Nasa: 01-077
Nasa: 01-077
Nasa: 01-077
Headquarters, Washington, DC
April 24, 2001
(Phone: 202/358-1979)
Victoria Kushnir
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
(Phone: 650/604-0176)
RELEASE: 01-77
"PCC has a unique property that enables it to radiate thermal energy during
exposure to elevated temperatures," said Rex Churchward, the inventor of PCC.
"The coating helps the material reject heat from its surface and thus decreases
the amount of heat that can be transferred to the underlying insulation."
"Wessex has performed extensive research to maximize the product's fitness for
use in various applications," said company president John Olver. "We have
discovered that 99 percent of the materials in PCC will not burn, therefore, the
coating inhibits the spread of flame. It also reduces heat transfer to the
underlying material, which prevents combustion."
In the future, PCC may serve as heat protection for car and boat engines, as
well as various building materials, making these modes of transportation and
environments more fire-resistant and safer for the consumer. The PCC product
is readily manufactured and easily applied to a variety of surfaces.
"The advantage of the coating is that it can be applied by brush or by spray gun
and then air dried," added Churchward. "It is fairly easy to prepare and can be
applied to large or small sections of insulations."
"The American taxpayer's investment is paying off when products like PCC are
spun out and become commercially viable, meeting a real need in the US
marketplace," said Phil Herlth, Ames Commercial Technology Office.