Magnetic Declination and Change of Times
Magnetic Declination and Change of Times
Magnetic Declination and Change of Times
A macro feng shui perspective. By D.H. Van den Berghe, June 2012
The recent crisis in Greece has prompted some feng shui practitioners to wonder whether there is something in the feng shui of Greece that indicates these problems. I first visited Greece more than 25 years ago, when I was still a student, and visited Greece again last year. The country largely looks and feels the same. Yes, some houses and roads will have been constructed, but broadly speaking, in terms of forms of the land and the surrounding waters, Greece has not really changed significantly for thousands of years. It is not as if mountains have been moved or waters have disappeared. So, in that sense the feng shui environment of Greece is no different from what it was when Greece was one of the most prosperous and cultured places on the planet. What has changed (and continues to change) is the magnetic field directions. Some schools of feng shui consider compass directions, and compass directions inevitably change over time because the magnetic field is alive. So, there is a possible connection between these changes and the ups and downs in the history of a country or region. This article tries to explore that idea.
(source: (also available at: This picture shows the evolution of magnetic declination (MD) in Washington DC, from 1750 until 2005. What we see is that magnetic declination touched the zero level and changed direction around the time when the USA declared independence and Washington DC became the capital. A coincidence?
We also see that MD briefly changed direction around WW1 well into the 1930s depression era, before resuming its old course after WW2. Also a coincidence? By the way, since 2005 the MD for Washington is again flat (not shown in this chart), coinciding with the current economic depression. Also a coincidence?
In the late 1700s we see a major top and a touching of the zero line at the same time (which is very rare). The 1930s is an example of a period of stagnation and a minor change of direction that reverses again rather quickly. Notice how it has entered stagnation again in the recent decade. Now let's have a look at some other examples.
We see how MD for Paris crossed the zero line (going from East to West declination) around 1660. This period was the reign of Louis XIV, and a period of frequent wars in which France expanded to become a dominant power. The MD in Paris continued to go more West for another 150 years, finally bottoming at 23 degree West around 1810, which marks the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the French dominance of the continent. It was clearly the start of a new era for France. The MD for Paris is now coming close to the zero line again, and is going to turn East a few years from now.
Here we see a major bottom and change of direction in the 1610 1670 period. This was a very difficult time for Russia, with a famine wiping out one third of the population, riots and civil war. It marked the start of the Romanov dynasty, which would reign for almost 300 years. We see how MD crossed above the zero line around 1860. However, the capital had been moved to Saint Petersburg by that time. In Saint Petersburg the MD crossed above the zero line around 1900, shortly before the Russian Revolution of 1905 and later the Russian Revolution of 1917, which ended the Romanov dynasty and moved the capital back to Moscow. We also see a stagnation period around 1980, which marked the fall of the Soviet Union.
Here the MD has hovered within a few degree of arc for centuries, and now there is a more steady move to more West declination. Notice how in the example of Paris it took only 10 years to get a 2 degree of arc change in MD, in Beijing it took more than 100 years to see a 2 degree change. Basically the period from 1640 until 1860 has been one long period of stagnation. The period of stagnation started around 1640, which marked the end of the Ming dynasty. For the next 250 years, the MD barely budged between -2 and -1 most of the time. The Qing dynasty peaked around the time that the MD for Beijing peaked, and the White Lotus Rebellion around 1800 is known as an important turning point in China's history. This is marked by the secondary peak in the chart. We see a stagnation period around 1860, which was the time of the Taiping Rebellion (the 2nd bloodiest war in history, after WW2). Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution also came during a time when the MD for Beijing barely moved for 40 years.
We see some interesting coincidences when we look at MD charts in the light of recent history. Stagnation in the MD chart tends to coincide with periods of stagnation or crisis in the given place. Rapid change in the MD chart goes together with dynamic changes in the country. Crossing of the zero MD line shows the capital or country at a major crossroads. Of course more research and observation will be needed. For that purpose you can use this online calculator to find the magnetic declination for any other place or year that interests you: But bear in mind that changes in magnetic declination can only be predicted for a few years into the future. More than a few years out the forecasts become increasingly unreliable. The magnetic field can change for reasons that science cannot measure yet. Is there a possible explanation for this effect? Animals and humans have already been found to be quite sensitive to changes in the magnetic field, for example in the case of geomagnetic storms. If people are indeed sensitive to changes in the magnetic field, then we could expect a possible group effect on all the people who live in a certain location, and are thus undergoing the same local changes in the magnetic field, as shown by changes in magnetic declination in that location. If you find other interesting examples for this hypothesis, then I would be happy to hear about it.