appendix describing the benchmark and nomencla-
ture to ease the comprehension of the paper.
2. Survey of parallel genetic algorithms
Let us begin by examining the outline of a general PGA
(Algorithm 1). As a class of stochastic technique, we can distin-
guish three major steps in a PGA, namely initial sampling, op-
timization and checking the stopping criterion. It begins (t =0)
by randomly creating a population P(t =0) of structures,
each one encoding the p problem variables on some alpha-
bet of symbols. Each structure is usually a vector (string) over
IB={0, 1] (I =IB
pl x
) or IR(I =IR
) i.e., most GAs encode each
problem variable in l
bits or in a oating-point number.
An evaluation function is needed each time a new structure
is generated in the algorithm. This evaluation is used to associate
a real value to the decoded version of the structure. This value
indicates its quality as a solution to the problem. In textbook
GAs decoding means mapping the binary string to a decimal
value in some given range.
Afterwards, the GAiteratively applies a set of variation opera-
tors to some selected structures fromthe current population. The
goal is to create a new pool of tentative solutions and evaluate
them to yield P(t 1) from P(t ). This generates a sequence of
populations P(0), P(1), P(2), . . . with increasingly tter struc-
tures. The stopping criterion is to fulll some condition like
reaching a given number of function evaluations, nding an opti-
mum (if known), or detecting stagnation in the algorithm after a
given number of generations. See Michalewicz (1992) and B ack,
Hammel and Schwefel (1997) for more in depth background.
The selection s
uses the relationship among the tness val-
ues of the structures to create a mating pool. Some parameters
might be required depending on the selection type (Baker 1987).
Typical variation operators are crossover ( binary) and muta-
tion (m, unary). Crossover recombines two parents by exchang-
ing string slices to yield two new offspring. Mutation randomly
alters the contents of these new offspring. The behavior of these
two stochastic operators is governed by a set of parameters such
as a probability (rate) of application:
= { p
] and
={ p
usually high for crossover (), and low for mutation (m).
Finally, each iteration of the algorithm ends by selecting
(out of ) new individuals that will be used as the new popula-
tion. For this purpose, the temporal pool P
(t ) plus a set Q are
considered. Q might be empty (Q =) or else contain the old
population Q = P(t ). This step applies a replacement policy r.
It uses the recently created temporary pool (and optionally the
old pool) to compute the new population of individuals. It is
usual for the best structure in one population to deterministically
survive in the next generation (elitist evolution).
Many sequential GAs exist, but two of them are especially
popular. The rst one is the generational GA genGA where
a whole new population ( =) is created to replace the old
one (Q =). The second one is the steady-state GA ssGA in
which only a fewstructures are generated in each iteration ( =1
or 2) and they are inserted in the current population (Q = P(t ))
(Syswerda 1991). They both are panmictic algorithms having an
unstructured population.
Algorithm 1: Parallel genetic algorithm
t :=0;
initialize: P(0) :={ a
(0), . . . , a
(0)] I
evaluate: P(0) : {( a
(0)), . . . , ( a
while (P(t )) ,= true do //Reproductive plan
select: P
(t ) :=s
(P(t ));
recombine: P
(t ) :=
(t ));
mutate: P
(t ) :=m
(t ));
evaluate: P
(t ) : {( a
(t )), . . . , ( a
(t ))];
replace: P(t 1) :=r
(t ) Q);
t :=t 1;
end while
Many works such as Levine (1997), Syswerda (1991), and
Whitley and Starkweather (1990) show that the one-at-a-time
reproduction of ssGA is very useful. However, pure genGAs
are still widely accepted, since some of their drawbacks can be
solved by using improved operators, that, incidentally, could also
improve the canonical ssGAas well. Anyway, further studies are
needed to highlight their relative advantages.
In a parallel GAthere exist many elementary GAs performing
the reproductive plan on their own sub-populations P
(t ). Each
sub-algorithm includes an additional phase of communication
with a set of neighboring sub-algorithms. At rst glance, the
precedent pseudocode could lead the reader to think that there
exist other models of PGAs which differ from the one shown.
However, we must realize that each sub-population P
(t ) can
contain as much as several hundreds of strings or as few as only
one string. The reproductive plan can thus manage millions or
only a few operations before the algorithm is engaged with the
communication step. Also, we must note that the communication
step is not only intended to exchange strings among neighboring
sub-populations. On the contrary, any other information judged
interesting for the search can be exchanged e.g., statistics or per-
forming string evaluations in other processors. In addition, the
number of elementary GAs is another free parameter. This al-
lows us to say that the above pseudocode is a general description
of PGAs.
If a population with tens of strings is contained in every sub-
algorithm, the PGA is coarse grained and interactions with
neighbors are sparsely undertaken (Lin, Punch and Goodman
1994) (Fig. 2(b)). If the population is composed of a single in-
dividual then we have a ne grained or cellular GA cGA
(Fig. 2(c)), and interactions with neighbors are very frequent in
order to get the small pool of structures to apply the reproduc-
tive plan on (Spiessens and Manderick 1991). It is usual in this
diffusion model that every sub-algorithm waits (synchronously)
94 Alba and Troya
Fig. 2. Different models of PGA: (a) global parallelization, (b) coarse grain, and (c) ne grain. Many hybrids have been dened by combining
PGAs at two levels: (d) coarse and ne grain, (e) coarse grain and global parallelization, and (f) coarse grain plus coarse grain
for its neighbors, while the coarse grain PGA can either wait or
not for incoming strings.
The coarse grain PGA sends and receives strings from neigh-
boring sub-populations, while the ne grain PGA uses an over-
lapped neighborhood system to provide a smooth diffusion of
the strings. Coarse (ne) grain PGAs are easy to parallelize
on MIMD (SIMD) computers, respectively (Stender 1993).
However, even when run in a monoprocessor, they have some
advantages over many sequential panmictic GAs thanks to their
structured population.
The research performed on PGAs and on speciation methods
(Deb and Spears 1997) share some similarities. Speciation GAs
are aimed at locating several optima at the same time. To achieve
this goal speciatingalgorithms explicitlymaintaindifferent solu-
tion species during the optimization process by applying specic
techniques. Parallel GAs lead naturally and implicitly to cre-
ate multiple niches of solution species, just as speciation GAs.
However, the latter ones dynamically allocate a different num-
ber of individuals and a different tness value to individuals in
every niche. This concentrates effort on more promising peaks,
while still maintaining individuals in other areas of the search
space. Distributed GAs provide only constant sized niches, and
no tness changes are associated to any standard parallel model.
On the other hand, cellular GAs allow speciation e.g., in a grid,
but one particular species will eventually take over the whole
population if no specic operators are included.
Many sorts of PGAs exist. See again Fig. 2 for an overviewof
pure and hybrid PGAs. In the taxonomy of Fig. 1 we include four
accepted PGA types. The global parallelization type evaluates,
and possibly crosses and mutates the strings in parallel; selection
uses the whole population. Interesting considerations on global
parallelization can be found in Cant u-Paz and Goldberg (1997).
This model provides lower run time only for very slow objective
functions (which is a drawback) and its search mechanism uses
a single population.
The type called automatic parallelization PGA in Fig. 1 is
rarely found since the compiler must automatically provide
the parallelization of the algorithm. The hybrid models in Fig. 2
combine different PGAs at two levels to enhance the search.
Interesting surveys on PGAs can be found in Alba and Troya
(1999), Cant u-Paz (1997), and Adamidis (1994).
Previous research has been conducted on these parallel mod-
els separately, but much can be gained by studying them under
a common viewpoint. They are not opposite sub-classes of al-
gorithms. The traditional distribution of sub-populations with
sparse migrations of individuals is considered in this paper as
a mechanism to enhance the behavior of any kind of basic GA.
This basic GA can be the any of the mentioned GAs (Alba and
Troya 2000a).
We provide in Table 1 a quick overview of different PGAs to
point out important milestones in parallel computing with GAs.
These implementations have rarely been studied as paral-
lel models. Instead, only the implementation itself is usually
Some coarse grain algorithms like dGA (Tanese 1989),
DGENESIS (Meja-Olvera and Cant u-Paz 1994), GALOPPS
(Goodman 1996), PARAGENESIS (Stender 1993), PGA 2.5
( and PGA
(M uhlenbein, Schomisch and Born 1991) are relatively close
to the general model of migration islands. They often in-
clude many own features to improve efciency. Some other
coarse grain models like CoPDEB (Adamidis and Petridis
1996) and GDGA (Herrera and Lozano 2000) have been de-
signed for specic goals such as providing explicit explo-
ration/exploitation by applying different operators on each
Some other PGAs execute non-orthodox models of coarse
grain evolution. This is the case of GAMAS (Potts, Giddens
and Yadav 1994) based on using different alphabets in every
island, GENITOR II (Whitley and Starkweather 1990) based on
a steady-state reproduction, or iiGA (Lin, Punch and Goodman
1994) that promotes coding and operator heterogeneity.
