Lesson 2 - Aircraft Structure, Airfoil
Lesson 2 - Aircraft Structure, Airfoil
Lesson 2 - Aircraft Structure, Airfoil
By Ahmad Ahsan
Course Grading
Marks Distribution
Aircraft Structure
Aircraft structure is required to support two types of load Ground Load: movement on the ground ( taxiing, landing, and towing) Air Loads: loads during flight by maneuvers and gusts Function of Aircraft Structure: To transmit and resist loads. To provide and maintain shape. To protect passengers, payload, and systems from the environmental conditions.
Aircraft Components
A. Fuselage B. Wings C. Empenage or Tail D. Power Plant
E. Landing Gear or
Rudder Elevator
Airfoils attached to each side of the fuselage Main lifting surfaces Various design size and shape May be attached at the top, middle, or lower portion of the fuselage - High-wing, mid-wing, and low-wing The number of wings can also vary
- Monoplanes, biplanes
Empennage - Tailplane
Vertical Stabilizer
Rudder Horizontal Stabilizer
Power Plant
A unit or machine that converts chemical energy contains in the fuel to thrust force. Thrust force is essential for moving the airplane forward and producing lift force. With the piston engine, the propeller is used to convert torque at engine shaft to be thrust. With the jet engine, the jet engine output is the thrust force.
Landing Gear
Fixed / Retractable Provides means of landing taxiing Tri- cycle Conventional type Floating gear for seaplane /skiequipped for ice surface landing etc..
and latest)
Most early aircraft used this technique with The truss type fuselage frame is assembled with There are two types of truss structure. - PRATT TRUSS wood and wire trusses. members forming a rigid frame e.g. beams, bars, etc
Early aircraft Wooden or metal structure
Heavy weight
Box like structure
Conical Type structure Force transfer to other supporting beams Capable to carry tension + compression More space , strength , rigidity Better streamline
In this method, the exterior surface of the fuselage is the primary structure.
A later
form of
resin, instead of
plywood, as the skin.
This is the preferred method of constructing an allaluminum fuselage. Includes a series of frames in the shape of the fuselage cross sections are held in position on a
Basic Terms
Vertical Members :
Formers: a structural member of an aircraft fuselage, of which a typical fuselage has a series from the nose to the empennage. Typically perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The primary purpose of formers is to establish the
Vertical Members :
Basic Terms
Frame : The mechanical structure of the aircraft including its fuselage, wings, and empennage.
In most modern airplanes, the fuel tanks are an integral part of the wing structure, or consist of flexible containers mounted inside of the wing. Attached to the rear, or trailing, edges of the wings are two types of control surfaces referred to as
Wing Structure
The empennage includes the entire tail group, consisting of fixed surfaces such as the vertical stabilizer and the horizontal stabilizer.
The rudder is attached to the back of the vertical Trim tabs are small, movable portions of the trailing edge of the control surface. These movable trim tabs, which are controlled from the cockpit, reduce
The most common type of landing gear consists of wheels. T The landing gear consists of three wheels two main wheels and a third wheel positioned either at the
The power plant usually includes both the engine and the propeller.
Power Plant
The primary function of the engine is to provide the power to turn the propeller. It also generates electrical power, provides a vacuum source for some flight instruments, and in most singleengine airplanes, provides a source of heat for the pilot and passengers. The engine is covered by a cowling, or in the case of some airplanes, surrounded by a nacelle. The purpose of the cowling or nacelle is to streamline the flow of air around the engine and to help cool engine.
Wing Pod Mount Commonly use on commercial airplane since fuel is carried in wing Less noise Bad yawing moment effect Ground clearance limitation higher gear strut
Fuselage Mount Clean wing , shorter take off. No ground clearance limitation
Less yawing effect Weight penalty Aft Cg. and load distribution Cabin Noise and Vibration Fuel pump
The Airfoil
Any surface, such as a wing, propeller, rudder, or even a trim tab, which provides aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving stream of air. FAA The mean camber line is a line drawn midway between the upper and lower surfaces The chord line is a straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of the airfoil.
Angle of Attack
The angle of attack is the angle between the chord line and the average relative wind.
The upper surface of an airplanes wing is designed to have a greater curvature or camber as compared to lower surface. This greater curvature causes air to flow faster over the upper surface. Due to higher speed, the pressure decreases. On the lower pressure, the lesser curvature causes decrease in speed and increase in pressure. This creates Lift
Lift is the force created by the interaction between the wings and Lift
the airflow. It opposes the downward force of weight. Lift is an aerodynamic force and is directly proportional to the square of velocity. It is produced by the dynamic effect of the air acting on the airfoil. It acts perpendicular to the flight path. Aircraft lift acts through a single point LIFT called the center of pressure. Lift Equation: L= V2A CL
Weight is the combined load of the aircraft, crew, fuel, passengers, and the cargo. Weight pulls the aircraft downward because of the force of gravity. It opposes lift, and acts through the aircrafts center of gravity (CG) Weight is not constant
Thrust is the forward force produced by the powerplant,propeller or rotor. It opposes or overcomes the force of drag. Direction of thrust depends on design
Drag is a rearward acting force that resists the motion of aircraft through the air. It is an aerodynamic force and like lift varies to square of velocity. Two broad drag classifications. Parasite drag: caused by disruption of airflow by the wing, rotor, fuselage, and other parts of structure. Induced drag: produced as reaction of lift Drag Equation: D= V2A CD
The End