CONTI2010 Final Program
CONTI2010 Final Program
CONTI2010 Final Program
General Information
Date and Place The ICCC-CONTI 2010 will take place on May 27-29, 2010, at Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania. Official Language The official language of the conference is English. All presentations, including discussions and submissions, must be made in the official language. No translation will be provided. Proceedings Each accepted paper reaching us in time will be published in the Volume of CD Proceedings that will be distributed at the conference registration desk to everyone who has paid the registration fee. Cancellation and Refund Cancellation regarding registration fee is possible in written form received no later than May 20, 2010. In this case 90% of the received sum will be transferred back. No reimbursement is possible after this deadline. Opening Hours of the Registration Desk The registration desk will be open during the conference. Presentation All the presentations can be made by using OHP or Power Point. All authors are kindly asked to take their presentation on CD or USB drive. To present the paper it is not allowed to use own computer. All conference rooms are supplied with OHP and data projector with PC. Smoking Please, be so kind to your lungs and your colleagues by not smoking in the building and social events of the conference.
8:30 14:00
Room A107
Room D1
Room D1
Nicolae Tapus
Room A115
Vladimir Rsvan
*buda University, Budapest, Hungary **Hungarian Trade Licensing Office Metrology Division
*Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania ** National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopes and Molecular Technologies, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Room A110
Stefan Preitl
A Comparative Study of Various Evolutionary Algorithms Used for Fuzzy Rule-based Inference and Learning Systems
* Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary ** Szchenyi Istvn University, Gyr, Hungary
Claudia-Adina Dragos*, Stefan Preitl*, Radu-Emil Precup*, Raul-Gherasim Bulzan*, Claudiu Pozna**,***, Jzsef K. Tar****
* Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania ** Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania *** Szchenyi Istvn University, Gyr, Hungary **** buda University, Budapest, Hungary
Tsung-Chih Lin*, Shuo-Wen Chang*, Tun-Yuan Lee*, Valentina Emilia Balas**, Mehdi Roopaei***
** Feng-Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C., ** Aurel Vlaicu University, Arad, Romania *** FARS Research and Science-Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
T. Oprica, M. Vinatoru
Modelling the Inter-Stand Tension of a Steel Cold Mill Based on Dynamic High Order Neural Networks
E. Arinton, S. Caraman
Room A109
A New Method for Reducing the Storage Requirements of Numerical Simulation Data
Anton Alin-Adrian
* Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania ** University of Franche Comt, Besanon, France *** French National Research Center (CNRS) - IPAL (Image & Pervasive Access Lab), Singapore
Towards Programs Logic Based Representation Driven by Grammar and Conforming to a Metamodel
Room A116
Stelian-Ilie Dolha
AES Behavior on Several Programming Environments and Different Operating Systems or Computational Platforms
The Influence of the Phase Current of a Linear Array over the Directivity Pattern
Ground floor
Radu-Emil Precup
Double Inverted Pendulum Control by Linear Quadratic Regulator and Reinforcement Learning
Distribution Factors with AC Power Flow for Electric Energy Transmission Cost Allocation
Mrta Takcs
13:00 14:30 Lunch 14:30 16:00 Parallel Sessions 14:30 15:45 Session on Control Applications
Session Chairs: Balzs Beny
BME, Hungary
Restaurant CP1
Room A115
Ioan Silea
M. Vinatoru
Tams Haidegger, Levente Kovcs, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup, Adalbert Kovcs, Balzs Beny, Zoltn Beny
15:00 Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of the Temperature Control System in a Furnace with Rotary Hearth
Vlad Muresan
Acceleration of a Model Based Scatter Correction Technique for Positron Emission Tomography Using High Performance Computing Technique
Room A110
Interoperability Solution for an EMR System Applied in a Cardiology Department Supported by Mobile Communication
*Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania **Victor Babes University of Medicine and Farmacy Timioara, Romania
L. Giurgiu, L. Stoicu-Tivadar
A New Method in Automatic Generation of Medical Protocols Using Artificial Intelligence Tools and a Data Manager
V. Gomoi, V. Stoicu-Tivadar
R. Robu, V. Stoicu-Tivadar
Room A109
Costin Bdic
Software Architecture Reconstruction: An Approach Based on Combining Graph Clustering and Partitioning
Room A116
Zoltn Bthi
buda University, Budapest, Hungary
Fault Detection Methods for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Neural Networks
QoS Parameters Mapping for the E-learning Traffic Mix in LTE Networks
