Chapter Iii. Treatment Modalities of Cancer
Chapter Iii. Treatment Modalities of Cancer
Chapter Iii. Treatment Modalities of Cancer
Cancer is a global issue majorly affecting developing countries. According to a survey,
63% of deaths due to cancer are reported in developing countries. There are different conventional
treatment modalities that are available to treat and manage cancer. However, new cancer treatment
options are being explored continuously as over 60% of all current experimental trials worldwide
are focusing on tumor cures. The success of treatment depends upon the type of cancer, the locality
of the tumor, and its stage of progression. Surgery, radiation-based surgical knives, chemotherapy,
and radiotherapy are some of the traditional and most widely used treatment options. Some of the
modern modalities include hormone-based therapy, anti-angiogenic modalities, stem cell
therapies, and dendritic cell-based immunotherapy.
This chapter discusses different traditional and novel treatment modalities to combat
different types of cancer.
❖ Cancer Prevalence
Cancer is the principal cause of death equally in developed and underdeveloped countries
but is more prevalent in middle-income countries, probably due to prevailing poor socioeconomic
conditions. The geographic differences in the prevalence of cancer can be explained by many
contributing factors, like early diagnosis, age factor, the occurrence of risk factors, screening tests,
and accessibility of quality treatment. According to the report of IARC (International Agency for
Research on Cancer), 14.1 million cases of cancer were reported in 2012 globally, of which 8
million were reported from underdeveloped countries which are about 82% of the total population
of the world.
❖ Cancer treatment modalities
Since the recognition of the malignancy, the objective of extraordinary research is to
discover novel methods of quality treatment approaches for cancer. Over 60% of all ongoing
medical quality treatment trials worldwide concentrate on cancer. The selection of treatment and
its progress depends on the type of cancer, its locality, and its stage of progression. Surgery,
radiation-based surgical knives, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are some of the traditional and
most widely used treatment methods. Some of the modern modalities include hormone-based
therapy, anti-angiogenic modalities, stem cell therapies, immunotherapy, and dendritic cell-based
immunotherapy. Side effects associated with traditional methods of cancer treatment highlight the
scope of novel cancer treatment methods. Different novel treatment systems utilized for the
treatment of malignancy include treatment against the angiogenic ability of cancers, oncolytic
virotherapy, hereditary control of apoptotic and tumor-attacking pathways, antisense, and RNAi
A Gamma Knife technique does not include real surgery, nor is the Gamma Knife
actually a blade. It utilizes light emissions and centered gamma beams to treat little to medium-
sized sores and tumors. Many radiation beams combine to concentrate on the cell mass under
treatment, giving an exceptionally high dose of radiation without a surgical cut or opening.
B. Radiation therapy
Radiation in cancer therapy can be described as a physical entity used to kill cancer
cells. The kind of radiation used in therapy is ionizing radiation. The radiation upon
incidence causes particles in biological bodies to charge electrically; thus, the term is
“ionizing,” and energy is transferred in this way from the rays to the cells of the body
through which it passes. This energy can either directly kill cancer cells or genetically alter
them so that they accede to apoptosis and cell death.
The mechanism underlying genetic alterations in cells treated with radiation lies in
the fact that the damaged DNA is unable to replicate and thus cell division is halted, which
in turn causes cells to die. The adverse effect of radiation therapy is that it also hits normal
cells lying in the peripheries of the main tumorous mass. However, improved imaging
techniques and attempts at accurate targeting of the cancer mass in addition to the normal
cells’ ability to regain normal function faster than cancer cells as cancer cells lack efficient
repair systems minimize the net damage done by radiation.
1. Fractionation
This technology uses inverse planning software, which modulates the intensity of
radiation beams used during therapy, resulting in an irregularity of radiation dosages that
differentially target tumors as opposed to vital organs.
Using imaging techniques before therapy, such as IGRT, helps position radiation
correctly, diverting rays away from critical organs, targeting only tumor masses, and
consequently reducing organ damage as a result of errors in aiming (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Direct and
mechanisms of
based treatments.
C. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy halts tumor progression by killing off its ability to divide and enforcing
apoptosis. Normal biological functioning of the body refreshes cells of the body by removing
excess cells or damaged cells and thus signaling new cell formation. In contrast, tumor cells have
an increased capacity to divide and the quality of immortality as they are not controlled by
apoptosis. Therefore, where in normal bodies the cell proliferation is balanced by cell death and is
regulated, in cancerous masses, the cell proliferation to cell death ratio is high. Chemotherapy acts
here to bring about changes in the tumor cells so that they stop growing or dying; thus, the two
branches of chemotherapeutic drugs are cytostatic (biological drugs) and cytotoxic, respectively.
The use of chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer started at the beginning of the twentieth
century. The effects of drugs studied in four programs conducted in World War II were the
leverage over which a national effort to develop drugs was initiated in 1955, known as Cancer
Chemotherapy National Service Center. Two diseases, acute childhood leukemia and advanced
Hodgkin’s disease cured using combination chemotherapy in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively,
lead to acceptance of the ability of drugs to cure complicated cancers. This also encouraged studies
on adjuvant chemotherapy with the aid oa f national cancer program. Molecular studies on
abnormalities in cancer cells are an important screening process today for checking the
effectiveness of new drugs and designing targeted therapies. This has advanced chemotherapy
Drugs used in chemotherapy are now known to be more than a 100 in number and can be
used alone or in combination therapies. Each drug has a different chemical structure and
composition. While surgery and radiation are invasive and targeted procedures, chemotherapy is
mainly systemic, traveling through the body to reach cancer cells.
Mode of action, chemical structure, composition, and homology to other drugs are factors that
help categorize chemotherapy drugs. Some drugs may fall into more than one category as they
may have multiple modes of action. To know the side effects of a particular drug, one must study
the mode of action. This information can later be incorporated by oncologists to predict how
effective a drug will work. In combination with chemotherapies, drug studies help decide the time,
order, and dosages of each drug administered in the therapy [39].
1. Alkylating agents
Direct DNA damage by alkylating agents stops the division of cancer cells and is
efficacious in all stages of the cell cycle. Many cancers are treated with alkylating agents such
as lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease, and sarcomas [40]. Also
included are several cancers of the ovary, breast, and lungs. On the downside of alkylating
agents, they can cause damage to bone marrow as they damage DNA. Long-term damage can
result in acute leukemia, depending on dosages used, although rarely. Leukemia from alkylating
Anthracyclines • Daunorubicin
• Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®)
• Epirubicin
• Idarubicin
Table 0.2 Various classes of anticancer chemotherapeutic drugs and their examples.
Based on similar mode of action of alkylating agents and platinum drugs, i.e., cisplatin,
carboplatin, and oxaliplatin, they are sometimes grouped together. These drugs have a reduced
tendency to cause posttreatment leukemia.
2. Antimetabolites
These drugs are analogs for the units of DNA and RNA, and hence by incorporation,
they stop growth of DNA and RNA. Such drugs particularly effect the S phase of the cell and
used for the treatment of leukemia, cancers of ovary, breast, intestinal tract, and various others.
Examples of antimetabolites are given in table 0.2.
3. Anthracyclines
These are antibiotics in nature that target DNA replication enzymes, affecting cells in
all phases of the cell cycle. Various cancers lie in the scope of these drug treatments. A big
limitation of these drugs is that exceeding a critical limit can permanently damage the heart.
Therefore, dose limits for a lifetime are determined for these drugs. Classes of anthracyclines
are mentioned in table 0.2.
There are some antitumor antibiotics that do not belong to anthracyclines, including
actinomycin D+, bleomycin, and mitomycin C. Another anti-cancerous antibiotic is
mitoxantrone, comparable in many ways to doxorubicin, both of which can damage the heart at
a high dosage. Their mode of action is also the same, i.e., inhibiting the topoisomerase II, and
thus can lead to posttreatment acute myelogenous leukemia, after 2–3 years in most cases.
Prostate and breast cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia are also treated with mitoxantrone.
