A Physics Carrier For Women in Portugal
A Physics Carrier For Women in Portugal
A Physics Carrier For Women in Portugal
Some numbers
Some numbers
A recent study (1) shows that among European countries, Portugal has the highest percentage of women researchers in state laboratories, 58% in natural sciences and 38% in engineering and technologies, and also in higher education where those % are 48% and 29% respectively
Natural Sciences 58% 48% Engineering and Technology 38% 29%
State Laboratories
% of Female
It a ly
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st ria
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ar k
ga l
la n
ed e
en m
Fr a
lg i
Fi n
G er
ed e
27 14 14 35 25 30 19 25 37 0 30 27
In the public universities there are about 27% of women in each different category.
R&D Researchers
Men Women
Contrary to other fields in physics women have similar representations at all levels. 25% of the physics researchers are women.
s atic h em Mat
si cs Phy
tr y mi s Che
Sc log y ar th Bi o e& E pa c S
c l th S Hea
g. Eng E ng E ng Eng l Sc il En ona S c& i cal tech tec h cati ri al han Bio ctr o ate m& Edu Ele Mec M p& Che Com
The representation of women in leading physics research positions is similar to their representation at at University positions 21% vs 27%
sics Phy
tr y mis Che
c. lth S Hea
Civ il
. Eng
. ng Eng l Sc E ng Eng h. E ch. ona S c& ical ot ec cati ri al Bio te han Ele tr Edu m& Mec Mate mp& Che Co
20 Men Wom en 15
The representation is quite smaller in leading physics research plus administrative positions 12% vs 26%
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% female..
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1. 2.
In all fields women are not well represented in leadership positions. This is particularly true in health sciences, chemistry and engineering fields. In physics this trend is less stricking.
In the 80s
The best physics students get very easily a job at the University. After 4-6 years they can prepare PhD in Portugal or abroad. After the PhD permanent job at the University
In the 90s
The best students get easily a grant to prepare PhD. After PhD the future is uncertain: 1. post-doc grants 2. teaching at private universities with no research structures 3. teaching at politechnics, with no physics department and no research structures 4. older universities, where research groups are organized, dont offer positions
Earth & Space Sciences Agricultural & Veterinary Sciences Health Sciences Mechanical Engeneering Material Sciences and Engeneering Civil and Mining Engeneering Biochemistry
In the last years there was a fast increase of the PhDs in Portugal. For women this was even more striking: in the period 1995-2000 the number of women with PhD in all areas duplicated as compared to the previous 25 years (the exact, natural and educational sciences represent around 70% of all the PhDs for women and men).
In Physics the situation is very different. For men, the number of PhDs shows a much faster increase than for women.
PhD in Physics
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00
0 1970
1980 year
Men Women
3. Enlarged family collaborates in the bringing up of children (particularly true one generation ago when older women did not have professional careers)
4. Until the 80s it was relatively inexpensive to pay for a full time person (always a woman) to look after children.
Some Possible explanations for the relatively high presence of women in physics in Portugal
Women do have to work, even with small children, as it is not possible for a couple to live in one salary Science, physics in particular, is therefore an option It is socially well accepted that mothers go to work A girl does not have to choose between family and career; although difficult, it has been possible to do both Flexibility in the habits and in the system, together with low competitiveness, has been used for a good cause Longer periods for a degree; publications at a smaller rate
Only very recently there was an investment in science in the country, at a time where it was generally accepted equal opportunities for men and women Girls took the opportunity that was offered
The present unstability beyind a Physics career and the increasing need of mobility, makes it less attractive now to women, who need a stable job, to be able to deal with professional commitment and family life.
Final Considerations
The compatibility of a professional career with a family is an unsolved problem in our society, eventually with no perfect solution. This problem can be partially solved with : 1. flexible working hours
4. support from employers, namely in academics, being released from administrative duties and not overburdened with teaching.
[1] EUROSTAT, I. Laafia e A. Larsson, "Women in Public Research and Higher Education in Europe", Theme 9 - 7/2001
[2] Observatrio de Cincia e Tecnologia, http://www.oct.mct.pt e Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia, http://www.fct.mct.pt [3] Dina Cano e Isabel de Castro, Situao das Mulheres em Portugal 2001, Comisso para a Igualdade e para os Direitos das Mulheres. [4] L. Amncio, L. e P. vila, O gnero na cincia. In J. C. Jesuno (Coord.), A comunidade cientfica portuguesa nos finais do sculo XX (pp. 135-162). Oeiras: Celta (1995) [5] EUROSTAT, M. Dunne, "Women and Men in Tertiary Education", Theme 3 18/2001 [6] Fsica carreira para mulheres? C. Providncia, S. Andringa, C. Quintans, A. M. Eir, Gazeta de Fsica, vol25/4 (2002) 20
Slide 2
The presentation starts with some numbers, followed by the characterization of 3 different eras in time; then it is shown how the numbers are changing, and finally I will give my understanding of the situation
Slide 3
Besides the % of women in research in Portugal, the plot compares that % in different countries in Europe, showing Portugal as having the highest numbers
Slide 4
The table gives the numbers of women and % in the staff of all the Universities that have physics Departments in the country. All categories sums up also tutors (that in Portugal may be part of the staff) when they exists. The plot shows the numbers of researchers (men and women) in different fields. Interesting the numbers of health sciences, biotech and electrotech engeneering
Slide 6
Joining the 3 previous plots together, only with the % of women, show clearly that in spite of the representativeness, the is a clear decrease in the representation for leaders
Slide 7
Three eras are characterized. This slide and the next one are self explanatory
Slide 8
Slide 10
The rate at which women finish PhD in physics at present is not increasing and does not reflect the recent money investments in sciences. This is contrary to the situation with men, who show a clear increase of the n of PhDs per year.
Slide 11
This slide and the next two are self explanatory
Slide 12
Slide 14
The system has become more internationalized and much more competitive, so it will be harder on women. Many girls now choose not to have children, or to have them later. The general mood is very much career first and family after. That was definitely not the atitude 20 years ago
Slide 15