On the other hand, massively parallel GAs have been strongly
associated to the machines on which they run: ASPARAGOS
(Gorges-Schleuter 1989) and ECO-GA (Davidor 1991). This
is also the case of models of difcult classication (although
most of the mentioned ones are of difcult classication!)
like PEGAsuS (Ribeiro, Alippi and Treleaven 1993), SP1-GA
(Levine 1994) or SGA-Cube (Erickson, Smith and Goldberg
1991). As to the global parallelization PGA, some implementa-
tions such as EnGENEer (Robbins 1992) or PGAPack (Levine
1996) are available.
Finally, some efforts to construct general frameworks for
PGAs are GAME (Stender 1993), PEGAsuS, and RPL2
(Radcliffe and Surry 1994). They are endowed of general
programming structures intended to ease the implementation
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 95
Table 1. Details of popular PGAs
Parallel GA Kind of parallelism Topology Some applications
ASPARAGOS Fine grain. Applies hill-climbing if no improvement Ladder TSP
CoPDEB Coarse grain. Every sub-pop. applies different operators Full connected Func. opt. and ANNs
dGA Distributed populations. Studies migration rate and freq. Ring Function optimization
DGENESIS 1.0 Coarse grain with migrations among sub-populations Any desired Function optimization
ECO-GA Fine grain. One of the rst of its class Grid Function optimization
EnGENEer Global parallelization (parallel evaluations) Master/Slave Various
GALOPPS 3.1 Coarse grain. A very portable software Any desired F. opt. and transport
GAMAS Coarse grain. Uses 4 species of strings (nodes) Fixed hierarchy ANN, func. opt., . . .
GAME Object oriented set of general programming tools Any desired TSP, func. opt., . . .
GDGA Coarse grain. Admits explicit exploration/exploitation Hypercube Func. opt. (oating p.)
GENITOR II Coarse grain. Interesting crossover operator Ring Func. opt. and ANNs
HSDGA Hierarchical coarse and ne grain GA. Uses E.S. Ring, Tree, Star, . . . Function optimization
iiGA Injection island GA, heterogeneous and asynchronous Hierarchy of nodes Function optimization
PARAGENESIS Coarse grain. Made for the CM-200 (1 ind. 1 CPU) Multiple Function optimization
PeGAsuS Coarse or ne grain. High-level programming on MIMD Multiple Teaching and func. opt.
PGA Sub-populations, migrate the best, local hill-climbing,. . . Circular 2-D ladder Func. opt. and TSP
PGAPack Global parallelization (parallel evaluations) Master/Slave Function optimization
RPL2 Coarse grain. Very exible to dene new GA models Any desired Research and Business
SGA-Cube Coarse grain. Implemented on the nCUBE 2 Hypercube Function optimization
SP1-GA 128 steady-state islands on an IBM SP1 with 128 nodes 2-D toroidal mesh Function optimization
of any model of PGA. The user must particularize these general
structures to dene his/her own algorithm.
All these models and implementations offer different levels
of exibility, ranging from a single PGA to the specication of
general PGA models. This list is not complete, of course, but it
helps in describing the current state of the art.
3. Some theoretical aspects of PGAs
In order to offer a more complete comprehension of the possible
sources of efciency and exibility of PGAs we discuss in this
section three main issues relating theoretical aspects. First, we
review and derive new values for the algorithmic complexities
of panmictic and structured GAs. Structured GAs are the kind
of GAs that usually receive a parallel implementation i.e., dis-
tributed and cellular GAs. We also include panmictic GAs in the
analysis to link our results with these popular GAs. Second, we
discuss the selection pressure of these algorithms i.e., the rela-
tive growth of the best solution under selection, which represents
the exploration/exploitation features of a GA. The third issue we
deal with is schema processing rate, a well-known theoretical
explanation of the search with GAs.
Table 2. A comparison of the time complexity for some algorithms
Generational O(n
n l) n
n (2 l l C
l) n l n
Steady-state O(n
n l) n [
2 l l C
l 1]
Cellular O(n l n n
) n (C
2 l l C
l) n l n
Distributed O(d O(< ga >) d l) d O(< ga >) d (l C
l) d C
3.1. Time complexity of the algorithms
In this section we derive the basic time complexities of a genGA,
ssGA and cGA. Afterwards we discuss the complexity of their
distributed versions running a unidirectional ring of islands with
sparse migrations of one randomly selected string. This section
is brief because we only want to highlight the main points inu-
encing the execution time of these algorithms.
See in Table 2 a summary of their complexities. There, n =
is the number of structures in every island, and l is their length.
We derive the complexity of one generation in every algorithm
i.e., the effort for creating n newindividuals fromthe n old ones.
Let us make a separate presentation for every GA class.
In genGAs, a binary tournament has complexity O(n n/2),
because it selects two pairs of random strings and keeps the best
one ineachpair as a parent. The operations of crossing, mutating,
evaluating, and copying a string to the temporary population are
O(2 l l C
l). The replacement of the old population is
O(n l) and computing statistics is O(n).
In a ssGA, the binary tournament of two parents is O(n/2
n/2), crossover, mutation and evaluation are O(2 l l C
ordered insertion is O(n/2), copying the offspring is O(l) and
statistics needs only O(1). The basic step in ssGAgenerates only
96 Alba and Troya
one child, thus the process has to be repeated n times to have the
same computational grain as in the rest of algorithms.
Although we have mentioned binary tournament, tness pro-
portional selection such as roulette wheel (RW) can be used.
In addition, generational GAs can use Stochastic Universal
Sampling (SUS). SUSis very efcient for this kind of algorithms
(Baker 1987). In fact, SUS can remove the quadratic term from
genGAs complexity to yield O(n n l) complexity.
The cellular GA selects a set of neighbors for every one of
the n strings. The complexity of identifying neighbors is O(C
) and selecting two parents is O(n
), depending both
on the neighborhood size n
and a constant C
for arbitrary
neighborhood shapes. The crossover, mutation, evaluation and
insertion in a temporary population is O(2 l l C
l). The
replacement of the old pool is O(n l) and computing statistics
is O(n).
The distributed ring is composed of d islands and every dis-
tributed step accounts for the complexity of the basic islands.
The migration, transference (system dependent constant C
and replacement of the worst string with an immigrant are of
complexity O(l C
l). Finally, computing statistics needs
O(d C
) for the requests to the islands and O(d) for making
the global statistics for the distributed algorithm. The communi-
cation time can be modeled by a power law T
= C
that yields a constant value when a ring is used ( = 0). See
Cant u-Paz and Goldberg (1997) for more details on this last
In summary, genGA and ssGA have the same complexity
when using tournament selection. If RW is used then a genGA
will have a slight advantage over ssGA since each pair of selec-
tions work out two new children in genGA, but only one in a
standard ssGA. When using SUS the complexity of genGA is
smaller than that of ssGA.
Cellular GAs have a complexity that depends on the tech-
nique for managing the neighborhood. Their complexity is quite
good if a MIMD machine is used, while it is similar to pan-
mictic GAs in a monoprocessor implementation. In fact, since
neighborhoods are very small (5 strings) any selection oper-
ator will provide faster executions than panmictic GAs in a
monoprocessor. Finally, distributed GAs have a complexity de-
pending on the complexity of its islands, with a clear overhead
due to the communication steps needed for migrating strings
and computing global statistics. Of course, when cGA/dGA
runs on SIMD/MIMD computers their complexity is shared
among parallel processors, which greatly reduces the total run
Table 3. Models of selection pressure for every algorithm
Generational n
t 1
( f ) = n
( f )
Steady-state (random) n
t 1
( f ) = n
( f ) n
( f ) (
i =1
Steady-state (least-t) n
t 1
( f ) = n
( f ) n
( f ) (
i =1
) (1 {
f f
Cellular n
t 1
( f ) =
( f )
( f )
( f )
Distributed n
t 1
( f ) =
i =1
t 1
( f ) [ n
t 1
( f ) = n
( f ) n
( f ) (
) (1 {
f f
3.2. Selection pressure in centralized
and decentralized models
In order to understand the basic expected performance of these
algorithms we derive their theoretical models of proportional
selection pressure. Selection is one of the primary operations in
a GA because it controls the exploration/exploitation ratio. We
summarize the work in Syswerda (1991) comparing genGAs
vs. ssGAs and extend it to consider also cGAs by using the
formalization in Sarma and De Jong (1996). Our contribution is
the unied description of both panmictic and structured models,
and the extension for distributed algorithms. Other statistical
explanations successfully predict the takeover regime (Rogers
and Pr ugel-Bennett 1999) i.e., the expected time one solution
needs to occupy the full population under selection.
