Protecting Web Services and Web Applications Against Security Threats

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Protecting Web services and Web

applications against security threats

Rix Groenboom
Support Manager
Parasoft UK Ltd
Copyright © 2006 - The OWASP Foundation
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
Europ License.

May 2006
What We Will Explore

 What threats we see today

 Practices for securing Web Services and
 Use of a Policy based Approach:
 “Inside Out & Outside In”

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First, Lets Redefine “SOAP”

SOAP = Service Oriented Architecture Protocol

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Who is responsible for SOA security?

When is SOA security addressed?

What activities are involved in SOA


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Structure of this presentation

Problems, Threats, and Solutions

“Testing Security Into The Application”

A Four-Step Approach To Securing SOAP

Examples of Threats Prevented

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Problems: XML Bomb


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Problems: XML Bomb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!ATTLIST SOAP-ENV:Envelope entityReference CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ENTITY x0 "Bomb!">
<!ENTITY x1 "&x0;&x0;">
<!ENTITY x2 "&x1;&x1;">
<!ENTITY x20 "&x19;&x19;">
<!ENTITY x21 "&x20;&x20;">
<!ENTITY x22 "&x21;&x21;">

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What is wrong with this picture ?

 Enterprise
protected by
 Application is the
only way in
 Must keep
application open
for business
 User (potential
hackers) must
have access to
the application
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Software as a Service: Security

Legacy Thin Web
Client Site

Database Application Presentation

Server Server Layer


= Serious Security risks

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Software as a Service: Security
 Web services vulnerabilities can be present in
 Operating system or the applications that ship with it
 Network
 Database
 Web server
 Application server
 XML parser or Web services implementation / stack
 Application code
 XML appliance

 And, yes, that post-it note with the password

under your drawer or keyboard…
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Software as a Service: Security
 Problems with Web services and SOA
 Cut through firewall
 SOAP messages often travel over HTTP port 80
 Business processes on the web
 Expose internal APIs to anonymous users
 New technology, new mistakes
 Once web apps are locked tighter, guess who’s next?
 Implied assumptions, external dependence
 “I can’t see it, neither can a hacker”
 “We can trust that service to work properly”
 “The use of the service is constrained by the client

 The Y2K problem revisited !

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Securing Web Services – Solutions So
 General Practices
 Define acceptable protocols
 Shut down other services
 Lock down firewall (change port)
 Enforce security mechanisms
 Authentication
 Access Control
 Auditing
 … to Z

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Securing Web Services – Solutions So
 SOA Security Mechanisms
 WS-Security
 XML Encryption
 XML Signature
 X509
 Username Tokens
 WS-Trust
 WS-SecureConversation
 WS-SecurityPolicy
 WS-Federation
 WS-Privacy
 WS-*

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General Web Services Threats

Common to all Web applications

SQL Injections
 Special characters in queries
Capture and Replay Attacks
 Man in the middle attacks
DoS (resulting from a large load)
 Blow up application from inside
Improper Error Handling
 Dump of stack trace etc
Broken Access Control
 Take over earlier sessions tokens etc

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General Web Services Threats

Specific to XML Web services

Large Payloads
 Send huge XML load, or generate huge responses
XPath Injections
 Query XML documents for certain nodes
External Entity Attacks
 Misuse pointed to XML data using URI
XML Bombs
 Recursive XML entity declaration

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General Web Services Threats

However, threats also come from within:

Since 1999, the percentage of companies
reporting a computer-security incident from
inside is almost the same as those reporting it
from the outside
28.9% of of security incidents come from

The Wall Street Journal Online (Feb 13, 2006)
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Challenge - Properly Addressing
Testing security “into” the Web service
 Common “end-of-cycle” security testing can detect some
standard application security vulnerabilities, however…
 Approaching security merely as a “bug finding” exercise is
inefficient and costly
 It is impossible to cover all possible execution paths with testing!

Architect Develop Test Monitor

Assumptions Need to be able to

GAP Audits
detect vulnerabilities as
early as possible.

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Why More Testing Does Not Help ?

