Sabo Bridge Report
Sabo Bridge Report
Sabo Bridge Report
Prepared for: Ms. Debra Brisk Assistant County Administrator Public Works Hennepin County A-2303 Government Center 300 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55487
Ms. Heidi Hamilton Deputy Director, Public Works City of Minneapolis 350 S. 5th Street, Rm 127 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415
Prepared by: Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 330 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 847.272.7400 tel | 847.291.4813 fax
Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 of the Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge over Hiawatha Avenue fractured on the evening of Sunday February 19, 2012. The fracture was oriented so as to allow the portion of the plate connected to the two stay cables to fall to the ground, with the cables still attached. Upon review, fractures and cracks were also discovered in Cable Diaphragm Plate 8. The Diaphragm Plate 8 damage left each of the associated stay cables connected to the pylon. Winds were reported to be out of the southsoutheast at 6 mph to 13 mph for several hours prior to the incident. The temperature was approximately 23 degrees Fahrenheit. In response to this incident, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) was retained by Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis to perform the following tasks: assist on site during stabilization of the structure; inspect the remaining in-service diaphragm plates using nondestructive test methods; determine the cause of the cable diaphragm plate failures; perform an independent review of the bridge design for Spans 1 through 3; and develop retrofit options to address any noted deficiencies. During the investigation, nondestructive testing of the sixteen remaining in-service diaphragm plates revealed welding defects or cracks in two plates. A welding defect was removed from one plate, and a temporary redundancy fixture was installed over the other to provide load path redundancy. The other fourteen cable diaphragm plates were found to not contain cracks. Samples from Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 were removed from the structure and analyzed to determine the cause of cracking and fracture. In addition, materials tests for physical, chemical, and toughness properties were performed. The plate samples were found contain evidence of extensive fatigue cracking prior to fracture. The steel plate material was found to be consistent with the requirements of the project specifications. It should also be noted that the cable diaphragm plate assembly geometry contains welded details that provide poor fatigue resistance. An instrumentation program was developed and implemented to determine stresses and other structural responses to wind-induced cable vibrations. Wind speed and direction was recorded to correlate wind effects to this data. Low to moderate wind speeds with a direction approximately transverse to the structure alignment result in cable vibrations that induce damaging stress cycles at the fatigue sensitive details of the cable diaphragm plates. These vibrations occur at high frequency, resulting in a large accumulation of stress cycles over short periods of wind-induced vibration. An independent review of the original bridge design was performed. The results from an independent finite element model revealed that the primary bridge elements were adequately designed for the reported loads. The effects of wind-induced cable vibrations were not included in the original design calculations package. However, a monitoring program was implemented following bridge construction to determine if stay cable vibrations were problematic. The results of the monitoring work indicated that stay cable vibrations were not a structural concern. Failure of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 occurred due to fatigue cracking that initiated at weld toes with low fatigue resistance. These welds connected the 3/4 inch thick diaphragm plates to the pylon flanges, and to the reinforcing ring plates used at the cable connection points. The fatigue cracks extended to critical size in both plates due to wind-induced cable vibrations that resulted in unstable fractures. Retrofit options to upgrade the cable diaphragm plate connections are presented.
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. ES-i 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Structure Description ........................................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Parties Involved in the Design and Construction ............................................................................. 2 2.3 Summary of Diaphragm Plate Failures and Structure Stabilization ................................................. 2 3.0 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................ 3 4.0 Nondestructive Testing ........................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Nondestructive Test Methods ........................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Nondestructive Test Results ............................................................................................................. 4 5.0 Physical Measurements ........................................................................................................................... 5 5.1 Cable Diaphragm Plate Alignment ................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Pylon Flange Plastic Rotation at Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 ............................................................. 5 6.0 Fracture Investigation ............................................................................................................................. 6 6.1 Summary of Dr. Fishers Assessment .............................................................................................. 6 6.2 Summary of Dr. Fishers Findings ................................................................................................... 6 7.0 Instrumentation and Monitoring Program............................................................................................... 7 7.1 Instruments and Installation Locations ............................................................................................. 7 7.2 Data Acquisition System .................................................................................................................. 8 7.3 Pluck Tests ....................................................................................................................................... 8 7.4 Monitoring Period ............................................................................................................................ 9 7.5 Effective Stress Range Calculation ................................................................................................ 10 8.0 Peer Review of Original Bridge Design ............................................................................................... 11 9.0 Review of Wind-Induced Stay Cable Vibration Phenomena ................................................................ 13 10.0 Structural Analysis of Diaphragm Plates ............................................................................................ 14 10.1 Stresses Due to Cable Vibrations ................................................................................................. 14 10.2 Stresses Due to Plate Misalignment ............................................................................................. 14 11.0 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 15 12.0 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 17 12.1 Conclusions and Items for Further Study ..................................................................................... 17 12.2 Cable Diaphragm Plate Retrofit Options ...................................................................................... 17 Appendix A - John W. Fisher Report Appendix B - Instrumentation Plan Drawings Appendix C - Effective Stress Range Histograms Appendix D - Preliminary Retrofit Drawings
MARTIN OLAV SABO PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Cable Diaphragm Plate Fracture Investigation
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The main span of the Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge is a cable-stayed structure consisting of a reinforced concrete deck supported by eighteen stay cables arranged in nine pairs and extending from the main pylon to deck anchorages placed along the 215 foot span. During the evening of Sunday, February 19, 2012, the diaphragm plate connecting Cables 9L and 9R fractured, disconnecting the cables from the pylon. Both cable clevises remained attached to the portion of the plate that separated from the pylon, and therefore, the cable ends descended together, landing in a grassy area east of Hiawatha Avenue. Assessment of the pylon cable connection was made by City forces immediately following discovery that Cables 9L and 9R had detached from the pylon. The City inspectors discovered that the diaphragm plate connecting Cables 8L and 8R was also cracked and fractured into two segments. However, both segments remained attached to the pylon. Following these events, Hennepin County and the City of Minneapolis jointly engaged Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) to investigate the cause of the failure and provide engineering services needed to return the structure to service. This report describes the investigation into the cause of the failure and summarizes the findings of an independent peer review of the structural design. Also, the results of WJEs inspection of the remaining diaphragm plates are presented along with preliminary options for retrofitting the cable-to-pylon connections.
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loads applied to the opposite side of the pylon. Typical cable attachments at the concrete deck, pylon, and earth anchorage are shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The cable diaphragm plate anchorages are identified as Cable Diaphragm Plates 1 through 9 (bottom to top) on the east side of the pylon, and Cable Diaphragm Plates 10 through 18 (bottom to top) on the west side of the pylon, as shown in Figure 6. Each stay cable is identified by the cable diaphragm plate to which it attaches, and its position within the structure; the left side (L) of the structure is taken as north and the right side (R) of the structure is taken as south. The pylon was constructed at a 20 degree angle from vertical and was fabricated as a built-up section using Grade HPS 70W steel for the flange and web plates. Tab plates were fillet welded to the edge of each pylon flange along the majority of its height to provide a connection for pylon screening panels. Each cable diaphragm plate attached to the pylon was cut from 3/4 inch thick steel plate conforming to ASTM A572 Grade 50, and was welded to the inside surfaces of the 1 1/2 inch thick pylon flanges using 3/8 inch fillet welds around the entire perimeter of each interface. Holes for the clevis pins are reinforced by ring plates on each side of the diaphragm plate. Each ring plate was fillet welded (1/4 inch fillet) to the diaphragm plate all around its outside edge. A typical cable diaphragm plate is shown in Figure 7. The concrete deck in Span 3 acts as a compression strut to resist the horizontal compression forces between the fore stays and the pylon. Compression struts were also constructed between Pier 2 and the earth anchorage blocks to resist the horizontal compression forces generated between Pier 2 and the backstay cables.
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a hydraulic jacking system and winch system. The cables were then disconnected from the fractured diaphragm plate at the pylon. Following these operations, the pylon screening panels in the vicinity of the cable diaphragm plates were removed to allow access for detailed nondestructive testing of the remaining in-service diaphragm plates. Defects or cracks were located in Cable Diaphragm Plates 7 and 5. The defect in Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 was removed. However, two cracks observed in Cable Diaphragm Plate 5 prompted the design and installation of a temporary redundancy fixture to provide load path redundancy for the cracked diaphragm plate.
