Mzumbe University Faculty of Science and Technology: Research Proporsal
Mzumbe University Faculty of Science and Technology: Research Proporsal
Mzumbe University Faculty of Science and Technology: Research Proporsal
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................................2 1:0.Introduction...............................................................................................................................................2 1.1 Background of the study............................................................................................................................2 1.2 The statement of the problem....................................................................................................................3 1.3. Objectives of the study.............................................................................................................................3 1.3 1.General objectives .............................................................................................................................3 1.3 2.Specific Objectives of the study ............................................................................................................3 1.4 Research Questions...................................................................................................................................4 1.5 .Significance of the study..........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Research Design........................................................................................................................................5 2.2 .Area of the study ......................................................................................................................................5 References Appendix
CHAPTER ONE 1:0.Introduction 1.1 Background of the study Discipline, is the absence of disorders, chaos and confusion in human behaviors and actions. It occurs
when students behave in an orderly and responsible manner. Also it is a regulation of human activity to produce a controlled performance. Normally discipline may be positive or negative .Positive means the employees willingly conform to the established rules and regulation. And it may be negative if penalties and punishments are used to force the students to obey the rules and regulation of the organization. On the other hand indiscipline means the negative under which penalties and punishments are used to force the students to obey the rules and regulation. It is where some techniques may be involved like fines, suspensions and discontinuation. Indiscipline is an act of engagement in behaviors that has been specified as the undesirable. That is to say in every university there are set of behaviors/norms of conduct that are grouped as desirable and those which are grouped as undesirable. For academic achievement in the university students Indiscipline must be eliminated 1.2 The statement of the problem. Many university in Tanzania may have good by-laws which govern students behaviors at the campus for the academic performance but they fail to realize the objectives due the problem of the students indiscipline. Due to the problems brought by the indiscipline behaviors the government and the university management has been making different efforts to ensure that the students and the students conducts are well directed by the rules and the regulations in the campus. Despite of several efforts put in place to direct the conducts of the students but there is great increase of the students indiscipline behaviors. Student indiscipline is among the greater obstacles towards the achievement of university goals and students goals
1.3. Objectives of the study. 1.3 1.General objectives The general objective of the study is to find out the factors that cause students indiscipline at Mzumbe University 1.3 2.Specific Objectives of the study The specific objective of the study includes the following:a) To identify the disciplinary actions for students indiscipline b) To identify the indiscipline practices at Mzumbe University
c) To identify the causes of indiscipline practices at mzumbe university 1.4 Research Questions i) What are the disciplinary actions to be taken for students indiscipline? ii) What are the indiscipline practices at Mzumbe University? ii) What are the causes of indiscipline practices at Mzumbe University? iii) What is the academic impact brought by students indiscipline at Mzumbe University?
1.5 .Significance of the study The study will be help the university management to find the solution of students indiscipline at the campus The study will raise students awareness towards university by-laws
CHAPTER TWO RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.0 Introduction This chapter involves research procedures and methodology that a researcher use collects information. Generally indicates or shows the techniques that are used by the researcher in data collection and data analysis. This chapter comprises the following parts research design, study area, population of the study, sampling procedures and sample size, data collection methods, data analysis methods, as well as expected output
2.1 Research Design In this study, the researcher will use Case Study design as the one of the research design to investigate the information from the students in the university the use of this design is due to the limitation of time and financial constraints which may be used on transport to collect data. The case study approach will be appropriate to the use of variety of data collection methods such as, questionnaires, interviews, observation and also documentation. 2.2 .Area of the study The study is conducted at Mzumbe university-morogoro .The researcher decide to use this place because is among the students in this university and hence it is easily accessible on collecting data concerning the topic of investigation 2.3 Population of the study The pulation of the study will be the students of Mzumbe University and university staff such as lecturers, clinical officers, and management. 2.4 Sampling design and Sample Size 2.4.1 Simple random sampling The researcher will use simple random sampling because it is a procedure which gives each element an equal chance of being selected. Due to the fact that the population of the study is not large, the procedure of drawing a simple random sample will be done by writing the names of students (100 students) and their designation on the pieces of papers and then the papers are mixed thoroughly in a container and then 50 names are randomly picked to be included into the sample. 2.4.2 Sample size: A researcher will choose a sample of size of 50 students 2.5 DATA COLLECTION METHODS The researcher will use two sources of data collection method namely, primary data and secondary data sources. Primary data sources include interviews, questionnaires and observation; secondary data sources included documentary reviews in which personal files (both confidential and open files), reports, and other office records which will be useful for the accomplishment of the study will be reviewed. Questionnaires
Written questions will be presented to different subjects, this involves close and open ended questions, and the researcher is expected to provide written questions to Mzumbe students and staffs Interviews:
Here there will be questions for interview; moreover it based on personal interview. This method of data collection is being conducted for the purpose of completing the information obtained from questionnaire or when seeking important information from the top management. Observation:
In this method there is application of participatory observation, because a researcher has a lot of chance In exercising duties given and more time to observe students indiscipline at Mzumbe University. The researcher will perform direct observation method by Visiting in library, dormitories, and venues Where students perform different academic activities 2.5.2 Secondary Data Collection Methods 2.5.2 .1 Documentary reviews The documentary sources of data will be collected from personal and subject files (both confidential and open files), reports, and other office records which are useful for the accomplishment of the study.
2.6 Data Analysis The researcher will use Quantitative analysis method. Description of categorical distribution will be used whereby the respondent views on different variables will be distributed and described in terms of tabulation numbers and percentage of respondent.
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