Books To Avoid: Fiction

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100 chosen by David Thomas and Mitchell Symons, published in the Independent newspaper; Brigid Brophy, Michael Levey and Charles Osborne - Fifty Works of English and American Literature We Could Do Without; Worst books in The Week 24 May 2003 chosen by Matthew Parris, Carmen Callil, J G Ballard, P D James, Blake Morrison et al; The Bonfire of the Inanities, Sunday Times, 22 June 2008, chosen by Ian Rankin, Bryian Appleyard, Stephen Amidon, Peter Kemp, D J Taylor, John Carey et al; added by Becket*

almost anything R Adams I Allende K Amis M Amis Anon J Archer Watership Down Of Love and Shadows The Old Devils London Fields Beowulf The York Mystery Plays Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less Kane and Abel The Fourth Estate Shall We Tell the President R Bach N Baker J Barnes J M Barrie P Benchley R D Blackmoore J L Borges M Bragg G Brandreth C Brayfield C Bronte B Bryson J Burchill W Burroughs A S Byatt N Campbell T Capote L Carroll B Cartland T Clancy J Clavell P Coelho J Collins J Conrad S Conran P Cornwell M Crichton D Defoe L Deighton C Dickens Jonathan Livingstone Seagull Vox Flauberts Parrot Peter Pan Beast Lorna Doone Labyrinths* A Time to Dance Who Killed Nick Saint Pearls Jane Eyre Neither Here nor There No Exit The Naked Lunch Possession Swan In Cold Blood Alice in Wonderland all Executive Orders Noble House everything Lady Boss Nostromo Lace Lace 2 anything after first few The Lost World Moll Flanders Spy Sinker Pickwick Papers E Kazan J Kelman E Jong J Joyce J Herriott C Hofmann T Hughes K Hulme A Huxley C Isherwood C James H James N Hawthorne J Heller E Hemingway Mrs Gaskell J Glasworthy W Gibson A A Gill T Hardy H Fielding H Fielding G Flaubert I Fleming K Follett J Fowles M Gaddafi F Dostoyevsky N Douglas L Durrell B Dylan G Eliot B E Ellis W Faulkner Crime and Punishment South Wind The Alexandria Quartet Tarantula Silas Marner* American Psycho The Reivers The Sound and the Fury Bridget Joness Diary Tom Jones Madame Bovary Moonraker A Place Called Freedom The Magus The Village the Village The Earth and the Suicide of the Spaceman Mary Barton* The Forsyte Saga Idoru Sap Rising Jude the Obscure* Tess of the dUberwilles The Scarlet Letter God Knows The Old Man and the Sea The Sun Also Rises* A Farewell to Arms Let Sleeping Vets Lie The White Masai Tom Browns Schooldays The Bone People Point Counter Point Mr Norris Changes Trains Heavenly Creatures The Awkward Age all* Fanny Ulysses Finnegans Wake The Arrangement How Late It Was, How Late

Copyright 2012- BecketsBest- Books to Avoid

J Kerouac R Kipling D H Lawrence

On the Road An Habitation Enforced Lady Chatterleys Lover St Mawr all*

W Self V Seth A Solzhenitsin P Susskind D Tartt D M Thomas H S Thompson J R R Tolkein L Tolstoy J K Toole A Trollope M Twain J Updike L Uris G Vidal E Waugh H G Wells I Welsh J Winterson V Woolf

My Idea of Fun A Suitable Boy Gulag Archipelago Perfume Secret History Memories and Hallucinations Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Lord of the Rings War & Peace* A Confederacy of Dunces The Warden Huckleberry Finn Rabbit at Rest Exodus Myra Breckinridge Brideshead Revisited The History of Mr Polly Trainspotting Written on the Body To the Lighthouse Orlando A Room of Ones Own* The Waves

T E Lawrence D Lessing C S Lewis R Ludlum B Lytton C McCarthy M McCarthy I McEwan J McInerny N Mailer T Mann W S Maugham D du Maurier H Melville G Metalious H Miller

Seven Pillars of Wisdom* Golden Notebook The Silver Chair The Bourne Identity The Last Days of Pompeii* The Last of the Barons* Blood Merd8idian The Group The Comfort of Strangers Atonement Story of My Life Barbary Shore Ancient Evenings Magic Mountain* The Moon and Sixpence Rebecca Moby Dick Peyton Place Nexus, Plexus, Sexus

The Prince of Wales The Old Man of Lochnagar

Sarah, Duchess of YorkBudgie the Helicopter H Zahavi Dirty Weekend

T Mo G Moore I Murdoch

Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard Esther Waters A Severed Head* The Nice and the Good* Love Machine*

B Mussolini V Nabokov V S Naipaul M Navratilova B Okri S Plath M Proust M Puzo A Rand A Ransome L Rhinehart A Rice T Robbins A Roy S Rushdie F Sagan J D Salinger W Scott E Segal

The Cardinals Mistress Lolita The House of Mr Biswas* Total Zone The Famished Road The Bell Jar Remembrance of Things Past The Sicilian Atlas Shrugged The Fountainhead Swallows and Amazons The Dice Man Interview with the Vampire Only Cowgirls Get the Blues The God of Small Things The Satanic Verses Midnights Children Bonjour Tristesse Franny & Zooey Bride of Lammermoor Love Story

Copyright 2012- BecketsBest- Books to Avoid

M Aurelius T Carlyle A Goldman J Gray S Hawking S Hite O W Holmes Kant C Lamb I Murdoch T de Quincey A Pasternak J Redfield H Trevor-Roper L Wittgenstein T Zeldin Meditations* The French Revolution* Elvis Men are from Mars Women are from Venus A Brief History of Time Report on Men and Male Sexuality The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table A Critique of Pure Reason* Essays of Elia Sovereignty of the Good* Confessions of an English Opium Eater Princess in Love The Celestine Prophecy Letters from Oxford Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus* An Intimate History of Humanity*

Checkov O Goldsmith H Ibsen B Jonson W Shakespeare R B Sheridan Strindberg all* She Stoops to Conquer all* The Alchemist Hamlet School for Scandal all*

R Brooke E B Browning J Bunyan T S Eliot T Gray G M Hopkins A E Housman J H Newman F Palgrave E Sitwell E Spenser F Thompson W Whitman W Wordsworth sonnets Aurora Leigh Pilgrims Progress Waste Land Elegy in a Country Churchyard poems poems The Dream of Gerontius The Golden Treasury poems The Faerie Queen The Hound of Heaven Leaves of Grass Daffodils

Copyright 2012- BecketsBest- Books to Avoid

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