In Table 3 we showthe expected number of instances (copies)
allocated to a given string of tness f in the next step n
t 1
( f ). In
a genGA, every string gets an increment in its expected number
of copies proportional to the ratio between its tness and the
average tness of the population. As regards ssGA, whenrandom
replacement is used, the average behavior after creating n =
strings is similar to a that of genGA. On the other hand, if we
replace the least-t string in the ssGA then the number of copies
in the next step grows tness-proportionally and decreases only
for the least-t string.
The model for the cGA (Sarma and De Jong 1996) uses a pa-
rameter a that controls the selection pressure depending on the
neighborhood, grid, and selection operator; n
( f ) is the expected
proportion of strings having tness f at convergence. The pro-
portion of the best string is P
( f
), and at convergence
( f
) =1. The parameter a is a function of the population
structure and of the kind of selection being applied.
Finally, for the distributed model, the number of instances is
highly related to the sum of expected instances of each GA in
the ring, only perturbed by migrations. When migration occurs,
each string increases its number of instances uniformly due to
the random selection of migrants in each island. The reduction
only affects to the least-t string, since the immigrant always
replace it in the target island (see Section 4.1 for more details
on the migration policy).
The genGA and ssGA(random) show the same selection
pressurewe call it SP1. The ssGA(least t) has a faster con-
vergence, both in theorySP2and practice (as we will see). The
cGASP3is easilytunable bychangingthe parameter a. We will
notice these theoretical differences in practice when solving the
problems in the forthcoming sections.
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 97
Fig. 3. Proportion of the best class in steady-state (least-t), gen-
erational, and cellular evolution modes (population size is 1024
The advantage of a cGA is that we can tune the selection
pressure by changing the grid shape, keeping constant the rest
of parameters (including the neighborhood). See Fig. 3 to con-
rm this fact: the cGA with 32 32 strings provides a larger
selection pressure and a faster convergence than with 4 256.
This represents an additional degree of exibility in that the user
can shift the selection pressure from high to low easily at will
(Alba and Troya 2000b).
In Fig. 3 it is clear that there exists a quick convergence to
the best string of the ssGA(least-t), and the moderate growth in
the genGA. The cGA can be shifted from high to low selection
pressure simply by changing the shape of the grid from 32 32
to 4 256. We will revisit this subject later in Section 5.
Since our focus is set on PGAs, we also plot in Fig. 4 the
relative growth of the best string until convergence for three dis-
tributed algorithms with 8 islands: dssGA, dgenGA and dcGA.
In all the tests one random string is being exchanged (least t
replacement). The results for dssGA(left) showa slight decrease
in the curve slope with respect ssGA. This should provide good
results due to the combined effect of a better diversity and a
lower run time. In dgenGA and in the rest of distributed models
a higher selection pressure can be obtained by making migra-
tions more frequently (f label in Fig. 4; see also Section 4.1). A
0 means separate (idle) evolution, 1 means tight coupling, and
32 represents long isolation.
The selection pressure is much more exible for dcGA since
the elementary cGA islands allow for a exible tuning (Fig. 4,
right). In fact, increasing the selection pressure in a dcGAis pos-
sible in two ways: by making more frequent migrations or/and
Fig. 4. Proportion of the best class in distributed versions of ssGA/genGA (left) and cGA (right). Global population size is 1024 individuals
by using squared grids. A third way is to change the selection
operator, but this can be made in any sort of GA.
In conclusion, highly coupled islands provide a larger selec-
tion pressure and allow a centralized-like evolution in a lower
run time with respect panmictic algorithms. In dcGA there ex-
ists an additional parameter to control the selection pressure: the
shape (or neighborhood) of the grid population.
The selection pressure is only one of the features of a GA.
When variation operators are included, the convergence velocity
is usually modied. However, selection pressure is a good in-
dicator of the expected behavior of the algorithm. We have just
offered a comparative overview on this matter for many mod-
els of panmictic and structured GAs. The goal of the following
section will be to study some fundamental search properties of
these algorithms, and also to conrm the selection pressure just
3.3. Schema processing rates in panmictic
and structured GAs
Our aim in this section is twofold. First, we want to introduce
the reader into a popular theoretical explanation of the working
principles of genetic algorithms: the schema theorem. Second,
we want tocheckthe relative selectionpressure of bothpanmictic
and structured GAs when analyzing these schemata.
The schema theorem is one plausible explanation for the be-
havior of genetic algorithms (Holland 1975, Goldberg 1989a). It
is based on the concept of a schema. Aschema is a string over the
alphabet V = {0, 1, ] having dened (0 or 1) and undened ()
positions. The GA implicitly processes O(n
) schemata (hyper-
planes) while it is really working with n strings (Holland 1975).
Two important features of a schema are its order and its dening
length. The order of a schema is the number of dened (non *)
positions, while its dening length is the difference between the
location of its two outermost dened positions.
The mathematical form of the schema theorem (equation (1))
provides a lower bound for the expected number of instances of
a schema H in next generation m(H, t 1). This estimate is
based on the importance of its tness (H) and on its survival
probability under crossover and mutation. The parameter p
are the probabilities of crossover and mutation, respectively.
(H) is the dening length, and o(H) is the order of the schema.
The algorithm is supposed to implicitly recombine low order
98 Alba and Troya
Table 4. Parameters, algorithms and the problem being studied
Parameters Values Algorithms Strings and solution schema
Problem size 3 xxGA(1,80, , ,ss,ifb) Solution1:
String length 36 xxGA(1,80, , ,sus,e) 110000000000 110000000000 000000000011
Pop size 80 xxGA(1,2 40, , ,cel,ifb) Solution2:
1.0 xxGA(4,20,r,640,ss,ifb) 110000000000 000000000011 000000000011
0.01 xxGA(4,20,r,32sus,e) Schema: [order = 32, dening length = 35]
Max. allowed evals. 10400 xxGA(4,2 10,r,32,cel,ifb) 110000000000 **00000000** 000000000011
schemata of short dening length to work out better solutions.
See Goldberg (1989b) for extensions on these concepts in par-
allel GAs.
m(H, t 1)
m(H, t )
l 1
o(H) p
The schema theorem can be translated into an equality by in-
cluding string gains and losses (Whitley 1993). However, even
if an equality is used to predict the exact number of schema in-
stances, the schema theorem fails to capture the full complexity
of a GA. Many works have been devoted to solve these decien-
cies. Some shortcomings come from an unnecessarily restricted
interpretation of schemata under binary alphabets (Antonisse
1989). Also, building blocks are difcult to identify in many
applications (Whitley 1993), and there is not direct informa-
tion about the tness function in the given estimate (B ack et al.
Nevertheless, the theorem depicts the exponential growth of
expected number of instances as a desirable characteristic for a
GA, and this still holds whenever it can be attained. Besides this,
the schema theorem gives useful information on the GA when
used to predict the number of instances of a given schema only
for the next generation (Whitley 1993).
The new interpretation of schemata for non-binary alphabets
overcomes the drawbacks of low expressiveness that the initial
interpretation assigned to alphabets of higher cardinality (for ex-
ample integers V = Z or reals V =IR) (Antonisse 1989). In ad-
dition, new extended and alternative explanations to the schema
theorem are being proposed and used; see B ack et al. (1997)
for a summary of theories on genetic algorithms. Besides, the
reader can nd in Menke (1997) a correct estimate, and in Poli
(1999) a deeper understanding in relation to GA operators.
In this section, we study the schema processing abilities of
the models. We proceed in two steps. The rst step will be to ex-
perimentally conrm the theoretical selection pressures derived
in the precedent section in the schema space. The second step
is intended to conrm the expected exponentially growth of the
number of instances belonging to a solution schema.