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for evaluation by MT of a fillet welded joint. All examinations were performed with paint coatings in place, except for local removal where indications were detected. Ultrasonic testing (UT) was performed using conventional pulse echo equipment. Calibrations of the test apparatus followed the provisions of AWS D1.1 for linearity and sensitivity. A scanning plan was implemented for detection of potential crack initiations using multiple probe angles and orientations. Ultrasonic scans were directed toward the toes of all fillet welded joints, as well as toward respective regions of the diaphragm plates along the fracture surfaces exhibited by Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9. In general, all scans were introduced from the top surface of the subject diaphragm plate. Figure 9 shows UT in progress, scanning the diaphragm plate toward the fillet welded joint connecting a representative ring plate. A summary of primary equipment used in nondestructive examinations is provided in Table 1.
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locations. A separate stable crack extension of about 9 inches was found at the left ring plate weld. These fatigue cracks in Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 extended in an unstable manner, separating the complete front section of the diaphragm plate, including the ring plates, from the remainder of the plate. The noted fatigue cracks initiated from the top surface of both cable diaphragm plates, indicating that the applied cable forces and plate geometry created some degree of initial bending in the plates. The noted fatigue cracks initiated and extended due to cyclic stresses caused by wind-induced cable vibrations. Welding defects including embedded slag and porosity existed in the portion of the fillet welded connection to the pylon flanges that wrapped around the lower end of the subject cable diaphragm plates. However, these welding defects did not influence the weld toe cracks that formed in the diaphragm plates. The steel plate material conformed to the design specifications and provided good toughness.
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Out-of-plane (up and down) displacements were measured at each location. Installation details are given on Sheets Si-4 and Si-5 in Appendix B. Wind Speed and Direction. Two wind anemometers, Model 5103 manufactured by R. M. Young Co., were used to measure wind speed and direction at selected locations on the structure. One wind monitor was mounted 5 feet above the top of the pylon using a fixture attached to the pylon cap plate. The other wind monitor was mounted 10 feet above the top surface of the left curb between Cables 3L and 4L, as shown in Figure 22. For reference, project north (0 degrees) was taken as perpendicular left of the longitudinal centerline of Span 3. Increasing degrees were taken clockwise looking down like a compass. Temperature. A total of three thermocouples were used to monitor the temperature of the concrete at the pylon base connection, the steel pylon web between Cable Diaphragm Plates 7 and 6, and the air temperature at the data acquisition enclosure. Type T thermocouple wire manufactured Omega was used for this installation.
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Recorded stress ranges for the cable diaphragm plates in response to the pluck tests are included in Table 3. Note that the stress range values reported in Table 3 were taken from the first major stress cycle following load release. In general, the location of the highest stress range for each respective cable diaphragm plate and pluck test was similar. The highest stress ranges were recorded at the strain gages positioned perpendicular to the ring plate welds at the midpoint between the cable alignment and the weld wrap around where the plate is attached to the pylon flange on the same side of the plate where the loaded cable connects. These stress ranges were 3.1 ksi to 3.4 ksi for Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 and 3.3 ksi to 3.8 ksi for Cable Diaphragm Plate 6. Note that the digital strain measurements collected from each strain gage were converted to stress using the equation , where is a strain range determined from the response of the gage and E is the modulus of elasticity for steel, which was taken as 30,000,000 psi. All stress readings were stored on the data acquisition equipment in units of pounds per square inch (psi). Representative stress data plots for these tests are included in Figures 24 through 31. Accelerations recorded during the pluck test indicate that multiple modes of vibration participated in the cable response. Figure 32 includes a normalized Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis plot of the vertical acceleration data from the pluck test performed on Cable 7L. This data was double-integrated to determine the magnitude of approximate displacements at the accelerometer locations. Figure 33 shows a plot of approximate displacements at the vertical accelerometer location for Cable 7L (Accelerometer Accel01) during the Cable 7L Pluck Test. The peak-to-peak displacement of the cable during this test was approximately 0.3 inches at the location of the accelerometer. No approximation of maximum cable amplitude or location for this maximum can be made using data from this one location along the cable due to the participation of multiple vibration modes.
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Selected stress data plots from Events 007 and 225 are included as Figures 34 and 35, respectively. As seen in the stress data presented, the vibration characteristics vary with wind speed and direction. The stress data presented for Event 007 is affected primarily by the 11th, 12th, and 14th modes of vibration of Cables 7, as shown in the normalized FFT of this stress data shown in Figure 36. Note that this FFT mode signature represents a superposition of mode shapes from both Cables 7L and 7R. Figures 37, 38, and 39 include FFT data for Cable 7L (Accelerometer Accel01), 7R (Accelerometer Accel03), and the superposition of these two, respectively. Note that the dominant mode signatures from Figures 36 and 39 are similar. The stress data presented for Event 225 is affected primarily by the 7th mode of vibration of Cables 7. FFT data for Strain Gage SG11 (stress data presented in Figure 35 above) and the superposition of FFT data from Accelerometers Accel01 and Accel03 are shown in Figures 40 and 41, respectively. These two FFT data plots are similar. Due to the dominance of cable mode 7 in the data presented for Event 225, the available accelerometer data for this event was double-integrated to produce a plot of approximate displacements at the accelerometer locations. Figures 42 and 43 are plots of approximate vertical displacements at Accelerometers Accel01 (Cable 7L) and Accel03 (Cable 7R). Maximum displacements at the accelerometer locations for Accel01 and Accel03 were 0.16 inches and 0.43 inches peak-to-peak, respectively. This data indicates that the high stress ranges shown in Figure 35 can be generated due to small displacements at higher modes of vibration. The higher vibration modes essentially shorten the length of the cable between nodes and therefore increase the rotation demand at the pylon anchorage for similar peak-to-peak displacements.
where: is the effective stress range is the ratio of the number of occurrences (counts) of Sr to the total number of stress cycles is the actual measured stress range at the detail under consideration Calculation of the effective stress range at each location was performed using the stress histograms produced by the rainflow analysis with the bin cut-off set at 50 percent of the constant amplitude fatigue limit for the Category E details. This equates to a bin cut-off of 2.25 ksi. The fifty percent cutoff has been
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recommended by Dr. Fisher and serves to eliminate the contribution of stress cycles that are smaller in magnitude. A summary of the calculated effective stress range for all strain gaged locations over the 18 day monitoring period is included in Table 5. The Sre values ranged from 2.5 ksi to 3.9 ksi across all locations. It should be noted that cycle count data from the majority of the instrumented locations includes more than 0.01 percent of the total cycle counts greater than the constant amplitude fatigue limit (CAFL) for Category E details (4.5 ksi). In addition, about 2,000,000 stress cycles accumulated at strain gages SG02, SG05, and SG08 during the 18 day period.
