Evaluation of Advertising and Its Effectiveness
Evaluation of Advertising and Its Effectiveness
Evaluation of Advertising and Its Effectiveness
Advertising Objectives
Evaluation of advertisement
Evaluating the advertisement means how effective advertisement performs. Here performance may be whatever we expect from an advertisement like will it increase the sales or not, will it grab the attention of consumer, will it create an awareness, will it create a brand loyalty, awareness or whatever is our goal.
Post testing
Concept testing
Theme testing
Copy testing
Inquiry test
Concept testing
Quantitative interviews
Copy testin g
Consu mer jury test
Order of merit Direct mail test Psychol ogical Scoring Mechanical or laboratory test
Portfoli o test
Period compariso n
Perceptoscope or pupilometer
Pretesting is used more commonly than post testing because it is much more important to measure advertising effectiveness before an advertisement has been run than afterward.
Pretesting may be done at a number of points, Right from idea generation till its implementation. Pre-test should be used as a guide. In pretesting of advertisement respondents are asked a number of questions in different settings.
Types of pretesting
Portfolio test:
It consists of 2 groups of respondents one is exposed to a portfolio of test Ads interspersed among other Ads. The other group sees the portfolio with out the test Ads.
Psychological tests:
Pupil Dilation Test Galvanic Test Voice Variations
Voice Variations The pitch of the voice changes with emotional responses.
Post testing
After the advertisement has run for a considerable period of time, it is tested to measure its effectiveness.These tests are: recall test, recognition test, attitude test sales test and enquiry test.
Recognition Test
This is conducted to see whether the Ad is recognised or not. This test can be conducted by mail surveys. The Ad can be broken into headlines, layouts, body, copy logo etc. and it is seen how these elements are remembered by the respondents. The recognition test can be con-ducted in a number of ways. The magazines are placed in the home of the respondents and they are requested to read that magazine on that day. Next day they are asked questions about the ad appearing in that magazines to assess the recall of ads.
Inquiry test
It refers to the effectiveness of ad in Print Media. In this the consumers respond by asking for more information. Inquiries may be by phone calls, coupons returned or asking for free samples. The researcher tests the attention getting value, readability and comprehension.