The optimization problem used here consists in nding one
out of two solution strings of 36 bits. The tness evaluation (as-
suming a maximization problem) subtracts from 72 the sum of
hamming distances of the evaluated string to each one of these
strings (subtracting 0 when one of the two solutions is evalu-
ated). The optimum is thus 72, and the problem is bimodal. In
Table 4 we give the strings, the studied schema, the compared
algorithms, and the parameters of the problem (see the nomen-
clature in the Appendix).
The analyzed schema contains the two solution strings as well
as another 14 undesired strings that are not a solution to the
problem. In fact, it is not a very difcult problem, but we use it
because it is easy to track the schema proportion in the popula-
tion. We have selected a schema of high order and long dening
length because it is a bad schema; to conrm this end, see
again the denition of the schema theorem in equation (1).
The results of tracking this schema in the population are very
indicative of the internal behavior of the algorithms (Fig. 5).
Generational GAs, distributed or not, have problems with in-
troducing this schema in their populations, as predicted by the
schema theorem. However, the four other algorithms (d-ssGA
and d-cGA) do show an exponentially increased number of in-
stances for this schema. Thus, the rst conclusion is that genGA
is appropriately described with this theorem, while d-ssGA and
d-cGA are not.
In addition, the two generational GAs are very slow. The ssGA
is the quicker in exploiting the genotypic material, while its dis-
tributed counterpart (dssGA) is better in preserving diversity and
smoothing the curve of ssGA, but far from the slow progress of
dgenGA. The results for cGA and dcGA show an intermedi-
ate pressure level, as expected. Since the population is small
Fig. 5. Proportion of schema instances for the algorithms (average of
20 runs)
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 99
(80 individuals), cGA and dcGA are not very inuenced by the
grid shape. This is also the reason of the similarities between the
schema processing rates of cGA and dcGA.
Larger differences can be observed either for larger popu-
lations and for more difcult problems (with high epistasis,
multimodality, . . . ), in which a distributed algorithm provides
a more noticeable impact on the performance. As stated be-
fore, our second concern is selection pressure in schema pro-
cessing. Selection pressure can be also noticed when studying
schemata. We can conrmthat clear differences in the growth of
the better strings appear, even when crossover and mutation are
In short, the proportion of instances of the solution schema
grows very slowly in generational GAs, even for such a simple
problem. The deviation from a desirable behavior is clearly no-
ticeable for genGA and dgenGA. The d-ssGA, and d-cGA do
present the theoretically expected exponential growth of in-
stances that traditionally has been credited to good GAs, even
for this undesired schema.
Here, we end with the theoretical side on the internal behavior
of panmictic and structured GAs. Until now, we have been of-
fering some results that have suggested some relationship with
the migration policy in a parallel dGA, and with the grid shape
in a cellular GA. In the next two sections we will get deeper on
these matters.
4. Parallel distributed GAs
Parallel distributed GAs have a few parameters that are very
important for guiding the search and that distinguish them from
other GAs. This sectiondiscusses four mainissues inparallel dis-
tributed GAs, namely their migration policy, effort, synchronous
versus asynchronous execution, and speedup. Every subsection
will deal with such matters. In addition, further extensions to
new problems are analyzed along this section.
4.1. Migration policy in a distributed GA
In relation to the migration policy, many authors have reported
the benets of running loosely coupled islands (Belding 1995,
East and McFarlane 1993, Tanese 1989), both in terms of lower
execution time and numerical effort. However, no clear con-
clusions can be drawn since most of these results utilize non-
standard algorithms or include new operators, local search, etc.
To save this gap, here we link the migration frequency to the
size of the global population and study the effects on canonical
versions of dssGA and dcGA.
The migration policy determines the connectivity of the is-
lands in the parallel distributed GA. We dene the migration
policy as a tuple of ve values (Alba and Troya 2000a):
Denition (Migration Policy). A migration policy in a parallel
distributed GA can be dened by ve items:
M = (m, ,
, s) (2)
: is the policy for selecting migrants; usually a copy of an
individual is sent to the neighboring island. Alternatively, the
individual itself could be sent.
: is the migration replacement policy used for integrat-
ing an incoming individual in the population of the receptor
) is the set of shared structures between neighboring
sub-algorithms. If
) = then the sub-algorithms i
and j are not neighbors:
) =
) [
The number of migrated individuals is the number of shared
structures in every island:
m = [
)[ (4)
and the probability of application is
Some works strongly suggest to use asynchronous commu-
nications (Alba and Troya 2001, Hart et al. 1997, Maruyama,
Hirose and Konagaya 1993). This can be achieved by insert-
ing an individual whenever it arrives, thus eliminating the ne-
cessity of blocking the algorithm every steps (i.e., sending
and receiving strings are managed in separate portions of the
100 Alba and Troya
The set of parameters controlling the migration is dened by
the migration policy:
= {M] (6)
The basic reproductive cycle of the dGAis then a composition
of the island reproductive cycle and the migration operator:
works on a small pool of spatially close neighbors,
then we have a dcGA.
To analyze the inuence of the migration policy, we have
performed several tests with MMDP15 and RAS20 (see the
Appendix). We study the inuence of the migration frequency ,
and the migration selection
(better or random) in a ring
of islands. We plot the number of hits on dssGA and dcGA in
Fig. 6 (optimumfound out of 50 runs). Eight different migration
frequencies are analyzed for dseqGA=dssGA and dcGA.
The results indicate that it is better to migrate a random string
than the best one, since migration of the best string often gen-
erate super-individuals in the target population and diversity is
quickly lost. Asecond conclusion is that loosely coupled islands
provide a better efcacy; 16 or 32 are the factors that worked out
the best results. A high isolated search time allows quick inte-
gration/rejection of incoming migrants, thus provoking a clear
non-panmictic evolution in the dGA. The dcGA yields better
results than the dseqGA=dssGA in all the tests (with the ex-
ception of 16 for RAS20). This tendency is also found in the
next subsections.
The forthcoming subsections are devoted to compare the par-
allel distributed models dssGAand dcGAfromadditional points
of view. We study the numeric effort (4.2), the effects of syn-
chronization (4.3), and the speedup (4.4) of distributed versions
of ssGA and cGA. We end in Section 4.5 by summarizing and
extending these results.
The parallel dGAs with 1 to 8 processors have been run
in a LAN of similar computers (SUN UltraSparc 1, 143 Mhz
Fig. 6. Efcacy of several migration policies on distributed GAs for MMDP15 (left) and RAS20 (right)
and 64 Mb RAM) using an ATM communication network
(155 Mbps). Since the migration frequency and the synchro-
nization of the distributed algorithms will inuence the search
we plot different cases using three isolation time values through-
out. These values range froma highly coupled algorithm( =1)
to an almost idle set of islands ( =4), with an intermediate
value of =2. Besides that, we compare the effects of using
synchronous (s label) and asynchronous (a label) versions.
We rst study a large instance of the generalized Sphere prob-
lem with 16 variables and 32 bits per variable (l =512 bits)
(problem SPH16-32, see the Appendix for more details). For
all the results we use a global population of 512 individuals,
two point crossover (TPX) p
= 1.0, and bit-ip mutation
= 1/l.
4.2. Numeric effort
All the numeric results when solving SPH16-32 share some clear
characteristics (see Fig. 7). Since this problem is not especially
difcult for a PGA, tight migration ( =1) are faster in nding a
solution. This is an exception to the general rule by which iso-
lated islands are thought to performbetter. However, for SPH16-
32, a high interaction among the sub-algorithms provides the
same effect than using panmixis (one single population) with
the added advantage of a much lower execution time.
The dssGA (Fig. 7 left) is more sensible to the number of
processors, while the dcGA (Fig. 7 right) is less inuenced.
This conrms the trends found in Section 4.1 in that the search
of a cGA is numerically better only for difcult problems (even
when distributed).
4.3. Synchronous vs. asynchronous
Synchronous and asynchronous versions perform both the same
algorithm. Sync and async lines of Fig. 7 are quite similar since
the island GAs and the computers are homogeneous. They could
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 101
Fig. 7. Number of evaluations for the dssGA (left) and dcGA (right) for SPH16-32. Three migration frequencies (1, 2, 4) are shown for synchronous
(s) and asynchronous (a) versions
Fig. 8. Absolute time for solving SPH16-32 with dssGA and dcGA. We plot two separate comparisons: for the synchronous algorithms (left) and
for the asynchronous ones (right)
have shown great differences if variable string lengths or differ-
ent parameters were being used (heterogeneous search, see again
the taxonomy in Fig. 1).