The original structural design drawings and applicable portions of the calculations were reviewed for general compliance with the structural requirements with the design standards. Sheet B1 of the original design drawings indicates that the following design standards were used: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Guide Specifications for Design of Pedestrian Bridges, August 1997 AASHTO, Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 2002 and Interims, Load Factor Design (LFD) Method CEB/FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures 1978 Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI), Recommendations for Stay Cable Design
The peer review effort focused on selected details for the primary structural elements. In addition, an independent finite-element analysis model was created and independent calculations were performed to verify the results of the original analysis and design. This review did not include a review of every detail or component of the design; therefore, in no way does this review relieve the designer of record from responsibility for the design. The peer review approach and findings are summarized in the following paragraphs. WJE developed an independent finite-element model of Spans 1 through 3 to evaluate forces in the primary elements of the bridge structure. This finite-element model, shown in Figure 45, was created
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using SAP2000 computer analysis software. Linear frame elements were used to represent the cables, pylon, and piers, while quadrilateral shell elements were used for the concrete deck. Each element in the model was assigned properties based on the properties of the corresponding member in the bridge structure. The independent finite-element model considered dead loads (self-weight of the bridge elements) and staged construction modeling techniques were utilized to generate dead load cable forces as specified on the original design drawings. After the structural model was completed, an 85 pounds per square foot (psf) pedestrian live load was applied to the deck surface. Under certain loading scenarios, the pedestrian live load was reduced to 65 psf in accordance with the applicable design standards. In addition, H-10 vehicle loading was considered. Static forces resulting from wind and thermal loads were also evaluated. The peer review focused on evaluating member forces and capacities for the as-designed bridge structure; however, the Inspection and Maintenance Manual for the structure states that The stay cable anchorage brackets are not considered fracture critical elements since the failure of any one bracket will not jeopardize the stability of the bridge system. This Manual goes on to state that the steel cable diaphragm plates are also not considered fracture critical elements since the loss of any one plate will not jeopardize the stability of the bridge. Therefore, the WJE analysis model assumed failure of a single cable or a pair of cables at various locations in order to determine the increase in force at the remaining cables. The cable failures in the analysis were considered when the bridge is subjected to the full design live load. The results of the independent analysis model were summarized to determine forces in various primary structural members for the controlling load cases. The independently-calculated forces were used to verify forces reported in the original design calculations package. Once the forces were verified, a review of the original design calculations package was performed. This review concentrated on strength limit states of the bridge elements; however, selected serviceability limit states were also checked, such as live load deflections of the bridge deck and pedestrian-induces footfall vibrations on the bridge deck. The peer review and independent analysis performed by WJE revealed the following: Forces in the primary structural elements determined from WJEs independent finite element analysis model are in general agreement with those reported in the original design calculations package. The design for static loads was in general accordance with the specified standards. The primary structural bridge elements are adequate for the reported design loads. Although adequately designed for strength, the member design was often efficient as there were not significant levels of reserve capacity. Under full live load, the deflections of the concrete deck were in the range of L/500. A modal analysis performed using the WJE independent finite-element model revealed the fundamental frequency of the bridge structure to be less than 3 Hz, which is not in accordance with the AASHTO Design Standards. URS considered several approaches to evaluate pedestrian-induced footfall vibrations of the bridge deck and found them to be acceptable.
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Wind-induced stay cable vibrations were not included in the original design calculations package, but they were considered in the original design1. Failure of a single cable or pair of cables redistributes the dead and live loads to the remaining cables. The WJE independent analysis revealed that the adjacent cables have a significant increase in cable force. However, it should be noted that the adequacy of these adjacent cables was determined using a 33% increase in allowable stress as suggested by the project design standard authored by PTI. Checks of other members after a failure of a single cable or pair of cables, such as the pylon, pylon anchorage plates, deck anchorages, and the reinforced concrete deck did not appear to be included in the original design calculations package.
URSs Response to WJE Project Summary of Evaluation of Sabo Bridge Cable Failure, dated June 25, 2012, indicates that URS considered wind-induced vibrations during design but deferred a final decision on providing a stay cable damping system until after construction. After periodically monitoring cable vibrations over a period of 30 days, URS concluded that the observed vibrations were acceptable and stay cable dampers were not necessary. 2 Kumarasena, S., Jones, N., Irwin, P., Taylor, P., Wind-Induced Vibration of Stay Cables, Publication No. FHWA-HRT-05083, McLean, VA. : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Research, Development, and Technology, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, August 2007 (Citation applies for all of Section 9)
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Other Phenomena. Stay cable vibrations can be attributed to the effects of other phenomena. These include live load effects, deck and stay cable interaction, and natural effects such as ice formation on the stays, which would alter the aerodynamic properties of the cable (similar to the effects of rain-wind interaction). The effects of all wind related phenomena on the magnitude of stay cable vibration amplitudes are typically controlled by increasing the mass of the cable, increasing the damping of the cable system, providing cable cross-ties, and/or altering the cable surface roughness. As discussed in Section 11, the observed stay cable vibrations are the result of vortex shedding.
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between the end of the pylon flange and back of the ring plate. The significance of the misalignment stresses is discussed in Section 11. The project drawings also indicate a temperature force of 8.2 kips in Cables 9L and 9R, which is about 10 percent of the dead load force. (The live load force in Cables 9L and 9R is only 0.5 kips, according to the drawings.) Thus, the combination of misalignment and extreme temperature change results in stresses equal to about 10 percent of those plotted in Figure 48. Actual stresses over the last five years are somewhat less because temperatures in Minneapolis have been well within the design extreme temperatures of -30 degrees F and 120 degrees F. Regardless, thermal stresses are comparable to those measured and calculated due to wind-induced vibrations, but the number of cycles are less by several orders of magnitude.
The stay cable system used for the Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge includes a total of eighteen cable diaphragm plates to connect the cables to the steel pylon. Two of the eighteen plates fractured, resulting in Cables 9L and 9R detaching from the pylon, and the need to relieve and remove Cables 8L and 8R. An additional two of the remaining sixteen in-service cable diaphragm plates were found to contain defects or cracks that had to be addressed following the discovery of the two fractured plates. At Cable Diaphragm Plate 7, the noted weld defect was removed by grinding to remove about 1/4 inch of material. A redundancy fixture was installed at Cable Diaphragm Plate 5 to provide load path redundancy around the cracks located at the edges of the plate. The discontinuities discovered in Cable Diaphragm Plates 7 and 5 were located using appropriate nondestructive test methods. No other discontinuities of significance were detected in the other in-service diaphragm plates. Comprehensive evaluations of the cable diaphragm plates included visual, magnetic particle, and ultrasonic methods. The combined application of visual, magnetic particle, and ultrasonic examination methods includes overlapping and complimentary coverage, and extends confidence to these assessments. The cable diaphragm plate assemblies include thick reinforcement rings that are fillet welded to the comparatively thin diaphragm plates. In turn, the diaphragm plates are fillet welded to the thick pylon flanges. These welded connection details provide poor fatigue resistance in conformance with Category E or E. Physical measurements of the alignment for all cable diaphragm plates were performed. The results of this work indicate that the majority of the cable diaphragm plates were installed within about 0.5 degrees of the alignment prescribed on the design drawings. The alignment of Cable Diaphragm Plates 6, 9, and 10 was found to be 2.87 degrees, 4.46 degrees, and -4.56 degrees away from the design alignment, respectively. These values are outside of the accepted tolerance of about 1 degree. A representative cable diaphragm plate was analyzed for the combined effects of misalignment and temperature change. This analysis considered the static effects on the stress field within the diaphragm plate due to the misalignment. Also considered was the calculated fluctuation in cable tension due to temperature fluctuations. The effects of these increased static stresses on the cable diaphragm plates over those which were anticipated during design may have attributed to the path along which fatigue cracks driven by wind-induced cable vibrations extended. Thermal stresses are comparable to those measured and calculated due to wind-induced vibrations, but the number of cycles are less by several orders of
