Bulletin For July 14/15

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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16 Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 www.stphilipneripdx.org Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383 Committed to the mission of Jesus and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we the community of St. Philip Neri strive to reach out, to reconcile and to promote unity for all of Gods creation through worship, education, and service toward the common good.


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 15th 2012

Calling all Cooks: We are gathering recipes for a parish cookbook to celebrate our centennial. Do you have a favorite family recipe or one that is always expected at family dinners? Submit them along with a note about the history and or reason why it is special to you. We would like to include recipes to celebrate the different cultures in our parish. You can drop them off in the box in the back of the church, send them to the office, or e-mail them to rosew@stphilipneripdx.org orbarbarah@stphilipneripdx.org. Our goal is to have them all submitted by late October.

Parish Breakfast is Today!

Come by after the 8:30am & 10:30am Masses and enjoy a wonderful French toast breakfast. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make this breakfast possible during the summer months.

Photographs Wanted

Pictures of Parish History for the Centennial Year Bulletin Board is being assembled. If you have any you'd like to loan us, contact Rose Wolf in the Parish Office.

Division St. Fair Concert

Save the date for Saturday July 28th. We will be hosting a free concert featuring the Alphabeticians at 1:00pm. There will be hot dogs, chips and drinks for sale. The Alphabetcians provide fun, upbeat kids music for the whole family.

Pantry Donations
Food Pantry always in need of sundry items (diapers, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, soap) and non-perishable items like cans of tuna, chili, soup, fruit, packages of macaroni, spaghetti, rice.). When you go to the store think about picking up just two extra items to share. It really does make a difference.

Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 15th 2012

Pastoral Corner
July 15th 2012
Summer Vacation can be a change of scene, and an opportunity for new experiences, or it can be a time to visit family and friends, or both. As always, God accompanies us wherever we are, and gives us opportunities for rest and also good works. This Summer I am looking forward to a new experience and to a time for a good visit with family. The first week of my two weeks of vacation I will be on a tour of Glacier Park in northwestern Montana. I expect to have a chance to see some awesome and beautiful sights, and to meet a group of new people who will be touring with me. Whenever I see the wondrous sights of Gods Creation, I am filled with wonder and gratitude. Who are we that God would consider each one of us to be worthy of the love and sacrifice of his Son, in the light of this hugely awesome beauty; yet He loves each of us. God created the world

closer to intimate family. It will be a time of s stories, and of mutual encouragement and appr for a shared family history. As we all grow olde also aware that I cannot take for granted that w always be able to be with each other in this wo ask God to help us find joy and peace in family while we can. I look forward to some wonderfu my sister is a very good cook, and to spending t alongside her helping to prepare meals to share bounty and His tasty natural nourishment. Foo body and for the soul. God is our constant and creative companion! May your Summer months of His peace and new gifts!

Fr. Jim McCauley

Blessing of the Animals Today at Grotto

This afternoon at 2pm at the Grotto Plaza located & NE 85th, will host a blessing of the animals. Pets welcome of all sizes, will be held outdoors.

Divorce, annulment and Marriage Valid

Marriage is a civil and religious commitment. State dissolves a marriage through divorce, the e are free to marry again according to civil law. Th on the other hand, examines the religious covena two individuals involved to determine if there is a a declaration of nullity. An annulment does not legitimacy of children in any way. A declaration does not dissolve or erase a marriage, but rather

out of a pure outpouring of his joy and goodness, and has entrusted its care to us. From what I have read about the shrinking of the worlds glaciers, I will be thinking of the part that I may be playing in causing the global warming that is melting these beautiful glaciers, even as I give thanks for their beauty, and try to photograph them for keeping them in my memory, for they may be gone soon. This week of touring will also be a chance to interact with other people on the tour, and I am very aware that God calls each of us to everywhere, and always, be witnesses to his love. As I prepare for these days, I pray that God will keep my mind and heart open to opportunities to show His goodness to those I am with. How can my gratitude to God for this beauty be communicated to my traveling companions with a sense of simple enjoyment. O God, make me a good listener and an instrument of your peace! For the second week of my vacation, I will not be doing much traveling, and will mostly be with members of my family who live in New Mexico. The change of scenery will include a drastic change in climate, from mountains to high desert in Albuquerque. I will be spending much of my time relaxing with my closest sister and her husband and grown children. I will also visit with cousins, and my Aunt Mary, who is 97 years old. God will still be my constant companion, but THIS time as I grow
(Continued on next Colum)

that a true sacramental marriage did not happe wedding day. If you are interested in finding about annulments or marriage validations, pleas parish office at 503-231-4955.