String username = request.getParameter("USER");

String password = request.getParameter("PASSWORD");

String query = “SELECT user_id FROM Users WHERE username=‘” +

username + “’ AND password=‘” + password + “’”;

An attacker passes ' or 1=1 # for usersname

SELECT user_id FROM Users

WHERE username='' or 1=1 #' AND password=‘foo’
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Securing Web Services

A different approach is needed

A preventive, policy-based approach rather
than a reactive one
Security, like quality, must be built into the
application and cannot be tested in
Application are large and complex
We propose a combined approach:
Outside In
Inside Out

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Securing Web Services: Step 1

Assessment: Impact & Risk

Analyze the business process
 Assets, users, entry points
 What needs to be protected? How?
 Outsource for expertise before implementation
Define security threats
 CIA: Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity
 Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Expected Loss
– Threat = Motivated Attacker with Path to Valuable
– Vulnerability = Weakness in system
– Expected Loss = Impact of threat realization
 Misusage, the general WS threats, etc.
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Securing Web Services: Step 1

Assessment: Penetration Testing

Find a few general vulnerabilities
Many penetration activities can be automated
 Generate injection attacks, XSS, scan for broken
access control, etc.
 Simulate large loads, generate big messages, etc.
Penetration testing is not exhaustive
But, a vulnerability you find
 Is like a real bug: if you see one, there are 1000 you
do not see !
 “where smoke is, is fire”
 Helps you in Step 2

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Securing Web Services: Step 2

Develop a Security Policy:

A security policy is a set of guidelines that are
an overall strategy for application security

Secure implementation guidelines:

Use trusted libraries
Adhere to coding and XML standards
 Release IO resources in the code
 Turn off DTD support in XML parsers
 Constrain schema types
Review implementation for errors
Turn off features by default

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Securing Web Services: Step 2

 However, security policy also covers applications

 Key areas that need are required:
 Access control and Authentication
 Denial of Service
 Command Injection
 Concurrency
 Cryptography
 Error Handling
 Input Validation
 Logging
 Malicious Code
 Memory and Session Management
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Securing Web Services: Step 3

 Enforce Security Policy Throughout SDLC

 A policy without an automated enforcement
mechanisms is like law without police

 Available techniques:
 Static / Dynamic Code analysis
 Map policies to executable rules
 Configure the rules based on the policies and projects
at hand
 Compliance SOA Development Governance in SDLC
 Like: SOAP, WSDL, Schema, XML Metadata.
 Runtime SOA Governance
 Management, Registry, Orchestration
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Securing Web Services: Step 4

Regression Testing
Software development is an iterative process
An iterative development process fails without
regression testing. The same applies to security
Fixing a security vulnerability should be coupled
with a policy and an enforcement mechanism to
prevent it from reoccurring again
Regression testing practices results in a visible
quality process that reinforces trust

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General Web Services Threats
SQL Injections
Policy: Validate user input; strip potentially
malicious characters like ‘ and “ as soon as you
get them
Test: Penetrate, regression test
Capture and Replay Attacks
Policy: Use signed random nonce values
and Timestamps
Test: Penetrate, regression test
DoS (resulting from a large load)
Policy: Secure coding standards
Test: Simulate attacks, regression test
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General Web Services Threats
Improper Error Handling
Policy: Catch/handle all exceptions
Test: Penetrate, regression test
 Broken Access Control
Policy: Baseline/extended security
Test: Positive & negative conditions,
regression test
 Large Payloads
Policy: Constrain schema types
Test: Simulate attacks, regression test
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General Web Services Threats
 XPath Injections
Policy: Validate user input at the entry point
Test: Simulate attacks, regression test
 External Entity Attacks
Policy: Disable DTD processing in XML
Test: Simulate attacks, regression test
 XML Bombs
Policy: Disable DTD processing in XML parser
Test: Simulate attacks, regression test

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Securing Web Services

Old tricks for new dogs…

Start from the beginning
Assume the worst
Use standards rather than “build your own”
Be proactively consistent
Consider external and internal threats
Develop and enforce a security policy

Compliance Vs. Audit

“Build it in”, not “test it in”

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Thank you



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