However, the expected execution time (Fig. 8) for different
number of processors is consistently lessen by any asynchronous
model with respect to its equivalent synchronous algorithm. This
is easily explainable since the synchronous dssGA must wait
in every iteration, while the asynchronous one must not. Since
the number of evaluations to solve the same problem are quite
similar for each version, asynchronous models are expected to
show a better speedup (next section).
Aninterestingndingis that, althoughthe dssGAoutperforms
dcGA numerically, the user response time is smaller for dcGA
than for dssGA. Since communications are sought after every
step, the higher computational grain of dcGA is advantageous
(see the left andright parts of Fig. 8). The dssGAcanbe improved
by ignoring any communication task until having performed
a given number of evaluations (1). However, by doing this,
the asynchronous model becomes meaningless. Nevertheless,
although this is not a good practice for fair comparisons, it could
be a good idea for speeding up applications using PGAs.
4.4. Speedup
Speedup is a widely used measure allowing to assess the ef-
ciency of a parallel algorithm. It has been being used for
many years to analyze deterministic algorithms. It relates the
times of running the same algorithm in 1 and n
(equation (8)).
) =
However, before discussing speedup in parallel GAs we need
to make some especial considerations. When dealing with PGAs
102 Alba and Troya
Fig. 9. Speedup for the dssGA (left) and dcGA (right)
we must use average times and not absolute times, since PGAs
are non-deterministic algorithms (equation (9)).
) =
In addition, as many works have established, sequential and
parallel GAs must be compared by running themuntil a solution
of the same quality has been found (Cant u-Paz and Goldberg
1997, Hart et al. 1997). Completing the same number of steps
must not be used as the termination criterion when measuring
Besides, although speedup is upper bounded by the number
of processors n
, for a PGA it might not, since the PGA re-
duces both the number of necessary steps and the execution
time in relation to the sequential one. See superlinear speedups
in Belding (1995). The theoretical explanation is that a PGA
can nd a solution in any time T > 0 (Shonkwiler 1993). Also,
the separate chunks of data structures can t into the cach es of
processors (while they do not t in a monoprocessor), thus pro-
viding an additional source for superlinear speedup. Therefore,
superlinear speedup is possible from a theoretical point of view
whatever operators or parameters are being used. But there are
still some ambiguities. We can choose to measure the speedup
of a distributed GA on n
processors versus (1) a sequential
panmictic GA or (2) versus the same distributed GA on a single
processor. These two possibilities are discussed in the next two
4.4.1. Distribution versus panmixia
In this subsection we compare the time to locate a solution
needed by a panmictic GA versus a distributed GA with the
same global population and parameters. This is the usual way in
which many authors have measured speedup in the past. Hence,
we do the same in this section only to establish a bridge from
these works to a more correct or fairer way of measuring
speedup that we will introduce in Subsection 4.4.2. The goal
of the present section is twofold. First, we want to show that
super-linear speedup is possible in practice, wherever the GA is.
Second, we want to point out that the ECcommunity must use in
the future a more correct and widely accepted way of measuring
In Fig. 9 we showthe speedup of dssGAand dcGAfor solving
SPH16-32. Two conclusions can be drawn. On the one hand, the
speedup is clearly superlinear since e.g., an eight island dssGA
(dcGA) is better than the sequential ssGA (cGA) in a factor
larger than 8. This is due to its higher diversity and parallel
exploration from many different zones of the problem space.
The second outcome is the excessively large magnitude of such
a speedup. The reason is that a dGA and a panmictic GAs are
not (denitely) the same algorithm.
4.4.2. Orthodox speedup
Superlinear speedup is possible from both, theoretical and prac-
tical sides. However, the reader could think that other parameters
such as the complexity of the selection algorithmis allowing this
gain in speed when changing frompanmictic to distributed GAs.
Splitting the population can of course reduce the execution time
because resulting sub-populations are smaller. But, if this were
the source of superlinear speedup, we could not get a speedup
larger than n
when comparing the same distributed algorithm
on 1 and n
In this section we showthat exactly the same multi-population
algorithm can show superlinear speedup (Alba and Troya
Incidentally, in deterministic algorithms, superlinear speedup
can arise since the data structures are split into smaller pieces
that t into the cach es of the processors, while the whole data
structure did not t in because of its larger size. This source of su-
perlinear speedup can also appear when using non-deterministic
algorithms such as PGAs.
For these tests, we use a total of 512 individuals separated into
the number of islands. The algorithmis an homogeneous parallel
dssGA in which all the islands perform proportional selection,
two point crossover with probability p
=1.0, and bit mutation
with probability p
=1/, being the string length. We show
results with the Sphere problem having 16 variables each one
encoded in l
=32 bits ( =512), and with an instance of the
MMDP deceptive problem with 40 unitation l
=6 bit segments
( =240)see the Appendix.
In the following graphs we call weak1 to a speedup mea-
sure in which the base case is the panmictic GA and the
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 103
Fig. 10. Weak denition type 1 versus type 2 for SPH16-32 (left) and MMDP40 (right)
distributed GA has the same number of islands as processors.
We call weak2 the measure in which the distributed GA has
always a constant number of islands, and they are allocated to the
available processors. The size of the population is always con-
stant and equivalent between the compared algorithms. In both
cases the measure is called weak because a strong speedup
can only be dened when comparing with the worst time of
the fastest sequential algorithm, as the traditional denition of
speedup requires (Akl 1992). We use the weak measure because
we are only considering one type of GA with no warranties that
it is the best algorithm to solve the problem.
Figure 10 left shows that superlinear speedup is possible when
comparing a distributed algorithm on n
processors with a
panmictic one (weak1), and also when comparing it to itself on
one processor (weak2). This is especially clear for the SPH16-32
problem. For MMDP40, the weak2 measure is slightly sublinear,
but the trend is to increase toward linear and moderate super-
linear speedup when more processors are used. Of course, one
cannot expect to achieve superlinear values for any algorithm
and problem, and MMDP40 is an example of such a case we
include to asses the correctness of our measures.
In short, superlinear speedup is possible, both theoretically
and practically, in PGAs.
4.5. Quick summary and extensions of the results
To summarize the mentioned conclusions, dcGA worked out
the overall best results measured in terms of real time. Besides
that, the results of precedent sections and the scaling properties
presented in this section give dcGAsome advantages. The dcGA
is more robust, and increasing the number of processors is more
benecial for it than for dssGA. The time of dcGA for easy
GA-problems like the Sphere becomes very similar to dssGA
for 8 processors, and dcGA shows many other advantages when
faced to difcult problems.
Let us mention that the speedup is not always that large in all
the applications of a PGA, as it might be suggested from graphs
in Fig. 9 and 10 (left). More difcult problems do not allow for
such values. However, the superiority of asynchronous PGAs
over synchronous ones has been also reported frequently in
these years (Hart et al. 1997), (Maruyama, Hirose and Konagaya
A dssGA with frequent migrations could consume an unnec-
essarily large communication time. This is where a distributed
algorithmwith a larger grain of computation such as dcGAcould
show its advantages over dssGA.
Althoughthe parallel characteristics of dcGAseemtobe supe-
rior to dssGA we cannot recommend it as the best distributed
PGA for global optimization (the No Free Lunch theorem pre-
vents on this matter (Wolpert and Macready 1997)). In fact,
complex applications in which nal parameter tuning is very
important are often better solved by using dssGA. Training a
neural network is an example of such a complex domain. It
has high epistasis (genotype linkage), multimodality and non-
linearities. Some dssGA-like algorithms such as GENITOR II
(Whitley and Starkweather 1990) have proved to be useful in the
past for this task.
In Fig. 11 we show the inuence of the synchronization and
migration frequency for both, a dssGA and dcGA used to train
the neural network described in the Appendix. We conrm two
conclusions: asynchronous algorithms need lower (often much
lower) execution times, and they are less inuenced by the mi-
gration frequency.
These results prove that asynchronous algorithms are bet-
ter in easy and in complex domains, and that applications
Fig. 11. Time to train a neural network with dssGA and dcGA using 8
processors. We plot synchronous (s) and asynchronous (a) versions in
the graph. Migration frequencies 1, 16, 32, and 128, and total isolation
0 are evaluated
104 Alba and Troya
of distributed PGAs should prefer them over synchronous
implementations (Alba and Troya 2001).
