Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal Muscle
are excitable cells. can transmit action potential along their cell membrane. convert chemical energy into a mechanical response
cylindrical branched mono/binucleated present (Intercalated disc) pacemaker cells syncytial function under involuntary control
hollow organs/eyes
spindle-shaped mononucleated present (unitary) absent (multiunit) pacemaker cells syncytial function (unitary) under involuntary control
Primary Function
generate a force or movement in response to a physiological stimulus by transducing chemical or electrical stimuli into a mechanical response.
MUSCLE (Epimysium)
FASCICULUS (Perimysium)
Sarcolemma Consists of an inner plasma membrane and outer collagenous layer Invaginates at numerous points to form T-tubules Carries action potential Sarcoplasm Consists of myofibrils Numerous mitochondriae lying parallel to myofibrils Sarcoplasmic reticulum L-tubules Storage of calcium ions
Myofilaments (i) contractile- myosin II, actin (ii) modulatory- tropomyosin, troponin
Myofilaments- thick & thin filaments Myosin-10 to 14nm wide & 1.6m long 1500 in each myofibril Myosin filament made of around 200molecules of myosin Myosin molecule- composed of 6 polypeptide chains- 2 heavy chains and 4 light chains A tail, an arm and 2 globular heads Arm and head form cross-bridge Two hinges Head has sites for ATP and actin binding
Actin filament- 7nm wide and 1.0m long Extend on both sides of z-lines F-actin forms a double helix Made of 300 G-actin molecules (MW 42,000) G-actin has active sites for interaction with myosin heads
Tropomyosin- 40nm length and MW of 70,000. Wrapped around actin helix & covers active sites in resting phase Troponin- made of 3 protein subunits (Tn I, Tn C & Tn T)
1) Actinin- binds actin to Z lines 2) Desmin- binds Z lines to the plasma membrane
3) Titin- connects Z lines to M lines and provide scaffolding for sarcomere. Provides elasticity
4) Dystrophin, dystroglycans and sarcoglycans
Sarcolemma Consists of an inner plasma membrane and outer collagenous layer Invaginates at numerous points to form T-tubules Carries action potential Sarcoplasm Consists of myofibrils Numerous mitochondriae lying parallel to myofibrils Sarcoplasmic reticulum L-tubules Storage of calcium ions
T-tubule- inward extension of sarcolemma opens to exterior contain ECF run transverse to myofibrils transmit action potential L-tubule- sarcoplasmic reticulum run parallel to myofibrils terminate in terminal cisternae stores calcium ions Triads- two terminal cisternae abutting a t-tubule
Action potential
Neuromuscular transmission
Depolarisation of T-tubule
Binding of Ca2+ to Tn C
Muscle Contraction
1) Viscoelastic (new elastic body theory) theory1840s to1920s- muscle acts like a stretched spring contained in a viscous medium. 2) Continuous filament theory- during contraction actin and myosin combine to form a single filament. This undergoes folding and shortening due to thermal agitation or loss of water molecules 3) Sliding filament theory
Huxley (1969)- cross-bridges attach to thin filament pull towards center detach attach further down ratchet theory or walk-along theory
Head cocks up
Chemical changes
ATP attaches to myosin head splits to ADP+Pi myosin head cocks up attaches to actin power-stroke ADP & Pi discarded new ATP attaches to myosin head myosin head released from actin ATP yields 11.5kcal/mol
Sources of ATP
1. ATP present in sarcoplasm- suffice for 1-2sec 2. Creatine phosphate- suffice for 5-8sec. Lohmans reaction CP+ADP=Creatine+ATP 3. Glycolysis- suffice for 1min 4. Oxidation of cellular foodstuff- for longer periods
Mechanical changes
Isotonic contraction- shortening of muscle but volume remains the same Isometric contraction- no change in the length
Thermal changes
1. Resting heat- A.V.HILL- 300cal/min in 70kg man with 30kg of skeletal muscles. 2. Activation heat- energy required for Ca2+ influx, binding to troponin & pumping out of Ca2+10cal/gm 3. Shortening heat- proportional to amount of shortening 4. Maintenance heat 5. Relaxation heat 6. Recovery heat- restitution of ATP and glycogen
Electrical changes
RMP of -90mv AP moves along sarcolemma Velocity of AP conduction- 5m/sec
Single nerve fiber with all the muscle fibers it supplies for a motor unit Motor units may contain 2 to few hundred muscle fibers Smaller motor units are associated with muscles of fine movements
a single motorneuron and the muscle fibers it innervates. the number of muscle fibers varies with each motor unit.
3 6 muscle fibers/motor unit > muscles concerned with fine, graded and precise movement. 120 165 muscle fibers/motor unit > muscles concerned with postural and gross movement.
each spinal motorneuron innervates only one kind of muscle fiber, so that all of the muscle fibers in a motor unit are of the same type.
