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Vision incorporates the use of state-of-the-art

technology so that each student can develop

The formation of an enlightened Christ- his/her evolving talents to the fullest. Challenging
centered Filipino committed to the building of just academic/vocational/technical programming is
servant-leaders with dignity, humane, and complemented by a comprehensive competency-
environment-friendly society for the service of based counseling program and a wide array of
God, country, fellowmen and beyond. extracurricular activities. As a publicly supported
institution, our approach fosters an atmosphere
Mission of tolerance, promoting equity and appreciation
for diversity. Additionally, we strive to develop in
our students an understanding of and a
• to adhere to the preservation of our
responsible commitment to the principles of
national identity and heritage.
freedom, respect, social justice, personal worth,
• to educate the students to become civic- economic independence, and concern for the
spirited citizens. environment. The realization of these would
• to commit to the formation of the mean that each graduate would gain a confident
students' maturity in faith; through the knowledge of the fundamentals necessary to
liturgy and integrated program of religion. succeed in a rapidly changing, technologically
• to equip the students with pertinent oriented society.
knowledge and skills necessary for
effective study in the pursuit of higher General Objectives
education, vocational and technological 1. To strengthen the coordination of the
efficiency needed in his everyday life. among schools to be able to deliver
• to value the dialogue of cultures and quality Catholic Education.
upliftment of the welfare of children, 2. To strengthen Religion as the core of
women, disabled and marginalized the curriculum.
members of society; and the protection of 3. To intensify the schools’ capacity to
the integrity of creation. provide a deepened Faith, committed
service to those enrolled in Liceo
Goals schools.
4. To maintain the schools image and
St. James High School's goals provide a integrity as a dynamic leaders in the
learning environment committed to the management of Catholic Schools in
development of its young boys and girls into the Diocese.
matured, responsive, dynamic and just Christian
leaders guided by taught Christian faith and 5. To modernize its educational service
principles. To this end, the school endeavors to: in order to meet the challenges of
illiteracy, technology and
• build a community among students, communication.
teachers, and administrative staff to foster
closer relationship; SLU General Objectives
• provide a balanced program of religious True Christian living, academic excellence,
education so, to imbue the students with professional responsibility, and social awareness
Catholic principles and deeds; are the key inter-related dimensions of the
• develop an attitude of selfless service to institutional goals of Saint Louis University
embodied in its Articles of Incorporation. In
pursuit of these expressed goals, the University
• prepare the students to strive for
adopts the following general objectives that
excellence in every sphere and activity in
permeate its different curricular offerings:
1. To provide moral and intellectual training in a
• seek the support of the community for its Christian atmosphere which will promote a value
overall educational program, especially in system founded on human rights; on upright
enabling as many less fortunate but living; and on the origin, dignity, and destiny of
deserving students to study in the school; humankind; to stand witness to the presence of
• cultivate in the students the qualities of Christ in the contemporary world by itself being
effective Christian leadership to enable characterized by institutional and personal
him to play an active role in the commitment to fundamental truths and
community undertakings. principles;
2. To contribute to national development by
School Philosophy educating the youth for intelligent, efficient,
creative, and wise utilization of their respective
Education is the process of developing an skills and professions, providing thereby the
individual's potential. Our philosophy is to provide necessary and enlightened leadership in the
the individual with the academic and various fields of human and social development;
vocational/technical skills essential to achieve 3. To be the seat of intellectual dedication,
success in a productive career as well as to constantly seeking and opening up new horizons
provide the global community with a highly of knowledge, with the end in view of ensuring
qualified and prepared workforce. In order to the positive application of humankind’s varied
accomplish this, we provide a safe learning potentialities and capabilities in response to the
environment with emphasis on integrating needs of contemporary society and forming
specialized vocational/technical training and principled and involved individuals engaged in
academic learning. Individualized instruction the pursuit of collective spiritual and material
recognizes diverse learning styles and well-being; and
4. To make itself in conjunction with other social equality of opportunity among men, serving thus
institutions, a more dynamic and accessible to remove prejudicial forces that impede the
instrument for promoting equality, social justice, development of a harmonious local, national, and
and social consciousness; to make itself a real international life.
and effective mechanism for the advancement of

Faculty and Staff

[edit] Coordinators and Personnel

Advisory (if Years
Name Position Subject handled
any) active
Academic Affairs
III - Prophet
Ninfa D. Rosal Coordinator Chemistry III --
Science Coordinator
Lucia I. Mathematics
Algebra I, II I - St. Joseph --
Edulzura Coordinator
Social Studies World History III
Merly P. Abiva IV - St. Matthew - -
Coordinator Economics IV
Marilou M. English Coordinator English II, IV
II - St. Therese --
Malasaga School Paper Adviser Literature II, IV
Shyrene D. II - St.
Filipino Coordinator Filipino I, II --
Ayade Bernadette
Biology II III - Prophet
Jessica C. Abiva T.L.E. Coordinator --
T.L.E. III, IV Isaiah
Edwin S. Student Affairs
English III -- --
Balansag Coordinator
Anita K. Duroy School Librarian Filipino I, II -- --
Asuncion L. School Guidance Religious
-- --
Saac Counselor Education III, IV
Lea B. Makiling School Cashier -- --
Education III
Emma C.
School Registrar Biology II -- --
Raoul B. Lahoy School Registrar Computer I, II -- --

[edit] Teaching Staff

Positi Advisory (if Years
Name Subject handled
on any) active
Teache English I, IV
Rovelyn S. Alaan I - St. Lorenzo - -
r Literature I, IV
Raul S. Ambe Computer III, IV -- --
Advanced Algebra II
Alodia L. Balansag Geometry III IV - St. Luke --
Trigonometry IV
Jane B. Bibera T.L.E. I, II I - St. Paul --
Emalyn S. Cabaltera Physics IV IV - St. Mark --
Prospero R. Cacayan Teache Physics IV (special -- --
(Engr.) r science class)
Teache Philippine History I II - St.
Janice D. Ceno --
r Asian History II Catherine
Teache World History III
Mae B. Daal -- --
r Filipino III, IV
Margie I. Gavia Nursery Course Nursery --
Teache III - Prophet
Fiter Jhon M. Lamban MAPEH III, IV --
r Hosea
Grace A. Marquezo Kindergarten Course K-1, K-2 --
Lawrence Joshua R. Teache MAPEH I, II
-- --
Nacaytuna r Computer I, II
Mechie L. Paradiang MAPEH I, III -- --
Teache Integrated Science I
Mae U. Prisco I - St. Peter --
Teache Statistics III III - Prophet
Florentina M. Rodriguez --
r Religious Education I Joshua

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