A somewhat surprising result is that the evolution of non-
connected islands performs quite well in this problem. The rea-
son can be found in the characteristics of training multilayer
perceptrons with EAs in general. Since the strings represent
sets of weights, and since each set of weights is a given func-
tional mapping of the training patterns, crossing two strings is
most times useless. The resulting offspring often lacks of the
functional modules that are present in its parents. In general,
crossover is not very extended in training NNs with EAs, we
use it here for avoiding long explanations on when and how it
is useful. This effect promotes algorithms that only merge two
parent strings when they have very similar contents. This kind
of intra-species crossover is natural and implicitly provided by
a multi-population PGA, thus explaining the good behavior of
disconnected executions, where isolated species evolve.
In this application, the dcGA is a slower mechanism for nal
tuning of the solution in relation to the dssGA. This is why
many authors directly propose parallel models having a hill-
climbing technique that works inside the neighborhoods of a
cGA (M uhlenbein, Schomisch and Born 1991).
5. Cellular GAs
In this section we discuss the importance of the neighborhood
and topology in the cellular GA. The inuence of these two
parameters on the performance of a cGA has already been sug-
gested but it is only in recent works that common numerical
models are gaining acceptance (Sarma and De Jong 1997). Since
cGAs are not widely known optimization algorithms we present
a detailed study on them.
Concretely, we rst characterize the shape/neighborhood re-
lationship with a numerical ratio value in Subsection 5.1. Then,
we analyze the inuence on the ratio in the effort for obtaining a
solution (Subsection 5.2), in the efcacy of the algorithm (Sub-
section 5.3), in the scalability of the algorithm (Subsection 5.4),
and, nally, we address a problem-dependent ratio performance
study (Subsection 5.5).
5.1. Ratio between the neighborhood and topology
radii in a cGA
Many parameters distinguish a cellular GA from other kinds of
algorithms. In particular, the topology in which individuals are
placed, and the neighborhood inside which the reproductive plan
is applied are very important. This is common sense since the
population is not a pool like in panmictic GAs. In cGAs the pop-
ulation is structured, usually in some kind of grid in which one
string is located in every node. Toroidal meshes are very usual,
with the grid folded to a torus. A geographical distribution like
this one needs also some rules to decide which strings belong to
the same neighborhood, for every given string in the population.
Different neighborhoods can be dened on a toroidal mesh
of individuals. See some possible neighborhoods in Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Types of neighborhoods: Linear and compact
We ll in black the strings belonging to the same neighbor-
hood hosted by the central string. All these neighborhoods share
some commoncharacteristics (Baluja 1993). Usually, theyall are
composed by a small number of strings in order to reduce the
communication overhead in a SIMD machine, or the execution
time if a monoprocessor implementation is being used to hold
the grid. Many authors use the NEWS (North-East-West-South)
neighborhood since it is very simple (also called linear5).
Such a large diversity of topologies and neighborhoods needs
a common quantication. The results in De Jong and Sarma
(1995), and Sarma and De Jong (1996) proved that the relation-
ship between neighborhood and topology determines the selec-
tion pressure of a cGA. Here, we provide an independent and
different conrmation of their theory by using a quantity to char-
acterize the topology, called the radius. We consider the grid
to have a radius representing the dispersion of n
points in a
circle centered in ( x, y) (Fig. 13).
This denition can quantify the type of neighborhood as well,
and thus it helps in distinguishing different neighborhoods that
might be dened on the same toroidal grid.
For a constant number of individuals (n = n
) and neighbor-
hood the radius will increase as the grid gets thinner (Fig. 14(a)).
Therefore, the thinner is the grid the smaller is the overall ratio.
In Sarma and De Jong (1996) it is shown that different grids and
neighborhoods having the same ratio show also the same selec-
tion pressure. This and other works (Baluja 1993) change the
type of neighborhood to get different selection pressures on the
same grid. Our contribution consists in keeping a constant neigh-
borhood (NEWS) and changing the grid shape. Therefore, we
can tune the selection intensity by changing a single parameter:
Fig. 13. (a) Radius, and (b) the ratio between the topology and neigh-
borhood radii
Fig. 14. Two radii (a), NEWS neighborhood (also known as linear5)
(b), and its radius (c)
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 105
Table 5. Parameters of the tests
Parameters ras10 (16 bits) ras20 (8 bits) ros10 (16 bits) ros20 (8 bits) sph3 (32 bits) sph6 (32 bits) ummdp6 (6 bits) mmdp16 (6 bits)
Problem size 10 20 10 20 3 6 6 16
String length 160 160 160 160 96 192 36 96
1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05
the ratio (Alba and Troya 2000b). This is much easier to imple-
ment, use, and study (see also Alba, Cotta and Troya 2000).
5.2. Ratio and effort
Reducing the ratio in some way means reducing the global se-
lection pressure in the cellular GA. This is expected to allow a
high diversity and promote exploration.
To show the inuence of the ratio in the search we applied
different cGAs to solve a set of problems and then compared the
resulting number of steps. Parameters are in Table 5 and results
in Fig. 15. We have used canonical versions and have not carried
out any special parameter tuning to avoid biasing the results.
In Fig. 15 we can appreciate the computational effort for solv-
ing every problem in terms of the number of evaluations (aver-
age of 50 independent runs). Clearly, ros20-8 and ras20-8 are
the more difcult problem instances among all, and mmdp16-6
is the easier one. However, our goal is not to compare different
problems, but different grid shapes on the same problem. For a
given problem, the number of evaluations to get a solution is es-
sentially the same for any grid except for the 2 50 and 1 100
shapes (very small ratios). For these thin grids the algorithm
Fig. 15. Efciency in terms of the average #evaluations to solve the problems
needs a larger number of evaluations to get a solution. We will
validate this outcome also on much larger populations later in
this section. Thinner grids provide a higher diversity and explo-
ration (advantage), but this usually requires a larger number of
evaluations (drawback). An intermediate ratio might be the best
trade-off decision.
5.3. Ratio and efcacy
In this section we show that there exists a relationship between
the number of hits in nding a solution to difcult problems
and thinner grids. See Fig. 16 to verify this point. The smaller
problem instances are successfully solved whatever the disposi-
tion of individuals is (right half of graph in Fig. 16). But for the
two instances of Rosenbrock and Rastrigin functions (10 and 20
variables) thinner grids are progressively better.
Therefore, we can conclude that thinner grids provide bet-
ter efcacy on difcult problems (with bounded and constant
computational resources). The increment in the number of eval-
uations shown by small ratios is a practical drawback for easy
problems, but an advantage when analyzing the resulting ef-
cacy. There exist some alternatives that could alleviate this
106 Alba and Troya
Fig. 16. Percentage of successful runs (out of 50) in solving multiple problems with different shapes (i.e., different ratios)
higher number of evaluations. For example, instead of using a
cGAwith a large grid, we could run several connected islands of
smaller cGAs in parallel; this algorithm, which we have called
dcGA, would prot from the physical and numerical benets of
the migration models, like shown in Alba and Troya (2001).
5.4. Ratio and scalability
Now we turn to consider the way in which the same cGA can
solve problems of increasing size. This will give us an idea
of how the cGA exploits and prots from the genotypic infor-
mation. The better the cGA scales the better it is supposed to
perform when faced with unseen problems. Table 6 contains the
parameters used to get the results shown in Fig. 17 (only non-
distributed algorithms). We use small population sizes because
our interest in using bounded computational resources (wide ap-
plicability). As in the previous tests, 2 64 means we are using
a grid of 128 individuals geographically distributed in 2 rows of
Table 6. Parameters for solving SPHxx, RASxx, ROSxx, and MMDPxx with a cGA
Parameters SPH {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] RAS {10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] ROS {10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] MMDP {1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
Pop. shape & size 2 64 = 128 2 50 = 100 2 95 = 190 2 24 = 48
1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0
0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05
Max. funct. eval. 300000 300000 450000 300000
64 strings each. The same holds for the rest of population size
For all the instances of a given family the cGA is exactly
the same. Let us show in Fig. 17(left) how the algorithm
is able to manage the instances of easy problems like the
SPH16-32 without important increments in the numeric effort.
Problems like ROS and RAS need a clear larger number of
The graph in Fig. 17 left suggests the relative difculty that
the cGA face to solve these two problems, much more evident
for the ROS family due to its epistasis. In addition, deceptive
problems (MMDP) provoke large jumps on the efcacy for very
large instances.
It is important to keep in mind the relationship between cGA
and other algorithms such as ssGA and genGA. We compare
in Fig. 17 right their percentage of hits for several ROS in-
stances. When analyzing results that only include cGAs one
could be prone to think that some grid shapes are not efcient.
