Technical Report
Technical Report
Technical Report
Roll No.90
Technical Reoprts: A technical report (also: scientific report) is a document that describes the progress or results of technical or scientific research, or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. Such reports are often prepared for sponsors of research projects.
Examples of such reports include annual environmental reports to regulators, annual reports to shareholders, project proposals, tender documents and journal articles. A technical report is a formal report designed to convey technical information in a clear and easily accessible format.
Report on DVD TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS submitted to Dr. David McMurrey Technical Research Associates, Inc. 1307 Marshall Lane Austin, TX 78705 May 6, 1998 by Thurston Taylor E. Taylor, Consultants
4) Technical specifications:
In this report type, you discuss some new product design in terms of its construction, materials, functions, features, operation, and market potential.
5) Report-length proposal:
As you may be aware, proposals can be monster documents of hundreds or even thousands of pages.Most of the elements are the same, just bigger. Plus elements from other kinds of reports get importedsuch as feasibility discussion, review of literature, and qualifications; these become much more elaborate.
6) Business plans:
If you are ambitious to run your own business, you can write a business plan, which is a plan or proposal to start a new business or to expand an existing one. It is aimed primarily at potential investors.
Documentation: When you use borrowed information in your technical report, be sure to cite your sources. The style of citing your sources (also called "documenting" your sources). One style commonly used in science and engineering is called the number system.
Realistic audience and situation: The report must be defined for a real or realistic group of readers who exist in a real or realistic situation.The audience can't merely be something like "anybody who might be interested in global warming." Headings and lists: The report should use the format for headings that is required for the course, as well as various kinds of lists as appropriate Special format: The technical report uses a rather involved format including covers, binding, title page, table of contents, list of figures, transmittal letter, and appendixes.
Production: The technical report should be typed or printed out neatly. If graphics are taped in, the whole report must be photocopied, and the photocopy handed in (not the original with the taped-in graphics).
Length: The report should be at least 8 doublespaced typed or printed pages (using 1-inch margins), counting from introduction to conclusion. Technical content: You must design your report project in such a way that your poor technical-writing instructor has a chance to understand itin other words, you must write for the nonspecialist.
Contents:Numbers and lists all section and subsection headings with page
Introduction:States the objectives of the report and comments on the way the
topic of the report is to be treated. Leads straight into the report itself.
Conclusions:A short, logical summing up of the theme developed in the main text.
References:Details of published sources of material referred to or quoted in the text
(including any lecture notes and URL addresses of any websites used)
Something that is put forward for consideration: It can be a proposition, or a suggestion.
Like proposals in general, documentation proposals can be lengthy or they can be a business letter under ten pages. For a lengthy proposal, use the standard design of reports. Use transmittal letter, covers, title pages, tables of contents, abstracts, headings, lists, tables, graphics etc.
Indicate that the document to follow is a proposal. Refer to some previous contact with the recipient of the proposal or to your source of information about the project. Find one brief motivating statement that will encourage the recipient to read on and to consider doing the project. Give an overview of the contents of the proposal.
It's true that the audience of the proposal may know the problem very well, in which case this section might not be needed. Writing the background section still might be useful, however, in demonstrating your particular view of the problem.
Most proposals discuss the advantages or benefits of doing the proposed project. This acts as an argument in favor of approving the project. Also, some proposals discuss the likelihood of the project's success.
Most proposals must describe the finished product of the proposed project. In this course, that means describing the written document you propose to write, its audience and purpose; providing an outline; and discussing such things as its length, graphics, binding, and so forth.) In the scenario you define, there may be other work such as conducting training seminars or providing an ongoing service.
In most proposals, you'll want to explain how you'll go about doing the proposed work, if approved to do it. This acts as an additional persuasive element; it shows the audience you have a sound, well-thought-out approach to the project. Also, it serves as the other form of background some proposals need. Remember that the background section (the one discussed above) focused on the problem or need that brings about the proposal. However, in this section, you discuss the technical background relating to the procedures or technology you plan to use in the proposed work.
Most proposals contain a section that shows not only the projected completion date but also key milestones for the project. If you are doing a large project spreading over many months, the timeline would also show dates on which you would deliver progress reports. And if you can't cite specific dates, cite amounts of time or time spans for each phase of the project.
Most proposals contain a summary of the proposing individual's or organization's qualifications to do the proposed work. It's like a mini-resume contained in the proposal. The proposal audience uses it to decide whether you are suited for the project. Therefore, this section lists work experience, similar projects, references, training, and education that shows familiarity with the project.
Most proposals also contain a section detailing the costs of the project, whether internal or external. With external projects, you may need to list your hourly rates, projected hours, costs of equipment and supplies, and so forth, and then calculate the total cost of the complete project. With internal projects, there probably won't be a fee, but you should still list the project costs: for example, hours you will need to complete the project, equipment and supplies you'll be using, assistance from other people in the organization, and so on.
The final paragraph or section of the proposal should bring readers back to a focus on the positive aspects of the project (you've just showed them the costs). In the final section, you can end by urging them to get in touch to work out the details of the project, to remind them of the benefits of doing the project, and maybe to put in one last plug for you or your organization as the right choice for the project.
Format of proposal