Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) : Reported by Jo Jo Ale
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) : Reported by Jo Jo Ale
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) : Reported by Jo Jo Ale
Antidiuretic Hormone
Reported By
Jo jo Ale
Syndr ome of Ina ppr opri ate
An tidi ur etic H or mone (SI ADH )
Is an abnormal condition characterized by
excessive release of antidiuretic hormone
(ADH) that alters the body’s fluid and
electrolyte balances.
Heart failure R/T fluid overload
Cerebral edema secondary to water
intoxication from fluid retention
Causes / Etiology / Risk Use of (iatrogenics): –
Factors: Barbiturates,
Lung tumor; head injury; anesthetics, thiazide
pituitary surgery; diuretics –
pancreatic & prostatic Chlorpropamide,
cancer; Hodgkin’s vincristine,
disease; pulmonary cyclophosphamide,
disease; viral/bacterial clofibrate,
COPD; bronchogenic metoclopramide,
carcinoma, psychosis; morphine,
myxedema; positive isoproteronal
pressure ventilation
Sym ptoma tolo g y
Edema (rare [water retention, water overload >
4 L - increase CVP, increase PWP – much of
Weight gain is within cellular boundaries
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle weakness, Muscle twitching, Lethargy,
Restlessness, Possible seizure, Confusion,
Pathophysiolo g y
Water absorption/retention
Assessment / Diagnostics: