DMIT - PPT Viral
DMIT - PPT Viral
DMIT - PPT Viral
After 200yrs of scientific research it is proven fact that there are no two
identical fingerprints, patterns remain the same during life time and
even after the complete decomposition of body takes place
Child acquires talents but not necessary he/she is satisfied with that
acquired talents. May be it affects child’s interest after sometime
. Tips-
- Record lectures and then listen to them
- Repeat material out loud and in your own hands
- Discuss materials in your study groups
- Read text books aloud
- Listen to wordless background music while studying
Types of learning styles
- Likes to use the hands on to approach to learn new things
- Is generally good in math and science
- Like to do demonstration on how to do something rather than verbally explain it
- Usually prefers group work more than others
. Tips-
- Should take study breaks often
- Learn new material while doing something active (e.g. read a textbook while on a
- Work while standing
- Try to take classes with instructors who encourage demonstrations and fieldwork
Types of Intelligence
Linguistic= Word smart
Logical-mathematical= Reasoning/Number smart
Spatial= Picture smart
Bodily-Kinesthetic= Body smart
Musical= Music smart
Interpersonal= People smart
Intrapersonal= Self smart
Naturalist= Nature smart
Linguistic Intelligence
Involves sensitivity in speaking and writing language. Can use words
very smartly and effectively
Writers, poets, lawyers and orators are among those who have
linguistic intelligence
Logical-Mathematical intelligence
This intelligence entails the ability to detect patterns, reason
deductively and think logically
Always tries to find solutions logically of every problems and has very
hyper and quick thought process
This area deals with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with
the minds eye. Spatial ability is one of the three factors beneath in the
hierarchical model of intelligence
Involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space
and more confined area
It entails the potential of using one’s whole body or parts of the body to
solve problems