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magnitude. As such, thermal stresses are not considered an important contributing factor to the fatigue damage. Examinations of the fracture surfaces for Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 revealed the presence of significant stable fatigue crack growth prior to fracture. Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 sustained fatigue cracking with approximately 7 1/2 inches of stable growth occurring at the right side of the plate between the lower end of the pylon flange-to-diaphragm plate weld and the right ring plate-to-diaphragm plate weld, initiating in both locations. These two fatigue cracks coalesced and then extended in an unstable manner to intersect the top edge of the plate, dividing the plate into two pieces. A similar but shorter fatigue crack existed at the left side of the plate, initiating at the lower end of the pylon flange-todiaphragm plate weld, but there were no signs of significant unstable crack extension. Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 also sustained extensive fatigue cracking before it fractured. A stable crack extension of approximately 11 1/4 inches occurred at the right side of the plate between the pylon flangeto-diaphragm plate weld and the right ring plate-to-diaphragm plate weld, initiating in both locations. A separate stable crack extension of about 9 inches was noted at the left ring plate weld. These fatigue cracks extended in an unstable manner, separating the front section of the diaphragm plate, including the ring plates, from the remainder of the plate. Materials tests for physical, chemical, and toughness properties performed on the diaphragm plate material indicate that it conformed to the design specifications. This material provided good toughness. Embedded welding defects including slag and porosity existed in the portion of the fillet welded connection to the pylon flanges that wrapped around the lower end of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9. However, these defects did not influence the weld toe cracks that formed in the diaphragm plates. An instrumentation program was implemented to determine the magnitude of stresses in representative cable diaphragm plates in response to wind-induced cable vibrations over an 18 day monitoring period. Cable accelerations, plate tip displacements, and wind speed and direction were also recorded. During the monitoring period, rainflow analysis of the stress data was performed to produce stress range histograms for the data from each strain gage. This information was recorded continuously. The effective stress range (Sre) calculated for instrumented regions of the cable diaphragm plates adjacent to the terminations of the pylon flange-to-diaphragm plate welds, and ring plate-to-diaphragm plate welds is in the range of 2.5 ksi to 3.9 ksi for the ambient events monitored. The number of stress range cycles accumulated over the 18 day monitoring period was as high as 2,000,000 at some locations. In addition, selected structural responses to wind events resulting in high stress ranges were recorded. The stress data reported for the individual events indicates that stress ranges on the order of 5.9 ksi to 7.6 ksi are generated in response to wind events with average wind speeds ranging from 6 mph to 25 mph. The wind direction for these recorded events was primarily transverse to the bridge alignment. The measured structural responses are the result of wind-induced cable vibrations consistent with the phenomenon of vortex shedding. Stress data correlated to wind speed and direction, plate tip displacement, and accelerometer displacement data calculated by double-integrating accelerations was presented for Event 225. For this event, the average wind speed and direction was 7 mph to 8 mph and 25 degrees to 30 degrees, respectively. Maximum accelerometer displacements were on the order of 0.16 inches to 0.43 inches peak-to-peak. In addition, steady state cable vibration in the 7th mode at about 11 Hz was apparent. It is evident that low
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wind speeds with appropriate direction can induce high stress range cycles at high frequency in the cable diaphragm plates due to low amplitude cable displacements. An independent peer review of the original bridge design was performed for Spans 1 through 3 of the structure. The model was used to verify forces reported in the original design calculations package. Structural checks for strength and serviceability limit states were performed for selected primary structural elements, including the steel pylon, the cables, the bridge deck, and the piers. A review of the original design calculations package and the design drawings was also performed. Forces in the primary structural elements determined from WJEs independent finite element analysis model are in general agreement with those reported in the original design calculations package. In addition, the primary structural bridge elements are adequate for the reported design loads.
12.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12.1 Conclusions and Items for Further Study
The following conclusions and items for further study are drawn from this fracture investigation: The fracture of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 resulted from extensive fatigue crack propagation that initiated at multiple sites. These fatigue cracks coalesced and led to sudden and unstable fracture. The cable diaphragm plates incorporate welded details that offer poor fatigue resistance and are sensitive to cyclic stresses due to wind-induced cable vibrations under ambient conditions. The stress ranges measured during the 18 day monitoring period are of sufficient magnitude to cause fatigue cracking. The diaphragm plate misalignment exceeded reasonable tolerances at three cable diaphragm plates and caused high static stresses within the plates. The misalignment influenced the location of the fatigue cracks in Cable Diaphragm Plate 9, but is not an important contributor to plate fracture. The fillet welded joint between Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 and the pylon flanges exhibited inclusions and other welding defects, but the defects did not initiate cracks or significantly diminish fatigue resistance. Other than the vulnerability of the cable diaphragm plates to fatigue damage from wind-induced vibration, the design is structurally adequate. The existing cable diaphragm plates should be retrofitted to enhance fatigue resistance, including the backstay plates. Cable damping systems should be considered to avoid user concerns and protect the cables themselves. The lower cable anchorages and sockets should be reviewed for fatigue susceptibility and damage.
Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge Cable Diaphragm Plate Fracture Investigation June 28, 2012 Page 18
Placement of two 1 3/4 inch thick plates will provide the correct clevis connection dimension. The two new diaphragm plates will be fastened through the existing 3/4 inch thick plate using twelve 1 inch diameter ASTM A325 high strength bolts. Four angles will be used to connect the cable diaphragm plates to the pylon flange plates. Each connection angle is fastened with nine 1 inch diameter ASTM A325 high strength bolts. It should be noted that all faying surfaces for this option are prepared to Category B slip resistance. This retrofit provides a mechanically fastened connection to the pylon that eliminates welding, results in increased section properties, and provides built-in redundancy. Option 2 - Mechanically Fastened Doubler Plates to Pylon Flanges to Complete Cable Connections. For installation of this retrofit the cable diaphragm plate will be removed and existing welds will be ground off the pylon flange plates. At each pylon flange, this new connection is made up of three bent plates consisting of a 1 1/2 inch thick fill plate and two 1 3/8 inch thick side plates. Sheet S-3 shows the retrofit connection installed on the pylon complete with General Notes. A two piece HP14x73 cut off section will be installed as a strut between the pylon flanges. In total, fifteen 1 inch diameter ASTM A325 high strength bolts connect the three bent plate group to each pylon flange. Fabricating this three bent plate group is considered to be difficult. In addition, this option includes modification of the original cable alignment and therefore may require modification to the distance between cable anchor points. Option 3 - Mechanically Fastened Weldment to Pylon. For installation of this retrofit the cable diaphragm plate will be removed and existing welds will be removed by grinding. This two piece weldment is made up of multiple plates that are connected to the pylon flanges as shown on Sheet S-4. The main connection of the cables to the weldment uses two 4 3/8 inch thick plates. These plates will be installed vertically on the proper alignment of the cables. However, the cable clevis at the pylon has been rotated 90 degrees. Note that the weldment must be fabricated in two pieces to allow placement at any connection elevation without total removal of all cable diaphragm plates during installation. In total, sixteen 1 inch diameter ASTM A325 high strength bolts connect the weldment to the pylon. It is recommended that any of the three retrofit options should be carried out by qualified and experienced machine type metal workers that have documented experience working closely with a fabricator that is qualified in accordance with MnDOT and AASHTO requirements to produce fracture critical bridge members. Although the cable diaphragm plates are not considered fracture critical, a fabricator with the stated qualifications is preferred. Construction period services and field inspection should be carried out by an engineering firm with documented experience in retrofit design and physical modification of fracture critical bridge details. Proper fit-up of each piece is of utmost importance and high quality workmanship is required. Based on the retrofit options, the detail shown on Sheets S-1 and S-2 (or S-2A) is the preferred choice for the installation at this time. This detail can be installed at one location at a time with only one pair of cables removed from the pylon for the work period. In addition, Option 1 is the most adaptable and straight-forward connection that can be used to upgrade all 18 cable diaphragm plate connection locations.
Diaphragm Plates - Shear wave scans Diaphragm Fillet Weld - Shear wave scans Ring Plate Fillet Weld - Shear wave scans Horizontal linearity transducer sensitivity Coupling for all scans Induction of magnetic fields Enhanced exhibition discontinuities of and
DMS 17 35 02 28 18 13 34 59 26 39 27 00 42 36 01 44 55 55 46 43 16 48 17 55 49 21 34 58 24 18 55 36 29 52 54 36 50 18 45 47 49 00 45 25 09 43 07 17 40 55 15 38 40 42
Deg 17.58 28.30 34.99 39.45 42.60 44.93 46.72 48.30 49.36 58.41 55.61 52.91 50.31 47.82 45.42 43.12 40.92 38.68
Gage SG01 SG02 SG03 SG04 SG05 SG06 Wind Speed (mph)
Gage SG01 SG02 SG03 SG04 SG05 SG06 Wind Speed (mph)
Gage SG13 SG14 SG15 SG16 SG17 SG18 Wind Speed (mph)
Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Stress Range (psi) 2,490 3,300 2,650 1,240 2,370 1,930 103
Gage SG13 SG14 SG15 SG16 SG17 SG18 Wind Speed (mph)
Stress Range (psi) 1,540 2,340 1,350 2,490 3,770 3,470 108
All pluck tests performed using a 250 lb load perpendicular (down) to the cable alignment. Load applied at approximately 58 ft, 38 ft, 62 ft, and 42 ft from the top Anchor Point for Cable 6L, 6R, 7L, and 7R, respectively. Load applied using tension ram and load cell to verify force. Quick release equipment used to instantaneously release load. Reported stress range is from first cycle following load release. Reported wind speed and direction are average values throughout the test period. Wind-induced cable vibration minimal during test period. Wind direction reference is 0 Degrees perpendicular left (north) of the structure with increasing increments clockwise looking down.