Muscle consists of 3 components 1. Contractile element 2. Series elastic element- arms of cross-bridges, tendon fibers 3. Parallel elastic element- connective tissue
1. Isometric contraction- length remains same whereas tension increases. Eg: pushing the wall 2. Isotonic contraction- tension remains same whereas length changes. Eg: throwing a stone
Muscle length is held constant at various lengths. Muscle directly stimulated at many points. Tension developed is measured using transducer. Maximum tension at rest length. When muscle is stretched, passive tension is developed due stretching of elastic elements
Studied in single muscle fiber using optical diffraction patterns of laser. Tension developed is maximum at 2-2.2 when there is optimum overlap of actin and myosin No tension when muscle is stretched so that there is no overlap of actin & myosin filaments With shorter lengths, tension reduces
Muscle is allowed to contract with various loads attached Isotonic contraction Initial latency is time for activation of contractile machinery Later part of latency is time taken to stretch the SEE As the load increases, velocity decreases
Rigor mortis:Seen after death State of extreme rigidity Due to fixed interaction between actin & myosin heads ATP is needed to break actin-myosin bond Loss of rigidity after few hours due to proteolysis
Synonyms Velocity of Shortening Twitch Duration Diameter Source of Energy Mitochondria Myoglobin Type I / Oxidative Red muscle Slow / Low Longer (100 ms) Small Oxidative System Abundant Greater
Type II / Glycolytic White muscle Fast / High Shorter (7.5 ms) Large Glycolytic / Phosphagen System Few Few Few Deliver extreme amount of power for a few sec to min. Involved in skilled and fine movements
Capillary Density
Function Examples
Provide endurance Involved in gross /strong / ustained movement
NERVE Velocity of Shortening Excitability Diameter MUSCLE Number of fiber Fatigability Type I
Force of unit
Function Metabolic Profile Fiber diameter
Provide endurance Oxidative Moderate
During a normal twitch, minute electrical potential is dissipated into surrounding. This can be picked up by surface electrodes on skin. All the motor units do not contract at same time- so the electrical potential is prolonged. Amplitude of 0.5mv & duration of 5-8ms
Electromyograph is a high gain amplifier Skin electrodes or needle electrodes are used Motor unit potentials are displayed on CRO Potential is a sharp spike, usually biphasic Larger the motor-unit potential, larger the motor unit.
Useful for distinguishing nerve from muscle disease EMGs are obtained at rest, during slight muscle contraction, and during maximal muscle activity Henneman principle Fibrillation- contraction of single muscle cells Fasciculation- contraction of groups of muscle cells supplied by a single axon
Def: It is the change in potential and the consequent responses inherent to the tissues, in response to a stimulus. Stimulus: It is the change in the external environment bringing about excitation in an excitable tissue.
Electrical- commonly used in labs Mechanical Thermal Chemical Electro-magnetic
Strength of stimulus- subminimal, minimal (threshold), submaximal, maximal and supramaximal Duration of stimulus
Rheobase: the minimum strength of the current acting on the muscle for a variable period that can bring about a response. Utilization time: the minimum duration for which a current of rheobase strength is applied to excite an excitable tissue Chronaxie: is defined as the shortest duration of stimulus required to excite a tissue by a current strength equal to twice of rheobase voltage. Chronaxie of a tissue is a definite measure of its excitability.
Def: internal events of the muscle which are manifested by shortening or development of tension or both.
Muscle-twitch (simple muscle curve): The contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle in response to a single adequate stimulus
All or None response An individual muscle fiber exhibits contraction of an uniform intensity once their particular threshold has been reached
The second contraction develops a greater tension than the first one if the second stimulus is applied before the relaxation is complete in the first one. Availability of more Ca++ Ca ++ from the first contraction is not completely pumped into the SR Second stimulus releases Ca ++ and adds to the remaining Ca ++ from the first contraction
Treppe or Stair case effect After a period of rest, sudden series of stimulation results in a series of contraction that increases in amplitude until a steady state is reached. Due to redistribution of intra cellular Ca ++ / more Ca ++ availability
Def: it is a decrease in the performance due to continuous and prolonged activity Site of fatigue: CNS is the first site of fatigue even though the muscle itself can undergo fatigue.
Nerve is indefatigable
Effect of load on muscle contraction 1. Free-load 2. After-load Effect of temperature on muscle contraction 1. Heat rigor 2. Cold rigor 3. Calcium rigor 4. Rigor mortis
velocity of action potential conduction across skeletal muscle is 5m/sec in nerves it is up to 120m/sec conduction is along the sarcolemma and moves along the T-tubules
Def: it is the state of partial contraction of the muscle Reflex phenomenon Resistance encountered on passive stretching of muscle Rigidity Spasticity