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 107
Fig. 17. (left) Scaling properties of a cGA and (right) percentage of success for Rosenbrock of a cGA versus ssGA and genGA (parameters in
Table 5, 50 executions)
This conclusion might be wrong since even in these cases the
cGA could outperform panmictic GAs. This is the reason to in-
clude Fig. 17 right at this point. Since ssGA and genGA have
not a structured population, convergence to sub-optimal solu-
tions is often encountered. In particular, the genGA is very
Although we have been able to solve many problems with
small populations, one can wonder if the scaling of a cGA
still holds for much larger populations and difcult problems.
We have used a total population of 1024 individuals and solve
MMDP of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 sub-functions. The graphs in
Fig. 18 reveal the computational effort (left) and the scalability
(right) of different shaped grids.
The numerical effort grows similarly for grids 32 32,
16 64 and 8 128. These are good news since, in addition,
the thinner grids maintain a good diversity and a larger num-
ber of hits than square grids in other problems like Rastrigin or
Rosenbrock. The very thin grid 4 256 needs a larger com-
putational effort, as expected after the previous results. The
Fig. 18. Numeric cost (#evals.) to get a solution in a cGA(left) and its scalability (right) for different shaped cGAs and increasingly larger instances
growth in size is directly followed by the growth in the effort
to solve the problem, with a slight advantage for the square
grid (high ratio). Even a very small ratio such as 4 256 scales
As a conclusion, we see that thinner grids perform well in
difcult problems and that they scale adequately. A square grid
scales slightly better than thinner grids, has similar computa-
tional effort on MMDPxx, and worst results in the previous
problems. The exception is for extremely thin grids in which the
larger computational effort is only admissible when a complex
problem is being solved.
5.5. Ratio and problem dependent behavior
We now proceed to present and analyze the results of our cGA
when solving two different problems with various ratios. These
problems are the multimodal deceptive MMDP40 function, and
a highly epistatic instance of a problem generator known as the
P-PEAKS problem (De Jong, Potters and Spears 1997). See the
108 Alba and Troya
Table 7. Parameters for solving MMDP40 and P-PEAKS
Total popsize 400 individuals
String length () 240 for MMDP40, and 100 bits for P-PEAKS
Parents selection Roulette wheel Roulette wheel
Crossover Two point, p
= 1.0
Bit mutation p
= 1/ = 0.0042, p
= 1/ = 0.01
Replacement Rep If Better
Appendix for more details on these optimization tasks. For these
two problems we have used the parameterization summarized in
Table 7. Our goal is to prove that there exists no globally better
value of ratio, but instead, every problem is more suited for a
given value of ratio.
The selected techniques and parameter values are very usual
in EAs in order to get results widely useful for the research com-
munity. We use 400 individuals (of bit length ), proportional
selection of two parents within the neighborhood of 5 strings,
two point crossover with probability 1.0, and bit-ip mutation
with probability 1/.
For every point in the grid, we replace it only if the new string
is better than the existing one. The stopping condition for all
the algorithms and problems is to nd a solution. We analyze
the cost of solving a problem by measuring the number of func-
tion evaluations. For every problem, the same cGA is applied
in which we only change the ratio between neighborhood and
topology. Three clearly different ratios are used corresponding to
the grid shapes 20 20, 10 40, and 4 100 individuals. The
computed ratio values with NEWS is 0.110, 0.075 and 0.031,
respectively (see Table 8).
The results are shown in Table 9. We summarize the average
results of 30 independent runs for solving the two problems. We
cansee that a small ratio(0.031) is more efcient thana highratio
in P-PEAKS. For this epistatic problem the reduced selection
pressure of a small ratio improves exploration. However, for
MMDP40, the higher pressure of the square grid (0.110) is more
efcient. We underline the best results in Table 9.
These values conrm the previous results in which a high
ratio is more efcient in the absence of epistatis, and also for a
Table 8. Three different grid shapes, their radius, and their ratio with
Shape rad
20 20 8.15 0.8944 0.10968 0.110
10 40 11.9 0.8944 0.07519 0.075
4 100 28.9 0.8944 0.03096 0.031
Table 9. Mean number of evaluations
0.110 0.075 0.031
MMDP40 170637.9 237003.4 331719.6
P-PEAKS 50458.1 50364.6 48653.6
Table 10. MMDP40 and P-PEAKS: t-test (p-values)
ratio 0.110 0.075 0.031 0.110 0.075 0.031
0.110 0.0177 5.12e-06 0.9409 0.0829
0.075 0.0177 0.0181 0.9409 0.1531
0.031 5.12e-06 0.0181 0.0829 0.1531
medium degree of multimodality (MMDP40). A small ratio is
desirable when epistasis or multimodality are high (P-PEAKS),
because it speeds up the search and quickly gets out of local
optima. In these cases, the driving force of the search resides in
that different grid regions are mapped to different search regions,
sought in parallel.
Since we want to be sure that these results are statistically
signicant, Table 10 contains the results of performing t -tests
on the average results of Table 9. If we consider the stan-
dard p-value =0.05 level of signicance, all the results with
MMDP40 are meaningful, thus indicating that a high ratio is
more efcient. The signicance with P-PEAKS is above 0.05
(around 0.1), which only allows us to say that there is a trend
toward smaller ratios. However, the tests have had a great reg-
ularity and the smaller ratios yielded the faster algorithms for
6. Numeric efciency
After considering such a large number of behaviors and algo-
rithms we now turn to provide an overview on their search fea-
tures. Therefore, this section contains an empirical vision of the
theoretical behavior of the algorithms. We will track the progress
of the observed best string in the population of serial and parallel
GAs. Besides the mentioned algorithms, non-elitist versions (ne
labels) are analyzed to conrm the popular thought that at least
the best string must survive between consecutive generations
(elitist selection, label e). Non-elitism is rarely found in algo-
rithms used to solve (real) problems with large computational
The global population size is kept the same for all the results
in this section (180 individuals), and one random string is mi-
grated every 32 TotalPopsize evaluations (loosely coupled) in
distributed GAs, as Section 4.1 suggests.
We only plot RAS20 in Fig. 19 as a representative example,
although we carried out similar tests for all the problems (aver-
age results of 50 independent runs). We conclude (Fig. 19) that
the basic ssGA ssa and cGA(ifb) ci algorithms are the best
among all of them in reaching an optimum with a fast conver-
gence. The algorithms having selection pressure SP2 and SP3
(see Section 3.2) perform with the highest efciency. The dis-
tributed execution maintains or enlarges the numerical efciency
(e.g., in genGAs), and improves algorithms having SP1 (see the
rank in Table 11) although they still converge slowly.
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 109
Fig. 19. Performance on RAS20 (8 20 =160 bits, 180 individuals, p
=1.0, p
=0.01, plotted during 540000 evaluations). (a) Non-distributed
and (b) distributed
Clearly, the non-elitist generational GAs and the
cGA(always)always replacing every considered string
with the newly computed oneare the worst algorithms. This
conrms the importance of using elitism (binary tournament)
in the replacement of a cGA, and the low convergence velocity
of genGAs. In addition, it is clear that roulette wheel selection
(rw) shows a larger sampling error than stochastic universal
sampling (sus) (Baker 1987). Our contribution is to conclude
that this result holds not only for serial GAs, but also for
distributed parallel GAs.
In Fig. 19(b) the distributed versions (8 islands) conrm the
ranking in Table 11. Distribution seems to speed up the slow
Table 11. Ranking
1. dssi, dci, dssa
2. ssi, ci, ssa
3. dsuse, drwe
4. suse, rwe
5. dsusn,susn
6. ca, dca
7. drwn, rwn
algorithms, and tends to unify the behavior of similar non-
distributed selection pressures.
7. Resistance to scalability
In this section our goal is to nd out the average number
of evaluations needed to reach a solution and how it scales
with the increasing difculty of the problems. The analysis in-
clude the algorithms xxGA(. . . ,ss,ifb), xxGA(. . . ,cel,ifb), and
xxGA(. . . ,sus,e), either distributed (d label) and not. Here, we
want to extend and unify the results obtained only with cellular
GAs (Section 5.4) to include all the algorithms.
We allow a maximum of 3 10
evaluations (4.5 10
Rosenbrock) and make a constant and single parameterization
for all the instances of a given problem. Figure 20 plots the
results. The parameters have been provided in Table 6.
In Fig. 20 we can see some general trends. First, the number of
evaluations in generational GAs, distributed or not, grows very
quickly with the problem size for all the problems, with a lower
number of steps if distributed. This is an undesired behavior.
Second, the ssGA is slightly faster than the cGA and their
distributed versions for RASxx and ROSxx.
110 Alba and Troya
Fig. 20. Growth of the computational cost for different instances of (a) SPHxx, (b) RASxx, (c) ROSxx and (d) MMDPxx functional families. Mean
of 50 independent runs
Third, the distributed cGAs would have needed larger sub-
populations for showing clear numerical benets. A small pop-
ulation prevents elementary cGAs to show their intrinsic prop-
erties since the selection pressure is quite large.
The results for other difcult problems like MMDP16 are
more conclusive. With the same resources, the cGA and dcGA
Fig. 21. Plot of the % of success for ROSxx
are the only ones efciently solving the largest instances or even
solving the problem at all. The steady-state even fails to solve
Froman additional point of view, the cGAand dcGA(Fig. 21)
give the best efcacy on these problems. There are some excep-
tions for ROS18 and ROS20 in which the ssGA is slightly better
than the cGA.
8. Conclusions and future work
In this paper we have presented a unied point of view for the
class of sequential and parallel GAs. This has allowed to com-
pare a large number of algorithms fairly. Since there are many
versions in the literature for any class of GA and PGA we use
popular canonical expressions of them, by stressing the impor-
tance of the underlying distributed, cellular, or mixed model.
The cellular GAis slower than the steady-state in many cases,
but better in efcacy for most tested problems. Local selec-
tion procedures and other renements could greatly improve the
search with cGAs. We have conrmed the importance of the ra-
tio between the radius of the topology and the neighborhood, in
cGAs. This is a tradeoff parameter which has to be considered
for obtaining good solutions efciently.
The distributed and non-distributed ssGA and cGA algo-
rithms yield a fast schema growth in the studied problem.
Improving exibility and efciency with PGAs 111
Table A.1. Symbols used for referring to the algorithms
Symbols Meaning
xxGA(d, n, m, g, e,re) d {1, . . . , ] number of sub-populations running in parallel
n {1, . . . , ] size of one population
m {r, better] controls whether we migrate a random or the best individual
g {1, . . . , ] migration gap (steps) between two successive migrations
e {ss, rw, sus, cel] evolution mode: steady-state, generational or cellular
re {alw, ifb, e, ne] replac. policy: always, if better, elitist or non elitist
ssi steady-state if better ssa steady state always replace least-t
rwe roulette-wheel with elitism rwn roulette-wheel without elitism
suse stochastic universal sampling with elitism susn stochast. universal sampl. without elitism
ci cellular GA with if better replacement ca cellular GA with always replacement
dssi, dssa, drwe, drwn, dsuse, dsusn, dci, dca distributed versions of the algorithms
However, the predicted and actual number of instances are quite
different in our tests for these algorithms, indicating that the
basic schema theorem is not valid for them.
Distributed parallel GAs seemto be a widely useful and avail-
able technique that researchers can use to solve their particular
optimization problems. When applied, there is no need of re-
nouncing to the advantages of the structured populations found
in massively parallel GAs. The distributed model can be com-
bined with a diffusion model to outperformtraditional panmictic
islands in many aspects and problems.
The parallel asynchronous distributedversions of all the tested
algorithms have worked out better results in time and speedup
than the synchronous ones. If the reader has similar conditions
to those used in this paper (similar workstations, parameters,
or problems), and after other referenced papers, he/she should
prefer asynchronous parallel distributed GAs for a novel appli-
cation. Also, we have shown that superlinear speedup is possible
in PGAs.
As a future work it would be interesting to discover if the
merging of steady-state and cellular GAs in the same ring should
prot from their relative advantages. Besides that, a study on
the inuence of using ranking or tournament selection would be
useful for future applications. Of course, the ability of parallel
GAs to face modern optimization domains such as dynamic
optimization could be of interest due to their very good diversity
and multi-solution capabilities.
Fig. A.1. Sphere, Rastrigin, Rosenbrock, and massively multimodal deceptive problems
Appendix: Nomenclature and testbed
In this Appendix we rst present the nomenclature (see
Table A.1) used to label the charts. Then we present the op-
timization problems we have used throughout this paper.
In Table A.1 we summarize how we refer in the paper to dif-
ferent algorithms, number of processors, selection techniques,
For the test suite we have selected problems that satisfy a large
set of requirements, namely
1. Lab and real world problems.
2. Problems showing epistasis i.e., high parameter linkage.
3. Problems showing multimodality i.e., having numerous local
optima and multiple different global optima.
4. Deceptive problems, designed to mislead the search of a GA.
5. Simple problems, with the aim of offering baselines for
The reader will easily classify the following problems into
one of these classes. We have selected a heterogeneous test
suite that contains some of the most popular features that a re-
searcher can face in real world optimization. For our tests we
have used various problems instances (Fig. A.1): the general-
ized Sphere (gene parameter length l
=32 bits), Rosenbrock
=8 and 16 bits), and Rastrigin (l
=8 and 16 bits) functions
112 Alba and Troya
(maximized). Also, several instances of a 6-bit massively mul-
timodal deceptive problem (l
=6 bits).
This set of problems is expected to cover a wide and repre-
sentative spectrumof search spaces. We use sometimes abbrevi-
ations like ROS, MMDP, or SPH for these functions since they
help in clarifying the discussion.
We address an additional optimization problem consisting in
traininganarticial neural network(ANN) for urbantrafc noise
prediction dened in Cammarata et al. (1993). We will use our
PGAs to solve this problem. Training neural networks with GAs
is an alternative to gradient-descent techniques which frequently
get stuck in local optima. Many approaches exit to genetically
designed ANNs, although we are only interested in genetically
training ANNs. This is a difcult, epistatic, and multimodal
task that additionally requires a nal tuning of the quality of the
solution. See Whitley and Schaffer (1992) and Alba, Aldana and
Troya (1993) for more details and interesting results in this kind
of application.
The network is trained to determine functional relationships
between the road trafc noise and some physical parameters.
Should this goal achieved, it is possible to modify the causes
of trafc noise in order to sensibly reduce it. The neural net-
work is capable of modeling non-linear systems such as this
The meaningful parameters of the trafc noise refer to the
number of vehicles and owvelocity (trafc parameters), type of
pavement andslope of the road(roadparameters), androadwidth
and building height (urban parameters). Combining trucks and
cars intoone single parameter (#cars +6 #trucks), andaveraging
the height of the buildings in both sides of the road, we can
dene a backpropagation network (Kung 1993) with 3 inputs
and 1 output:
INPUT: (number of vehicles, average height of buildings,
width of the road )
OUTPUT: (sound pressure level )
We consider a network with a 3-30-1 topology (input-hidden-
output) for learning the set of examples on roads in Messina,
Fig. A.2. Encoding the weights of a neural network into a GA string (left) and the tness function we use (right)
Palermo and Catania, in Italy. The neurons have a sigmoid ac-
tivation function that provides continuous values in the range
[0 1]. This poses a much difcult optimization problem than
using boolean activation functions (discrete optimization). We
code the weights and bias of the network (151 parameters) in a
string of 151 real numbers as indicated by the input-output code
of Fig. A.2 left.
The objective function (Fig. A.2 right) consists in nding a
network (multilayer perceptron) that learns the pattern set i.e.,
that minimizes the error between the expected and actual output
(supervised learning). This error is summed for all the n output
neurons and for all the p patterns of the pattern set. We include
this error into a maximization function by subtracting it from a
constant (C).
We nally describe an interesting problem generator pro-
posed in De Jong, Potter and Spears (1997) that is also used
in the present paper. A problem generator is an easily param-
eterizable task which has a tunable degree of epistasis, thus
allowing to derive very difcult instances at will. Also, using
a problem generator removes the opportunity to hand-tune al-
gorithms to a particular problem, therefore allowing a larger
fairness when comparing algorithms. In addition, with a prob-
lem generator we evaluate our algorithms on a high number
of random problem instances, thus increasing the predictive
power of the results for the problem class as a whole. Here
we utilize their multimodal epistatic generator that we call
The idea is to generate a set of P random N-bit strings that
represent the location of P peaks in the search space. To evaluate
an arbitrary bit string, rst locate the nearest peak in Hamming
space. Then the tness of the bit string is the number of bits
the string has in common with that nearest peak, divided by N
(equation (A.1)). Problems with a small/large number of peaks
are weakly/strongly epistatic. Our instance uses P = 100 peaks
of N = 100 bits each, which represents a medium-high epistasis
( x) =
i =1
{N HammingD( x, Peak
)] (A.1)
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