No Data No Data
Figure 1. Side view of the Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge looking northeast.
Figure 2. Overall plan drawing of Spans 1 through 3 taken from the original design drawings.
Figure 4. Typical cable anchorage at the pylon showing the cable diaphragm plate and clevis pin connection.
Figure 6. Elevation drawing of Spans 1 through 3 looking north taken from the original design drawings.
Figure 10. Area at the right side diaphragm plate-to-pylon flange weld wrap around for Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 showing the area from which the noted indication was removed.
Figure 11. Crack located in the bottom surface of Cable Diaphragm Plate 5 at the right side diaphragm plate-to-pylon flange weld. The crack is approximately 3/4 inches long. It is shown highlighted with red MT powder before chipping the paint off.
Figure 12. Crack located in the bottom surface of Cable Diaphragm Plate 5 at the left side diaphragm plate-to-pylon flange weld. The crack is approximately 1 1/2 inches long. It is shown highlighted by red MT powder after chipping the paint off.
Figure 14. Segment of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 that separated from the pylon following plate fracture.
Figure 15. View of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 following fracture and removal of Cables 8L and 8R.
Figure 16.View of the left pylon flange alignment following local plastic rotation of the flange at the attachment elevation for Cable Diaphragm Plate 8.
Figure 17. Segments of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 shown shortly after removal from the pylon.
Figure 18. Segment of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 shown shortly after removal from the pylon.
Figure 19. Typical strain gage installation near a diaphragm plateto-ring plate weld toe.
Figure 20. Typical accelerometer installation on a stay cable. The two accelerometers are attached to block surfaces normal to one another in order to measure vertical and lateral accelerations.
Figure 21. Typical LVDT installation at the tip of Cable Diaphragm Plate 7.
Figure 22. Wind monitor mounted 10 feet above the left curb between Cables 3L and 4L.
Figure 23. Data acquisition system shown after attachment of instrument wiring.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Figure 24. Plot of stress data from selected strain gages in response to the Cable 7L pluck test.
Stress (psi)
-6000 167
Figure 25. Zoom of stress data at load release for the data shown in Figure 24.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Figure 26. Plot of stress data from selected strain gages in response to the Cable 7R pluck test.
Stress (psi)
-6000 200
Figure 27. Zoom of stress data at load release for the data shown in Figure 26.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Figure 28. Plot of stress data from selected strain gages in response to the Cable 6L pluck test.
Stress (psi)
-6000 70
Figure 29. Zoom of stress data at load release for the data shown in Figure 28.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Figure 30. Plot of stress data from selected strain gages in response to the Cable 6R pluck test.
Stress (psi)
-6000 33
Figure 31. Zoom of stress data at load release for the data shown in Figure 30.
FFT Accel01
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 32. Normalized FFT plot showing multiple modes of vibration during response to the Cable 7L pluck test.
Displacement (inches)
-0.3 167
Figure 33. Approximate displacement data generated by doubleintegration of acceleration data from Accelerometer Accel01 at load release during the pluck test for Cable 7L.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 34. Plot of stress responses from Strain Gage SG02 during Event 007.
Stress (psi)
-6000 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 35. Plot of stress responses for Strain Gage SG11 during Event 225.
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 36. Normalized FFT plot of the stress data from Strain Gage SG02 during Event 007 showing the dominance of cable modes 11, 12 and 14. Note that the approximate first mode of cable vibration is 1.53 Hz.
FFT Accel01
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 37. Normalized FFT plot of the acceleration data from Accelerometer Accel01 mounted on Cable 7L during Event 007.
FFT Accel03
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 38. Normalized FFT plot of the acceleration data from Accelerometer Accel03 mounted on Cable 7R during Event 007.
FFT Super Accel01 + Accel03
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 39. Superposition of normalized FFT plot for the acceleration data from Accelerometers Accel01 and Accel03, mounted on Cables 7L and 7R during Event 007. Similar to plot shown in Figure 36.
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 40. Normalized FFT plot of the stress data from Strain Gage SG11 during Event 225 showing the dominance of cable mode 7. Note that the approximate first mode of cable vibration is 1.53 Hz.
FFT Super Accel01 + Accel03
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Frequency, Hertz 35 40 45 50
Figure 41. Superposition of normalized FFT plot for the acceleration data from Accelerometers Accel01 and Accel03, mounted on Cables 7L and 7R during Event 225. Similar to plot shown in Figure 40.
Displacement (inches)
-0.3 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 42. Approximate displacement data generated by doubleintegration of acceleration data from Accelerometer Accel01 during Event 225.
Displacement (inches)
-0.3 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 43. Approximate displacement data generated by doubleintegration of acceleration data from Accelerometer Accel03 during Event 225.
Figure 44. Stress range histogram for Strain Gage SG02. The calculated effective stress range for this gage over the 18 day monitoring period is 3.7 ksi.
Figure 45. View of finite element model of Spans 1 through 3 created using SAP2000.
Figure 47. Maximum bending stresses at diaphragm plate surface due to simulated wind-induced vibration.
Figure 48. Bending stresses at diaphragm plate surface due to 4.5 misalignment.
Appendix A
Report on the cracking that developed in the Cable Stay diaphragm plates of the Martin Olav Sabo Pedestrian Bridge Minneapolis, Minnesota By John W. Fisher and Eric J. Kaufmann 5-24-12
1. Introduction a) Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 The discovery of a fractured diaphragm plate for Cables 9L and 9R occurred when the severed diaphragm and attached cables dislodged from their pylon connection. Figure 1 shows the crack surface of the failed plate end with the ring plates welded to the diaphragm plate surfaces. The entire cross section is cracked. Fatigue cracks had formed at four distinct locations: Two at each end of the diaphragm-flange weld terminations and the other two forming at the weld toes of the ring plates on the top surface of the diaphragm plate. These fatigue cracks coalesced into two distinct conditions, as evident from the corrosion covered surfaces, until the final fracture which developed at the two clean looking segments occurred.
Although the transverse distance across the diaphragm plate at the ends of the flange welds is 23in., the total crack path was longer at about 25in, as it followed the principal stress toward the ring plates from the end welds and around the ring plate weld toes as can be seen in Figure 2 of the diaphragm plate segment that remained in the pylon. The edge crack on the north (left) side (right side of Figure 2) is clearly visible and has propagated following the principal stress behind the primary crack and shielded that end of the primary crack from the north ring plate weld toes.
The weld toe terminations seen at each end of the diaphragm in Figure 2 of the diaphragm-flange welds are both Category E fatigue details with a fatigue limit of 2.6ksi(1). Likewise, the weld toes of the ring plates to the diaphragm plates provides a
Category E detail for the axial and bending components of cyclic stress introduced into the diaphragm plate. This detail is at the upper bound margin of diaphragm plate thickness so Category E may also apply. The stress field across the diaphragm width is not uniform and is influenced by the applied cable forces and shear lag.
The segment of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 that remained in the pylon was removed along with the weld ends and small segments of the pylon flanges as shown in Figure 3. The figure also shows the section from which mechanical properties (tensile and CVN tests) were obtained. The red lines indicate where crack surface segments would be cut to permit cleaning and fracture surface examination.
Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 was also discovered to be cracked and can be seen in Figure 4 after Cables 8L and 8R were removed. It is apparent from the failure that the diaphragm was not as symmetrically stressed across the diaphragm to the degree that Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 was. This resulted in the fatigue crack propagation from the south (right) side weld toe of the diaphragm to flange weld. This edge crack intersected and coalesced with a crack that developed at the adjacent ring plate weld toe, and the combined crack reached an edge crack length of about 7.5in at which time it fractured, following the principal stress as a result of the eccentric load acting on the diaphragm plate. Although a similar shorter crack formed at the north (left) flange weld end as seen in Figure 4, it was not through the diaphragm plate thickness. The eccentricity caused by the fracture plastically deformed the north pylon flange out of its plane, as is apparent in Figure 4.
The two diaphragm segments were removed from the pylon along with small pieces of the pylon flanges and can be seen in Figure 5. Both segments of the crack surface were heavily corroded. Segments of the diaphragm plate marked in red were removed for mechanical property tests. The diaphragm-flange segment on the left side of the plate was also removed so that the crack surface could be exposed.
Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 with attached flange pieces was cut into segments as shown in Figure 6. The segments are identified as Segments 9A through 9F from left to right (north to south). These segments were all cleaned in an ultrasonic bath, first using acetone to remove the petroleum jelly that had been applied to the crack surface. After that it was cleaned with Alconox to remove corrosion product without damaging the crack surface so that micro features could be examined in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Figure 7 shows the cleaned crack surface of Segment 9D (the middle segment). Near the middle is where the cleaned semi-elliptical crack extending from the left of the surface in the figure intersects with the inner fracture segment. The beach marks on both the left and right ends of the surface in the figure show semi-elliptical fatigue cracks that originate from the top surface of the diaphragm plate. The adjacent smaller segment which shows the crack surface at the south (right) ring plate welds can be seen in Figure 8. The surface shows extensive corrosion product that could not be removed. Similar corrosion product is shown in Figure 7. Beach marks are visible on the right side of Figure 8 and multiple initiation surface cracks at the weld toe are apparent in the crack offsets seen in Figure 8.
The adjacent crack surface of Segment 9F at the flange weld can be seen in Figure 9. This edge crack from the south (right) flange weld is more heavily corroded than the other crack segments. The linkage of these crack segments provides a total edge crack length of the coalesced fatigue crack that is 11.25in long up to the middle of the diaphragm plate where it intersects with the clean fracture surface. This can be easily seen in the right side mating crack surface shown in Figure 10.
At the north (left) side of the diaphragm plate, cleaned Segment 9C at the left ring plates is seen in Figure 11. This shows beach marks and evidence of multiple crack initiation
sites at the surface of the diaphragm ring plate weld toe that have coalesced into a common crack.
Figure 12 shows a view of the crack in Segment 9B which is adjacent to Segment 9C shown in Figure 11. This marks the boundary of the fatigue crack that originated at the north (left) ring plates. An overview of the left side mating surface is provided in Figure 13. This shows the through thickness crack bounded on each side by fractured segments.
Finally the north (left) edge crack from the diaphragm-flange weld end, as seen in Figures 2 and 6, was exposed to examine the Segment 9A crack surface. Figures 14 and 15 show the mating crack surfaces of this crack that extended behind the primary failure surface. Crack initiation is from the end of the weld as expected. This crack extended across the diaphragm plate more quickly from the top surface which is more apparent at the end of the surface where the segment was fractured to separate the surfaces.
Figure 16 shows the segments cut from Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 (see Figure 5 for the components removed from the pylon). One segment was removed from the north (left) side of the plate and is indicated as Segment 8L. Four segments were removed from the south (right) side of the plate and are indicated as Segments 8R1, 8R2, 8R3, and 8R4 from back to front. Note that Segment 8R4 is the mating piece to Segment 8R3. The edge crack initiated from the south (right) diaphragm-flange connection in Segment 8R3 as shown in Figure 17. The mating crack surfaces provide the same characteristics and show that the fatigue crack initiated at the weld end and progressed toward the south (right) ring plates with the top surface advancing faster than the bottom surface of the crack. This edge crack coalesced with the weld toe cracking at the ring plate as seen in Figure 18. A brittle fracture was triggered as a result of an eccentric load from the two cables that completely separated the diaphragm plate as evident in Figure 19.
At the North (left) diaphragm-flange weld end a crack had formed at the top diaphragm plate surface in Segment 8L as seen in Figures 4 and 5. This segment was removed and the fracture surfaces exposed by breaking it open at a reduced temperature and the separated pieces are shown in Figure 20. The bottom surface of the diaphragm plate can be seen in Figure 21. This shows that an independent fatigue crack had initiated in the bottom surface of the diaphragm plate about 1/2in from the larger primary crack whose exposed surfaces are shown in Figures 22 and 23. The segment shown in Figure 23 was cleaned in an ultrasonic bath and the cleaned surface is shown in Figure 24. Fatigue crack beach marks show that the crack was advancing as a semi-elliptical surface crack toward the North (left) ring plate weld. The crack in the bottom surface was also extending parallel to the top surface crack. The bottom of the top surface crack appears to be rubbed and abraised from contact indicating some compression likely from bending.
No evidence of weld toe cracking was observed at the North (left) ring plate weld toe. It seems likely that much of the crack growth seen at Segment 8L occurred after the fracture of the diaphragm plate. The behavior at Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 suggests that the two cable loads were not the same when introducing cyclic forces into the diaphragm. Crack development was significantly different than observed at Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 where nearly equal behavior was seen in the crack development at both sides of the plate.
A segment of the North (left) ring plate and diaphragm plate was saw cut and removed from the connection so that the fillet weld toes on the diaphragm plate could be polished and etched and further examined for the possibility of weld toe cracks. The region removed can be seen in Figure 25.
3. Material Properties
Material properties of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 were evaluated to determine their chemical composition, tensile properties and CVN properties. Tensile and CVN specimens were oriented in both the longitudinal direction of the plates (loading direction) and the transverse direction. Test specimens were located in areas of the plates where no evidence of plastic deformation had occurred during fracture.
The test specimen locations are shown in Figures 3 and 5. Since the fracture path in Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 bisected the plate, test specimens were extracted from two separate areas of the plate. Sketches of the test specimen layout are shown in Figures 26 and 27. One 0.505 in. dia. tensile specimen was fabricated in each plate orientation. Twelve standard size CVN specimens were fabricated in each plate orientation positioned at the plate quarter thickness. The CVN specimens were tested in triplicate over a range of test temperatures to define the transition behavior of the steel. Results of the chemical composition, tensile, and CVN testing are provided in the laboratory test report in Appendix A.
Results of the chemical composition analyses of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 showing the primary constituents are reproduced in Table 1 with ASTM A572 Gr. 50 requirements for comparison. Table 1
Diaphragm Plate 8 9 ASTM A572 Gr. 50 C 0.16 0.15 0.23 Max. Mn 1.11 1.12 1.35 Max. P 0.02 0.02 0.04 Max. S 0.01 0.01 0.05 Max. Si 0.31 0.32 0.40 Max. Wt% Ni Cr 0.19 0.48 0.19 0.48 Mo 0.016 0.015 V 0.029 0.029 0.010.15 Max. Nb 0.002 0.002 Cu 0.23 0.23 0.20 Min.* Al 0.021 0.022
*When specified
Both plates conformed to ASTM A572 Gr. 50 steel, which is the steel specified for the diaphragm plates. The close similarity in composition of the two plates strongly suggests they were fabricated from the same heat of steel. It is also noted that the plates also
conform to ASTM A588 steel. The residual alloy elements included in the full analyses (Sn, W,Zn, Zr ) were found to be at normal residual levels that would have no measurable effect on the material properties.
Results of tensile tests of the diaphragm plates are shown in Table 2. Both plates satisfied the tensile requirements of ASTM A572 Gr. 50. The tensile properties of the plates were identical, consistent with the chemical composition analyses indicating they were fabricated from the same heat of steel. The properties were also nearly identical in both the longitudinal and transverse directions.
