Kabbalah Secrets

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Articles of KabbalahSecrets.

It was Recorded Even Before Creation
2011-09-24 21:09:44 Jeffrey Meiliken




After my recent lecture in Toronto and a deeper discussion with some of the students I had

a renewed interest in how the Ana Bkoach (the 42-Letter Name of G-d) interrelates with the first 42 letters of Bereshit (Genesis). I also subsequently received new insights into another deeper matrix structure of the 42 Letters, but that is another article. Nevertheless, before I illustrate this new revelation, my going to re-post an article in Israel Today about a Rabbinic prophecy from 1217 that has been circulating on the web and that helps substantiate all our previous revelations on this blog and in our books, most notably, The Divine Calendar and Theres Nothing Random in the Universe concerning the date for Moshiach and the advent of the tree-of-life reality in 2017/2018 (5777/5778). I would also like to ask if anyone has any further knowledge about this prophecy or its source, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel, may his memory be for a blessing. According to this article, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel was a top Talmudic scholar in Germany. Just before he died in the year 1217 he prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the holy city of Jerusalem for eight jubilees. That is 400 years (8 x 50). The Ottoman Turks did take control of Jerusalem 300 years after the Rabbis death in 1517 and as according to the prophecy, the Ottoman Turks then lost Jerusalem 400 years later in 1917. It was during WWI that British General Edmund Allenby walked into Jerusalem on Hanukkah without firing a shot in 1917. The timing of this with the holiday and the ease at which it occurred indeed make this moment of history extremely significant. In the book, Signs of the End, the significance of this date and its events helped launch the book. This was without even knowing of the Rabbis prophecy. They key was Allenbys entrance into Jerusalem during Hanukkah. With the first world war underway with nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom there was added importance. In 1917 all nations that were involved in the war had become involved. But the kickoff day for WWI was the 9th of Av 2014, when Russia and Germany entered the war establishing the plurality of nations involved in the war. In doing a study on the day counts found in Daniel, these two days came up on the radar screen at the same spacing and these days were the second day of Hanukkah (Kislev 26) and the 9th of Av. With these days occurring in 1914 and 1917, it was found that 100 years later that the same day counts of Daniel occur. This with 100 years being the limit of a generation found in the Bible (as defined by Abrahams 4 generations of a total of 400 years-is it a coincidence that the Rabbis prophesy of 400 years also ends in 1917?). The Rabbi then went on to say that after the eight jubilees, the ninth jubilee would have Jerusalem being a no-mans-land, which it was from 1917 to 1967 until the Six-Day-War. The Rabbis prophecy then stated that in the tenth Jubilee that Jerusalem would be controlled by Israel and then the Messianic end times would begin. That would then bring the time to 2017 [5777] This brings us to the new revelation about the 42 letters of the Name of G-d that an

intimately tied to the first 42 letters of Bereshit (Genesis). If you take the 42 letters one by one and multiple their individual ordinal (place value amongst the 27 letters of the Hebrew alphabet) values by their standard numerical gematria value and add them all up ( alef: 1 x 1 + bet 2 x 2 .+ tav 22 x 400) they equal exactly 105777 or 100,000 + 5777, which is an obvious reference to the year 5777 (2017) , and to the 10 sefirot (dimensions) of the Tree-of-life structure of the greater universe It also refers to the hypercube (105) structure of the Torah (5 Books of Moses), which we have previously written

about, as 100,000 = 105. We can see why the sages said that the advent of Moshiach consciousness will be brought about by the understanding of the 42-Letter Name. Moreover, some of those selfsame articles touched on the Torah connections to Phi, the

primordial mathematical constant that existed at the dawn of the universe. As it just so happens, when we apply the same formula to the Torahs first 42 letters, taking the 42 letters one by one and multiplying their individual ordinal values by their standard numerical value and add them all up ( bet: 2 x 2 + resh 20 x 200 .+ bet 2 x 2) they equal exactly 151618, with 1618 easily being an allusion to Phi (1.6180) and 15 to the YH of the YHVH, Abba and Imma to those that understand. This is not surprising as phi controls the harmonic spiraling growth in the universe and that Phi18 =5778.000 Now given the two sums from both interconnected sets of 42 letters, 105777 and 151618, we see that

once split graphically into 10 5777 and 15 1618 the two prefixes 10 and 15 are in the ration 10/15 or .666 to one another, which brings us back to Rabbi Judah Ben Samuels prophecy, as there are exactly .666 jubilees (Biblical 50-year periods) from the Exodus from Egypt and the receipt of the 1o Commandments in 2448 and the year of prophecy 5777/5778. More to come, lets all inject as much light into our world as possible in these darkening days. Shavua Tov
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