Lifestyle and Its Influences
Lifestyle and Its Influences
Lifestyle and Its Influences
Lifestyle means the ways groups of consumers spend time and money. Segment people based on three things: Opinion Attitudes Activities
Lifestyle Marketing
Lifestyle marketing recognizes people sort themselves into groups on the basis of :
What they like to do? How they spend leisure time? How they spend disposable income?
Importance of Lifestyle
Defining the target market (beyond demographics) New product development Cross-merchandising Promotional and media strategies Creating a new view of the market Better communicating product attributes/benefits - to match a person's lifestyle. Reaching consumers
Need Driven
Survivors Sustainers Be longer I-am-me Experiment Socially Conscious
Internally Driven
Emulator Achiever
Outer Driven
Buyer lifestyle
Survivors : Price conscious , not very knowledgeable , depressed. Sustainers: Strugglers , swayed by brand guarantee , impulse buyers. Belongers : Conventional conservative , nostalgic , unexperimental. Emulators : Ambitious , upwardly mobile , status conscious , buy to impress others. Achievers : Leaders , work in hi tech top line products. I-am-me : Young , Self engrossed , impulsive. Experimental : Pursue a rich inner life , High sense of social resp. Integrate : Fully matured psychologically , combination of best elements
A popular way to measure lifestyles is called psychographics. Psychographics - AIOs
Activities: what people do with their time. Interests: what is important to people.
Psychographic Uses:
Position product
Marketers create profiles of customers who resemble each other in their activities and patterns of product usage. To group consumers into common AIO categories researchers give respondents a long list of statements and ask them how much they agree with each one. Lifestyle is then boiled down by discovering
how people spend their time. what they find interesting and important and how they view themselves and the world around them
Innovators- successful with many resources Thinkers - satisfied, reflective, comfortable Achievers - career-oriented preferring predictability over risk or selfdiscovery Experiencers impulsive, young and enjoy offbeat or risky experiences.
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