Sunil Bhardwaj: Assistant Professor The Business School Bhaderwah Campus University of Jammu

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Sunil Bhardwaj

Assistant Professor The Business School Bhaderwah Campus University of Jammu

Pollution Effects Greenhouse gases Concerns Green economy Kyoto Mechanism Carbon credits Generating Carbon credits Trading of carbon credits Markets for carbon credits

Introduction of contaminants into the environment causing instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the MOTHER EARTH.

GREAT SMOG DISASTER in London in 1952, 4000 people were killed in a few days
biggest OIL SPILL in Alaska in 1989, approx. 2800sea otters, 2,50,000 sea birds and billions of salmon were destroyed.


Methane GWP:21 Carbon Dioxide GWP:1

Nitrous Oxide GWP:310

Sulphur hexaflouride GWP:23,900

Perflourocarbons GWP:9,200

Hydroflourocarbons GWP:11,700

Carbon sink is not sufficient and concentration of greenhouse gases have risen dramatically. Annual rate of CO2 emission has decreased, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is still increasing. 30% more CO2 in air today than there was about 50 years back.

A Green Economy is a system of economic activities related to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that results in improved human wellbeing without creating significant environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

Annex 1 countries to reduce their emission 5.2% below their 1990 baseline over the 2008 to 2012 period.

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) CDM enables developing country parties who carry out projects that reduce GHG emissions to recieve credits for this reduction.

Joint Implementation (JI) A developed country with relatively high costs of domestic greenhouse reduction would set up a project in another developed country. Emission Trading (ET) countries can trade in the international carbon credit market to cover their shortfall in Assigned amount units


was generated in KYOTO PROTOCOL (11 December 1997)

carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate representing the right to emit one tonne of CO2 or equivalent mass of other greenhouse gas

Financial One

carbon credit = 1metric tonne of CO2

Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) Removal Units (RUs) Voluntary Emission Reduction (VERs)

CCs are issued to countries that reduce their emission of greenhouse gases. Developed countries that have exceeded their emission level can either cut down their emission, or buy, borrow CCs from developing countries.

Without project emission level

Carbon credit
Emission level With project Emission level

Project commission


Allowance Based: Buyer purchase emission allowances created & allocated (auctioned) by regulators, Kyoto protocol Project Based: Buyer purchase emission credits that has accumulated it from reduction of green house gas emission

Clean Development Mechanism (CER) Joint Implementation (ERU)

Emission Trading (CCs)

Carbon credits
MARKET Primary/secondary Countries/ companies/Individuals


compliance buyers

companies (environmental responsibility) or early action buyers

Pre-compliance Speculators

or investors (future price increases)

Retail buyers who want to take personal action to offset their carbon footprints.

Mostly traded in Primary market Secondary market are:

Chicago Climate Exchange European Climate Exchange NASDAQ OMX Commodities Europe ( CERs ) Power Next Commodity Exchange Bratislava European Energy Exchange Online Trading: Carbon Trade Exchange


Otherwise earth wont wait long

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