Database Replication Driven Communication Model for Distributed Dedicated Web Hosting Systems
Ground floor
Adrian Graur
Analysis of RFID Security and Privacy by Means of Identification and Authentication Protocols
Towards using Particle Filtering for Increasing Error Correction Accuracy in Traffic Surveillance Applications
Obtaining Highly Localized Edges using Phase Congruency and Ridge Detection
Steganography on New Generation of Mobile Phones with Image and Video Processing Abilities
Accuracy Analysis of the Parallel Composition for the Block Diagram-based Reliability Assessment of Quantum Circuits
Room A107
Ground floor
Gabriela Prostean
Minimum Vicinity Interpolation Algorithms for Calculation of Trajectory Processing for a Model of CNC Machine Tool
Adaptive Control System of Continuous Casting Process Based on a Fuzzy Logic Mechanism
Lszl Tth
Research Group on Artificial Intelligence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary
9:00 9:45
Plenary Session II
buda University, Budapest, Hungary
Room A109
Peter Sink
9:45 10:00
Coffee break
10:00 11:45 Parallel Sessions 10:00 11:30 Session on Robotics and Control Applications
Session Chairs: Keith Burnham
Coventry University, United Kingdom
Room A115
Stefan Preitl
Convergence Stabilization by Parameter Tuning in Robust Fixed Point Transformation Based Adaptive Control of Underactuated MIMO Systems
Compact Image Processing Based Kin Recognition, Distance Measurement and Identification Method in a Robot Swarm
10:00 11:45 Special Session on Renewable Energy Wind Energy Conversion Systems I
Session Chairs: Nicolae Budisan, Octavian Prostean 10:00
Politehnica University, Timioara, Romania
Room A110
The Dual Induction Generator for Renewable Energy Conversion Systems. Experimental Results, Problems and Solutions
Wind Aggregates Mathematical Modeling Method based on Wind Tunnel Test Results and Regression Functions
Electronic Conversion System and Speed-Control Strategy for Small Wind Generators
On-line Tuning Procedure of a Recursive Parameter Estimator Used for a Synchronous Generator Adaptive Control
Modeling and Simulation of a Soft-Starter for Large Wind Turbine Induction Generators
L. Mihet-Popa, I. Filip
On Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator Current Harmonics, due to Rectifier at the Generator End of the Variable Speed Generator Sets Converter Systems
Room A109
Istvn Vajk
Reseach Group on Artificial Intelligence, University of Szeged and Hungarian Academy of Sciences Szeged, Hungary
Mrk Asztalos, Istvn Madari, Tams Vajk, Lszl Lengyel, Tihamr Levendovszky
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Available Transfer Capacity Evaluation within Complex Power Systems. Theory, Software Tool and Case Study
Room A116
Room A115
Florin Dragan
Analyzing the Accuracy of Lines Covariances in the EKF-based Localization of a Mobile Robot
L. Ferariu, B. Burlacu
Mapping a Fuzzy Logic Approach for QoS-aware Service Selection on Current Web Service Standards
Compass and Odometry Based Navigation of a Mobile Robot Swarm Equipped by Bluetooth Communication
12:00 14:00 Special Session on Renewable Energy Wind Energy Conversion Systems II Room A110
Session Chairs: Petru Andea, Stefan Kilyeni 12:00
"Politehnica" University of Timioara, Romania
Blade Design Using CAD Technique for Small Power Wind Turbine
Teodor Milo, Adi Bej, Eugen Dobnd, A. Manea, R. Bdru, Daniel Stroi
Politehnica University of Timioara, Romania
Computational Graph Theory for Find out Optimal Routes of Pipeline Supply
Substation Ancillary Services Fuel Cell Power Supply. Part 1. Solution Overview
Substation Ancillary Services Fuel Cell Power Supply. Part 2. Case Study
Conventional vs. Alternative Energy Sources Overview. Part I. Energy and Environment
Petru Andea, Dumitru Mnerie, Dan Cristian, Oana Pop, Dan Jigoria-Oprea
"Politehnica" University of Timioara, Romania
Conventional vs. Alternative Energy Sources Overview. Part II. European Strategies
Conventional vs. Alternative Energy Sources Overview. Part III. Perspectives in Romania
Room A109
A. Cicortas, V. Iordan
A New Search Method for Ranking Short Text Messages Using Semantic Features and Cluster Coherence
Room A116
Dan Pescaru
* American International Radio, Illinois, USA ** Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Bucharest, Romania
Using Constant Traffic to Specific IP Destinations for Detecting Spoofed MAC Addresses in Local Area Networks
Room A109
The demonstration is about a software system named Virtual Robot Collaboration Arena (VIRCA). The goal of this software system is to allow a human user to interact and collaborate with distant, real robots and other intelligent agents by the means of the virtual world. The system integrates the advantages of a virtual environment, the information density of cognitive infocommunication channels, including 3D visual perception, and allows the combination of the precision and speed of AI with the high levels of human intelligence.
Room A109
Restaurant CP1