Table 2
Diaphragm Plate 8 9 ASTM A572 Gr. 50 Orientation Yld. Strength (0.2% Offset) (ksi) 61.0 60.0 60.5 59.5 50 min. Tensile Strength (ksi) 88.0 88.5 88.5 89.0 65 min. Elong. (2) (%) 27 27 26 26 21 min. R.A. (%) 71 72 65 68
The CVN tests were conducted in both the longitudinal and transverse orientation of the diaphragm plates. Tests were performed in triplicate at temperatures selected to encompass the transition temperature range of the steel. Tests were performed at room temperature (70 F), +10 F, corresponding to the AASHTO Zone 3 test temperature for Gr. 50 steel, 40 F, and -30 F. Results of the tests are provided in Appendix A and shown plotted in Figure 28.
The results of the CVN tests show that both plates have similar CVN properties and both satisfy the AASHTO Zone 3 CVN requirement for Gr. 50 steel for both non-fracture critical and fracture-critical members (15 ft-lbs @ 10F and 25 ft-lbs @ 10 F, respectively)
in both orientations tested. The difference in CVN energy in both orientations is small, consistent with the small difference in tensile properties measured in the two orientations. The measured CVN toughness is very high in both plates and explains the large fatigue crack sizes that were observed prior to brittle fracture of the plates.
a) Segment 8L The crack surface seen in Figure 29 shows beach marks of fatigue crack growth over much of its width as the fatigue crack initiated from the end of the weld toe at the diaphragm-flange connection. The crack extended across the top of diaphragm plate toward the adjacent ring plate as a semi-elliptical surface crack. The striations seen in Figure 30 were located about 3mm (1/8in) below the top surface of the diaphragm plate.
Figure 30 shows the fatigue crack growth striations that were found at location x at a magnification of 4000X. These represent individual crack growth increments and are seen to be at a very high growth rate of 2m (7.874 x 10-5in/cycle) to 5m (19.6 x 10-5 in/cycle). These high levels of crack growth are in Region III and cannot be used to estimate K levels from the usual Region II relationship da/dN = 3.6 x 10-10 K3.
It seems logical to assume that these high levels of crack growth occurred after the fatigue crack that developed at the right side of the plate coalesced with the fatigue crack from the adjacent bushing weld toe and fractured the diaphragm plate. Hence, only the remaining section was resisting the forces from the two cables. The stress cycles were stress reversals and may have exceeded the yield point of the diaphragm plate as the paint in the vicinity of the 8L crack showed evidence of yielding with cracked and missing paint.
Figures 31 and 32 show SEM views of the weld toe fatigue crack growth origin in Segment 8L at 11X and 300X. These photos show the existence of corrosion product at the crack origin and no evidence of weld toe defects.
b) Segment 9C
Figure 33 shows the location on the fracture surface of Segment 9C where possible striation or beach mark features were detected at a magnification of 1000X as seen in
Figure 34. The location shows visually obvious beach marks as the crack extended out of the ring plate weld toe region. The spacing of 5m to 10m is well into Region III of fatigue crack growth.
The K value is well above the 60ksiin level of crack growth for ferrite-pearlite steels shown in Figure 9.12 of Barsom & Rolfe for Region II crack growth (2). The through thickness crack at the left side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 is about 9in. long (see Figure 13) between the two fracture segments on each side of the crack that developed at the bushing weld toe which is a low fatigue strength Category E detail. The crack development involves both tensile axial stress and bending in the weak axis of the 3/4in. diaphragm plate. Near the ends of this through thickness crack, a crude estimate of K is
K = Sr a F(a/b) Where a 4.5in , F(a/b) 1.5 and a probable stress range of 10-15ksi or higher results in K 85ksiin which is compatible with the rapid growth of the large crack implied by the features in Figure 34. Unfortunately, the crack surfaces at the weld toes of the north (left) ring plates is severely corroded as illustrated in Figures 35, 36, and 37. The fatigue crack growth features are not apparent in beach marks nor micro level characteristics in Figure 35. However Figures 36 and 37 show end of life features of beach marks.
5. Fatigue Resistance
The two basic welded details used at the diaphragm cable connection are both very low fatigue resistant details (1). The fillet welded connections between the diaphragm plate and the pylon flanges are both long attachments that are classified as Category E fatigue details. Shear lag also influences crack growth from these details as the cracks follow the principal tensile as the crack is initiated and propagates from the weld toe termination. The lower bound fatigue limit for Category E details, is 2.6ksi and occurs at about 20 million cycles.
The second fatigue critical detail is the weld toe of the ring plate to diaphragm plate connections. These details are on the margin between Category E and E as the diaphragm plate thickness of in is at the limit for Category E. Its fatigue limit is slightly higher at 4.5ksi and occurs at about 10 million cycles.
The applied loads from the cables do not provide a uniform stress field across the diaphragm width. There is a shear lag influence that elevates the principal stress at the end welds and at the ring plate weld toes near the end welds. This is reflected in the crack development at the diaphragm-flange end weld and at the adjacent ring plate weld toe.
Limited measurements by WJE on April 20, 2012 on Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 show that the end of the diaphragm plate is deformed up and down by equal amounts from vibration of the cable at low wind speeds of 5-8mph. The resulting stress cycles are repeatable narrow band cycles for this wind speed at a frequency of 11Hz. The stress range at the end welds (the gage was slightly offset and 0.3in from the weld toe) was a narrow band with a maximum stress range of 2.8ksi on the top and bottom diaphragm plate surfaces as illustrated by the response at Gage SG01 seen in Figure 38. This cyclic stress is always in tension as a result of the axial force in the cables. At the weld toe this cyclic stress is likely greater. Since the variable stress range spectrum exceeds the fatigue limit by more than 0.01%, stress cycles above 0.5 x Fatigue Limit will contribute to fatigue damage at Cable Diaphragm Plate 7.
Strain gages were also installed at 0.3in from the ring plate weld toe at half the distance between the line of action of the cable and the diaphragm plate to pylon flange weld, where fatigue crack growth was dominate in both Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9. The narrow band maximum stress range was 6.3ksi which also exceeds the fatigue limit of Category E by more than 0.01% as is visually apparent in Figure 39 as the stress cycles above 0.5 x Fatigue Limit will all contribute to fatigue damage at the top and bottom ring plate weld toes at Cable Diaphragm Plate 7.
There is every reason to expect that the response of Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 will have experienced cyclic stresses that are greater than those measured at Cable No 7. Fatigue crack growth and eventual failure would be expected at the stress ranges that developed at the end welds and adjacent ring plates. At 11Hz, 1million stress range cycles would accumulate in about 28hrs of comparable wind conditions. Higher wind speeds are likely to result in higher stress cycles at higher modes and frequency.
From the extensive corrosion on the crack surfaces, portions of these fatigue cracks likely reached full diaphragm plate thickness several years ago. Cable vibration is the cause of high frequency stress cycles and it is clear that these cycles exceed the fatigue limit at both welded details. At Cable Diaphragm Plate 9, the crack development is nearly symmetrical leading to crack growth at all 4 locations. At the south (right) side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 the two cracks joined providing an 11.25in edge crack at the final failure. At the north (left) side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 the two cracks were offset so that the ring plate weld toe crack extended to a through thickness crack about 9in long. The left side edge crack extended over 6in behind the through thickness crack which shielded the larger ring plate crack at that end.
The gross section capacity at Cable Diaphragm Plate 9, based on yield strength of the diaphragm plate, is about 203kips, as the remaining section was about 3.4in2 prior to fracture. The reported total dead service load cable force at Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 is about 162kips. Hence, the observed brittle fracture is consistent with the high toughness
of the diaphragm material that allowed such large fatigue cracks to form at Cable Diaphragm Plate 9.
At Cable Diaphragm Plate 8, the fatigue crack growth was not symmetrical as no detectable cracking was found at the left ring plate and much of the cracking that developed at the left end weld may have occurred after the failure originating at the right side of the plate. This edge crack fracture suggests that the cable loading was not symmetric at Cable Diaphragm Plate 8. The critical edge crack length at fracture was about 7.5in. The high frequency vibration observed at Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 provides a loading rate much higher than that associated with the 1 second loading rate used for bridge structures subjected to truck traffic. This is an order of magnitude greater which contributes to the brittle fracture in the lower fracture toughness direction provided by TL CVN tests.
