Principles of Geotechnical Engineering

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Principles of Geotechnical Engineering

1. Geotechnical Engineering - A Historical Perspective 1.1 Geotechnical Engineering Prior to the 18th Century 1.2 Preclassical Perioad of Soil Mechanics (1700 1776) 1.3 Classical Soil Mechanics Phase 1 (1776 - 1856) 1.4 Classical Soil Mechanics Phase 2 (1856 1910) 1.5 Modern Soil Mechanics (1910 1927) 1.6 Geotechnical Engineering after 1927

2. Origin of Soil and Grain Size 2.1 Rock Cycle and the Origin of Soil Igneous Rock Formed by the solidification of molten magma. After ejection by either fissure eruption or volcanic eruption, some of the molten magma cools on the surface of the earth. Sometimes magma ceases its mobility below the earths surface and cools to form intrusive igneous rocks that are called plutons. The types of igneous rocks formed by the cooling of magma depend on factors such as the composition of the magma and the rate of cooling associated with it. Thus, depending on the proportions of minerals available, different types of igneous rock are formed. Granite, gabbro, and basalt are some of the common types of igneous rock generally encountered in the field. Weathering Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks by mechanical and chemical processes into smaller pieces. Mechanical weathering may be caused by the expansion and contraction of rocks from the continuous gain and loss of heat, which results in ultimate disintegration. Other physical agents that help disintegrate rocks are glacier ice, wind, the running water of streams and rivers, and ocean waves. In chemical weathering, the original rock minerals are transformed into new minerals by chemical reaction. Water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere form carbonic acid, which reacts with the existing rock minerals to form new minerals and soluble salts. Soluble salts present in the groundwater and organic acids formed from decayed organic matter also cause chemical weathering

Rock Cycle

Bowens reaction series (1922)

Composition of Minerals Shown in Bowens Reaction Series

Composition of Some Igneous Rocks

An example of the chemical weathering of orthoclase to form clay minerals, silica, and soluble potassium carbonate follows:

Transportation of Weathering Products The products of weathering may stay in the same place or may be moved to other places by ice, water, wind, and gravity. The soils formed by the weathered products of their place of origin are called residual soils. The transported soils may be classified into several groups, depending on their mode of transportation and deposition: 1. Glacial soils formed by transportation and deposition of glaciers 2. Alluvial soils transported by running water and deposited along streams 3. Lacustrine soils formed by deposition in quiet lakes 4. Marine soils formed by deposition in the seas 5. Aeolian soils transported and deposited by wind 6. Colluvial soils formed by movement of soil from its original place by gravity, such as during landslides.

Sedimentary rock The deposits of gravel, sand, silt, and clay formed by weathering may become compacted by overburden pressure and cemented by agents like iron oxide, calcite, dolomite, and quartz. Cementing agents are generally carried in solution by groundwater. They fill the spaces between particles and form sedimentary rock. Rocks formed in this way are called detrital sedimentary rocks. Conglomerate, breccia, sandstone, mudstone, and shale are some examples of the detrital type. Sedimentary rock can also be formed by chemical processes. Rocks of this type are classified as chemical sedimentary rock. Limestone, chalk, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and others belong to this category. Metamorphic rock Metamorphism is the process of changing the composition and texture of rocks, without melting, by heat and pressure. During metamorphism, new minerals are formed and mineral grains are sheared to give the foliated texture to metamorphic rocks. Granite, diorite, and gabbro become gneisses by high-grade metamorphism. Shales and mudstones are transformed into slates and phyllites by low-grade metamorphism. Schists are a type of metamorphic rock with well-foliated texture and visible flakes of platy and micaceous minerals. Marble is formed from calcite and dolomite by recrystallizaton. Quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed from quartz-rich sandstones. Silica enters into the void spaces between the quartz and sand grains and acts as a cementing agent. Quartzite is one of the hardest rocks. 2.2 Soil-Particle Size

Particle-Size Classifications

2.3 Clay Minerals Clay minerals are complex aluminum silicates composed of two basic units: (1) silica tetrahedron and (2) alumina octahedron. Each tetrahedron unit consists of four oxygen atoms surrounding a silicon atom. The combination of tetrahedral silica units gives a silica sheet. The octahedral units consist of six hydroxyls surrounding an aluminum atom, and the combination of the octahedral aluminum hydroxyl units gives an octahedral sheet. Besides kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite, other common clay minerals generally found are chlorite, halloysite, vermiculite, and attapulgite.

(a) Silica tetrahedron; (b) silica sheet; (c) alumina octahedron; (d) octahedral (gibbsite) sheet; (e) elemental silicagibbsite sheet (after Grim, 1959)

Atomic structure of kaolinite (after Grim, 1959)

Diagram of the structures of (a) kaolinite; (b) illite; (c) montmorillonite

2.4 Specific Gravity (Gs) Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the unit weight of a given material to the unit weight of water. Specific Gravity of Common Minerals

2.5 Mechanical Analysis of Soil Sieve Analysis for particles sizes larger than 0.075 mm in diameter 1. Determine the mass of soil retained on each sieve (i.e, M1, M2, Mn) and in the pan (i.e., Mp) 2. Determine the total mass of the soil: M1 + M2 + + Mi + + Mn + Mp = M 3. Determine the cumulative mass of soil retained above each sieve. For the ith sieve, it is M1 + M2 + + Mi 4. The mass of soil passing the ith sieve is M (M1 + M2 + + Mi) 5. The percent of soil passing the ith sieve (or percent finer is):

Hydrometer Analysis Stokes law

Values of K

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