5. Topoisomerase inhibitors
Topoisomerase inhibitors deter the unwinding of DNA and hence stop DNA replication.
Some have leukemia; ovarian, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers; and others are treated with
these drugs. Examples of topoisomerase I inhibitors are topotecan and irinotecan (CPT-11), and
examples of topoisomerase II inhibitors are etoposide (VP-16) and teniposide. Mitoxantrone
also constrains topoisomerase II.
Mitotic inhibitors are plant alkaloids and other naturally derived products in nature.
They inhibit the synthesis of proteins necessary for cell division, particularly in the mitotic
phase of the cell cycle, subsequently damaging all other phases too. Cancers treated with these
drugs include lung, breast, myelomas, leukemia, and lymphoma. Side effects such as peripheral
nerve damage can put limits on the dosages of these drugs. Examples of mitotic inhibitors are
given in table 0.2.
Some uncategorized chemo drugs with uncommon modes of action include the enzyme
L-asparaginase and an inhibitor of proteasome called bortezomib (Velcade®). Examples
include drugs like L-asparaginase; it is an enzyme, and the proteasome inhibitor is bortezomib
❖ Hormone therapy
Advancements in the field of molecular biology in recent years clarified the role of hormones
in cell growth and in the regulation of malignant cells. Nearly 25% of tumors in men and 40% in
women are known to have a hormonal basis. Hormonal treatment is effective to treat cancer
without any cytotoxicity which is associated with chemotherapy. Steroids are hormones in nature,
and such hormone-like drugs are used in the treatment of cancers like lymphoma, leukemia, and
multiple myeloma. Moreover, corticosteroids are used as antiemetics, which give relief from
nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. Also used before chemotherapy, they mitigate
hypersensitivity to the treatment. Only when used in actual chemotherapy procedures, these drugs
are called chemotherapeutic drugs. Examples of such drugs are given in table 0.3.
1. Anti-angiogenesis inhibitors
Nutrition to the tumor cells is provided by blood vessels, and the development of these
vessels inside tumor tissues is called angiogenesis. Some chemical inhibitors known as
“angiogenesis inhibitors” can cut off the blood supply to the tumor cells. These angiogenic
inhibitors like thalidomide, interferon, bevacizumab (Avastin), cilengitide (EMD 121974), and
cediranib (Recentin) VB-111 are sometimes administered in combination with the
chemotherapeutic drugs in an attempt to increase therapeutic efficiency of both (table 0.3).
Class Mechanism
Selective estrogen receptor modulators Block-binding site for estrogen; can slow the growth
(SARM) (tamoxifen and raloxifene) of estrogen stimulated cancers
Selective androgen receptor modulators Block-binding site for testosterone; can slow the
(SARM) growth of testosterone modulated cancers
Spindle inhibitors Stops cell replication early in mitosis
Farnesyl transferase inhibitors Blocks addition of farnesyl group to RAS, preventing
its action
Gleevec® Binds to abnormal proteins in cancer cells, blocking
their action
Angiogenesis inhibitors (endostatin, Prevent angiogenesis by tumor cells
Immunostimulants (interleukin 2, alpha Enhance the normal immune response
Herceptin Antibody that binds to HER2 receptor on tumor cell
preventing the binding of growth factors
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells present in the bone marrow with the ability to
differentiate into any type of body cell. A stem cell therapeutic strategy is also one of the
treatment options for cancer that are considered to be safe and effective. The application of
stem cells is yet in an experimental clinical trial; for example, their use in the regeneration of
damaged tissue like the heart, liver, bones, skin, cornea, etc. is being explored. Mesenchymal
stem cells are currently being used in trials that are delivered from the bone marrow, fat tissues,
and connective tissues.
D. Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that helps your immune system fight cancer.
The immune system helps your body fight infections and other diseases. It is made up of white
blood cells and organs and tissues of the lymph system. Immunotherapy is a type of biological
therapy. Biological therapy is a type of treatment that uses substances made from living organisms
to treat cancer.
Several types of immunotherapy are used to treat cancer. These include:
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