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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Schedule and Assessment Scheme of Project Work-II

(Jan-May, 2023)
Project Work-II (PW-II) is a 14-credit mandatory part of the B.Tech (CSE) program. The project aims to enable the
students to implement all the theoretical knowledge learned during the program practically. All the students are
advised to follow the below-mentioned schedule. In case of any difficulty, they can contact their respective project
coordinators and guides.

Project Allocation Schedule

Activity Week Scheduled Dates Rem
Selection of PW-II Title Week-1 Jan 23-27, 2023 Project topic selection and guide
(For In house Students) allocation will be based on the
Allocation of project Week-2 Jan 30- Feb 03, 2023 research interest/specialization of
Supervisor/Guide students and faculty members.
Finalization of the topic Week-3 Feb 06-10, 2023
and abstract

Continuous Project Assessment Schedule

Presentations Project activity assessed Details Max Scheduled

Marks Dates and
Synopsis submission A detailed and extensive
explanation of the purpose 30
and need of the project.
Feb 27-
Presentation-1 Requirement Engineering Gathered Requirements: Mar 03,
(40 Marks) Requirement Specification 2023
(SRS), Requirement 10 (Week 6)
validation, Methods involved,
Design: Database Design Logical Design, Handling of
partial and full dependency, 20
Redundancy Management
Design: GUI Design User control and freedom,
consistency and standards, Mar 27-31,
Error prevention, Flexibility 2023
(40 Marks)
and efficiency of use, (Week 10)
Aesthetic and minimalist
design, How helpful for users
recognize, diagnose and
recover from errors
Coding& Unit Testing Readability, Adaptability,
Interoperability: Core
business logic methods, 20
April 10-
Services that are high-risk, 13,
Simple DB queries checking 2023
(40 Marks)
(Week 12)
Testing Number of test cases,
Mapping of Test cases with
Requirements, Effectiveness
of test cases
Deviation from Synopsis Number of deviations from
the synopsis, Number of
Important deviations that 10
changes the structure of
proposed in the synopsis
Changes made as per the
Incorporation of suggestions suggestions during preceding 05
evaluations May 01-
Defined objectives are 05,
attained, all modules are 10
(40 Marks) Functionality demo 2023
integrated and functioning
properly (Week 15)
GUI Map with the GUI design said
in the Product development
Usability or Important The number of important
functions and how Unique it Business functions, How well
is? is it implemented with GUI? 05
How unique are these
Documentation and Submission (50)
How well is it followed the given format? 10
References and citations are adequate and well mentioned 05
May 22-
Submission Description of concepts and technical details 10
May 26,
(40 Marks) Does it provide all the necessary figures, tables and snapshots,
10 2023
and briefing?
(Week 18)
Timely Submission of complete project report and code. 05
Submission of proof of research paper publication/acceptance Mandatory

Mr.Sachin Solanki Dr. Ratnesh Litoriya

Project Work-II Coordinator HOD (CSE)

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