6. Metallography
Weld macro-cross-sections were prepared from the segment removed from the north (left) ring plate of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 (see Figure 25) to determine if crack development had occurred at the fillet weld toe. Figure 40 shows the etched surfaces of the segment. No weld toe cracking was detected in either of the cross-sections.
A weld cross-section was also prepared from the diaphragm-flange weld at the right side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 to characterize the weld geometry. The cross-section was located near the weld termination. Figure 41 shows the etched cross-section. The weld joint consists of two multi-pass fillet welds. No weld defects were observed in the crosssection.
1. Fatigue crack growth developed at Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 as a result of low fatigue strength weld details at four locations.
2. The cyclic stress range driving the crack development and growth was due to the vibrations of the stay cables from wind. The high frequency response resulted in large numbers of stress cycles in only a few years of service that exceeded 0.5 of the Fatigue Limit. This was verified by strain gage measurements on Cable Diaphragm Plate 7.
3. Since the cable tension forces were always present, all stress cycles were in tension at high R ratios at the top and bottom surfaces of the diaphragm plates.
4. Both Cable Diaphragm Plates 8 and 9 showed evidence of crack development mainly from the top surface of the diaphragm plates. This indicates that the applied cable forces created some initial bending in the diaphragm plates due to the plate geometry.
5. At the end welds that were wrapped around the diaphragm plate some embedded slag and porosity existed. These did not influence the weld toe cracks that formed in the diaphragm plate. As observed at left side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 these toe cracks could form in more than one plane.
6. Although corrosion damage prevented detection of crack growth striations near the weld toes on the micro level, fatigue beach marks and the crack surface characteristics verified that stable fatigue crack propagation existed over most of the crack surface at Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 and at the north (left) side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 up to the left ring plate.
7. The plate material used for the diaphragms had tensile properties that were in compliance with the Specifications. The CVN test results showed that the material exceeded the toughness required for Zone 3.
8. The brittle fracture that occurred at Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 suggests that an eccentric load contributed to fatigue crack growth and initiated a brittle fracture in the lower toughness direction.
9. The high frequency of the fatigue loading is a significant order of magnitude greater than normally considered for bridge structures. This has reduced the fracture resistance of the diaphragm material.
8. References 1) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 6.6, Table section 7, 2009 (see also the AISC Specifications, Appendix 3 Fatigue Design, 2005) 2) Barsom, J.M. and Rolfe, S.T., Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures, 3rd Edition, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA 1999
Figure 1: View of fracture surface of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 showing crack growth from weld toes of ring plates and end welds
Figure 2: View of cracked Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 before removal from pylon
9A 9B 9C 9D 9E
Figure 3: View of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 segments with ring plates. Note markings for mechanical test samples (black marks) and fractographic samples (red marks). Fractographic sample segments are indicated 9A through 9F from left to right.
Figure 4: View of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 after cables were removed showing fracture, crack, and flange plastic distortion
8R4 8L 8R3
Figure 5: View of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 after removal from pylon. Note markings for mechanical and fractographic test samples. Fractographic test sample segments are indicated as 8L, 8R1, 8R2, 8R3, and 8R4.
9A 9E
Figure 6: View of segments of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 looking at the top surface
Figure 7: Cleaned crack surface of Segment 9D (middle segment) with the top surface corresponding to the top surface in Figure 6.
Figure 8: Cleaned crack surface Segment 9E (the smaller segment at the ring plate weld toe adjacent to the surface seen in Figure 7).
Figure 9: View of crack surface of Segment 9F propagating from the end weld of diaphragm-flange weld
Mating to 9D
Mating to 9E
Mating to 9F
Figure 10: Mating crack surface of right side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 showing coalesced edge crack. The approximate mating surfaces of Segments 9D, 9E, and 9F are indicated.
Figure 11: View of cleaned surface of Segment 9C at the left ring plate weld toe showing multiple initiation sites and coalescence of the cracks
Figure 12: View of primary crack surface in Segment 9B on the left side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 in front of edge crack
Mating to 9B Mating to 9C
Mating to 9D
Figure 13: Overview of mating crack surface at left ring plates for Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 showing fracture segments on each side of the primary crack. The approximate limits of the mating surfaces for Segments 9B, 9C, and 9D are indicated.
Figure 14: Exposed and cleaned crack surface of edge crack in Segment 9A behind the primary crack showing corrosion product on surface and crack growth from the weld toe
Back of 9B
Figure 15: Mating crack surface to Segment 9A of the edge crack in Segment 9B behind the primary crack. 25
Figure 17: View of cleaned crack surface of diaphragm to flange edge crack in Segment 8R3 and the mating crack face (Segment 8R4) showing the end weld at the flange
Figure 18: Cleaned fatigue crack surface of Segment 8R2 at the south (left) ring plate and adjacent fracture
Figure 19: Overview of the unstable fracture that broke the diaphragm plate in Segment 8R2
Figure 21: Secondary crack on bottom surface of Segment 8L parallel to the primary crack surface. Note this is a view of the bottom side of the lower piece in Figure 20.
Figure 22: View of primary exposed fatigue crack surface of Segment 8L originating at the weld toe and propagating as a elliptical surface crack from the top surface
Figure 23: View of matching crack surface of Segment 8L; secondary crack seen in Figure 21 lies behind the primary crack surface and propagates from the bottom surface
Figure 24: Cleaned crack surface of Segment 8L showing fatigue beach marks and rubbing near bottom of crack
Figure 25: showing where segments were cut from the left side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 8 at the ring plates and crack face from the right side of the plate
Long. CVN (12)
9T1-12 Trans. 0.505 Tensile (1) 9T Long. 0.505 Tensile (1) 9L
Long. CVN (12)
Trans. CVN (12) 8T1-12
100 mm 22 mm 3 mm x
Figure 29: Cleaned crack surface of Segment 8L with location of region where fatigue striations were detected is identified with an x
2 5
Figure 30: SEM view of the fatigue crack surface of the Segment 8L crack at the location shown in Figure 29. Magnification 4000X
Figure 31: SEM view of Segment 8L at weld toe crack origin @11X
Figure 32: Enlarged view of Figure 31 showing corrosion product on crack surface 8L @300X
5m 2m x
Figure 33: View of crack surface of Segment 9C at ring plate weld showing beach marks and multiple initiation sites from weld toe on top surface
Figure35: SEM view of weld toe region @10X of Segment 9C showing multiple initiation sites of fatigue crack growth
Figure 36: SEM view of crack initiation from the weld toe and beach marks at Segment 9C @ 11X
Figure 37: SEM view of crack surface in Figure 36 showing fatigue fracture surface @300X
4000 SG01
Stress (psi)
-4000 9:06:02 AM
9:06:03 AM
9:06:04 AM
9:06:05 AM
9:06:06 AM
Figure 38: Stress response from strain gage SG01 located adjacent to the left end diaphragm plate to pylon flange weld toe at Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 for a wind speed of 5 mph to 8 mph at a direction of about 20 degrees. Note 0 degrees is taken as perpendicular left of the structure with increasing increments clockwise looking down.
4000 SG02 SG08
Stress (psi)
-4000 9:06:02 AM
9:06:03 AM
9:06:04 AM
9:06:05 AM
9:06:06 AM
Figure 39: Stress response from strain gages SG02 and SG08 for the wind event shown above. SG02 is positioned on top of Cable Diaphragm Plate 7 normal to the ring plate weld toe at the midpoint between the line of action of the cable and the diaphragm plate to pylon flange weld termination. SG08 is positioned on the bottom of the plate opposite SG02.
Figure 40: Polished and etched sections of the diaphragm plate and ring plate weld toes
Figure 41: Cross section of the diaphragm-flange welds at the right side of Cable Diaphragm Plate 9 (Segment 9F) showing weld profile
Appendix B
Appendix C
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Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Counts 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 20000 80000 40000
0 125 375 675 975 1275 1575 1875 2175 2475 2775 3075 3375 3675 3975 4275 4575 4875 5175 5475 5775 6075 6375 6675 6975 7275 7575 7875 8175 8475 8775 9075 9375 9675 9975 10275 10575 10875 11175 11475 11775
Note: 18 Day Monitoring Period
Appendix D