Looking for God in your life?

If God is calling you to take a closer look at the Cat faith please call our office (503-231-4955) or ema (Fr.Charlie@stphilipneripdx.org or Barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org. We will be happy answer your questions.

Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 15th 2012

This Weeks Calendar and Mass Intentions
Monday July 16th 8:00am Mass (Frank Tortorice) th Tuesday July 17 8:00am Mass (The Dos Grandmother & Grandfather) Chapel Wednesday July 18th 8:00am Mass (Chuck Helvey<A>) th Thursday July 19 8:00am Mass (Doris Smollack Friday July 20th 12:10pm Mass (Sam & Trudy Ignazzitto st Saturday July 21 8:00am Mass (Marina Amato<B>) 4:00pm-Mass (Patricia Connolly) Church Sunday July 22nd 8:30am Mass (People of the Parish) 10:30am Mass (Priscilla Centafante<B>) 10:00am Deaf Community Mass Call the office if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death or marriage, birthday, etc.


Chapel Chapel Chapel Church

Church Church Chapel

Church Cleaning July 16th-22nd: Anonette Amato, Mary Gablesberger, Jeanne McPherson

Parish Office Hours

Recycled Cartridges
We are looking for someone to sort and prepare the ink jet cartridges to mail. This is a very tedious job that requires attention to detail and lots of patience. If you are interested in being a big help. Please contact the parish office.

Monday: 9:00 am to 12:00pm Tuesday thru Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm Parish Staff Pastor Director of the NW Paulist Center Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x.117 frcharlie@stphilipneripdx.org Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x.111 mecsp@mac.com Associate Pastor Fr. Jim McCauley, CSP, x.109 jrpaulist@aol.com Director of Adult Faith Formation Barbara Harrison, x.107 barbarah@stphilipneripdx.org Business Manager Jeanne McPherson, x. 103 jeannem@stphilipneripdx.org Secretary/Receptionists Angelica Liharik, x. 101 angelical@stphilipneripdx.or Rose Wolfe x. 101 rosew@stphilipneripdx.org Building & Grounds, Maintenance Edward Danila edwardd@stphilipneripdx.org Bulletin Announcements Must be submitted by 12pm Tuesday before target weekend to angelical@stphilipneripdx.org

Strategic Planning Committee

There will be a Strategic planning meeting on Wednesday, July 18th at 7 PM in St. Luke Room at the Paulist Center.

Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council will have a meeting & Cookout at the Paulist Residence on Friday July 20th.

Flowers and Vegetables

Fresh veggies and beautiful floral arrangements will be sold outside the Church today.

Subsidies for Parishioners In Catholic Elementary Schools

According to Archdiocesan Guidelines, any family seeking a subsidy from the parish must be a registered member actively involved in parish life and activities as well as a regular attendee of Masses in the parish. They also must give regular, identifiable financial support to the parish, e.g. via the use of parish contribution envelopes or checks or automatic deposits via Vanco.

Drop Off Donations Help those in Need

Unwanted items needed to help struggling families! These things can become tax- exempt donations for the Madonnas Center Hope Chest Sale and will give the youngest,

Scripture Readings
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time(July 22nd) Jer 23:1-6 |Eph 2:13-18 | Mk 6:30-34 (107)

Next Sundays

most needy families a really big hand during tough times! Drop off items Saturday July 21st anytime from 8 am to 8 pm at the back entrance of 2029 SE Jefferson St. in downtown Milwaukie. Enter at parking lot behind Dark Horse Comics on Monroe St.

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